Uniform Plane Waves
38 2. Uniform Plane Waves Because also ∂zEz = 0, it follows that Ez must be a constant, independent of z, t. Excluding static solutions, we may take this constant to be zero. Similarly, we have 2 = Hz 0. Thus, the fields have components only along the x, y directions: E(z, t) = xˆ Ex(z, t)+yˆ Ey(z, t) Uniform Plane Waves (transverse fields) (2.1.2) H(z, t) = xˆ Hx(z, t)+yˆ Hy(z, t) These fields must satisfy Faraday’s and Amp`ere’s laws in Eqs. (2.1.1). We rewrite these equations in a more convenient form by replacing and μ by: 1 η 1 μ = ,μ= , where c = √ ,η= (2.1.3) ηc c μ Thus, c, η are the speed of light and characteristic impedance of the propagation medium. Then, the first two of Eqs. (2.1.1) may be written in the equivalent forms: ∂E 1 ∂H ˆz × =− η 2.1 Uniform Plane Waves in Lossless Media ∂z c ∂t (2.1.4) ∂H 1 ∂E The simplest electromagnetic waves are uniform plane waves propagating along some η ˆz × = ∂z c ∂t fixed direction, say the z-direction, in a lossless medium {, μ}. The assumption of uniformity means that the fields have no dependence on the The first may be solved for ∂zE by crossing it with ˆz. Using the BAC-CAB rule, and transverse coordinates x, y and are functions only of z, t. Thus, we look for solutions noting that E has no z-component, we have: of Maxwell’s equations of the form: E(x, y, z, t)= E(z, t) and H(x, y, z, t)= H(z, t).
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