Temple Emanu-El Connections Adar 5775 • V. 79 No. 5 February 2015 Third Annual Latkes and Laughs Thank you to all who attended this fun event on December 14, 2014. The event was a huge success! There was a full house, and an amazing line up of comedians. Our host - Jeff Applebaum, Joe Ngyuen, and . This is an annual fundraising event which kicks off our Chanukah season. More importantly it is a fun event with a chance for people to get together and schmooze over latkes and laughs. We had fantastic Temple Emanu-El February Service Schedule support, as well as from many others outside our Temple . Friday, February 6 6:15 PM Shabbatluck Dinner Big thanks go to the Latkes and Laughs Committee: Stacey Dedering and 7:00 PM Erev Shabbat Family Service Carol Hoffman (co-chairs), Jeff Applebaum, Andrea Laber, Rebecca Wong, Saturday, February 7 Liz Shivell, Jenny Wagner, Julie Schnitzer, and Deborah Zimmer. 10:00 AM Shabbat in Nature And THANK YOU to the fantastic EESY volunteers, as well as the office Friday, February 13 and custodial staff for their great support! 7:00 PM Erev Shabbat Service See page 2 for additional pictures Saturday, February 14 9:00 AM Shabbat Morning Minyan Please Join Our Synagogue Friday, February 20 for Temple Emanu-El Religious School’s 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat Catered Dinner Shabbat in Nature 6:30 PM Wine and Cheese Reception at Vasona Park – Creekside Picnic Area 7:00 PM Rock Shabbat Spring and Love Saturday, February 21 celebrating Tu B’Shevat Plant 10:00 AM Minyan, Tea & Torah (Parshat Terumah) February 7, 2015 some seeds! Friday, February 27 Please join us around 10:00 AM 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Scout Service and participate in any or all of the following: 7:30 PM NextGen Shabbat Family Friendly Minyan Saturday, February 28 led by Rabbi Magat & Cantor Simerly at 10:30 AM 10:00 AM Yoga Shabbat Sunday, March 1 Potluck Lunch 11:00 AM Purim Spiel Please bring a dish to share & something to drink. We mark Tu B’Shevat by eating fruit, 11:30 AM Purim Carnival especially those mentioned in the Torah: grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates! All are welcome – Babies, Kids, Families, and Friends

l 1010 University Ave.

E • Vasona Park has a walking trail, No reservations required, but for - San Jose, CA 95126

u open space, a creek and lake more information about this Shabbat

n 408-292-0939 in Nature, contact Carol Hoffman a • Stay all day and play with facebook.com/templesanjose ([email protected]).

m family and friends E twitter.com/templesanjose • Near Oak Meadow Park with the This event is sponsored by Temple e l carousel and train Emanu-El Ritual Committee. p [email protected] Donations to support Shabbat in Nature m For more about Santa Clara County e www.templesanjose.org Parks, go to are welcome. T http://gooutsideandplay.org/ Please bring money for parking fees. Connections Words From the Rabbi Purim is that we must face those who hate us with dignity and courage. We must stand up in opposition to hatred and prejudice. And we are reminded of the importance of strong female leadership! The story of Ester is a powerful story of a Jewish woman rising up to speak her mind and who was willing to sacrifice herself for the good of her people. Purim is also a holiday that is supposed to be fun, a catharsis, a way to let yourself go. Purim is an opportunity to remind ourselves that we should not take ourselves too seriously. Purim is a fun holiday that features the reading of the Megillah, dressing in costume, hamentashen, graggers (noise makers) and a shpiel. It also features the giving of Early next month we will be celebrating one of our favorite gifts, the mitzvah of Misloach Manot. Often, gift exchanges of minor festivals … the holiday of Purim. food, pastries, and other such goodies take place. In modern times, giving gifts to the poor on Purim has become a Purim features the story of Ester from the book of Ester custom. Traditionally, one is extra generous on this holiday. which was the last book in our TaNaKH (bible) to enter our Canon. It is one of the five Megillot (scrolls) in our Ketuvim A number of years ago, the Confirmation class created (writings) which is the third section of our TaNaKH. Each an opportunity for members of our congregation to scroll either inspired a Jewish holiday or reflects a participate in this Mitzvah. I hope that you will partici- message that is at the heart of the holiday. The other four pate in our Mishloach Manot Exchange. Information and scrolls are Ecclesiastes which is read on Sukkot, Song of details are on page 11 in this issue of Connections so Songs on Pesach, Ruth on Shavuot, and Lamentations on please sign up! The deadline to order is February 18 and Tisha B’Av. It took hundreds of years of debate, and they will be distributed beginning on February 27. generations of rabbis to finally agree to allow the book of Ester into our Bible. Why so long? Because it is the only May this Purim remind us how blessed we are to be a part book in our entire Bible that never mentions God. of this holy congregation. But the rabbis understood that the book was important L’Shalom, because of its meaning and its message. The message of Rabbi Dana L. Magat

More Photos from the Third Annual Latkes and Laughs… continued from page 1

2 Connections A Women’s Journey Women in Relationships On Friday, November 21, Temple Emanu-El celebrated its long-time members at a Shabbat service filled with Sunday, February 8, 2015 traditional readings and melodies. The 1PM—4:30PM siddur was developed initially for our Keynote Speaker~Lori Solay 150th year celebration, and drew from Awakening your full potential to live your best life! the Union Prayerbook. Cantor Meeka Simerly led us in the familiar melodies. When Rabbi Magat asked congregants who had been members for 80 years or more to stand, they included Bob Hersch, Rubin Jurman, and Marv Fox. Joan and Marv Fox and Syd Levin represented 5 generations of Temple membership when they lit the Shabbat candles. More than 100 people were honored for 25 or more years of dedication to our congregation. At the Oneg, guests drank a celebratory A workshop for women from Teens to Golden Girls champagne toast. Ronald Mandel took photos of long-time members as well as with lectures featuring local health professionals. those who attended our Religious Topics include: Teen Romance, Meaningful Relationships in a School, and families who represented Cyberworld, Expectations of Aging Parents, Adapting to Motherhood, up to four generations of Temple membership. It was an evening to nosh, Feathering Our Empty Nest with Fun, Letting Go with Grace, schmooze, and reminisce with old Balancing Career and Kids, 20’s are for Change, and more. friends. Congregants were invited to share their memories on decorative pieces of paper which will be collected $18 per person pre-paid. $25 at the door. Teens attend FREE. in a scrapbook. If you were unable to For registration and full description of the topics and presenters visit: attend on November 21st, and would www.templesanjose.org Open to the community. like to share some of your experiences of Temple Emanu-El in the past, please send an e-mail to Shirley Lee ([email protected]). 1010 University Ave Much appreciation goes to the San Jose, CA committee who organized the event: 408-292-0939 Co-chairs Shirley Lee and Gloria Melmon-Ascher, with help and support from Kama Fletcher, Stephanie Pollock, continued on page 10

Temple Religious School Attendees Members for 50 years or more

3 Connections Kama’s Corner The Temple’s Administrative Team Ritual Committee has gone through a number of staffing changes in the past few February is one of those months that doesn’t speak to me very months so I’d like to take this much, and I wondered what to write about. I’m writing this in a opportunity to bring you up to speed break from one of the storms of mid-December, and I see the on our new and improved A-Team: fresh green foothills that I hadn’t seen for years of drought, almost appearing overnight after the first “Storm of the Century.” Yael Meiri joined the Temple’s A- I find myself taking a deep breath and saying “ahhh”, feeling Team in early October as our Clergy and Administrative renewed. Assistant. She is our “front line” in terms of answering calls to the Temple, greeting visitors, and generally Perhaps we’ll have had more of these If you have helping anyone who contacts the Temple with questions storms by the time you read this, or we never been to or scheduling requests. She also manages the Rabbi’s could be tired of rain and cold, (after a Tu B’Shevat more than half my life living in California, calendar, creates Shabbat handouts, mails acknowledge - seder, I hope the Midwesterner in me still thinks of ment letters to donors, oversees the healing list, that you have communi cates regarding Yahrzeits, assists families with February as “Will this never end?!”). the opportunity B’Nai Mitzvah and other important lifecycle events… It’s a But I look at the calendar and see that big job! And Yael has gracefully and quickly embraced this year, Tu B’Shevat arrives in February, to attend one. the work. We are thrilled to have her as part of our team. which is perfect timing. In the midst of Chris Smead began working with our team in November the gloom and starkness, one author tells us that Tu B’Shevat as our Sr. Custodian. We have long been searching for a offers us “a stepping stone to spring. As the sap begins to flow leader for our custodial function, and with Chris – we again and bring the trees to life, we all feel renewed by the have found him! Chris is overseeing the custodial staff promise of spring. “*This is such a beautiful thought, and made (Gerardo Cabada and Anthony De La Rosa) and has me think about Tu B’Shevat in a much larger dimension. already created new policies and procedures that are A beautiful ritual associated with this holiday is that it has its own making a huge difference in the cleanliness of our seder. If you have never been to a Tu B’Shevat seder, I hope that facilities and the efficiency with which our custodial staff you have the opportunity to attend one, during which you taste operates. This new function for our team was long the ritual fruits: fruits with tough outer shells and edible interiors overdue and it is so exciting to see positive changes (melons, peanuts, pomegranates, coconuts); fruits with edible happening in such a short timeframe! Welcome, Chris! exteriors and inedible pits (dates, olives, plums, peaches, apples); The final update is about our and fruits that are entirely edible (berries, figs, grapes). It is a longtime A-Team member, wonderful experience, including cups of wine that begin clear, Stephanie Pollock. The big news and graduate to various shades of red to represent the seasons, on this front is that Stephanie is all the way to spring. now a mommy! Her daughter Growing up in Milwaukee, my stepping stone into the promise of was born on December 29 th and spring was the emergence of a tiny brightly colored flower called her name is Maya Ruth Andrae the “snow crocus,” which would incredibly, miraculously, pop up Pollock. She is beautiful and in our front yard well in advance of anything remotely spring- healthy and we are all so happy for Stephanie and her related. It would bloom for a few days, and then disappear. growing family. Stephanie has been on family leave but will return to work in mid-late February. For that brief period of time, I could see the promise of spring, which was so welcome in the midst of winter. I assume most of you read the letter I sent to the congregation last month regarding my own plans… While For us, our celebration of Tu B’Shevat, may perhaps be at a I am excited about the prospect of spending more time seder, planting parsley seeds in a tiny cup and watching the with my family, it will be difficult (to say the least) to leave miracle of growth, or by just enjoying the ritual fruits with friends the warmth and support of the Temple Emanu-El and family, thus allow ing us to take that first stepping stone into community. As I stated in my letter, I am here until the end spring, God’s promise that the seasons will continue, and signs of of the fiscal year (or until my replacement is hired) and spring will emerge, with its promise of fruits, flowers, scents and until that time, I will continue to make improvements beauty. We honor the season, and in the midst of what is winter where I can in the administrative function of Temple here, is the promise of spring. Emanu-El. Thank you to those who have provided me For the Ritual Committee, Laura Danoff-Robinson with kind words of encouragement during this time. As * Sacred Celebrations, A Jewish Holiday Handbook , Ronald H. Isaacs and Kerry M. always, your love and friendship mean the world to me. Olitzky, p. 109

4 Connections avurah Happenings We are the "Hip, Happenin' Havurah!" We are a group We try to plan one event each month – of 8 families including some single parent families and including family events, Moms nights out, some interfaith marriage families. Our children range in Dads nights out, and more! age from 7-11 and all attend Hebrew and Religious School (a couple next fall.) We are all fairly active families in the Temple, participating in activities and Our Havurah program helps Temple families form ongoing social volunteering. We try to plan one event each month – groups and enjoy different activities together. The Havurot themselves take on all different forms – single or married including family events, Moms’ nights out, Dads’ nights members, younger or older families, with or without children, etc... out, Moms’/Daughters’ days out. Some of our families and we try to best match members of generally similar ages and are not local, so we have Mother's Day together and a interests together to form these small groups. New Havurot are first this year - Father's Day! We have a Hanukkah party forming all the time, and some existing ones may be looking for and a Passover seder together as well. new members. If you are interested in joining this fun program, Stacey Dedering please contact Bobi Levine at [email protected]. Do you and your teen know about EESY? Do you and your teen know about EESY? EESY, or the Temple Emanu-El Senior Youth Group, is up and running this year, and we’ve already had four events; a Sleepover in the Sukkah, a Halloween BBQ, Etiquette Night, and Shabbat and Storm Night. Etiquette Night, which was a collaboration with sister congregation Shir Hadash, was a blast, where we danced, dined, played etiquette-themed games, and learned a few lessons on properness, like how to properly eat spaghetti and tie bow-ties. Shabbat and Storm Night was also great fun; we ate pizza, played card games, watched movies, and shared in Chanukah themed desserts. In addition to those, we have many future events planned that we hope will be even better. EESY is devoted to many things, but especially toward fun, Judaism, friends, and social responsibility, so if you are or have a 9-12th grader who likes any of those things, please become a member today! All you have to do is fill When: Saturday, February 7 at 6:00 PM out a quick membership form and a check for $36 (double chai). Although Who: Jewish 9th-12th graders you can still go to events if you aren’t a member, members receive What: A night of glitter, laughter, games, discounts on events and it’s kind of cool to be able to say you’re a member. dinner, and dancing Plus all of the money that EESY receives goes toward either social causes Why: To meet and socialize with teens or making the youth group even more fun. just like you! So what has EESY been up to recently? On Friday, January 9, EESY led the How: Non-member entrance fee:$20 Family Shabbat Service. We also had a bring-a-friend bowling event on Member entrance fee: $15 January 10 at Bowlmor Lanes (formerly 300). Finally, and as Social Action Games Include: Vice President I consider this to be most important, is EESY’s participation in BLACKJACK ■ ROULETTE ■ POKER ■ AND MORE Mitzvah Day. January 18 was an international day of faith-based social Dress: semi-formal attire is requested action. EESY’s mitzvah project was to clean and organize various rooms SEE YOU AT THE CASINO! around Emanu-El. We also collected coins for Second Harvest. And what is next? Join us for Casino Night at the Temple on Saturday, February 7 at 6:00 PM! Additionally, EESY will also be heavily involved in this year’s Temple Emanu-El Relay for Life team, the Mitzvah Makers. The Relay will be on April 24-25. We hope you had a Happy Chanukah and New Year! Ari Geary-Teeter Matthew Ghan Debbie Michels Social Action VP EESY President EESY Senior Advisor and your entire 2014-2015 EESY Board

5 Connections

Adult Education at the Jewish Community Center Looking for Jewish education for adults? Here’s what’s coming up at the Addison-Penzak Jewish Oneg Sponsors Community Center of Silicon Valley. For more classes, visit www.SiliconValleyJCC.org/jplace. 12/5/14 – Joan and Marvin Fox, The Heiman family in honor of Taylor's Bar Mitzvah; the families of Gimel Parting the Racist Sea: Jews in the Civil Rights Movement and 3rd grade classes in honor of their participation Wednesdays, February 4-18, 7:00-8:30 PM in Shabbat service. Just in time for Black History Month, a 3-week mini-course on the historical 12/19/14 – Bunny Fisher and family in memory of Irene relationship between Jews and African Americans, and the role of Jews in Ruth Silverman the civil rights movement. JCC members $40, non-members $50. 12/26/14 – Lori Rush 1/2/15 – The Powell family in honor of Bryce's Bar Meet the Author: Geralyn Lucas Mitzvah; Carol Hoffman, Kristina Fernandez, Denise Wednesday, February 11 at 7:00 PM and Adan Moreno in memory of John Fernandez. Lucas, author of Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy , will discuss over 1/9/15 – The Gabbert family in honor of Michael's Bar dinner her new memoir, Then Came Life . $18 per person includes dinner Mitzvah; Bernice Gaon in memory of Morris Shulman; and a copy of the author’s memoir. the Timpson family in memory of Ronald Timpson. 1/16/15 – The Josephs family in honor of Sela's Bat JCC Family Camp Mitzvah; Carol Hoffman, Kristina Fernandez, Denise Friday, March 27-Sunday, March 29 and Adan Moreno in memory of Robert Hoffman; Cantor Meeka Simerly in honor of Dave Simerly's A fun-filled getaway in the redwoods. This camp is popular with families birthday. with children. This year we’ll be at Presentation Center in Los Gatos. Comfortable cottage accommodations, Shabbat services, hiking, sports, Sponsor an Oneg challenge activities, campfire and more. Meals included. Scholarships Special Occasions: available. For prices and more details, see Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations www.SiliconValleyJCC.org/familycamp. Memorials: In memory of a loved one's Yahrzeit The Addison-Penzak JCC is located at 14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos. There are two ways to sponsor: For more information or to register for classes, contact the JCC’s Center Bring 3 platters of food OR for Jewish Life and Learning at (408) 357-7411 or visit the website at donate, and food platters will be prepared on your behalf. www.SiliconValleyJCC.org/JPlace. Sign up by contacting [email protected].

Visit the new eScrip Online Mall! There are 300 supporters of Amazon, Apple Store, Barnes & Noble and hundreds Temple’s eScrip program. more. The new look is amazing! From January through October If you are not yet a supporter of our program, go to we have earned over $1,600 www.escrip.com, use our ID# and register your credit, because we have shopped and eaten at eScrip debit, and/or Safeway cards. Safeway gives eScrip credit merchants who give Temple a percentage of our when using any form of payment except credit cards. purchases. Thank you! It’s a mitzvah to support Temple Use your cards when shopping and eating at eScrip in such an easy way. merchants. At the eScrip website you can find restaur - The eScrip Online Mall has a new look and feel with lots ants, merchants, and more information than you can of improvements. All current supporters can access the imagine! So do a mitzvah and shop, eat, enjoy, & earn! Mall at shopping.escrip.com. Our ID# is 136985180. Lorie Kaplan, eScrip coordinator | 408.267.4563 Great deals are available from awesome merchants like

6 Connections Sisterhood As we come into February and start where we line the Temple House with heading toward spring, we will tables describing Jewish holidays and Sisterhood celebrate Tu B’Shvat and after that, life cycle events. Please save the date Upcoming Events Purim. At the end of this month and think about whom you might invite Sisterhood and Religious School to share this fabulous event. We look forward to seeing you at one families can join together to bake of our upcoming events: Tea and Torah study sessions continue Hamantaschen for the Purim Carnival on a monthly basis. Join us discussing which will be on March 1. 2/9 Sisterhood Potluck the parsha of the week with Cantor Dinner/Meeting – 6:00 PM Also looking forward to March, we will Simerly. have our Passport to Judaism Shabbat 2/20 Tot Shabbat Dinner provided Families with young ones can join for a on March 13. Once known as Interfaith by Sisterhood – 6:30 PM catered dinner sponsored by Sister- Shabbat, this is a wonderful event to hood following the Tot Shabbat service 2/21 Minyan, Tea and Torah – invite your non-Jewish friends and on the third Friday of the month. 10:00 AM in the BFR associates to learn about Judaism. If you have never been to this event, the Melenie Pearson 2/26 Hamantaschen Baking – oneg is a wonderful informative setting Sisterhood President 6:00 PM Temple House

Connected Parenting Program A four-week series for parents with children 2-5 years old

Please join us for a program developed to assist our Dates: Four- Weekly Workshops amazing preschool families in creating a more attached Sundays March 8, 15, 22 & 29 and connected family. Each session will provide you with Time: 1:00-2:30 PM tips and tools as well as open discussion to encourage a more peaceful connection within your family. Location: Temple Emanu-El ~ Benefactors Room This workshop will show you effective ways to: Cost: • $25 per couple for Temple Emanu-El members & Preschool families enrolled in • Foster healthy meals and sleep routines – Discover Temple Emanu-el Preschool the tools to make meal time and bedtime a more enjoyable experience. • $75 per couple for non members • Nurture empathy & communicate love – Learn Information about the Facilitator: strategies to strengthen the emotional bond with your Emily Rosenbaum holds an M.A. in Clinical Mental Health child while navigating power struggles and big feelings. Counseling from the University of San Diego. She is • Create a balanced family life – Learn how to nurture certified as an Attached at the Heart Parenting Educator. yourself, friendships, and partnerships to help everyone Emily is the mother of two amazing children who teach her flourish. daily lessons about life and motherhood.

• Implement effective discipline techniques – Develop Questions & Registration: tools necessary to assist your child in learning self- Please email or call Emily with any questions at control through play. Practice positive discipline that is [email protected] / 408-641-7353 empathetic, loving and respectful. Register online at www.templesanjose.org.

7 Connections

And those we have lost in years past And those we have lost in years past February 6 | Leonard Baker, George H. Barnett, Sanford Pelz, Herman Rodoff, Frank Schwartz, Belle Lettie Bergstrom, Harry Berman, Ellen Bonnema, Segal-Katz, Lee Robert Silverman, Roslyn Suntop, Hyman Cohen, Judith Diamondstone, Ida Dishotsky, Cameron Zwern Alice Emrich, Rose Genkin, Mrs. Marcia Goldfarb, February 20 | Larry Barko, Harold Leroy Barnes, We Remember Stanley Goldman, Chris Koga, Esther Kostant, Julia Mollye Blumstein, Robert Brody, Betty Burton, Cissi Those who have died recently Levin, Lawrence Lieberman, David Lipton, Dr. Benno Carl, Sydney B. Davis, Louis Friedman, Sarah Lowy, Anna Macdonald, Beatrice May, Lucille Friedman, Florence Carol Gambord-Avrech, Joseph Scott Alberts – Son of Gene and Medeiros, Claire Messinger, Henrietta Mintzer, Cora Garshon, Irving Gendzel, Leon Grant, Irma Hartfield, Iris Alberts Ravizza, Leonard Roellig, Philip Rosenberg, Elaine Irving Kotlier, Robert Krandel, Michael David Lotman, Rubenstein, Alfred Sabinsky, David Saxon, Harold Robert Ransier – Husband of Sam Mintzer, Isadore Rosenthal, Ed Rubin, Daviene Siegel, Julius Stein, Stanley Turnbull, Gloria Wall, Shklar, Mae Siegel, Allan Weinstein, Sofia Yampolsky Debra Ransier, son-in-law of Rita Loren Mayer Zeidenweber Rita Seldon – Mother of Janet and Jeff February 27 | Joseph Harry Berg, Irene Bernard, February 13 | Lillian R. Ackerman, Mae Brash, Jackie Feigon, Flossie Krandel, Gail Lutvak, Joseph Lois Kay – Sister of Ruth Krandel Yetta Broder, Daniel Cunningham, Ralph Lawrence Lutvak, Louise Manning, Sarah Herd Miller, Marcia Gibson, Sylvia Goldberg, Helene Graff, Mark Dr. Arthur Messinger – Father of Morris, Meyer Novak, Fe Pangilinan, Sarah Prymak, Hammer, Violet Landers, Sylvia Lane, Sadie Lavin, Nathaniel Ratner, Hilda Rosenberg, Morris Saslaw, Johanna, Michael, Patricia Theodore Lavin, Shirley Levine, Jerrold Levitt, Stanley Schneider, Samuel Rubin Schorr, Sid Irene Silverman – Mother of Jeanette Lewon, Julia Lukes, Thomas Mahoney, Silverman, Sidney Silverman, Herb Slavit, Mollie Hugo Matzner, Albert Miller, Roslyn Stein Novak, Dr. Bunny Fisher Thailer, Rose Zacker

Religious School Our 2014 ended on a very fun and positive note! We are all so proud of our students. Here is a little peak into our month.

8 Connections

Preschool We wrapped up 2014 with our latke experience and what an awesome time we had! We were joined by many parent volunteers and our yearly special Temple volunteer, Jake Braunstein. All of these people coming together to participate in the lives of our preschoolers is what makes Temple Emanu-El Preschool the wonderful community that it is. We hope you enjoy a few pictures from December. Our Open House will take place on 2/3/15 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. We are filling up fast for the summer and fall of 2015 so I

encourage you to contact us for a tour.

Barbara Smead | [email protected] ¡ Temple Emanu-El’s Name: ______new High Holy Days Phone: (H)______(C) ______prayerbook for 2015 Email: ______® Check #______(please make check payable to Temple Emanu-El ) Pre-Order Your Copies Now ® Please charge my gift to: ® Visa ® MasterCard Total Amount to be charged: $ ______Price per copy (2-vol. set) Before 3/31/2015: $36 Card Number______Exp. Date______4/1/2015 and after: $40 Signature______3 Digit Security Code______(We appreciate your adding an additional 3% to cover transaction fees.) Special Offer: Buy 2 copies for $100 and a 3rd If ordering 2 copies, 3rd copy donation should read: copy will be donated to Temple Donated by: ______Emanu-El in your name. In honor/memory of [optional]: ______No. of copies: ______Complete this form and return it to: Temple Emanu-El, ATTN: Mishkan HaNefesh Total: $______1010 University Ave., San Jose, CA 95126.

9 Connections

Rooted in Tradition.... continued from page 3 Anita Medeiros, Melenie Pearsen, Judy Levy, Fagie Rosen, and A Ritual Experience to Deborah Zimmer. What a team effort! deepen your connection to yourself and your community! The evening was more special because the Erev Shabbat service was preceded by a Tot Shabbat service and potluck dinner pro vided by Sisterhood for families with young children. And after the service, a NextGen experience was co-hosted by the Jewish Federa tion of Silicon Valley, attended by 20 and 30 year-old singles (hosted in cooperation with the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley) which included a lively discussion of the current situation in Israel. “How wonderful it was to be part of an evening which YOGA SHABBAT exemplifies our tagline, 'Rooted in Tradition, Growing Our 2/28/15 & 5/2/15 Future,'” said Temple President Andrew Weinberg. “We had 10AM • TEMPLE HOUSE many Past Presidents of the synagogue with us: Rubin Jurman, Honor Shabbat with a mellow Yoga practice. Explore themes from the week’s Torah portion while moving to prayers and meditations set to world beat music. Join Barry Cohen, Jane Schwartz, Bob Hersch, Rick Davis, Dan Lee, members of Temple Emanu-El on your mat to embrace the sweetness of the Ruth Krandel, and Jeff Hoffman, who form the foundation of our Sabbath. Accessible to all adults, new and experienced Yogi’s of all ages! Bring congregation; and on the same night, the young families (many water and a yoga mat or towel. Chairs are welcome too!! Open to the community. of whom are pre-school families) and young adults who are not yet members, all gathering to welcome Shabbat.” Rachel Dorsey Rabbi Magat said, “It was an amazing evening! We had our Back by Popular Demand!! Having practiced Yoga for over 10 years, Rachel is certified to teach by long-time members helping to lead our service and being the Yoga Alliance and Yoga Tree of San Francisco. Rachel has taught throughout the Bay Area and in Israel, in conference rooms and in acknowledged for their long-time commitment. We had a Tot nature. Students can expect a supportive space where each is encouraged to feel good in their body regardless of their regularity of Shabbat beforehand, which is a service geared for our practice. Incorporating traditional Jewish prayer set to world-beat music, youngest members. And we had the NextGen Shabbat which ancient Jewish wisdom and lessons from life. was our first event welcoming 20-30 year olds. It was a truly Temple Emanu-El • 1010 University Avenue multi-generational Shabbat! Honoring our past and welcoming San Jose • CA • 95126 www.templesanjose.org the future!” Deborah Zimmer and Shirley Lee, Membership Committee

10 Connections

Todah Rabah Thank you to Molly & Ariela Guadiamos, Bobi Levine, Pam Hoffman and Kama Fletcher for helping to represent us at the PJ Library event at Santana Row last December.

MMishloachishloach ManotManot ExchangeExchange A FundraiserFundraiser forfor tthehonhe 22015015 ConfirmationConfirmation CClasslass OOrderrddder ddeadline:eadline: WWednesday,ed,nesdaryy FebruaryFebrua 118,8, 22015015 ForFor furtherfurther iinformation,nform-292-0939mation, ccallall 4408-292-093908 0939

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11 Connections Thank You for Your Generous Contributions

Alvin Ravel Garden Fund _____ Marvin and Joan Fox, Rabbi's Discretionary Fund ____ in memory of Lois Kay Genevieve Dishotsky, Allan and Judith Bernstein, in memory to the Dishotsky and Everett families Wayne and Iva Rose, of Jean Bernstein and Murray Bernstein in memory of Lois Kay in honor of Hanukkah Solna Braude, in memory of Jack Braude, Annual Campaign ______General Fund ______Sylvia Braude and Laurence Braude Robert and Maggie Cant Syd Levin, in memory of Richard Levin Genevieve Dishotsky, to the Dishotsky and Everett families Janis Decker Marvin and Joan Fox, in memory of Dr. Arthur Messinger in honor of Hanukkah Bette and Mark Emanuel Jo Anne and Robert Hersch, George and Carol Hofheimer, Ronald Mandel and Sharon Genkin in memory of Dr. Arthur Messinger and in memory of Henry and Clarence Goldfinger Robert Ransier Alberte Hofheimer Stephen and Arlene Greenberg Ira and Karen Holtzman Ina Jacobson, Robert and Rhonda Hansen Arlene and Rubin Jurman, in memory of Mark Bershadsky David and Cheryl Heiman, in memory of Lois Kay Rita Loren, in memory of Lois Kay, Irene in honor of Taylor Heiman's Bar Mitzvah Arlene Ravel, in memory of Scott Alberts Silverman, Dr. Arthur Messinger Adam Cone and Katherine Jenkins Sally Ravel, in memory of Lois Kay Sandra Rosenberg Elizabeth Kass Jeffrey Seldon, in memory of Rita Seldon Milton and Phyllis Rubin Abraham Livchitz Jerome Svigals, in memory of Rita Seldon Jeffrey Seldon, in memory of Rita Seldon Linda and William Mowry, Henry and Carol Thailer, in memory of Adele and Oscar Panikoff in memory of Lois Kay Sue and Eli and Neely Shachal, in memory of Joy Morris and Cheryl Kamm David Reiser Henry and Debra Watkins Harriet Siegel Ethel Ress Stephen and Jill Wernick, Sidney and Doris Rosenberg in memory of Betty Hoffman Virginia and Manfred Siegler, in memory of Jason Jurman, Scott Michael Rubenstein Harold Cahn Alberts and Robert Ransier Gordon and Pearl Schneiderman Prayerbook Fund ______Norma Slavit, Roger McConville and in memory of Abraham Slavit Reeva Perr, in memory of Rita Seldon Courtney Shenberg Dr. Richard Sogg, Janet and William Wood Judith Jurman Omens Cemetary in memory of Lois Kay William and Virginia Yanowsky Beautification Fund ______Religious School Fund ______Linda and David Mighdoll Jyl and David Jurman, Barbara Kristal, Eleanor and Richard Rusnak in memory of Lois Kay in honor of Fagie Rosen's 75th birthday Selma Karchem, in memory of Alan Singer Betty Rinsler Religious School Carol Laughlin, in memory of Esther Miller Sisterhood ______Endowment Fund ______Ilean Rudin, in memory of Joseph Wolff Jeffrey Seldon, Sandra and Henry Stein, in memory of Rita Seldon in memory of Scott Alberts Michael Elman Mildred Wolfson, Campership Fund ______Susanne and Maurice Tucker in memory of Jack Fischer Nesya Fishstrom, High Holy Day Music Fund ____ Pearl and Gordon Schneiderman, in memory of Sara and Elisha Papo Genevieve Dishotsky, in memory of Scott Alberts to the Dishotsky and Everett families in Phyllis Matzner honor of Hanukkah Cantor’s Discretionary Fund ___ Campership Fund ______Susanne C. Blickman Arts and George and Carol Hofheimer, Henry and Carol Thailer, in memory of Albert Pollock in memory of Scott Alberts Crafts Fund ______Jeffrey Seldon, in memory of Rita Seldon Margie Blickman, Prayerbook Tribute ______in memory of Rheta Kurant, Scott Endowment Fund ______Golda Miller, Alberts Jacob and Pauline Braunstein, in in memory of Nehemia Galperin memory of Rose and Sydney Braunstein

If you would like to make a contribution, visit www.templesanjose.org

12 Connections

If you would like to advertise in Temple Emanu-El’s Connections, contact Stephanie Pollock at [email protected].

13 Connections

Gloria Melmon Ascher Realtor BRE#00613382

REALTORS Cell 408.781.8624 12772 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Office 408.741.1111 x604 Suite 1000 Fax 408.741.1199 Saratoga, CA 95070 [email protected] www.GloriaAscher.com

At Yavneh, It’s not that hard to be green

Caring for the Earth is one of the many ways Yavneh students learn to make a difference. And while developing a strong sense of social responsibility, we take going green to a different level by exploring color, texture and different media in our art studio. Sadie, Sadie, Yavneh Day School is a K-8th Jewish Day School in the heart P.I. Lady of Silicon Valley. For more information: by Michelle Gabriel 408-984-6700 www.yavnehdayschool.org A murder mystery with a twist of humor, warmth and surprise. A lovable wife, mother, grandmother and friend with an affinity for persistently involving herself in the affairs of others, puts her life in danger as she tries to identify a killer.

Michelle Gabriel, a former Temple Emanuel religious school teacher is the author of Nathan The Needle and Other Stories by Rabbi Gitin

Sadie, Sadie, P.I. Lady is available on Kindle or www.createspace.com/4860385

If you would like to advertise in Temple Emanu-El’s Connections, contact Stephanie Pollock at [email protected].

14 FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Hebrew – 9:00 AM Confirmation Class – 9:00 AM Mishpacha Sheli – Preschool Open Babies & Bagels: Stroller 10:15 AM House – 5:00 PM Hebrew – 4:30 PM Fitness – 9:00 AM Judaic Studies – Board Meeting – B'nai Mitzvah Class – Shabbatluck Dinner – Shabbat in Nature – 10:15 AM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM 10:00 AM EESY Superbowl Party – Israeli Dancing – Teen Jewish Studies Erev Shabbat Family EESY Casino Night – 3:00 PM 7:30 PM (TJS) – 4:30 PM Service – 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Hebrew – 9:00 AM Confirmation Class – 9:00 AM Lunch and Learn – Brotherhood Meeting – 12:00 PM 9:00 AM Hebrew – 4:30 PM Judaic Studies – B'nai Mitzvah Class – Babies & Bagels: Stroller 10:15 AM 5:00 PM Fitness – 9:00 AM Women's Workshop – Sisterhood Meeting and Teen Jewish Studies Ritual Committee Erev Shabbat Service – Shabbat Morning 1:00 PM Potluck – 6:00 PM (TJS) – 6:30 PM Meeting – 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Minyan – 9:00 AM

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Babies & Bagels: Stroller Fitness – 9:00 AM Tot Shabbat – 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat Catered No Wednesday Classes Dinner – 6:30 PM Lunch and Learn, Song of Wine and Cheese Songs – 12:00 PM Reception – 6:30 PM Minyan, Tea & Torah No Sunday School - Preshool and Offices Israeli Dancing – Tikkun Olam Meeting – Brotherhood Poker – Rock Shabbat Spring and (Pa'rshat Terumah) – President's Day Weekend Closed - Presidents' Day 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Love – 7:00 PM 10:00 AM

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Lunch & Learn Torah Study – 12:00 PM C

Hebrew – 9:00 AM Hebrew – 4:30 PM o n

Confirmation Class – B'nai Mitzvah Class – Babies & Bagels: Stroller n 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Yoga Shabbat – 10:00 AM e Fitness – 9:00 AM c t

Judaic Studies – Teen Jewish Studies i Kabbalat Shabbat Scout o

10:15 AM (TJS) – 6:30 PM Service – 6:30 PM n s 1 5 Non-Profit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 542 San Jose, CA

1010 University Ave. San Jose, CA 95126

Clergy ______Award/Operating and Dana Magat | Senior Rabbi – [email protected] Tribute Funds Meeka Simerly | Cantor – [email protected] High Holy Days/Annual Campaign Joseph Gitin, D.D. (z”l) | Rabbi Emeritus General Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Committee Chairs ______Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Bobi Levine | Havurah Coordinator – [email protected] Alvin Ravel Garden Fund Dan Lee | Membership Commitment – [email protected] Beverly Jordan Temple Beautification Fund Judith Jurman Omens Cemetery Uri Gottfeld | Facilities – [email protected] Beautification Fund Edgardo Laber | Marketing – [email protected] Lou and Clara Juren Library Fund Maggie Cant | Ritual – [email protected] Ralph Goldeen Library Fund Robert Levy | Tikkun Olam – [email protected] Endowment Fund Pam Hoffman | Membership – [email protected] Bimah ADA Fund Enrique Guadiamos | Leadership Development – [email protected] Religious Funds Alissa Meltzer | Religious School – [email protected] Harold Cahn Prayerbook Fund Robin Hurwitz | Caring Committee – [email protected] Kenneth Gordon Children’s Prayerbook Fund Carol Hoffman | Fundraising Committee – [email protected] Susanne & Maurice Tucker High Holy Day Music Fund Marvin Fox | Endowment Committee – [email protected] Ida F. Kragen Consecration and Caring Fund Julie Schnitzer | Preschool Committee – [email protected] Youth Funds Staff ______Religious School Fund Kama Fletcher | Executive Director – [email protected] | 408-292-0939 ext. 233 Religious School Enrichment Fund Barbara Smead | Preschool Director – [email protected] | 408-293-8660 | #434404443 Betty Rinsler Religious School Endowment Fund Stephanie Pollock | Communications & Facility Director – [email protected] Weintraub Religious School Scholarship Fund 408-292-0939 ext. 234 Campership Fund Andrew Scher | Bookkeeper – [email protected] | 408-292-0939 ext. 235 Leonard and Bernice Gaon Campership Fund Yael Meiri | Administrative and Clergy Support – [email protected] | 408-292-0939 ext. 201 Michael Elman Campership Fund Wayne Rose | Cemetery Administrator – [email protected] | 408-266-4184 Milton Fox Campership Fund Phyllis Matzner Campership Fund Chris Smead | Sr. Custodian – [email protected] | 408-266-4184 Israel Scholarship Fund Board of Trustees ______Susanne C. Blickman Arts and Crafts Fund Andrew Weinberg | President – [email protected] Cultural Funds Jeff Hoffman | Imd. Past President – [email protected] Choir Fund Jim Heerwagen | VP Administration – [email protected] Phyllis Omel Junior Choir Fund Bertram Berns Music Fund Shirley Lee | VP Membership – [email protected] Shank-Rockman Family Sound System Fund Edgardo Laber | VP Marketing, Fundraising, & Leadership Development – [email protected] Mark Cahn | VP Education & Youth – [email protected] Community Funds Dan Winter | Secretary – [email protected] Facilities for the Aged Fund (Chai House) JoAnne Salman-Tehrani Homeless Fund Steve Krandel | Treasurer – [email protected] Maggie Cant Dana Brody-Brown Kim Jackman Other Tribute Opportunities Enrique Guadiamos Deborah Zimmer Greg Turetzky $36 - Prayerbook Tribute Debbie Michels Fagie Rosen Alissa Meltzer $218/$500/$750 - Tree of Life Leaf/small/large rock Auxiliaries ______$500 - Sanctuary Chair Plaque David Wiesner | Brotherhood President [email protected] $750 - Memorial Plaque (in sanctuary foyer) Melenie Pearson | Sisterhood President [email protected] Matt Ghan | EESY President [email protected] Opportunities in Levin Learning Center Making a contribution to one of Temple Emanu-El’s many funds is a wonderful way to $5,000 - Stair Plaque honor your friends and family. You may make contributions in honor of a birth, a birthday, $10,000 - Library Column Dedication brit milah, baby naming, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, confirmation, graduation, engagement, $25,000 - Room Dedication wedding, anniversary, promotion, new home, special occasion or just because. You may Contact the Admin team for also make contributions for get-well wishes, condolences, remembrances and yahrzeits. additional opportunities.