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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Report paralysis will be mad in 48 hours Wallace physician: outlook lor full recovery not good By DON McLEOD loting today in primaries which Wallace had been favored to Dr, James G. Galbraith , of the neurological department Alabama State Police Capt. E. C. Dothard , who also SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) - George C. Wallace, shot win in a double sweep that would have been the high point at the University ofAlabama , said the governor is paralyzed was' -. hit , was treated for a flesh wound on his right side down at aft election-eve rally, lay gravely wounded and of his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. in both lower extremities. and released from the hospital. partially;paralyzed today on what was to have been the "I feel very optimistic about liim," Wallace's wife,.Cornel- "The outlook caiinot be predicted but it is not favorable ," Dora Thompson , a Wallace campaign worker, suffered brightest day of his presidential campaign. ia, s^id after the surgery in Holy Cross Hospital. "As you Galbraith said. "It would be unusual to get complete recov- a leg wound and was listed in satisfactory condition in Holy y. The Alabama governor was hit several times by a gun- know his nature, be didn't earn the title of the "Fighting ery undei these circumstances." Cross. ?. man who pushed a pistol through a shopping-center crowd ; Little Judge' for nothing, and I expect him to continue in Early today? doctors said Wallace was alert , awake V Billy Joe Camp, Wallace's press secretary, told news- at Laurel, Md., Monday afternoon and fired point blank.; the same-vein .'' ,' V V and?making progress "as well as we can expect." men today that the governor's campaign for the Democratic A man identified by police as Arthur Herman Bremer , 21, Doctors said - Wallace, 52, was hit by five bullets, two Several dozen persons, some of them holding lighted presidential nomination will continue. Camp said 7 Wallace of , , was wrestled to the ground by members of of which caused 7serious wounds. A spokesman said one candles, stood vigil ¦ outside the hospital during the opera- himself made the decision which was relayed by Mrs. "Wallace. the crowd and arrested immediately. was removed, but another near the spine and blamed for tion. ¦?? '¦' ¦ "He will be at the Democratic convention as a strong, : ¦ ¦ ¦ . - After five hours of surgery, police and hospital spokes- " paralysis of the lower extremities was left in place for the -.' . - • Bremer was taken before U.S. Magistrate Clarence Goelz viable candidate," Camp told a news conference. "He expects men said "Wallace 's life was no longer in danger, but some time being. ? in Baltimore late Mcnday night and ordered held under $200,- to win iii both and Michigan ," paralysis was reported. One physician said the outlook for "I am very happy and I feel very good that he is alive, " 000 bond on charges of shooting Wallace and a Secret Service Bremer was charged by?federal authorities with violat- full recovery was not good . The governor's press secretary Mrs. Wallace said , "that he has a sound heart and a sound agent ,. ' ing thc 1.968 Civil Rights Act by assaulting a candidate for an quoted doctors as saying the paralysis may be temporary, brain and all his vital organs are solid . I couldn 't thank God The agent, Nicholas Zarvos, underwent six hours of elective officie. He was charged also with assault on. a federal "but.we will know more about this in the next 48 hours." He more." surgery for a bullet wound in the neck and was listed in officer , Zarvos ¦ . said Wallace will continue his campaign , .-' .. ' ./ ' Mrs. Wallace bad said earlier outside the operating- good condition. Doctors said the bullet damaged Zarvos's voice ( Continued on page 10a , col. •) Meanwhile, voters in Maryland and Michigan were bal- feeling, below the waist. ¦ ¦ room door that her husband had no box . Wallace physician i i

Fair to partly " I GOT LOTS OF ^S-^BS Governor had cloudy and JINGUN* MONEY ( qi&fo ) Sold My Cor Tto A Wont Ad J ^W: been prepared wa rmer Wednesday ' : :] for violence Pipeline in Southx (^- ': 7777)7- 'x :-77x By JULES LOH ings (or the governor sim- SILVER SPRING. Md. ply: "I love that little (AP) V- The ride to Ihe man. "" hospital seemed interminab- At rallies across the coun- ly long to Gov. George C. try the past eight years, . Viet air defense Wallace. burly Capt. Dothard has "How much longer?" he fended off blows from picket asked several times during signs and many times has the ' 15-minute trip."I hope stepped in front of Wallace they give , me a shot of amid barrages of rotten something soon?" eggs, rocks; and bottles, al- headquarters hit ¦ ways without a word. .. It was a trip the: pro- Monday, Dothard ,. who By GEORGE ESPEIt The command had announced key link in North Vietnam 's vocative campaigner was suffered a flesh wound in earlier that both the northwest mentally prepared to make. SAIGON (AP ) X- 7 American supply network. his light side, wordlessly fighter-bombers wrecked North and northeast rail lines be- "I suppose some day some- held up his forefinger and tween Hanoi and China had . But spolteshicn said that the body might throw something Vietnam 's air defense head- thumb in an okay sign when quarters on the southern been cut, and the 7th Air Force effects of the aerial campaign at me other than a rotten he was helped into the am- reported Sunday that its bomb- egg," Wallace once remark- . of Hanoi and cut the main pipe- on the enemy offensive in the bulance alongside the gov- line feeding tanks and supply ers had destroyed tie "Drag- ed during , his 19687 cam- on south would not be known for ernor, ' .-; ' ' ; - ' trucks on the northern front in 's Jaw" brid ge at Thanh paign for the presidency. Hoa , 80 miles south of Hanoi at'. least 30 days. They ' esti- Wallace returned the South Vietnam , the U. S. Com: , a Did he worry much about sign and winked at Doth- mated that? the TNofth Vietnam- being shot? mand announced today. ard , who was released from Intelligence reports ese had a month's supply of "It's not something you have said a hospital Monday flight. Russian technicians and ad- Connally quits fuel close at hand for their let worry you," he said at . Wallace was leaving? the visers were known to be work- tanks arid vehicles in the south. that time , "but I'm fully rally , in a supermarket, ing in the headquarters , but Treasury post Fighting in the 48-day-6ld aware of the possibility. I'm , when the man ' parking lot there , was no immediate" com- ' North /.'Vietnamese- offensive reminded of it every time accused of shooting him BULLETIN . 7V. slowed down , but the? reason ment on this from the com- WASHINGTON-Oft — Pres- I step behind that lectern ." called him back, according mand . was not immediate clear. One . The lectern is? a three- to Emmett W. Eaton, a ident Nixon made a surprise | U.S. military source, said the personal announcement to- sided, bulletproof, steel bar- campaign aide. A six-page communique re ^ | enemy may have pulled back to ricade which takes two men "Hey, George, ain't you porting the assessment of dam- day lhat Secretary of the I consolidate his forces, but Treasury John B. Connally to set in place. .. going to shake my hand?" age done by nearly 2,00G strikes j "even the most ardent: air pow- called in North Vietnam during the — "a tower of strength for ' cr advocate would rot attribute Wallace used it In three ?Eaton said the man the President" — is resign- campaigns the last eight out. .- - . past week said: I this lull to the bombing " ing. ' years and spoke from be- "George turned arid walk- "The North Vietnamese Air Nixon told newsmen at the j South Vietnamese forces con- hind it Monday at nearby ed toward him and that's Defense Headquarters? at Bach White House that he will | tinned to push out irom Hue fo - Laurel — just before he when he was shot," Eaton Mai air field , south of Hanoi , nominate George P. Shultz, I widen their defenses arid keep the North Vietnamese from get- mingled in the crowd and :.: said. was 7struck by U.S. Air Force former Secretary of Labor j was shot. rushed to F4s, destroy ing several struc- and currently director of the [ ting close enough for an all-out Eaton said he ' attack on the old irnpdrial capi- Wallace who was tures." Office of Management and At his side and -also the fallen , tal- ' wounded was Capt. E. C. lying on his back, and be- AFTER. THE SHOOTING ... Alabama al, Md. Mrs. Wallace is crouching over her Bach Mai is three miles south Budget, to succeed Connally. . Dothard of the Alabama gan unbuttoning his shirt. after husband , The dark spot on Wallace 's shirt is of Hanoi. To take over from Shultz Reporting on the air -war Gov. lies on tbe ground at OMB, Nixon will name state police, a taciturn man Governor had being shot at a political rally Monday in Laur- a blood stain. (AP Photofax) The command also disclosed |'against the North / a U.S. com-: ( Continued on page 10a, col. 2) that air strikes against North the agency's deputy direc- muni who has described his feel- tor, Caspar Weinberger. que said: "All pumping Vietnam have b^en stepped up stations along the main com- to an average of 250 per day in Connally said politics cause didn 't figure in his decision munist pipeline .running, down A martyr to his pol itical the campaign ordered by Presi- the southern panhandle of Wallace heavy " to leave the Cabinet after dent Nixon a week ago to choke 18 months. North Vietnam 7 into the demili- off supply routes to the south. tarized zone were destroyed. Wallace won't be silenceGl favorite in was essentially a one-man show , There were By WALTER R. MEARS Wallace His | abcut 1.000 people on hand at Laurel, Md„ when Wallace two primaries turn out WASHINGTON (AP ) — Gov . George C. Wallace has wa^ gunned down Monday. No other Democrat can By CARL.P. LEUBSDORF protest that won 't be si- political rally. plaved upon . a chord of political that kind of crowd for a weekday shot for the present have ,. „'. ,. _ Gov. George C. Wallace , lenced by the bullets that with the governor cut of the campaign it presidential campaign . , Nonetheless and critically wounded on the stilled his is likely someone will stand in to represent him as a symbol It is a campaign that seemed destined Ar News Democratic , right. eve of what looms a.s his big- Ala- of the mood of protest on the to reach its high point today, with the Analucic gest 1972 political triumph , is to win the Democratic 'Midi ysib After today, Wallace appeared , to have no place to go bama governor favored' favored to sweep Democratic primary elections in Maryland and Michigan. [ in the primaries. His name is on the ballot for the May 23 could prove more formid- election in Oregon and Rhode Island , but neither is in terri- presidential primaries today in But Wallace Michigan and Maryland , possi- able in the weeks ahea d from a hospital bed , a martyr to tory likely to prove particularly friendly. ing to bly boosted by a substantial his political cause , than as an active campigner try Mis three primary election victories were scored in the become a Democratic power broker. He ran sympathy vote. Snutr. ,. in Elorida , Tennessee , and North Carolina. Michigan will divide 132 dele- enlarge and Pennsylvania. In Maryland and Michigan , Wallace is sure to strong in losing the primaries in gates to Ihe Demoratic Nation- on the bloc of presidential-nominat ing votes that now rank entered in the California primary which George Wallace is not al Convention proportionately him thi'-a in the field. Wallace has 210 votes. Sen. will award 271 nominating votes on June 6. He talked of a according to the presidential commitments, Sen. McGtivcm leads with 358 first-ballot write in campaign there, and had considered tbe possibility preference voting. In Maryland, Hubert H. Humphrey has 241Vz. of campaigning in New Mexico which votes the same day. 53 votes will be decided on the II appears certain that somehow Ihe 1072 Wallace move- Now a Wallace proxy could turn up in one or more of basis of statewide and congres- ment is Roing to be conlinucd even with the candidate him- those campaign states to seek whatever support there is to sional district results. will be made self out of action—that almost surely the effort be had for the wounded Alabama governor. . #iwri/ »'k,,.» -v, - Kvcn before a gunman shot ' ' » » .*..*. . -.v . . • ...mmmK&ai&xiisxi: ' • > \ >». i to hold his delegates in a force that will have clout in the •^ , 2) Wallace as he campaigned TIME FOR A WASH . . . South Vietna- near the defense line at My Chanh. divided Democratic convention . (Continued on page 10a col. The troops Monday in the Washington sub- mese troops stationed along Route 1 north nro manning the defense line toward the obvious stand-in or campaign successor to Wallace "won't ¦ There is no urb of Laurel , Md . he had been of the old imperial city of Hue , take time to west to prevent North Vietnamese troops favored to win in both states, wash in a stream during a quiet moment from approaching Hue. (AP Photofax) and after the shooting an aide said the governor would contin- ue his drive for the presidency. Inside: His top rivals are Sens. v e r George McGovern and Hubert Senate considers addition Kremlin f}t „, Nix mi H. Humphrey, coasidered the travels lo Moscow nrxt. leading candidates for the week for the second ol his Democratic presidential nomi- summit meetings of 1072 , hi: nation. to end-the-war amendment will have to donl wilh n The incident mny create By JOHN LKNGEIi Nixon said he would with- may want to-discard later. group of nfiinR Soviet lend- "n WASHINGTON (AP) - draw U.S. troops from Viet- ers whoso concepts of world large sentiment to vote for Wal- And ,. Church snid , to add lace," The Senate votes today on nam four months after an conipelilion have been fro- president Tom Turner of adding to an end-the-war internationally supervised a cease-fire as a withdrawal zen by 5il years of Leninist the Metropolitan Detroit AFL- condition — a cease-fire the ideology — story, page 5a. amendment a proviso with cease-fire and following Ha- CIO , a Humphrey backer , pre- one of President Nixon 's noi's return of /American Saigon government would dicted. conditions for a total U.S. prisoners. have to agree lo — would University ~ McGovern and Humphrey troop withdrawal — nn in- Ca se nnd Church incor- Rive Soulh'Vietnam a veto sola President M al co 1 in stopped active presidential ternationally s u p e rvised porated the wording on pris- on U.S. withdrawal. Moos has vowed lo keep Ihe campaigning, halted television cease-fire. oners , saying it would back Appearing before a Senate campus open despite demon- and radio commercials and re- The proviso wns proposed up with law what fhe Presi- Appropriations subcommit- strations by yoini fi people lumed to Washington . by Sen. Robert C. Byrd , the dent offered the Norlh Viet- tee on Monday. Secretary who want classes shut down A Wallace television appeal assistant Democratic lend- namese. of Slate William P . Rogers prolyl 'iiiaiasf the war in went on as scheduled in Mich- er , lo be included in the And Byrd moved to put urged Congress not to pass — story, page Ha. igan, however , and a Wallace amendment sponsored by the cease-fire wording into any end-the-war legislation Wallarp Th( 7""ns Mil * campaign worker in tlie Detroit Sens. Clifford P. Case , R- the amendment. lhat would undercut Nixon 's VffdllaUt; wiukee ni a n suburb of Lincoln Park said , N ..I,. and Frank Church , f> "If there is In lie nn end Vietnam policy, charncd wilh shnoting Gov. "Nothing ' , Idaho , lo wholesale slaughter , it And Rogers called for nn George W^ «::-Vr-' OPE* DAILY t TO 9 ? y^g^ ^ m ^^mmm ^m ¦ mmwMMMW ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ aurmmm9m9mm . ' flfl^H ' ""' A^HHHHH •^^^^ ¦^^^ ¦^¦^^^I H ' (^ \ ¦ // u ^/~- ^*~^ I II J| I II* I/Ill ^^ m^

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^^ ¦^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦^^^^^^^^^^ ¦¦¦¦¦ ''¦¦¦ ¦'¦¦¦tMMffrrr ar ^ High speed Chief AAcGabe to School Board Sewer bond sale authorized The Winona City Council Mon- CITY Manager Carroll J. Fry considerable doubt that the SPRINGSTED recommended chase involves voting is day night authorized tie sajg.of explained to councilmen that the funds will be received by Aug. the city release the Federal De- retire June 2 , the absolute ceiling on partment of Housing and Urban , $1,040,000 in general obligation city issued $1 million in emer- 1, 1973 Chief of the Winona police Prior to joining the department sewer bonds for completion of gency debt certificates to allow extension of the emergency Development (HUD) from its department, James W. McCabe, he worked on construction. the city's new wastewater treat- construction of the new sewage debt certificates. commitment to loan the city $1 youth, 16 announced his resignation this now under way ment facility. treatment plant to continue, but be in million. That commitment was 2. | IN 1954 HE was promoted to The money will likely Winona police were involved morning, to take effect June Voting for two School Board The bond issue will be for those debt certificates must be the city's hands by June, 1974, made on the basis of interest 61 who has been motorcycle sergeant, and in 1959 in a high-speed chase involving McCabe, , members in two election dis- three years, with interest on the paid off by Aug. 3. Fry said, but suggested the is- rates prevailing at the time with the department for 29 was tricts of Winona Independent a l&year-old Winona boy early he was made captain. He bonds to be i——-——— As is now obvious, Fry said, suance of three-year bonds to work was begun, Springsted years, said he has accepted School District 861 . began at paid by the -,. that the PCA grant necessary to said . The HUD loan would be Sunday morning in the east sec- acting chief for four months give the city some cushion. a position with a different or- noon today. sewer service i take care of the debt will not ar- Minneapolis bonding consul- at 5% percent interest, and tor of the city, according to ganization in Winona but de- before his permanent appoint- ¦ C ty " This year's? elections are in charge and _ . . ., rive for another year or two, tant Osmon Springsted told tlie Springsted noted that the city a belated report from city po- clined to give any further de- ment on Jan. 15, 1964. the 3rd District, extending from McCabe has completed school- the principal CoUPICl! making some other action neces- council that the three-year is- "certainly should be able to lice. tails at this time. the center of Harriet Street tp by an increas- sary. sue would be the wisest move sell these bonds at under ing at Northwestern University " . , four According to Assistant Chief McCabe, a native of Arcadia , the center of Liberty Street, and ed grant from — . . ,- . . . Fry noted that the city ad- pointing out that if the grant ar- perceiit." John Scherer, the chase started force Traffic Institute and in super- in the 4th District, bounded on Wis., joined the police the Minnesota Pollution Control ministration had considered rec- j rives sooner, it could be rein- The City Council also ap- in Fountain City, Wis., -when here in 1942 as a patrolman. vision of police personnel at the the west by the center line of Agency (PCA). Other schools ommending that the debt certi- ! vested at a higher interest rate proved a request by Springsted Wisconsin authorities observed same institution. Liberty Street and on the east City officials said the money ficates be renewed for another a car include civil defense, FBI, j and the city could make a profit that the city spend $6d0 to re- traveling at a high rate by the city limits. will not come from the general year. That concept was rejected , it until the three years run ceive a bond of speed. The authorities at- crime and traffic, first aid, Bu- j on rating, which ha Each district will elect one tax levy, however, since there remains lout. said will aid in the bond sale. tempted to apprehend the speed- reau of Criminal Apprehension, director for a three-year term. er but the driver refused to ¦¦ arrest and search and mental The polls, at Centra l Elemen- stop..?. 'y disorders. tary School in the 3rd District Winona police w e r e notified ; McCabe ran for Winona Coun- and at Washington-Kosciusko the driver was heading toward ty sheriff in 1970 but was eli- School in the 4th District, will Winona via the interstate minated in the primaries. remain open until 8 p.m. . '.': .' bridge. A police car was sta- Public hearing set on Assistant Chief John Scherer Voting machines a re being tioned at the bridge but the until used at both. driver proceeded past the pa- will be acting chief June 3 said Anyone 18 or older who has Manager sees . tr'ol car turning east on 4th a new chief is appointed , , Carroll Fry, city manager, ? been a resident of his district Street. for at least 30 days is eligible Scherer said the driver pur- FRY indicated he will leave to vote. curb, gutter projects sued a "zigzag course" through the selection of a new chief of In the 3rd District? School The Winona City Council by July 3 , according to City adjacent to the Thurley Homes. support for the east sector of the city and President Frank J. Al- at one poin t during the -chase police to the new city manager. Board agreed Monday, night to hold a Engineer Robert Bollant, Bollant explained that all ex- Fry's resignation takes effect len , 203 E, Broadway, is oppos- turned off his car lights. public hearing June 5 on the cept the Thurley Homes proj- June 3. ed in his bid for reelection by COUNCILMEN NOTED that ect are in the 1972 Capital Im- Three police cars were dis- the Rev, John R. Preston , 362 1972 sidewalk repair and curb problems had arisen in the past flood funds patched to the scene and chas- . Commenting on McCabe-S provements Program (CIP) and resignation, Fry said , "The Johnson St. and gutter construction pro- with property owners who said all have been petitioned by an Winona City Manager Carroll ed the car with their red over- Fourth District Director D a n- ¦ ¦ they hadn't been notified of the head lights and . sirens operat- community should appreciate gram. ' ' '. " .. • ' - ' ' . ?- ' ' adequate number of property J. Fry told the City Council his long period of service and iel S. Sadowski , 571 E. Broad- intended repairs, but City Man- ing. way, isV running for reelection The largest portion ofV the owners, Monday night that he obtained In the vicinity of East 3rd untiring devotion to the prin- ager Carroll J. Fry said all af- A . curb and gutter project in ' ' against Mrs. Warre n C. Galbus, program will involve sidewalk fected property owners will be considerable support in Wash- and Hamilton streets the car . ". Chief James McCabe ciples of police work." 10O5 Glen Echo Lane, and Wil- ¦—¦¦ the Glen Echo Subdivision is driver lost control of the car; r e p a i r be- —i——, notified immediately by regis- ington , D.C. last week for the liam Andres, 653 ? E- 2nd St. tween Waba- not included , even though it is and slid into the-curb, stopping ^». tered letter. in the CIP, because no petition city 's request for federal flood ; on the boulevard where he was sha and King City Bollant noted that the. regis- streets across from property owners was re- control plan- r— ———-i apprehended. tered letters will cost the city ceived.' - . ning funds. ? ¦ ¦>» _ The boy *was released to the , protesters School Board the e n t i r e Co U DC11 38 cents apiece, but Mayor • Police ;: The city is Vjfy Custody of his parents. length of the .' ¦?' . -. - ' : ' • . Norman Indall said "that' THE? SS.noOi SAVINGS there . ¦ ¦ s 38 seeking $60,- _ '- . meeting lime city; cents cheap" if it avoids prob- will be spent at Thurley Homes, .. Under that program, the 000 in planning V-OUDCll lems with owners who said he said, which has been re- - ¦ ', ¦ - ¦?- '-¦' ' ¦ ' - is corrected property owner will pay the bid funds from the . . . ' they hadn 't been notified of the quested by the Winona;¦Housing Army Corps of Dog tries to are commended price for sidewalk construction upcoming work a nd subsequent and Redevelopment Authority The Winona City Council Mon- police meticulously avoided con: A special Tmceting of the only, while the city will ? : Engineers for Phase II of tha Independent pay for assessment. (HRA) day night issued letters of com- School Board of removing roots removing trees Winona Flood Control Project. frontations and made no ar- District 861 will be at 8:30 , Other projects include curb That Kraemer Drive project ' mendation to both the Winona ¦ ¦ and grubbing if necessary, as Fry said he spoke with sev- ¦?. „ jump, car rests. . .- ." " p.m. today at Senior High and gutter on McNally Drive, would provide parking for an Police Department and 7 anti- well as for engineering, inspec- Bluffview Circle , East King additional 42 cars there, while eral members of the House Pub- : The council quickly approved School, not at 7 p.m. as re- lic Works Appropriations Sub- war ' marchers for conduct dur s listing of tion and administration. The Street from Wall Street ' to still leaving two 13-foot traf- , Ihe police commendation, and ported in Sunday' committee; which will consider ing demonstrations here last meetings of governmental property owner will he required Steuben Street , 150 feet on the fic lanes. Bollant explained that rolls over week.'y Councilman Barry Nelson then to reseed or resod the boule- south side of West Burns Valley a small bituminous overlay will the; fund request Wednesday, bodies. ¦ ^amt-drewHhe-support - L~ MONDOVI, Wis. — A 20-year- The move came at the end asked the council to also "com- vard. . Road adjacent to Glen Echo be necessary there to bring the of sever- old rural Mondovi motorist's car of the council's. regulary. al , including that of Arizona irieet- pliment" the student demonstra- The property owned may do Lane, and , 1,000 feet on the south side of the street up to was extensively damaged when ing Monday night, when Mayor the work himself if it is done south side of7 Kraemer Drive match the gutter. Rep. John Rhodes, the ranking 7 he reportedly reached for his Norman Indall r———-——. tors for showing cooperation minority; leader in the subcom- ' and restraint as well. 7 dog as it: was trying to jump and City Man- /»« . .- ¦ ¦ Strum girl mittee. ..out of a window as they were ager Carroll C ity ; Nelson said?they showed "the The manager explained that ¦ ' " proper conduct of peaceful traveling east on an Albany J. Fry asked :/.. .- - ., the subcommittee is balking at town road at 6 p.m. Sxinday, the council to demonstrations." Other council- appropriation requests for new Counc¦ ¦ ¦ i l ' Items taken five miles northwest of Mon- commend the . ' . . ¦ ' - ¦' , men balked only slightly until is serious- Oasis at BRF projects , but said that since the Nelson agreed dovi. police for to include the local project is "not really a The driver, William Weiss, exercising what Fry called wording "on the whole" in his new start," it has a good chance motion, since Councilman Mondovi Rt. 4, escaped injury. "commendable restraint" in : Dan from parked at approval . Trainor, Jr., noted that sorne The Pepin County sheriffs handling the demonstrations alter crash Mayor; Norman Indall and 1st office reported, that after Weiss of the antiwar activities show- is dedicated ' last week. ed, "some discdepancies" from ELEVA, Wis, (Special)—Two District Rep. Albert H. Quie . lost control of the 1970 two-door Antiwar activities last week one ser- y BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis . — . '• the Gebhardt Memorial Park proper and peaceful conduct. area girls were injured , will testify before the subcom- sedan, it went into the right included two short sit-ins at iously, in a one car accident (Special) — The first super summer, locketta In an unrelated matter, the will be dedicated this mittee oh behalf of the request hand ditch, where it turned over the Winona Selective Service which occurred on Highway 93, highway oasis in the U.S. built Speakers praising the complex Winona police are investigat- Wednesday morning, on its top. office, a brief takeover of City council also authorized Indall Eleva, on Sat- to send a letter six miles south of and owned by a cooperative was included Philip Dodge of the Co- ing several thefts arid an act There was extensive damage Hall,. several blocked intersec- of commen urday evening. dation to the Winona Kiwanjs dedicated Monday at Black Riv- dp League of the ; of vandalism . V ¦ ¦ to the right side and top of the tions and a number of march- . Rhonda Brian , i7, daughter of Rotary Club to . ' ' . car. ' • ¦?¦¦ Club for its work last weekend er Falls, with state, local and Clifford Nelson, chairman of the Harlin Brink , 1015 TE . ; 5th es without parade permits, but Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brian, national officials on?hand for the in cleaning up 7 County Ditch 3 , was listed this morning Midland Cooperative's board of St;; reported at . 7:33 p.m. Mon- sponsor suit sale Strum ribbon cutting. , and Prairie Island? in serious condition , but improv- directors ; Lyman Nelson of day that his locked car was "This: is an historic moment as Perkins Cafe and Steak House, parked at the junction of High- The Nearly New Sui t Sale at ing, at St. Joseph's Hospital, far as the entire family of Mid- Penney's store arcade, 1858 Marshfield. She* has facial lac- the restaurant within the com- ways 61 and .43 when it was Work coriti nues on land Cooperatives is concerned ," plex; Cprl Lemen, Muutal Serv- entered and three carburetors , Service Dr., will be sponsored erations and a fractured jaw , said Art Smaby, president and this Saturday by the Winona Family Service according to a hospital spokes- ice Insurance Co.; John Ander- a manifold and three chrome general manager of the Minne- son, executive secretary of the air ? cleaners were taken. Rotary Club, accord in g to Dr. man. apolis-based firm as the ribbon Curtis A. Rohrer, 700 Washing- , Wisconsin Federation of Cooper- According to Police Chief Stockholm derailment LuAnn Sather , 18, Eleva was parted on the $1.5 million proj- ; Martin Tollefson of the ton St., club president. STOCKHOLM Wis. - Twenty reported in satisfactory condi- atives James McCabe there is no evi- . Special agents from the Minne- officers all ect? The basis is located on the St. Paul Bank for Cooperatives; dence of forced entry. Funds raised at the 9:30 a,m.- cars from the mid-section of tion at Buffalo Memorial Hospi- apolis and La Crosse offices east edge of Black River Falls, Vern Hendrickson , University of The missing items are val- 3:30 p.m. sale will be used to- a Burlington Northern Freight of the railroad are on hand to tal , Mondovi . with head lacera- at the junction of Highway 54 ward retiring the debt of fhe train derailed and ripped tions. "Wisconsin Extension Service; ued at $100. protect the area from sight- and Interstate 94. chairman of the Mark Schneider, owner of the bicycle bridge spanning Lake through 50O feet of track in are reelected The accident was reported to Louis Primus, seers and scavengers, while Midland Cooperatives joined County Board of Sup- Belmont Store building, at 1671 Winona at the lake outlet at downtown Stockholm early Sun- Railway. ;Supt . G. G. Saylor All officers were reelected at the Trempealeau County Sher- Jackson with the Federation Cooperative ervisors ; Norrnan Ravnum , W. 5th St., reported at 10:34 Mankato ahd Sarnia streets day morning, while the engines and District Vice President J. E. the annual meeting of Family iff's , office?'at 10:36 p.m: Satur- which the club erected in co- Service of the Margaret Simp- of Black River Falls to construct president of the Black River p.m. Monday that someone had and caboose escaped damage. Hamer came from Chicago to day. the facility. operation with the city Park and No injuries were reported in son Home held in the executive Falls Chamber of Commerce; thrown a brick through the front inspect the site. As yet no esti- Darryl McBride, traffic of- window. Recreation department three the accident that is expected office Monday. "I'M VERY happy to be able Steve Henry, Wisconsin Indian years ago. mate of damages is available. ficer , said the L963 model sedan , , No estimate was given for the to have rail traffic stacked up They are : Howard Keller , driven by Miss Brian to recognize private enterprise Head Country ; Nels Olson A crew of nearly 40 men is president-: Kenneth Secbold , went off Country Assn.; and damage. along the line for more than a working to clear the site with , the west side of the roadway, and other groups getting involv- Black River vice president ; Miss Marilyn Lemke, the tourist in- Francis Thicke , 157 W. Sarnia MAULS JUST VANISH week. flatcars and gondolas on hand traveled 124 feet , hit a drive- ed here the way Midland has," Herbert King, secretary, and Gerald formation section of the Wiscon- St., reported at 12:37 a.m. today BALTIMORE (AP) — City Among the twisted cars were to transport the damaged equip- way, jumped 48 feet in the air, said Wisconsin Assemblyman two containing anhydrous am- Whetstone, treasurer. 't sin Department of Natural Re- that sometime between 6 p.m. police complain they nre down ment to the Twin Cities for re- Board members elected struck a cement retaining wall Alan Robertson , "And I don and 9:45 p.m monia which required imme- to sources. . Monday, someone to their last five mauls—the pair. serve three-year terms are at an underpass , rolled over on know how you 'll be able to han- entered his unlocked apartment heavy hammers officers use to diate attention from railroad dle all the traffic once this thing During the derailment the Steve James and Ernest Buhl- its left side, and came to rest and removed two speakers, a brda k down doors. safety experts. Tlie two cars did roadbed of the eastbound track er. Reelected to the board for in a culvert. really opens up." not rupture , however two cutting turntable and an amplifier . Seventeen were lost in the others dropped two feet and trains three - year terms were Frank The careening vehicle tra-vclcd The actual ribbon No value is given for the past two years. containing partially refined oil using this track must reduce Cotfel'd , Dr. Sidney 0. Hughes, 404 feet out of control , said Mc- ceremony was handled by Black Convicted robber have been leaking and missing items. "It is embarrassing to have crews speed ,to 10 miles an hour un- Mrs. Dottie Lernbkey and Ger- Bride. River Falls Mayor Michael D. Leo Stoltman, o( have been cleaning up the spill Miss Jackson 465 St. Charles to admit the loss several til the bed can be restored to ald Whetstone. Mrs. Philli p Both girls were takrti to the Anderson and St., reported at 3:13 p.rn. Mon- hundred dollars worth of and pumping the oil into tank proper grade. Karsina will renlace Mrs. John Mondovi hospital. Miss Brian County Jean Steine. of Utica station trucks. includes day that someone entered his mauls, " said Col. "Maurice D. Breitlow , retiring from the was transferred immediately to The current complex locked houseboat moored at WITH BUT one track in use store com- duBois , chief of the Criminal board, for a one-year term. the Marshfield Hospital, a service station and the East End Boat Harbor and Investigation Division. FOUR OF the dermled cars and the speed reduced, trains bination as well as a cafe-steak contained fertilizer while the Ben Hayenga , agency direc- The car was a total loss; its removed $23 worth of fishing Things ard so bad , duBois have been stacked up at both tor, in his 11th annual report , house. The future will include is apprehended others held furniture , rugs, pa- ends causing delays and other engine and transmission were Minn. One gear. said , his men had to borrow reported counseling for 150 ripped out. a park, campgrounds and motel. STILLWATER. - per, electrical components and problems . of a trio of men accused of There was no sign of forced mauls for a number of recent cases, and 982 interviews con- An investigation is continuing. entry. several cars were piggyback Railroad officials estimate it ducted. The agency acted as AT A NOON luncheon , mana- robbing the Utica Oil service gambling raids. truck units. will take at least a week to the uniting force for volunteer ger Norman Swanson told of the station , Utica , Minn., of $2,80O While the debris is being remove the debris from the site agencies which had their begin- GET SCHOOLS efforts of many groups and in- Sept. 16, 1970, has been appre- cleared trains are being either and get thc roadbed of the lone ning during the past year, di- Gale - Ettrick - Trempealeau dividuals that made the com- hended in Rockford , 111., follow- rerouted or slowed, Several track back into shape. No time rected the Homemakers' Serv- students will bd dismissed at plex a reality, thanking Mr. and ing an escape from the Still- Winona firm low on were detoured onto Milwaukee estimate for how long it would ices , and collaborated with the 2 p.m. Thursday. Teachers will Mrs, Fredrick E. Gebhardt and water Prison minimum security Road tracks until an eastbound take to get the entire area back community in the Hot Meals on be involved in an in-service ses- Robert C. Gebhardt for donat- prison farm. track could be opened Monday. to normal was ventured . Wheels program , Hayenga said. sion. ing the land for thc future park Ronald J. Bacon , 38, formerly of Rochester, was apprehended Rollingstone project with a fellow escapee by Rock- Turnover here is low ford police acting on informa- ROLLINGSTONE , Minn. - be built on 18.2 acres of land tion from Minnesota authorities. Winona Plumbing Co, was the acquired from Mrs, Elizabeth Details of the capture were not apparent low bidder for con- Templeton , located between Rol- immediatel y available. lingstone nnd Minnesota City. Bacon , with five years left to struction of a sewage treatment The system will employ a la- serve on sentences for robbery, collection system and a lagoon goon method of disposal , with Teacher job market increasingly tight forgery and escape, Is being system in the village of Rol- two primary ponds nnd a sec- held in Winnebago County Jail , lingstone , with a total bid of ondary pond being developed By C COUPON IIOl.TE taetcd regarding applicants in system next fall. a somewhat similar situation a.s , . only eight regular classroom with fellow escapee Ralph FJ. , reported Mayor A. Sewer lines to he constructed Daily News Stuff Writer "It 's really tight ," Dr . Hopf far as placements at the ele- $290 560,30, certain subject areas. teachers and two special teach- Axelson , formerly of St . Louis, Smith. in the village will lead to a An increasingly tight job mar- Dr. C. H. Hopf , assistant sup- said of the employment situa- mentary grade levels are con- ers while last year between 20 . A onetime resident of Rock- tion. "I'm receiving probably cerned. Tlio low bid is $37,2*11 higher lift station which will pump ef- ket in leaching is reflected in erintendent for secondary edu- and 30 were hired . ford , he had four years remain- four or five applications by mail Mueller also said he had re- conviction, than the preliminary estimate fluent Into thc stabilization ii substantially reaMced rate of He said his only openings are ing on a burglary ponds. cation , reports there were only daily from all over the United ceived some 150 complete appli- Both men were picked up In of $253,310. Total cost of the for a sixth grade class , a com- project, is about $30,1,000. turnover in the instructional four positions on thc senior and States. Most of them , I believe, , cations , including credentials , the home of friends of Axelson. bination fourth and fifth a Separate bids on the two pro- ESTIMATED figures of grants staff of Ihe public schools of junior high schools staff to be are being sent out blindly to fourth grade class, n position and probably as many more in- Bacon was arrested for the ; :ia (KM) numerous districts by teachers jects were opened Monday eve- nre FHA - $1 , loan nnd Winona Independent District 801 fillctf this year. in Learning Center II (third and quiries about openings , He said service station robbery with $55,000 grant; Pollution Con- seeking jobs ," Donaldson , 33 Roch- ning during a special meeting 1Q72-73 contract year. "Normally we fill about 30 fourth grade) at Gonrlview applications and Inquiries cur- James W . , trol Agency —$36,000 grant and for the ester, and Darrell Stone , 20, St. of the Rollingstone Village Superintendent of Schools A. secondary openings n year , " Dr , He saicf thc number of appli- School , Iwo art and one spe- rently were being received at EPA—$73,750 grant, cants varied according to sub- cial c^ueatioiv class . the rate of between three nnd Paul , within an hour fcfllowlng Council in the village ball here. L. Nelson reports thnt the num- Hopf noted , adding that since the robbery in Uticn. Second lowest bidder on tho thc first of this year there have ject areas and estimated that Mueller says he sees no dif- five a day. THE LOW BID, along with projects were Fraser Co., lier of resi gnations received this perhaps as many ns 200 appli- Stone, acquitted of the rob- Roch- spring from members of this been more than 300 applicants ficulty in filling the openings ex- Both assistant superintendents six others , have been referred ester, with ft total bid of $291 cations had be«n received from agreed that most of the resigna- bery by a Winona County Dis- .- year's faculty is tho lowest in for the four openings. cept , perhnp.s, in art and special trict Court jury in March 15)7 1 , to Kleinschmidt & Webber Inc.. 681.15, and third lowest. Park a number of years . He said thc only position re- social science Instructors. education , which have bee n post- tions they had received were from teachers whose spouses wns found shoi to death In St.. Winona , consulting -engineers, Construction Co., Minneapolis , He feels thnt this trend to- maining to he filled is one from Dr. Hopf said thnt at this ed at colleges. He said he has for checking. It is exported Hint 559.50. , had been transfer red or had ob- Paul last New Yea r 's day. Don- $307, ward less mobility I.s attribut- which a faculty member resign- lime except for Ihe post recent- been in contact wilh placement aldson wns released for lack ol there will be a special meeting Other bidders were ly opened by resignation he has tained employment outside Wi- : Ameri- able in. large part to more lim- ed earlier this month after being , personnel nt bolh Winona Stnto evidence. in the near future to award the & Heating only part-time positions to be nona , women who were being can Plumbing Co., ited employment opportunities on nn extended leave of absence College and the College of Saint contract, said Smith. , $312,083,10; Floyd , fi lled — in art nnd home eco- married or are pregnant, Winona Lar- in education throughout the na- because of illness Teresa. HONOR ZULU CHIEF Construction will begin after son Construction Co., Rochester, tion. nomics — and says lie antici- Far fewer resignations were in previous years, they re- HE SAID he had deliberately pates no serious difficulty in called , numerous resignations DURBAN , South Africa (AP) the contract nward has been $302,170.90 ; Riverside Sand & received fro m elementary teach- — A memorial in honor of Al- approved by tho Farmers Homo Gravel Co., Rochester, $391, FOR THE first tlmo In many deferred making any firm com- finding instructors. , wore received from teachers - ers this yrtnr, too , Mueller says bert Luthuli the Zulu chief who Administration nnd the Environ- 23H.30 and Three Way Con- years, (he district nclminstrntion mitment to any applicant for than in previous years. who wished to live in other com- , , has not advertised job openings , this post awaiting the decision M. W. MUHLLKR , assistant munities but that only a mini- won South Africa 's only Nobel mental Protection Agency. struction Co,, Wflito Park , although certain college place- of the teacher on leave ns to superintendent for elementary GOING Into tills monlh llicre mal number gave .such reasons ' Peace Prize, is to be unveiled The facility, which will ac Minn., which bid $213,313.75 ment bureaus have been con- whether he would return to the education , meanwhile , reported were resignations, he said, from this year* | at Groutvillo Cemetery July 23. commodate 122 rural users, will on the collection system only.

i ^.MiMMM —irfMr. ENOS TONITE r ^^ Television movies Tonight, tomorrow on TV Television highlights *M_\m N |H '• is - 9:is .v ^R ¦ i^- li %" xsu ¦Today- Today JI' 1 I " ' x 7JjM^-. "ROCK-A-BYE BABY," Jerry Lewis.A movie star ex- COLLEGE PROFILES, 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., Cable Tonight 1 TV-37 ' ' : pects a baby - liut her husband has died. (1958). 3:30, Ch. 4. -» .«- „ ~„„_ .!-.—» •»» ~ — ~ - / 1A--1I OiaJie Oiaplin % , Constance LOCAL NEWS, 5:00, Cable TV-3. W_WM\\ "BROADWAY THROUGH A KEYHOLE " 4:00 You — Tht Seer«t» ol tht country Plic« I Cumrnings. A racketeer changes his? ways — and buys a JupirvUor I Alrlca n Primui 11 CBS REPORTS — WHERE WE STAND, a report on night club for bis girl friend <1933). 3:30, Ch. 6. Ntwi 3-4-J-I-10-1M9 8aob»b 5-13 10:M Newi . 1-4-5-1-10-13 . America's international affairs. The hour, written by Charles Trulh or Const- H. Killebrew 11 " Ntwi 4-9-V "ELMER THE GREAT," Joe E. Brown. Romantic com- queneei I Movie «-M9 Drajntt 11 Collingwood, offers long-range views on U.S. foreign policy To Tell tht Truth f t:00 Twlnt Bueball 10-11 10:10 Mavlt J-t in five areas:: Vietnam, the arms race, world trade, di- edy about a player ahd a girl in his home town J. Orion 5-10-11 mxM^ 4:30 Tr» Common 8:30 Parents Art (1933). 3:30 Ch.19. Mirktt 1 Rejponilbl t 1 Dick Cavttt 4-M1 plomacy and the space race. 6:30, Chs. 3-4-8. : "THE DEADLY DREAM," Lloyd Bridges. A mysteri- CBS Rtporli 3-4 8 Ctnnon 1-4-S News 10 ADVOCATES. Debate on Vietnam sparked by U. S. mili- Ponderosa ¦ 5-10-13 James Dragntt 11 tary action and the communist offensive. Testimony fo- ous agent is sent to execute a scientist for an unexplained Mod Squad t-1-11 Garner 5-13 10:50 Movie ' ¦ " ¦-¦t^' • "¥he Greatest Concert of the !Decade! crime (1971). 7:30, Chs. 6-9-19. Jeannle 11 *:M Private Colleg* 11:00 J, Canon IO cuses on a proposed Senate bill that would halt bombing 7:00 Martin Agronsky 1 Concert 1 Movie 11 NOW YOU CAN SEE IT ANI> HEAR IT... '•THE ROUNDERS," Glean Ford. Comedy about ag- College Profllet Marcus Welbr M-l) 11:00 David Frost I in Indochina and provide for complete withdrawal of U. S. ing horse wranglers in the modern; West ( 1955). 10:30, Chs. Cable TV-3 »:30 Black Journal l Weslern 1 forces from Vietnam. 7:30, Ch. 2. STARTS AS IF YOU WERE THERE! 55j) Virginian 11 Campaign '71 3 Movie 11. 3-8. " . . 7:30 Advocate 1 Moore on Tutsday 4 Galloping SECRETS OF THE AFRICAN BAOBAB. Orson Welles "THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA." 10 :50, Ch. 4. Hiwall Plvt-0 3-4-1 Sanford . ft Son 5 Gourmet II narrates the "Portrait of a Tree," a fascinating nature study , Laia Turner. Story "THE LADY TAKES A FLYER " l" ' ' "* about the "upside down tree" of Africa. The baobab grows of romance between an ex-colonel and his flying instructor. ' in the arid plains of Kenya, has leafless branches, a barrel- (1957). 711:00, Ch. 11. j Wednesday • ' . *\ like trunk and yellow blossoms — besides providing good __ "THE SECOMD_GREATEST SEX," Jeanne Grain. Kan- ~ homes for many of Africa's birds. 8:00, Chs. 10-11. Aftarnnnn Dick Van Dykt 5 Mem-11 M0-1I ¦AW^mmmmmmWW^mWmMMMMMMMMMmmrm- sas women in 1880 go on strike against their husbands to , „V? I Western I Courtship ol Ed. BASEB ALL. MINNESOTA Twins vs. Chicago White Sox. halt a petty feud with another town (1955) . 12:00, Ch. 13. 1:30 Guiding Light -4-1 i Love Lucy t die's Father «-»-1» 8:00, Chs. 10-11. . . -. - BMBmmmmmmtwwB^Mmi^^^BmmmmmW^^k: The Doctors 5-10-11 Gilligan's Island 11 Virginian 11 Wednesday ¦ piling Game 4-M» 4:45 Lucille-Ball- 1 7:30 This Week 1 CAMPAIGN 72. Walter Cronkite analyzes the Michigan liOO Secret Storm • - , 1-4-1 "CRISIS, Cary Grant. Story involves the kidnaping of . j.oo Locai News McMillan * Primary. 9:30, Ch. 3. " Another Cable TV - 3 WHo 5-10-13 a doctor and subsequent treatment of a Latin-American dic- World 5-10-13 Hbgan's Heroes 5 Baseball It . Wednesday . Bineiai Hospital- . . - . N CWS 4-M9 Smith Family tt tator. (1950). 3:30, Ch. 4. V ¦ ¦ '¦ COLLEGE PROFILES, 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., Cable TV-3. mm\^^^^^^^^^^^mk.^_ ^^^¦ . . . ?•'' Mayberry 10 8:00 Vibrations 3 HHK ^^m&vtMmm*¦* ^ «^wk £^^^^^^1^ 1 "THE FIREBALL," Mickey Rooney. A runaway orphan 1:30 Edge of Night 3-I-I Petticoat Junction 11 Medical LOCAL NEWS, 5:00, Cable TV-3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^b **M^^^VP*£r*\ " ' ^wmmk a^^H^^^B decides to become a rollerskater in spite of an inferiority Rolurn to Peyton 8:15 Update 1 - Center 3-4 « A PUBLIC AFFAIRS/ELECTION '72. Sander Vanocur P 5''0 ' Warty Fcldman (1950).3:30 ' .: Onone. ' liteu« to Live " . 1:30. Electric Company 2. ' complex . , Ch.6. - . . . . NeW5 3.4 .5.,. 8.,. 1C .,3 comely « hosts this feature on women in politics. A Denver house- JIM, Enrol Flynn. Biography of Jim 4"' «at Patrol 1 "GENTLEMAN " -,.l:50i1 S)MMS.wlng 11„ ¦ Star Trek 11 wife talks of her plans to run for Congress, Ann Wexler dis- Corbett , famous heavyweight. (3942). 3:30, Ch. 19. ' . , 0JC|, v« 'n Oyta ' : If «:30 Persuaders! _*_ cusses her wprk as co-chairman for Edmund Muskie s cam- 1:00 Supervision 1 Name of the Gamt » ' , " eveningFuoninn Perry Mason 11 "THE VALLEY OF GWANGI " James Franciscus. In Arnateur's Guide paign ; also included are reminiscences of the suffragette ' ' 4:00' Reading" 1 »:00 Books and Ideas ? this science-fiction Western prehistoric monsters steal the Tt Li.. - ' wi movement. 7:00, Ch. 2. - Somerset - -5-10-11 : News 3-4.5-I-lClMt . . . y Mannlx y. 3-44 show (1969). 10 ;30, Chs. 3-8. lo« , American Trulh o, Con* , . Night Gallery M0.I3 VIRGINIAN. A fugitive Indian is caught between his , Alan Ladd. Biography of Style '«.»•!» quenees * 9:30 Forsyte Saga ' "THE McCONNELL STORY " ¦ ' " To Tell tht truth 9 Dragntt « Kicwa heritage and demands of the white society. 7:00, Ch. ^M^^Li--^mmmmmmmmmmW^m\^M^Mm^MBiW.^Fm' MfM ' : II T«kts A Thlci: 11 ¦ MmmMMmM mMBR* ^^^H^^^^^^R9B^^^^lH^^II^HSSB@^SI^H, c':I^wflL *m&BBmmW' America 's first triple jet ace. (L955). 10:30, Ch. 11. I'-U Inquiry N<- Wi ' 11- '¦ ' ' mr ^^ ______\ 3:30 Wovle . . 4-1-19 ' ,»- .. . , A . A .I' MMMMMW -^^KR^^H^KMBwW ^^^^^^SCTS-gMfc^^^'^^J.i^Bm Virginia Graham 5 Circus! 3 10:00 N-ws W- '«*' MBmmwf i ' ^ y "THE MONEY TRAP ," Glenn Ford. Crime drama about News 10-1 3-1 9 BASEBALL. Boston Red Sox vs. Milwaukee Brewers. r m¥ wBmmMMM^^mmWf '^ '^JWraW^ffiB^ ^^^af^I^^^^H Lucille Ball I Gcldd.ggcrs 4 . . MMmMmmi 7_ m^^ ^MmW&MMef'' MMMMaf %Z*MM HBIM a policeman turned crook. ( 1966). 10:50, Ch. 4. ' Hollywood Squares 5 Dragntt 11 7:30, Ch, 19. ^^^^^^^^^mmmf ^^^B Flying Nun • i^^^Hfe _Z_z^______^___\_M iHr WW^ MmEEK$mmmmmmmm "RIVER LADY ," Yvonne De Carlo. A con man and a Jotl'i Collie 10 Green Acres 4-19 . 10:30 Movit . 3-8 MARTY R FELDMAN COMEDY MACHINE. Highlights ^Mw Concentrallon 11 J-annlo 8 11 J Carson 510 13 maWW ' jro^K^^BHH Mississippi gambling boat owner plan to gain control of 4,00 Cartoons 3 Trulh or Conse- Dick Cavttt 4-9 -19 include a spoof of Gothic novels, a middle-aged couple WmmMM TmMMmm ^mMMMMMMmm- ^MMM ' '[fJfi lumber mills. (1948). 12:00, Ch. 13. Truth or Const- quenees 9 Movie 11 in a marital squabble and a crude character and a sophis- M^^R 1:. quenees • • Mouse Factory 10 10 30 Movie * 7^^__ \\\\\\_wX^ mmmm_r '^' vjL__\_^^^^S8^mmm\mm\^m Haz(l t Hogan's Heroes 13 12 00 David Frost 5 ticated lady at a restaurant and music by Honey Gone. 8:00, Star Trek 10 ? : W Election 73 3 Western * Ch. 6.. ' V signed to meet Federal Trade Prolllos Movie 13 . Appleton Papers use Centle Ben 11 College . . ep ple prtxi'i ' Commission requirements con- V.rgmlan 13 Cable TV 3 Salloplng HICK CAVETT. A 90-minute interview with Pearl Bailey. new label material cerning labeling of textile wear- 4 10 Sesame Street 1 Carol Burn elt 341 Gourmet i» 10:30, Chs. 6-9-19. ing apparel. THE CONCERT V APPLETON , Wis. (AP) - THE POOR KANGAROO Appleton Papers , Inc.,. has in- TOP DRIVER ugh Friday Morning Programs K g. Winona Daily News ¦ Monday Thro "O Winona, Minnesota BANGLADESH troduced a new non-woven label (AP)-Chfton J (AP) FOR• ¦ - RAVI SHANKAR MILWAUKEE WASHINGTON - TUESDAY, MAY Ur 1972 ERIC CUnON * BOB DYIAN GEOfiGE HARRI&OH • BILLY PRESTON l£0M RUSSELL material tradenamed Perma- G. Owens, 17, of Dewey, 111 , RINGO STARR : KUUS WORMANN • BADFINGIR PfTE HAM • TOM (WI S - JOEY HOLLAND STATION LISTINGS Kangaroos ere big business in ¦ ¦ Care Label for labeling, all won the sixth annual Operation Mlnncanolls St. Paul Auslln-KAUS CJi. 4 Eau Cla|re-WEAU Ch. 13 MIKE GIBBONS - ALLAN BEUTLER JESSE EO DAVIS • CHUCK FIKOLfV - MARL1M GREENE JE/.WE GREENE ' WCCO CIY 4 WTCN CO. 11 Rochcster-KROC Ch. 10 La Crosse—WKBT Ch- «- Australia. types of garments. Driver Excellence contest on KSTP Ch. 5 KTCA Ch. 1 Wlnona-WSC 3 La Crojse-WXOW Ch. I* KMSP Ch « - Mason Clty-KGIO Ch. 3 Programs subied to changt About 1.5 million are . killed Winona Daily News Edwin Mendels,. vice presi- the rain drenched 7 Milwaukee Split Second 4-9,19 Jemesler 3-4 & Nanny & Professor¦ 9. : dent, for hew business develop- County Stadium parking lot „,„„„„,.' " i jack-Lalannt " -,n Gourmet . 11 yearly in a '$23 million plus ¦ ' T^' .„ . - . TUESDAY/ MAY 16, \ ,nri« * Sesame Street 11 11:J5 News 1-1013 $1.00 $1.50 \_ ¦ ' , 10:00 Electric Company 1 market, reports the National 7:15-9:15 — 55^- - _ J - i^tf ul Rollsion „ ul0o Newt 1-4.5*10 i VOLUME 116y . NO. ,154 j 7,00 Sew, U9 ' . ' F-jm'hr «'«'r X'« All My Geographic Society. ^ Cartoon. « CW,drl!n ?•, Published dally except Saturday and : Centuryr„„?„™ «-'«•'',,n n " They 'r00s are turned into cer- ¦ Today ; s-io-1 3 . Lunch With tain holidays by Republican and Herald _ ' Three ( guns against one determined rnan! Mj&r : Or«" Acrei 9 Ci,„ y „ — g& I 1.00 Carlooni *r4-8- ¦ .. .. Publishing Company, .601 Franklin St., News 9- ¦ »'»- cans of pet food, athletic ¦ ' ' ^ ' e ^LII. 3-4-1 IMS Variety S-10 Wlnont, Minn. 55987. • Comedy 11 Worl,) Hollywood "- i0 Turn* *** and high-fashion boots. Their §'?¦ 6REG0HYPECK 130 Classroom 1 Le . . SUBSCRIPTION RATES . ' mMSU Squares S-10-13 ^-/^LA.?«,. -Z'*y - *dF~ ' IIAl UMI I IB^ ^^ vm$t&*W&% Movlo - . «, Bewitched 4-9-H ^J3681^ ^—«-*!»- fur-covers-feoy-koala-bears_uaiid ——' Slnglt-Copy.lSc Daily, -30c Sunday. ' . w; ni*iiifi*i»MO r™uciK)N Thr n Delivered by Carrier—Per xyz$z^00^;* m Cartoont 9 Beat the

FRIED SPRING SPECIAL CHAR-BROILED j ; cf makcmiu lto TENDERLOIN ¦ Ij¦ Bp^ C"'CKEN $M9 SUPPER CLUB X- 1 STEAK $1.99 RESTAURANT , ^-^J | ^mnrmi m FOUNTAIN CITY WIS. /^/_W^>, "*^ 1 1 I M PHONE, 687-4221 /^V*! L!A\{5) A I INCLUDES SOU P. POTATOES , SALAD , COFFEE WS2&I & LOUNGE • 1'YciKiti Fries, Aniorlcnii fries, slcnnioil oi* mashed potatoes. INTERSECTION HIGHWAYS 61 • Mixed salad bowl with French , ltoiiuefort , 1 , 01)0 Island j J SH =9K lh'i'.sslnf*;. M AND $T*TE HIGHWAY 43 CALL US TO CATER YOUR PICNIC EU^^JgJ" / * Ml m Third Stroot PHONE POTATO SALAD, COLE SLAW, BEANS TO CO. M/MM/I E"'t ^1 454-4390 © ^^ L fl • OPEN 24 HOURS DAIIY ^J MJiin ST EAK SHOP Mflln ' • Nixon to deal with hardline Leninists Moscow: beneath the surf a (EDITOR'S NOTE: Next when situations became too chronic risk in tbe powerful So- book attitudes. mor-plated conservatism. This a doctrine which allows almost be able to live side by side International Congress of 1928. weekend President Nixon dangerously hot, carried over viet military presence in the regime, like its predecessors, any means for accomplishing ishort of total war, and circum- "The peace policy of the pro- leaves jor the second of this to his successors. Middle East. "The Soviet Union pursues a letarian state," it said , "cer- **} resolute anti-imperialist course, long has negotiated from the the end. stances have hardly ever been . year major summit meel- When Stalin was resisted hi Where the policy could safely what7 ours is tainly does not imply that the ings consistently and firmly uphol- standpoint of " s If , as the Soviet leaders in- as dangerous as they are today. 7 — a session in Moscow Iran in 1946, after trying to bite be made to stick, the Kremlin ours, what's yours we'll nego- Soviet state has become recon- to supplement his February ding the interests of socialism , sist, they are devoted to the But it does not mean an end to capitalism, .. It is off that country's Azerbaijan made it stick. Thus in Hungary tiate about." V ciled with talks with Chinese leaders. the freedom of peoples and the precepts of Lenin, their policy the ideological war. It does not merely another and, under Province, he pulled back. When in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in Nixon-will find Brezhnev and What sort 0/ people will cause of universal peace," should reflect it. It has. With mean an end to the Soviet drive present conditions, more advan- the West resisted his attempt to 1968, Soviet military forces his colleagues tough bargain- regard to peaceful coexistence, Hixon be facing across the . he Leonid I. Brezhnev said in ia to- overturn systems? of other tageous form of fighting capi- seize isolated ^fest Berlin, strangled reform movements March speech. ers, as were Stalin and the Soviet Communist party Kremlin tables ? What ore gave up the gamble. Warned countries. talism." and the West did nothing, be- That sentence Khrushchev before them. This constantly warns communists the aims of Soviet f oreign off Greece and Turkey by Pres- could have •• ' ' policy? cause to challenge what was been lifted from Stalin or is hardly surprising. ? - All of abroad not to carry it too far. The interpretation of peacfnl . ident- Harry S. Truman, he happening could have risked These and other Khrushchev. them were brought up in an at- It means that in dangerous cir- coexistence in Moscow has not question* backed away. major war, ere . discussed 'in- this f irst.of. In the U.S. experience, "ahtk mosphere of rigid adherence to cumstances rival powers should changed since the Communist .;¦; In terms 0/ dogma, Soviet Suspicion is another hallmark lour articles tracing the rec- policy couldn't be wrong in imperialist" in a Soviet state- crd from Russia's 1917 revo- of the sort of policy Nixon must ment invariably has meant ::: : : ¦ Kremlin eyes tecause it ad- confront. For 54 years, deep :: : v :: r : y :/ ::: ' ' ' / - : - lution through World War vanced "progressive" interests anti-United States. -7' ' ' ' ' " " " ' ¦7 - '^' - '^ II and the cold war.) suspicion has dominated rela- 7" 7 '7 7 " . ' of the so-called motherland of tions between Moscow and "Peace and freedom of peo- By WTLLS VI L. RYAN socialism. Soviet claims are al- Washington. Soviet-American ples" has meant the security of AP Special Correspondent ways "just." Those of others relations were never really the Soviet system and the in- violability of Communist party The tip of Moscow's foreign are always "trumped up, hav- good except, perhaps, for a policy . V iceberg is labeled ing nothing in common 7with brief period of alliance during rule wherever it has beenV in- . stalled. "peaceful coexistence." peaceful intentions." World War II. . Ever since the Soviet system CUSTOM Beneath the surface is a pon- |, T Stalin called himself Leninist. , Basically, this has proved a derous aiid potentially dan- perilous sort of policy, often Khrushchev called himself Le- began, its leaders have ex- gerous mass. risking war situations. Stalin ninist. Today's leaders profess pressed a conviction that the .At the?Moscow summit next ran the risk in Iran and Berlin. to be ardent and faithful follow- United States wanted to destroy week President Nixon will deal Nikita S. Khrushchev ran the ers of all Lenin's! doctrines. To- it. Even before World War II ended with a group of aging Soviet risk trying to install offensive ward the United States and , Stalin resumed the BUILT leaders who are both Russian missiles in Cuba. There is a "imperialism," they have text- struggle against what he called ZmmZ and Leninist: Their concepts of imperialism. world competition have beer! Suspicion on the Soviet , side is Irazeh by 50 years of Leninist not much less now than it was Jyjflul !*.^ ideology. x in the Stalin era and certainly ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ Nixon economists no less than in Khrushchev's rfl9 : own "S- In 1917, V. T. Lenin, founder of Km^Mmmmm_?l*alC4^iw&QBi3___ M ' Tj HERE'S no thrill I ike planning and building your time. Listen to Brezhnev in that ^m v^m home. even years Bolshevism and the? Soviet March speech: "An event that Mm7-rM, M 1^11 Months?or of thought may state, said:"Theoretically, it 4 differ on forecast attracted attention not so long serve would be absolutely mistaken ago was the visit to China by go into making it exact ly as you want it, custom ? . is By JOHN CUNNIFF by the end of 1973. ^^_ mm_\______W to forget that every war NEW YORK (AP) - If you U.S. President Nixon his tailored merely a continuation of poli- • Interest rates will rise and ¦ i- ' to your needs, your tastes and your accept the, Nixon ; adminis- slowly: in 1972, as the economy talks with the Peking leaders. i ..^^^mWmmi^ tics by other means." • ¦ 'Infer- tration's outlook for the econo- develops momentum, and more What can be said on .this mat- ? way of living.? 7 entially, politics then would be my you are making plans for a rapidly next year, when credit ter?" a continuation of war by other steady decline in the rate of in- becomes more restrictive. means. What could be said , he sug- flation as price and wage limi- • The housing boom has al- CfQIJ FWCHV Equal care should go into arranging the loan that In 1918, Lenin said: "It is ri- tations tighten their grip. ready peaked. While , the num- gested, was that neither Peking diculous ... not to know that a If you are a hard-nosed econ- ber of units on which work ihas nor Washington told what real- makes home ownership possible. It too should be treaty - is a means of gaining omist whose opinions are the begun will hit a record of 2.3 ly went on at the Nixon-Chou tailored to fit your particular circumstances. Before strength." The Soviet record bn basis for corporate spending million this year, only 1.9 mil- En-lai meetings. It seemed to DAIM KJ NIG treaties has been" one of pledges decisions you might think dif- lion units -will be started next Brezhnev much more went on you make any definite commitment for the home ; V : than either would OEDWIS *E made .to be broken when break- ferently. You might even place year, . let on. How ¦wE« l VlwE ing them servecHhe national in- your bet on a rise rather than a Is the forecast realistic? The else, he asked a bit /sourly, :- ' ' . you build or buy, come in and let us work with you terest. decline in inflation. answer can only be supplied by could one assess the Nixon re- Since Lenin, Soviet policy has time. The proof , that is, will be mark in Shanghai : "Our two in arranging the right loan for your needs. You'll (hat aimed at two basic goals: se- A Jot 0/ companies sub- provided by the statistical evi- peoples hold in their hands the find our terms attractive and flexible enough to fit ' curity of the Soviet state and scribe to the Quarterly Review dence available one or two future off the whole world." He expansion of Soviet authority. of Economic Prospects may be years from now. left unspoken an obvious ques- bot h present ; and future. doing just that. The current is- CHECKING your requirements, Tliat policy was swaddled in a tion: Where would that leave :: sue states flatly: "Inflation will " : ' ' tight blanket of tradition. To- the Soviet Union '' ACCOUNTS V -^" v<'" .-:v V- "- -^ " " - not be licked." EQUAL- HOUSING- UNDER-V -^ -^ day it has a of the era of a Bond issue for Brezhnev and his colleagues century ago a sort of Victorian There may be a temporary , improvement it concedes but have displayed for a long time diplomacy relying on deception , , Minnesota Power SAVINGS it will be shoot-lived. It says,' a dread of the notion of y^^^ and armed power. "Consumer prices will increase ht approved "bridge-building." Moscow has ACCOUNTS Under Stalin, when Moscow & Lig denounced the whole idea as ]fMlf@il{ 3.6 per cent this year and 4.7 (AP) was worried it feigned indiffer- per cent in 1D73." ST? PAUL, : Minn. — A part of a U.S.-inspired plot to bond issue totaling $4.75 million ence, as witness the attitude to- That forecast is not to be takr undermine communist rule. ward the first U.S. atom bomb. en lightly if only because of the has been approved for Min- The Kremlin has never been When the Kremlin was serious- source which is the General nesota Power &. Light Co., of hesitant . about pushing its own EVERY PURPOSE f , Wendell Anderson fe u ^i n ly concerned about one area, it Electric Co., fourth largest in- Duluth , Gov. propaganda for revolutionary ^f rf* *Mn sought to divert attention by fo- dustrial company in the coun- announced today. overthrow of existing . regimes Anderson said the revenue 7 ; cusing on another. When Mos- try, manufacturer? of many around the world, but it PLUS EVERY WmK ^m^-' - • SkTAW raAKiLr cow sought to be subtle it often scores of consumer items. bonds, okayed by Economic De- violently resents and sternly WJ miilWro -. TATE BANK proved clumsy, resorting to While looking for "broad , velopment Commissioner Roger denounces anything from the OTHER BANKING naked force to achieve its ends. steady growth" in the economy L. Baker, are believed to b« the other side that it chooses to '\xx :x : SERVICE overall, and expecting next first in the nation approved for read as propaganda V against z 7i^LL^ What Stalin could safely take, the purchase of industrial pollu- BROADWAY & JUNCTION STRiEET year . to be "somewhat stronger communist rule. Er%lJS WEST FOR he took: half of Poland, all than anticipated earlier ," the tion control abatement equip- BANKING ¦ ¦ ¦ ril ^ l% ^ ''NEIGHBORHOOD EVERYONE" three Baltic nations ment for public utilities. ¦ ¦ , a piece of GE; economists foresee ele- While opening seeking encour- ¦ mmummwotnaouumciumnumm . _ . Germany, a slice of Romania. ments that won't make Wash- "The action is consistent with aging, financing and even ar- He imposed Soviet-dominated ington one bit happy. the state's policy of encour- ming revolution in non-commu- Coll "Weatherphone" 454-1230 Any Hour for Weather Information rulers, at the points of. Russian Among them.: aging positive programs that ist nations, the Kremlin is bayonets, on Eastern Europe. • Unemployment will remain assist Minnesota industry in decidedly antirevolutionary in : The? Stalin strategy of feint above 5.4 per cent this year, solving its problems," Ander- its own backyard. It jealously ^' ; : and probe, involving retreat son said in a release. guards the status quo with ar- y - y:/-\^ ^ 7 dropping to around 5 per cent 7: v. ? ^


alr forced-air gas ! %^^;fef^lM see , part of your new gas if^^W J«^ Hfc |w ^l^^ If you have a gas Justat your houseyour company pft il^^ conditioner is already installed. or ^•||§« your local heating contractor. He'll arrange for total home comfort. nights.. I^ ^ il ra Then you can say 9°odbye t0 those hot » st » cky» muggy summer Tho iifS|i^ Biffltmifffll C^B Pptro8uwi IRuoL your local pipeline serving Natural Jl^fi^^ The Gas to gas company The dangers of View from W^st running for off ice WASHINGTON — Something mora ; spilled than violent, if minority, demonstra- One hundred and fifty men and If once upon a time we felt we needed to read women South American countries for stories about tions in behalf of the communists in Willia m S. White about ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Into the wide Ohio at mid- pretty ¦ ¦" y- " ¦ x ¦ ' ' ' ' politics with the gun that notion should be Vietnam is coming from the environs • " ; ; ; morning, well dispelled now. of Stanford University. compassion for the people oi the And the tumbling chunks of con- '¦— Young writers recently graduated United States the people simply crete Kennedys and of as people and not as members The of the two there with honors in English are of Broke ice like giants' footfalls, Martin Luther King in the 1960s were, contrary to this or that political or social bloc. The bounty hunters came down to contemporary reaction, no unusual nhenomena. The challenging the Eastern magazine Nobody in this country is doing bet- and book publishing establishment — fish for corpses: gun, it seems, has nearly the forete of a vote in ter writing and surely nobody is do- With rakes and makeshift spears recent American political history. which is increasingly monopolistic in ing it with less grasping for quick both artistic and commercial terms They stirred the broken scum, • rewards. Easing down the limestone banks — with a new life-approach that attempt on his life in Maryland Their central message is antirat Even before the skips "the new politics" and instead One by one, Alabama was given race — they celebrate good and sim- yesterday, Governor Wallace of Illuminates the humane values of an And they forced flatbeds through to lead in the popular vote in Mary- ple things while resolutely calling a good chance older and kinder America. the bracken land and in Michigan today. The man who gunned attention to things that are neither. And crackling mud, him down in the Laurel shopping center may have TO THOS E who read widely ir And running through theypages of And they searched the heaving achieved an altogether different objective than ob- is no news that this band of young- Place is a warning to the I'm-all- current livion through death. sters has long since made a nation- right-Jack Americans who consider For the hapless bob of a broken ¦ al success and indeed won a nation- that so long as they themselves body — ' ' .' ¦ Among the Democratic contenders for the nom- al book award with the half-maga- are successful, nothing and nobody This one, trailing muddy chintz. ination , the Alabama governor has been the pri- zine-half-catalogue called "The Whole else need be considered. And there, nosing his across mary "law and order" candidate. His critics have Earth." Now, a descendant of "The This poem by Place contributor a quiet pool. said that his hard-line attitude toward the criminal Whole Earth," called "Place," a Cia Holdorf tells the story very And there resulted in making Alabama a tranquil magazine-book produced with stout ¦well ' " - Waiting under a sheaf of ice, her has not ;. . ¦¦ state; yet the experience is certain to harden the hope, is appealing to people who WHEN SILVER BRIDGE SHOOK eyes ' . . :.; would like surcease from harsh To: the passing sky. .;¦' ¦' ' governor 's attitudes toward tolerance of the crim- the When Silver Bridge 'shook and . clamors of Vietnam , the presiden- But as I was standing above 7 inal element and give others with more gentle atti- ' WATER' ' V\\ii\- tudes pause to reexamine their attitudes. tial campaign and all that. Near the rift in the concrete ' C'MON 1N.THE S ¦' ¦'' 7. The people on Place have little hedge, . One of the hunters himself sailed It probably will be said again that the assassin money, no advertising revenue and ' ¦ was mentally unbalanced; yet increasingly many no public relations firm to huckster yby ;. - .;¦ 7. will wonder if it is not the society that is unbal- their product. They do , however, Doing the dead man's loll; him. anced, given to the whims of permissiveness and have enormous talent (so much so His harpoon floating behind the dangers of confrontation. Less visible than, the that certain slick-paper Eastern pub- Snagged in the lamb's wool jacket thereat is a lications are already cribbing their Of his? twenty-dollar catch : Lui assassinations and attempts Don dramatic i dismal record of murder and robbery and assault ideas) and; the special: courage of The dead and the burier of the The governor of the Common- and rape and the other myriad forms of man's in- the young. : -dead.V wealth of Puerto Rico Teat pensively downstream - humanity . to man. y : ?. They are, in a sense, of the turn- Lifelessly jostling during dinner flanked by two visitors William F. Buckley Toward a floating nest ed-off generation , and their private and two aides and their wives, Of Rhododendron prunings. on It will be said again , too, ban the' small gun political views would in some cases top of La Fortaleza, the oldest con- In the eye of the beholder , HAS THE United States been guil- from private ownership — arid it should be — but raise the hackles of moderate and . tinuously? occupied executive build- conservatives — as indeed they No certainty. ty of any actual indignity towards the that alone will not calm a seething society. ing in the western world, looking out Puerto Ricans? Not really, would of this columnist. The point, the gov- United Features Syndicate over the lights of the harbor at San ernor said. Everyone behaves well, Will candidates for national office be compelled however, is that they do not intrude Juan. these views into Place : and, above even the tourists. It is known, though to conduct their campaigns from television studios? A half-hour earlier he had sped all , they are not trying to run any Don Luis does not dwell on it, that How did senators McGovern and Humphrey feel Tough equation off to the old Dominican convent, : indoctrination school for? any ideol- the governor has wanted Puerto today when they made their first, public appearan- now a public monument, to sign a What most people are looking for Rico to become the 51st state of the ces? Are they asking themselves, "Can I afford to ogy. 7 new law. There were several hun- They are simply writing of life as these days is less to do, more time union. He fought for it in 1967 run for office," or are they asking, "Can I afford to dred elderly Puerto Ricans waiting they see it. And what they're pub- to do it in and more pay for not when a plebiscite was conducted , risk my life to run for office?" — A.B- for him, listening: to five quite aw- lishing , is full of a curiously adult getting it don&r-*=-"Baltimor» Sun. but the motion was defeated six to ful musicians playing a little squeak- four. This does not mean that Puerto ily into a microphone which every Ricans wish disengagement from tha now and then contributed its thunder United States. Those who do are a " : and static to the occasion. tiny though not unnoisy minority. Take-home pay y The WINONA DAILY NEWS 7 DON LUIS Antonio Ferre tat governor will point out that down with his aides in the fron t row Puerto Rico's standard of living, and listened patiently to the music. while to be sure, only two-thirds per of the very few Then after being introduced as "our capita that of Mississippi, the low- est state in the union, is neverthe- ITT apparently won't need to pass along $200 ,000 A page of opinions and ideas beloved governor" he reminisced that as a member of the legislature less five or six times the per capita or $400,000, or whatever it was, to underwrite the ¦!¦ ¦ i ' i»m^mmmmmmmmmamamamemueaaimmm ^mmaa ^mmmmmmmmmmmmm ^mm^»^»m^mmmmme^m.m^,^mmmmmmmm ^mm^aaam^mm^^mea^^^^m^^ —i^— —— wealth of neighboring Dominican Re- , where it op- in the early fifties he had introduc- Republican convention in San Diego public notwithstanding that the Do- two; but it won't make , a great ed a bill designed to give government 7 erates a hotel or 7 Page 6a, Winona Daily News, Winona, Minnesota, Tueiday; May U, 1972 minicans have five times the land, difference one way or another in its for- pensioners a living wage.. Now final- deal of The difference is? America. Perhaps had revenues of $8.8 billion and ly, as governor, he had the? satis- tunes. Last year it he will raise the subject again after profits of $337 million? faction of signing such a bill, and advancing the cause of justice. I he is reelected , if lie is reelected. Meanwhile there is work to do. As a matter of fact, its president probably could hope, he said, in the future to be able to continue to advance the The very poor. The problem of poli- haye : managed , the Republican contribution out of Amtrak in trouble cause of justice. The pensioners ap- tics. Governor Ferre' is a practical bis own income. Forbes magazine's compilation of ¦ plauded. . man. He is very very rich, having chief executives pay puts ITT's president, Harold An editorial in feeling that Amtrak is being over- Metroliners, run? some special pro- labored many years in successful en- 1 spot. His salary last This is election year, Three old S. Geneen , in the No. Washington Post whelmed by conservatism. It has set motions, designed 7 new uniforms, terprises, including a vast cement in- gentlemen were called to sit by the year was $382,000, and his total remuneration?— Amtrak?was a year old last \veek about its assignment of determining and started on the job of improving works, y ' governor ' cluding fringe benefits, a term which hardly seems and its birthday passed almost un- whether passenger service is salvag- reservations and terminals. But in s side. And a lady who After dinner, in his informal of- ,000, not in- had worked for the government suitabl e at this salary level — was $812 noticed except for its own huge ad- able with , to steal a phrase from all this, there is little that is innova- fice, he sits at a baby grand and member- for 52 years, and must cluding such so-called perquisites as club vertisement in this and other news- another context, all deliberate speed. tive and? for that matter, little that : have add- executes with polish ah extraordi- of a company ed weight at the ships, expense accounts and the use papers. That was probably just as The trouble is that the time in Is widespread. rate of a narily difficult sonata by Franz Liszt, kilo per year, car or airplane. well, as far as Amtrak is concern- which this assignment was to be For example, a cut in fares be- eased herself down on and then tackles the piano part of a little chair as the crowd held its ed. For the performance turned in completed is short. In just 14 more tween Boston and New York in- a Schubert piano-cello sonata, breath. The chair held. The gover- Mr. Geneen also owns or controls 8,815,000 so far by this experiment in revi- months, Amtrak is scheduled to gain creased the passenger load substan- shares of ITT stock and collects the dividends there- talizing railroad . passenger service authority to drop unprofitable trains tially, but that experience has not nor has an advanced degree in mech- THOUGH ART is this politician's anical from. It closed at 53% yesterday on the New York has not been particularly distinguish- and routes. Given the current slow been widely applied. A special Flor- engineering from the Massa- first enthusiasm, and he owns the ' chusetts Institute of Technology: his Stock Exchange, which translates into '. - . . well, you ed and the patience of some of its pattern of change, that date is going ida vacation package was added this largest collection of Italian Baroque figure it out, us you contemplate your take-home boosters on Capitol Hill is begin- to roll around before much usefu l spring but only ' after a winter sea- chairs work. So is Puerto Rico work- and pre-Raphaellte art in the world, ing, pay. ning to wear thin. information has been gained on son in which apparently fewer pas- under his leadership. he gave it recently away, to a mu- Spectacularly in one sense This sense of unease about Am- whether good service on those routes sengers rode the trains than ever , the seum ih Ponce. He had Edward Dur- rise in the gross national product Although other chief executives of major cor- trak came, into public view late last would save them. Thus, some origi- before. Indeed , the most interesting ell Stone build it, to hold the 500 having gone forward resolutely even porations do quite well, Mr . Geneen is in a class month during the Senate debate on nal boosters of the Amtrak idea are development in rail transportation paintings. in the seasick economic conditions by himself. The No. 2 man on the list is the presi- a bill to increase the corporation 's beginning to wonder whether its of- since last May has been the auto- It is legendary that on the day of of the past few years. The governor, dent of City Investing, whose total compensation funding. Even the sponsors of the ficers and trustees have desi gned a train from here to Florida and that its dedication a peasant, spotting the ' hands was only $443, 000. legislation had some harsh things to program to find out if and where is run not by Amtrak but by a a widower, shook the ladies , chief magistrate, said to him: was and embraced the gentlemen , and say about Amtrak's current ap- passenger service can be saved — group of private investors . he indeed the governor? Yes, he was. sped back to Fortaleza for dinner Har- proach to its assignment and they the mission assigned by Congress — It may be that Amtrak is doing Was he indeed a very successful All of which reinforces what Sen. Fred S. where he confessed that he had not ris writes in the current issue of Saturday Re- wrote into the bill several provi- or whether their program is design- as well as it can under the handi- businessman? Yes, he was. Was he sions designed to spur Amtrak to ed to prove that most passenger caps with which it started ; in retro- until recently begun to inquire deep- also the accomplished pianist? Well, view: but greater efforts. Then , after Am- trains cannot be put on an econom- spect, it appears that Amtrak was ly into the nature of Napoleon , yes. Well , how did he have time to that he is now (at age 67) reading trak's president , Roger Lewis, was ically-sound footing. rushed into existence too quickl y paint all those paintings? The story "The poorest one-fifth of the population gets a biography which points out that quoted by the Wall Street Journal It is true that Amtrak has made and substantially underfinanced . But is apocryphal, but Luis Antonio 5 percent of the national income. The second-poor- Bonaparte always looked for themes as saying it couldn 't spend usefully some useful improvements in pas- the problems are behind it now, Ferre' is delighted by it , as are his est fifth — the "lower middle class" — earns only the French as much money .as the Senate thinks senger service in tlie past year. It and it has a long way to go in the around which to unify visitors delighted by this worldly, 13 percent , and the richest one-fifth gets over 40 gh national it can , Senator Weicker publicly has switched passenger cars around , next year to justify the amount of people at moments of hi sensitive, and gentle man who pre- percent of the income. After taxes, thanks to the Le- called for Mr. Lewis to resign. refurbished some of them, improved money the taxpayers of the coun- disarray, that one such was the sides happily over the tangled af- loopholes, these percentages remain almost exactly What Is the Puerto Behind all this, we suspect, is a schedules, increased the number of try are putting into it. gion of honor, fairs of Puerto Rico; the same. Rican equivalent , the visitor asked? DUNAGIN'S PEOPLE Dignity, he said. Washington Star Syndicate "Obviously, if we are going to stop the vicious by Dunagin cycle of the poor getting poorer , the income is goins Soft judges make to have to come from the richest 20 percent of the population , which collects 40 percent o( the national May is many things income each year , and not from working peop le , hardened criminals wh«c* 20. percent of the national populat ion earns An editorial In being hung. only 13 percent of the national income. From an advertisement of The New York Times May Is ruby-crowned kinglets flit- ting nervously from twig to twig and Warner & Swasey The month of May is a serenade "GM President Richard Gerstenbcrg should Company: gypsy moths at work again as house- of tree frogs and persistent spring 000* annual income before holders despair. It is May-basket have to shave his $000, Much too much sympathy ia fi $10 ,M0 worker is asked to cut his. That ' s not peepers , and it is a time of dan- time for children and pruning shear chenp politics or irrational romanticism , it ' s simple wasted in this country on criminals; delions, still more skunk cabbage, time for their fathers. Mny is stu- Justice ." and there is far , far too little con- and dogwoods and lilacs In bloom. dents planning for the holidays or warm- cern for the victim s they murder, It is the slap of paint brushes in for career jobs nnd of bands ing up for Memorial Day, And, sud- •Forbes says the GM president ' s compensation rob , rape , beat and burn. Almost the boatyards and rakes scratching last year was $275 ,000.- A.B, denly, lt is time for summer. every day you read about some ln suburban gardens. It is thunder vicious human , freed on a ridiculous nnd lightning and downpours but it technicality, or turned loose after is also young lovers whispering un- serving only a fraction of his sen- der a big moon that makes a glitter- tence . And then the awful WINONA DAILY N EWS sequel— ing path on pond , river, lake and another victim of that same crim- tea. inal who The is entitled exclusively to should not have been free It is weeping willows leafing out the uso for republication of all the local news printed to murder and burn and rob again. In gentle, pale drifts and apple and In this newspaper as well as all A .P . news dispatches. For too many years the trend in peach blossoms thnt look even love- this natio n has been to permissive- W ILLIAM F. WHITS Publisher lier when girls went* them in their ness without punishment — too C. E. LINDEN Bus, Mgr., Adv. Director hair. It is tlie grinding of lawn mow- DOLPH BREMER much ease and too litlle responsi- A . . . , , Edttor-ln-Chief ers and outboard motors; It Is a GARY W. EVANS . . . . Newt Editor bility. time of fragrance and May flowers SERVICES FOR C. GORDON HOLTB ..,...,.Sunday Editor I his country still belongs to those nnd violets in bloom, of black flics FRANK R. Uiuia ...... Editorial Writer people who worked to build It , not Mrs. Ethel M. Harvey W ILLIAM H. ENGLISH Controller nnd mosquitoes and of screen doors 1:00 p.m, Wednesday to the shiftless who contribute noth- Marlln Funeral Chapul A. J. K IEXBUSCU Circulation Mgr. ing yet demand they bo taken care RONK ...... Composing Supt, L. S. B of. It is high time, the men and ' m/qivrm V. ALSTON ..»..»..Engraving Supt. What ' s outlook? > 1. women who do the work and FuriEftAL R OBERT VOGELSANG Press Supt. pay Home. the taxes and carry tho Fotmtil)f responsibil- « VoU KTUPN FROM VflUR RUSSIA STATE v/ISIf OL It isn't one's position that makes Inlllow-Mtrlln Funtr«| ity said a Horn* MEMBER Or Tilt ASSOCIATED PRESS loud NO to those who 6UMMIT TALK ft WHATEVEP If IS, U/E'U PLAM ^OUd W one happy or unhappy — It' s one's are destroying the decf-ncy and dig- disposition. — Louisville Courier- 376 [«•( Simla • Wlnon* To -]\\t GO? CONVENTION THAT Phon« D.y or Night 454-1940 An Independent newspaper'- Establiahed 1855 i nity and future of America. , WHEf ^P- 1^... " Journal. Adults also like QUAL,TY roller skating To the editor \$l l Y M \) V ) *ft ~M\ For the five years I have been living in Winona I have ribhons) and pride in skating as in other sports. J >•# >M0 W ^m ^ PRICELESS , >piwSKEd | 1 sorely regretted not having the financial ability or the man-, There is something for young and old in roller skating. agement know-how to establish a roller ekating rink ia I for one hope to enjoy regular skating right here ia Winona INGREDIENT Winoria.;? . • soon. - , , . . .¦ -, TED MAIER DRUGS LV I In my hometown in enjoyed a skating MRS. JEANNE ROETZLER Rhode Island I ¦ A» « § rink for years, investing countless hours oh wheels. I've Winona Rt 3 DOWNTOWN '» *" \Z^L'' ^ ' ' Proscription!. s^f^'-^fV V^ / developed a deep appreciation for the activity. I certainly ¦¦ ? ¦ '•? ¦ I ______^__ ^\ I would like to realize tne income of owning a successful rink. W speaking out on However, I will content myself on only X mX^fff !f!f!t^SAmmmm\mmmmmm^ "'Pr "" ^ ,ion ^'l' \ \Y\ the behalf of thos« adults wanting a rink.. : ••.• ' . ' MmMMMMMmmmmmfftMH^mmW NeX* *striP * ^ N/ \ It is already established the kids and teens want a place New laws are killing to skatt in their city. : V i Now I would like to emphasize that many adults in Wi- U— | nona would like to enjoy the good healthy sport of skating Prices Effective Through Sunday, May 21 1 AlUllial on "adult night" as well as family nights with their kids. small meat markets J Further, there are many adults in this community Several weeks ago a meat processor in Fountain City who do not spend their recreational hours in bars, movies was forced to go out^ of business. In a few days , the local ij .Mitrnini ! B& IIH Spring Event and the like and would appreciate the wholesomeness of 7 meat market will also be.closing its doors and going out of ^ W '. skating. business. The reason? Overbearing rules and regulations. regU And for those of us who take skating seriously, instruc- Ff HAS BEEN determined by numerous inspections that |ar slz tors can be found or trained to 7 give lessons on skating $2.50 " the facilities are not adequate to process meat. They had 1 9 techniques. There is a definite attractiveness to graceful, been very adequate for many years, but in these days of , j | | ^ K [ fl 9 accomplished skating. The development of grace and coor- big business influences and increased bureaucratic controls, g CHAN ^^ dination is especially beneficial to the young people. the facilities have been found to lack the necessary expen- Roller skating is often thought of as "kid stuff" and sive equipment and furnishings to process meat. Improve- $1 many people don't realize there is competition (awards, ments required would be very costly and quite impractical 1 ~ ^M BOIMQIIE2.75 ! ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ i 7 for a small business. y¦ 4HHSIRRBBH oni in frwSwl Maybe I'm partial to bur local businesses, or maybe ' S EsHlif SI I- Mi'#tt«r %<>? Eau *•ColognsToiIclto L7S <*• s-°° ¦ Qj^tincUvs I'm old-fashioned and like good-tasting meat, but I have :• ^{mm^SmMSj OULIU lidHs^^HI Eau de Sox. yet to find a place which meets all the "expensive'* regu- nr\ sPowda sos. 2.7s lations and still sells meat with the "fresh" taste. Meat :-l 0^^jfu \ no Mr R^*fflHBI ^^ which I have purchased at a large supermarket usually C\cJS\ HOMES tastes either old, tough or fatty. Of course, I shouldn't L T ^ .l COMPONENT BUILDIN G SYSTEMS complain. Their facilities meet all the regulations, so their meat has to be the best. Sounds good on paper, but tastes terrible on the dinner plate. I realize that the 'two cases- in . Fountain City are not unique. Small businesses throughout the country are being j rg^d $1.20 VALUE forceo to close their doors because of unbearable controls * ^ 5 ^^ 1 ^«^~- I and regulations set forth by our elected or appointed of- ! . ficials. OUT constitution guarantees us free enterprise* how- 1 mmM WBU AMBUSH 1 ever, this is swiftly becoming obscure, as the small business- NOXZEMA man is finding it impossible to compete wth the corporate j] ^^__^amB^W 20 CARATS CLTIkl /-DCALi i monsters. The large companies can afford to rneet new CREAM standards and regulations while the small businessman can- j! SKIN not. . - . $1.59 VALUE CONGRATULATIONS MMW mmm j A TIME when our economy Is n»t in the best of condi- tion is not a time to force our small businesses to close. Our Secret Ed J. Ren k f small businessmen , pay an t. / enormous amount of dollars ih I Family STOCKTON, MINN. taxes, while our corporate monsters continue to "legally " \ Siie ______^^^ •" evade billions of dollars in taxes every year. Somewhere, somehow, sometime soon, something has to Deodorant w-« - o- $1.6, VAIUI j change. Let's give our local businessman a break. 7 Let's \¦\ PANASONIC Drive Down Rising Costs! help them remain in business. " HOUS I NO COMPONENTS FABRICATED IN A MODERN FACTOR?. . ••? ' '. ALLEN D. ENGEL RQ40'DflS • USING ALL HIGH QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS, \ , LILT SPECIAL f • BUILT TO RIGID ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS. Fountain City, Wig. QQc ? VVE WILL FABRICATE TO ANY HOME PLAN. yy • YOUR HOUSE EXTERIOR WILL BE COMPLETE IN ONE DAV. Octopi at New NAMED PRESIDENT PERMANENT • TREMENDOUS SAVINGS THROUGH FACTORY METHODS. MILWAUKEE (AP) - Jack Iq ° RECOVER Aquarium Turner of Janesville was elect- __ CONTRACTOR ready to explode ed Saturday as president of the !] Wisconsin Automatic Merchan- ;! - $2.98 VAIUE T .. QQc j BOSTON (AP) There's a j - dising Council at its annual ^ Q Q CBS HOMES population explosion under way convention. Hot 'n Cooler LjSgJ « ^!Z, 184 Main Street among the octopi at the New \ La Crescent, Minn. 55947 England Aquarium. cember : and both apparently 1-CaL L VALUE j Fifty octopus eggs hatched were carrying fertilized eggs. I 1^1 \vk TAM INTERESTED IN COST SAVING ON CBS HOMES recently and aquarium curator The babies are a half inch in !j INSULATED 1 J^ 0 I own a lot ? I am planning on bldg. a homi : Louis E. Garibaldi says ap- diameter, are eating brine rML/Vl^LIYCPALMOL1VE „ , T el. .,.. ; ¦ . proximately 1,000 more are shrimp and showing ability to P,CN,C JUG N»me: — ;. ——i- waiting to hatch. change color and to discharge W^sJI 1 t KJAr*..' Garibaldi said the aquarium protective ink clouds. Dishwashing Zip KiP O City Stata . ^. - received t*wo female octopi They will grow to about two J $1 AQ MMmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmMMmmmmmMMMMam from southern California in De- feet in diameter. | I.W Liquid . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^^^ ¦ ^^ ¦ ^^ ¦ ^ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ^ ¦ ^^^ ¦ ^^^^^ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ i ^ if^\\ BIHIIHHI ^HIBH ^ \ t ; /Ofcw M *-r \ $T 32 oj 22- A C- ^ n'/'ml 'Tl'^ i ^gal VAIUB l^ / | | JK ^fe ^y* " Wednesday* Thursday, Friday, StttvrdayOnly \ ^ ^

BA.GGIES Antidiarrheal COPPERTONE mMli '"¦ d0jJ-\mmmJMmmmmmm ^^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM mlWIfflfcQ | \ ^^ SUNTAN lOTION I 8 Sandwich 8-Or. ifP"^^¦ | I B Coppertone gs ¦ S : « Orc ¦ ¦- iaSBi C4/r 1 j z37c 88 r

W~ y l ¦ ^K- foyi' cotlon /royon erewi. leg'. Gieen. Sovt l B IM ^ £t\F^^t^^! ^^p^i^r^'fPK\ m. JL. MX'' fl CLIP AND SAVE! 1 liI ': I I With These Coupons I I Wm!mSIMZZI *iMi3 'pHiC!QQIX^MJIlHg f ' TED MAIER COUPON S. fi m TED MAIER COUPON jf,$ Reg. IS* ] , N 1^ pamllyFamllv Sl»su* ^1^ & 1 1 ISa g |g & "' > BRIEFS OR BIKINIS MEN-S •OOOINO 'SHOM' K ¦ " ^ ^ Mf ^^t ' 9 $ 1 F lWm\W^3W'- ^t^mirfl | P«» ' ¦ ' « Qc i 1 Vick's 3 O Oc I 1 1 - O C Ugh Drops I I I Concentrate ° QO 1 p ° '*" I w Hh "upo^. Good only at TMD** Downtown. *" ji I Ij M WIMi coupon. Good only «t TMD Downtoivn. ft M Explni1 May 21 ,971, Explrei Sunday, May Jl. 1972. Sundny' I I g ^j* i | ' g j | | HWHMttBH^^ piHBBB^ j

72x^0" BLANKETS TRAINING PANTS HOUSEHOLD TOOLS 19"PATI0 7RAY » J 'f^m C. IID or • ' i 1.I011"™* «i } 1 [p iii i« ia ^^ ^Biiciaaiis§| ^^ ! M^- im SM /'« '"'.' '' M iM evCZVsmnd 'Jo *e a. 7S'l* jmwmf *"> '" g%£%- M TED MAIER COUPON gj TED , r S-M.L( 3B-44 A„orlm.r,l XC MAIER COUPON m^tm»>lobrk°utl.Zbl.nd. 2,*»«« f« mS«>*? %*Hl?'po.lolt. 2-6. m»B"W tu ¦ S.«i «I ^''^ '"'V T I I g | ' ^olii/iooli. ^"W M U. i«lpllioy. ^T ^T » ^ Alkolavt, U-Ox. < "" | j H c|i Dontur* CUansIng, 60't || M,II HH B -¦¦:-: ^ Mi ' mX^iMmm ^*:* ' . arerflwnp liJi 'M^,*ii -Tj^panw^k; Rubbing Efferdcnt | | OTc l 1 77 ° I I / SB Tablets 1 ! I £ Alcohol Compound mm/ / OT {S? af Mama ^ !S Good only TMD^ BS 11 at V/lth coupore. Downtown. eS{ with coupon. Good cnly TMD Downtown. « \ ^ \ (p Explr»i Sunday, May 51, 1972. \f. W_ Expire* Sunday, May 21, 1972. ffi j ¦ l ^^J ^^ U. .U U. U. p,. j L|j JP K.B. I.M AA «.„, 3.J2.*< D0y,4 »9 ^. |fc3 P^L | *S8 Ac-I^oc^*y ^ ^ . . l»m SWM^ Ji,iLiii lii,. lii, lj i, u.,u MI , W a,w,n,»,.,-¦.i-llljj.ui ^ h] e F«. «» .»T«w..r ond ¥tft»f fTTTll .r . ww CJM «m ^-»- Lc Iff """ ' fi I! I «im li^:pio.nchod.." BSam+m \1 • .l E^ l z. 1 if*SM^'^' ¦ '***" •""*** ~ ^^tefeffiM ^^M „, ip.onchoIft VI «,.!*., »SJk -^gajg «^°'* ^¦¦HilirJSSrWwJI ; . . ^ „^ i ^

DOOR BUSTER POOR BUSTER POOR BUSTJR | « ALUMINUM FOIL k I M £7e^,mmT~MimW MMMmfllCR-rf HI WF' J ?4 IX^M f J r J M ^ 1 sr32 °- cr-4;*l I • Watch For Our Shaver Clinic Coming May 26 • DOOR BUSTER ^„ . , .. ,, ¦ ,, - DOORw BUSTER SCHOONBR DOOR BUSTER FREE — PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY j DUC i FACIAL TISSUE ROOM-SIZE I IN CITY | <( !^ ™ Lc RUGS »* "ru™ »» * ™ !^?,r 10 c '«»*" ~| 65% Dacron Polyester. 35% CQm Rog. 2/^ IQca¦ Ass't. Colors, Reg. 15.TO $|| 744A 209T DiSCOUN ^ cotton. Beg. Wf? yd. Wt ^^ B ¦ Jfa ! » I OPEN SUNDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE { OPEN DAILY 9 to 5, MON. & FRI. 9 to 9, SUNDAYS 1 to 5 DOWNTOWN 8:30 TO 6:00 — 452-7000 | Ur '^ UR$ Prices effective -: "° University will y ^ ^ J B ^ ^ HBH irftittftSStiKS I ^ ^ ^^^ HH ^^ ^ ' ^ ^ Sefto i ^ i ^^ ¦ BANKMJERICARO * ™ 1 y^^^^^^^^>^ "£?# not be closed, "3 ^ Jrg^^^^^^^^ H^^ OjM Jffl l^^^^^ *^^^ Thu « F * " ^^^ president vows MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP ) Moos said any student may President Malcolm Moos of withdraw from the university to BBB — ¦y . ' BBB -^vBHBy.l l ' B ' the University of, Minnesota has engage in antiwar activities, ^B_ W ' ^B^ ^ W ' IBBBBBI lVtinninbtftr BBBBBBBV' BBBBBBBBBBBBV mmmMl^^mmmmmm ^SBmmmmmmmmm ^t^mm^m^m\mmmB!^MMMMMMm^ -JBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' ' ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBL vHBBflif^H'lBBBBfl ^^H . *^^ ' promised to keep the campus but that most of the 39,00o stu- open despite the demands and dents want to continue classes. continuing demonstrations of The Johnston Hall occupiers some young people who want had been warned they would be classes shut down in protest "considered trespassing" and against the Vietnam war. in violation of state law if they About 150 protesters occupied remained after 4:30 p.m. They ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ' ' ' ' ' ULTRA HOLD. ¦ an administration building on emerged about 4:15 p.m. TViere I'l^x^ i-x^00^- ' l X-z- ' ' - STYLE-REGULAR, UNSCENTED. the Minneapolis campus for were no arrests. \ but H ANTI-PERSPIRANT SPRAY DEODORANT ^ _ _ ?' __ ;. __ nearly three hours Monday Moos said the occupation ap- ^* - ' mmm+MW*' mWMmt- ' ' I left after a warning from uni- peared . "completely peaceful" versity officials. and said he knew of no proper- :v : The takeover I The demonstrations by frag- ty damage. I PlRUT RliaBD .;?=sa=' HAIR SPRAY forced about 200 administrative mented protest groups were to LAW workers from the building, continue today. In a related ac- CHAIRS J| which houses offices of the Col- tion? students at Macalester I N Arts and the Paul were spon- lege of Liberal College in St. Graduate School . ^/-V A "Consumer's Blockade | soring a demonstrators barri- " in Minneapolis and The C for Peace caded themselves inside the St. Paul. Some 40 to 50 students "' M ^ ^ M to building after receiving what B HWi^B^B . -i m ™ MMMMMMM were to pass out leaflets "inadequate ^ ^^^^ ^ ___ ^M_ \MAym M^ M urging them to buy they described as shoppers, answers" . to their demands only the "necessities of life" as , politi- from Moos a? way of convincing the were abolition F0R sectors, of the The demands : ' :;i : ; : : cal and economic of the Reserve Officers Train- 7§f : ' -iz l' z \*^B^H : ' ' :7 ' - V /^At-fe^W^RJ* J nation to halt the war. 7 V , ^^^^^P? ' ^^ Johnston ing Corps (ROTC) on campus The occupation of an end to oivcampus war re- Hall Monday began the second KB Lbl«OllHE( ...... •».*.. I FOLDING " ' V / ^Smfj ^K_fWW^,'Mal ¦ search, a. stop to university ' ¦¦ DELUXEGreen ALUMINUMWhite mm week of disruptions, which fol- -HB *' !^d^*S^ ¦ - . ' ' AjTIla V / ^g ^MMM ^^^^_\^^ iemm^r £____&/ . . ' *^H ? 's an- ownership of Honeywell Inc. ¦ lowed President Nixon univer- Webbing ¦ : ' ¦ ' May 8 that he had stock, a shutdown of the W \*fi A'lV 'E LUU nlV3t...M . TOOTHPASTE. Family Size. 6-3/4 oz. tube .7 nouncement can work full- ¦ • ¦ M^Z ^iM ^^- \__\ ordered the ¦' mining of North sity so students X m . . . . /•• ' ^a^^^jM» 7*17 & ^ ¦ ' ¦mm :' : ' ': AA| ¦ time against the war and no re- ' m Vietnamese ports. joining "I say you can protest with prisals against students progress," Moos told a news in antiwar activities. conference, adding that we will Moos told the group that a continue to resist demands by s t u d e n t-faculty committee some protesters to close the voted last year to keep ROTC on campus and strengthen it locked m academically. He denied there Checks is any war research on the ( :y ^ «m m ' ' *"" IB building; campus, and said the university II VVT^T IJTB IM^^^I H Ir F I B^kM____ ^Mml^^^^* '' occupied owns no Honeywell stock. Moos makes a loan He said students could with- , 88* draw from classes without re- ? MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP I percussions, and added that he Univer agreed with the late Dr. Martin J^l^ — The takeover oi the |^cr ^ I s Johnstor Luther King that people who ' . J|t**7TTJE^^i^i^i^lBl^^^ ' ' slty of Minnesota' j^H . i^P^^ - JmW^mmmmmB^^-W.Vi' ' ' IBBBBBBB! ^ :^^^^UU^^|^^^: Hall by demonstrators Monday commit acts of 7 civil dis- meant some staff members obedience should be responsible didn't get- paid. for their actions. ' u^m Checks were locked up in the Moos was asked if "profes- building. ?. sional agitators" were involved University President Malcolm in the week of protests, which Moos said he encountered one have calmed down from the 1 j We've Got Super Savings I anguished . graduate student rock - throwing confrontations who was due a check for part- with police last Wednesday. ..;. "1 wouldn 't say professional ^ time work. ¦ ¦: agitators but I would say non- For 7 "Will $20 help?" Moos asked Springtime Shoppers I heavily H mSmm^a\\Ws^lS£i^S^SmmW 1 students are active and I the student. He said the student ^^ 9 gladly accepted the .loan. engaged , in this type of activi- msgg BATH 1 ; university. ty," Moos said. j BfflD 'Tm not going to let this turn He said of 33 persons ar- I SrajNUER GARDEN HOSE 1 Into a constant, interruption of rested in antiwar demonstra- S^OwSSStt the university process ," he tions last week, only IS were ^ ^ ¦ ¦ ' ' - said.: • • " university students. CHA^T ft $^49 $S° • 1 ^CO -- , *^|p3fll 97 5^97 I j LIGHTER a->]Q*? - ^ — =—-— 1 Protestant bar FLUID... '::. IjT GARDE TOOLS P ET FE CE 1 -iMs&mty] L»cquercd WoodN Handles.Chain ICK N H l«TvW**a *1—~WwMMS ifk 36" length DI ATIU.^^' ™«uTUllUll IH in Belfast is $ $ GRILLS Sp ¦ ¦ : $ ¦ 57 I f5>t/BAR-B-Q "5"™ M vnlrM V*s- l^ 2 foB P° f I¦ 17 hurt I M "^ *. ' bombed; 20'10'5 ; 24" revolving grid. *! l' ' 1 ^^^^. ^ ^ S P <^ RANCHER I MMMMB ML *PAA l ^ - AHtf ^i^ H BELFAST (AP) - An ex- the British government sup-

^UA^^m^^ lE ^^^ K Tb'D^LERS. A FREE! «TO l£k M ^ GOLDEN ~"-~ \ Sf ™ ?o"S7ow pldS 5~^JB-?ijLY T^^f 1 ^^ ^T ^^^ Store , - Complete nuw drawing , .. .^sasitiia^K^ ^T^-ls^y ^j fifc ' ANNIVERSARY? igCSwl ^^ §|p '^ *tf**V : -

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BBB J^^^ BJ^HBJ BjB J BBB ^B'*3 Limit one per date, Sat, May 20, 1072 Z Limn onocourion percustomer.E»plratlondate,8»l., M«y20, 1972 K-i :i\ Limit one coupon per customer. Expiration date Sat May 20 1972 *; : ; '^ (AXX20O2> m______m -Z. JAXX2O02 ) Corporate "Je^V =q (AXX2002 ) Corporal* Wv f Corporate -mJHi/ 8 ¦¦ ¦ BB B B «IBI ImiMBsa®®^maii$»M^^ I MM I B BBB » «^ V ^^ A puzzle, even to family Wallace physicia n— Arrowhead search Bremer charged wimfour BrerneMq uiet, confident Ion er turns up coin/ about the Wallace shooting with By TIMOTHY L. CURRAN guards to reach presidential who dated Bremer last winter. MILWAKEE, Wis. (AP) - candidates? The girl's mother said Bre- some of the instructors whose triggers digging Arthur H. Bremer, a , 21-year- Bremer left the family's mer stia-ved his bead of its classes Bremer attended a year counts of intent to kill CRAB ORCHARD , Ky. (AP ) been, seen ¦ at other old . - one-time photogiaphy stu- wood-frame South Side home blond, wavy locks when he and (Continued from page one) toward him and that's whdii he and had the girl broke up in January. ago , and that they, too, had dif- rallies. The crowd dent accused of shooting last year and moved to an — Caleb Gross was digging for was shot," Eaton said. Wallace de- apartment working as a custo- "He must have been for ficulty recalling him, Fatal assault oh a fedeYal of- jumped for him spontaneously. George C. 7 Wallace, was , arrowheads around an old to- "I would -say that Gov. Wal- lonely, dian in public schools and at a George Wallace because he had "I never knew him to ask a bacco patch near his hbm« ficer carries a possible death "He was roughed up pretty scribed Monday as a . penalty. Penalty under the civ- who was some- private club. a Wallace sticker across the question," MacDonald said. lace walked right into the bad," one man said later. quiet person not : the when he struck gold. il-rights-act violation could be e'ven to his truck-driver father, door" of his apartment, said "He was just quiet, man's arms," said NBC cam- Maryland State Atty. Arthur thing of a puzzle Bremer's kind to carry a gun. It was a $10 gold coin. life imprisonment if the victim said the family Stephen Wasche, who lives in " eraman Fred Montague. AV Marshall said Bremer was family. ,. .. William, 58, Wasche also described Bre- dies; otherwise maximum pen ital emergency talk to him, idea he was: in Mary- the same apartment building Something of a miniature Eaton said he rushed to the taken to a hosp "Nobody could "had no mer as a "very quiet person." ally is 10 years and $10,000 fine. with lacerations on the remer's teen-age brother land. He never mentioned any- that Bremer did and whose gold rush developed after the fallen Wallace and began un- room said B Bremer, 21, is being held in Maryland authorities charged back of his head but showed no Roger. "We never knew much thing about Wallace, reiver brother is a manager of the word got around and several , buttoning his shirt. building. lieu of $200,000 bond in Mary- hundred people began digging Bremer with; four counts of as- "Where did they get. roe?" other wounds. Bremer received about him." mentioned anything political." ' X-ray tests and my any- land, under federal charges of at the farm during the next two sault with intent to kill. TBI Eaton said Wallace asked. "I two hours of "He never had? a gun to "He didn't w|th . and neurological ex- A former neighbor said Bre- father said. body, said Gary MacDonald, assaulting a . candidate for pub- days.- V agents said he is being held in told him I didn't think it was physical sticker knowledge," the " aminations. mer kept a Wallace hunting." who attended photography lic office and a federal officer Gross. 27, said they found a Baltimore County jail in Tow- too bad." his. apart- "He never went and under state charges of as- son, Md. A Justice Department spokes- across the door of Another brother,. Theodore, classes at a Milwaukee college total of about 50 coins dating Mrs. Wallace rushdd up and . ment. Officials said he was a sault with intent to kill. 1850.;to 1864 all within 20 embraced her fallen husband man in Washington said the Se- related : "He was against the with Bremer a year ago. from?" , Wallace had just finished a recovered a 7 below average student in . high- Bremer's truck driver father, feet of the unDlowed tobacco as he lay on the pavement, his cret Service had radical part of the system 7 of Wasche said he never knew 38-minute speech at the shop- .38-ca liber snub-nosed revolver school. V just stayed Bremer to have any visitors William , 58? said? his son had patch. " - ?V blood staining her bright yellow , American life. He center and stepped from jacket.? . -?' Monday .' which."- . U.S. 7 Atty. In Bremer's apartment away from " other than his mother. "never mentioned anything po- "They couldn't have been in behind his bulMproof-steel lec- . after it it- litical George Beall said was pur- newsmen , who arrived ," but he said he had much newer condition if they'd to shake hands with well- TBI agents, The Bremer family includes learned that his son was a Wallace was placed in a sta- chased by Bremer in Mil- , had been visited by Bremer was a student at come from the mint," Gross wishers in a supermarket park- tion wagon and then trans- Confederate flag, a gun four sons; Theodore , 34; Wil- South Division High School. Of- "dues-paying member of the waukee last Jan. 13. found a ,, and TRoger said. 7 ing lot. ferred to the ambulance for the catalog, a box of firearm car- liam, 32; Arthur 21, ficials said his school grades 12th Ward Democratic unit." 18. Crab Orchard's historia n, Emmett W. Eaton , a cam- 15-minutef expressway drive to At his appearance befora tridges, a comic book, hotel ad- were below average, or 1.5 on a Members of Bremer's fami- F.C. Edmiston, said the coins paign aide, said ; a man in the Holy Cross Hospital In Silver Goetz, Bremer declined a V vertisements and several news- Government a g e n t s in- 4-poirit scale. ly—who hadn't seen him since probably had been buried dur- crowd called Wallace back: Spring, just outside Washing- court-appointed attorney and paper clippings, one of them re- vestigated Bremer's small MacDonald , 24,, said he had be moved to the apartment in ing the Civil War by a family "Hey. George, ain't you going ton, D.C. said hd wanted to be represent- . lating the frustrations of news- apartment, and talked for sev- difficulty .... recalling . Bremer. October—described him as ¦which once lived on the proper- to shake my hand?" Witnesses said the assailant ed by the American Civil Liber- men trying to get past security eral hours with a teen-age girl MacDonald said he chatted "shy and; timid," : ty, y v ; "George turned, and walked was wearing Wallace buttons ties Union . V Governor had -— ''^— '^Bmi ^nmammmammmmmmmm MmimmmmBmmmmmmnmimmaa ^^mae ^mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmaBmmmm mm^^mmA M—^k^M—- To make your grocery shopping a more pleasant I Poetry only ¦ ¦l ' ^^^ ^ Z' . . X X 'XjmmmmmmmmmmM\_ experience, IGA Now Offers Vou MORE. Yes... 1 ¦ ^^^^z;' MORE the male a _^_m_lmmm^m-mX A-MMMMMMMMMMMMM\. A^f^BBmmm.^ I creates more Wallacezca lmest _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_M^_^_^_^_^_^_^W^_^f^B_^ Take mr ^^l^mm § ¦A^BMMmM_^_^_^_^mtl^^^^^^_^^^^^B\ our New Low \\f_% -J/^^KLV W^ MjMl^Y^___ M Selection, & Guaranteed Quality. (IGA alloffers a W&%y ' k ^mmmfl HLiWmmmmmm ^^^^S \ J__W Double Your Money Back Guarantee on fresh ^^ one in ambulance ^^ n . \ MM A % j^^_M YIMQB ' '' iPw questions (Continued from page one) one in the ambulance. ^Ci J Vf**^ 1 ^ * TableRite Meat) Sh°P 8t ,GA 1his weei< and «iPH ^ M^H|Bflfl^^H^^rj^^^rV M VI Immmmmmm^MMMM see why.... * ^iW ^. MILWAUKEE (AP)— "He asked for a pillow and I ^HW^^3^i you'll quickly T K1P *V ~ « B ^^l*w^^ "Where did they get me?" put a blanket under his head ^ Scraps of poetry evidently writ- Eaton said the governor asked "M ten by Arthur Herman Bremer He asked about his wounds. I M S More To love At him. tore his shirt off arid tried to BfPTT^yf^^R l ^T ' ' ^^^ M ^ * , ! provided more questions than "I told him I didn't think it stop the blood with bandages. answers about the young man was too bad ," Eaton said. "I He didn 't complain. It was then don't think he thought it was ei- that I noticed the wound in his who was accused Monday of . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ther." . ChCst." : • . ;- • shooting presidential candidate Another campaign , worker, The ambulance drove George C. Wallace. Charles Carmon of Mobile, to Holy Ala., said Mrs. Wallace em- Cross Hospital in Silver Spring Fellow students , neighbors without the benefit of braced , the governor a:; hd lay a police and members of his family said on the' pavement, staining her escort. When it arrived Wallace Bremer was not much of a . con- bright yellow jacket with /his was taken immediately to an versationalist, and that they blood. examining room , then into sur- gery. - ?? knew little of? his political "The blood was awful, " Ea- thoughts; ton said. "1 tried to stop it with 'All of ns kne- w this was my handkerchief and borrowed something we might havd to His: West Side apartment, two more handkerchiefs. It contend with Lome day," said where he moved , la st year after seemed like tht ambulance Eaton , who had? served as an leaving his family' s South Side would never get there." advance man in Wallace's cam- Was explored by FBI At length , Eaton said , they paign in 1964, 1968 and during home, the current agents and newsmen who found despaired of the ambulance ar-. primaries. riving and loaded Wallace into "In fact , just before the ¦ a-7 . Confederate? flag, comic ':V;yV7iy. ;M| ¦ M/UI/VUVW %MJWMM/IIV *MM^^ B GIFTS Wallace delighted in telling Florida primary and it was a mlMmm^k I FOR ALL OCCASIONS his current campaign crowds major one in Michigan , too. SUNICIST DfftDD BROTHERS that the chance he might make That was the issue that car- _4____$2mm_M niiT>rrn .. TA . CALIFORNIA, FRESH J HA H RvDDSTORE., INC. that kind of showing on an 11- ried the unspoken message o| True Value Hardware name ballot this year gave Wallace's segregationist past, BUTTER ---- - 79c 574 E. Ath St. Phone 452-4007 LEMONADE Democratic leaders the shakes. But it was only part of the 1972 jiBRaflnHRfej/ f^ ii SWIFT Lt I I UUL (HL The former Alabama circuit Wallace campaign fare, "-9c \_____\m _yl^_____I Nt^H ^ ROAST BEEF 67o 13c - 1 K9 I -—-——-—-——-—--————. Let Us Power Vacuum Your I BANQUET POT PIES ^iEANS3-89c Furnace & Air Ducts! - pofATOES "*- POTATO CHIPS — 39c - A , ,atc 6 s 1.00 - K 10 ' 69 —-—-——— JB Oi °f rU-T Assorted Flcivon D 51iOU nrr, „lnr 1 IGA TABLERITE ^ RED, RIPE 1 ICE CREAM COOKIES" TOMATOES ASST. FLAVORS C SPICE — OATMEAL — PINK LA DY — SUGAR A C ¦ /LQ p #Q s ni ' GAL 7 vSPWMB'm . lft LL US j " i i "'^aw l io, " *•? \\ s ^l OMHERtlli•"iiKVUI, -M,,^ ,S ¦ W'JgJrSW vl L " ° 3 * INDUStRm . %,.^„ ^ 1 H $1.00 ¦ ¦ ' * IK «4 f iif 'X^:?m \ mm. ' *** iHlff f ^. x W* mX\ *$* X. t pHlii"** & SALAD DRESSING GERBER'S STRAINED I '"flflttl-W y — J \ ^m^mm%Mtff^flri HORMEL "**'¦¦•¦>.., ' mmW%$M ' Hhn Wfi3& ^^^^ZJ ^M9 f AMMMMMMMMMM Wi mf t^ ^ mim0&^ MIRACLE WHIP «•¦ 49c -^^_____\______l_i /mmmmmm f ll ^kt ^B ^'if 'id SPAM ------59c BABY FOOD - - - 9c ^^^^^^BBmMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm\m\\ ''^^mmm \ STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. MON. THR U FRI., 8 A,M -6 P.M. SATURDAY, SUNDAY 9-5 P.M. home ba f ™sbari ^^^MfMBmmmm\mWBBmmmmmmmBmmmmmmW^ m l clonnor inoro enjoyable to ^^^MmmMmM^^^^^^^^^^^^ MM^Tf^F live ^^^^BBKmMMMMwBImm*^^ CALL US TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMAT E JOSWICK FUEL & OIL CO. 901 EAST SANBORN PHONE 452-3402 — TELEPHONE _. y .wftlll-* 454-3030 — 8 TUESDAY Q Employment at TH weather The daily record MAY 16, 1972 Village sets At Community Winona Deaths Two-State Deaths high April level Memorial H ospital Albert E. Stone Mrs. Paul O'Flaherty Winona employment in April continued to spell out; the, — Mrs. new license Visiting noun: Medical and surgical Funeral services for Albert WABASHA. Minn. good economy the community is enjoying, according to R, H. patients : 2 to * and I to 8:30 p.m. (No E. Stone, 78, Columbus, Neb., Paul O'/laherty, 65, died at her children under 12.) Brown , manager of the Winona office of the Minnesota De- Maternity patients: 1 to 3:30 and / to formerly of Winona and Aus- home Monday of a heart con- partment of Manpower Services. He said that payroll totals S-.00 p.m. (Adulti only.) tin, Minn will be at Jordan dition. at . mid-April showed almost one job for every two residents fees on dogs Visitor! lo a oatienl limited to two tl Mortuary, Austin. Thursday at 2 ona tlmt. The former Clementine E, of the city, by . far the highest April ever. An amendment to the Good- p.m. He died Monday at Col- Wolfe, she. was born at Waba- With 32,636 persons on the job, employment in Winona has MONDAY view dog control ordinance pro- umbus. Aug. 31, 1906, to Mr. and increased by over 1,600 jobs compared to five years ago with Admissions sha, viding contracting for dog con- Survivors are: two sons, Ro- Garrett Wolfe . She was groy/th centering almost entirely within manufacturing, re- Karen Wieczorek 557 E. 2nd Mrs. trol services and increases in . bert, Minneapolis, Minn., and married to Paul O'Flaherty, tail, service and government occupations, according to Brown. St. Douglas, Columbus, and two ir Construction, which fluctuates strongly from season to license fees was adopted by vil- Robert Higgins 1632 W. Sth Oct. 13, 1936. They farmed ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . grandsons. Season and year to year, is off to the slowest spring start iri lage councilmen meeting Mon- . ' - ¦ . . Greenfield Township until mov- st. . years, although it will rise . as the building season advances, day. Mrs. Frank Chuchel , 518 E. ing here in 19547 She was a The amendment sets the li- Winona Funerals member of St. Felix Parish according to summer and fall employment forecasts. Manu- 3rd St. facturing is also set for additional increases and retail will cense fees for males and spay- Hous- Council. WEATHER FORECAST ; . . . Scattered showers are fore- Mrs. Thora Halvorson , Earl R. Boiler jr. be moving up. ed females at $2 and unspayed Survivors are: her husband; ton, Minn. Funeral services for Earl R. Brown said the need for workers by local firms is ex- cast today over the Northeast, portions of the West and females at $5. It also provides Rich- Michael 7 Bayly, 973 Gilmore (Bob) Boiler Jr., Minnesota three sons, Michael and pected to show a substantial climb during the next 30 to 60 Great Plains states, and Florida, Warm weather is predicted for a penalty if licenses are and Ave. : ?? City Rt. 1, Minn., will be at ard , . Lake City,? Minn., days, especially in the unskilled arid semiskilled , factory occu- in tne Great Plains States while cold temperatures are not obtained before April 1 of Mabel John Olson, , Minn. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Burke's Frank . Wabasha: one daughter , pations, and expects construction to recall most of its present- expected in?the West and Northeast. (AP Photofax) . each year? Councilmen plan to , Erik Thompson, Homer Road Funeral Home, Winona, and at Mrs; Richard (Kathleen) Law , ly unemployed workers as highway construction in tne area negotiate a 'contract with Wi- Minn. Jerry Drinkall, Whalan. St. Mary's Church at 10 a.m., Wabasha; six grandchildren , begins a substantial buildup. y nona for a dog catcher. Discharges the ; Rev. Joseph Mountain offi- and two brothers, Henry and The number of persons actively seeking employment at . Local observations No action was taken on a pro- Mrs. Edwin Niemeyer, 1217 ciating? Burial will be in St. Louis Wolfe, Wabasha. Two the end of April amounted to 850, a slight drop from the March OFFICIAL WEATHER BUREAU OBSERVATIONS for posed change of zoning receiv- W. Mark St. . Mary's Cemetery, Winona. brothers have died. fignie, with a good percentage of them being construction baby, the 24 hours ending at noon today: : . . ¦;¦ ' ed from the Winona County Mrs. Henry Eckert and Friends may call at the fu- Funeral services will be at workers awaiting recall and some factory workers who are 659 W? 4th St. Maximum temperature 76, minimum 51, noon 75, no Planning Commission. Involved neral home today from 2 to 4 10:30 a.m. Thursday at St. Fe- on-temporary layoff , according to Brown. are several , parcels of land Mrs. Joseph Poulin , 1604 W . precipitation . ? V 7 . and after 7 p^m . where Father lix Catholic Church , the Rev. He added that there has been a heavy registration for in Rollingstone Township west 5th St. ? . '¦; :.' A year ago today : Mountain will lead a wake ser- John P. Daly officiating. Bur- summer employment by youth , approximately 1.600 at this ; of the village; limits. Leland Brommerich, Fountain ¦ High 80, low 44, ; noon 75, no precipitation. vice at 9. . . . -' ial will be in the church ceme- time, which is expected to swell to? 3,000 within the next Rex A. Johnson , village clerk, City, Wis. ' ' ¦;? " - : Normal temperature range for this date 70 to 49. Record : tery; •month, . . high 90 in 1936 record low 31 Ln 1921 was authorized to purchase 10 James Eichman, Trempea Following is a/breakdown of the mid-March to mid-April . , . . Mrs. Eth«l M. Harvey Friends may call at Abbott- Sun rises tomorrow at 5:38, sets at 8:28. mile per hour speed limit signs leau. Wis. Funeral services fn** Mrs. employment statistics: Wise Funeral Home, Wabasha, HAM. MAX CONRAD FIELD OBSERVATIONS to be placed at the entrances Births Ethel M. Harvey, 818 W. How- March April . April Leslie Lade- Wednesday after 2 p.m. where ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ (Mississippi Valley AirHnes ) to the 7 Lake . .?Village.; mobile Mr. and Mrs. ard St., will be at 1 p.m. Wed- 7 1972 ' i!)72 _ ' . 1971 , '- : Minn., a daugh- the parish council will say the Barometric pressure 29.92 and rising, wind from the . home court. wig, Lakeville, nesday at Martin Funeral Chap- Manufacturing ...... ,,.,. 7.4 ,841 4 .R85 4,181 ';¦; 3 and a prayer serv- south at 5 mph, no cloud cover, visibility 10 miles. The board of review will meet ter. el, Winona, the Rev. Josenh Se Rosary at Wholesale trade ...,?,. ...V 383 383 389 Mr. and Mrs. James Dotzler. ice will be at fi. ' ; HOURLY TEMPERATURES at 7 p.m., June 8 to review beny, Calvary Bible Church, Retail tra de :,,.:..;..;.. -. .2 ,028 .1 ,940 . 2, 145 V . a daughter. (Provided by Winona State College) and approve property assess- 1367 Crocus Circle, Service ...?.„...... 2,065 2 .064 2,053 ¦¦ officiating? Burial will be in Mrs. Elmer Hartnagel ¦ , , ' - . . - . ' .'Mcnday ' - . Railroads - ..' Z;.;...;.-;. ;..' 324 ments. Woodlawn Cemetery. ^ BUFFALO CITY ,Wis. (Spe- <. . 324 324 1 p.m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II midnight WINONA DAM LOCKAGE Utilities 7.,...?.?...... 446 . 445 7: There will be no visitation cial)— Mrs. V Elmer (Hilda) 480 70 74 75 76 75 74 73 72 67 63 61 60 at the funeral home Government * ...... 1,788 1.788 1,689 Monday . Hartnagel . former Buffalo City ¦ Today • . A memorial is being ar- Construction ...... ,.,?... .7 338 399 ? 444 — Frank Stegbau- resident , died today at River- l a.m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon . 12:35 p!m. ranged. FinanceV: ,...... :.,..:.?. . 336 33fi ? 319 view Hospital, Wisconsin Rap- 58 56 55 54 54 53 ? 55 58 62 68 72 75 Charge is er. three barges, down. Other activities .....,..,... 69 72 70 Wis. ; 2:15; n.m.¦ — Louisiana. 11 bar ids, V ¦'¦ ' ' ges, up. Funeral arrangements are be: TOTALS .?:...,.:...,.. 12,618 7 12 ,636 ¦ 12,083 — W. S. Rhea Fu- 8:30 p.m. , 16 ing made by Colby-Voight ""Includes public schools and Winona State College . Per- reduced in barges, up. . Synod 73 neral Home, Cochrane, Wis. iod of survey : mid-March to mid-April. Today Comparative employment as of April 15: Drake 1971? 11,988 ; 1970, Flow — 61.000 cubic feet per Francis E. 11.985: 1969, 11,725 ; 1968, 11,299. -I second at 8 a.m . KELLOGG , Minn. — Francis assault case 1:45 a.m. — —Ruby Lee, one members hear Edwin Drake, . 54 , Rochester, barge , up. Minn., was found , dead; at his CALEDONIA, Minn. — Ah 18- 1st Quarter Full Last Quarter V New 4 a.m. — Delia , home Monday of a self-inflicted year-old Currie, Minn , man Ann eight May 19 May 28 June 4 June 11 barges down. gunshot wound. He was a for- pleaded guilty this morning in , Rabid dog is&atch 8:4s a.m. " ' merT^eTIogg resident. Houston County District Court • —;• Hilman Logan, of progress Forecasts The Mississi ppi 12 barges, down. The son of Albert and Esther Flood Stage 24-hr. to an amended charge of as- Short progress reports high- Martin Drake, he was born at Stage Today Chg. sault. lighted the first Synod 73 meet Amenia , N.D., May 16, 1918. He- S.E. Minnesota Fabian T. Maher, who earlier IMPOUNDED DOGS Ing at Cathedral of the Sacred Red Wing .. ;... 14 8.4 - .2 married Sarah Plank at Pots- results in shots Fair to partly cloudy and had been charged with aggra- He?rt Church Monday. : Lake City ...... 7? 11.2 —.1 Winona dam. Minn., July 21, 1940. They A positive determination of 12, and Tim Daniels, 17, Stock- warmer through Wednes- vated assault in connection with The Rev. Paul Nelson , episco- lived at Elgin , Minn., a short Wabasha ..../.. 12 9.7 —,1 No. 123 — Small black and rabies has resulted in a series ton , Minn. day. Lows tonight 50 to 56. a Nov. 27 street fight in front of pal vicar of Region 1, pointed time, then moved to Arthur, Alma Dam, T.W. .. 7.8 —.3 white male, mixed breed no li- of rabies shots for Gerald Rinn, According to Mrs. Rinn, the Highs Wednesday 84 to 90. Frankie's Inn,' Caledonia, was , out the Synod is to involve all N.D. They moved to Kellogg Whitman . Dam :. '., 6.2 —.2 cense available. 511 Garfield St.; his sons, Scott, family dog on the farm the Chance of raiii near zero fined $300. , of the people in the diocese iri 1954 , and in 1950 to Dodge Winona D , T.W. .7 7.7 —.2 ' ' '124 2; Richard , 4, and Gerald Jr., Rinns own near Stockton, through Wednesday. Judge Glenn E. Kelley, Wino- ;. No. — Large black arid in a spiritual renewal. "Our Center , Minn. He had lived in WINONA ...... 13 8.5 - .3 scratched Scott on the neck na ,; also ordered the defendant cream female German shep- role will be in three parts in- Rochester since 1967: A Navy Tremp. Pool ... .: 9,2 o and Richard on the finger May Minnesota to make restitution of court-ap- herd, no license, available. cluding prayer, study and com- veteran of World War II he Tremp. Dam.... ., 7.5 —.3 1. The family had. noticed the Fair to partly cloudy and pointed attorney 's: fees. No. 127 — Large black and munication," Father Nelson was a ihember of the Kellogg Dresbach Pool.. .. 9,2 —.1 brown female part shepherd , Legion Post; the dog, a collie, had . been sick, warmer through Wednesday . said. 7 American 7 Immunization Dresbach Dam,. 7 . 6 .9 1—2 ¦FOUR jurors had been select- Veterans of Foreign and would fall down when it with slight chance of a few . no license, available. Topics of concern; discussed Rochester La Crosse ...... 12 , 8 .5 —.1 ed and seated on Monday after- Wars Post , and of the Roches- walked . isolated thnndershowers in No. 131 — Small black male, included para-liturgy, Sister Forecast noon when there was a plea; ne- ter Eagles Lodge. Rinn look,- ; the dog to a vet- the west axd north . Lows mixed breed , available. Cepheus Tibesar; youth needs , clinics set in Wed. Thurs. Fri. gotiation. Maher then appeared three sons, erinarian at Lewiston, Minn., tonight 44 to 58. Highs Wed- No. 132 — Small white cocka- Miss jul'e Tlougan; Confrater Survivors a r e: Red Wing .... 8.2 81 8.0 this morning for sentencing. . Wesley- Rochester , May 2, and was told to take nesday 75 to 85 northeast, poo. no license, fourth day. nity of Christian Doctrines and Robert and WINONA ..... 8.4 8.3 8.2 Malier was represented in the Edwin Whileman . AFB, the dog home and ti& it up. 82 id 92 vest and south. parochial schools , James Welch: and , La Crosse ... . . 8.4 8, matter by .Attorney Duane Knob Noster , Mo.; two daugh- Trempealeau Co The dog died May 5 and the 3 8.2 sense of community7 in the par- , Tributary Streams Wobdworth , La Crescent. Counr pal Court ters, Mrs. Robert (Vera ) Irish WHITEHALL, Wis. - Trem- body was taken to the Univer- Wisconsin Munici ish, Mrs,, John Fuchsel; adult Chippewa at Durand 3.3 +;3 sel for the state was William V. and Mrs. Richard (Frances ) pealeau County nurse Mrs. Ar- sity of Minnesota Hospital by Fair tonight. Mostly sunny Winona education, Mrs. Philip McClean; Zumbro at Theilman 29.5 —.4 Von Arx, Houston County dis- Miller , Kellogg; 10 grandchil- j ?is Sexe has announced the es- the State Highway Patrol. On Wednesday and warm; Lows to- trict attorney. ' Fred W. Kiekhoefer, 67, 161 scripture study, Michael Kelley, Black at Galesville ". 2.5 —.5 dren; his mother. . Casselton , tablishment of red measles arid May 8, the cause of death was night 44 to 52 and fiig hs Wed- A civil jury case scheduled Mankato Ave., pleaded guilty and theology of penance, Sister Mrs. La Crosse-W. Salem V 4.2 o , N.D. ; and two sisters , rubella — German measles — determined as rabies. nesday 75 to 82. to be heard Monday afternoon , before Judge Dennis A. Chal- Mary Glynn. (Eleanor) Putnam. Roch- Root at Houston . 5.8 —.1 Holley immunization clinics for Trem- They had had the dog since ¦ ' ¦ involving John F. Hyatt 7 and leen to a charge of careless At the next Synod meeting, ester , and Mrs. John (Shirley ) : V pealeau County children. it was six months' - old , Mrs. 5-day forecast Patricia A. Hyatt, against Gary set for June 19, a committee Kasowski, Casselton. Clinics are being established driving. He was arrested at 4:25 Rinn said. It had never had A. Walker and Donna Walker to construct a survey to deter- MINNESOTA , p.m. May 3 in the alley between Funeral services will be at in area centers for both school rabies shots. City receives was settled and strichen from High Forest Street arid Man- mine the needs of the parish 2 p.m. Thursday at Kellogg and preschool children. School Thursday through Satur- Rinn , Gerald Jr. and Daniels, the court calendar. kato Avenue 100 feet north of will . report. Committee mem- United Methodist Church, the age children will be vaccinated day: partly cloudy with who works on the farm, were ¦ safety plaque The plaintiffs were seeking bers are James Mootz, George Rev. Luther Pennington offici- with their class, while parents chance of scattered showers 3rd Street. not scratched but had $3,570 damages in a contract O'Reilly, Miss Tlougan , Mrs. ating. The Kellogg American are invited to bring their pre- been and thunderstorms north Winona was awarded a plaque He was fined $100. ' playing with the dog. Thursday and the state for deed McClean, Mrs. Frank Pomeroy, Legion post will perform mili- schoolers to one of the school over Monday at the annual Minneso- Kenneth E. Kinowski. 515 The rabies treatment started Friday and south Saturday . no valid dri- Welch and Harry Schaber. tary rites. clinics. Parental permission ta Governor's Safety Banquet. THE HYATTS were represent- Chatfield St., $25 , May 8. According to the at- Cooler Friday and north ' Friends may call at Buckmatv slips are available in the The award was presented for ed by Von Arx and the Walkers, ver s license, 3:15 a.m. Monday, tending physician, the serum Saturday. Lows in the 50s. West Sanborn and Huff streets. Schierts Funeral Home, Waba- schools, the county health de- the year 1971 by the Minnesota by the law firm of Roerkohl ,, 2 had to be rushed from Minne- Highs 78-88 Thursday lower- Mark O. Justic , North River- sha, Minn., Wednesday from partment office , and the clinics. Safety Council, "In recognition Rippe and Lee, Caledonia. Salvation Army p.m. and Thursday until 1:45 clinics opens apolis by the State Highway ing to 70-78 Saturday. side, 111., $30, disregarding stop The first of the WISCONSIN of outstanding accident preven- Also settled Monday and Bank Patrol. It is in extremely short sign, 5:10 p.m. April 27, High- p.m. Tuesday in the Galesville Very warm and partly cloudy tion performance in traffic stricken from the court calen- supply, he said , and had to be way 14 at St. Mary's College. from 5:30 to. 6:30 p.m., and in Thursday through Saturday and safety". dar were the following: board dinner Douglas Nolop the Arcadia REA building from obtained from the company pro- chance of showers Saturday. Traffic Sergeant Dale Schafer Civil jury case of Susan Lo- HIXTON , Wis. (Special) — 7 to 8 p.m. ducing it . Lows mostly in the 50s with accepted the award on behalf ken against Adrian 1 . Traff; Douglas Nolop, 68, Milwaukee , Wednesday from 8:30 to 9 The treatment includes a highs generally in the SOs. of the city. civil court action, Lowell E. Police search former Hixton resident, died at a.m. in tlie Arcadia school; series of shots varying with is Thursday on Sun- Ladsten and Betty J. Ladsten his home in Milwaukee 9:30 to 10 the Independence pub- the severity of exposure , he ex- The Salvation Army annual against Joel A. Twaitcn, Hous- for car stolen day. lic school; 10:15 to 10:45 Ihe In- plained. If there is. a minor or advisory board dinner will be ton, Minn ,, doing business as Nolop was born to Mr. and dependence Parochial school; 1 remote chance, about 14 shots held at the Eagles Club Thurs in Hixton Twaiten Realty, Which was con- from dealer , Mrs. Alton Nolop to 1:30 p.m. the Eleva school; are necessary. If the exposure day at 6:30 p.m. Ellen years gone by tinued from a previous term, July 24, 1903 and married 1:45 to 2:15 the Strum school; is greater, shots are increased In • Police are searching for a car The event is open the pub- Winona on Sept. 21, and court civil case of Kent to Kidrick in 2:30 to 3 the Osseo school ; 5:50 to between 20 and 30. In each lic. Dinner reservations can be farmed in the Feeds, Inc., against Herbert D. that was stolen Monday morn- 1927.Th e couple to 6 the Whitehall courthouse instance they are administered Glen region (Extracts from the files of this newspaper.) Gunderson. ing from Nystrom Motors Inc., made by calling the Salvation Hixton and Shady and from 2:30 to 3 the Osseo one shot daily. Army. Milwau- 165 W. 2nd St., car lot . until they moved to city hall. employed as According to police Chief The annual report of activi- kee where he was Thursday clinics will be held Ten yea rs ago . . . 1962 O. Smith James McCabe, Peter Wolfe, an ties and finances will be pre- a machinist for the A. in the school of Fairchild , 8:30 Warrant issued retired for thc Movie on , Tentative plans for the conversion of Winona General employe at Nystrom's reported sented , and new board members Co. He has been to 9 a.m.; Pigeon Falls, 9:45 to Hospital to a 95-bed convalescent and nursing care facility failure the stolen car at 8:36 a.m. Mon- installed. Service clubs dona- past six years. 10:15; Whitehall , 10:30 to 11; for Survivors include his wife. gifted child after Community Memorial Hospital is occupied were ap- day. The car was parked in the ting time to ring bells at Christ- Blair , 11:15 to 11:45; Ettrick , 1 and two daughters , Altn proved by the board of directors. Cost of remodeling and car lot at tho corner of West mas will be honored according Ellen , to 1:30 p.m.; Galesville, 1:45 to to appea r and Phyllis, all of Milwaukee. to be shown renewal of the building for conversion to the new use has 2nd and Washington streets. to Lt. Richard Forney . 2:15, and Trempealeau from Funeral services have been been estimated at $300 ,000. A $100 bond posted by Ches- The car was locked at the time Featured dinner speaker wili 2:30 to 3. A film on "Underst anding the p.m Wednesday at the The well-shorn look will come a little higher when union ter J. Morawiecki , 25, 67'/.* E. and the keys were in the office , be Major Albert Rowland , di- set for 1 . Gifted " will be shown at a meet- Jensen Funeral Home, Hixton , barbershop prices go up 25 cents across the board , to $1.75. Sanborn St., was declared for- where they still are. vision seretary, area headquar- ing of the Winona chapter of Rev, Calvin Carey officiat- A four-lane modernized Huff Street was recommended feited in Winona Municipal The 1963 white Nova , Minne- ters, Minneapolis, Minn. the the Minnesota Council for tho ing. Burial will be in Trinity as the main entrance to Winona from Highway 61 by the Court this morning by Judge sota license number UW107, is Gifted at II p.m . Wednesday at Cemetery. DTA names highway committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Dennis A. Challeen and at the valued at $300. Rest the lower library at Winona Sen- Independence Friends may call at the fu- request of Assistant City At- ior High School . neral home today nnd Wednes- Twenty-five years ago . . . 1947 torney Frank Wohletz:, a bench Dr. Wayne Sanford of the Wi- Mondovi girl injured day until time of service. new chairman warrant was issued. youth nona State College department Mrs. II. H. Bccko won first prize in the blind bogey Mrs. Patricia , D. Patterson Morawiecki wns arrested for of education will introduce tho tournament for women golfers at the Westfield Gol f Club. injured in in car crash Mrs. Bessie Kingswan 212 Hamilton St., wns elected driving after suspension at 12:26 BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. film and lead the discussion Second pri ze went to Mrs. Harold French. chairman of the Downtown Pro- (he p.m . April 12 on West Sth nnd ARCADIA, Wis, (Special) - (Special) — Funeral services after presentation. Excavation for the new $400,000 St. Joseph's Hospital one-ca r crash motion Association this morning Sisler Yvonne Elskamp of the Main streets. One person was slightly injured for Mr.s. Ressie Kingswan , flft , at Arcadia was scheduled for completion today. Contractor at the organization 's meeting at College of Saint Teresa depart- He pleaded not guilly in mu- MONDOVI , Wis. — A 16-year- in a one-car accident at mid- lifelong resident of Jackson for Ihe 75-bed hospital is II. B. Kilstofte , Winona. the Sunshine Cafe. ment of education will review nicipal court April 13 and the old Mondovi youth was injured night Monday when a car driv- who died .Sunday at the County, Mrs. Patterson , manager of what the college has been teach- trial was set for today. In a one-car accident ' at 3:15 en by Miss Deborah K, Abra- here, were held Fifty years ago . . . 1922 Jackson Home the Credit Bureau of La Crosse- ing in gifted child education. A bench warrant for failure a.m. Sunday on an Albany town hamson, 17, Rt. No. 2 Indepen- this afternoon from the Native Winonn , wil] fill the position of The meeting is open to tha II P. Bcrrum and William S. Bolstad have, opened nn to appear for trial was issued road dence, Wis. , apparently went , two miles north of Mon- American Church , Wisconsin Ronald D. Anderson , 1109 Mar- public, automobile repair .shop at 209 E. 3rd St. today. dovi. out of control and over a bank Dells. Burial was in the Decorah ian St., resigned due to business The chapter will be meeting A dancing pnrty was given by the Happy Country club off the shoulder of the road. Cemetery, near Black River Randall Fedie was taken to Tho accident reasons, the third Wednesday of each nl Homer , with Mr.s. Clara Widmoyer serving as chaperone. occurred one Falls. tbe emergency room of Buffalo mile north of Tlio association has designa- month through the summer to .1. It Neeck wns elected president of the Jefferson Arcadia on High- Sho was horn Jan. 20, 1KH4 , Christian Action Memorial Hospital, where he re- way 03. ted June ifi as Dnry Day nnd Is discuss problems of the gifted school Pnient-Tencher Association for the ensuing year. Miss Abrahamson , re- in Trempealeau County. ceived sutures for head cuts, ceiving a lacerated ankle working on plans for promotion child in nn effort to identify ' , was Her only survivors nre nieces Men to see According to the Pepin Coun- the only ore of in downtown Winona. gifted children. Seventy-five years ago . . . 1897 three occupants nnd nephews. ty sheriff's office, Fedie was injured. ¦ Members of the street committee of the city council aircraft film traveling east when he lost con- Officer Alvin Zastrow, Arca- trol of the 1963 sedan and ran STUIMONT IS 1MOTIIKH and tlie city engineer went to La Crosse to inspect the Christian Action Mon of Cen- dia police department, investi- steam roller in use at place. into the ditch. He told the in- gated the accident th* tral Lutheran Church, meeting . No damage BALTIMORE (AP) Thank You . . Street Commissioner Abcll has introduced a new order vestigating officer that the en- estimate , Md., - - tonight at 7:30 in the church for the 1966 sedan has We'd lincarel like to thank all of our customers ing of the paved streets by hand. gine quit and tho power steer- been given, A student nt Northern High y in the sweep fellowship liall , will see nn air- ing ceased operating. School gave birth to a 7-pound , who patronized us during the past 6 years. Your craft film , "E.A.A. Magnifi- ETTRICK CLINICS 14-ounco bnby girl in the business was appreciated and will always ba One-hund red years ago . . . 1872 cence , " The car was damaged ex- tensively. EITRICK, Wis. (Special) - school's dispensary. remembered. Strawberries from (he Soulh are coming up by express. E.E.A., Experimental Air- A free measles immunization "She had no idea she was The young fellows about town have been unable to re- craft Association , is an inter edited and narrated by Profes- clinic will be held at the Ettrick pregnant," the principal told Dave Se Sandi sist tlie attractive cosslmeres and fine patterns displayed national association of owners sor Robert M. Knutzcn, direc- Elementary School, Thursday, hospital officials later. by our tailors this spring. of homemade, . antique nnd tor of the TV-Film Center, Col- from 1-1:30 p.m. A "lazy eye" The mother, 16, wns de- CITY MEAT MARKET Bishop Whipple preached nt St, Paul's Church in this converted military aircraft . The lege of Snint Teresa. clinic will bo held in the Gales- scribed as a good student who Fountain City, Wis. cltv and al. the close of the service urged the parish | 0 nt film is of Ihe 1!)7() conven- The public may attend. Coffee ville bunk building Snturdny hnd never missed a day of once inaugurate the project of a new church . tion at Oshkosh, Wis ., filmed will follow the meeting. from 0;:i()-l l a.m. school . Ycilpe: we're progressing c Wa llace reacti on — 105 of 188 hijackers Political leaders shocked, outraged listed as fugitives By THE ASSOCIATED TRESS sues ef the day and seek th« By VERN HAUGLAND hijacker. lieves the courts, taking action Leaders across the political presidency Without being shot, WASHINGTON (AP ) - Over against accused hijackers, have spectruin have reacted with then I tremble for the futiire of Volpe observed that both the been "responsive—they have the last 11 years, 188 persons at bur nation," he said. U.S. planes, number of hijackings attempted done as well as one could ex- shock, outrage and disniay have hijacked 142 who was cam- The Federal Aviation Adminis- and those successfully carried pect.?'. But , Beggs added , he the shooting of Alabama Gov- Humphrey, tration says 105 are still fugi- out declined over the past thre still finds it? hard to accept that George C Wallace and de- paigning in Maryland when he ¦ ' ¦'' tives. years-—Irom 34 successful ovt it takes a year, or more to bring plored the trend of political vio- learned of the shooting, rushed an accused man to trial. lence in the nation, "We're making progress, but of 40 tried in 1969, 16 of 31 in ' to the hospital and spent more we have to stay on top of it," 1970 to 11 of 25 in 1971. A tabulation of Trans- , Many officials recalled the assassinations of President than an hour with Wallace's Transportation Secretary Johr "To date this year, only three portation and Justice Depart- -the: governor was in A. Volpe said after a tabulation hijackings out of 14 have been ment files shows that since the John F. Kennedy, Martin Lu- wife ^vhile siirsexv. of records showed nine? of the successful," Volpe said. first hijacking on May 1, 1961, ther King Jr. and Sen .; Robert last 16 attempts have ended James M. Beggs, under- 37 hijackers have been con- F. Kennedy upon learning of Sen- Edward M. Kennedy* with the capture or death of the secretary, said Monday he be- victed. the shooting at ay Laurel, Md., brother of John and Robert A number have received 20- shonnine center on Monday. said, "My heart and prayers go year prison sentences, others out to Gov. . Wallace and to and have been given terms of 10, 15 Sens. George McGovern members of his grief-stricken and 25 years, and one is in for Hubert H. Humphrey, the lead- family. Once again, democracy ¦ Demo- W$C scholarship life. ?¦ ; ing contenders for the in America has been scarred cratic presidential nomination by senseless and unforgivable Two were killed during hi- that Wallace was seeking, can- violence. I am saddened beyond ' jackings, one committed sui- celed their scheduled campaign measure that tragedy has again wi hirers a n noun ced cide during the hijacking , and a appearances. stained and darkened the proc- : Two Winonans are among 31 ty, Fairmont, Minh.; Patricia fourth was killed during a bank . President Nixon called Mrs. ess we use to select our politi- graduating high school seniors Boley, Farmirigton; Cynthia holdup 15 months after hijack- Wallace , at her husband's bed- cal leaders." who will share in $4,825 in Brown , Stillwater, Minn. ; Julia ing an airliner to Cuba. side to offer his hope and pray- On the steps of the Alabama Another , facing a murder freshman scholarships announc- Fasching, Farmington ; Laurie ers for the wounded candidate's Capitol in Montgomery, a charge for killing the copilot in recovery. : . ed today by the financial aids Fredrickson , Lake Crystal, crowd estimated at 500 gath- an attempted hijacking, hanged He called the shooting a ered Monday night for a prayer office of Winona State College Minn ,; Connie Faye Johnson , himself in his jail cell; Still an- for the 1972^73 academic year. Whalan , Minn. (Lanesboro "senseless and tragic incident" j vigil for Wallace V Some cried other .died in Cuba of undis- and said the nation has suf- openly through the 45-minuta They are Linda Mogren, graduate); Gregory L. Johnson, closed causes less than a year daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Austin , Minn.; Jeffrey L. John- fered "more than enough al- . service/ . after hijacking a plane to that ready from the intrusion of vio- old Mogren, 177 E. Sanborn son, Wells, Minn.; Cleo ?Kryzer, country. In George, the Rev. Andrew St., and Mitzi Morgan , daugh- Lewiston, Minn.; Nancy Lof- lence¦ ¦ into its political process- Twelve hijackers have been es." yy Young, a prominent black civil ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mor- gren, Stewartville; Minn.; Mar- committed to mental in- rights leader and a former aide sha Moss, Hastings, Minn.; McGovern said, "We can only gan , Pleasant Valley Terrace, stitutions. Four more V are un- MAN . WITH A GUN! ... A man wear- to the late Martin Luther King both seniors at Winona Senior Daniel Neubert , Lake City, against Arthur Bremer, 21,. of Milwaukee, hope and pray for the speedy ' dergoing mental examinations? ing dark glasses Jr., said , "It's terrible that the High School: I- ' ' - ' ; .;. . Minn. ; Deborah Paulson , Ma- , at right, fires pistol at Gov. Viis., in connection with the. shooting of Wal- recovery of .Gov. Wallace and - Six have been charged arid are George C. Wallace of Alabama, not shown, lace. The charges include violation of the 1968 we can only say a prayer for politics of is not The awards are supported by bel, Minn . Deborah Peters, Kel- awaiting trial , and nine are in ¦ ' in this photo taken from . monitor our country." over... donated funds invested and con- logg, Minn. (Wabasha grad- custody awaiting court action. a CBS-TV civil rights act by assaulting a candidate for uate); Kathleen Pittman, Mor- , jn "Perpetrators of violence trolled by the college and are Three, all charged with air- in New York The Justice Department public office, and assault on a federal officer. "If weWe gotten to in addition to the between $35, ristown, Minn. (Waterville the point never win and they always end - ¦¦ craft piracy or attempted pira- Washington later announced it would file : CAP Photofax) 7 in this country where a public up helping the cause they at- 000 and $45,000 given students graduate)¦;• .' Debra R a d t ke, j cy, have been released on bond. charges in? U.S. District Court in Baltimore figure can't speak put on the is- tack ," he said. annually by the state and such South . St. Paul , Minn. : Deborah !I donors as PTAs, veterans or- Rainier, Wabasha , Minn?; Jac- ganizations and the Minnesota inta"' ¦ Reuter, Mazeppa , Minn.; Education Association . Mary Schneider, Eagle Lake, Minn. ; John N. Smith, Cale- ROBERT LIETZAU, the col- donia, Minn., Jeffrey Strom , lege: director of financial aids, Lanesboro, 7 Winn. ; Sharken . said freshmen selection is based Toft , Albert Lea, Minn.; Greg on high school class rank and Traxler , LeSueur, Minn?; Ros- scores-en college aptitude tests. ann Wilkes, La Crescent, Minn.; The student's financial need : Lynn Yantes, . St. Paul ; Ruth The Gopher factor he 7 said. State also is a , Yeeman, Lansing, Iowa. . Others receiving freshmen Lietzau?. listed the . college's ?scholarships are: scholarship benefactors as: Linda Adelmann, Farmihgton, Minn. ; Martha Kay Anderson, ETTA HUDSON Howell , 7 St. Paul ; Debra Aspenson, Al- Choate, W. W, Norton, Beulah Doift-Rush-Me Rate* bert lea , Minn.; Karen Beat- Norton, L. L? Brown, "70th year," Ella Txicker , World War 10 minutes for $1.30 a Memorial, Stephen Somsen j Alice Mead , Theda Gildemeis- tf^^ ter, William Markle, Louise Su- Local schools therland , Philip Loughrey Me- The Gopher State morial, Centeiinial-1960 and Jo- ^ sephine Flagg. ? Rate is for people who don't like to be 7 Minnesota, and dial the number your- Hate from Northwestern Bell. Dr. James Opsahl of the WSC rushed. ? V V V selfVwhhout operator assistance.* Think oHt as freedom ot speech. receive grants biology department is chair- For onty $1.30, you get ten long, lux- And if you make the call after 11 PM, man of the selection committee. urious minutes to say all you want to the same $1.30 gets you twent y? /•¦¦% Others, all faculty members, say. As long as you do it af ter 5 PM or minutes.* 7; are: Dr. Arthur Barsky, Agnes ^ fjQj NOfthWGStem Bell of federal funds Dr. Gerd or Bard , David Weiler, y •Does nol apply en the legal,holidays of Irtdepefldencri Day, Labor Day, Thankjt^iying,Christmas New Year's Day.' ' , -: Three Winona colleges and Schwendenwein, Joan Ediger . ^ ^ . . . the Winona Area Vocational- and Lietzau ( ex-officio). Technical Institute are sharing In nearly a half a million dol- . lars ia work-study and Educa tional Opportunity Grants ad- ministered by the United States Police quiz Office! of Education . MMMMMMMMMMMM mW^mm/^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma ^MMMMMKm^ Jliil ^^lH^^V^^^^^^^^^^^ HJ^H ' Winona State College, 1 the College of Saint ? Teresa, St. ^MMMMMMMMMMmW' ^1 mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMl ^^ S^BMfimKmm^^ Mary's College and the voca- worker on fatal .^^BB ^^HH ^^^^^HHi tional-technical institute receiv- ed notification today of grants ¦ T " ^BH totalling $227,770 in the work- ^B^^BB V* ^^^^^^^^^ ¦BKBB ^i ¦ W^ ^mMMMMMmXmWB^^KtMMMMMMW fire in Japan MMMMMMMMMMMM * - VHn | Wx ^ ' 'fell ^^HHHHHH ' study program. * ^^^^^^ # ^ In addition , Rept. Albert? H. OSAKA, .lapan (API - Po- ^m^m^m^m^m^W-^BWI-m^m^m^mWm^mgMBMM MMW^MMW^MMMMMMMMMMW ^M^MWM^M^M^M^M^M^M^M^M^M^M^M^Mr^^m ¥ Quie announced , Winona State, lice questioned a workman to- ^SKMMmmMBmW ' ^Z^^^mW^^^^^^ ^^SSr^^^ .dfMimWMMMaMmmmmmmmm\\Mtm\vlmMm\ HH St. Mary's and the College of day on suspicion he may have Saint Teresa will receive $234,- carelessly dropped a lighted 960 from the Educational Op- cigarette and touched off the portunity Grant funds for needy fird that killed 117 persons In a seventh-floor cabaret Saturday lMMMMMMMMMMMMMM\ ^Mmm^^^mmmmmmmm\WL^MMMMMMMMMMMmm¥^ ^, U $Sm$XltMaiM - ' etudeflts. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMm WnM^^MMmmmWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm >¦ * V •mW^mA^mWt^ • ¦*-' l^^^^^^^^^mMm^kl^^^fl^mmm^mmMMMMMMUt^HlvSIHilr ^MMMMMMMmWmWM Allocations for the work- night. « ' HHI^B* study program included $106,- Keiji Kawashima , 3fi , was MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM/^MMMMMMMMM\W " ^^^^^MmSMMMMMMMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM '» * x- '^WmXm&fflmrIMMimS^x^ '' ^' ^' w wli^^Hrlk 'WHffiffii^*^^HHHHHSI doing electrical work on the i ^4«HR<> ;>>< " < x» < ^^&^^^SxLWMWSi-A, 419 for Winona State , $62,088 for mWmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMT«a\B' /lii^nv^^^^^ ^^^^ H*-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B li BB ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ B H ' - -mml^MiWW^S^mmiMMmt» ^ - M%%MMmHMm ^^y ^HB|^HS^¦¦ '^^^^^^^^^ ¦¦RH the College of Saint Teresa , third floor of the department MMMMMMMMMMMMM^^^^^ m»hm^m^MMMMMMMMMMMMBMMMMMMM t ^niiMHERSI^WaWmW ^ WfPiR^ , $33 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMW^S^eiWaMAWMMMMMMMMMWts^MMMMMMMm ^** ' XiZ^WMm . ^B^H^HMmmmMtMtM 040 for St. Mary's College and store in which the night club I^ $26,233 for the vocational-tech- was located when the fire broke • '^^H^^^HBVr^iilii-I^K^^W^JW—M^R '''' ' ^m?m^'" ' X'ii Wk ^MBBn , police ^MMMMMMH^^^^^^K. ^MMMMMMMWtmWmMMMMMMMMMaW ^ «W if' ' ^MMM MM nical institute. out on the same floor " WX The College of Saint Teresa said. He and four other work- mMMMMMMMMMMMW mm$mKmm M ' " W 1 ^BH men escaped injury. * ^ : ¦ will receive $116,168 in Educa- MMMmMMMWl^^^mm^^mm'i&m ^SW ' < ' 7 m mm tional Opportunity Grants; St. But about 170 persons nt the Mary 's, $40 ,688, and Winona Play Town cabaret upstairs State, $78,104. were trapped in smoke when Statewide, 84 institutions re- the flames below cut off the ceived a total of $4,776,355 to electricity, stopping the eleva- . provide part-time employment tors. Officers said the door to for an estimated 10,471 stu- the emergency stairs was dents in the work-study program locked. and 51 Minnesota institutions "After the fire broke out , ev- received $4 ,002, 169 to provide eryone was shouting escape ," 6,083 grants to needy students recounted an injured cabaret under the Educational Oppor- girl from her hospital bed . "I tunity Grants program. don 't remember thinking of anything but oscape. There was a lot of smoke , choking every- body."

i —^^^mmmommmmmwThe flames never reached the cabaret , but. authorities found It's Brand Hew ! the bodies of 9fi hostesses and customers dead of asphyxia- "The Bugger" tion. Twenty persons were killed falling or jumping from Bicycle Trailer the windows or from thc roof ForJ , $^A95 one story above Camping / ¦ , and another X • J cabaret girl died Sunday ol in- ' ' ' jurie s. Twenty-eight others WMMMMM! «L .-- -^^^^ffl ' iS^^HK^Eiy^^BH^^H • Shopping op H^fetea^r^^ were injured , 10 of them se- ^BmMmWIi¦BBI mMmmmMMmmBBBBtmmmmWmlmIm i-^F » KOLTER'S • riously, authorities reported. SALES A SERVICS"£! The fire was Japan 's worst ^¦^^^^^^^ ^BMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW ' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmSamW^iW^ "Slnc« 1943" since 1951 , when 107 persons " " H^HHS^t^^^H^^t^^^^^^^^HK^^^^B i<>7 M*nk»to Av«, phone «J-5»« di(?d in n '• 'okohnma railroad ^ station ¦'' ' MMMMMMMMMMM ' ¦ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM\M ^ ¦ >< ¦ "y m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K&M *^^^^^t ^t ^t ^t ^m V MMMM ^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmf mMmmWf ^ '^^SSKK^m ENJOY THE LUXURY OF MMMMMMmlBK T ^'i&mML MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMw$ *^^$tCm

* THIS SUMMER..! It's easier than you 'd think! .Jiml Kivo us n cull -md wci 'll ¦ ^^^^ w ^^^^^ show you the latest in fixtures and help you plan your extra - if^^iH H HI • - lH bath for greatest convenience I mH^Mm^^_mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :' ' ^^i^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^• '^Sm\MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmm H^H^^K-\m^mmM^H ^MMWlSMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM\m\M\MMMMMMMMMMWP^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' ' : PLUMBING ' ^^mm^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmlMMMMmW^M\ U QM li/l MMM mBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW 4 ' Xff s i iWmBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm ll ll CC If I & HEATING WMM "m^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^ > t 1mW^MMMMMMMLmBkwMBmMMMMMMMMMmMMMMMmmMMMmM ^B CALL <8»-223 7 or 48P-J421 — ROLLIN&STONfc mm#WfflMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm.. . - ¦', .. .Nv .ytl'^li^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BWLyH

I, I Bonds OKed Recover body Local firm low bidder of drowned for foundry on city sewer projects construction Milwaukeean The Winona City Council Mon- struction in ihe Miracle Mall Glen Mary„ $77,266.15; Ameri- day night accepted the appar- ALMA, Wis The body of Shopping Center area; storm can Plumbing and Heating Co.; The Winona City Council Mon- ent low bid for the city's 1972 day night authorized the Wino- a drowning victim — Arthur sewer extension to serve tlie 11? Washington St., $77,046.40, OK' Motowski, 66 Milwaukee, was sewer construction projects. McNally townhouse project at Council s North ,. and Three-Way Construction na Port Authority to issue up to spotted floating in the Missis- Low Tbidder on th& project the far east end of the city ; $1,775,000 ia Industrial revenue was Winona Plumbing Co. 1126 Co., Waite Park, Minn., $84,- bonds for sippi River here Monday about several minor storm sewer pro- construction of the E. Broadway, with a bad of $61,- 673.94. new Badger Foundry Co. in the 6 p.m. by two Alma fishermen. jects to be done in connection One week ago, on May 8, 781:4.5, • well below City Engin- Edstrom, 216 Lake Drive, River Bend In- . ¦ Central airline request ' with curb and gutter work; sani- ¦¦¦' ¦ Motowski fell into the water eer Robert r——— re- dustriat Pajk. _, ( tary sewer extension to La ke had previously balked at a The Winona City Council Association PERA) benefits. approved its bylaws, and au- while fishing from a boat with Bollant's esti- /•-. Park at (Har- The foundry, CltV plans thorized spending the $25 meiii- Franklin Street quest that he sign a sewer -r Monday night agreed to support The different benefit two other companions near Lock mate oi $69,- Llty old Edstrom property); sani- presently lo- Central Air- would have little eifect ; on the besship fee. easement through Jib proper- the efforts of North & Dam No. 4 here. ... tary sewer extension in East cated at 168 CoUllCll lines to obtain city, councilmen were told. Mayor Indall noted that the Felix Kramer and Hal Gold- en W. 2nd St., | The work Council Burns Valley Road , and a sani- ty, and the council had th ¦ an extension fa. Councilmen were also told organization's next meeting will ner, Alma, saw the body in the essentia]]} last week an- ' '¦ ' ' 7, in- 1 tary sewer extension In Conrad offered to give him his old, of the order City Monday that the League of Min- be July in Winona. Slated water Monday evening by a volves six pro- nouhced plans to build on six permittiag it ¦/» " ' annual speakers at that meeting will boat landing as they were fish- Drive on Wincrest. troublesome sewer and free the city . ? .« nesota Municipalities' jects, three pf them storm sewr acres in the park on the 's to suspend op- Council convention will be held in Roch- be the director of the state ing on shore neair the Dairyland city from obligation to pump east side. '¦;¦¦ ¦ ' - ' planning commission and the er and three sanitary sewer. OTHER BIDS received In- erations here. - ,. . ester June 14-16. A letter from Power Co. in the city Limits, They include: storm s-ewer con- cluded ; Frank Construction Co., it weekly. The council was told Port Authority President Har- The Minne- . . 7' regional director of the federal ,000 feet from the league was filed. which is about 2 Monday night that he has since old Doerer explained to eeuncil- apolis-based airline drew per- In another matter , councilmen department of Housing and Ur- where he fell in the water men that the industrial revenue mission from the Civil Aero- gave quick approval to city ban Development. seven days ago. signed tha easement. . bonds will be retired from in- (CAB) on Oct. In another matter, the City s fishing compani- nautics Board membership in the newly- Motowski' IN RELATED action Monday, come off the property and will 24, 1969 to suspend passenger formed Coalition of Outstate Council learned Monday that a ons were George Ellingson, 66; not come from taxation. service here when the locally- Cities, the concept for which portion of Gilmore Avenue that Milwaukee, and Glen Bielefeldt , City to write off councilmen approved resolu- Doerer noted that the move owned : Mississippi Valley Air- was originated by Councilman is currently Highway 14 will be about 25, Buffalo City. tions accepting three sewer ''does clean up a? bad problem lines began operation. Dan Trainor, Jr. turned back to the city next Buffalo County Sheriff Myron easements related to the pro- that we have on our downtown That CAB permission will ex- Mayor Norman Indall ex- Nov.,.1. 7 Hoch reported that the men had jects just bid. They included riverfront." ¦: ' pire next fall, and North Cen- plained that the organization , The turnback involves that their boat anchored between missing gasoline Air. and Mrs. Bruce McNally, City Manager Carroll Fry ex- tral is seeking a three-year ex- made up of non-metropolitan portion of Gilmore Avenue from roller gate No. 1 and the auxil- for the tovnhouse area storm inter- plained that the old foundry site tension of that permit. cities with similar needs and the present Highway 61. iary lock of the dam , while they The Winona City Council Mon- Aviation and therefore never sewer, and two others, William section to where the new cut- would be sold by the firm once problems, has been formed to were "fishin .fi?" When the boat day night agreed to write off paid for. Wieczorek and Mr. . and Mrs. the move is completed, but in IN OTHER routine council ac- give the outstate cities more off begins below St. Mary's Col- started to fill up with Water aviation fuel debt from The city never attempted to tion Monday, councilmen heard a 7 bad Stanley Weinberger , Sr., answer to questions from coun- "clout" at t h e state level lege. The new Highway 14 will (the anchor was over the back Winona Aviation Service, Inc., determine shrinkage and con-, Weinberger and a brief explanation of balloting jump- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Stanley , Jr7 , cil said it is "extremely unlike- against growing blocks of met- go straight north from St. end of the boat) the men that had ac- r~~~ •. • . • ' . i trolled fuel prices so tightly it Miss Mary Weinberger both now beuig done among ' city em- self-interest groups. , ly" the old building would ever ropolitan Mary's to Highway 61 at Pelzer ed into the river. c rued over "¦:>¦•^ . I never allowed a margin of prof- relating to property in the Mir- ployes on . four different ap- Street. Motowski reportedly lost his be used for a foundry again, COUNCILMEN ap p r o' ve d the. last nine VITV it large enough to cover it, the acle Mall, storm sewer yproject Pol- proaches to improvements in . In its notification of the turn- hold on the back end of the manager noted. since it violates Minnesota Public - Employes Retirement membership in the organization, , years. - .. area. lution Control Agency regula- back, the Minnesota Highway small aluminum motor boat The move CoUPCll I Under the system in effect went down once, came up, and Councilmen were told that tions and would have to undergo Department noted that Gilmore amount ed to ¦1 since last summer, the f irm City then disappeared in the fast ' ¦ ¦—*— now buys and sells its own fuel Attorney George Robert- extensive work to comply. Avenue will not qualif y for the the city ' s • . son last moving current. agreeing not to force the firm and takes its own shrinkage week began condem- Doerer reiterated! that the municipal state aid street sys- nation procedures against interest — is ' ¦ Dragging ©Derations were to pay $2,350,44 for 6,900 gal- risks. , West- bond — including Students march tem.? . Buffalo Coun- ern Land Corp., owner of tha conducted by the lons of fuel that disappeared . payable solely from rentals re- , FRY recommended that the does COUNCILMEN instructed the ty authorities assisted by mem- over the nine year period that shopping center, for an ease- ceived on tie property and bers of the Department of Nat- city absorb the loss rather than ment there. not constitute a debt of either city administration to check the the city bought fuel for the air- condition of the street and re- ural Resources, Alma Chief of port and resold it to. Winona forcing it upon the already fi- the city or the Port Authority.. nancially - ailing Winona - by cahdlefight quest turnback funds to repair Police Fred Glander , and many Aviation. . '. -'He. noted that Miller and other volunteers. tion. In its letter asking for the Sea rch for three to Schroeder Municipals, Inc., Min- A quiet candlelight procession , some people do not wish to hear it if such repairs are warrant- The fuel amounted to one per- ¦ ' ' ¦ Motowski's bodv was taken to council move, the firm noted neapolis; have already given a strolling in groups of two and that they are responsible for ed- . ' . ;?¦ „ " a Milwaukee "Funeral home, cent shrinkage of the total 682,- that its stock "has depreciated be resumed Friday letter of intent to purchase the three wound its way slowly the ¦war ," in speaking of the In other routine busiriess^lhe 000 gallons sold during that pe- , where memorial services had to the point of being worth only GRAND MARAIS, bonds. downtown from Winona State Wednesday and Thursday peace council approved Mayor 7 In- been scheduled for this morn- riod, a JI .amount; City Manager a fraction of its original value, Minn. ' ¦ " (AP)-Th . . ¦• • demonstrations." He added that dall's appointment of James ing; '' Carroll J. Fry said is not un- e Cook County Sher- College to the Levee Plaza mall and that the firm's "very sur- iff' s Department STARS IN A PINCH and back to the student union the group "must be able to tem- Schain, 59 E. Bro adway, to the usual, since normal gasoline vival is now in question." , says a search (AP ) — Rich porarily withstand animosity Winona Port Authority. Schain shrinkage may run as high as for three rnen missing since Oc- NEW YORK Monday night. . Manager Fry noted that the - McKinney, the 25-year-old in^ from, the community if we are will fill the unexpired term of Rochester Weather three Dfercent. city already faces financial tober will be resumed Friday. . The group of about 150 people Sheriff VEmerson Morris said fielder obtained by the New had assembled at Kryszko Com- serious about the war." Myron Findlay, which will cx-. problems at tlie airport , ami if ? Bureau chief moving UNDER the system operated Monday tlie aerial and York Yantees from the Chi- mons at 8:30 p.m. with mem- Several other speakers pointed pire March 18,7 1976. Findlay prior to Aug. 4, 1971, Fry re- Winona Aviation goes broke, the ground search will be7centered in the cago Wtote Sox for Stan Bah- bers bearing candles to com- out an "unfortunate identifica- had resigned. ROCHESTER , Minn.

¦ ¦ " ¦ / . ed the value . of the building it- . the.THigh Quiz Bowl Super Bowl. self , but Fry urged payment Houston defeated St. Charles, of Ibe $400 claim, a reduction from top- ' 205 to 50, and La Crescent an original claim of $1,450, and -#' a^ f tPGWPtM. ped Westby, Wis., 240 to 40. the council agreed. ^^^ i Next Sunday, In the semifinal Other routine council business baooRnf lS ***™*** game, Caledonia will meet Eau Included approval to a request of the newly-formed Winona A Hoover - Claire Memorial and Houston • an op- Safety Coordinating Committee If High School will meet t o close a portion jj electric or gas the worlds finest If posing team from La Crescent, of High , Street for a bicycle safety dem- Minn. onstration. Coached by Mrs. Mary An- • Extra large 'VI/ The street will be closed be- <£ £r throw-away bag - derson , Preston . Drogmueller, fy * &mm^^y j fi Mike Smerud , Doug Wiegrefe, tween West Broadway and West ^^^^^^ CHOICE holds more dirt - /III and David Brown will repre- Wabasha Street from 5-8 p.m. ' change sent Caledonia. Eau Claire Me- Friday for the safety program. YOUR less often! F _ I T^—-- ' *kW $000 JI ^3 morial will be represented by: The City Council also approv- .--— m JL £_ * • Vinyl outer jacket ed a request —^^^^^Stt. " "' K ' >«WK' Mumaj mama^rJ rJ \J7- ' Steven Kinderman , Chris by City Finance -never a dusty odor. I 'III / Everts, Barbara Hoehn, and Director Darrel Johnson to in- crease deposits Wipe clean with a I ill ' James M'errin. The Eau Claire at the Town and ^^^^ HHHHHB | W; I BOTH REGULARLY damp clotti. I. 'III °. • coach is James Bowman , Country State Bank to $125,000. i*i H ¦ Representing Houston will be: Councilmen also gave routine • 4-positicn rug |. I if ° , . approval to a drain v Dirk Abraham, Caroline Stev- layer's li- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ adjustment...indoor- J III . . I ermer, Denise Rostad, and cense for H.D. 3Cramer Plum b- H ing Co., * outdoor floor coverings f •llf •*¦ .1 Scott Lundberg. The team 312 E. 3rd St., and a to deep shag rugs. coach is Sherman Cole. Coach- sidewalk layer's license for Eb- ^^^^^^^^^^^ rJil / ed by Tom Unangst and Sylvia ner Construction Co., La Crosse, ^^^^^ ¦ cOTWflii^S, , "I !•'. | i " " ' l • Two speed motor- jj/j Lc. I Seaton, the La Crescent re- Wis. ,-- ^ ma m Mi l. ' ¦" ' * Jl ¦^-Air I / HPMVF&MaWjm r/fSS ' ^^^^^^^11 ^ - ^Si 1 presentatives will be: Ralph JmmAmmm AmJmm l(C3ll II& S^^^^^^^ ^^^^MM^^^^^'^ ^^^^^ B 50% more suction f /|f^5| with cleaning tools, I III . I Yates , Stephen Ham, Jeff Rose, . and Candy Horton. automatically! I fjl J Each semi final game will be Cleaner rolls 10 minutcs-30 seconds in length. Anderson hopes • _J°L F on wheels-gets all Winners of these contests will (flfflfflBM / then continue into the final the dirt, you just vf ti Sl/ game, to determine a High country will Quiz Bowl Super Bowl cham- Hea dlight - pion. This game will be seen • W j mmmm\. see where you're dmmmr^__ ^^ on May 28, and will conclude get over violence y|_ mmk the High Quiz Bowl program for . ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) (his - '"'^sS year. Gov. Wendel l Anderson , ex- I k Members of the St. Charles pressing his s hock over the team , coached by LaVonne Gol- shooting of Alabama Gov. fier , are John Brownell, Steven Georgo Wallace, said he hope Heriedett , Donald Spitzer, Rog- the country "will recover from Peggy er Randall nnd alternate the sick violence and hate thnt EUCTKIC MODEL: 31-2512 jSOWlllUi lBflgfllill Root , and the Westby team: have cost us so many of our Chester Hilton David Schrein- Continuous clean ovon , leaders." • TAJPJRi BMin Brye David Moilicn ~ ^~

DEAR ABBY: You have just made my day ! In your column, you listed the three top causes of friction in mar- riage. Jealousy, money and cards. ' ' ¦ ' ¦" ; ¦¦; Xit It madie me realize how lucky I am because neither my husband nor I are attractive enough to anyone else to ¦ create jeal- ______^______¦ ¦ ousy, we i ¦ . have no ex- ¦ Abby: tra money Dear By ' f Abigail Van Buren er, S^ 1 don't play cards!' Then to top it off , your CONFIDENTIAL TO FROM THE OLD SCHOOL: "Welcome tp the club. Very few of us who had 'old world' parents were told the facts of life by our mothers. All my mother told me, God bless her, was never to put bananas in the refrigerator ," gave me the biggest laugh I've had in years. I roared aloud to an empty house as my husband had gone to work. All the bad news in the rest of the newspaper , nor any- thing thrown at me for the rest of the day, can't erase the warm, lighthearted : feeling I got from reading your column today. Just had to let you know. D. W. IN MINNESOTA . DEAR D, W.: We 're even! Your letter just made my PATRIOTIC PAGEANT .. . An all-school :.? witz, Michael Barnholtz, Ellison Lafky, Rich-

* aWX60fftfSi)^WSttmWtBl*r4W ' '¦"'* day! Thanks for writing. " flfffflffiffifl f -^ program entitled , "Sing About America, ard Schell and Christine Barnholtz. The pa- TO PERFORM AT CONCERT . . . The Barb Wistcd and Debby Wilk. Other members and rented an. was presented by Stockton School students at triotic pageant was presented as part of the DEAR ABBY: My husband ^ I apartment string orchestra will be among several small of the group not pictured are Sue Spear and : in an expensive high-rise? building. About six months ago, a the Monday evening PTA meeting there. final meeting of the Stockton PTA for the groups performing at the Winona Jiinior High : Jamie Schain. A string ensemble and three, very lovely older couple , in their sixties rented the apart- Front row, from left , Suzanne Oevering, V school year. The group was under the direc- School spring concert Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. string quintets will also be featured along ment right next to ours, and we haven't had a good night's Cheri Nelsestuen', Theresa Rierriann , Carolyn tion of Mrs. Carolyn Goplen . (Daily News . in the junior high auditorium. Front row, with the full orchestra. Jerry Lehmeier is sleep since. Angst, Gary Oevering and Deanne Barnholtz, 7-photo). ' : from left, Cindy Halliday, LouAnn Jackels, director: The public is invited free of charge. Their quarreling and bickering can be heard until the Second row, from left, Jerry and Judi Wade- Lebakken. Second (Daily News photo) "" ". ' ¦' ' wee hours of the morning, The way they shout at each other, Karen Lehmeier and Jean : they must be deaf. row, from left, Ann Fuglestad, Holly Scbarf , We can't say that they are actually disturbing the peace Brownsville church because they don!t have any crashing, Smashing fights, just Older Adult Cotter concert very noisy arguments that last until dawn. scene of nuptials . \) &*w*:-Az&:?c-u¦ ^ agement because these Whitehall music ¦ . ' ' : .S; We hate to complain to the man card pa rty to be Wednesday X0: people are quite charming. Any suggestions? BROWNSVILLE, Minn. (Spe- ' ' THE FOLKS NEXT DOOR to be tonight ? cial)—Miss Carmen Bissen and Cotter High School will pre- students win ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ XXZ '¦? . ' , ''. . y " ?¦¦ ' • • . '. '?5 Michael Moriarty were married sent its, annual spring concert ¦ ¦¦' ' : • ¦ • .. ¦ ¦ ' . " " . DEAR FOLKS: If you haven't told them that they , A card party will be held April 22 at St. Patrick' ¦ rit.-'C '¦ ¦ ,.y '' ; --" • . . — .-.- .. .. § . . s Cath- ,l'!-r-' :. . " .-V ¦ . .Jr.,,.,. .. .J; , .. . -,, - . ...-,«• .«¦ ¦ ¦ :-i are keeping you up nights, that should be?your first order at the Valley Wednesday at 8 p.m.: at the Cot-7 state honors : iZk . Z : ' .itf'Zvx t? *¦•?;v .-*3 ZX- <:r y:M ~ ' >vV¦ ¦ ¦ ;v . View ToWer to- olic . Church, Brownsville. *< of business. Perhaps they ABE hard . of hearing, and night starting at? 7:30. Prizes The bride is the daughter of ter Recreation Center, ' WHITEHALL/ Wis. (Special) ¦ : : ¦ ¦ hopefully your complaint wiir inspire them to get hearing will be given in schafskopf , 500 , Mr. and Mrs. James Bissen, The band and choirs will per- . il" IM ^x^f^^.,: aids. ' . ?¦ ' — Seven Whitehall High School ¦ ¦M^K^'¦ i . bridge and bunco. Area senior and the bridegroom is the son form various numbers includ- . mX ' £X- %iiX- ' ¦$ ., _ CT i ON?? " Your letter raises two questions:" J. How do you figure , Class A soloists earned first ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦¦ ' i citi2ens are invited.. A small of Mr? and Mrs. Joseph Moriar- X&X- '' . - .. . ' • 7 ' -;.. :.??¦ ' ' • ' ¦% 7 they aren't disturbing your peace if they keep you up ing classical, contemporary places? at the state music con- admission will be charged. ty, Brownsville. arid rock under the direction of V ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ nights? 2. How do you define "charming?" Open? bowling for senior citi- The bride -was graduated from in Eau Claire April 29. Vo- ¦¦li - ' ' :¦ " : ' ¦" : Randy Blaser and John Henley. ' ' l - DEAR ABBY: This concerns your unsympathetic answer zens, at reduced rates, is sched- Caledonia High School and . Wi- The public is invited free off cal soloists earning firsts were MlMm®mmM:W&mim to "EXHAUSTED," who was drained dry by her mother's uled every Wednesday afternoon nona Area Technical1 Institute. . charge. ¦ ¦ Carol Ellison and Sue Colliton , endless list of unreasonable demands. You said , "After all, at 1:30 at tlie Westgate Lanes. She is employed.- . by the ? La ¦'¦• . ' '?¦ ' ¦ sopranos ; hand soloists were she IS your mother," Mrs. Henry Heublein, Lewis- Crosse Telephone Corp? Her hus- Dear Abby," because ton Minn., band , a graduate of Loretto High Solveig Aasen, alto saxophone; I won't say, "Shame on 7 you , , will talk and show through the years of reading your, column, it is my bet that slides Thursday at 2 p.m. of her School,, is .employed by Grif- Piano recital Marilyn Sveen, cornet ; Anne you had the kind of mother many of lis would like to have tour through England, Norway fith Construction. A piano and organ recital will 't that fortunate , so I know Knutson , French horn ; Betsy had. However, I for one wasn and? Switzerland. be presented Wednesdayyat 7:45 how "EXHAUSTED" feels. Fremstad, 7 clarinet , and Sue On Friday, 80 Older Adults p.m. in tlie Fellowship Hall of While your- advice was sound , you should have added , Lake City voWs Mallum, piano. V from the center will attend ; the the First Congregational Church. ''If you can 't beat it (the situation ) , and you can't join it, LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) Rating first in vocal ensem- 3rd annual Southeastern Minne- ¦ Presenting the recital will be :¦' ;¦¦ ' ? ble was the girl's triple trio of you will have to learn to walk away from it—for a while. sota senior citnens program at — . Misjs Patricia Gosse and Let Mom run her own vacuum, make her own bed and Dale Reincke were married the students of Miss Carlis An- Carol Ellison, Natalie Ander- ' the Apache Mall , Rochester. derson: Diane Marley, Kelly Na- write her own checks. Your own health is more important Buses will leave at 10 a.m. April 20 in ceremonies . at St. son, Sue Colliton, Marilyn Case, gel, David Alampi, Linda to you and your family than anyone else's." • ' Registrations at reduced rates John's Lutheran Church, F'ron- Connie Marsolek , Lois Loga, Schams, Diane 7 Alahipi, Eric Cold-hearted and cruel? Not at all. Just sensible. My are now being taken for the tenac. Ann Schorbahri. Beth Speerstra that most mothers EARN the treat- Miller, Jim Marley, Randy Mil- and Jane Windiue. own children taught me Twins-Cleveland game on Sen- Parents of the newlyweds? are ment they get from their children in their later years. And Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Gosse, ler, Lori Feiten and Becky Band ensembles rating first ior Citizens Day at the Met, Luethi y the person who so wisely pointed this out to me said, "Your ' Wabasha , Minn., and Mr. and were: Solvei June 19 and for an overnight . ¦ . ¦ g Aasen and Heidi mother IS your mother , but it was HER act that caused it— . trip, to Duluth June 22 and 23 Mrs. Raymond Reincke, rural Thompson, Wendy Humphrey, not yours," MRS. R. IN COLUMBUS , Kaye Hauge, saxophone quar^ which will Include a lake cruise Lake City. Miss Sue . Gosse and VFW auxiliary tet; Marilyn Sveen, Marilyn Problems? Trust Abbv. For a personal reply, write to and a tour of places of interest Garwin Stensrud attended the Guse, Don Reck, cornet trio; ABBY, BOX 69700, L. A., CALIF. 90C69 and enclose a stamp- in Duluth. couple. LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) Marillyn Sveen, Don Reck, Anne ed , addressed envelope. The bridegroom is a graduate — The Lake City VFW Auxili- . Knutson , Joyce Lamborn, Car- of Lincoln High School , Lake ary will meet Monday for instal- olyn Hegge, Paul Trygstad , Y-Wives set City; and is a student in auto lation of officers. Poppies will brass sextet ; mechanics at Tampa, Fla. be on sale Friday and Saturday. Betsy Fremstad , Peggy John- rummage sale son, Jane Tof turn, Gretchen Your horoscope—Jeane Dixon Hegge, Barb Berg, Pam Heg- The YWCA Y-Wives and New- ge, Sherilyn Anderson, Carol comers Club will hold a rum- Hanson , Mary Fremstad , Mi- FOR WEDNESDAY MAY 17 mage sale Saturday beginning chele Peterson , Kathleen Fischr Vour '" birthday today: Material progress is no great at 9:30 a.m: on the YWCA er, Sherry Bautch , Leona Gjest- problem once you meet the challenge of spiritual growth, grounds. Donations are wel- sincerity. Emotional expression develops oyer a broad range, come, all proceeds will go to vang, Debbie Koepke, Debbie " Humphrey, Clarinet choir , offers fulfillment and excitement. Today's natives are the YWCA. Marilyn Sveen , Don Reck, Anne noted for sustained endurance , economy and industry. Persons interested in renting Don Reck , Sue Klimek , Anne Anes (March 21-Anril 19): Emphasis for today is main- space for a booth are welcome Knutson , Barb Bensend , Carol tained on social action. Young 'people need your attention , to do so. They are asked to Ellison, Gloria Larson, Carolyn Wic'en your range to include hobbies. bring their own tables for dis- Taurus (April 20- May 20): Complete something dis- play. Hegge, Joyce Lamborn and (Durley Studio) ' Paul Trygstad , brass choir. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Bauer tasteful in . the morning, then turn to matters more to your In case of inclement weather , Music directors are Sheridan liking in Ihe afternoon. Property deals and improvements the sale will be held in the Johnson, band , and William are lavored. YWCA gym. Dahl, vocal. Gemini (May 21-.)unc 20): Following early, excitement, Hayden-Bauer your course, steadies and you can settle domestic tensions. Romantic interests brighten , include surprises. Mondovi concert MINNEISKA CLEANUF (June ' Cancer 21-July 22): Once morning schedules are MONDOVI, Wis. (Special) - MINNEISKA , Minn. - Dur- improve your leverage ' with a strong hid for completed , The music department of Mon- ing cleanup day in Minneiska personal advancement. Claim your earnings, recover what many mothers, children dovi High School will present , and solemnized you have lent. Behind the eight-boll? Take vows its annual spring pops a "cue" from Sammy the Rev. James Nickel , pastor of Leo (July 2,'f.Aug. 22): A quiet morning in which things concert FOUNTAIN CITY , Wis. -Missi Bauer, Thursday at 8 p.m. in St. Mary's Catholic Church come your way. Push to get things moving by using per- the gym- and Sally . , . visit Winona National & Savings Bank Susan Marie Hayden and Wil- The bride wore" a floor-length here, cleaned the streets of thc suasion to best advantage , Radiate high confidence. nasium. Thc concert band , stage liam J. Bauer were married sheath dress of taffeta over or- regarding a loan. village and along Highway 61. Virgo (Aug. 2;!-Sept. 22): band and mixed chorus will pre- May f! at SI. Mary 's Catholic ganza wilh a pearl beaded hod- People who seem to be fol- Debris was loaded into trucks lowing different courses most of the time now in general sent the program. Richard Put- Church here. The Rev. Matthtfw ice. Thc dress had an attached are by Lloyd Tibor and James Ber- | agreement. Unusual cooperation becomes dcfinitelyi possible. zier is music director. The pub- Molinaro official ed at the nup- | train edged with chantjlly lace. ry. When work was done thc vol- Libra (Sept. 2:t-Oct. 22): Get a fresh perspective and lic Is invited lo attend free of tial Mass. I Her three-tidr veil was with a unteers were rewarded with re- perhaps a new friend to help turn things in your favor. charge . freshments furnished by Mayor Pnroiit.s of thn ' couple arc Mr. j ' mantilla blusher and she car- ¦ j ried red roses with white stcph- Fulfillment of nn old wish is near. D. H. Arhuckle ane'f a wiener and Mrs. Waller Hayden , Rock j Scorpio (Oct, £i-Nov. 21): The trend is toward positive roast [ anotis and baby's breath. Wed in Georgia ^ DIAMONDS from ^ , compliments of the vil- Falls , Wis., and Mr.s, Clem Bau- movement, and it should he fairly easy for you lo go along Mrs. Carol Cornish was ma- lage. er , Durand , and the late Mr . with things as they happen, Mrs. Marjorie T tron of honor and bridesmaids . Simon , Wi- Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Make an early compro- nona and St. were Bernadeltc Olson and Petersburg, Fla., > STAGER JEWELRY < mise, accept minor inconveniences in stride, go on to larger and Frederick J, Miss Kris Mondlock. They wort Schroeder ' kleaF and schemes for later hours. Celebrate this evening. Jr., Milwaukee Wis have special meaning . . . select Irom matching gowns of aqua chiffon , ., have an- y Cnpricon ( Dec. 22^.Jnn . 19): An early start makes the nounced tlicir VIKING'S with white picture hats and marriage, held whole day, with several eventfu l "mid-course changes" to Monday in Atlanta , Ga. The cou- ' our fine co llection of Beautiful Sty les ^ carried daisies nnd baby 's be negotiated. Relax early for extra rest . breath, ple will be at home after June A(|iinrius (Jan. 2(1-Fcl>. IK); Present yourself and your J at -11211 Norlh Downer Ave., /- Francis Koller was best man phu:.-; simply and wilh good-humored enthusiasm. Offer lf—- Milwaukee. lOO^ ^ > < and groomsmen wcr < loop offers the finest quality nt a U'-r*^^ following; a honeymoon. v ^ illl^^^lHM,LK and EGGS price you can afford. Every p iece on display is given a spe- Lake City man fll/l But ll< f »hompoo l lll S^HA50J 1 J « 'Wfi i' III fi ll I' " ' ' tc^rrr* , IM llll II cial treatment to excite even the. * B |U lsy%yy^f^ ^ '*ftu^' I Milk Bath and wed in Kansas 11| /' Ego Bath . . . Ill 1 I most sedate . Conic out and see protoin-ricli i^HiljAMOND S xw&Bmm - LAKK CITY , Minn . (Special) II [J milk product* renew '111 I! />Y7,K'.S' wide selection of the. limited time only! ( — Christ Lutheran Churcli , III unci restore dull , lifeleu hair at well Ml I newest look in patterns and col- rowuRi -< ^ Eureka , Kan., was Ihe ^ \ setting u' us provide an clngantly refresh ing || ors , both fun and fancy, We Low Spood Gear— Opon Arm for the April 22 marriage of • 1)11'Jil ITTflHffl I skin conditioning bath compound *< j have a la rg e in-stock selection • 100% Jam Proof Shultlo 1 1Ml I L* Miss Susan Darrah , (laughter WPJ , . , , Eggs offer softening and 111 in linoleum , cdrpcting and cc- ) < • Instant Throadlno of Mr nnd Mrs. Llmlsny Dar- j |T|V*|[rM \J^ _ rah , Howard Kan., ramie; including the self-cush- • Built In Tension 9\aMT Uu i i l , nnd Albert I smoothing propertio* . , . jj C. Seifert , son of Mr , ion carpeting lhat • Buttonholaa, without ntthc-hments arxl Mrs. many people ^ . '" ."wMh^aSS Herbert Sicfert $ y r |rt , d lon , Lake City. lay themselves. Come in and see. ) «-> 250 FREE DEMONSTRATION "" ° "„l The couple were attended by < " " LYLE 'S jor your next floor , wall - VISIT US TODAY! Miss Tfiresa llaiighinan and , or window Danny Tlmi^mmii. iw.rds or p hone 4H4- QS 3105 or have one of our experts Tho couple will live at . Wi'.hi- ;, III DO j ) QJ Kan, , 'I'l'!, Downtownnw — loved Plaza Woat • ,ij VI \ bring samples lager (j ewe lry QJ lore < Winona Sewing Machine Go, In , where Iho bridegroom . .A1 1 1 Mm II and advice , with- 915 W. 5th St Phono 452-9348 is statio ned wilh Ihe US Air ' "* ' out oli/j f/nlioii , from LYLK 'S 112 Lnvoo Plazci Eost Force , Ills bride I H a » ll MRnni |M iilud/'M ;i Hi Highway I d' West , where there, is Mombor American Gom Butler County Commdnliy ,luu Society / free parking and ^ ior College. easy tcrmsl I Nodine church is Security elaborate but fusion scene of nuptials DAKOTA, Minn. 7 — y Miss . wore/ empire-styled gowns of of people, politics dangerous daugh-* Jeanne Marie Schams, lavender with long bishop By LEE BYRD ing the risks. But they never Too, America leads the world , don't follow such pre-set rou- ter of Mrs. Walter Schams, Da- are eliminated. Not as long as in the number cf lethal weap- j ' sleeves and carried May bas- WASHINGTON (AP) - tine. The Secret Service de- kota , arid Tcrrance R. Strem- politicians insist on demonstrat- ons among its citizens and the] clines to say how many men cha son of Mr. and Mrs. Lu- kets of carnations and mums. You're at a political rally and a , friendly young man sidles up ing their . popularity in hand- ease by which they can be pro- are assigned to each candidate, cien Stremcha Dakota, were: David Schams, Harmony, j , and gives you a slight, painless shaking tours and hoopla ral- cured. Remember the great i though it could be as many as united in marriage by the Rev. was best man and groomsmen lies. Not as long as just a few gun debate after RFK was 50. No more than , eight or 10 were Dan Stremcha, Rick nudge in the ribs. He is smiling , Frederick Mueller May 6 at the and the gesture seems to say men are willing to commit a shot? ; ! are usually at the campaigner's s Lutheran Church , Stremcha and Steve Ford. Ush- St. John' "Hi, how are ya?" But. what he violent act, whether it is upon a And there were tighter gun side at any one time, however. Nodine, Minn. ers were Alan Knoll and Jeff Dr. Martin Luther King or a Stremcha. really wanted to know is wheth- controls as a result. And for the . At a typical Wallacd rally, Mrs. Roger Schroeder and the er you've got a gun. George Corley Wallace. first time, major candidates four Secret Service 7 agents Rev. David Kuske provided nup- FOLLOWING A reception at It's a little trick often em- The late Robert F. Kennedy were assigned agents oetorei stood on theV platform, arms tial music. the American Legion Club, La ployed by the Secret Service. told his closest aides that if a the nominating conventions, j folded or behind their back, in- GIVEN IN marriage by Ken- Crescent, the couple left on a And if it had been used on the man wanted to kill him, he'd The Secret Service force was i . tently studying the crowd as if neth Schams, the bride chose honeymoon through California. right man Monday, George C. probably find a way to do it , no nearly quadrupled since that | no one were above suspicion. a gown of silk organza design- and Las Vegas, Nev. Wallace likely would have* been matter what, Meanwhile, said day in Los? Angeles, now total- Others would be in the au- came- The couple are home at Da- spared the bullets which felled Kennedy, a man has to take a ing over 7O0 agents. But George dience or at thd rear of the. ed on empire lines with hall • lot sleeves and venise lace kota where the bridegroom is him on a Laurel, Md., parking man's chances. Wallace was shot nonetheless, , V lot. as he reached to shake a hand. Interning the gown and the employed by a tree service. He But does he? In an era when \Vh«n Wallace made a major bridal veil. The bride carried and his bride are both grad- Yet who would expect the Se- newspapers, television and ra- Now the protection will be ex- | speech , at an auditorium oi ral- an arrangement of orchids arid uates of Winona Senior High cret Service or local police to dio can reach virtually every panded again. Sen. Edward ] ly, he stood behind a bullet- stephanotis. School. She was graduated from spot every potential assailant in voting man jnd woman in the Kennedy, Rep. Shirley Chi- ; proof rostrum. He used it in Mrs. David Schams, Har- the Winona Area Technical In- a crowd ? nation, is it really necessary- to sholm and Rep. Wilbur Mills]three campaigns in the . last mony? was matron of honor and stitute and is employed 7 by the Not George Wallace, who charge through a mob of mere have been added to thd list of; eight years, and spoke behind it Miss Sue Stremcha, Mrs. Ken Flair Beauty Salon , La Crosse. took the step of adding Ala- hundreds and thereby subject those under guard . Monday at Laurel. But thtfn, 1 contrary to his . (Harfrier Studio) Schams and Miss Jane Diefc- The bride was honored at sev- bama state troopers to the the will of the majority to the The task of guarding the more usual Mn and Mrs. Alfred Picper Jr. rager were bridesmaids. They eral prenuptial parties. corps of federal men? who fol- whim , of a maniac? Democratic candidates is re- practice, he stepped out to ¦¦:,¦ -^amtmamaeatusir-* Smart ' . - *i - '..IAU&M lowed him and still felt "fully Or should a man running for garded far tougher by most shake those hands. as ¦' ¦ aware of the possihility" he the highest office in the land agents than that of protecting . would be shot. forego such gallantry, like the the president and vice presi- The New York State Depart- Cathedral is scene And having more agents, said general who remains at the dent, in White House travels, ment of Commerce handled 25,- Asst. Treasury Secretary Eu- rear line, as:a matter of nation- the routes are known and can 500 . letters from youngsters gene" T. Rossides? "would have al interest? be carefullyy advanced . Build- seeking information about the made absolutely no difference The notion that massive face- ings are searched in some Empire State in 1971. of nuptial exehan§e in a situation like this." contact is necessary is cases, with . men posted on roof- At best, the business of candi- something . of an American ex- tops. . The Cathedral of the Sacred groomsmen were Leo Bork arid date protection is one of reduc- clusive among democracies. But the primarv candidates¦ ; Heart was the setting for the Donald Pieper. Ushers were ——.—~—-—————.—-—„,—___—_—.———_—_—__—__—_—__ , .—_—_—^—.—.—_ April 29 marriage of Miss Ju- Kevin Pieper, Bernard Pron- dith Bork and Alfred Pieper Jr. schinske and James Bork. The Rev, Msgr. Joseph McGin- nis officiated at the ceremony Following a reception and din^ uniting the daughter of Mr. and ner at the Oaks, the newlyweds Mrs. Robert Bork, Trempea- departed on a honeymoon leau, Wis ., with the son of Mr. through? the New England States and Mrs . Alfred Pieper Sr., and the East Coast. They will Dover, Minn. ? Bev Shaw was organist and live at Zumbrota. Tom Dezell was soloist and gui» THE BRIDE was graduated tarist. ; from Cotter High School and at- PRESENTED in marriage by tended Stout State University, her father , the bride chose a Menomonie, Wis. She was em- gown of white lace over taffeta loyed by H. Choate & Co. prior designed on empire lines. Satin p ribbon trimmed the neckline to her marriage. Her husband is and ruffles formed the cuffs of a graduate of St; Charles High the long sleeves. A pillbox headr School,, served with the ; U.S. piece held the short bridal veil Army and: is employed by Du- ahd she carried an old-f ashibri- ane Hinrichs Plumbing and ed bridal bouquet of pink roses¦ Pump Service, Zumbrota. and .white stephanotis. ?' ?. . The bride was feted! at a pre- Miss Joan Bork, Trempea- nuptial party at the Centerville ¦¦ " ¦?' . . - :.- (Haafne'r. Studio) leau, was maid of honor and Town Hall given by friends. Rlr. and Mrs. Terrance R. Stremcha bridesmaids were Mary Pieper, Patricia Dulde, Judith Pieper and Roselyn Bork. Susan Bork VFW auxiliary was flower girl. The attendants Lucey says fiscal Avere gowned in long dresses of The VFW Auxiliary will meet pink crejpe designed on empire Wednesday at8 p.m. for instal- Eagles hatched problems of state lines with Peter Pan collars and lation of officers at the VFW short puffed sleeves. Tliey wore Club. A chicken dinner will be- must be curtailed | matching veils and carried bas- gin at 6:30V All members are kets of pink carnations and white urged to attend. by artificial 7 RACINE, Wis. (AP) - There j daisies. is "utmost urgency" for state ; Gerald Pieper, Zumbrota, Mankato freshman governments to curtail the fis- Minn., was best man and insemination cal? problems caused by their r u n n irig; for board at increasing budgets, Gov. Pat- ITHACA, N.Y. (AP)— A rick J. Lucey said Monday. 1 Newlyweds home Waldorf-Pemberton study into the breeding habits Hn W^mW ^^ and early life patterns of eagles The governor , addressing a ? H Ki in La fee City WASECA, .' Minn . (AP)-A has resulted in what is believed conference of management con- ^ Mankato State College fresh- sultants and representatives of ^ the first hatching through arti- ^ LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) man who says he is familiar government agencies, said solu- : The Little Brown Church, ficial insemination of the gold- — with the school system is run- en eagle species. tions are needed "to hold ON Nashua, Iowa,, was the setting ning as a write-in candidate for spending and taxation within - ^^^: x-: ; James W. Crier- ' ' -a '- Cornell ' ¦x - ' .r /V^/ xx r^-z;.r for the April wedding of Patri- the "Waldorf-Pemberton school reasonable limits." cia Sherer and Lee Nibbe. The University graduate student ' ¦/ ¦ board. , " r gMaji _ ¦ bride is the daughter of Mr. who headed the project , said "State and local governments . , jj f _^ ai*. jg/. mmWWmM ' mMBtk' JfOMa— _jmm_ —.B |. ' tmm^^^azJa.t Darrel Olson, 18, who gradu? across the country are faced ^ — and Mrs. . Phil Glomski, Wab- that attempts to pair captive a ted from high school last ydar, adult golden eagles through with the need to provide essen- asha; Minn., and the bride- said he originally did not file groom is the son of Mr. and natural mating were unsuccess- tial services, and at the same for a seat on the board because ful , Mrs. Roy Nibbe, Lake City. , resulting in the decision to time, respond to the demands he didn't know 18-year-olds use the artificial insemination of taxpayers for an end to in- j The couple are home in Lake were eligible to seek office. technique. ' K.^ City following a trip through creasing public budgets ," he . I\T ^ "I think there is a want in This involved the injection of said. & I -m ^/VT- f I \. VTl^r M Wisconsin. The bride is employ- ^^ ^ the community to have a male semen into a female bird Lucey, who took office in ed by the Lake City Anchor Inn younger person on the school with a syringe. The female egg, and her husband is employed 1970, said Wisconsin 's govern- ^^ board who knows what's going thus fertilized , was removed ment personnel roster in the '^ by Gould Engine Parts, Lake * ^^ xTx on and is closer to the stu- and placed in an incubator at last decade has increased 90 *& *^[ ^ City. dents, " Olson said. the university, per cent while payrolls have in- The result: two golden eagle creased four times. chicks who are now gathering TH E LOCKHORNS strength before being released ¦WBMiMHHamaiiaBMHVKWaUBHHj ^S i II . t to the wilds. —————————— The first eaglet cracked his ¦ ¦ shell May 11 and wei ' Vmo. ghed in at Z^X< THOUGHTS... 31-a ounces. TTie second followed two days later , and five others are expected to see life at regu- OPViLAT/OV lar intervals until the last day ^ of this month. m&m- 13 from V to ¦ - P Jmim?V DEAS discuss war with y I state delegation m^mj,: \ MINNEAPOLIS . Minn. (AP) ON THE WORLD, THE NATION AND THE I'- POM 'T FORGET TO TAKE HER CREPIT CARPS."! — Seven University of Min

ncsota students and six faculty ¦» members were scheduled to WINONA COMMUNITY discuss the Vietnam War Tues- your house? | day with members of Adverl the Min- nesota congressional delegation It's time to call your in Washington , D.C. Welcome Wagon hostess. Money Does ' The grou p included Carl She will bring congratu- Use the KWNO "Hot Line" to Make Your Aiierbach , acting dean ol the lations and gifts for the Law School and chairman of family and the the University Senate Con- NEW Matter . . . sultative Committee: Jack Bak- BABY! Voice Heard on the Air! By MIKE LEONARD er, president of the Minnesota Student Association , and Steve What is Ihe danger point in per- Hunt , -a .student at Minnesota- Si sonal ;IIK I family credit? Just how far can one safely go Morris nnd a member of the Student Consultative Com- a.s a player in I lie "buy now — I N T « ft N A T I o(*Jh i pay later " game? (Time-pay. mittee. mcnl buying, not including homo The group departed Monday THURSDAYS - 6:35 P.M. on KWNO mortfinges.) on the trip financed through Phono 452-4529 private contributions. L— ^ Co into hock lo the extent that as much or more lliau Win of your income i.s c-oiiif* to pay olf bills and you really arc in t rim* hie! home lamilies , , for many families to have and IS THAT . . . and iiirtividunls enjoy some of tlio comfort lind it difficult to handle credit s and "on» drink too many " becoming or necessities of living which would a hflhlt with you wil hout losing control ~ nnd the •omeono In your price (hey pity for llielr lack of not ot herwise l>o possible. family? Tho Winona chapter ol Alco- skill is indeed a most high one. However , we nro well aware ol holics Anonymous stands ready to talk this ovor with Disaster can easily lie triggered the clanger si«n.s and the limits you. Call 454-4410 - the numbor Is In your phono book. by an accident, or illness , to which credit buying should he All calls aro confidential. II you ncod AND want Nip As a "Full Service" Bunk we nt subjected . We'll be hnppy In the Flrsl National Dank of Wi- advise you, personally and con- with a drlnkino problem, call Alcoholics Anonymous nona are naturally making it pos- fidcnlinlly, nnd without charge - NOW I sible, through installment buying, do know this! ^ mmmmmmmm*^mmmm ^mmmmmmmmmmmmim.mmmm ^mmmumimmiSimmmiimimm™Il mmmimmmmmtmmmmmmm ^^ » i I Concoro/a enters picture¦ ¦ ' ¦ '' ¦ . ' .? , . . . . . , - . )>' . , ' . .. . . Random Ramfclings By STM S(milMV >r*^ft{r Wrinkle in playoffs Ferndale a busy place Club in Rushford will be bnjy Winona's G a by r c h Park THE FERNDALE Country A new wrinkle, or, to be The Comets sport a 12-3 this year with several tournaments: Holiday Tournament clearer, a new team, may bo overall record and an 8-2 starting at noon. Way 29, Junior Tournament June 12, Pro-Am June 19, Pro- added to the District "13 mark in the Tri-State Con- If the Comets should lose Aug. 12-13, Membership Tour- ' An July 17, Ferndale Open NAJA baseball playoffs this ference. They finished sec- the .first game, they will be nament Aug. 20 and Senior Tournament Sept. 10. - year — Concordia College of ond in that loop behind out of the picture and Wi- The Lake City Country Club will hold its open tourna- St. Paul. Northwestern of Iowa's 9-1 nona State and St, Thomas ment June 25; the ladies open is slated Aug.x : -; ; .yy ¦ ¦ . .yV .y.Two teams have already slate, losing both games to will clash for district hon- 13 i . . - . . - > - . : -: ,'j qualified for the playoffs by the champions. ors Friday in a triple head- May 30 has been proclaimed Day j er at St. Thomas to start virtue of conference cham- Carlton sports a 4-12 rec- in Minnesota¦ ¦ by Governor Wendell Ander- i pionships. ord and finished the at noon. son . ' .• . . • ' Confer- The results of today's sec- Two weeks ago I listed the wrestling 1 Winona State, defending four-team¦ Midwest district , won a ence. " .' . • ond game have no bearing schedule for Winona State, but I missed one date; that's Jan. 17 here against the Ath- .:' berth by winning the North- According to district of- on the picture. :. ern Intercollegiate Confer- ficials, Concordia must be If a tripleheader is play- letes in Action .. . a 6-2, 205- ence? crown? for the first considered in the playoffs ed Wednesday, the winner Gordy Lofquist of Wuiona , because the Comets , have (best-oMhree) will battle pound junior, has nailed down the middle time in six years. guard position for South Dakota State this The College of St. Thom- won more than 66-2/3 per St.. Thomas on the latter's home field Sunday in a tri- fall. "Gordv has had an excellent soring 7 as claimed another berth as cent of their games. A stipu- line Schmidt pleheader to start at noon. practice," says Jackrabbit defensive co-champion of the Minne- lation was added,. however, coach Conrad Hellerich. "Presently, he i£ a at nose- sota Intercollegiate Athletic that Concordia finish its Winona State currently " guard, but he has the ability to play anywhere in the de- Conference. St. Mary's of regular season schedule to- holds down a 21-9 record and fensive line." .. . Winona shared the title, day with the nonconference was 12-3 in the NIC ? St. but turned down the playoff twin bill at Northfield. Thomas is 15-8 overall and berth, as it does every year, If Concordia wins the was 12-2 in the MIAC. The mmmmR&MmmmttWMnuiliTimzvezr 'XmwmixxI IIHTWI t.-Maimimim Brodhagen steps down may first game of the double- Warriors beat Carlton twice Concordia, however, BERRY HURT IN COLLISION .. Oak- Monday night. Berry was heading for second 7 also be in. the picture—i f it header/ slated to start at in a doubleheader earlier EUGENE BRODHAGEN, former Winona State College . s second baseman Larry Brown flips on a hit by Veda Pinson. He suffered a con- wins the first game of a 2:30. p.m., the . Comets will this year 4-1 and 2-0. St. land A' coach and teacher, has stepped down from his post of chair-: . .. to a local hospital. doubleheader with Garlton then meet Winona State in a (Continued on next page ) over California Angels' Ken Berry as they . - cussion and was taken man of the physical education and recreation department at College scheduled for today. fripleheader Wednesday at Wrinkle colided near second base at Angel Stadium (AP Photofax)- ? TUW-Stevens Point.7 He held the post for 15 years; he will continue to teach in the department full-time .. . Dave Tackmann and Mike Huettl Jr. split a $100 scholar- ship presented by the Lake City Jaycees at the Tigers' Athletic Banquet . .. Beverly Sonsalla of Independence tied the Class TB girls' Team to beat ' 2-strike sectional track meet record in the 100-yard dash Saturday Andrews compete in at Ellsworth, coming in vdth a 12.8. She will the state meet at Appleton this Saturday ..-,.. The Winona State High School Wrestling Tournament has East: been set for TNov. 25 and will include teams from defending AL. (Wis.) in champion Caledonia Winona High, New Richmond , , bunt nips Twins La Crosse Central,?South St. Paul, East Waterloo . ( Iowa), By JOE MOOSHIL and I got angry over not being yanked Wood to bring another TFargo fN.D. ) Sbanley and Robbinsdale Cooper .. . V . CHICAGO (AP ) ';-"¦ ¦ "Will able to bunt the first two times. lefthander, Terry Forster, to The Winona Mat Club 's wrestling clinic is set for June Birds/ Tigers someone ask my friend, that So I decided to bunt anyway." face Eric Soderholm. a right 25 through July 1. Fifty applicants have been: received thus young genius across the way, The Twins scratched a sec- bander. far . -1 . • By HERSCHEL NISSENSON ! their lead shrink to 1% games where he got that play," bel- ond unearned run off winner "I saw all those lefthanded Associated Press Sports Writer j over the A's and 2Vi over the lowed Bill Rigney ? Monday Wilbur Wood in the fifth inning hitters flexing their muscles, in 5 Redmen cited > .. . .. night after his Minnesota Twins and finally got him out of the The team to beat in the i White Sox * the dugout," said Tanner, "So I The White Sox kayoed Min- had dropped a 4-3 decision to game in the ninth. wasn't about to bring in a students were named In thli . American League East is (a j , FIVE ST. MARY'S College (bt h c i nesota's Jim Perry inside of the Chicago While Sox. With one out in the ninth, right-handed pitcher. You can year's edition of Outstanding College Athletes of America: the Baltimore Orioles , Harmon Killebrew hit his third ' ' ¦' Tigers. ; two innings and held on for "I know he doesn't have a tell Rigney .I also learned that Tom Holmstrom, co-captain of the Kedmen's . Detroit . homer of the season and Bobby ."They have, to beat us," said j their 12th victory in 1J home sign for it" from him." team; Pat Wiltgen, leading scorer in the MIAC this past Earl Weaver , the Baltimore games as opposed to 28 on the 7 "Tell him I learned it front Darwin followed with a smash The victory lifted the . Sox cage season ; Mark Servais, MVP . in the MIAC in baseball ; road. Wilbur Wood notched his him," laughed White Sox Man- within iVi games of the Twins Gordon Hoehn , captain of the wrestling team;, and Mike manager, after the Orioles . edged the Tigers 3-2 : Monday I sixth triumph, with last-out help ager Chuck Tanner. . . . who.lead the American League Schuett, Outstanding Player Award winner on the? hockey night and snapped a four-game ] from Terry Forster. The play in question came in WINONA West and was Chicago's 12th in team .... ' • . . . . the second inning when the Sox Midwest Auto Racing Conference (MidARC, a Hoches- losing , streak. i Harmon Killebrew homered 13 games at home this season. had two on with none out and DAILY NWS They are 2-8 on the road. ter-based auto racing organization , 'and the Steele County "He's got that a little mixed \ for the Twins in the ninth. Andrews joined up, 't he? They re behind Mike Andrews at bat. Free Fair and Southern Minnesota Exposition have doesn ' j Blue Moon Odom fired a two- failed in two bunt attempts and "We'll win on the road ." vow- forces to present two stock car racing cards on the Steele us," replied Billy Martin, The ! hitter and Angel Mangual hqm- then with ed Tanner. "We just haven't County Speedway's half-mile clay track this season. The : Detroit skipper. two strikes on him, jered as the A's edged the An- he bunted safely. been able to get it. going away first card , scheduled June ll, will be the initial leg of the " 7 That ; brilliant repartee may gels. The right-hander, fighting Losing pitcher Jim Perry SPORTS from home because of rainouts Total Challenge Series, a championship event for Minnesota's his way back from arm prob- and open dates. Last year we bring a chuckle or two from Ken j hobbled the ball as the Sox finest asphalt and clay drivers. The series will be completed 7 Asprompnte manager of the lems and apparently a regular ,Winona Daily News were one under 500 on the road , filled the bases and one out lat- ' .. '"tilAlt . on Elko Speedway's asphalt track July 13. Both cards will Cleveland Indians, who were starter now that Denny McLain Winona, Minnesota and three under at home," er Richie Allen singled across TUESDAY , MAY 16, 1972 carry $4,000 purses. The second race date for late model 7 idle Monday but lead the divi- has been , sent to the minors, Wood boosted his record to 6- drivers at the Steele County Speedway is scheduled Aug yielded only a third-inning what proved to be the winning ¦ sion by one game over the Ti- runs to give the Sox a 4-1 lead- 2 while Perry dropped to 3-2 Aug. 19. gers and 2V2 over the Oriole's. single ^0 Sandy Alomar and and the Twins wasted a ton . of The first summer? tournament of the Chippewa Valley Bob Oliver's run-scoring¦ double Actually, Rigney didn't tcac*h great relief pitching, Golf Association will be Iield Saturday and Sunday at Du- Elsewhere, the Chicago White ! in the fifth. - .' ¦ which sent centerfielder Jay Tanner the two-strike bunt and Ray Corbin took over for Per- rand . . .- Sox nipped Minnesota 4-3, Oak- Tanner didn Johnstone to the wall. Joe Rudi singled home an 't learn it from "He got under it a little bit , ry in the second and ended the Mike Leahy, a native of Pepin, was named the new head land downed California 2-1 and Rigney. Andrews did " : Oakland run in the first inning it on his gney inning with? a double play. He basketball coach at AshVwaubenon, Wis., after serving as Kansas City shaded Texas 5 i own. , -? said Ri "Otherwise he 7Milwaukee , .Boston ' . '-.: and " the and Mangual homered in the would have set a record for the pitched two more innings and freshman and varsity assistant coach. Leahy was head coach fourth off loser Nolan Ryan "I bunted on my own," said allowed one hit. Young Tom at Lakeland in Minocqua for two years and also spent two New York . Yankees, along with longest knuckleball ever hit in - ' ¦ the Indians we're not sched- who left the game . in the same Andrews. "It was the first time Norton i 22, hurled three hitless years at the helm of Glenwood City . . . , in my life this park. " uled.^ inning with a recurring groin I ever bunted with innings and Dave LaRoche put The Madison (Wis.) Club Open Tournament has Baltimore's Jim Palmer not injury. The Angels also lost two strikes on me. I . consider Steve Bryne followed with a the Sox down in order in the been scheduled for June 2-4 in the Nielsen Tennis Stadium. only hurled a four-hitter to beat Ken Berry,, the AL's leading myself a pretty good bunter double to center and Tanner eighth. -7 Entry deadline is May 25. the Tigers in Detroit for the hitter, with a concussion and first time in his career, but gash over his right eye when he slammed his first major league collided on thd basepaths with BUBBLING BRAVE . . , Oakland second baseman Larry triple in the seventh inning and Pitcher Phil Niekro of the Brown. ? scored the winning run on Don bub- The Royals blow a 4-0 lead Atlanta Braves blows Gibson ^^^^^^^^^H\ ^L r Buford ' bloop single: g s pitGhin good tfS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BIKKmKm WWWmtf^^^m blegum as he walks to tha / Palmer pitched scoreless ball against Texas before Lou Pi- after being tagged for solo niella singled in the eighth in- mound at Atlanta Stadium ^^^Hi home runs by Gates Brown in ning and Cookie Rojas doubled in Sunday's game with the n|[^H^^K^wu^^^i^^H the first inning and Willie Hor- him home with the' winning Chicago Cubs. The knuckle- ton in the second. The Oriolds run. Piniella and Rojas also ball specialist won his fifth but hes not winning tied the score in the second on contributed singles to a three- straight game with the 2-1 . By BRUCE LOWITT pitch it seems I jammed some- The Astros, remaining within Mark Belangcr 's run-scoring run fourth. Dick Billings drove victory over the Cubs. The Associated Press Sports Writer single and in the third on Merv in two . runs for the Rangers body and they got a hit," said a game of the first-place Dodg- Braves have won only ten "I've* been pitching good. It's Hettcnmund 's homer. with a sacrifice fly and a single Gibson, who gave up ll of them ers in the National League '¦ games so far this season just that I haven 't been win- The race in the AL West also that tied the score in the lop of ning, " Bob Gibso.; understated . in his third complete game of West , bunched three infield tightened up as the- Twins saw the eighth. and lost 15. (AP Photofax) "And winning is what it's all the season. . hits, a bases-loaded walk by about. " "The pitch I threw to Cle- Roger Metzger and second Gibson , the $t. Louis Cardi- mente on the home run was a baseman Felix Millan's throw- ( nals' flame-throwing right- I UWM WKi5W-» HUD -E0 fROO F • 1MP0RIIB B MUIOMI DISTliltK PRODUCTS CO , j ^L\^MmMMMMMMMBMttm\W»^^^¦ hander , fast ball. I didn 't think it was ing error into a three-run third :^______WMmmMamMMMmMmwXt has been getting most gone—but it sure as hell was. of tlie heat (his season. He " inning that carried them past MmmmMMmMMMMMeMMmMMMmW' has Dock Ellis scattered five hits THE WINDSOR GUARDSMAN yet to record his first victory of Atlanta. _M______MmMm\\ ^BW^* for his fourth victory. the season to counteract thd Jim Fregosi's three-run five defeats Woodie Fryman tossed a six- he's suffered. hitter for the Phillies homer broke an eighth inning Most of the time it' and got s been some longball help from Mike tie with Montreal and poweYed maBum just one or two pitches that the Mets, first by three games v Anderson and Willie have made the difference, Montancz in Taste Canada's On who hit home runs for a 2-0 the East , to their fourth vic- Monday night it was one he tory in a row nBHHB l lead, before Fryman singled in and 17th in 22 threw to Pittsburgh's Roberto games. Tommie Agee also smoothest whisky HHH i Clemente two runs of his own to down the \ ¦ , who walloped it over Cubs homered for the Mets and Jon -r • ~ the right field fence . ? > fHHHHHH « for a three- Anderson , a rookie who Matlack , with ninth-inning re .—— . run homeV and the Pirates' 4-1 lief help, pickey up his fourth Ao^wwmWv;1 clouted 36 homers in the ^m\w^mmmtmmmwmm ^k ^x3 ^^M\\\Mmmmmmmm\ ^^^^M ^BmMmMmmMMm\\\mm\\ 'immM, ^^^^^^^^victory. Ki\ ' Pacif- ^M\\Mmm\mmmmmmmmmmmmMMmmmmmWmmmmmmmWMMMMMMMMMm ic C 0 a s t League, opened up victory without a defeat. In other National League ac- against Ferguson Jenkins in (he Willie Davis' double and tion , Philadelphia blanked the fift h inning for the only run walks to Manny Mota and Billy Chicago Cubs 4-0 , Houston Philadelphia needed . Grabarkewitz loaded the bases : mmsm bombed Atlanta 8-2, tlie New for Ihe Dodgers in the ninth in- K ^WMUMMI MmWmmm! 'f' . H In the seventh , Montniiej * mwAotM • k. tZ'/MSC/SgMWMMS<^''^^ York Mets defeated Montreal 5- . un- ning against the Padres and ' ¦ xBsl^w AnF^^H 3 nnd Los Angeles nipped San loaded. "I hit it good ," he pinchhitter Chris Canizzaro ^ X ^L ' uh /SSwQ( ^THHI Diego 2-1. brtimcd. "r didn 't even move broke a 1-1 tie with a lino M«2j!M^Ja mWwl|^m M^wwmmm from the plate. I wanted to see single off l^ &SmmmattiP£3!5i ¦E!* ^o&wi ^ ^^ W ,Mf Enzo Hernandez' — wllh more tractor-tough features. ^M~ !r™ft JSMVI ^ S^Mmra "Every time I made a good it go out. glove at shortstop, I*- /mrm 5 hp and 6 hp models. 26" and 32" mowers. Low l^mim^^ mr\ center of gravity. Step plate, fenders, disc brakes. ^ Rocking front axle keeps mower from scalping. Dif- ' _ • ¦¦ - ferential rear axle so drive wheels won't dig lawn on nB$&&&*&>¦W%<^ -««>¦ : x * ^_\— W^ Jm ^mpZ *Zkmmmas1 \. WMSlM , m^k. McLain optioned STOCK CAR turns, Rear-mounted engine for traction. Many safety ZimBBBi ^mmmmsMiBSi^- ^m llT Ti'AfyM ^mLmm^Blk X^ ^tm. -' ^-Sf f^^P^kj features Including automatic engine stop when drive r t^ptSS^m^mm^m -tllMAjHMki' m^MMMMMMMIHI^^^^^HBB^ MMkHHBI gets olf seat with mower engaged. %ffiW$d&m\vi3M .*' vi'lZ'-J i'X' , m^BSm\wBB^^JmSMiWLr^.^mm \\MBmWmmMmmB RACING n ¦ l nld,no Mower pr|c ~ to minor leagues I Soe our complete I _ «* W$Om ' HKjIflHMHH ' ¦ ' ¦ 349°° - MF5 Syv^H wimmGm ANAHEIM , Calif. (AP) - wns laklng for making the NORTH LA CROSSE - „ *** ^^^SB-^-^mJ ^m ^immmmMPitches which lacked si cam pitcher feel weak. H j dj i i i* , See thom. Try them o ut. _ Xy WJ {^//ir' ^_^^_^^/j______Wim- and a mc'dlcal problem were Famous Massey-Ferguson W§mEB__ \ \WB^n^^fm cited hy Oakland T h 0 prescription was SPEEDWAY I SJ^T AVSMX AFJ A's manager ^^maJmMtXmlJ Lawn and Garden tractoral m*JnSm C F AHDII Dick Williams when he broke changed , Williams said, but he ^ ^ s^H^^^^^VJQHfVK|{S| ^inlKIInit.^ ' Riding Mowersl _ L the news Hint former 31-gamo didn 't mention what ailment OLD ONALASKA ROAD , m_mim xixzx \ BB \W Mo,'M• ^^___ \_\\\\\\mlmmMlMMM MMMMMMMM M JMMMMMMMI' Jl' lltfi/l I \~^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMaM W I W iWm^'Mi winner Denny McLain was op- McLain wns under treatment Krl"d j^muuw / a ' ' BM tioned to the minor leagues . for. iiiiP'^J ££?r~*~' r'- , . :^^^^^^^^ W M^BBS I ma^^MmVMm Ai 'n~^.'.'w~2iHr' '' ~ -^H^^^^^^^Hi PmHH^SBnO^H^I^ "He just wasn 't throwing the Over the weekend , Williams ball as bard as wc know he hnd dcmoteVl McLain to thc A's WEDNESDAY Your Downtown Home of Complolo Undcrcar Care . . . HWHhlP ^LM^^^^HfEMHi^HniB can ," said Williams of the bullpen after thc pitcher was ¦ ¦ 'ini mmmMmtmiimSiaMmmii'iZ Xfflm^m^m^m^m^m^m^mw^mm^m^m^m^mmm^m^mlm right-hander who has n $75,000 hit hard in his last start . "I contract. don 't think he has Ihe velocity MAY 17 McLain , apparently informed he had in tlio pr-st , " the man- TAGGART The smoothest whiskyever to come outofCanada! of the move Monday morning ager snid then. "I go on what I | by A's owner Charles Finley did see out there . . . From the way Timo Trials: 7:30 p.m. not make Ihe tri p with the he's throwing, nnd the statistic; Racing: 8:30 p.m. TIRE SERVICE WINDS@%4CAMAPIAN . team here for n series witli the show It , I don 't think he could Open 7:30 a.m. to 5:0O p.m. California Angels. help anybody right now, Snturdayi 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon V " Come Soo Dick Tricklo *M*|*t*fffffftJffff,fffffM'''MMM'WM'flfM^ . 1 «MlHrl Williams snid the pitcher vis- McLain had n 1-2 record with IH W. 2nd St„ Winona, Minn. Phono 452 2772 ited a doctor on Sunday who the A's but was unsuccessful in COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION AND A DEALI blamdd a medication McLain four of five outings. ——_ ' ~~y. ;^ Take a second look at Unser's qualifying lap Wrinkle (Continued from page 4b) By BLOYS BRITT • Putting . it another way, ripped off four laps at an as- recorded at the ancient brick- McLaren at 188.877 m.p.h. Sun- INDIANAPOLIS UP) - The 293.3 feet per second is 20C tounding 195.940 m.p.h. to take yard , work went on for the oth-. day for the second-best time of Thomas did not meet either a strangle-hold on the pole posi- railbirds brought out their m.p.h, at the 2Vi-mile In- er drivers—particularly Mark the day. Andretti put one of Concordia or Carlton this slide rules at Indianapolis Mon- tion for the May 27 Indianapolis season . ? dianapolis Motor. Speedway 500-mile race. Donohue and Peter Revson. Parnelli Jones' radical new The reason given for Wi- day aid took a second look at oval. Unser covered 289 feet cars in the lineup at 187.617. s breathtaking These two hotshots are the nona State playing Concor- Bobby Unser' each second he was under the It was? as still another side- • Donohue worked his Roger 196.678 qualifying lap. only top contenders who still dia , despite the Warriors' clock. liner put it , "the greatest com- have Penske McLaren up to 190114 Among other things, they fig- a shot at Unser's pole po- outright title and tetter ov- • Or, as one of the seasoned bination of driver ,, machine and sition in final time Monday. Revson also hovered ured: trials this erall record , is that an observers put it, "Say th* sheer courage in the history of weekend. Even then the best near the 190 mark in a Team MIAC rule prohibits any 000-to-l* , Dedication set • Had the Albuquerque, words '1, real quick and auto racing ." they may hope for is to snatch McLaren car, though he al- athletic team to play during you've already used the time FORMAL DEDICATION ceremonies have been slated N.M.. driver gone 219.13 feet But while the Speedway the other two front row spots ready has done over 191 in the week of final exams. , just west of he needed to do 200. Or simply crowd was still agog over a practice. May 21 at 1 p.m. at Forestville State Park further in his elapsed time of being held for the time being The Tommies are taking Preston, Minn. A group of area and state officials -will be 45.76 seconds, he'd have re- blink your eyelashes three record-shattering performance by Gary Bettenhausen and Twelve drivers? made the 33- times, their finals this week. : on hand to do the honors. duced his time to 45 seconds " Sunday that lifted the one-and Mario Andretti. car lineup Sunday, avera ging a The District 13 champion The park—encircling miore than 2,000 acres of hardwood "Unser driving one of Dan 17 flat and his lap speed would . four-lap marks more than sizzling 183.980 m.p.h? for the 48 will advance to. the Area forest, a rollmg valley and have heen 200 miles per hour. Gurney 's Olsonite Eagles, m.p.h. over anything ever Bettenhausen qualified his miles they covered. a meandering stretch of the Four playoffs at Waverly, South Branch of the Boot Iowa , May 26-27, Others in- River — offers a great deal 'McBWd volved in that double elim- for a visitor to see. Wahda ination tournament will be While the ceremonies will O'Connor seeks champions from Iowa , Wis- include the entire park , they consin and Missouri . will no doubt center around The area champion ad- the park's focal point — the 29th victory vances to. the national tour- Meigheh Store. Gal mechanic in Gasoline Alley nament at Phoenix, Ariz., ST. PAUL; Minn. (AP) - Un- This fascinating page from June 5-10, beaten Rochester, Minn., light By DALE BURGESS So she met Arnie Knepper of Mark Donohue, Ronnie Buck- ville whose father used to race history has been restored (AP) ¦ heavyweight Pat O'Connor goes INDIANAPOLIS - Belleville, 111., who had grown num and Arnte. Arnie has with Knepper's father. and is waiting for hundreds : Wanda McBride Knepper didn't up in racing with his father, made some, modifications on The Kneppers have three sight- after his 29th straight profes- of histoid buffs and ^ know a torque wrench from a Roy. She found his stature and the back end. children , Peggy , 15; Art , 13, Southwest, Morris seers? The store dates hack sional victory tonight against screwdriver until she was 738 occupation satisfactory and "It had a Chevrolet engine and Tina , 8 who stay with to the 1850s when Felix an opponent who has a reputa- years old. married him two years later. last year and Arnie qualified when their parents go ¦ in friends Meighen opened what proved . tion for winning any way he Now she is the first authentic ' ."¦I' ve?worked on race cars for three of the six USAC cham- racing; to be the first store in South- . ? split in NIC finale can. - woman race? car mechanic per- 17 years," Mrs. Knepper said. pionships races where we took "I enjoy it; I really do" the ern Minnesota. The store work in the In- "Arnie started me off like he it. ; attractive ,1 brown-haired Mrs. closed its doors in .1910 and O'Connor meets Brian Kelly mitted to ' FINAL NIC dianapolis Motor Speedway ga- would anybody else—washing "This year we're putting In Kne'pper said. "House work? W L W I. didn't reopen until a year of Oklahoma City, Okla;, at the WINONA ST. 12 3 Btmidll St. . I 7 rages. . . engine parls in kerosene. Then an O/fenhauser engine," the at- No way." "X ' ' ago. Many of the items orig- St. Cloud St. 11. * Sculhwpit St. 5 10 . St. Paul Auditorium. " I was in high school at Ar- I graduated to ordering parts tractive mechanic-mother said , At the big Indianapolis track , Meorhtfid St. (I Minn. .Morris 3 11 inally sold still line the she recalled , and the shipments and we Mrs. Knepper says her main shelves. "Kelly's mean , and unortho- nold ,. Missouri," checking , " 've had trouble getting after O'Connor when some friends asked me then to; tearing ? down engines, parts. The best we can hope for job s are "parts running and Southwest State and . Minne- Forestville 7 itself 7 was an dox and will go " . sota-Morris wrapped up the important town , before Mm- . .:,.^?r^Z ¦:-' ' from the outset," promised the if I wanted to meet a midget and then to helping put them is qualifying on the last wedcr holding things. fcj&^^SSKsEii"^ -*-i back together. end. ' 't, 1972 regular season Northern In- y nesota. became a state, but A page /rpm the past Oklahoma boxer's manager, driver who had just got back . " . . "I can do jobs that take a did most of the body work Apart from the lot of muscle. I have no in- tercollegiate Conference base- all that remains today is the store, a livery, a brick house, Pat O'Grady. from Korea; "I new engine , "I Expected to meet a midget on the c?r Arnie hopes to drive the rebuilt Eagle has wings de- tention of working. in the pits on ball schedule TMonday, splitt a cemetery and a host of memories. V O'Connor is ranked seventh a doubleheader. ¦ by Ring Magazine. Kelly, with man. I didn 't know there, was in the 500-mile race, it's a 1968 vised by NASA engineer Mer• race day.? that's another place . The rest of the park offers some top-notch trout fish- The Mustangs took the first ing, bird watching, hiking and, for the- horseman, a series a 39-6. record ,is rated 10th. such a thing as auto racing?" Eagle that has been driven by vin Shanafelt, a native of Belle- for muscle." of riding game of the twin bill 8-4, but trails Vand a specialized horse campground.? dropped the nightcap to tho . 7 Members of the Meighen family are expected to attend | Cougars 11-6. the ceremonies as well as a representative of the governor's office, a Boy Scout honor .guard and the Chatfield Brass, an Southwest finishes fifth in tho area band. Byroncops NIC race with a 5-iO mark, Net s rally while Morris was dead last Tempting smells Lone signs Troubled with a 3-11 slate. FOR YEARS people have debated the affects of smell on game fish. For instance, does the smell from a man's Watchirnen hands scare them away, does the smell of live bait male them strike and what about Scented lures? to even series at 2-2 Today several tackle: companies are experimenting with Pack Relays By HAL BOCK to his. New York Nets at half- LeBrecpaees scented lures, and they claim smell is with a real attraction. (AP) the corpo- UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) ?— time of Monday night's fourth We received a couple GREEN BAY, Wis. - A statement by of little bottles ih the mail the the club had ELGIN, Minn . — Byron piled The numbers were all bad as game of the American BasM- other day. One is filled with yellow liquid and the other HopLng for an overhauled back- ration indicated is encountered increased ex- up a total of 90 points here Mon- Coach Lou Carnesecca talked ball Association championship blue. According to the accompanying letter these two pro* field : to improve their National . , problems, the penses. day to win the annual Watch- playoff , Arkansaw ucts are part of a new line of special scents to add to lures, Foothall League Bay Packers announced Costs of the regular season men Relays hosted by Elgin- His club was down by five ARKANSAW , Wis? — Jim Le- to water in minnow buckets to give minnows a "flavor" or Green . to worm Monday night the signing of were listed at 7: $2.51 million, Millville by a 22-point margin poihts , and three players—R ick Brec drove in a total ofy nine bedding to add zest to the wrigglers. Each of the over the host team. Barry, Tom Washington and six nr.w scents is designed especially for a type running back MacArthur Lane. about $358,55*5 more than the runs in two games as Arkan- of iish. We previous season. After Elgin-Millviile's total of Area John Baum—were in foul Con- received those for bass and for northerns, muskies and wall- Coach Dian Devine related to saw swept a West Central . Administrative costs in- 68 came Lewiston with 64 and trouble with three personals ference doubleheader against eyes, There alse are scents for trout, panfish,. catfish and a stockholders meeting from ' carp, Oakland, Calif., that he had creased from? $770,280 in 1970 to then Plainview with 56. ;• . apiece, Eau Claire Immanuel Lutheran gotten, the contract holdout to more than $1.02 milion last Byron placed first in the 440- scoreboard were in trouble ," de- here Monday afternoon by : "We The idea is to add a couple of drops to agree to? a multiyear pact. He year. - \ ' ¦: yard relay, the 880-yard relay, cided Carnesecca , "but then, I scores of 12-H and 12-2. the two-mile relay, the mile re- whatever you're fishing with — fly, plug, spoon did , not elaborate. BASEBALL think we were born in trouble." LeBrec went 3-for-6 in the Weather hit the Packer po LOCAL SCHOOLS- Winona High Texas io 14 .417 7 Plainview; 4. Lewlston. T—1 :1)2.2. minutes. Anderson, Ocbhardt (161, and Elvsj , led by come- ways Two-Mile Relay — 1, Byron »:40.7 Lake City at Winona High, 3:30 p.m, Hultcr. split Dan Erickson and Kansas City lo 15 .400 3 Basketball 7V> WEDNESDAY'S MEETS back efforts by Mark Peterson California :.. 9 IS .371 (Cnmnbell, Twerts, Glen Mayers, Chrls- Billy Paultz , tho 6-foot-ll cen- ^ I LOCAL SCHOOLS- ABA PLAYOFFS Monday CLASS A lenson): 1. Elgin; 3, Lewlston; 4. Plain- ter , and Bill Colclough, defeated 's Results Auslln Pacelli at Cotter, 4:30 p.m. was the big man with 110 CHAMPIONSHIP Ballimore 3, Detroit 2. view. T—9:40.7. Onalaska 3-2 in a dual ten- Mile Sorinl Medley — 1. Plainview points and 18 rebounds . Rick Monday's Results Kansas City 5, Texas a. VV L W L s nis match Monday on the New York no, Indiana 105, best-of- 7 Chicago 4, Minnesota 1. Qualify Chev 1 I Randall's ) 2 4:20 4 (Llem, Host, Schrleber, Stolli)* Barry added 26 points. Togeth- Wendt record series tied, 23. Oakland 3, California 1. Oasis II 3 1 Winner ' s Clrcla 0 3 2. Byron) 3. Lewlston; T—4:20.1, Hawks' hom e courts. Mile May — 1. Byron 3:J9.3 (Cat> Athletics slate er , they made 24 of 3fi shots Thursday's Game Today's Gjmes Croon Terraca 3 1 Razor 's Edge 0 4 Peterson defeated Don Lee Now York at Indiana Oakland (Segul O-O) at California Thursday ' s Game*. (Inter-loaguc pU/1 he!l, Gre g Meyers, McCov. Olasekerli from the field and eventually, act at Ferndale Saturday 's Game (Clark 2-3), night. Sunshine Bar vs. Razor's Edje. 2. l.cwlslon; 3. Elgin; 4. Plainview. T— 5-7, 6-4, 6-3 and Colclough ral- 3;5?.3. two practices they simply wore" Indiana Indiana at Now York, .afternoon, na- Texas (Gogoicwikl 1-1) at Kansas Lang's Bar vs. Oasis II. Kl'SHFORD, Minn. — Dave lied to stop Craig Parouchek tional TV, Clly (Rooker 1-0), nlghl. Club Midway vs. Quality Chev. Four-Man Shot Put — 1. Lewlston The Winona Athletics of the down. 150-6' i (Tews, Golish, Corcoran Bork- Tuosday, May 33 Minnesota (Woodson 3-0) at Chicago Mankalo Bar vs. Randall's. , Wendt , a 22-ycar-okl native of 3-S, 6-2, 6-3, Randy Johnson of Ir-lm); 2. Eloln; J. Byron; 4. Plain- Hiawatha Valley League will New York at Indiana, 1*1 necessary. (Bahnsen 34) , night . Oasis Bar vs. Green Terrace. "Whenever I judge how I , a hole-in-one at vlrw. D-ISOH'A. Winona carder! Winona beat Jim Contwell 6-3, Balllm re (Cucllcr 1-1) at Detroit East Sldo Bar vs. Winner 's Circle. conduct two practices this week. 0 Four-man played in n game, I look at Ferndale Country Club hero (Tlmmcrnan J-3- , night, Discus — 1. Byron 41S-3 the 6-4. Elnln; Plainview; 4. Lewlston. D— The first will be Wednesday New York (Kcklch 3-2) at Cleveland 3. what the man I was guarding Monday. The Class A Softball League (Erroks, Northway, Rathen, Twelte); 2. Onalaska swept the doubles , Baseball (Colbert 00 or Hargan 0-0), night , at 6 p.m., the second Saturday lead is split up three ways fol- 415-3. got ," said Barry. On the Wendt used a nine iron of tho Tom Beidel and Jim Ziet beat- Boston (Culp 3-3) at Milwaukee (Brett at 4 p.m. Both are at Winona AMERICAN LEAGUE 2-3), night. lowing Monday night's action. Four-man long lump — 1, Byron 70',i matchups , he and Paultz came par-three fifth hole, a distance ing Doug Berg and Mike Mur- (Gln«makfr , Adamson, Rathen, Camp- East Division Wednesday 's Games and High. way out ahead. Barry 's man , W. L. Pet. G.B. Quality Chev, Oasis II, hell);. J, Ltwlston; 3. Elsln i 4. Plain- of 120 yards. phy 8-6, 5-7, 6-2 ; and John Rip- Oakland at California, night. Cleveland 14 a . 434 Green Terrace each own iden- view . D— The first league game will be Roger Brown , managed only 10 Wondt was teamed wilh his er and Bill Mumms beating Detroit 13 9 Ml 1 Minnesota at Chicago. Four man High Jump — 1. Lewlston tical 3-1 records. 31-2 (Lutheran Manlon, Tim Tews Brian Sunday, with the Athletics host- points while Mel Daniels , who father John We^dt and Dave Joh n Colclough and Pete Hart- Bnlllmoro 12 11 .in 1", Ballimore at Detroit, night . , , Boston t 12 .400 5 Nmv York at Cleveland, night. Quality Chev overpowered Do Ties); 2. Plainview; 3. ing Bangor at 2 p.m. played against Paultz , had 15. Selke. both of Winona. wich 6-2, 2-6 , 6-3. New York I 14 .364 t Boston at Milwaukee, right. Byron; 4. Elgin. D—21-2. Randall's 12-6 with a ten-hit Four-man Pole Vault — 1. Elgin-Mill- Milwaukee « 14 .100 7 Texas at Kansas The Hawks, now 7-4, were to City, night, villo 370 (Gary B rown, Roger Goo*..i, West Civilian attack that featured three-run BOX SCORE Daryl Slnrkton, Gene Benson); 3, Plain- travel to Rochester John Mar- MINNESOTA 1« 6 . 737 Mlnneiola (3) Chicago (4) NATIONAL LBAton-- homeruns by both Bill Benedict view; 3, Byron. D—370. shall today at 3:30 p.m. Oakland 14 7 .447 m Eaif Division ab r h bl ab r h bl and Roger Buege. John Stiles 1 I 0 P Kelly rl 3 3 10 W. L. Pel. G.B. Tovar rl 3 For the Latest Winona Ne-W York 18 7 .730 went 3-for-4 at the plate for the Tliompin it 4 0 0 0 Andrewi It 3 1 2 0 Philadelphia ....IS 10 .400 7 winners , and Buege notched a Warner & Swasey Carew 3b 3 0 0 1 Rchardt If 3 0 0 0 Montreal 13 n .530 5 Kllbrcw lb 4 1 1 1 D Allan lb 4 0 1 3 Area Weather Forecast total of 12 strikeouts on the Darwin cl 4 0 0 0 Mellon 3b I 0 1 1 Pittsburgh n u .joo Ji, Atlanta 7, Green Terrace held otf the tallied by A and D Bootery and Mlnntsnla. LOB-fAlnnesot » 4. Chlcano ^ 7. 3D—Andrews, Melt, Brye. HR—Kille- K @H Los Angeles 1 Razor 's Edge 8-fi in nine in- #BaLMm ^k#|u m-ja-iMM lM SSf& 4n M 19 , San Diego 1. Stan 's TB. brew 3. SD—Tovar. S—Carow. SF— Mil- mm _ M BtaBl"" ¦ ML_ _ m __3 Today 's Games nings despite a 3-for-4 perform- John Kramer and Keith Pet- terwald. « mm m m mm mtw ^&W . Montreal (Morton 1-1) at New YorK ance at the plate hy Don Nelson erson posted near perfect IP H R ER DB SO Ifs America's Chicago (Hoolon 3-3) at Philadelphia J, Perry (L, 3-3) l"> 5 4 4 J 3 (Seaver 5-1), night, that included a pair of round- rounds, shattering 49 of 50 tar- Corbln ... 3».» 1 0 0 o 3 (Champion 3-0), night. trippers. Rollie Austin led Green gets for the best solo efforts of Norton ) O 0 O % 4 St. Louis (Wise 3-1) at Pittsburg h Terrace's nttack with three hits LaRoche ,1 0 0 0 a 0 (Walker 01), night, the night , just behind Gene Hen- Wood (W, l-l) .... I' l 1 3 1 O 1 Foriler . *-j 0 0 0 o 1 Atlanta (Scholar 1-0 r Jarvis 3-3) al ln five trips. Bob And Get the Weather gel, Larry Kendrick and Save—Forster 3, HOP-By Wood, To- Houston (Reuss 23), night. Ramer vvho all dusted 48 of 50, var. WP—Wood , A—4,1(4. whis key^* Los Angeles (Singer 1-3), al Ian Dlcgo ¦forte , (Orelf 3-3), night. Picture 150 Times the best of America. _\___M_\\_____\W Cincinnati (Nolan 3-1 and Bllllngham Hawk JV trips Say Seagram's and Be Sure. 01) at San Francisco (Carrlthirs 1-3 and §^_^_^_^_^_^_^_f Slona 0-3), 3, twi nlghl. Weekly On Radio Wednesday 's Games Plainview 4-3 Chicago at Philadelphia, night. Montreal at New York, night. St. Louis at Pittsburgh, night. PLAINVIEW , MinijrC Wi- Atlanta al Houston, night. nona High's jun ior varsity base- LJ | YOUR L> J| Loi Angolos at San Diego, night « Cincinnati at Ian Francisco. ball team nipped Plainview 4-3 here Monday, with a four-run y3M EARNINGS spurt in thc top of the third *&**[ ^^BMMM»m—^m^MwM\^^ffLM ^mAmmmmmmmM Joan Pozanc hits 492 inning, l@£x7 ''* .- ' -I ' K .§P3^^r^ ' YtPmW X ^^^BM^^ *< "^i ^Ji-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-H WBlMhmmma Guaranteed! Incorrt* Iral * /HPfSffiii j ^ ^^ MmWmjMm '^la -a-a-a-sBH John Mueller led the Win- ^^ ' Joan Poznnc carded scores hawks with n 2-for-3 perform- PAUL of 39!) and 492 In the Bermuda MARV Pnr fhn Rpcf ance including three Rill's. FUGLESTAD r0 in0 OV * 1 BUSCHER League at tho Wcstga'te Bowl , " The Hawks are now 20 and In QUALITY and SERVICE In '¦*'"¦'* Monday night, In the only bowl- W___ am___M * ^*******y *^^______^. were to host Stewartville to- DISABILITY and LIFE INSURANCE it ing action reported for tho even- ^K^jt ( . i i t <|ri L t <\r~-, *_M ^__\\M^_WBNQ$X?!A ^ ing. day at 4 p.m. SEE or CALL WINONA HIOH . . 004 000 0—413 Tlie Westgate Bowl team took PLAINVIEW 301 000 0—» I I MONARCH LIFE INS. CO. scoring honors in the loop with Randy strtuktm, Dob Mongol (i) and imm oisriatus CO.. N.Y.C. BUNDED wuisKtr. oo CHAIN Ntuirnu. SPUIIS. John Mueller/ Joe Anderson and Gene 63'/i West Fourth Phont 454-1608 totals of 763 and 2.009. Kohn. IPfflM# Business Services J4 Male—Jobi of Interest— 27 Horses, Cattle, SlMk 43 Farm Implement! 48 ' Mrs. Nixon says TRASH HAULING-"Nothlno loo small, WATCHMAN-part-tlma et nlghl. Ideal BLACK ANGUS bull, 2 yean old. Henry TWO BROODER houses, 10x14 and 14x20. nothing too large!" Tel. 452-2<2S. lor retired person. Apply In person, J. Schultz, Alma, Wis. Tel. 685-4424. Used stanchions and drlnklnj cops. My» market ron Mueller, Alma, Wis, Tel. 685-3585. Stock Want Ads Fltwlt* Corporation, Ml W. 3rd, Wl- President will WHY PAY MORE for dry clearing? Mb. none. FIFTY-FIVE good f«d«r pigs. Big load, {2.50. Norge Village, 64)1 Huff. Dutchman egg cooler and rollaw^y JOHN DEERE 11 %' field cultivator, IJOOi MARRIED MAN on dairy tarm, separata netfa. Tel. St. Charles M2-36) 7. Burton John Doere *row cultivator, 1175; Ford make Soviet trip S.E. CARPENTER SERVICE. Home**, re- living quarters. Stahl Bros., Plainview. lAttcheil, Utlca, Minn, . 2-row rotary hoe, *50s Massy Harrla edges higher; Start Here modeling, additions, garages or lust an- Tel. 534-33M. baler, only $100. Lyle Houdek, Ttl. Cale- Lancers lake WASHINGTON (AP ) — Pres- NOTICE nual repalri. Tel. ^54-3270. PUREBRED HOLSTEIH bull, serviceable donla H4-2564. y GUARDS,—Jl and ever. U.73 starting. age. Donald Fort, Rt. 1, Houston, Mlnr., ident TNixom will be going to Thli nowv>«t>er will be responsible tor LAWN MOWERS, sclssorj, saws sharp- Good health and clean record, Tel. 612- (fVoney Creek). D-14 ALLIS, wide front and good rub- Moscow after all, his wife says. only one Incorrecl Insertion of any ened. Rlska's Sharpening Service, 75> 784-3468. ber. Tel. Fountain City «7-6«33 after 4. . classified advertisement published In E. Front St. Tel. 452-7281. WAILERICH'S WESTEHH Shop. Saddles, 80- 's n w men USED-NEW HOLLAND Super 6? baler, ' s on " Mrs. f rading slow the Want Ada sect loa Check your ad HERDSMAN tor modern Grade A hals, moccasin*, men a d o '* of "It's no secret. It' , condition, NEW-1 Ntw Hol- advantage parlor, top wages.Tel. excellent and call 4J2-3321 U a ; correction must POWER MOWER, tiller and other cow mllWng boots and tack. 312 E. 3rd, Webashj, Nixon said Monday. NEW YORK (AP) — Stock: be made. small engine repairs. Howard Larson; Byron T75-22& after 9 p.m. (1 block from court tioose). land 273 bater; 2-New Hollanr) 7 If. old .Minnesota City Road., Tel. 454-UB2* hayblnes; ) Gehl . 300 choppir with It was the first firm word market prices edged higher to- If no answer, ; Tel. 689-2334. SAND BLASTERS, spray palnteri. Sev- SINGLE HORSE trailer, factory made, both heads at Invoice plus freight. P. from . the White House that the eral openings tor experienced people, new canvas top, S27J, Mike Wallerlch, A. KRAUSE CO, "Breery Acres", Hwy. errors to win day, although brokers said the BLIND ADJ UNCALLED FOB — also for those Inexperienced but eager 312 E. 3rd, Wabasha . 14-61 E. Tel. 452-5155. President' recent moves in Painting, Decorating 20 to learn. Contact General Coatings, lnc„ s shooting of Ala b a m a Gov. E-51, «0, IS, 71, 7t ,m 2605 Dodd Road, St. Paul 55121. HOtSTEIM BULL .CALF-10 days old, KOSCH MOWER, mounting brackets for ROOT RIVER Chalmers; John Desra hay W L Southeast Asia and the sub- George G. Wallace was keeping EXTERIOR PAINTING. Expert work registered, from hloli producing dam. WD Allls W L ¦ — High school or college s rl-244-Charll*. Tel. conditioner, Model 22, good condition. »¦¦!' Lewlston . ' 4. I done promptly by experienced painters FARM HELP Sired by Trl-State' La Crescent Russian opposition youth to help on tarm lor summer, CwJirena 608-248-2907. Rollingstone 6W-2163. IV Houslon 1 » sequent. price gains limited. C»rd of Thanks for reasonable rates. For a free esti- Rushford years old. No milking.: Tel. I Mabel-Canton I > mate leave message for Kelly Belangef, Musi be 16 Caledonia * would not block the Moscow ' ' ¦ ¦ ~~ 689-2607, FOR SALE: I have purchased 2 complete WANTED—Ford 6N, 9N and Ferguson 4 3 . The Dow Jones average of 30 SeWSMER - : ' .. . ¦: " ' Tel. 454-3414 evenings from <-9, Rollingstone'' Spring Gruva herds of Holstein cowl and helfen, sev- tractors; also Farmall Super A trac- summit meeting. My sincere thanks to my family, rela- industrials at noon was UD .08 eral cows and heifers |ust fresh and tors. In any condition Including "Junk- tives and Irlends for their visits, cards, Caledonia was guilty of three Help—Male or Female 28 open, ahd balance coming fresh In 2-3 ; also Ford plows. Til. 454-2657 Mrs. Nixon said she and -the flowers, tills and acts of kindness ers" to 942.28. HOUSE PAINTING weeks. Financing aviflable. Al's. Dairy after I r>.m. Mon- shown during my stay at Commimlfy APPLIED nt Liberty Paper errors: in the same inning President will be departing Sat- HAVE YOU Cattle Exchange, Lewlston, Minn, T«L Memorial Hospital. A special thank you Box Co.? It so, please advise us, ot Advances led dec'ines on the Interior * Exterior 6511 or 5851. ELEC-TRAK Garden Tractors, I to 1* day in its .Root River Confer- urday morning for Salzburg, to Rev. Dcye and Rev Krueger (or your current status. If you haven't, you . h.p., runs on batteries, No gai or oil their visits and prayers. Special thanks Roof Coating opportuni- per- Austria, the first stop on the New York Stock Exchange by 3 may wish to Investigate the FIFTY ANGUS cows villi spring calv«. mower with purchase of ence tilt with La Crescent to Dr. John. Tweedy ahd the hospital needed. Free ¦ ties with the "Package Specialists". Ap- 926-5231, I-STATE MOBILB HOMES, four-country, two-week journey. staff, for Ihelr wonderful care. All Work Guaranteed. ; Tal. Mondovi W6-3665 or tractor. TR mitting the Lancers to push to 2. ply at 3910 W. 4th S. Tel. 454-3741. Asked if she would be dis- Erwin Gensmer FullyVtnsured 3930 6th St. across six runs en route to a Analysts said the shooting ol LEWISTON LIVESTOCK MARKET appointed if the trip were Tel. 454-2133. Situations Wanted-—Male 30 A REAL GOOD auction market for your Fertilizer, Sod 49 6-4 victory. called oil, she said, "Of course Wallace added a note of uncer- In Memoriam llxestock Dairy calln on hand all CHEA^IST wllh degree, 5 years research week. Livestock bougtit every day. ¦ away The costly fielding on the part I would , because I think it's go- tainty to Concern IN LOVING MEMORY of Gary Gudmund- txper'ence. Interested In people. Write Trucks available. SBI», Thurs., I p.m. FILL DIRT flee V you haul It Plumbing, Roofing 45J-7B14. Rollingstone 68W2M. ing to be good for the world." son who 'left us so tragically 3 years 21 or inquire E-72 Dally News. Tel. Lewlston 2667 of vylnona yourself. Tel. of the Warriors enabled La over Vietnam also was a fac- ago today; ' seed Shd said she has been prac- No ona knows the heartaches w« . MANr »ge 27, would like farm work. Ex- SOD, LAWN fertilizing, shrubbery, maintain its one- tor, which kdpt" gains fairly re- ELECTRIC B.OTO ROOTER landscaping. Robert Roraff Crescent to ticing some:Russian words and have had, perienced, dependable, sober. Tel. Bill, Poultry, Eggs, Suppliti 44 and general Since you have gone away ; for clogged sewers and drain* Landscaping, ' Lamoille, Minn. .Tel. 434- Rushfoid strained, they said? 515-228-4063 evenings. ¦ ¦ half game lead over reading briefing papers and is No one knows the sadness 'that li . '2657 after 8 p.m. . . ' ' • • . : CALL SYL KUKOWSKI BABCOCK 305 yearllna laying hens, 3*0, in the loop standings. The Tro- planning to visit a school, uni- Also in the news background with us every day, . ret.. 452:9509 or 452-4436 1-yeer guarantee No one knowi In our lonely houri Instruction Classes 33 laying good. Priced reasonable. La- CULTURED SOD—delivered cr laid. jans nipped Lewiston 2-1 Mon- versity and the famous Moscow was a Commerce Department of each day V«rn« Hoppe, Tel. 454-1485. Tel. 454-UM. . subway. 7 How . many silent tears we still Jerry's Roofing & Repair WILL GIVE piano or organ lessont In day on Bud Britt's two-hil report that the nation's balance brush away, Guaranteed Professional your own home. Tel. 454-1368, Donald DE KALB, CALIFORN IA White, Baater. BLACK DIRT, fill dirt, fill sand, crushed ¦ ¦ Deeply Loved and Missed by ¦ ' Insured. Shingling—Metal Edge, Schnlepp. ¦ . White Leghorn baby cilleks. Place your rock, graveli cat and front loader, and in the other con- of payments deficit in the first Early order discount. : pitching, •. •" ¦' Mom & Dad, y y Heat Tapes . .¦". order now. VALENTINE TRUCKING, llnta 1950. Rolllrg- ¦ ference game, Houston edged quarter: showed a marked im- Jeff. Debbie, Marley, — Snow Removal— SPELTZ CHICK HATCHERY, Tel, 689-2366 . . FREE ESTIMATES . ' Business Opportunities 37 sJone, Minn. Tel. 689-2311. ¦ ¦ ' ' Spring Grove 2-1. provement but remained high. Jerry Thatcher . . • CULTURED SOD Lost and Found 4 ¦ AVAILABLE NOW-r Bol>coCk started puir 1 Roll or 1,000. May be picked up. Aquinas Rt; 3, Winona DEALE R, CONTRACTOR opportunities blanks prices, W-52 Although the market hag ad- ' lets, 3-4-5 week at special . Also black dirt. Tim Noben7 picked up the vic- Tet. 452-1474 ' . available. Small cash Investment , large . and XL-9 males, available every week . Inquire 726 E. 7th. effort investment nets a good profit. AFTER 5:30. the hill for I^a Cres- vanced! for the past four ses- FREE FOUND ADJ Order these special chlcKs now, Winona : 454-4132 tory on Full or part-time. P.O. Box 40?, Cale- Tel. 454-5983 or sions, sending the Dow up some SEPTIC TANK & Chick Hatchery, Box 281, Winona, Minn. cent although he needed relief AS A PUBLIC SERVICE to our readers, DRY WELL PUMPING donia. Minn. 55921. 17 points, many investors still free found ads will be published when ¦ ' ¦ , Nursery Stock S3 Cotter nefmen Val Kowalewskl, Minnesota City • • Seeds help from Larry Pappenfus and a person finding an article calls the were uncertain whether a rally Tel.- Winona 454-2436 . ¦¦¦ ¦' ¦ Winona Dally & Sunday News Class!- Si lent Money Maker Darrell pldenberg. Oldenberg . ..; LA CROSSE, Wis.?.' - La was reall under brokers ' ? 5,000 SUGAR LOAF GARDENS Is now open. : y way^ lied Dept, .462-3321. An' 18-word notice " will be published t ree (or 2 days In 'If , you: are willing to spend « few Onion sets, seed potatoes; tomsto, veg- Crosse Aquinas blanked Cotter said. ' VPLUMB.NG BARN . went 3-for-4 at the plate, and an effort to bring finder end loser hours per week to collect money from 24-WEEK-OLD etable . and flowe r plants; fruit, shade . . &-0 in a dual Open . Mon. . and Frl, evenings, also 1 tennis match here Trading was sluggish, in- toijether. commercial. locations wtlcrt are estab- : arid evergreen frees; shrubs ; grape, .. Larry Ames contributed a sing- Sat. mornings for our cuslbmeri con- . lished for you by our company In your strawberry and raspberry plants. Every- Monday, dropping the TRam- dicating that many had tak£n venlence. V PULLETS; ¦ area .. . ANSWER THIS AD . :. . thing for your yard and garden. Open le and a triple, LADY'S WHITE gold Bulova wrlstwatch 154 High Forest Tel. 454-4244 ¦ ¦ blef's record to M. to the sidelines , they added. Our products are nationally famous Vaccinated For ' ¦» lo. 9.- Mike Wiegrefe stroked a two- . lost Sat., . downtown area. Grey cord ¦ . Jay Hoeschler, the Wisconsin Oils, rails airlines utilities band, case No. 03331. Keepsake r Re- soups & entrees by He|nz, and are ?¦ ' :"¦ ' Marek's7 . -. -;. r , ¦¦ PLUMBING AND PIPING Is not . lost. 1 sold from tho latest In automatic ONlON SETS, 2 lbs. 55c; seed potatoes; run triple for the Warriors. state independent singles cham- . ward. Tel.; 4S2-600O/ man s world. Modern Moen .'1-control electronics, aircrafts, and rub- ' vending equipment. If you have good Bronchitis , plants, lomalo, cabbage, . kohlrabi, pep- Britt lost his bid for a shut- and Dialect faucets were designed with pion , started the rout liy whip- ber issues were higher. Mailor- references and are willing to make a 7 New Castle per, eggplant, flowers. Wlnone Potato Flowers 5 a woman . in mind. Kitchen convenience, cash Investment as shown• jelow, wc Market. out against Lewiston on the ping Cotter's Paul Wadden 6-2. rugged der-retail, metals, and chemicals bathroom beauty combine with will show ' you the "Silent. . Money Pox & Debeaked Cardinals' home field when he ¦6-2. PERENNIALS , and bulbs for sale. .570 construct Ion that assures, long, depend- ' ' ,7- were mixed. Steels were down ' Maker ". . - . . Any. amount, $1.63 each. . Hilbert aller 4 p.m. able service. Save many gallons of ex- PLAN ONE 52.147 . ' • • Articles for Sale 57 walked Bill Baer to lead off the Other s ingles wins followed :¦ ¦ and motors flat. pensive water each year by. controlling : ' ' ¦ ¦ PLAN TWO 53,432 . bottom of the fifth and urns and planters. temperature and volume In , one easy ¦ then shortly; Bob Haefner defeated WE FILL cemetery - ' PLAN THREE 56,795 y Chick Poultry Farm USED MELROE Bobcats. Tel. Lewlsion '. 864-9375.; operation,; gave up a triple to his mound Mark Shaw 64, 7-5 ; Lance Sier- Rushford Greenhouse, Tel. Perfect for a nice couple to operate Wabasha , TMinn. 5701. : as a family business. Tor further In- opponent, Rich Ruhoff kinds. Rushford Frank O'Laughlin ? . Ruhoff vant tripped Barb Van Deinse 1 p.m. New York BEDDING PLANTS of ell formation or a .personal Interview, Tel. 612-565-4698. SPRAY TEXTURING of ceilings and Greenhouse, Tel, 864-9375. Open 7 days PLUMBING :Si HEATING. was later cut down at the plate 6-1 y ¦ send Name, Address and Phono walls. Brooks &Y Associates. Tel: 454- : , 6-0; Tom Kieffer blanked ' 761 E. 6th Tel. 4524340 ¦ while trying to score the tying stock prices a week. Number to: North American Dislrlb- 5382. ^ Bill Wise .?6-0, 6-0; Chris Schnie- ullnj Corporation, Food Division, W»hted—Livestock 46 run on an infield grounder. v Central Avenue, 4lhy Floor, FREEI 9.PIECE Accessories Kit, In- der stopped Rick Pelowski Allied Ch 31% THoneywl 14657a Personals 7 Female—Jobs of Interest—26 3443 N. Rushford's two runs came in 6-3, 3-6, 6-1; and Kelly Skaff Phoenix, Arizona 85012. . HOLSTEIN heifer calves wanted, 3 days cludes 1 saw: chain when you buy a Alls Chal 13% Inland Stl? 34% or older. Cyril Kronebusch, Tel. Roll- NEW HOMELITE CHAIN SAW. the third inning when7 Jim whipped Kevin Schrandt 6-3, 6-1. INVISIBLE REWEAVING —425 W. San- POWER MAINTENANCE & SUPPLY CO. Him- Amerada 49% IB Mach 387 born.,Tel. 454-4257. . WOMAN PART-TIME to do book work Inostone 689-2607. lie reached on a fielder's In doubles, Haefner. and Sier- and assist veterinarian, downtown 2nd & Johnson y Tel. 452-2571 Ani Brnd 46% Int Harv 31 , clinic. Tcj. 452-4637 between 7 and 9 HOLSTEIN bull "calves wanted. 3-4 daya choice, Bruce Ferden vant beat Wadden and Shaw . 6-3, WHEN IT'S too hot to cook or. It i* fust SPORTSMEN LIVING ROOM and bedroom furniture, walked, Am Can 30Vi Intl Paper 39*4 too nice a spring day, en|6y a delicious P-m old. . Norbert Greden, Altura, Minn, ¦ ¦¦ Tel. 7701. :sold together or separately. Only 1 and then both runners nioved 6-1; Schnieder and Don Franke Am Mtr " '' '8%¦ Jns & L dinner at Ihe WILLIAMS HOTEL. Your 17 WOMAN for general housework, 1 or 2 . . years old. Tel. 452-1416. , beat Van Deinse and Wise 6-2, host Is . Innkeeper Ray Meyer. up on Phil Hellerud's bouncer AT&T 142% Jostns 33% , days a week. Experience preferred. Sal- who are crib,: playpen, potty to second 6-0; and Kevin O'Keefe. and ary open. Wrlle E-79 Dally News, Farm Implements 48 BRAND NEW baby . Gary Bartelson step- Aniconda 20!i* Kencott 24% DON'T BE CAUGHT with fresh fruit chair, and Jumping Jack exerciser. 261 Mark Schnieder toppled Pelow- that rot s belore It ripens, stale eggs, ' ' ped up next and hit another Arch Dn 40 Kraft ' v employed couple, woman W. 3rd. Tel. 452-1886. ' 43 4 more: package than meat, etc. 30c WANTED BY SALESMEN OLIVER 620 baler wllh bale thrower, 3 grounder to second ski and Schrandt &2, 4-6, 6-2. to- do weekly cleaning and Ironing In yoars old, good condition. Hilary , but this one Armco SI &k Kresge SS UWa brings you the Smart Buyer 's Guide, a FOSTORIA, Cambridge, Heisey glassware, 5-rooni apartment. ' Write P.O. Box . 436, Bautch, Alma, Wis. Tel. 685-3248. skipped under the The Ramblers were to .travel 3 seasonal . booklet with 30 Ideas on ¦ to sell a new sports club decorative flower containers . MARY fielder's Armour — Loew's :56 A with Winona. glove to Onalaska Luther today. wa ys to get more for your money partime in TWYCE. Antiques «. Books, 920 W. 5th. allowing both runners to AvcoCp 15% Marcor 273 less wasted lood. Write P.O. Box 873, membership FORD TRACTOR, set up transmission, ^ COLLEGE GIRL wanted lb live In, light lights, good rubber, snow blade up score. Mnn MM Winona, 55987. your area. High , commis- CARPETS a fright? Make thern a beau- Beth Stl 32^ 148% housekeeping duties. Close to WSC cem- front, new hydraulic Ford ram. Very yRik Halvorson room plus weekly sionsi little effort required . tlful sight with Blue Lustre. Rent elo«- hurled a two- Boeng 2VA MnXP L 20% REDUCE SAFE and fast with GoBeae pus. Fre e board and oood condition. Tel. 452-3796 after .4 *30. . tric shampooer SI. H. Choate S. Co. hitter as the Hurricanes Tablets end E-Vap "water pills" et allowance. Tel. 452-4724. . May be able to write off eked Boise Cas 14% Mobile Oil 50V4 Feed-Easy .' Van -Sale Caliimel your nearest Ted Meier Drug. your hunting and fishing . MOVING, must sell. Dressers, dinette set, out their one-run victory over ral fails EXCELLENT POSITION as secretary and Silo Unloaders . Bunk Feeders ¦ Cathed Brunswk 53% Mn Chm ' 54% beds, . refrigerator-freezer, much more. Spring SAVING a little. It'll grow on youi financial aide, college office . Responsl- trips which you would take Liquid Manuro Systems . Grove at Houston. It Erl North 46% Mont Dak 31*% TRY ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . Tel.: 452-6887. . MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Have lension 243. anyway. No investment re- .- . Everett Rupprecht was only the second 454 2930, ex- ' ; win in li Camp'sp 27% N Am R 33% a happy. day! billty, meeting people. Tel, : :;. Lewlston, Minn, Tel. 507-523-2720. . : loop outings for Coach quired. Qualify for free GOLF CLUBS-Matched set , Sam Snead Rog unbeatens Catpllar 53% UN'Gas 44 YOURSELF those "se- Blue Ridge. 3 woods, 9 Irons, new bag.; from STOP DENYING FINEST QUALITY photo processing, 20% trip to Central America. SCHMIDT'S SALES & SERVICB Hilling's squad. Gary ' your budget, won't al- $75. Tel. 452-5385, 5-7 p.m. Holty CHURCH SOFTBALL Ch MSPP — No St Pw 467 discount . Snyder Rexoll Drugs, Miracle . cret luxuries" So. of 1-90 al. Wilson, scored NATIONAL LEAGUE ' low. Earn extra cosh as an Avon Rep- ¦ ; what proved to be the Chrysler 33% Nw Ar Mali: . :..; ¦ ¦;. ¦ : - ' ¦?. ' • Tel. 454-561 8 Rangeroaster . Sizes W L W L . 51% resentative, during your free hours. It' s Call 218-741-7955 VENT HOODS by : ' All. colors, and deciding run in the bottom of Central Lulh. 3 0 First B-apllsr 11 Ctes Svc . 36% Nw Banc 43 easy—and (unl Tel. Mrs. Sonya King, from 24-lhch to 60-Inch. DEADLINE MAY 23, 4 P.M. FITZGERAL D SURGE APPLIANCE, 215 E. 3rd. the fourth Christ. Milan 3 0 United Metlt. 12 Rochester 507.288-3333. styles; GAIL'S on Doug Loken's Com Ed 34% Penney 75% Cash and coupo n must accompany I6t . OLYMPIC ' Sales & Sorvice Cathedral 2 1 K ot C 0 1 May 26. infield ground . .18-word want ad for Tel Lewlston 6201 . GOLD SOFA bed, good condlllon. Tel, out. St. Matthew-'s 1 . 1 Fallh Luth. 0 3 ComSat 65 Pgps 81% , Today Male—Jobs of Interest— 27 SPORTSMAN'S . 452-4206 after 5. 's schedule had Lewis- Con Ed 25% Pips Dge 41 BETSINGER Tailor Shop, .227 . E, 4th, MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT ton Cathedral fell from the list now open dally 9 to 1. set their RATH wash tanks, lans, air Intakes, at Mabel-Canton, La Cres- Cont Can 29% Phllps 7 28% I NEED 4 people who wanl to GIBSON REFRIGERATORS * own hours and make above average CLUB hose parts, storage ceblnets. . FREEZERS . . cent at Spring of unbeatens in the National furnace and ¦& Grove, and Rush- Cont Ol 26% Polarod 137% LET US power vacuum your Income. Many trlnge benefits. . For . per- Ed's .Refrigeration Dairy Supplies Finest Quality-al Popular Prices. fresher, 216—5th Ave. No. ford at Houston for a Church Sottb all League Monday • air ducts. Your home will be sonal Interview, wllh no obligation, write 555 E. 4th. . . . Tel. 452-5532 WINONA FIRE & POWER EQUIP. CO. pair Cnti Data 62% RCA 36% more en|oyable lo live Iri. LA CRESCENT ...... OOO as unbeaten Central Lutheran cleaner and. Sandra Jay's , P.O'. Box 453, . Moline, III. Minn¦¦ 54-56 E. -2nd Tel. 452-5065 uo tli t i . Dart Ind ree estimate! . . . Virginia , 55792 CALEDONIA ...... V.. . So2 ioo oZj ; 53% Rep Stl 23% Call us today for f Tin, J 4 battered the team 17-i behind JOSWICK FUEL J. OIL CO ., . 901 B. Noben, Larry Pappenfus (5), Dar- Deere 61% Rey Ind 69% MH Oldenberg 8th. Tel. 452-3402. . (a), and Don ShpSe, home runs by Jim Amundson WE NEED ANTIQUE n Dow Ch 89% Sears R 110% Dogs, Pets, Supplies 42 stripping. Free S" ,!il y ,nd Car Blrkeland. ' INSURANCE SALES AND newer furniture «« ,1 and Bob Tepe. DOES ONE ol your loved ones hav« a delivery. Deal- ' OROVa ,. 0«O OOO duPont 263 Shell Ol 44% estimates, pick-up end HOUSTON£ouSToM IM3, drinking problem? If so, contact the TOY HOUSE Poodles. Puppies, $50 and used pull-type 100 100 x-3 3 i Christian Action, the only oth- LEADS — For disability ers welcome, fel. 454-5837. Mike Si„rt, Eas Kod 120% Sp Rand . 37 Winona Alanon Family Group. Write up; Tel. Dakota , Minn. 643-6398. M and Rog Andw»n) er undefeated team, slipped rMn ' Firestone 24% St Brands 49V4 69tt W. 3rd. Income WINDROW ERS £ &i * «»£. ¦"" -^"S LOoken, past First Baptist 14-10 as Steve ALASKAN Husky ' -puppies. AKC Regis- 0 M2m < Life Insu'r- If you're thlnWng about NEEDLES LEWISTONLEwfsTO M °-» • Ford Mtr 68% St 01 Cal 56% LEADS — For tered, all shots/reasonable. 8 miles N...... OOO 010 0-1 1) Craney and Keith Krause hom- Service, Repairing 10 For All Makes Bud Auto of Centerville, Wis. Ttl. 600-323-3090. trading ? yourv pull type on Brltf and Dave Overland. Rich Gen Elec Wk St Ol Ind 63Vg . ance . ot Record Players Ruhoff and Noil Bain. ered for the victors and Bruce ? Tire wear a self propelled , you will be Gen Food 27%St Ol NJ 71% CAR SHAKE and shimmy LEADS — For Major Medi- SHELTIES (Toy Collies) , rare Blue Knutson for the losers. neededl S8.50 most Hardt 's Music Store list Pub. uneven? Alignment Merles. Champion sired. Also 2 Iris, surprised on what we will Date, Tuesday, May U , 1973) Gen Mils 48 Swft 32'4 Tel, 452- cal Plans 116-118 PlMB E. United Methodist ripped cars, Teggart Tire Service. sables. Stud service. Tel. La Crescent, allow you for it. *fate of Minnesota 2772. ~ ) »s Ger. Mtr 77ft Texaco 30*7*, LEADS - For Med4p5re Minn. 895-4711, County of Wlnons Knights of Columbus 18-10 as . ) |„ Probate Courl Gen Tel 29% Texas Ins IBS1 ), Supplements MAIL No. 16,965 Bernie Benson and Brian Hoes- ST. BERNARD puppies, S75 or best offer. ' In Rs Estate Of it Gillette 44 Union Oil 29' i Box 74; Stockton, Minn. Tel . Rolling- KOCHENDERFER DAILY-NEWS John P. ley had four hits each ; Jim Wacltowlok, Decedent \ Goodrich 27\'s "Un Pac SS-s Automobile stone 689-2705. Order for Hearing on Final AccourA Jantzer homered for K of C. We have all the necessary & SONS SUBSCRIPTIONS and Petition s for Distribution. Goodyear 3; U S Steel 32 8 DACHSHUND—5 purebred puppies (red), Tho represenutfve St, Matthew 's whipped Faith AIR CONDITIONER products including guaran- Fountain Gty , Wis.. May Be Paid at of Ihe above named Greyhnd 18% West El 51 6 weeks old, no papers. S30 each . •"late having filed her final account and Lutheran 21-14 as Ron Koehler tee issue health insurance Tel . petition Charles Harris, Rl. 1, Houslon. for settlement and allowance Gulf Oil 24*% Weyrhsr 49 SERVICE TED MAIER DRUGS thereof collected a pair of triples. and a full life line. We 896-3872. and for distribution to the per- sons Elomestk 24% Wlworth W s , experienc- No Telephone Orders thereunto entitled - • REPAIR need aggressive S R E RED Thnt ,he hearing ed salespeople who are ac- BRAND NEW Will Be Taken thereofthlL! boK , ' Air Conditioner systems ° ?had on June 13, 1972. 10:00 at Livestock customed to above aver- o'clock A.M., before this Courl RECHARGE WE HAV E ALL -NEW in fhe probate court • room In the court SOUTH ST. PAUL. Minn. (AP) - Gra m age earnings. Our leads are house In Wlnone Air Conditioner systems Tropical Fisli New Holland & EDDIE'S LITTLE , Minnesota, . and that (USDA) - Calllo 4. 0O0; calves 600) ic not ce hereof bo MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. produced through direct given by publication slaughter steers nnd hellers fairly ac- (AP) Mustang loaders WOOD SHOP of this order In The • SEASONAL advertizing and aver- -)V Parakeets Winona Dnlly News tive Tuesday, fully sleady; load high -Wheat receipts Monday 165 ; mail and by mailed notice es provided Air Conditioner checkups AVAILABLE Is a busy workshop making by choice Includlno few prime 1,184 Ib. year ago 148; Spring wheat age 50% closing. For more ic Monkeys slaughter steers 36.50 ; most choice 950- cash TRELLIS for climbing vines Dated May ]J, 1972. SALES & SERVICE Information write, RIGHT NOW! 1,338 Ibs. ; lond high cholco trading basis unchanged ; prices • ic Parrots S. A. Sawyer, for MARK IV and rose bushes. All sizes ¦ 1,338 Ibs. Included at 35.50; mixed high unchanged Call for demonstration. ,_ Probate Judgo. good and choke 34.50-35.00; good 32.00- . ic Gerbils and shapes. Painted or nat- (Probate . Air Conditioner units Division Manager Court Seal) 34.50; load high choice Including tew No. 1 dark northern Harold J. Libers 11-17 pro- ic Hamsters ura l Rtdwood. Want a srlmo 1,004 lb. slaughter hellers 3S.75; Catholic Knights Attorney for Petitioner tein 1.51^-1.92'/^. HOUSTON tow loads lilfi h cholco 890-1,054 Ibs, 35.50 ; Tel. 452-4080. Insurance Society ic Mice PERGOLA or FAN or LAD- most cholco 650-1 , 050 Ibs, 34,25-35.55; Test weight premiums: one DER trellis? Need a LAT- Cist Pub. Dale, Tuesday, May 16, 1972) 4517 Minnetonka Blvd. Pool Goldfish AUTO SALES mixed hlnh good and choice 33.75-34.25; cent each pound 58 to 61 lbs; i- TICE fence? We make a To Paul Schmitt nnd Louise Sclimltt good 3l.00.337j; ullllly and commer- Minneapolis, Minn. 55415 Houston, Minn. le). 89S-383S You are Hereby Notified). That drlnull cial slauohler cows li. 00-27. JO; culler one cent discount each % lb un- cute TRI-CROSS trellis for has been made In Ihe conditions ol that 23.00.26,50; ullllly and commercial der 58 lbs. NYSTROM'S WE ARE cemeteries, $1 up. certain contract, dated the unknown day 31.00; vealers steady; choice 53,00-57. 00; Cadillac - Toyota - Pontiac LOERCH of February, 1948, whereby Waller L ilaughter bulls 59.50-33.00 / o utlcn. , Elovntor A Grain Prlcos have nol been mario and lhal said No i hard amber durum , iceable age. Good working condlllon. SALE The representative ol tho above named No. 1 norlhern rprlng wheal 1.53 contract will he cancelled and termin- 1.70-1.74 ; .... Anxiety 4 breeding, Rush Arbor Ranch, ated 90 estate having tllwl lis linal account nnd discounts , amber 2-3; Nn. 2 northern sprlnq wheat .... 1.51 lltM Currie Ave., Minneapolis Tel. 664-9122. l^x days aller the service Rushford. 01 this pcllllon lor settlement and allowance notice upon you unless prior (hereto diirum 3-0. No. 3 norlhern spring wheat ,,.. 1.47 vou thereol and lor distribution to Iho per- comply with laid condlllon of No. 4 norlhern sprlno whral .... 1.41 Approved for Veteran Training AQUA STUD, 3 Leo, own son of Leo by said con- sons thereunto mlllled; < ;orn No. 2 yellow tract so In default and pay Ihe t.WZ- No. 1 hard wlnler wheat 1.51 an own daughter of 3-Bars. ROM rac- costs ot IT IS ORDIIRnO, Thai tha hearing No service of this notice and attorneys (res 1.21'i. . 2 hard winter wheat 1.49 ing, culling, holler poinls. JIM stud fee. ) RUSHFORD ' thereol b) hod nn Juno 13, 1972, nl N In Iho amount of Jloo.00 actually No. 3 hard winter wheal 1.45 David Slosser, Durnnd. Wli. \ I * 5 ex- 10:00 o' cloc k A.M., belore Oats No. 2 ex Ira heavy SALES pended or Incurred by Ihe Ibis Court white No. 4 hard wlnler wheat 1.41 . \ \ ^ ^ undersigned In Iho proha'e ¦ BARN Darby A Drawer, court room In Ihe courl 69. No. i rye . .,/ :,... 1.05 WESTERN GRADE riding horse, 7-year- Chartered house In Wl nonn - By: Dale ¦> , Minnesota, and thai Ho . 2 rye . .. 1.03 BETTER TRAINED. old oeldlng, neck rein; also Western mi e s ol Rushford on nvavnld notice hereof be given Barley, cars 153, year ago ¦ \[ \/ **' * * Uwy. ic by publication ot 91; ¦ saddle. Tel. 452-5940. * this order In Ihe Data IHvavnld Winona Daily News Larkcr 1,07-1.22 ; Blue Malting and hy mal' ecl nolice as provided hy BETTER EDUCATED. law, 1.07-1.lfi; Dickson 1.07-1.16; (First Pub. Dale Monday, May 13, 1972 ) Dated Mny 11, 1972, Food 90-1.06. Eggs Slate ol Mlnneiola ) S. A. Sawyer, BETTER MOTIVATED, THURSDAY, MAY 18 County of Winona ) Rye No 11. Probata Judge. . 1 nnd 2 1.05-1 .09, CHICAGO WHOLESALD ATTENTION: (Sale Starts at 1 p.m.) I, tho undersigned , hereby certify H' robMe Court Seal) Flax No, 1-2 2.80 nom. EDO MARKET that I am Ihe person who conducts C. Stanley McMahon Orada A laroo white 13 HIRE THE VETERAN and transacts a commercial business Attorney lor Petitioner Soybeans No. 1 yellow 3.49Vi. Orad« A m«luim white ll DUE TO THE Sales e-very 1st & 3rd Thurs. of the month. ol Iho Clly ol Wlnonn In Ihe County of Wlnonn, Stato of Mlnnesola, under LACK OF tho name nnd sly lo of Alert Really; thai MARK TRAIL By Ed Dodd tho full and true Individual name ol ¦¦ ¦ ¦-¦- Pigs May be Brought in 8 n.m.-11:30 r- 1 ¦ . — . ..-, .-,,..,_-¦¦, ,,, ..... -,. ..-i»-' —¦ - -¦'—-! — M.\ _ .. _. - ~~&^L~ 117' L.I > v --v^ H.,- k._t v.. , each and every person who Is In mny- ' " .tr-' c**ma. ..*¦.«. CONSIGNMENTS THE Way Interested In laid business under on Sale Date. •aid name, together wllh Iho post office RR.ED GILT SALE address of each of them l« as follows , Tel. Rushford 507-864-9150 to-wlt: Eugene J, Karasch ON SAT. MAY 20 Route No, 2 Winona, Minnesota AT RUSIirOIU) Galesville, Wis. I Rushford Barn 53987 EUGEN E J. KADASCH IS Tel, G08-539-2131 I Tol. 507*864-9429 Btate of Minnesota J (Collect) dates onl ) County of Wlnonn ) »j, CANCELLED. | (Sale y On this 10th dny of Mny. 1972, before mo personally appeared Eugene J, (Car- aach to mo known to ba Ihe person who mode and signed the foreoolng certificate, and acknowledged that ho WISCONSIN WISCONSI N FEEDER PIG •xccutod tho same as his own free »cl and deed, FEEDER PIG HAROLD J. LIDIiRA Notary Public MARKETING CO-OP My commlnslori expires November M, CO-OP IV74. Articles for Sal* 57 Apartments, Furnished 91 Farms, Land for Sal* $8 Houses for Sala 99 Used Cars 109 Used Cart 109 Auction Silet - - : : ^ OARAGE SALE-^Wed. and Thurs., 10 ONE-ROOM apartment, J40 month, OWNER TRANSFERRED-laroe modern BY OWNER—liouse for sale, Tel. «2- PLYMOUTH - 1965 2-door Sporls Fury, CHEVROLET, 1TO «r>d KM Corvalr. ALVIN KOHMEiv i .m.-4 p.m. S55 4Mb Ava. Clothing, available now; also 2 rooms with balh, house on highway. Buildings, stream, 24 \ 3534 bctoeefl J ond 5 p.m. ' automatic, 383, power steering, power Both In fair thapt. 451 W, Mark or AUCTIONEER-Clty and slate licensed ¦ household and children's Items, baby near WSC, available Junt 1. Tel. 452- acres. Richard Hager, Cochrane,' Wis. r brskes, excellent running Condilion. Ttl. 454-175?. , and bonded. Rt. 3, Winona. Tel. 452- ' ' furniture. 44)36 alter 4. 452 Main. Tel. Waumande* 60W2&-3331. FIVE-BEDROOM home In Ulicj. new gas Needs grill and bumper. Tel. 452-3980. 4980- . . . . furnace, carpel, fireplace, garage. MANX DUNE buggy, 1, red, 1 blue. WI Auction Salt* USED. ELECTRIC itov». Tel. «4-3J61. COMPLETELY FURNISHED, air condi- FARMS - FARMS — FARMS Terms. B. A. Smith & Sons, St. Char- CHEVROLET — 1963 4-door, very good Volkswagen bawd iSoo tngine, fully ANOTHER THORP Auction. Farm, house- tioned efficiency apartment . for slnole . MIDWEST REALTY CO. les, Minn. Tel. ?32-iJJ-2f7J clothes, end tables, agat»/ toys, mis- ¦ ' . June .3, for Summer only. Tel. 452-5376 or home, or art planning to sell real -¦ cellaneous. ¦ J*--** <• * ""--fr-r -s' —. . "\ ' Vf,m''^rr^wSJJWSSfraBSSSSSSBSSB '^^B^'SKWS!!. or 452-47M. :',. \ eslate of any type contacl NORTH PEDER RIStQVE Estate residence, 108 CHEVROLET-1965 Station Wagon, good Burr Oak St. North, Rushford, Minn., ERN INVESTMENT COMPANY, Real ¦ condlllon, new tires. May bo seen otter 1966 Malibu SS BIG BASEMENT Sale of household Items FURNISHED apartment for 2, married Estate Broker. Independence, Wis., er will be told at Public Auction on May • «,'. 261 W. Bellevlew. . ; at. U7 W. Sanborn, Tuei. through Frl. couple preferred. No pels. Available Eldon W. Berg. Res' Estate Salesman, 7* . 1972. SJU ol household goods be- 2-door hardtop, new -white Very reasonable prices. June 1 or 15. 1 block . from WSC. Tel. Arcadia, Wis. tei. 123-7150. gins at 5 p.m. Home to 'W sold follow- CHEVR0LET-197i Vega, excellent con- vinyl top with beautiful blue > HOUSEHOLD : / ¦;¦ 452-3M9. y. ing. This f-amily-sized older home wilh dlllon, 12,000 miles. Inquire Installment i ! ¦LACK AMD WHITE Magnavox 21" floor fireplace is located in a nice residen- Loan Department , Merchants National lower, 396 V-8, 4-speed , model, 1 yaar old. Over »» new, J80. AVAILABLE JUNE 1 — excellent condl- Houses for Sala &9 tial area on a large lot. Contact Ber- Bsnk. Mickey "Thompson rear Apt. 1, 272 E. «h. tion, furnished, completely modern fa- tram Boyrijm. Auctioneer, Rushford, tires, chrome wheels all 2-3 bedroom brick 4-door hard- ) cilities, air conditioned. See Manager, CORNER 10th J. Wall. Minn., lor lull details. Tel. M4-9381. CHRYSLER—1970 Newport PIANO, TRICYCLE, chairs, partly furnished, also Inclgden ilr con- | | dresser and commode ; rocker ; Kirby vacuum cleaner with jl 2 beef or horses. ditioner, clothcillna and 5xJ* utility TRY US for hand-bulIt Formica kitchen Many luxurious features. bedroom and the lovely 2-beclroom |j attachments; 4 cane bottom chairs; 2 beds; day bed ; j! . 454-1059 for Informa- PRICED thed. J2B0O. Tel. «87-}304 afltr, J p.m. • cabinet!. Brooks & . Assoclales, Tel. 454- Townhouses. Tel. -1 - antique lots . " ' ¦ 2 commodes; telephene; of.picture frames; , j| 5383. KEY APARTMENTS tion.. T«l. 687-6831; ^ 1752 W. " table vise; VV electric jj T«45. . - . from Winona In ' Wis. Tel. Dakota M- STARCRAFT CA.MPERS. Furn., Rugs, Linoleum 64 Tol, 454-4942. ' ¦ ¦ Salei-Strvlce- f; drill; some7bedding and linens; kitchen utensils and"many, jjj «77. . : Caprice; Rentals. New 1 972 ; Starmejter I or j, BEDROOM home with attached OFFICES FOR RENT on the Plaza, THREE JI295. Dick's Sporting Goods, Durand, if. many, other articles too numerous to mention. Excep- j;j METAL WARDROBES—36, 40 and 42' garage. In Hokah, with full bsserrient, BUILDING LOTS wilh acreage " in city Li Stlrncma n—Selover -Co., Tel: 452-4347. ' 2 door Hardtop. ght green WU. Tel,. 715-472-8873 or Vl-SiW. |;[ tional line of household goods, etc. 3963 GHdsmobile 8J) jyl wide. Starting at J34.95. BORZYSKOW- 5J1S,900 wllh ealra lot. . MLS 583. limits. May be used as Urge estate SKI FURNITURE, 302 Mankato Ave. with black vinyl roof , equip- |j 4-door sedan repeating rifle; two : OFFICE SPACE tor rent, Levee Plan area or divided Into lols. Sewer and BY OWNER, 10x55' ; mobile home, In- , in real good shape. .22 \j\ SELECTION bl home s In/..Spring engine, Pow- ¦ East. Inquire HARDT'S MUSIC STORE GOOD . water In of property line. TOWN & ped with V-8 . eludes appliances and fully carpeted. 20 gauge shotguns; G.E. air conditioner ; set of field V ry]' • SLEEP SHOP Special, loll slie foam pad- homes, yacani/ Will %: Grove. 3 nev/ COUNTRY REAL ESTATE, Tel . 454- Radio Factory 8x10' porch. Tel, 452-6960 or Lewlston '' 4 bed- er steering; , t$ ' glasses; fire e-xtingusher;i set ot open and box wrenches; ded sofa bed, In gold or green. $69. OFFICE SPACE win phone answering consider trade. Also 1 used . 3741, 3621 after £'¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ z ¦ good finan- Air Conditioning, 7 W h it e ¦ BURKE'S FURNITURE MART, 3rd «. service available, In Professional Build- room home. Unusually § size H" to Hi". .. •? . . N Franklin. Open Men. and Frl. evenings. ¦ ing, JIM ROBB REALTY , Tel. 454- cing, . sidewall tires, Deluxe wheel SPACE AVAILABLE In new mobile Park . behind the; store. ' Wanted—Real Estate X02 . 5B70, - 'S-a- i rn. to 5 p.m. Mon. through ' ¦ ' ' home. park. Large tingle and . . double I . JOHN LOESEL, OWNER . - :¦ .: . ' Package Homes. covers. "?. . V i -4 -Frl...... - . .. . . Dealer ot Wick lots, some lakeside. Oft street park- ' brochure. DUPLEX OS TRIPLEX In Winona area. Please ask for . tng, Close Id work, shopping, , schools, | Louis, ? Hi) Duellman, ,?j Good Thing* to Eat 65 ' REALTY, . . Must have one S-rbom- aparlmenl. Tel , CHEVROLET'S FINEST; ? CORNFORTH churches and recreation, Village Farms for Rent Minn. . ' Lak* Clerk Auctioneer yj 93 L« Crescent, 452-6219. . Mobile Home Park , Goodview. "ll OLD HENS for sale, 25c apiece. Alfred Tel, y. Tel. 895-2106 452-2844 . Ask -tor "Rich" ' Feullng, Alma, Wis. Tel. 685-4556, • PASTURE- for rent. JOe Wilt, Dakota, ONLY $1498 . After 5 p.m. . NEED 2M0 acres wllh .or .without build- " Tel. 454.4776. " . ' Minn:' Tel. 643-6169. . . ' ings withtn 15 miles of Winona. -Tel. ' Guns, Sporting Goods 66 Jim Mohan 454-2367. : TOWN & COUN- MUST SELL Liberty mobile home, 12x50', Rouses for Rent 95 TRY RE^L ESTATE. 2 bedrooms, skirling Included. In ex- COMPLETE SET of. Wilson golf clubs cellent condition. . Tel. 454-2444 alter i wllh bag, new, used 2 or 3 times.. Will ON HUFF.ST., downstairs of duplex. . Ul* Boats, Motors? Etc. 106 p.m. sacrifice for $90 or best offer. Tel. ' Ing room Is panelled, carpeted , and ' 452-9369 or 855 '4.1st Ave. draped. 2 bedrooms, new bathroom., No LIBERTY—1969, 2-bedroom .mobile J>cme. appliances . ' -. furnished. Panelled base- WANTED-uSed boat, trailer for . 14' flat Bcaullful localion. Set up, completely | INO RTHERN INVESTMENT'XS ment. No pets. Available June 1. Tel. bottom boat . Tel. 454-2965. lurnlshed.. Tel. 454-1186 alter <, anytime - JOt liy ! Musical Merchandise 7G ; 155-35E0. ' weekends. JOHNSON 35 h.p. . electric start .engine with 15' wooden boat, trailer Included, HAMMOND ORGAN-M-lOO Series, cher- MODERN 7-room farm house, 3 plus bed- ¦¦ ' . ' J2M. -See at 1 305 "Wlncrest Drive alter New & Used Campers ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ '* v • ry Rronvjnclal, like new, full pedal rooms, some appliances, furnished. . . ?! ¦ .7 p.m. ¦ BUY NOW so vou can look forward**! and percussion. Tel. 452-5 940. ' . Horse barn included. 14 miles 5, ol ' IL Due to age and health , owner will dispose of the following Winona. $140 monlh, Tel. 454-4088. ::¦:• . ' weekends and vacations. -Sleep » or 8. . - . For GLASTRON 16' 60 h Evlnrude,.; con- Wid e selection of new and . used camp- | personal property, located V4 mile North oi Gilmanton on M yLOWREY ORGANS-PIANOS , .p. TODAY'S vertible, top, mooring cover, completely ers and travel trailers. Easy financing New, Used, Rentals. N EW 2-bedrbom duplex, lull basement, PROMPT-COURTEOUS % Highway 88, or. 8 miles South of Mondovi on Highway \ equipped . -for skiing. Like new. Tel. 452- available: Tel. TOWN COUNTRY at Vie service all makes. all electric partly furnished, $110, In * . < SERVICE 7161 . 1909 W. 5lh St. . . . .454-5287. %" 88, on: . Gehrlng's Music Buffalo City. Stanley Apel, Cochrane, V BEST BUYS ' Tel, Rollingstone 689-2928 or. : . Wis Tel. 608-248-2244. ' .; . Call Us ANTTIME ALUMINUM .RUNABOUT, - 14', 45 h.p; EZ CAMPER tert trailer Excellent con- Lewlston 5681.. ¦ '69 CADILLAC Sedan De . : ATTRACTIVE 2 or 3-bcdroom Townhouse, Day or Night Mercury outboard, electric start. Trail- dlllon, with mattresses, Coleman heater er. J500. Tel. 452-6001. Ville, full power . $3795 . andUpve. 467 Grand. ;. | ;. RENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS from air conditioned, carpeted, drapes; slove • - xzS&t^ HARDT'S. Pianos, violins, clarinets, and dishwasher furnished, fully main- or Weekends 'fi7 PLYMOUTH Fury II 4 SCHULT—1964, 12x55*, furnished. Carpeted etc. Rental payments apply tained, wllh use of pool, 2-car garage, trumpet*, Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 . throughout. Washer and dryer hookup. 1 Sale starts at 12:30 P.M. Lunch will be served. toward purchase price. HARDT'S sun deck. Family preferred. Tel. 452- Office Hours : 8 A.M. tp 6P.M. door, V-8 engine, power . j ¦ Wllh . 10x20' screened patla and «x20* MUSIC STORE, \U Levw Plaie E. lsio. ^^ 7 steering, automatic trans- I V 6 days a week. SCHWINN boys' 26" Racer bicycle, very addition. New aleel utility building. Tel. 45 Head of Cattle: 5 Holstem: cows, springers; 8 \ . good condition. Tel. 4S2-SI6I. mission ...... $1095 454-1324 alter gy , ELECTRIC FENDER guitar and deluxe FIVE ROOMS — 2 bedrooms, .furnished . Holstein cows, fresh and open ; 6 Holstein cows, milking i fender amplifier, like new, 1 year old, Tel. 452-2017 or 900-E. 7lh.. . i| . GENE KAHASCH. REALTOR HONDA 30O Dream. S250. Ivan Dutcher '68 PONtlAQy Catalina 4 CALIFORNIA MADE Pan Pacific, 1945, worth $8110. Best offer takes. Tel. 452- | [ good; 10? cows, Angus and Holstein cross; ft Holstem '.( 601 Main Street Rt. 3, Winona; Tel. 454-5077 . 23' all : modern conveniences. Very rea- 4777 or see at 571 .E . 10th between GALE . ST. .1063—2 bedrooms, unlurnlshed, door. Power steering, power ' ¦ sonable. Also trailer hitch, will fit any H heifers, 18 to 24?months, open ; 2 Angus and Holstein cross hours of 3 p.m. to 7 m. available June 1, S150, no animals. Tel. 454-4196 \ p. COLEMAN.5 h.p. trail .bike, . 5 speeds brakes, automatic transmis- Ford productl. Ttl. 454-5314 or 459 X- Shown by appointment . . Inquire 1074 ¦ ¦ ¦ | heifers, 3 to 6 months old; A Angus and Holstem cross ¦ ¦ - new last summer..S175. See at 1305 Win sion ...... ;,:;..,.:.:. $1695 Chatfield. ' ¦ . ' Marian St. Tel. 452-6087 . . . . | | heifers, 12 to 18 months, open; 4 Holstein heifer calves; * Sewing Machines 73 crest Drive after 7 p.m. 71 TOYOTA Corolla Sedan , DUPLEX UNlt, -2-bedroom, et 763 Bluff- Many homes 1o choose trom at I 3 Angus and Holstein cross bull calves. now BSA 650—completely overhauled: Tel. 454 COULEE MOBILE HOME SALES ¦ ALL MODEL Vikings are on sale view Circle. Tel. 452-4127 tor appoint- ¦ automatic transmis- ¦¦ .' Milking Equipment: Surge SP11 milfeer pump with ll during Spring Clearance. ' WINONA ¦ ¦ ' 4408 alter . J. . ' Hwy. 1*41 E. Winona Tel- 452-4274 |. - . ¦ ment.) : sion ....y. ....;. . ,.;' : , '.:.7$1795 SEWING CO., , 915 W, 51 h. | motor ; 2 Surge milker buckets; 2 DeLaval milker buck- z BOB HONDA — 1971 Trail 90, good condition \ COTTAGE—2 bedrooms, | Vj_ MOULTON'5 MOBILE Court on Hwy. 35 VACATIONER'S . 290O miles. S230. : Tel. 608-487-7239. '65 FORD Fairlane 4 door. | ets; one milker pump and motor. •' . completely modern and furnished in- at Galesville has lots available , for Im- Typewriters 77 Automatic transmis- mediate occupancy. Comt see ul or cluding, cooking utensils and linens, lo- ¦ ' | ? Household Goods: Old oak? table wi th 4 extension ' THE 1972 HONDA S ARE : HERE1 ' - '' :•::¦ '...... $695 Tel. Galesville. 582-4009. TYPEWR ITERS and adding machines cated 2 blocks from Dan & Mark's Boat sion . . . . ||? leaves; old buffe t [ WBeiGm Many models, to choose \ Irom. . ; some fruit jars . & crocks; some misc. . Livery. For rent . by week or. month, No . for rent or sale. Low rates. Try us . See us. firsl for a great deal on, a '69 PLYMOUTH Fury III 4 WE WILL lake anylhlng In. trad* on a - single students, Tel. 687-4894, ask for. Hill-items, y for all your office supplies, desks, ii REALTOR great machine.. mobile home. -¦' " ¦• ' ¦ Mrs. Norman Anderson.: : door Hardtop. Power steer- . ' ¦ files or office chairs. LUND OFFICE . .R.OBB MOTORS, INC. ." . Fleelwood %¦ Machinery ; McD "M" tractor" and cultivator, just SUPPLY CO., 128 E. 3rd. Ttl. 452- | l20 c£KirER- An affi liate of . Robb Bros. Sto'ra ing, power brakes , auto- Rllrcraff 5222. ... I overhauled ; J.D. Model "H'-V tractor and cultivator; > j : Inc. and Jim Robb Realty. matic transmission, AIR Liberty. J.D. 999 corn planter; J.D.? Model 11 mower; J.D Model , TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE CONDITIONER . .... $1995 Check our .Spring '- ' Discount price*. 0 Vacuum Cleaners 78 , avail- RUPP TRI-STATE MOBILE HOMES | 33 spreader; J.D. Model 894 rack; Diedriek elevator, Close to downtown EXPERIENCE '69 OLDS 88 2 door Hard- 3930 4th St., Winona TeL 4544741. . |. Model 99; Cunningham hay conditioner; Ford double disc , KIRBY VACUUM cleaner, $25. Tel. 452 Compact Cycles able June 15 , $12D month. 8, Service Power steering, power 1818. : Sales, Parts . top, STEURY TRAVEL trailers (lent type) <| with 3 point hitch; lime spreader ; horse mower; corn COUNTS! EQUIP. CO WINONA FIRE «< POWER brakes, automatic transmis- lor sale.. On display at Wabasha Skelly binder; fanning mill; old grain binder ; rubber tired Tel 452-4832 54-56 E. 2nd . Tel . 452-5065 Service, Hwy. 61 , every day, 7 a.m. to li Wanted to Buy 81 sion , AIR CONDI- o f , wagon and rack; rubber tired wagon and box. before 5:30. IF YOU'RE BUYING TIONER ...... $2395 p.m. fbl. 612.545-9938. USED CANOE—In good condition, prefer YAMAHA! MOBILE HOME TOWING S TERMS: NORTHERN ON THE SPOT CREDIT. Grumman or comparable model. Tel. OR SELLING Quality Sporls Cenler '69 CHEVROLET Impala 4 \ ' ICC license. Minn. , Wli. -452-2238- 3rd 8, Harriet . : tei, 4jj.?395 transmis- Dale Bubllll, Winona . . Tel. 452-9411 t< Wanted to Rent 96 — GALL US — door. Automatic ': WILLIAM (BILL) sion , power steering, power SCHULTZ, OWNER. WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON & METAL Trucks, Tractors, Trailers 108 ¦ ¦ CO. pays highest prices for scrap Iron, THREE-BEDROOM house, garage and We've been successfully brakes , AIR CONDI- CAMPERS ' Francis Werlein, Auctioneer metals end raw fur. basement necessary. Tel. 452-5469. 's Real Es- Chevrolet, big 292 $1,995 FOR REAL camping enloyment, iea the Closed Saturdays serving Winona DUMP TRACKS— W62 TIONER (: Northern Investment Co., Lester Senty, Clerk 6-cyllnder , <-speed, 2-spced y runs good, Skamper line ol all vinyl campers and 222 W. Jnd - . ' ' Tel. 452-2067 tate needs' for" over three Farms, Land for Sale 98 •S765. 1960 .Intcrnallonal, 345 V-8, S.speed. '65 CHEVROLET Impala 4 fold-down truck mounts. Cash discount . Rep . by Tom Marum and Daryl Iloch generations-. Good STOCKTON CAMPER SALES, Stockton , '\ HIGHEST PRICES PAID 2-spced, needs some work , $550. door. Automatic transmis- 120 ACRES, 55 tillable, good house and Minn. Tel. 489-2670. ' v /S *¦ >. *. $* s.SS-4 for scrap Iron, melafs, rags, hides, selection new and used trucks. , ' It '' A *, ^S v *<£ i barn. School bus to door. 4 miles from sion , 'power steering, green raw furs and wool OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 5 Houston Aulo Sales, Houston, Minn. Nodine. 358-acrc farm, 140 tillable, ex- exterior ?895 WE ARE PROUD to announce Ihe addi- weekdays and Saturdays ; 1 tion of Jim Gunderson to our sales stall. Sam Weisman & Sons cellent buildings. A miles from Hokah; PICKUP, 1966 3 i-ton, wllh good cattle also has duplex houre. Lester Beckman, to 5 Sundays and every rack; 1964 International li-lbn with flat- Come In and see Herb, Joe, Milt or Jim INCORPORATED FINANCING AT aiid gel a great deal. 450 W. 3rd Tel. 452-5847 Tei. Houston 896-3808. evening by appointment. bed. Leon Peterson. Lewlston ,. Tel. 5511 , Inquire alter 4 p.m. BANK RATES ALL Models Are 1972 250 ACRES plus, 1O0 tillable, remainder 14x70 Award 3:bedroom ' ' AVAILABLE |- ANOTHER IAUCTION Rooms Without Meals 86 beautiful recreation area. Deer abun- OFFICE PHONE 452-5351 INTERNAT IONAL 1971 I60O truck wllh 14x68 Movllla 2-bedroom THORP k dant, stream, sprlno , access from coun- box and hydraulic endgate. Inquire 14x48 Cardinal Craft 2-bedroom OoamMmammmmmI CENTRALLY LOCATED sleeping room ty road. MLS 669. Tel. Jim Mohan 45<- Afler Hours Call: MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. 14x70 Galaxy 3-bedroom, J4999 for gentleman only. Separate entrance. 2367 or TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ES- 14x40 Buddy 2-bedroom, JJ695 d Owner : Rudy Thesing, La Crescent, Minn. Tel. 452-6479. STATE, 454-3741 . Jan Allen 452-5139 FORD—1963 plctU'P, '. 'i-ton, <-speed. Ex- 14x60 Cardinal Cralt 2-bedroom 452-4934 cellent condition. Tel. 689-7807. MYSTROM S 12x50 Buddy 2-bedroom, J36»5 f < Location : 2 miles South of La Crescent en Highways 16 tj ROOMS FOR RENT lor working men or Pat Magin Cadillac - Toyota - Pontiac 14x68 Movllla J-bcdroom 7| and 44; then 1 mile Soulh on 26 or 3 miles North of il students. Inquire 251 Franklin. Tel. Laura Fisk 452-21 1B 2nd Tel. 452-1080 14x70 Star 3-bodroom, S7995 454-1008. My les Petersen .. 452-4009 165 W. 14x70 Coneifoja (Slide Out) , I10.W 0 Hokah on lfi and 44, then 1 mile South on 2&. Follow Thorp i i 1964 CHEVROLET Open Mon. & Fri . Evenings 14x60 Manchester -2-bedroom pV Auction Arrows. . ; ¦ .. . ' . ¦[¦! NICE ROOMS for school or working men. USED Color TV. kllchen, lounge. Everything TOWN £U\ 12x60 New Moon 3-bedroom, 13750 furnished . $10 per week. Tel, 454-3323. Vi -Ton Pickup 12x60 Art Croft 2-bedroom, J330O Wide side box , 6 cylinder Only M 1972 Campers leftl | Satiuirday, 20 1] One 1971, used, Apartments, Flats 90 COUNTRVm engine , Standard shift , Ex- THESE CARS Ma^ RE AL ESTATE^JnB BBB^MawiSLcJlBB Open 7 days a week. Tel. 454-5287, FIFTH W. 865V2—5-room apartment , prl ceptionally Clean . evenlnot 454-3368. 0 Starting Time: 11 A.M. Lunch on Grounds. j : vote entrance. Tel. 4J2-474I. 454-374 1 RIDE TOWN & COUNTRY M8S $795 % Due to ill health , Mr. Thesing has sold tho farm and is | i ONE BEDROOM— seml-furnlshcd, utili- MOBILE HOMES i\ selling j ili personal property. j j ties paid, $125, Tel. 4545275. E 2 COMFORTABLY 43 & Sugar Loaf, Winona UPSTAIRS 5 rooms, J.bfdroom aparlmenl LOOKING FOR LAND * ^ [linflj 454-5141 f; Miichinery and Household Auction M with balh, newly docornttd. Reasonable OR A FARM, MOBILE HOME ¦;! J.D. Model "B" tractor and 2 row cultivator; J.D rent , Tel. Rolllngstono £89-2574. 1969 OLDS 98 . side- j i WE HAVE BOTH! BARGAINS ?! hill hitch; J .D. tractor spreader ; J.D . No. 5 power mower ; j, j AVAILABLE JUNE 1. Apartments (or Multiple Listing Service 2-door hardtop. Blue with COACHMAN, I2' x62' , 59200, discount to J .D. corn hinder; New Idea 4 bar side delivery rake ; New ;'.! students or married couples. Tel. 454- t/fOO. Monthly payment 187, 2009. Open Mon. & Fri. nights blue vinyl lop. Power steer- MLS G36. GVi acres near Wi- NORTHERN STAR , I4'xj8, S9B00, dis- Holland "fin " baler in good condition; New Idea ono row j j nona. Four big bedrooms in ing, power brakes , fi-way count lo JB300 . Monthly payment J91.50. FIVE-ROOM aparlmenl furnish, Needed One Famil y ;?j corn picker , real good ; Nev Holland green chopper, real jj , ulllllles LIBERTY, 14'x65' , J8500, discount lo ed. 679 E, 10th. a split-level home. Ixits of power .seat, power windows , ! good ; hydraulic cylinder; McCormick Dcering To fill this attractive Ram- Used Cars m 109 J73O0. Monthly payment JB0.50. j; 2 bottom f j closets. This home is just bler on East Sarnia. llus riidio, power Antenna , while Annual Interest rale on all above > .; 14 inch plow; McCormick corn planter; rubber tired SPACIOUS newly remodeled 2-bcdroom j j age, FORD-19t( Station Wagon, B-cyllndcr , sidewall tires , FACTORY deals, 9,45%, apartment, refrigerator .md slove lur. 5 years old. 2-car gar. dining room, ceramic tile automatic transmission, power slcerlng. Lj wagon and IKI I O rack; rubber tired wagon and corn box ; j j nlshed, Ott street parking. Tel. 454-3335 , bath and 2 carpeted bed- Good condlllon, Tel, 454-2350. AIR , MANY OTHER EX- A, CO, ¦V: 32 ft . bale elevator , real good ; 7 ft. seeder; 7 ft. McCor- I \ MLS 6G1. R0 acres (R till- F. KRAUSE rooms on upper level , show- ' TRAS. nrt 'ciy Acres Winona, Minn. jj mick tandem disc; 2 section steel drag; D.B, hammer CENTRAL 1.0CATION-upsl,*.lrs, 3 rooms PONTIAC, 196/ Cnlallna 4-door Ijflrdlop, j'j able. Spring fed pond , J1 and bath, (n furnished), plus heal and er , utility room , family lhrourjhou(r" 1969 j -! mill; McCormick burr mill; slip scraper ; spring tooth; j stream. No buildings. On excellent condilion hoi soft water. Adults. 307 E. 7th St. room with fireplace , and ono Pontine &TO, 4-speed nevv cnqlne very ONLY $2800 Auction Sales j j Hanson tractor Kprnyer; junk hay loader and manure county road near Winona , clean. 707 Muir . Tel. 453-6061. \.\ UPSTAIRS one-bedroom n'partment pri- carpeted bedroom on lower \.\ spreader. j | vate entrance, air conditioned, separate FREDDY FRICKSOM level. MLS 5.11. F0RD-I9M Gnlnxle 500 4-door, auto- ulllllles, near Walklns. Tel. 454-5468 (or MLS 6fi7. 40 plus acres, nil 1968 CHRYSLER Auctioneer malic , power steering, good running Will handle all sizes end Kindt of yi Miscellaneous Equipment i appointment . tillabl e hut thi* farmyard. 3- j condlllon , Reasonable, lei, 454.24B8 auctions. Tel. Dakota 643-6143 Oil barrels; pile of lumber bedroom home. Big barn , Tenant Will Buy alter S. 577 W. BIh. Newport jj:i| used nnd timbers, treated; j ] NEWLY DECORATF.D rteluxo 2 bed- 12 ft . hay blink; field netting nnd barbed wire; set of room apartment. Lease. I.nkevlew Man- new silo. Near highway. It For You 4 door sedan . Black finish MAY 17—Wert . 5 p.m. Furniture & An- j j j j or Apartments, Tel. 454-5250 , Contract available. This comfortable duplex with matching interior. V-B tique Salo, i mllei W. ot Rollingstone. \> harness and collars; Comet lfi" chain saw; dehorner ; 50 | (Watch lor arrows olf 24B 1 mile W.) } pino tl ft. will actually cost you very TOYOTA engine , Automatic transmis- Carl C. PhiIIIpeen Ealnle, owners; Al- ' , riogisi electric fence posts; rubber tired wheel- j Sugar Loaf Apartments MLS 6C9. Over 250 acres liltlo bec*iuse your tenants sion , Power steering, Power vin Kohner, auctioneer; Everett Koh- | barrow; cement, mixer; bale fork; 'A HP electric motor ; i DELUXE J-bcdroom aparlmenl, fully with 100 plus tillable. He- ner, clerk. ;?; iron kettle; Cyclone seeder; 60 ft. hammer belt; and carpeted, air conditioned, Includes heal, will pay the hulk of the LANDCRUISER brakes, Radio, heater, While mill j j waler students, 35B rn ninder is Borne of the 18-Thurs , j mllet E. ii other miscellaneous small tools too numerous to mention.- jV and gas. Nn single bills. Tho downstairs unit Make your own roads wilh sidewalll tires. Many miles MAY , 12:30 p.m, 3' ' E. Sarnia. Tel. 452.4614 . prettiest recreation land in has 3 bedrooms, 2 bn lhs , ot trouble free driving. of lllnlr , Wli. on Hwy. 95, Ihen 1 mile jj Dairy Equipment nnd Feed j . Winona County, spring, the 15171 four wheel drive II, on Co, Trunk W. Vernon McRae, 7 .100 bu. ear corn; DeLnval milker pump; 2 floor type kitchen and living room , L'lndcridscr. Fully equip- owner/ Alvln Kohner, auclloneer; North- j | Valley View Apartments .stream, 2-l)e

y DICK TRACY By Chester Gould

¦ ¦ "f ' ' ' BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker

, ,_ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' : ¦— : . —-—— — . . ¦ >¦' '. 1. rkA^ : / i i~ ;— s i '

BLONDIE By Chick Young

By-.Al ' ?Capp \':y Lll ABNER yy : I REDEYE By Gordon Bess


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hniwfi iM^mmmmammam ^—^——

REX MORGAN, M.D. By Dal Curtis ¦ ¦ TIGER By Bud Blake ' ' . •»«&•¦>¦• •• j ****,, ^'S-. .-«TO...'...... - *...., ... « . ....

MARY WORTH ' " By Saunders and Ernst


NANCY By Emio Bushmiller i- ¦ . i ' ., ._—. ..

*- ' II i f ,%|-)old it, Mac! . . the computer acknowledges its ' ' due for retirement NOT for *MAYB£ Ht<5 UARNED COMB OUT PRETTY mistake! . . , Old Sam is , - tlie shredding machine!" HOW TO REM) f t eOODJUH2/ .
