Supplementary file: Why-VP occurences in NYT Gigaword Anissa Zaitsu This corpus emerged as a by-product of the work of the Santa Cruz Ellipsis Project (The Implicit Content of Sluicing, NSF Project, #1451819). A plain text version of the file is available here: If the link no longer works, you may contact
[email protected] for the plain text version. By using CTRL + F and typing in the unique number identifier provided in the paper, you will be able to locate the examples cited in the paper situated within its larger discourse context. -----Corpora/Treebank/NYT-Parsed/nyt_eng_199509.t2c100191 We ’ve become a bigger , more successful company and our financial strategies have evolved to support that growth . ” What do insurance executives watch on TV at night ? The Weather Channel . At least that ’s what supporters and officials of the US Commerce Department said Friday as they promoted the department ’s weather research services , and as they asked insurance executives in Boston to help fend off budget cuts . Accord- ing to the agenda , industry executives had been invited to the Boston meeting to tell Commerce Secretary Ronald H. Brown what kind of weather information they need from his department . But Brown spent nearly as much time encouraging the executives to come to Washington to help him fight budget cuts . For example , proposed cuts tothe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , which provides basic weather data to private industry and runs the National Weather Service , “ would be disabling to a number of the functions you ’re dependent on , ” Brown told the insurance executives .