Short Note. Herpetofauna of Paxos, Ionian Islands, Greece, Including

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Short Note. Herpetofauna of Paxos, Ionian Islands, Greece, Including 108 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 27 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2014 SHORT NOTE ENNES , 1833 (Testudinata: Bataguridae) and Testudo The vegetation is typically Mediterra - graeca ibera PAllAS , 1811 (Testudinata: Tesdudinidae) nean, and the landscape and flora are highly in Resadiye (Datça) Peninsula.- Turkish Journal of Zoology, Ankara; 23 (1): 17-21. TOSuNOğlu , M. & influenced by centuries of human activity Gül , Ç. & u ySAl , İ . (2009): The herpetofauna of such as farming. in later years, tourism, Tenedos (Bozcaada, Turkey). Herpetozoa, Wien; 22 house building and constructions of roads (1/2): 75-78. WATER POlluTiON cONTROl REGulATiON also have had an impact on the environment (WPcR) (2004): Water pollution control regulation, chapter 1.- Official journal, Ankara; 25687: 7-29. with degradation of the natural vegetation as WERNER , F. (1902): Die Reptilien- und Amphi bienfauna a consequence. Approximately 75 % of the von Kleinasien.- Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der flora has a Mediterranean distribution in a Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche wide sense ( GEORGiADiS et al. 1986). About Klasse, Wien; 111: 1057-1121. WiScHuF , T. & B uSAcK , 435 plant taxa (species and subspecies) have S. D. (2001): Mauremys rivulata (VAlENciENNES in BORy DE SAiNT -V iNcENT et al., 1833) – Ostmediterrane been reported from the island and the forest Bachsch ildkröte, pp. 125-178. in: FRiTZ , u. (ed.): is mainly of the Oleo-ceratoneous type with Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Band species such as Ceratonia siliqua , Pistacia 3/iiiA: Schildkröten i. Wiebelsheim (Aula Verlag). lenticus , Juniperus phoenicea , Pinus hale - KEy WORDS: Reptilia: Testudines: Geoemy - pensis , and Olea europaea , but tree species didae: Mauremys rivulata ; ecology, aquatic habitat pol - lution, food habits, population estimate, morphology, such as Quercus ilex and Cupressus semper - Bozcaada island, Aegean See, Çanakkale, Turkey virens belonging to the so-called Quercus SuBMiTTED: May 6, 2013 ilicis level are also represented. in the south AuTHORS: Çiğdem Gül (corresponding author of the island a low-laying coastal level of < [email protected] > < gulcigdem@comu. phrygana vegetation can be found. >); Murat TOSuNOğlu , Nurcihan HAciOğlu , Paxos has an area of 30 km 2 and a Tuğçe ÇAPRAZli , Hüseyin ERDuğAN , İbrahim uySAl - population of around 2,500 permanent resi - Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart university, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, 17100 Çanak - dents. The average annual precipitation is kale, Turkey. similar to that of corfu, i.e., approximately 1,000 mm. However, on Paxos all the natu - ral water ways dry out completely in sum - Herpetofauna of Paxos, mer ; there are no natural springs or water reservoirs in the ground and water has ionian islands, Greece, including always been scarce during the summer two species new to the island months. Old water-cisterns with small ca - nals carved in the sloping rocks for the col - Whereas the herpetofauna of corfu, lection of rain water can be found in some the northernmost of the ionian islands, has places on the island, indicating that special been extensively covered in the literature measures had to be taken to collect and pre - (see MERTENS 1961; TóTH et al. 2002; serve fresh water. RAZETTi et al. 2006) only a few reports are Paxos, Antipaxos, lefkada, cephalo - available for the small neighboring island of nia and Zakynthos belong to the Preapulian Paxos or Paxi ( KEyMAR 1984; ŠANDERA et or Paxos sedimentary zone, a zone that cor - al. 2004). Although scientific reports of responds to the most external domain of the reptiles are scarce, Paxos has been known to Hellenic fold-and-thrust belt ( KARAKiTSiOS harbor many snakes and in one travel com - et al. 2010), while corfu belongs to the panion from the early 19th century ( DOD- ionian sedimentary zone. The Paxos coast- WEll 1819) you could for example read: “it line is much eroded and boasts more sea (Paxos) contains vast number of serpents, caves per kilometer than any other coast line which are said to be of harmless and inof - in the world ( FRiEND 2002). The Preapulian fensive nature.”. zone has traditionally been considered a rel - Paxos is the largest among the group atively uniform sedimentary zone consist - of islands comprising Antipaxos, Panagia, ing of limestone, dolomites, marlstone and Ag. Nikolaous, Mongonissi and a few other evaporite, and the absence of flysch, but small islets or rocks. Paxos is situated 13 recent studies have revealed a more com - km SSE of corfu and approximately 55 km plex scenario ( KARAKiTSiOS et al. 2010). northwest of lefkada (Santa Maura). The The topography of Paxos also differs from distance to the Greek mainland is 15 km. corfu in the absence of high mountains and SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 27 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2014 SHORT NOTE 109 Fig. 1: First record of Mediodactylus kotschyi (STEiNDAcHNER , 1870) on Paxos. Fig. 2: First record of Hierophis gemonensis (lAuRENTi , 1768) on Paxos. 110 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 27 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2014 SHORT NOTE Fig. 3: localities of saurians on Paxos. Fig. 4: localities of snakes on Paxos. Squares - Algyroides nigropuncatus (DuMéRil & Squares - Hierophis gemonensis (lAuRENTi , 1768), BiBRON , 1839), turned triangle - Hemidactylus triangles - Zamenis longissimus (lAuRENTi , 1768). turcicus (liNNAEuS , 1758), triangles - Mediodactylus kotschyi (STEiNDAcHNER , 1870). alluvial plains that are able to keep water for nensis (lAuRENTi , 1768) and Z. longissimus . longer periods. The presence of both larger No amphibians were found, and given the and smaller alluvial plains on corfu makes water situation of Paxos it is highly unlike - it suitable breeding ground for amphibians ly that amphibians have ever managed to that reproduce early in the year such as establish populations. Rana dalmatina BONAPARTE , 1840 , Bufo Algyroides nigropunctatus (> 10 spec - viridis lAuRENTi , 1768 , Hyla arborea imens) - The Dalmatian Algyroides was the (l iNNAEuS , 1758) and Lissotriton vulgaris only diurnal lacertid encountered during the (l iNNAEuS , 1758) , species that all seem to visit to the island. it is well known for its be absent from Paxos. abundance on corfu but despite generally Previously published reports from favorable weather conditions they did not Paxos mention Algyroides nigropunctatus appear to occur in such high densities as on (DuMéRil & B iBRON , 1839) and Hemidacty - the latter mentioned island. lizards were lus turcicus (liNNAEuS , 1758) ( KOcH 1932), typically encountered basking on the trunks A. nigropunctatus , H. turcicus and Lacerta of olive trees and on dry stone walls, and a viridis (lAuRENTi , 1768) ( KEyMAR 1984), couple of specimens were even found hid - Laudakia [syn. Stellagama ] stellio (liNNAE- ing beneath stones during cloudy weather. uS , 1758) (one individual observed, SOWiG Most of the females seen on Paxos had a & SOWiG 1989), and A. nigropunctatus , generally lighter brown coloration than Zamenis longissimus (lAuRENTi , 1768) and those found on corfu, often with a lighter Platyceps najadum (EicHWAlD , 1831) ( ŠAN - colored chin. DERA et al. 2004). Mediodactylus kotschyi (Fig. 1) (> 10 During three days in 2013 (May 20- specimens) - This is a new record for Paxos 23) the authors searched the island for rep - and based on its close proximity to corfu tiles and amphibians. The weather was this find may further support the theory of windy but in general beneficial, and five the island’s lineage in the Preapulian zone reptile species were observed: H. turcicus , rather than having affiliations with corfu. Mediodactylus kotschyi (STEiNDAcHNER , This gecko is already known from Kefalo - 1870), A. nigropunctatus , Hierophis gemo - nia, ithaki, Za kynthos and the smaller SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 27 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2014 SHORT NOTE 111 islands of Kalamos, Makri and Oxia in the The record localities of the reptile ionian Archipelago, although the subspecies species are shown in Figures 3 and 4. status of the geckos on these islands is still The authors find it unlikely that uncertain ( cHONDROPOulOS 1986). The au - Laudakia stellio is established on the island, thors only observed this species at two local - and did not observe any Lacerta viridis or ities on Paxos, a small quarry on the edge of Platyceps najadum . However, the latter two some largely disused olive groves where could still possibly be considered among the several geckos were found beneath stones herpetofauna of Paxos, especially consider - and a dry stone wall where a couple were ing that P. naja dum is already well known seen diurnally basking. from corfu and small islets in the ionian Hemidactylus turcicus (two speci - islands such as Kalamos, Kastos, Karlo - mens) - in contrast to its abundance across nissi, Provati and Oxia ( cHONDROPOulOS most of its range, only a few Turkish 1989). Lacerta viridis has only been report - Geckos hiding under stones during the day - ed by KEyMAR (1984) who found it in the time were observed on Paxos. The rela - phrygana vegetation zone limited to the tively cold nights during the stay could extreme southern part of the island. The have contributed to the lack of observations authors agree with KEyMAR that there are of this species around inhabited areas at few, if any, other areas suitable for this night. From the authors’ experience , this species. A further two species, Ablepharus species, unlike M. kotschyi , is scarcely seen kitaibelii BiBRON & B ORy , 1833 and Telesco - active during the daytime in the spring pu s fallax (F lEiScHMANN , 1831) are known months. for their adaptation and distribution on the Hierophis gemonensis (Fig. 2) (14 majority of islands in Greece, including specimens) - A road-killed specimen repre - some very tiny islets. This includes all of sented the first record of the Balkan Whip the main ionian islands and the small islet Snake on Paxos. Half of the records were of Strophades, south of Za kynthos ( cHON- found as road-kills whereas live examples DROPOulOS 1989). These are the most like - were most often seen basking among dense - ly reptile species to have escaped detection ly vegetated edges of olive groves, as well on Paxos.
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