Responding to derived relations among stimuli and events is the subject of an accelerating research program that represents one of the major behavior analytic approaches to complex behavior. Rela- tional Frame Theory: A Post-Skinnerian Account of Human Language and Cognition (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001) offers a conceptual framework for this work and explores its implications for and a variety of other domains of complex human behavior. The authors dismiss Skinner’s interpretation of verbal behavior as unproductive and conceptually flawed and suggest a new defi- nition and a new paradigm for the investigation of verbal phenomena. I found the empirical phe- nomena important but the conceptual discussion incomplete. A new principle of behavior is prom- ised, but critical features of this principle are not offered. In the absence of an explicit principle, the theory itself is difficult to evaluate. Counterexamples suggest a role for mediating behavior, perhaps covert, thus raising the question whether a new principle is needed at all. The performance of subjects in relational frame experiments may be a mosaic of elementary behavioral units, some of which are verbal. If so, verbal behavior underlies relational behavior; it is not defined by it. I defend Skinner’s definition of verbal behavior and argue that an account of relational behavior must be integrated with Skinner’s analysis; it will not replace it. Key words: equivalence classes, definition of verbal behavior, private events, relational frame theory, relational frames, verbal behavior

Relational frame theory made its debut in requires that, whatever our biases, we weigh 1985 in a paper presented by Steven Hayes it carefully. and Aaron Brownstein at a meeting of the The 13 chapters in the book are separate Association for Behavior Analysis and has fos- papers, written by shifting subsets of the 19 tered considerable empirical work, concep- authors. These subsets overlap considerably, tual discussion, and controversy ever since. It however, with either Barnes-Holmes, Hayes, has emerged as one of several major threads or both, contributing to every chapter, and it in the analysis of complex human behavior is evident that the chapters are intended not within behavior analysis, and the pace of ac- to represent separate theses but to be tivity has continually accelerated. Steve Hayes, smoothly integrated into a unified position. at the University of Nevada in Reno, is the Therefore, I will simply refer to the contrib- principal architect of the theory, and Dermot utors as ‘‘the authors,’’ without distinction, as Barnes-Holmes and Bryan Roche at the Na- though each endorsed the whole. I will use tional University of Ireland in Maynooth are the abbreviation RFT to refer to the book; the its most active researchers and exponents, but italics differentiate it from RFT, which is com- their work has been supported by dozens of monly used in the literature as an abbrevia- colleagues and students. Relational Frame The- tion for the theory itself. To avoid confusion, ory: A Post-Skinnerian Account of Human Lan- I write out the term relational frame theory guage and Cognition (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & whenever I have occasion to mention it, ex- Roche, 2001) presents an overview of the the- cept when it appears in quotations. ory, discusses its role in language, develop- The purpose of the book is to provide a ment, and cognition, and shows how it might conceptual consolidation of work that has be extended to education, therapy, social pro- been evolving and expanding for over a de- cesses, and even religion. The scope of the cade. It is written for a broad audience, both book is ambitious, its tone confident and en- within and beyond behavior analysis; conse- thusiastic. That it is so vigorously advanced by quently, the authors use technical terms spar- such prominent and active behavior analysts ingly, and the experimental literature is re- viewed only lightly. Nevertheless, the book is Address correspondence to the author at Department controversial, for it suggests that we add a of , Smith College, Northampton, Massachu- new analytic tool to the workshop of the be- setts 01063 (e-mail: [email protected]). havior analyst.

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Small changes in one’s conceptual tools Chapter 3 discusses what I regard as one of can have far-reaching effects. Unfortunately, the most important problems in our field, the the immediate effects are likely to be disrup- transformation of stimulus function. Succes- tive: Imagine trying to replace one brick in a sive chapters extend the analysis to analogical wall with a slightly larger brick. You can’t sim- reasoning, thinking, problem solving, under- ply rearrange the neighboring bricks; if you standing, rule following, and finally the con- move one brick aside you must move the cept of self. Chapter 8 offers a summary and whole row. Perhaps most of the wall must overview of the first seven chapters and come down and be rebuilt if you are to re- stands on its own. It is wisely inserted here to place that brick. Similarly, RFT suggests that permit the reader to rehearse and review the we replace some of our current concepts in main points of the preceding chapters. The the domain of verbal behavior with new and final five chapters discuss possible applica- different ones, but such terms cannot simply tions and extensions of the theory. Topics in- be squeezed into the hole left by discarded clude development, education, social pro- terms. Our entire conceptual edifice may cesses, psychopathology, therapy, and finally need to be reconfigured. For this reason, new religion and spirituality. The book, then, will concepts in science are generally resisted, appeal in different ways to different audi- particularly by those satisfied with the status ences. Those with any interest in the concep- quo. Relational frame theory has already tual foundations of behavior analysis will want faced plenty of opposition, and whatever its to read the first three chapters, whatever they merits, it is likely to continue to do so, for it think about relational frame theory, for there requires that we reexamine and perhaps is plenty of grist here. As I read the book in change some familiar fundamental concepts preparation for this review, I underlined and analytic tools. The authors do not shrink statements that I wanted to consider more from this task; rather, they embrace it with carefully. At the end of two chapters I found revolutionary zeal. that I had underlined nearly every passage; Consequently RFT is partly expository, part- moreover, I found myself turning to various ly polemical. The authors open the book with other sources to review foundational con- a vigorous attempt to persuade the reader cepts. Those who wish only to find out what that the current conceptual tools of the be- relational frame theory is all about will want havior analyst are inadequate to an under- to read chapters 2 through 8, and can even standing of complex behavior. In particular, get by with reading chapter 8 alone. Those those concepts developed by Skinner in Verbal with strictly applied interests will be drawn to Behavior (1957) are described as insufficient the last five chapters. In short, even if one is and sterile, an inevitable consequence of his skeptical of the authors’ thesis, this book is erroneous definition of verbal behavior itself. likely to find a place in one’s behavioral li- They offer an alternative definition arising brary. from relational frame theory that they assert My repeated allusions to skepticism may is both adequate and productive. However, have already alerted the reader to my own they are emphatic that their new proposal lies reaction to the book. I was not persuaded by squarely within the scope of behavior analysis. the authors’ conceptual analysis, and I will That is, they do not suggest that one must fly close this review by discussing some of my ob- to a more permissive paradigm but that re- jections. But I should reveal my biases. I am lational frame theory is a natural develop- an ardent fan of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. My ment within our own field. This opening own speculations on the topic, however mod- chapter, which I will discuss again at the end est, are dear to me, and they are straightfor- of this review, touches on some of the most ward extensions of Skinner’s position. I be- important concepts in our field and will be lieve that his analysis is sound and serves as of very general interest, whether one is per- an excellent foundation for subsequent work; suaded by the authors or not. it is not a sacred text but a remarkable first The next six chapters discuss the theory approximation to an operant analysis of ver- and its implications for our understanding of bal behavior. Despite my disagreement on language and cognition. Chapter 2 introduc- this score, however, I regard relational frame es technical terms and outlines the theory. theory with equanimity. The proponents of REVIEW OF RFT 191 the theory have been extraordinarily active glossy thoroughbred with weak legs. But the and are addressing some of the most formi- authors want to arouse our excitement with- dable questions in our field. Moreover, the out simultaneously arousing our suspicious empirical work is important, however one scrutiny, and that can’t be done. chooses to interpret it. Science is a selection- The preface trumpets the dawning of a ist enterprise, and variability is fundamental new day, and chapter 1 asserts that it is time to progress. The most effective and elegant to relegate Verbal Behavior to the shelf of his- interpretation will eventually prevail. torical curiosities. But subsequently the au- thors argue that the mainspring of relational AMATTER OF STYLE? frame theory is simply another generalized My purpose is not simply to review the operant and should not, as it were, be kept book but also to translate it. Despite the au- waiting at the door until we have satisfied our- thors’ best effort, it is difficult to understand selves that it is harmless. If so, one wonders everything they say—at least, I found it so— if this is indeed a new principle or simply an and I think it will be useful to describe my important topic. Although a new principle is own interpretation of the theory, provided promised, none is explicitly described, and that the reader recognizes that it is the inter- the reader is left unsure just what is being pretation of a critic, not that of a proponent. claimed. However, I will put aside these mat- To the extent that relational frame theory is ters until I have discussed uncontroversial an empirical enterprise, it is clear enough. topics. I will begin by describing one example But the interpretation of the data and the of a relational frame experiment and its in- theoretical edifice built upon the data are by terpretation, for it is through such an exam- no means clear. ple that the conceptual discussion acquires The difficulty in understanding the book substance. does not arise from a deficiency in style. The writing is always competent and sometimes ATYPICAL RELATIONAL FRAME excellent, despite a few lapses. The grammar- EXPERIMENT ian will bristle at ‘‘like’’ being used as a con- Relational frame experiments commonly junction, and the fastidious stylist will object have several phases. In the first phase, previ- to the repetitive use of distinctive expressions, ously learned discriminations, that is, discrim- but these are exceptions. Somewhat more inations already in the repertoire of the ex- troublesome is the tone of the book. The ev- perimental subjects, are brought under the ident enthusiasm of the authors is at first re- control of arbitrary stimuli, such as nonsense freshing, but the breathless tone soon cloys. syllables, in a ‘‘relating-to-sample’’ procedure. For example, in a crescendo of images, vir- For example, choosing a line longer than a tually in successive paragraphs, we are warned sample line would be reinforced in the pres- that patterns of verbal relations can be highly ence of SAB, whereas choosing a shorter line complex, that they are unmanageably complex, than the sample would be reinforced in the that they can be amazingly complex, shockingly presence of LUZ. At the end of Phase 1, SAB complex, incredibly complex, and finally unbeliev- would control ‘‘picking a longer element’’ ably complex (pp. 55–62, passim). But however and LUZ ‘‘picking a shorter element.’’ Speak- inelegant such overheated rhetoric may be, it ing nontechnically, one might say that the is not unclear. purpose of Phase 1 is to give a relation-spec- Rather, the confusion in the book arises, at ifying meaning to the nonsense syllables. By least in part, from the authors wanting to training with a variety of examples, the spec- have it both ways: Relational frame theory is ificity of control of the conditional discrimi- either Skinnerian or post-Skinnerian. Either native stimulus can be made increasingly ab- it is an unexceptionable extension of current stract. That is, the relation ‘‘longer than’’ can operant theory, worthy of neither messianic be disentangled from confounded properties fervor nor great alarm, or it is revolutionary of the exemplars such as shape, color, mo- and should be viewed with suspicion. Before dality, and so on. The relation becomes the we take a revolutionary text seriously, we must most reliable predictor of reinforcement and scrutinize it minutely for conceptual adequa- presumably eventually blocks control by oth- cy; we should not discard our old mule for a er stimulus properties or dimensions. 192 PALMER

In the parlance of RFT, the relation be- TYPES OF RELATIONAL FRAMES tween the short and long line is said to be The kinship to the equivalence class para- ‘‘non-arbitrary.’’ That is, the relation is not a digm will be obvious to many readers. To a social convention; one line really is longer first approximation, relational frame theory than another. (Nothing of what follows de- is the extension of the equivalence class par- pends on the relation being nonarbitrary; any adigm to all other kinds of relations. A sam- preexisting discrimination will serve. The im- ple of the relations discussed in RFT includes portance of the distinction between arbitrary the following ‘‘families’’: and nonarbitrary relations will emerge later.) 1. Coordination. Coordination is said to be In Phase 2, discriminations between novel the most fundamental type of relation (p. stimuli are acquired under control of SAB 35). Coordination embraces relations of and LUZ. The novel stimuli might be other sameness, identity, and similarity, and there- nonsense syllables. For example, in the pres- fore includes equivalence relations, ‘‘the sim- ence of SAB, choosing CUG is reinforced plest form of relational response.’’ Similarity when BEH is the sample. Speaking loosely, we is said to be more complicated than equiva- would say that, thanks to the presence of SAB, lence: subjects have learned that ‘‘CUG is longer than BEH.’’ In the parlance of RFT, the BEH- Suppose a child is shown a cup and told ‘‘this CUG relation is said to be ‘‘arbitrary.’’ That is similar to a bowl.’’ Depending upon what is, one would never guess by looking at the the child already knows, more contextual cues stimuli that one was longer than the other; may be needed to relate the term and the ob- the relation is established only by the contin- ject reliably. ‘‘Is similar to’’ requires a dimen- gencies within the experiment and is thus sion along which two events are similar. That analogous to a social convention. To cite an dimension might be purely verbal (e.g., example from the text, a dime is less than a ‘‘loathing is similar to hate’’) or it may be ab- stracted features of the environment (e.g., ‘‘a nickel in a nonarbitrary physical sense but is cup is similar to a bowl because it can hold more than a nickel in the arbitrary world of liquid’’). (p. 35) coin values. The arbitrary relation is condi- tional, presumably, on experiences like those 2. Opposition. Opposition is said to be more of Phase 2 training. complicated than coordination in that classes Phase 3 tests for derived relations among of coordinated events can be in opposition to stimuli. If A has been established as longer one another. In that case, if A is the opposite than B, and B longer than C, then A must be of B, and B of C, then we might conclude longer than C. Behavior controlled by this re- that A and C are coordinated. lation is said to be ‘‘derived,’’ because it has 3. Distinction. This is a nonspecific relation not been specifically trained. The nature of common to any discrimination. We learn that the derived relation will depend on the non- A is not B, but we learn nothing of the nature arbitrary relations in Phase 1. If A is the op- of the difference. posite of B, and B is the opposite of C, then 4. Comparison. Comparative terms, such as A must be the same as C. If A is the same as bigger, faster, weaker, less dense, shorter, and so on, B, and B is different from C, then A must be apply when events can be arranged along different from C. If A is the same as B, and some qualitative or quantitative dimension. B is the same as C, then A must be the same The number of such relations is indefinite as C. If A evokes two lever presses, and B is and can be vague or specific. ‘‘For example, more than A, B should evoke more than two ‘A is twice as fast as B and B is twice as fast as lever presses (a transformation of stimulus C’ allows a precise specification of the rela- function). tion between all three elements of the net- The typical finding of such experiments is work’’ (p. 36). that subjects indeed show such derived rela- 5. Hierarchical relations. ‘‘ ‘A is an attribute tions and transformed stimulus functions. or member of B’ is the general form of a hi- These empirical findings lie at the heart of erarchical frame’’ (p. 37). John is a man, is the book, for they require explanation. Re- one example; Bananas are fruit another. De- lational frame theory is the authors’ attempt rived relations do not follow a single pattern to provide one. but depend on the nature of the hierarchy. REVIEW OF RFT 193

If A is the father of B and also the father of B, then C may also be related to A, but again, C, then B and C are siblings. the relation may be complex. Thus equiva- 6. Temporal and spatial relations. Events oc- lence can be seen as a special case of a more cur in time and space and are related in sys- general phenomenon. tematic ways. ‘‘For example, if you are told that house A faces the back of house B, you WHAT A RELATIONAL FRAME IS could order the front and back doors of both In the example above, we distinguished houses into a linear sequence (back door of nonarbitrary relations from arbitrary rela- A, front door of A, back door of B, front door tions. The latter are of special interest, for of B). This is because front and back doors they arise only from the practices of verbal are relative to each individual house, and communities. One line might be longer than knowing the orientation of the two houses another line irrespective of such a commu- implies the more detailed information’’ (p. nity, but CUG is longer than BEH only in the 38). convention established in the small verbal 7. Deictic relations. Deictic relations are de- community of a particular experiment. The termined by the perspective of the subject, term ‘‘relational frame’’ tacts a class of such for example, left–right, here–there, and now– relational responses. then. ‘‘These properties appear to be ab- A relational frame is a specific class of arbi- stracted through to talk about one’s trarily applicable relational responding that own perspective in relation to other perspec- shows the contextually controlled qualities of tives. . . For example, if Peter is asked, ‘What mutual entailment, combinatorial mutual en- did you do when you got there?’ he should tailment, and transformation of stimulus func- not simply describe what someone else is do- tions; is due to a history of relational respond- ing now’’ (p. 39). ing relevant to the contextual cues involved; Relational frame theory is even extended and is not solely based on direct, non-relation- to embrace numerical relations and logic. For al training with regard to the particular stimuli example, consider the following number se- of interest, nor solely to nonarbitrary charac- ries: teristics of either the stimuli or the relation between them. (p. 33) 1, 7, 13, 19, 25. . . Thus the term relational frame is not analo- This series is said to exemplify the relation gous to the term equivalence class; whereas an ‘‘plus six,’’ which we then apply to get the equivalence class is the term for a set of stim- answer (p. 162). As for logic, it does not ex- uli that control behavior in characteristic plain relational framing; rather, it is the other ways, a relational frame, according to this pas- way around (p. 191). sage, is the term for the various behaviors Because relational frame theory is an ex- that are controlled by equivalence and other panded paradigm, concepts appropriate to relations. The frame is not a set of related equivalence classes require modification. stimuli or a set of relational contingencies; it ‘‘Symmetry’’ becomes ‘‘mutual entailment’’; is a set of responses that relate classes of stim- if A is longer than B, B must be shorter than uli. This distinction is fundamental and cre- A (not longer than A, as symmetry would sug- ates a wide conceptual divide between rela- gest). The relation is constrained, but it is not tional frame theory and equivalence class symmetrical. ‘‘Transitivity’’ becomes ‘‘combi- theory, as developed by Sidman (1994, 2000). natorial entailment’’; if A is the opposite of B, and B is the opposite of C, then A is plau- TAKING STOCK sibly the same as (not the opposite of) C. So far, so good; there is little to argue ‘‘Transfer’’ of stimulus function becomes about. The authors and their colleagues have ‘‘transformation’’ of stimulus function; if A is shown that their subjects do behave in con- more than B, and B evokes one response on formity with this account. This is a set of em- a key, then A will perhaps evoke more than pirical findings, not a theoretical claim. More- one response on a key (e.g., Dymond & over, it is a plausible inference that, given Barnes, 1995). The point is that if A is related training with other kinds of relations between to B, then B must be related to A, but not stimuli, even those that have not yet been necessarily in the same way. If C is related to thoroughly investigated, subjects outside the 194 PALMER laboratory will tact untrained relations in sys- they wish. Once we define verbal behavior as tematic ways without explicit training. This is relational framing, however, it is a small step an important phenomenon. Much of what we to assume that relational frames explain verbal deem ‘‘complex’’ in human behavior reflects behavior. Definitions are cheap, but expla- our highly adaptive sensitivity to, and rapid nations are dear, and we must be careful not acquisition of, relational stimulus control. In to confuse them. fact, sensitivity to relations is the central de- pendent variable in aptitude tests. A plausible CONCEPTUAL TROUBLE:FORMULATING A supposition is that sensitivity to relations ac- NEW PRINCIPLE OF BEHAVIOR counts for much of the variance among peo- It is neither the empirical observations nor ple, as well as between humans and other spe- their importance that is debatable; rather it cies, in what we loosely call ‘‘intelligence.’’ is the conceptual framework of RFT that is The authors are surely justified in their en- controversial. (See Burgos, 2003, and Ton- thusiasm for the topic, and they deserve cred- neau, 2001b, pp. 117–120 for further critical it and support for beginning to bring this im- discussion of this framework.) The authors portant topic into order. hold that relational frames are not mere de- scriptions of behavior, but are processes: ANEW DEFINITION OF VERBAL BEHAVIOR Recognizing the centrality of relations in A relational frame is thus both an outcome cognitive tasks, and having rejected Skinner’s and a process concept. The contextually con- trolled qualities of mutual entailment, combi- definition of verbal behavior, the authors of- natorial mutual entailment, and transforma- fer an alternative definition, one rooted in tion of stimulus functions are outcomes, not derived stimulus relations. Specifically, ‘‘Verbal processes. They do not explain relational behavior is the action of framing events relation- frames; they define them. The process is the ally,’’ and ‘‘verbal stimuli are stimuli that have history that gives rise to a relational operant their effects because they participate in relational that is under a particular kind of contextual frames’’ (pp. 43–44). Thus directly trained dis- control. Stated another way, the process in- criminations of nonarbitrary relations would volved is contingencies of reinforcement, but not count as verbal behavior, even if the rel- unlike Sidman (2000) relational responding is evant responses were words or strings of not a previously unknown secondary effect of such contingencies, it is the target of them. words; such responses are analogous to lever (pp. 33–34) presses under control of a tone and do not reflect a special process (Barnes-Holmes, I don’t understand this passage. Is a rela- Barnes-Holmes, & Cullinan, 2000). Although tional frame a class of behavior, as I thought this definition may not conform to our prej- I had just established, or is it the history that udices, there can be no objection to it. Any- produced that class of behavior? That’s two one may stipulate a definition of a term for concepts, not one, and they cannot be fused purposes of discussion. As I understand it, the into one simply by giving them the same motivation for the definition is this: What is name. This may be no more than a bit of special about language (however defined) is careless prose, but if so, it is an exasperating that it permits abstraction, symbol manipula- burden on the reader, for it is the distinction tion, and effective action in the absence of between outcome and process that lies at the direct experience; this is the domain of de- heart of the authors’ bold claim that a new rived stimulus relations. Other dimensions of day has dawned. The reader wants to know language (however defined) are common to how we are to explain the emergence of de- behavior such as lever pressing and do not rived stimulus relations. Loving economy, we require a special account. Let us therefore de- should like to do so by appealing to existing fine the domain in a way that captures its spe- behavioral principles, but if such principles cial nature. are indeed inadequate, then we should like Because the definition excludes behavior to know what new principle we must add to that is explicitly shaped, it diverges widely our toolbox in order to account for these de- from everyday usage, and it is likely to lead rived relations. Until this question is an- to misunderstanding. Nevertheless, it is the swered we do not have a new theory, just a authors’ prerogative to define the term as new puzzle. REVIEW OF RFT 195

The research on relational frames shows an important outcome, but although we can that when subjects are given certain kinds of sometimes produce it, we understand why it experience with novel stimuli, a variety of emerges only dimly; it is certainly not a prin- new environment-behavior relations emerge. ciple. Moreover, the concept of overarching In order for these facts to be useful, we must response classes is vague and troublesome. A be able to extract a principle, an inductive central feature of response classes is that the generalization that will enable us to help ac- members are mutually replaceable, but rela- count for the variability of future behavior. tional responses are not mutually replace- Not only must we account for future instances able. There may be a thematic unity to rela- of relational behavior, we must account for tional responses, but to call them response those anomalies and exceptions in which re- classes is not uncontroversial. lational behavior fails to emerge. Sidman Nevertheless, whether or not relational re- (2000) has proposed just such a principle for sponses are usefully considered a response the formation of equivalence classes; namely, class, the claim being advanced is that they that reinforcement procedures establish the are acquired through multiple exemplar three terms of a contingency as members of training. But what counts as an ‘‘exemplar’’? an equivalence class at the moment of rein- In relational frame research, exemplars are forcement. Whatever the fate of this hypoth- embedded in matching-to-sample proce- esis, it has the virtue of being an explicit state- dures, but such highly structured procedures ment of a principle that predicts when we are artificial and are surely quite rare in the should expect to see equivalence and when experience of most people. Presumably, then, we should not. the critical features of the relevant exemplars Unfortunately, the quoted passage is as are to be found in commonplace events such close as we get to a statement of principle for as ostensive learning (e.g. Stemmer, 1996), relational frame theory. Stripped to essen- learning names (e.g. Horne & Lowe, 1996), tials, the passage includes three propositions or even eavesdropping on the conversations (p. 34): of others. When a child hears a parent say, ‘‘The rain is really coming down,’’ or ‘‘I love 1. ‘‘The process is the history that gives rise Beethoven’s Ninth!’’ there is an implicit to a relational operant.’’ equivalence between the rain and the tact 2. ‘‘The process involved is contingencies of ‘‘rain,’’ and between a musical passage and reinforcement.’’ the tact ‘‘Beethoven’s Ninth.’’ Anecdotal evi- 3. ‘‘Relational responding is not [an] effect dence suggests that commands like ‘‘Don’t of such contingencies; it is the target of touch the mongoose!’’ are sufficient to teach them.’’ children what a mongoose is in a single trial, This is muddled. The third statement contra- provided that only one strange animal is pre- dicts the other two. But it appears to have sent. If other animals are present, other cues, been added as an afterthought, to distinguish such as the direction of gaze of the parent’s the authors’ claim from that of Sidman eyes, may be required as well. Notice that (2000), so I think we can disregard it. As for these anecdotes provide plausibility at the ex- the second statement, a contingency isn’t a pense of specificity. They do not describe process. Contingencies are undoubtedly rel- events analogous to matching-to-sample ex- evant, but we’d like to know how. periments. In fact, they make no reference at We are left with the claim that history gives all to the behavior of the child. Surely some rise to relational behavior. Specifically, ‘‘it behavior of the child is relevant, but what is seems that relating as an overarching class it? Must the child be ‘‘actively listening’’ to could be formed in a way somewhat similar Beethoven’s Ninth, or is it sufficient that he to that of generalized imitation—through ex- passively hear it? How are we to distinguish posure to multiple exemplars across a variety these two cases? Evidently it is not enough to of situational contexts that refine the nature refer to a history of multiple exemplar train- of the response and sources of stimulus con- ing, for that expression embraces a wealth of trol over it’’ (p. 25). But we cannot explain mysteries. Before we can assert that we have one poorly understood phenomenon by ap- a new principle, much more detail is required pealing to another. Generalized imitation is about the variability of the history and its re- 196 PALMER lation to variability in behavior. In the case of phenomena emerging from the interaction relational frames, what are the critical fea- of elementary operants is clearly at odds with tures of the relevant history, and precisely the aspirations of the authors. A major head- what behavioral effects follow? The authors ing in chapter 2 announces that ‘‘verbal are cheerfully agnostic about this question: events involve a new behavioral principle’’ (p. ‘‘In general it seems more conservative and 45). Their argument is straightforward: In de- scientifically responsible to work out these de- rived stimulus relations, new stimulus func- tails empirically rather than to allow interpre- tions appear in the absence of the training tation and speculation to get too far ahead of that customarily produces such functions. For the data’’ (p. 28). example, if A equals B, and B equals C, then This is an honorable suggestion, but it re- C will serve as a conditional stimulus and A moves the last pillar of the principle we have as a discriminative stimulus in a matching-to- been seeking. It appears, then, that there is sample procedure in which C is the sample no new principle on offer, and there is no and A one of several sample stimuli. The ob- basis for saying that a relational frame is both served history of the subject does not include an outcome and a process concept. It is an conditions under which we would predict outcome. We are ignorant of the process. such stimulus functions to emerge. As Barnes- There is nothing shameful about this. Our Holmes, Hayes, and Roche (2001) argue, in understanding of most complex human be- response to Tonneau (2001a), and as the au- havior is quite tentative. Until we understand thors note in RFT (p. 146), such results seem the role of history, however, it remains a plau- to require backward conditioning, and back- sible hypothesis that relational behavior is a ward conditioning has been found to be only set of heterogeneous phenomena that a weak laboratory phenomenon (cf. Sidman, emerge from the interaction of elementary 1994, p. 111). We may not know precisely operants according to established basic be- what the new behavioral process is, but it ap- havioral processes. In this respect, relational pears that there must be one, and a candidate behavior might be like mathematical behav- is at hand: ‘‘Despite the conservatism of an ior. Following exposure to typical educational RFT approach, therefore, a new type of be- contingencies, one can respond effectively to havioral process is suggested and a new tech- an unlimited number of novel, complicated nical term is offered. The new process is ar- problems, both abstract and practical. If we bitrarily applicable relational responding (or are told, ‘‘306 times 22 equals 6732,’’ we can framing events relationally)’’ (p. 46). reply, ‘‘6732 divided by 22 is 306,’’ ‘‘21 times 306, plus 306, equals 6732,’’ ‘‘307 times 22 is WHAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE? 6754,’’ and so on. If we are told, ‘‘X is a 20- The argument that we must admit a new digit prime number,’’ and ‘‘Y is a 50-digit behavioral process is an example of argument prime number,’’ we can respond, ‘‘X plus Y from incredulity: If we cannot imagine an al- is not a prime number.’’ These examples ternative, then our claim must be true. This share some of the properties of relational is the weakest form of support, for it depends frames, but they do not appear to have a uni- on the scope of one’s imagination. Note that, tary explanation. We do not interpret them as it stands, the presumed process is simply as behavioral units, nor do we postulate a spe- an inference; we know nothing about it. Giv- cial behavioral process to explain them. Rath- ing this hypothetical process a name reifies it er, we interpret them as products of episodes and suggests more about the putative process of problem solving behavior—procedures than we know. Might it not be the case, for and strategies possibly quite complex—that example, that backward conditioning, unre- are appropriate to the particular example. liable in the animal laboratory, is robust in Our educational practices aspire to teach stu- humans? This proposal would require no dents some of these very procedures and more than a parametric footnote to our ex- strategies, but they are not merely part of the isting principles, but its effects would be felt subject’s history; they are components of the in myriad ways, perhaps including the gen- behavioral episode of problem solving. eration of many of the phenomena under dis- However, this humdrum conclusion that cussion. relational behavior is a set of heterogeneous Another alternative, the one that I prefer, REVIEW OF RFT 197 is even simpler conceptually, however intrac- should be considered if one is driven to pro- table it may be experimentally. It recognizes posing a new principle because of an argu- that a matching-to-sample experiment (to say ment from incredulity. This alternative ac- nothing of a history of multiple exemplar count must be considered whenever verbally training) is a complex event, only a small part sophisticated humans are used as subjects. of which is measured in a typical experiment. Unfortunately, most of the research cited in RFT regards the measured dependent vari- RFT used teenagers or adults as subjects. Be- able—usually a press on a keyboard—as cause the dependent variables measured in though it is the only relevant behavior, and it these experiments comprised only a small regards the various symbols as though they part of the behavior of the subjects, multiple are the only controlling variables. In a typical interpretations of their behavior are possible. relational frame experiment (e.g., Dymond & The authors of RFT obliquely reject a role Barnes, 1995; Steele & Hayes, 1991), de- for mediating events; behavior other than the scribed schematically above, a contextual cue target behavior is regarded as simply a com- (e.g., SAB, meaning ‘‘longer than’’) is pre- ponent of the relational operant: sented along with a sample (e.g., three stars) Relational frames are not mediated by more and several comparison stimuli (e.g., groups basic processes; instrumental learning is the of one, three, and six stars). Pressing the key process. Of course, any operant contains other for six stars is scheduled for reinforcement. operants, virtually without exception, and so To a naive subject, this is a problem to be too with relational frames (Barnes-Holmes & solved. He is not inert; he does not press a Barnes-Holmes, 2000). When a pigeon pecks key at random and then subside into a torpor a key for food it necessarily involves orienting until the next scheduled event. He glances toward the key; orienting involves moving the from one stimulus to another and back again, head and looking; looking involves tracking a then furtively to his watch, then back to the visual stimulus with the eye; tracking involves focusing the lens of the eye; and so on ad in- sample, emitting discriminative responses at finitum or until we get tired or disinterested. every saccade. He says to himself, ‘‘SAB. . . Similarly, any operant can expand into other Looks like Saab. . . three stars down here and ‘‘larger’’ operants, ad infinitum. Such flexible three up there. . . One star, three, six. . . Last units should be expected in any contextualis- time I picked the one that matched, but this tic approach (Hayes, Hayes, & Reese, 1988) one has SAB at the top. . . I’m going to pick because the pragmatic qualities of contextu- the three stars. . . Oops, I guess that wasn’t alistic thinking preclude foundationalism and it.’’ And so on. The temporal ordering of other kinds of ontological assumptions. Op- events as prescribed by the experimental de- erants are analytic units that analysts adopt for sign is quickly rendered irrelevant as the sub- specific purposes—they are not things. (p. 34) ject glances back and forth between stimuli I disagree strenuously with this passage. and recalls symbols from previous trials. The That operants are flexible does not mean that subject provides himself with a stream of sup- they can be defined according to the whim plementary stimuli, many of which are un- of the experimenter, or that the unit of anal- observable. He makes up names, rehearses ysis is a matter of convenience. If we have no relations, forms and tests hypotheses, and independent criteria for deciding units of keeps running rules that control his behavior analysis, all behavioral interpretation be- from trial to trial. The final performance is comes an exercise in circular reasoning, and affected by this problem-solving behavior of prediction becomes impossible. Unfortunate- the subject and cannot be understood with- ly, to go further would be a digression that I out taking it into account. cannot spare, and I refer the reader to Skin- Covert behavior cannot serve as data, of ner (1935) for what is still the definitive dis- course, but there can be no question that it cussion of this topic. Nevertheless, control of plays a role in many instances of complex be- relational responding by other behavior, that havior. (If you were to count backward from is, covert behavior and unmeasured overt be- 107 by threes, what would be the fourth num- havior, under the sway of basic processes, ap- ber in the series? What is the third state you pears to be rejected. I do not understand why, enter as you travel due west from northern for it appears to me to be self-evident that in Minnesota?) A possible role for such behavior many cases such control occurs. Whether it is 198 PALMER sufficient to explain all examples of relational what sense is a long stick the opposite of a behavior is a topic to be discussed; it cannot short stick, or white the opposite of black? be dismissed. As an aside, whether equivalence relations, as studied in matching-to-sample experi- THE RELEVANCE OF EVIDENCE FROM ments, are also mediated by other behavior is SPECIAL SUBJECTS still an open question, in my opinion. Men- That some researchers have found evi- tally retarded subjects and very young chil- dence of relational behavior in very young dren may not use sophisticated strategies, but children (e.g. Lipkens, Hayes, & Hayes, 1993; their behavior in matching-to-sample experi- Pela´ez, Gewirtz, Sanchez, & Mahabir, 2000), ments certainly includes behavior that is not in mentally retarded subjects (e.g. Devany, measured by the experimenter. I am not pos- Hayes, & Nelson, 1986; Sidman, 1971), and tulating imaginary behavior. I am postulating even in sea lions (Schusterman & Kastak, that real behavior that goes unmeasured in 1993) suggests that hypothesis testing and the experimental session may play a role in other forms of complex verbal strategies performance and should be considered be- need not play a role in all relational behavior. fore we propose new principles. Is it credible However, these studies have demonstrated that when faced with a matching-to-sample the emergence only of equivalence or of trial lasting at least several seconds, the sub- some dimension of equivalence. Relational ject’s only behavior is to press a key? At a min- frame theory cannot rest only on demonstra- imum, subjects must look at each stimulus; tions of the formation of equivalence classes. but each stimulus may evoke discriminated responses, and such responses need not be Equivalence relations are special; at the least, verbal. If the stimuli are familiar, they may they are simpler and should be distinguished evoke a mosaic of discriminated operants and from the more abstract relations of opposi- autonomic responses. A picture of a dog may tion, relative position, time, kinship, and oth- evoke slightly different emotional responses er relations within the ambit of RFT. What from those evoked by a picture of a cat, for follows for equivalence may not follow for re- example. Even if the stimuli are initially un- lations like opposition, or ‘‘plus 6.’’ As ex- discriminated, stimulus control will emerge amples increase in complexity, it becomes less over the course of training (else the stimuli plausible that the target behavior occurs in would remain undiscriminated). The web of the absence of a pattern of supplementary controlling relations in such experiments behavior. I think it is unlikely, for example, might be quite complex. that most people can solve number series Consider the behavior of the subject in Sid- problems without engaging in collateral be- man’s first experiment on equivalence (Sid- havior. man, 1971). He was a 17-year-old boy with se- As I mentioned, equivalence relations are vere mental retardation who was unlikely to special. The concept of functionally equiva- have learned verbal strategies for mediating lent stimuli has always been fundamental to stimulus relation. He could say ‘‘cat’’ when behavior theory (cf. Skinner, 1935). Contem- shown a picture of a cat, and he could choose porary research on stimulus equivalence sug- the picture of a cat from an array when the gests a substantial refinement of our under- experimenter said ‘‘cat,’’ but the written word standing of this concept and of the ‘‘cat’’ controlled no relevant behavior. Follow- procedures that produce it (e.g., Sidman, ing training in which the sample was the spo- 2000), but whatever the merits of that sug- ken word ‘‘cat’’ and pointing to the written gestion, some concept of functional equiva- word ‘‘cat’’ was reinforced, the subject ac- lence will remain central to our understand- quired, without further training, some new ing of behavior. All stimulus events in the relations, among which was the following: natural environment are unique; organisms When shown the written word ‘‘cat,’’ the sub- would be paralyzed if stimulus control were ject would say ‘‘cat.’’ As a result of the exper- not generalized within groups of functionally imental procedures, we might expect the au- equivalent stimuli. In contrast, relations such ditory stimulus ‘‘cat’’ to be equivalent to the as opposition are artificial and are found not written word ‘‘cat’’ and a picture of a cat, but in nature, but in our models of nature. In why should the response ‘‘cat’’ have any REVIEW OF RFT 199 strength at all? It played no part in the pro- tory of multiple exemplar training, subjects cedure. should behave appropriately, without the Presumably, the training phase transferred need for mediating behavior, as the example discriminative control of the echoic response of Aunt Susan seems to suggest. But it is easy ‘‘cat’’ from the auditory stimulus ‘‘cat’’ to the to invent other examples that contradict this written stimulus ‘‘cat.’’ But the subject appar- prediction. Lewis Carroll (1871/1971) offers ently did not emit the echoic when the word a paradigmatic case: was presented as an auditory stimulus during training. Why should derived stimulus con- ‘‘Can you do Addition?’’ the White Queen trol be stronger than the stimulus control asked. ‘‘What’s one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one from which it was derived? I suggest that if and one?’’ the subject said ‘‘cat’’ in response to the writ- ‘‘I don’t know,’’ said Alice. ‘‘I lost count.’’ ten word during testing, he also said ‘‘cat’’ to ‘‘She can’t do Addition,’’ the Red Queen in- the auditory stimulus during the training terrupted. (p. 194) phase (if not, why not?), but his response was either unrecorded or subvocal. By hypothesis, Of course Alice can do addition, but only this response became an unobserved mem- if she is given breathing space to do some ber of the equivalence class and underwent a covert bookkeeping. Analogously, if I tell you change in strength as the result of the exper- that F is the opposite of B, B is the opposite imental procedures. Although this interpre- of D, D is equivalent to R, X is equivalent to tation postulates behavior, it does not do so B, S is the opposite of R, and S is the opposite gratuitously; it postulates the very behavior of L, can you tell me the relation between S whose control is said to have transferred. It is and F? Yes, you can, but only by going back no more speculative than the alternative ac- and ‘‘working it out,’’ that is, only by rehears- count, which appeals to a transfer of discrim- ing, organizing the stimuli into groups, and inative stimulus control when the original dis- testing yourself as you go. Derived relational criminative stimulus does not evoke the responding does not simply appear because response. The point of this digression is that of the presence of a contextual cue; it is the even the simplest procedures with human product of an interactive program of medi- subjects are difficult to interpret unambigu- ating events. If your success or failure de- ously. In my opinion, this is a problem even pends on these mediating events, we must in- with research on equivalence classes, which clude them in our account. are fundamental and relatively simple; I think The plausibility of relational frame theory it is premature to propose new principles on rests on the use of simple examples in which the basis of research on more complicated re- the role of mediating behavior escapes no- lations. tice, but when more complicated examples are advanced, it becomes clear that novel re- PROBLEMS OF INTERPRETATION lational behavior emerges with the support of One of the strengths of RFT is that it ap- supplementary behavior. For example, recall pears to help us explain the behavior of both that ‘‘if you are told that house A faces the the speaker and the listener. Suppose a child, back of house B, you could order the front meeting someone for the first time, hears and back doors of both houses into a linear ‘‘This is Susan; Susan is your aunt. Why don’t sequence. . . because. . . knowing the orien- you show your aunt your pictures?’’ These are tation of the two houses implies the more de- ‘‘frames of coordination,’’ and the child be- tailed information’’ (p. 38). But even though haves accordingly, treating ‘‘Susan,’’ ‘‘aunt,’’ a statement can imply more detailed infor- and the actual person more or less inter- mation about spatial arrangements, these im- changeably. This effect is one of the justifi- plications may not control our behavior with- cations for defining verbal behavior as the be- out ‘‘working them out.’’ Suppose a house is havior of framing events relationally. octagonal, with sides numbered sequentially. If we suppose that the authors are correct, Which side is opposite side three? Several that derived relational responding is the ways to answer the question leap to mind, but product of a special principle, unmediated by the answer itself does not. The very notion of other events, then when given a relevant his- a ‘‘way to answer’’ suggests mediation. 200 PALMER

For every example in which relational neither can we be confident that a new prin- frame theory seems to sweep away difficulties, ciple is required. there is another in which it seems to create them. The following statements have the SUMMARY same form as ‘‘Susan is your aunt’’ but have The authors present derived relational different effects: frame theory as both an empirical and a the- Bill is Tom’s friend. oretical enterprise, both an outcome and a Charlie is Tom’s friend. new behavioral process, a process by which, Your only data come from the text, but you they propose, we should define verbal behav- don’t conclude that Bill is Charlie. It is some- ior. Much of the book is an introduction to thing outside of the relational frames that the implications of this proposal. The book is bars that conclusion. vigorous, ambitious, and exciting, and should be read by everyone with an interest in the Sarah loves Alec. conceptual framework of behavior analysis. Alec loves Maya. However, perhaps because I am wedded to a How does Sarah feel about Maya? My guess is behaviorally conservative viewpoint, I have that she hates her, but that does not emerge claimed in this review that although the em- from the structure of the frames or the con- pirical enterprise is commendable, the theo- textual cues. Rather, the conclusion is medi- retical one is premature. Specifically, I have ated by the private scenario I have visualized pointed out that a new behavioral principle under guidance of the sentences. If you imag- is assumed, but in contrast to the thesis of ined Maya as Alec’s infant daughter, you Sidman (2000), none is explicitly described. would draw a different inference. The argument that one is required assumes I traveled a hundred miles due east. that there is no alternative, but this assump- Then I traveled a hundred miles due north. tion has no force; human behavior is so com- What direction should I travel to get back to plex that alternative accounts cannot be easily my origin? evaluated. The polemical force of relational Your answer to this question depends upon frame theory arises from its apparent ability covert mediating behavior. If you visualize the to account for a wide variety of examples of problem on a plane, you will answer ‘‘South- novel, complex behavior, but the argument is west,’’ but if you visualize the problem on a too facile. It does not explain Alice’s bewil- globe near either pole, almost any answer is derment or our failure to confuse Bill with possible, including ‘‘Due south for a while Charlie. An adequate theory must account and then due north.’’ Your answer is not the for the variance in behavior; that is, it must result of an unmediated behavioral process. explain both the successes and the failures of The effects of verbal behavior on a listener relational behavior. As the White Queen are not automatic, as we would expect if re- problem illustrates, even the simplest of re- lational frames were a basic behavioral pro- lational problems may require mediating be- cess. Rather, the effects are often, loosely havior, and our interpretations must acknowl- speaking, inferential. The listener is not an edge that behavior. Relational frame theory empty vessel into which we pour relational makes no such acknowledgement; indeed it frames. One need not be a mentalist to rec- cannot do so, for once a role for mediating ognize that the listener is a boiling cauldron behavior is admitted, the need for a new the- of behavior—images, speech, emotions, ac- ory evaporates. Relational behavior may not tions—much of it private, and it is into this be an elementary phenomenon but rather stew that verbal behavior is stirred. The effect the outcome of the interplay of many vari- on the listener emerges from the interaction ables. In other words, relational behavior is of many variables. The appropriate behavior operant behavior, but it is not ‘‘an operant.’’ of a child toward her Aunt Susan arises from Behavior in such cases is better captured by such interactions. Of course, one cannot be the everyday terms deduction, inference, and confident that these effects can be reduced problem solving, that is, complex patterns of to familiar elementary principles, for we see behavior that are rendered simple only if we only glimpses of the relevant variables, but restrict our viewpoint to some terminal index REVIEW OF RFT 201 of performance, such as a key press at a that Skinner’s definition of verbal behavior is choice point. inadequate occurs at high strength in the Notice that nothing I have said shows that book, in other papers by the authors, and in the authors are wrong, only that they have presentations about relational frame theory not made a good case that relational behavior at professional meetings. Some of the authors is a homogeneous phenomenon unified by a have begun to consider an integration of re- new behavioral principle. Relational frame lational frame theory with Skinner’s interpre- theory is not a theory at all; it is a predic- tation of verbal behavior (e.g., Barnes- tion—a prediction about the direction in Holmes et al., 2000; O’Hora & Barnes- which we must look for such a theory. Holmes, 2001), but this ecumenical spirit is Some of the objections I have raised to re- not evident in the discussion of Verbal Behavior lational frame theory may be addressed as the in RFT. I fear that silence will be taken for range of dependent variables and experimen- assent (but see Leigland, 1997). tal procedures is expanded. For example, Dickins and his colleagues have made sug- ON SKINNER’S DEFINITION OF VERBAL gestive use of functional magnetic resonance BEHAVIOR images of subjects engaging in relational tasks Skinner attempted ‘‘to define a field of in- (Dickins et al., 2001). Dube and his col- quiry having certain unitary properties’’ leagues are now recording their subjects’ eye (1957, p. 224). He defined verbal behavior as movements using an instrumental eye-track- behavior mediated by other people, specifi- ing device (e.g. Dube et al., 1999). Although cally, by other people who are ‘‘responding seldom reported, response latencies can eas- in ways which have been conditioned precisely ily be extracted from the data; latency could in order to reinforce the behavior of the speaker’’ be an important variable in its own right or (p. 225). as an index of other behavior, including co- According to the authors of RFT, ‘‘the vert behavior. When adult subjects are used, problem is that [Skinner’s] book did not lead overt verbalizations can be encouraged and to a progressive research program that raised analyzed (e.g. Ericsson & Simon, 1993). Such a large set of new and important empirical additional dependent measures will help to questions about language. It did not lead to give a more complete picture of the behavior a rising cycle of research and analysis in the of the subjects in relational tasks and should domain it addresses. If one believes that lan- account for some of the variance in the target guage and cognition are central issues in hu- response. To evaluate the role of mediating man psychology, this is disappointing’’ (p. behavior, overt distractor tasks can be as- 11).1 The blame, they argue, rests squarely signed to subjects between the presentation with his definition of verbal behavior. Two of stimuli and the recording of target re- faults are cited: sponses; if such tasks disrupt performance, 1. The definition is not functional. Verbal mediating behavior may be required in the behavior is defined, not according to the his- target task. Alternatively, more work can be tory of the behaving organism, the speaker, done with very young children and with ani- but according to the behavior of another or- mals. (What’s special about sea lions?) Finally, ganism, the listener. experimental preparations with greater exter- 2. The definition is too broad. It embraces nal validity can be adopted. Procedures that experiments with ani- employ ostensive learning, modeling, or nam- mals, for example, because reinforcement is ing are better models of natural contingen- cies than matching-to-sample procedures. 1 What counts as a rising tide of research and appli- I will close this review with a discussion of cation is a matter of opinion. John Eshleman has re- viewed presentations at the annual meetings of the As- the authors’ criticism of Skinner’s definition sociation for Behavior Analysis since 1975 and found that of verbal behavior. I have deferred this topic of those conspicuously inspired by Skinner’s book, the because, in contrast to the authors them- past 4 years have seen a three-fold increase relative to the selves, I regard the matter as peripheral to 1990s, a five-fold increase relative to the 1980s, and an eight-fold increase relative to the 1970s, clearly an accel- relational frame theory, and I do not wish to erating trend. Moreover, the application of Skinner’s confuse the evaluation of one book with a de- analysis to the shaping of verbal behavior in autistic chil- bate about another. Nevertheless, the theme dren is now widespread. 202 PALMER mediated by the experimenter, and the ex- embraces the behavior of animals in operant perimenter’s behavior has been shaped to re- experiments seems like an embarrassing inforce the behavior of the subject. This is blunder until we realize that he encompassed claimed to have discouraged verbal behavior such behavior deliberately. What were Skin- researchers who had hoped to study some- ner’s reasons for passing up intuitive, uncon- thing new but found themselves back in the troversial definitions of verbal behavior in fa- animal laboratory studying stimulus control. vor of a baroque definition that nobody The centerpiece of the argument is a understands—one that embraces lever-press- thought experiment—a kind of Turing test ing rats? The authors of RFT seem not to have for rats. Imagine 2 rats in identical chambers, asked this question. exposed to identical variable-ratio 5 sched- Skinner’s purpose was to define a field of ules. For one chamber, the reinforcement inquiry that has certain unitary properties. schedule has been arranged by an experi- What is it that is special about verbal behav- menter and is mediated by electronic gadgets ior? According to Skinner, it is not a special designed by the experimenter; the rat’s be- type of behavior, nor does it obey qualitatively havior therefore meets Skinner’s definition of different rules. Rather, the special property of verbal behavior. The other chamber happens verbal behavior is its power, and it is powerful to have been placed next to a sack of pellets, only insofar as it affects the conditioned be- and by chance, the lever jiggles loose a pellet havior of other people in systematic ways. It through a rip in the bag every five presses, is not a different type of behavior, but it has on average. There is no difference in the rats’ special characteristic effects, and it is these behavior. We can even switch the rats from effects that define ‘‘the domain of interest.’’ one chamber to the other without relevant The characteristic effects depend on the pres- effects on their behavior. Skinner’s definition ence of a verbal community whose members is patently absurd, the argument goes, to dis- have all acquired a standard repertoire with tinguish these two cases. Any interpretation respect to verbal stimuli. Skinner’s definition arising from such a flawed definition must be was a way of operationalizing in behavioral riddled with error. terms the manipulation and interpretation of Perhaps I am blinded by idolatry, but I find symbols. As with so many other things, he this critique, however clever and catchy, to be seems to have gotten it just right. misguided. I suspect that the authors felt that We can now make sense of the example of the reader must be persuaded that Skinner is our lever-pressing rats. The thought experi- wrong in order to take RFT seriously, but this ment in RFT has explicitly assumed condi- is a battle they do not need to fight, and it is tions in which the verbal rat exerts no more a digression from their constructive propos- power over the world than the nonverbal rat. als. Under these conditions there is no domain First, even if it were true that Skinner’s def- of interest and no point in distinguishing ver- inition is inadequate, nothing follows, be- bal from nonverbal behavior. Nor would cause his definition is little more than a foot- there be any point in making the distinction note; it plays no role whatever in his analysis. with humans if the vibrations of our vocal Even if his definition is not functional, his cords had direct effects on the physical envi- analysis certainly is. Nothing in his discussion ronment comparable to the effects they exert of tacts, mands, intraverbals, autoclitics, mul- on other people in our verbal community. If tiple causation, the audience, composition, I can hum to a driverless taxicab and get editing, thinking, to name just a few topics, whisked off to the airport, why should I put rests upon his definition. Damning a 470- up with the gossip of a cabbie? But it is only page book of cogent behavioral interpreta- in a farfetched example that verbal behavior tion because one disagrees with a few inci- has a substantial unmediated effect on the dental paragraphs is a curious overreaction. world. As for the breadth of Skinner’s definition, The comparative advantage of the verbal the very point of his analysis is that verbal rat over the nonverbal rat quickly becomes behavior is not different in kind from other apparent if we are allowed to change the behavior. It can be analyzed with the same rules a little. By simply changing the verbal tools as all other behavior. That his definition contingencies of our small verbal community, REVIEW OF RFT 203 we can leave the nonverbal rat in the dust. Behavior: A possible synthesis. The Behavior Analyst, 23, Now let every lever press no longer mean (so 69–84. Barnes-Holmes, D., Hayes, S. C., & Roche (2001). The to speak), ‘‘Give me a pellet,’’ but instead (not so) strange death of stimulus equivalence. Euro- mean, ‘‘Give me a 50-pound bag of rat chow pean Journal of Behavior Analysis, 2, 35–41. and access to a female in estrus.’’ Because the Burgos, J. (2003). Laudable goals, interesting experi- ‘‘meaning’’ of a response is simply a verbal ments, unintelligible theorizing. [Review of the book convention, this is easily arranged. Mean- Relational Frame Theory]. Behavior and Philosophy, 31, 19–45. while, our nonverbal rat is still shaking indi- Carroll, L. (1971). Through the looking-glass. In D. J. vidual pellets out of a bag behind his cham- Gray (Ed.), Alice in wonderland [by] Lewis Carroll: Au- ber. This example reveals the power of verbal thoritative texts of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, behavior; instances of verbal behavior that Through the looking-glass, [and] The hunting of the snark [with] backgrounds [and] essays in criticism. (1st ed., pp. differ but slightly can have dramatically dif- 101–209). New York: W. W. Norton. (Original works ferent effects. As long as we are disposed to published 1865, 1871, & 1876) cater to our rat, its verbal behavior can be Devany, J. M., Hayes, S. C., & Nelson, R. O. (1986). Equiv- powerful indeed. It is quite true that there is alence class formation in language-able and language- nothing special about the behavior of the rat; disabled children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 46, 243–257. what is special is the interlocking contingen- Dickins, D. W., Singh, K. D., Roberts, N., Burns, P., cies of the speaker and the listener. Downes, J. J., Jimmieson, P., et al. (2001). An fMRI I see no problem with Skinner’s definition study of stimulus equivalence. Neuroreport, 12, 405– of verbal behavior, but I can understand why 411. others might find fault with it. However, I am Dube, W. V., Lombard, K. M., Farren, K. M., Flusser, D. S., Balsamo, L. M., & Fowler, T. R. (1999). Eye track- baffled by the importance the authors of RFT ing assessment of stimulus overselectivity in individu- attach to the matter. Do they believe that an als with mental retardation. Experimental Analysis of utterance cannot come under stimulus con- Human Behavior Bulletin, 17, 8–14. trol of a property of objects (as in the tact), Dymond, S., & Barnes, D. (1995). A transformation of self-discrimination response functions in accordance or of script (as in the textual operant), or of with the arbitrarily applicable relations of sameness, the formal properties of antecedent verbal more than, and less than. Journal of the Experimental behavior (as in the echoic), or of a state of Analysis of Behavior, 64, 163–184. deprivation or aversive stimulation (as in the Ericsson, K. A., & Simon, H. A. (1993). Protocol analysis: mand), or of the cadence and sound of an- Verbal reports as data. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Hayes, S. C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Roche, B. (2001). Re- tecedent verbal behavior (as in the intraver- lational Frame Theory: A post-Skinnerian account of human bal), or of properties of an audience, or of language and cognition. New York: Kluwer Academic/ variables affecting strength of response (as in Plenum. the descriptive autoclitic), or of combinations Hayes, S. C., Hayes, L. J., & Reese, H. W. (1988). Finding the philosophical core: A review of Stephen C. Pep- of such variables? Surely not. RFT may be cor- per’s World Hypotheses. 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