HISTORY OF GHANA for Basic Schools FACILITATOR’S GUIDE 5 • Bruno Osafo • Peter Boakye Published by WINMAT PUBLISHERS LTD No. 27 Ashiokai Street P.O. Box 8077 Accra North Ghana Tel.:+233 552 570 422 / +233 302 978 784 www.winmatpublishers.com
[email protected] ISBN: 978-9988-0-4843-3 Text © Bruno Osafo, Peter Boakye 2020 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Typeset by: Daniel Akrong Cover design by: Daniel Akrong Edited by: Akosua Dzifa Eghan and Eyra Doe The publishers have made every effort to trace all copyright holders but if they have inadvertently overlooked any, they will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page STRAND 2 My Country Ghana 1 Sub-Strand 1: The People of Ghana 1 Sub-Strand 5: Some Selected Individuals 12 STRAND 3 Europeans in Ghana 21 Sub-Strand 2: International Trade Including the Slave Trade 21 STRAND 4 Colonisation and Developments Under Colonial Rule In Ghana 26 Sub-strand 2: Social Developments Under Colonial Rule 26 Sub-strand 3: Economic Developments Under Colonial Rule 37 STRAND 5 Journey to Independence 45 Sub-Strand 1: Early Protest Movements 45 Sub-Strand 3: The 1948 Riots and After 52 Introduction This Facilitator’s Guide has been carefully written to help facilitators meet the expectations of the History of Ghana Curriculum designed by the Ministry of Education.