$«mpar floreat letters

PREJUDICE ? lo this poinl). Since mid-year, college allowance of $1600, ahhough an annual EDITORIAL fees have in most cases risen to about figure, represents on amount of $52 per $28, leaving students below the bread­ week spread over Ihc 32 weeks ofthe uni- The Editor, line (i.c. right now, this minute). Tlie • , versity academic year. In addilion, a stud- ent may earn up to $1500 without his I was disappointed to read that a fe­ expected fees next year are about S3I cntitlemeiii being affected. Earnings in male hud been appointed editor (rcss) of a week -so students are not only not 1975 - HERE WE GO AGAIN. the November-Febniary period are disre­ Semper Floreat. recompensed for the financial difficult­ garded. Vou may think I am prejudiced, but ies many are at present suffering, bu t In 1975 a detailed re view of the Ter­ (his is not the catc. It'sjust (hat as 197S they will have to start out next year tiary Education Assistance Scheme will is Woman's International Year, having a struggling from the word go! And 1 can A student newspaper isa little like a platypus - he undertaken. Submissions have been woman as editor is probably not a good assure you Uiat it's bloody difficult lo invited from all interesled bodies includ­ it can'l quite make up its mind about its own ident­ idea. I am sick of icadini; angry and prc- fulfil a csiminally heavy semester work­ ing Student Representalife Councils and ity. Does it deserve a special identity? Perhaps the judiced tirades against males. I hope this load when you're scrabbling to stay fin- individual students. If you would care term is just an elitist daydream designed to ad<^ to will not be your policy. ancial. the store of academic mythology. Maybe your figures are different to 10 pul your views and suggest tons before the Committee, siihinissions may be sent Student mine, and I'm sure they're a lot more Semper has always fulfilled one purpose at to the Secretary, Committee on Tertiary least ~ keeping one's mind off the mess made by accurate - I'm also certain they won't make the problem disappear. Allowances, Departmenl of Education, student diners in the Refec. But then, editors are Canberra. Come up and see me sometime, ED. Wc were all aware of the recent strike human; they can't please everyone. Often, il seems by Queensland student teachers recently. they can't please anyone! Tlicy were given a substantial rise, quite CHILD CARE So whal do we write about? Where do the pri- deservedly,and yet they were already orities lie? LANGUAGE LOBBY gelling $3 lo $4 more than we do per There are hundreds of causes: children die daily week!! STUFFS STUDENTS The Editor, from malnutrition while we eat cream cakes; whales O.K., so we're students, bludgers on As an unmarrKd molher studying society, or whatever else the masses like are being hunted to extinction while we perfume Dear Semper, part-time on this campus, I want to say our bodies; some governments sponsor campaigns lo call us, but wc all thought thai the thanks for the effort members of the As one who is being discriminated a- Govemmenl and the Department would of terror designed to break the mind and spirit of gainst, I would like to bring to your att­ Union have put into trying to organise realize the need for the next generation child-minding facililKS. their people, while elsewhere grossly inept politic­ ention the antics of the 'language lobby' of the teaching, administrative and wel­ As soon as I can make full-time ians cause promising systems to fall apart because of on the Arts Paculty Board. fare staff of Australia. We're not asking anangements to have my son properly their stupidity. Al the last meeting of the Board, this you to make us rich, but please give us a cared for, I will be abk to finish my dc- The world is such a mess now - maybe the only group (mostly academics from the lang- • reasonable allowance so wc can devote ' gree and make a decent living for bolh uagc department!;) forced through resol­ less time to penny-pinching and more to thing left isa frantic search for happiness. Caring of us. utions which greatly inaeascd the severity study -1 could be doing an assignnicnt in­ comes oul ahead, of course, if one is prepared to of the language requirement. Sludenis I won't even resent paying Union sacrifice the present for the future (and we are all stead of writing this. without a Senior language musl now en­ Which brings us to the Incidentals fees (an economic prejudice) if you altruistic little people around here, aren't we?). rol in a language course every semester allowance. I couldn't find any reference continue to work for students in this What role should a paper play in all this? until they have fulfilkid the requirement. to this in the information sent to me, manner. Do we hammer one principle home n number of Previously, a Senior language or its but I hope they increase substantiaUy. Tliank you again. timesland eventually bore everyone in the process) University equivalent was mandatory lo Even our much-berated Vicc<:hancellor A.S. or should we hammer n principles home once only fulfd the requirements of an Arts degree, has spoken for us on this matter. Union and risk losing them in the crowd? but students could decide when they in­ fees arc $70, and 'text books' cosl me cluded il in their course. TItanks are also due lo the Crcdie Club Our first obligation is to print University news, over $100 per year. The new rule rcflecls the authoritarian When I sat down in indignation to for work in this area. ED. but il is also importanl to print all types of altern­ nalure of the 'language lobby'as it greatly ative news (i.e. news not readily available in the write this I realized it would be read, filed limils the freedom of students in planning and duly ignored - largely due to the con­ DARWIN POLITICS commercial press). However, you won't be seeing their courses. Part-timers arc particularly spicuous absence of thousands of similar any "furry freaks" - horrible little sexist bastards. affected as they may wish to enrol in only letters. Forgive Ihcm for not writing, for We promise you that, at least. one subject pet seraesici, and this thctc- they are just too bloody apathetic, and The Oaks, Incidentally, we're capitalists from necessity up forc means that if they haven't a Sen tor would rather complain bitterly to the Upper Echelon Parade, here. We sell ads in Semper (the lillie articles in the language the .subject is an Introductory corridors and lament into their coffee Ultimate Heights, one. If a student is weak in this area, cups. Australia Day, 1975. heavy boxes) to justify our existence to the'Treas- this practice will drag down his/her I know that the Departmenl and AUS Dear Miss Turner-Jones, urer. If we sell enough ads, we boost our budget grade poinl average and possibly lead to reviewed the student cconomicsituation- It is with some trepidation Ihat I write sufficiently lo bring you such Madison Avenue exclusion. tricks as spot colour and original graphics. You'll 1 filled in one of the questionnaires - but to you on this e.<;pecblly propitious day I would contend that this rule is un­ what happened?Don't lell me other cam­ know how we're going by the way we dress up or in the history ofour great nation. necessarily restrictive and this brings us puses arc belter off; Many Sydney stud­ As the Minister for Erudition, 1 find it down. lo the question of why one should be ents live in places 1 wouldn't keep a cat, necessary from time to lime, lo make my The printed word will probably be around for forced at all to do a foreign language. lei alone people, and university colkJgc feelings known lo various and sundry por­ some time to come. For example, one can carry a I also contend thai passing a language fees in Qnbcrra are $34. tions of my vast area of responsibility. examination Is no measure of one's abil­ nevi/spaper around the campus lo browse through How about the proverbial 'fair go*? In these ensuing days after the worst of ity to obtain an Arts degree. during boring lectures, or take it home for thorough . Please, we arc human beings as well as the Darwin disaster, we now sit aside wit­ There is only one way to change the reading whilst siltiiig on the loo or lying in the bath students, and a basic aura of financial nessing the spectacle of the Queensland present situation • change the opinion of security is essential if we are to get on Premier, among others, stipulating how tub. the Arts l-aculty Board. To facilitate wilh the job. money donated by the residents of Quecn­ So here we go again. I f people with something this, I urge all sludents to lobby their Please think, deliberate, consider • sland should be spent. Surely the people to say keep writing, and others with something to lecturers. I also urge academics in the better still, please do something. of Queensland intended it for the people Arts faculty who sympaihisc wilh this learn keep reading, the whole thing may turn out of Darwin. Not the publicity funds of the view lo attend Faculty Board meetings to be worthwhile. Yours sincerely, Queensland chapter of the National Party! when this matter is discussed. 'Charily, il fallelh like rain from heav­ Neale Diaper en' (Somewhere in the ). And surely, Yours in hope, Rodney O'SuUivan heaven is still non-poliiical?(You may John Qmpbell, Brian Williams quote mc). Student Rep., William Wyndham. Why then should wc sit aside and see Arts Faculty Bd. such crass selfishness in a time when the STAFF The Department's reply: rest of the nation has demonstrated their sense of unity, brotherhood and respons­ See 'Arts iMiiguage Requirement'articles A basic premise ofthe T.A.S. scheme ibility to a city of ours in distress? at various spots throughout this paper. is that there sliould be a parental con-K As a Government Minister, I felt it my iribuiion, where financially possible, to­ duty lo fly immeduitely to the ilisaster wards the costs of their children's tertiary zone. We were able lo procure, after very EDITOR Jan Turner-Jones educalhn expenses. Living alto wance little haggling, an Air Force Hercules to T.A.S. earty my pood lady wife, and my son, to ASSISTANT EDITOR Anne Draper therefore is intended to be a contribution towards the living and education costs the dcvcstaied city, ll was pitiful to sec of students. people clamouring to fly back with us. Copy ofa letter sent to the Department EDITORIAL CO-OP. Both the level of benefits and the means Alas however, though we would have been of Education: Activities Heather Ross arc reviewed each year. Account is taken able to scat 300, wc could only fly back of changes in the Consumer Price Index those in the official party (mles and rcg- International News Peter Murphy "^ Dear Sir, and other econom'-' factors when Ic wis ubtions, you know). LiflDul CounsellinB Services Wlien I received delails of llic Terti­ are being determined. Benefits have been Such interest on my behalf, however, Senior Journalist Julianne Schultz ary l-klucalion Assistance Scheme in Ihc only serves to illustrate the intense intcrc'l mail today, my apprehension became regularly increased and the means test Union News John Campbell my colleagues in the Party have sliown. horror. Ircfer lo the new maximum liberalised. I would iioiitt out that the tax free Tiiough wc fmd it hard to understand the living away from home allowance of Queensland Prcmkr's attempts to shine the ASSISTED BY Vicki Noble $1,600 per annum. black light of partisan politics inlo the John Stanwell As I hope to point out, ihis is not an arena, wc in our Parly have remained aloof Julianne Schwenke improvement, but a comparatively lower of sudi selfishness and proceeded purpose­ income than we arc receiving this year. Laurence Gormley fully to gel on wilh (he job in hand. The basis of whal constitutes a fair CAMPUS PHARMACY Special thanks to David Franken I myself am presently on vacation with minimum allowance is, I feel, the aver­ Shopping Centre my good woman and family, but the mom­ age cost of living in a university college. University of Queensland ent our leave is over, wc shall dash back COVER Noel Hill Students I have discussed the hialicr. ST LUCIA by VIP jet to the Capitol and do what wc with generally agree that this Is a fair • Telephone- • - 70 1509 feci has to be done by a responsible, but standard. Ttie poinl is nut whether most non-poliilcal group as my colteogues in llie PUBLICATION SEC. Maureen Oakley students do or do not live in coUcgcs^ (Intemal 6882) Party here in Government are, doing what but that this form of accommodation is PROMPT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE spcclllcally designed for students living AGENT FOR is best for the people of Ihc nation in tiiese BUSINESS MANAGERS Deborah Schwenke troubted limes, and ignoring the pettiness Julianne Schwenke away from home. Please forgive mc for PERFUMES COSMETICS boring you with the obvious. of the Queensland Prcmter. Faberge Revion Finally, I should like lo wish all your Tills brings us to the point that up tu Dana Cydac readers a very happy Austr..alia Day from PROCESSED by CPL/CAT Lanvin Steiner mid-1974,average college fecslal Ihc us ail in tlie Party, particularly those who 10 Bailey Sl., West Iind. Ph. 44 6021 University of Queensland) were $26 a Lancome Max Factor are old enough to vote. week ur more - k:uving u studcni on PHOTO FINISHING full allowance tlie noble sum of 90c a 24 Hour Black end White Very sincerely, • Prompt Colour Service.' Copy deadlines for issues 2 & 3: week lu clothe and entertain himself and Jim Crighton-Jotgcnscn, 21st February and 7th March. buy textbooks und equipment lI'll return Minister for Eiudldon. semper floreat 3 SNIPPINGS MONEY FOR STUDENTS PROGRESSIVE!!) HISTORY Despite the decision by the Federal DEPARTMENT Conference of the A.L.P. to exclude tertiary students from receiving the dole In this year's departmental hand­ • during vacations, when they cannot find book in an effort to keep up with the work, A.U.S. has received legal opinion times, the history department decided which states that students are entitled to to assign the title Ms to its female receive this money during vacations. The staff. As worthwhile as this move is it opinion was given by Sydney barrister falls rather short when the male staff Mr. C. Einst'jin, who cited a 1908 British are listed not with the customary Mr compensation judgement which, in his but rather with their initials - once opinion entitled students to unemploy­ again distinguishing between equally ment relief if they covld not find work qualified individuals. during their vacations.

A.U.S. is prese-^tly appealing to the Director General of Social Security to PLEASE TELL SNIFFINGS YOUR review their dole application, and Mr. Einstein said that if this is not successful STRANGE STORIES OF THE the matter should be taken to the courts. LEGENDARY UNI. POLICE HARASSMENT? From THE AUSTRALIAN, 6Feb. 1975 KGB ALIVE AND WELL IN With the start of a new year of SEMPER ADMIN MAIL SORTING Is there any student who has suffer­ we want to hear from as many as possible, OFFICE ed unwarranted and/or excessive inter­ ference at the hands(?) of the Queens­ relating your strange and interesting - Not to be reported for shirking in stories dealing wilh the university and it.s land Police Force? If so it may be well their duties, staff of the mail sorting worthwhile making your problems ineptness(and excellence) in as many bureau in the admin have been going fields as possible. These stories need not known as the Union of the University beyond their call of duty. All illus­ of Queensland is collecting informa­ of course, only deal with the uni, but tration stories such as the following can relate to anything which you may tion/evidence on incidents of this na­ one must be told; A member of the ture with a view to hassling the police 1974 SEIVPER EDITOR: regard as being somewhat strange or academic staff towards the end of last MS JAN TURNER-JONES irregular. force if necessary - using the channels year put a large quantity of mail in of the media and possibly prosecution. Anyone with stories of this nature, the departmental mail box - some of AT AGE FOUR IN TUTU would you please call in and see sonieoni.' Action of this sort, it is hoped, will these letters were official and some mean a decrease and possibly a cessa­ FOR DOLLY SHOW,. from SEMPER(first floor union building) were private, being sent both inter­ tion of these activities. Anyone with SUPPOSEDLY THE FIRST & LAST or phone 711611 and ask for SEMPER. state and overseas; The letters were any such information should contact PHOTO TO BE SHOWN TO HER Hoping to hear from lots of you, not marked with a return address, the Public Rights Committee, by leav­ READERS IN '74. and could not therefore be lin'ked to ing a message at Union Office - as SNIPPINGS (SNIP to friendsi any particular person in any particular soon as possible after the event. department. However, several hours ^^pL ^^^^^V^^^^^^H r^^5 after depositing the letters the staff member returned to his own office, 1 •••gji and found some of the letters which' he had posted deposited on his desk - accompanied by a note from Bruce Green - Assistant Registrar - stating LIBRARY BUNGLING that personal mail must not be sent in ^^P Hli«^. ^^^^H P COUNTRY COUPLINGS ill •'4