Эпистемология и философия науки Epistemology & Philosophy of Science 2019. Т. 56. № 3. С. 123–137 2019, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 123–137 УДК 167.7 DOI: FROM TECHNOLOGY STUDIES TO SOUND STUDIES: HOW MATERIALITY MATTERS Trevor Pinch – PhD In this paper I put in dialogue two areas of scholarship: Techno- in Sociology, Goldwin Smith logy Studies and Sound Studies. Within Technology Studies I dis- Professor of Science & cuss the influential social construction of technology approach Technology Studies. and illustrate it with the history of the moog electronic music syn- Cornell University. thesizer, the first commercial music synthesizer. I stress the role 303 Morrill Hall, Ithaca, of standardization of keyboards and the key role played by users new York, 14853 USA; in the development of this technology. I examine certain iconic e-mail:
[email protected] sounds that the moog synthesizer produces and discuss the stabi- lization of sound. It is argued that just as technologies can be traced as stabilizing over time, sounds also can be traced with certain sounds stabilizing and being taken up by users whilst other sounds fail to stabilize. The technology required to produce a sound, performance practice, and wider cultural concerns such as the naming of sounds are crucial ingredients in the stabiliza- tion of sound. Keywords: technology studies, sound studies, standardization, electronic music, social constructivism ОТ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ К ЗВУКОВЫМ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯМ: О ЗНАЧЕНИИ МАТЕРИАЛЬНОСТИ Тревор Пинч – доктор В статье устанавливается взаимосвязь между двумя предмет- социологии, профессор. ными областями: исследованием технологий и звуковыми ис- Корнеллский университет. следованиями. В контексте исследования технологий автор 303 Morrill Hall, Ithaсa, анализирует влиятельный подход к социальному конструиро- Нью-Йорк, 14853 США; ванию технологий и иллюстрирует его примерами из истории e-mail:
[email protected] создания первого коммерческого электронного музыкального синтезатора.