Guide to Permitting Wind Energy Projects in Wyoming Wyoming Renewable Energy Coordination Committee
Guide to Permitting Wind Energy Projects in Wyoming Wyoming Renewable Energy Coordination Committee July 2012 Tetra Tech would like to acknowledge the following people who were instrumental in the development of this document by providing their support, information, direction, and review: Loyd Drain, Executive Director of the Wyoming Infrastructure Authority; Todd Parfitt, Deputy Director, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality; Colin McKee, Wyoming Governor’s Office; Chris Petrie, Secretary & Chief Counsel at Wyoming Public Service Commission; Don Threewitt, Commercial Leasing Manager, Office of State Lands & Investments; Temple Stoellinger, Natural Resource Staff Attorney, Wyoming County Commissioners Association; Michael Valle, Renewable Energy Program Lead, Division of Minerals and Lands, Bureau of Land Management - Wyoming State Office; Ashlie Fahrer, Land Law Examiner, Wyoming Renewable Energy Coordination Office, Bureau of Land Management - Wyoming State Office; Pamela Murdock, Project Manager, Bureau of Land Management - Wyoming State Office; Trish Sweanor, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Wyoming Energy Program Coordinator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Scott Gamo, Staff Terrestrial Biologist, Wyoming Game and Fish Department; Marlin Duncan, Ground Water Division, Wyoming State Engineer’s Office; Cole Anderson, NRS Air Quality Engineer, Air Quality Division, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality; Chris Wichmann, Division Manager, Natural Resources and Policy Division, Wyoming Department of Agriculture; Bruce Trembath II, Chief Electrical Inspector, Wyoming State Fire Marshal’s Office. Our special thanks and acknowledgement are extended to Tom Schroeder, Program Principal with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality-Industrial Siting Division, who took a lead role in coordinating this effort with local, state, and federal agencies and whose thoughtful contributions, reviews, and suggestions were greatly appreciated.
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