Department of Health Annual Report 2017-2018

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Department of Health Annual Report 2017-2018 Annual Report 2017–2018 Department of Health Annual Report 2017–2018 Department of Health 189 Royal Street East Perth, Western Australia 6004 PO Box 8172 Perth Business Centre Perth, Western Australia 6849 Telephone: 08 9222 4222 [email protected] This annual report provides an overview of Department of Health operations for the financial year ended 30 June 2018. i Statement of compliance HON ROGER COOK MLA DEPUTY PREMIER MINISTER FOR HEALTH; MENTAL HEALTH In accordance with section 63 of the Financial Management Act 2006, I hereby submit for your information and presentation to Parliament the Report of the Department of Health for the financial year ending 30 June 2018. The Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006. Dr D J Russell-Weisz DIRECTOR GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 14 September 2018 ii Contents From the Director General v Significant Issues 29 Department of Health 2017–18 highlights viii Ensuring statewide community health needs are met 30 Overview of agency 1 Developing our workforce and managing industrial relations 31 Who we are 2 Managing health information and communications technology 32 What we do 3 Managing our budget and resources efficiently 32 Shared responsibilities with other agencies 4 Managing financial and service delivery performance 33 Operational structure 8 Disclosure and compliance 35 Our responsible Minister 8 Audit opinion 36 Our accountable authority 8 Certification of financial statements 40 Our legislative obligations 8 Financial statements 41 Our organisational structure 9 Certification of key performance indicators 110 Our executive leadership team 11 Key performance indicators 111 Our people 13 Key Effectiveness Indicators 112 Our governance structure 15 Key Efficiency Indicators 125 Our management and oversight functions 16 Ministerial directives 136 Agency Performance 19 Summary of board and committee remuneration 136 Summary of financial performance 20 Other financial disclosures 137 Summary of key performance indicators 21 Pricing policy 137 Patient evaluation of health services 24 Capital works 138 iii Employment profile 139 Industrial relations 139 Workers’ compensation 140 Unauthorised use of purchasing cards 140 Other legal disclosures 141 Advertising 141 Disability access and inclusion plan 142 Compliance with public sector standards 143 Freedom of information 144 Recordkeeping plans 145 Substantive equality 145 Occupational safety, health and injury management 145 Annual estimates 147 Appendix 149 Appendix 1: Board and committee remuneration 150 iv From the Director General Over the past year, the Department of Health has embraced than solely its role as System Manager and worked diligently to steer treatment of the WA health system through a period of cultural change, illness or injury, growth and increased transparency. delivers better patient outcomes As Director General, I am proud of the effort and as well as being more commitment of our staff, who have continued to provide cost effective. strong leadership for the broader health system. Through their enthusiasm and professionalism, the Department, in In line with this shift to collaboration with Health Service Providers, has been able to focus more on preventive lead and steward the system through this period of change. health care, the Department organised the WA Preventive The shining achievement of the 2017–18 financial year was Health Summit, which focused the safe opening of Perth Children’s Hospital. This was one on how to address two of WA’s of the most complex and challenging health projects ever greatest public health challenges – undertaken in Western Australia, and its safe opening was a obesity and alcohol. testament to the commitment, dedication and resilience of all those involved from right across the health system. The outcomes of the March Summit, which was attended by more than 165 Another significant achievement this year was the release of people and attracted an online audience of the Sustainable Health Review (SHR) Interim Report. 840 people, will inform the Final Report of the The Department has worked hard to support the SHR, which Sustainable Health Review – due for completion was initiated by the State Government to inform future in November. decisions about the way health is managed and delivered in We also learned through the SHR consultations that Western Australia. Western Australians acknowledge the need for change Our SHR team organised an extensive community and and recognise that for every decision made about health stakeholder consultation period spanning seven months, services or treatments, there is a cost impact that cannot which resulted in more than 300 written submissions and be ignored. 19 metropolitan and regional forums. In recent years, the Department has focused on workforce, The feedback from patients, the community, and our system and structural reform, as well as expenditure workforce and partners has confirmed that we need to restraint, which has resulted in progress in tackling focus more on the whole person and all the factors that unsustainable health spending. contribute to a healthier life, rather than solely on patients and hospitals. Health expenditure growth has been lower than five per cent per year over the past two years, compared with an average This is an issue for health systems worldwide, as evidence growth of nine per cent in the past decade. This is expected increasingly shows that investment in prevention, rather to drop even further, to two per cent this year. v WA Preventive Health Summit vi It has taken strong financial management and accountability one was partially completed, and the others were underway * tightening the policing of tobacco laws by amending across the system to make this happen, particularly given as of 30 June. the Tobacco Products Control Act 2006 through the the number of unique challenges facing the delivery of drafting, passage and enactment of the Tobacco health care in Western Australia. The Department has also helped the State Government Products Control Amendment Bill 2017. deliver on its election commitments, with achievements We have also supported the State Government in making such as: Internally, our Executive committee has focused on the case to the Commonwealth for ‘a fair share’ of Federal developing the Department’s culture in 2018. * completing Stage One of the Our Performance healthcare funding for Western Australia. webpage to improve the transparency of our public Seventy-eight per cent of staff responded to the 2018 staff Western Australia is missing out on nearly $1 billion per reporting of key health information survey which was undertaken to assess workplace culture year in Federal healthcare funding, which requires the State * overseeing the introduction of the online feedback and staff engagement. to pick up the shortfall. tool Patient Opinion across the health system Survey results were presented to staff and corresponding The A Fair Share for WA Health Care report, compiled with * funding a Youth Medical Service action plans have been developed. input from the Department, outlines challenges such as Health Hub in Peel We aim to see an improvement in WA’s vast, geographic spread; sparsely populated areas; “...for every decision made * funding preventive health key areas of our cultural maturity in lower numbers of GPs; lower share of PBS and MBS about health services or treatments, programs such as the 2019 when we undertake our third reimbursements than other Australian jurisdictions; and expansion of the Find Cancer there is a cost impact that Department of Health staff survey. significantly lower numbers of aged care places. Early Program into the Pilbara and cannot be ignored.” There is no question the Department of This report has begun an important conversation between South West, and a pilot of the Let’s Health has undergone substantial structural State and Federal jurisdictions about moving forward Prevent Program, run by Diabetes WA. and governance changes recently. together to ensure the sustainability of the Western Australian health system. We have also made progress in supporting other election However, what has remained constant is the calibre and commitments including: professionalism of its staff. WA also joined NSW as one of two states to take up the * offer of a $13.3 million bonus for signing on to secure commencing planning for the establishment I would like to acknowledge the more than 900 people its Commonwealth public hospital and reform funding of Medihotels at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Royal who make up the Department of Health’s enthusiastic and from 2020. Perth Hospital and Joondalup Health Campus committed team. It is their leadership and passion for in collaboration with the relevant Health Service overseeing a health system that provides safe, high quality In 2017–18, the Department has made significant progress Providers health care to the people of Western Australia that will establish towards addressing the recommendations stemming from * opening of the first Urgent Care Clinic, at Royal a strong foundation on which to build a sustainable future. the Review of Safety and Quality in the WA Health System. Perth Hospital, enabling the public to make informed I commissioned the Review, conducted by international choices about how to deal with non-emergency care expert Professor Hugo Mascie-Taylor, last July in recognition * developing a State Men’s Health and Wellbeing Policy
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