Look for Signs of Hate, White Supremacy
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Volume 97 Number 7 | OCTOBER 2-8, 2019 | MiamiTimesOnline.com | Ninety-Three Cents ADL: Look for signs of hate, white Public housing development Annie Coleman supremacy 14 is slated to be closed. Residents, who were issued Scott Israel got caught in letters by Miami- Dade County Parkland shooter's web to appear to check eligibility CAROL PORTER for Section 8 Miami Times Contributor vouchers, say they are confused. A conference that examined the rise in The development white supremacy, racism and anti-Semitism is named after had religious leaders and law enforcement activist Annie talking about ways to keep places of wor- Coleman, pictured ship safe. here. Yael Herschfield, the deputy regional director of Anti-Defamation League spoke about how the agency worked with law enforcement to disrupt white supremacy and other forms of hate. Herschfield said hatred impacted all groups, leaving nobody out and how forms of hatred were on the rise since 2016, against Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims and other minorities. “All the information for extremism is on the web,” said Herschfield. “We have re- corded instances of extremist activity that are all on this map online. If you click on it, you can focus on Florida and on Broward County. You can report it to law enforce- ment and then report it to us.” Herschfield noted that everyone could be a victim of a hate crime, and that it didn’t matter whether someone targeted a Mosque, a church, or a synagogue. In March and early April, three histori- cally Black churches were burned in less than two weeks in one south Louisiana Residents worried about preservation of rights DANIELLA PIERRE Miami Times Contributor esidents of a public housing development slated to close by Mi- ami-Dade County are not moving out without a fight. They have sought legal advise, started petitions and are questing Rwhy they are being separated from their homes. Just within the last few weeks, county things: their rights to return and finding a officials have announced the closure of 399 new place to affordably live. units of affordable housing due to various Recent reports say the closure of Annie reasons at Harry Cain Towers bordering Coleman is due to crime, but many of res- Downtown, Miami, and Annie Coleman 14, idents have said they feel safer now since located in parts of Liberty City/Brownsville. police patrol the area more frequently. “What the heck is going on with housing?” Annie Coleman was a community activist said Rachel Johnson, a housing organizer back in 1922. Miami-Dade County named the Miami Times photo/Carolyn Guniss Sheriff Scott Israel on Sept. 25 ad- and advocate. “Where is the OTAC [Overall housing complex in Coleman’s honor back in Tenant Advisory Council]?” 1966. dresses the media about the special Johnson is referring to the group that Arlette (Rose) Adams, a longtime resident master's recommendation that he be represents public housing residents. A letter of Annie Coleman 14 is very concerned reinstated as top cop. He was suspend- dated Sept. 25 sent to public housing resi- about the mixed messages. ed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. dents, advising them of their appointment to Adams believes that shutting down Annie parish, the New York Times reported. determine their eligibility for Housing Choice Coleman 14 is doing a dishonor and blatant Many people also used social media to Voucher Program, widely known as Section 8, disservice to Coleman’s legacy. express their hatred toward other people, does not include OTAC. “Out of all the meetings concerning and she encouraged people to keep a watch Of late, the decision to privatize public Annie Coleman 14, not one time have we on anything and everything. A simple ex- housing, has left residents confused, won- (residents) asked for Section 8 Vouchers, pression of hated, she said, could escalate and when in doubt she said contact law dering if the affordable housing stock for not one time,” said Adams. Adams said the enforcement or contact the People didn’t low-income, elderly and the county’s most residents have asked for redevelopment at wake up one day deciding they are going to vulnerable residents, is dwindling. nearby Lincoln Gardens, which was slated as kill people, she said, and every form of hate These announced closures have not only a part of Liberty City Rising. Many residents needed to be monitored. upset the Black community but has many of at Annie Coleman 14, have been given a Parkland confessed shooter Nicolas Cruz the residents who live within Harry Cain Tow- notice from the Miami-Dade County about used social media to hurl insults at Blacks ers and Annie Coleman 14, perplexed. Section 8 vouchers, but there is still a lot of and Muslims. “We are all targeted,” said Herschfield, “This has been my home for the last eight uncertainty. “for who we are, and how we pray, and years,” said one resident. Some local housing advocates are con- how we look. We need to protect our- Unclear is whether a shuttered Annie cerned that Annie Coleman is being shut selves. Every sign of hate needs to be mon- Coleman 14 would reopen. Records show down due to privatization through HUD’s itored. If you don’t know what to do with that Annie Coleman is slated for demolition. Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD). At- the level of hatred, call us. Always call law Residents want to know if Annie Coleman 14 torneys from Legal Services of Greater Miami enforcement. They will tell you what you is slated for redevelopment. are not convinced that Annie Coleman 14 is can cannot do. If you still have questions, call the ADL.” Though county officials are closing down being closed down for “crime” or RAD. The 2019 Broward Sheriff’s Security the two developments and offering Section 8 Keenya Robertson, president and CEO of Conference, held in conjunction with vouchers, residents are concerned with two SEE HOUSING 6A SEE ADL 6A Miami Times Illustration/Mitzi Williams-Ogburn/Miami Times photos/Daniella Pierre BUSINESS ................................................. 8B FAITH & FAMILY ...................................... 7D Today CLASSIFIED ............................................. 11B FAITH CALENDAR ................................... 8D 86° IN GOOD TASTE ......................................... 1C HEALTH & WELLNESS ............................. 9D Meet Miami’s own LIFESTYLE HAPPENINGS ....................... 5C OBITUARIES ............................................. 12D 8 90158 00100 0 INSIDE 2C TJ Wright Editorials Cartoons Opinions Letters VIEWPOINT BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN DESTINY | OCTOBER 2-8, 2019 | MiamiTimesOnline.com Credo Of The Black Press MEMBER: National Newspaper Periodicals Postage Is the right kind of Publisher Association paid at Miami, Florida (ISSN 0739-0319) The Black Press believes that America MEMBER: The Newspaper POSTMASTER: Published Weekly at 900 NW 54th Street, can best lead the world from racial and Association of America Send address changes to Miami, Florida 33127-1818 national antagonism when it accords Subscription Rates: One Year THE MIAMI TIMES, attention being paid to Post Office Box 270200 to every person, regardless of race, $65.00 – Two Year $120.00 P.O. Box 270200 Buena Vista Station, Miami, Florida 33127 creed or color, his or her human and Foreign $75.00 Buena Vista Station, Miami, FL Phone 305-694-6210 legal rights. Hating no person, fearing 7 percent sales tax for Florida residents 33127-0200 • 305-694-6210 the Black community? H.E. SIGISMUND REEVES Founder, 1923-1968 no person, the Black Press strives to GARTH C. REEVES JR. Editor, 1972-1982 help every person in the firm belief that ately, the Black community seems to be making GARTH C. REEVES SR. Publisher Emeritus all persons are hurt as long as anyone RACHEL J. REEVES Publisher 1992-2019 is held back. headlines in the mainstream press: public housing CAROLYN GUNISS Executive Editor Lbuildings being shuttered because of crime; police acquittal in a video-captured brutality against a Black teen; a private school administrator likening the behavior of her students to those of children in public school in a predom- Impeach the malignant fraudster inantly Black community; and the ongoing, failing fight by CHARLES M. BLOW, columnist, The New York Times the Little Haiti community to preserve itself from eminent development. Who can forget the back and forth between It is the clarity of Donald nant fraudster. They don’t towing. I’m looking at you, in lock step behind Trump the Black community and a food editor after his newspa- Trump’s transgression that really have a choice. There Lindsey Graham. and his corruption until per omitted “Miami Gardens” in the headline when it wrote is most remarkable. is no off-ramp for them But, I refuse to believe that was no longer tenable. about the city’s upcoming food and wine festival? By his own admission from this course, and nei- that the totality of the Re- It was craven. It was im- Is this the kind of attention that the Black community de- and backed up by the qua- ther should there be. publican Party system is moral. It was unpatriotic. serves or wants? The articles may have been properly in- si-transcript released by Now, the decision falls corrupt beyond the pos- For many, this is simply the White House and by to the Republicans in Con- sibility of contrition, that read as a witch hunt, sour tended. But the implicit bias and stereotyping that has been the whistleblower com- gress, in the House but par- every single Republican grapes, an attempt to an- revealed in these stories, show that good intentions aren’t plaint, he abused the pow- ticularly in the Senate: On senator would turn their nul an election. From it enough. er of the presidency to en- which side of patriotism backs on the country.