Bishop's Castle News

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Bishop's Castle News BISHOP’S CASTLE NEWS D T J I 61 2 Civic Awards B low is a photograph of th Civic Award v ning. Th Town Council w r pl ase to r cognise th volunt rs from ,pArC Th atr who giv up th ir tim to nsur that th Th atr runs smoothly. Also r cognised was ,imon .alm r for all his hard work put in ncouraging childr n to play sport. Th y w r pr sent d with th ir certificat s 0y th 1ayor Jan Carroll , v ral 2rganisations w r award d grants to assist th m financially. 1. 3alking 4 stival ;620.00 2. .ark Run ;1000.00 3. Railway ,oci ty ;1000.00 4. Castl Carols ;700.00 7. 8ous on Crutch s ;270.00 6. 1icha lmas 4air ;1000.00 7. 4oot0all Clu0 ;1000.00 8. 2p n ,tudios ;270.00 3 BI,82.’, CA,TLE RE1E1BER, BI,82.=, CASTLE REMEMBER, Bishop’s Castle join d with th Aation to comm morat th 100th anniv rsary of th nd of 331 and v nts happ ning on ,unday 11th Aov m- 0 r to honour Bishop’s Castle m n who died. Cou will s many Poppies on lamp posts around town and silhou tt s of th ‘Silent Soldier’ as a remind r of what v ry on sacrific d for us in 331 and oth r wars. Th parad was v ry successfully organised 0y th British L gion . ,p cail than/s must go out to th following for th ir assistanc in th Comm moration of th 100 Anniv rsary of th nd of th 1st 3orld 3ar. Alistair Evans for th supply of tim r for th 0 acon Cliv Jon s for his assistance in th pr paration and r storation of th ar a for th 0 acon. John Bloor for his assistance in th d liv ry of th tim0 r to th playing fi lds. Thanks, must also go to th 4ir , rvice p rsonn l for all th ir assistanc throughout th day also 1i/ 8iggins for his r ndition on th 0ugl at th 0 acon. 4 BGH’ CIJ N4A Narat Oself d f nceP Ar you int r st d in Narat Q TK CFJ Classes will 0 starting at ,pArC on 4ull Council m tings ta/ 1st 2cto0 r from th 6pm—7pm . palace usually on th 3rd Th first two l ssons ar fr . Cost of Tu sday of ach monthL classes will ;7.00 for Chikdr n and Tu sday 20th Aov m0 r 18 ;6.00 for adults Tu sday 11th D cem0 r 18 th .l ase contact , ns i Tony Ba/ r Tu sday 17 January 19 Jer my 8all 07908730878 All meetings are held in the Town Hall and com- mence at 7.30pm. Mem- .lea from The Town Council bers of the public are most Th r hav 0 n incid nts r c ntly, welcome to attend. wh r glass 0ottl s hav 0 n There is a specific point in smash d on th playing fi lds, as you each agenda that can appr ciat this can caus serious members of the public injury to users of th playing fi lds. may speak. Should you Th r hav also 0 n occasions have an issue you would wh r irr sponsi0l dog own rs hav like to bring to the not cl ar d up aft r th ir dogs. This Council’s attention or too also could cause inf ctions and something you would like th loss of sight. to discuss, please let the Clerk know beforehand .l ase can you cl an up aft r your that you would like to dogs. speak and the subject matter so that we can prepare. 7 Cut off dates for the Aews letter If you wish any article to appear in the Aewsletter these are the cut off dates for the inclusion in the following month’s Aewsletter. 11th January 2019 15th 1arch 2019 13th 1ay 2019 ,ports 1assag R ,w dish BodySBack 1assag Indian 8 ad 1assag R 3arm Bam0oo 1assag 1 ditation 1assag R R iki R R fl Tology Corporat S, at d 1assag R Uift Vouch rs R UroupS8olidayS .amp r .arti s R 8om visits Jenny 8udson – 1assag Th rapist 01788 630 717 07968087981 Bishop’s Castl ,pArc Nnighton A wtown 1o0il 4ace0oo/STwitt r www.ser nityholisticmassag th rapi 6 Friends of Bishop Castle Community, Care Home and Hospital Register d Charity Ao. 1005980 JOIN US NOW AND SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY We warmly invite you to become a member of the Friends and help to promote the health, safety and well being of people within our community whether at home, in Stone House Care Home or in the Community Hospital. To become a member we ask for an annual donation of £5. All donations to be sent, with name and address to Membership Secretary Mrs Joan Grant, 4 Clive House, Bishop's Castle, SY9 5AZ 7 West Mercia Police BISHOP CASTLE & RURAL Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter 3h r w wor/ BISHOPS CASTLE & RURAL ,AT is 0as d at Bishops Castl .o- lic ,tation, Union ,t, Bishops Castl , ,C9 7AJ. 3 wor/ around th .arish s and ar a’s of Bishops Castl , 1ainston , Col 0atch, Clun, Llanfairwat rdin , A wcastl , ,tow , Buc/n ll, B dston , 8opton Castl , Clungunford, Aston on Clun, 8op say, Clun0ury, Edgton, 3istanstow, Lyd0ury Aorth, Lydham, 1or , Aor0ury, 3 ntnor, Rat- linghop , ,tip rston s, 3orth n X Chir0ury. Cour ,af r A igh0ourhood T am ar L .C 3331 ,tuart Coot .C,2 6160 ,haun Culliss .olice contact num0 rs Em rg ncyL 999 Aon Em rg ncy 101 Bishops Castl voicemailL 01743 264777 OAot to 0 used for r porting crim , incid nts or m rg n- ci s) Crim stopp rsL 0800 555 111 3 0 sit L www.w stm rcia.police.u/ Twitt rL @SouthShropCops 4ace0oo/L Bishops Castle Policing Team Rural Watch Contact Email address: [email protected] 8 4IU8T T8E .LA,TIC Bishops Castl launch d th D4ight th .lastic’ campaign this y ar in 4 0ruary in r spons to David Att n0orough’s comp lling Blu .lan t s ri s which highlight d plastic pollution and th d vastating impact on world oc ans. A d dicat d t am of 20 locals op rating as a r gist r d charity organisation und r th Town Council’s Community .artn rship ma/ up th t am with local nvironm ntalist David Luc/hurst sp arh ading th proj ct. 3ith an am0itious 12 month plan to aspir to which includ s achi ving .lastic - 4r Community status, our aim is to r duc th unn c ssary us of plastics and th growing plastic l a/ag into our nvironm nt. As a town, w ’r alr ady ma/ing gr at progr ss with many trad rs starting to switch to non -plastic pac/aging. Th r ar now 14 r tail rs in Bishops Castl and 2 outsid , off ring th R fill sch m L fr wat r 0ottl r -fills. Uo to www.r to download your fr app. ,tud nts from our Community Coll g ar activ ly involv d with 0 ach cl ans as w ll as surv y wor/ and th ir own campus v rsion of D4ight th .lastic’. A monthly litt r pic/ing group l d 0y Lissi ,wal s w lcom s all volunt rs – starting at 10.00am v ry 3rd 4riday, m ting at th Auction Card. Two Days of Action ar now plann d for 4riday 7th and ,aturday 6th 2cto0 r Oon th 8igh ,tr t outsid th .harmacyP which will launch an array of activi- ti s including our CR23D4UADER initiativ as w ll as stud nt str t th atr , displays and practical action against Tc ssiv plastic, with lots of activiti s, all run 0y volunt rs. D4ight th .lastic’ n ds your h lp to ta/ this initiativ 0 yond th town to a national l v l for sup rmar/ ts, pac/aging manufactur rs and politicians. 3ill you h lpQ 2n small pl dg could 0 a giant l ap for Bishop’s Castl Y Uo to www.fightth or visit us on 4ac 0oo/ at httpsLSS www.fac 0oo/.comSpgS4ight -Th -.lastic -168039070741441SpostsS 9 BI,82.’, CA,TLE C211UAITC .ARTAER,8I. D liv ring your Town .lan Bishop’s Castl Community -L d Town .lan - C ar 1 Th .lan was writt n to h lp addr ss issu s id ntifi d 0y th local community. List d 0 low ar som of th amazing things that hav 0 n achi v d alr ady this y ar 0y d dicat d volunt rs. Th Bishop’s Castl Community .art- n rship ov rse s th d liv ry of th .lan. If you would li/ to 0 com involv d in any of th proj cts to h lp ma/ Bishop’s Castl an v n 0 tt r town, th n pl ase do con- sid r joining us. , L -https:SSwww.face0ook.comScommunityplanS https:SSwww.0ishopscastl .co.u/ScouncilStown -planS or call N ith on 07971 661617S01788 638179 3ast and R cycling Bishop's Castl 4r gl sit now has ov r 1,000 m m0 rs https:SSwww.ilov fr gl .orgS Tplor SBishops -Castl -4r gl Doorst p Blu Bag card0oard coll ction start d 0y V olia - articl in D c 17 'Town A ws' to clarify what can 0 r -cycl d 4ight th .lastics: Th targ t of this proj ct is to achi v D.lastic -4r Community’ status for Bishop’s Castl , follow- ing th ,urf rs against , wag initiativ .
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