Tele 2060 Transmission Lines

• Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waves • Structure of Transmission Lines • Lossless Transmission Lines

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 1 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 TEM Waves

• Definition:  A Wave in which the , the , and the Propogation Direction are Orthogonal

 Use the “Right Hand Rule” to Determine Relative Orientation

‰ Thumb of Right Hand Indicates Direction of Propagation

‰ Curved Fingers of Right Hand Indicates the Direction of the Magnetic Field

‰ The Electric Field is Orthogonal ω β • Electric Field: e(t,x) = Emaxsin( t- x) V/m ω β • Magnetic Field: h(t,x) = Hmaxsin( t- x) A/m  β=2π/λ

 ω=2πf=2π/T

 x is Distance

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 2 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 TEM Waves

λ • Note that =vp/f  Same as Distance = (Speed * Time) in Physics

 vp is the Phase Velocity  In Free Space, vp=c, the ==E µε • : Z0 H = 1 • Phase Velocity: vp µε

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 3 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Transmission Constants

• Electric of the Transmission Medium (ε)  ε = ε ε r 0  Where ε is r ‰ The

‰ Also the Constant

‰ Typically Between 1 and 5 -12  ε = 8.85*10 (Farads/meter) 0 • Magnetic Permeability of the Transmission Medium (µ)  µ=µ µ r 0  Where µ is the Relative Permeability r -7  µ = 4 *10 Henry/meter 0

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 4 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Model of a

L∆xR∆x ii-∆i

∆i v C∆xG∆xv-∆v


Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 5 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Circuit Parameters for Twisted Pair Cable

= 120( 2s) Z0 ε ln d • r = µ (2s) • L (π )ln d = µε • C (2 s ) ln d •d = Diameter of Cable •s = Distance Between the Wires

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 6 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Circuit Parameters for

= 60 D Z0 ε ln( ) • r d = µ (D) • L (2π)ln d =2µε • C ()D ln d •d = diameter of inner conductor •D = diameter of cable (O.D.)

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 7 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Comments on the Distributed Parameters

• They are Dependent on • If Transmission Lines are Produced with Variable s, d, or D, then the Propagation Parameters Vary  This Results in Transmission Irregularities  Bending can Cause Changes in Propagation Characteristics • Temperature Can Affect the Local Value of ε and µ

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 8 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Balanced and Unbalanced Lines

• Measure Relative to Ground • Balanced Transmission Lines  Capacitance Relative to Ground for All Conductors is Identical  Twisted Pair Supports Balanced Transmission • Unbalanced  Capacitance Relative to Ground for All Conductors is Different  Coax Supports Unalanced Transmission • Twisted Pair can be Connected to Coax using a Balanced-to- Unbalanced Converter (Balun)

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 9 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Fields of Twisted Pair and Coax

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 10 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Transmission Line Constants

• Phase Velocity • Propagation Coefficient •

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 11 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Phase Velocity = c vp ε • r • For a Coaxial Line,  LC=µ

 v = 1 So p LC

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 12 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Propagation Coefficient (γ)

• Variation of Current or Voltage with Distance Along the Transmission Line 㠁 - x I = ISe 㠁 - x V = VSe  x is the Distance Along the Transmission Line from the Source

 VS and IS are the Voltage and Current of the Source, Respectively • γ= [(R+jωL)(G+jωC)]1/2

 or, γ= α+ j⠁ β= 2π/λ - Phase Shift Coefficient

 α= N/x - Attenuation Coefficient (Nepers/m)

‰ N = ln (I/Is)

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 13 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Transmission Line Constants

• Characteristic Impedance  Assume Infinite Line  No Reflection by Definition

‰ The Ratio of Maximum voltage to Maximum Current at any Point on the Line is Constant

‰ Independent of Position

 This is Known as Characteristic Impedance, Z0 • Group Velocity  Ratio of the Difference in ω to the Difference in β ==γω ω  So, Define vg γβ β

 In AM, vg is the Velocity of the Modulating Signal • Distortion Occurs When β Varies Rapidly with ω

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 14 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Lossless Line at RF

• Definitions  α=0  Distances, l, Measured from Load End  Reasonable for Short Lengths of Good Cable • Characterization ⠁ j l Vi=VIe ⠁ -j l Vr=VRe

‰ Where VI and VR are the Voltages at the Load (l=0) ‰ The Same Can be Done for Current (I)

 V=Voltage at any Point=Vi+Vr  I=Current at any Point=Ii+Ir

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 15 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Lossless Line at RF

• Note the Following

 I=V/Z0

 Therefore, I = (Vi-Vr)/Z0  The Negative Sign Reflects a Phase Change at the Load Because the Reflected Current is Flowing in the Opposite Direction

 Thus, the Load Current, IL = (VI-VR)/Z0 • At the Load,  l is Zero + VL VVIR  ZZ==− Thus, the Load Impedance is LIL VVIR0

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 16 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Lossless Line at RF

• Define the Reflection Coefficient

 Γ L=VR/VI  Ratio of the Reflected to the Incident Wave − ZZL 0 Γ =+ • Note that, After a Bit of Algebra L ZZL 0

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 17 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Observations on the Reflection Coefficient

•ZL=Z0 Matched Impedances Γ  L = 0  No reflection

•ZL = 0  Short Circuit Load Γ  L = -1  Inverted complete reflection

•ZL is Infinite  Open circuit Γ  L=1  Normal complete reflection

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 18 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Standing waves

• Requirements for occurence

 ≠ ZZL 0  ≠ ZZS 0 •Result Reflection at Load  Reflection at Source • Analogy - String Vibration • Characteristics  Amplitude of VSW Changes with Position  Distance between Minima = λ/2  At any Point, the Transmitted Frequency is Present  Thus, a VSW is Like an AM Signal, Except with Distance

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 19 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 VSWR

• Definition:

 VSWR=Vmax/Vmin

‰ Vmax is the maximum voltage of the standing wave

‰ Vmin is the minimum voltage of the standing wave


 1 <<∞VSWR Γ • Note that L =(VSWR-1)/(VSWR+1) • This is Important Because VSWR is Readily Measureable

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 20 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Matching Networks

• Used to Achieve Reflectionless Match • Passive Components: RLC • Stubs  Pieces of Transmission Line  Length, Location, and Termination are Critical  Use Smith Chart to Calculate Length and Position of Stubs

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 21 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Time Domain Reflectometry

• Recall

 Γ Matched: ZL=Z0 so L= 0  Γ Short circuit: ZL=0 so L=-1  Γ Open circuit: ZL= Infinte so L=1 • If a Line Fails  Break: Open Circuit  Short: Short Circuit

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 22 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Time Domain Reflectometry

• Use Reflection Properties to Locate Fault • Operation:  Send a Pulse with a Rapid Rise Time down the Line  Watch for Reflection

‰ If there is No Reflection, the Line is Correctly Terminated

‰ If there is an Inverted Reflection, there is a Short Circuit

‰ If there is a Non-Inverted Reflection, there is an Open Circuit (Break)  Measure Time from Reflection, and Compute the Distance to

the Fault Based on vp

Martin B.H. Weiss Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy - 23 University of Pittsburgh