Chanukah  edition

The Jewish Holiday Magazine

Volume 14 | Issue 2 Winter 5772/2011

The Light Issue See Chanukah in a Whole New Light

IN THIS ISSUE: Shedding Light On Chanukah Gelt Top 10 Jewish Sites Jelly Doughnuts The Fountain of Youth Local Events DEDICATED TO “Our sages teach us that the reason Man was created single THE LOVE AND was to demonstrate how one person equals a whole world. This INSPIRATION means that each Jew, regardless of time and place and personal OF THE status, has the fullest capacity to rise and attend the highest LubaVITChEr of degree of fulfillment for himself, and to bring the rest of the world to its fulfillment as well; indeed it is his duty to do so.” The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi, M.M. Schneersan o.b.m. LETTER FROM THE RABBI Dearest Reader,

Dear Friends, The Jewish Holiday Magazine Chanukah, the Festival of Light, is among the most widely celebrated of Winter 2011 Jewish Holidays. It is a time for family gatherings around the menorah, for is a publication of: children’s songs, sizzling potato latkes and games of ‘Dreidel.” For many of us, it brings back fond childhood memories and renews our sense of Jewish identify. The Shul- Lubavitch Jack & Miriam Shenkman Building Yet Chanukah is rarely appreciated for its full significance. In truth, Chanukah represents the very core of our Jewishness, it is Judaism’s ultimate Holiday. Published four times a year Each of the Jewish festivals represent a central aspect in Jewish life – on Passover we were granted our freedom; on Shavuos we received the Torah; on Sukkos we celebrate G-d’s watchful protection of 6890 West Maple Road us; on Purim we celebrate Jewish unity – on Chanukah we celebrate the purity of the Jewish soul and West Bloomfield, MI 48322 the sensitivity of the Torah – the very essence of the Torah, sensed by the purity of the soul. (248) 788-4000 [email protected] Chanukah is the festival of light. Light is unique in that it is unchangeable. It shines equally on a diamond as on a pebble. It is intangible and the most undefined of all creatures. It is unaffected by its surroundings. Even when it seems to have adapted a specific color, just remove the medium through which it shines, and it will return to its original clear color. Herein lies the essence and the significance of Chanukah. The Greeks, who were great philosophers, believed only in what they could intellectually grasp To advertise in our publications or physically sense. Along with their intellectualism, they developed a culture of sports and body email: [email protected] development. As far as Judaism, the Greeks were prepared to accept the mitzvot as part of a great culture, and the Torah, a great work of Jewish literature. What they could not fathom or tolerate was the pure Jewish STAFF belief in an infinite G-d, the devotion to Torah study, not as an intellectual exercise, but as a holy Torah, G-d’s Torah, and observing mitzvot, not because it made sense, but merely because it’s G-d’s Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov commandment that connect us to Him. In the words of the prayer recited on Chanukah, the Greeks Spiritual Director set out to have the Jews forget “G-d’s Torah,” and to cease observing “G-d’s commandments.” Itty Shemtov What Judaism is all about and what helped us survive and thrive through the millennia, is not our Director great intellect and human morals, rather it is the purity of faith, the devotion to G-d and the absolute EDITOr-IN-ChIEF: Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Rabbi Yudi Mann adherence to His commandments under all circumstances. EDITOr-IN-ChIEF: Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Publications Director MaNaGING EDITOr: Doba Lieberman This is what Chanukah is all about. A small and weak group of Jews fighting a mighty Greek army to uphold the intangible and sublime against all odds. G-d responded by rewarding them with the EDITOr: BlumaRabbi Marcus Dov Stein DISTrIbuTION: Rabbi Avraham Green impossible – a miraculous victory. Adult / Youth Education DESIGN: Zalmy Berkowitz And then, G-d rewarded them with the miracle of light – representative of the “candle of mitzvah and Zalmy Berkowitz, phOTOGraphY: Rivki Mann the light of Torah.” SECTION EDITOYouthrS: Rabbi Education Chaim Silver, Shira Gold, Dr. Arnie Gotfryd, Mendy Rimler * * * WEbSITE: www.SoulWiseMagazine.comYaakovah Stein ©2011 by Soulwise Magazine (Over 150,000 copies printed nationally) All rights In the following pages you’ll find – in addition to the history, observance, and inner meaning of reserved, includingProgram the right to reproduce Coordinator any portion of This magazine in any form, without prior written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer the Chanukah events and celebration – contemporary stories of hope and light, truly expressing the who wishes to quote briefAlan passages. Pearlstein Chanukah blessing “For the miracles [which G-d Sincerely, Printed in the USA Administration has performed] in those days, at this time.” Best wishes for a very happy Chanukah Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov Spiritual Director chanukah 5772 MILLENNIUM

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Our 10 FavOrite WEbSITES By Shira gold

Is that an iPad or a digital prayer book? The prophets spoke about a new world of information that would flow like a river, filling all space with the knowledge of truth. Could wi-fi be

››5 ChabaD.OrG Chabad’s online center for classes and events. Log on to find a center near you.

››6 aLEphChaMp.COM The fastest way to learn how to read Hebrew. Makes a great Chanukah gift. Why not share the beauty of our ancient language with your friends. Based on the karate system, this easy to use program has helped thousands to read Hebrew.

››7 Ok.OrG Whether you want to discover the inner dimensions on the Torah or hear dating advise from the experts, this site is the place to ››1 ChaNukahLIVE.COM With everything from local events go for entertaining and informative videos on any Jewish subject. and deep insights to latka recipes, this award-winning Chanukah site brings the story of the Maccabees alive for children of all ages. Check it ››8 JLICENTraL.COM The Jewish Learning Institute is one of out and you’ll see why our editor says no other Chanukah site can hold a the preeminent providers of adult Jewish education. The JLI continues to candle to this winner. set new standards in the field. Find a class near you and see what our sages have been talking about for 3,000 years. Your heritage is at your ››2 LubaVITCh.COM The official website for Chabad Lubavitch finger tips. World Headquarters. The site offers up-to-date information on Chabad’s 4,000 centers worldwide ››9 CTEEN.COM The Chabad Teen Network’s site offers teens from across the globe a chance to come together and unite. The site just ››3 MJI.EDu unleash Your Potential: The demand for professionals announced the upcoming International Teen in City who are well trained and qualified to work in Jewish institutions as and keeps teens updated on local Jewish events and clubs. Quickly tweet educators, program administrators and community leaders will outweigh this site to your teen friends. the supply within a few years. This makes pursuing a career in the Jewish community a logical choice for those with an interest in Judaism ››10 kEhOT.COM Books, Books, Books. This is a site for the or Jewish culture. ‘People of the Book.’ Sure, they have a few e-books, but they also sell real books like prayer books and children’s books. In addition to their ››4 aSkMOSES.COM Live chat with a scholar who knows many titles and online discounts, the site also offers a book of the week how to answer your questions. The team of Rabbis and scholars live at an amazingly low price. in different time zones around the world making it possible to have someone online at all times. Well, almost all the time, except Shabbat >>Send us your comments to [email protected] that is. Hence, the tag line: Ask Moses 24/6.

winter 2011-12 Shedding Light Basically, the forms of work and wealth have both evolved over the years, but their on Chanukah Gelt souls are still very much the same. Some By RaBBi Chaim SilveR two-thousand years ago, the authors of the Mishna wrote about the work-wealth relationship: CHANukAH GELT GoT ME THINkING ABouT MoNEY. IS IT BETTER To “Such is the way of Torah: Bread with salt shall you BE RICH oR BETTER To BE PooR? DoES LuxuRY ENHANCE ouR SPIR- eat and water in small measure shall you drink and on ITuALITY oR IS FILTHY RICH A BAD THING? the ground shall you sleep and a life of austerity shall Some great thinkers in recent history have sung the virtues of you live—and in the Torah you shall toil. If you do so, poverty, as if to say, that the less material wealth you own some- you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you: “You how makes you more spiritual. But my own mother never really shall be happy” in this world; “and it shall be well subscribed to that school of thought. She wanted me to get a job with you”—in the World to Come.” and she made that clear. Honestly, I can afford bread and salt without work- My classmate Eli from Rabbinical College spoke about joining ing overtime, and apparently a Torah cruise to Alaska the Israeli army, or perhaps, joining an international human rights with five-star accommodations seems to be openly group that was bringing running water to villages near Sumatra. shunned by the authors of the Ethics of our Fathers. But he didn’t make a move on either. Yet his subconscious soul But, thank G-d for Talmudic commentary. There’s no must have heard the calling of a modern sage “Money, money, need to cancel your 401-k. money, it’s a rich man’s world.” You see, the same great sages also wrote that Eli now works at one of New York’s top IP firms. In simple terms, “Beauty, strength, wealth, honor, wisdom… are good that means he wears his Shabbat suit all week and protects pay- for the righteous and [when possessed by the right- ing people’s ability to use certain techniques or words while other eous are] good for the world…” guys our age claim otherwise and, of course, vise versa. So, one According to a great scholar called the Chida, the night at exactly 11:42pm Eli found himself again still in the office former Mishna is not advocating asceticism. Rather, it and he called me asking; Why? Does G-d really want me to make means to say, that the way of Torah is such that you some extra cash? should be so absorbed in your spiritual mission that Eli is a supporter of our Hebrew School in Lakeview and told him you become oblivious to all physical desires. It’s only I would do some good old Talmudic research on the matter. This natural, that once you become truly engrossed in To- is what I found: rah, you won’t notice the yacht. chanukah 5772 “...the way of Torah is such that you should be so absorbed in your spiritual mission that you become oblivious to all physical desires. It’s only natural, that once you become truly engrossed in Torah, you won’t notice the yacht.”

Sure, the truly righteous person might yearn to be free of the material world and the distractions caused by vacations homes, angry tenants, brutal gossip col- umnists. Nonetheless, the latter Mishna assures us that these qualities, including wealth, will not ruin the man— they are good for him. Indeed you have no right to turn • FRESH OVER THE COUNTER BUTCHER SHOP SERVICE them down, since they are good for the world—you pos- • ORGANIC•& NHUGEATURA LKOSHERPRODUCTS SELECTION• INTERNATIONAL FOODS sess them for the world’s benefit. • ORGANIC• FARM F&R ENATURALSH PROD PRODUCTSUCE •CHE F •P INTERNATIONALREPARED ENTRE FOODSES • SLICED FRESH TO ORDER DELI MEATS & CHEESES Perhaps it’s a rich man’s world in the sense that all • FARM FRESH PRODUCE ••Q QUALITYUALITY SSEAFOODEAFOOD •• FLORALFLORAL SHOPSHOP those wads of cash in foreign banks are for “the world’s • HUGE KOSHER SELECTION benefit.” We are proud to feature many fine foods from Israel on a personal note to G-d, I would study more, pray • COMMERCE TWP. Hiller’s Market, • WEST BLOOMFIELD Hiller’s Market, more, and be a better Jew, if I had Mark Zukerberg’s 39950 14 Mile Road & Haggerty 6433 Orchard Lake Road money. Who wouldn’t? In a recent survey, 74% of Amer- • PLYMOUTH Hiller’s Market, • NORTHVILLE Hiller’s Market, icans said they would spend more time on their per- 15455 Haggerty Road & 5 Mile 425 North Center Street sonal spirituality if they didn’t have to work for a living. • ANN ARBOR Hiller’s Market • BERKLEY Yet, working hard to make a living just might be a ReturningArborland Mall, Hiller’s Shopping Center, 3615 Washtenaw Ave. 3052 West 12 Mile Rd. good thing, and you may want to think twice before you quit your job. • Hiller’s Market 3010 Union Lake Rd. Commerce Twp. With A Sanders Ice Cream Parlor Located Inside The Store In 1851 a sfardic kabbalist named the Ben Ish Chai wrote about the troubles caused by the “easy life” ver- patientsSHOPPING AhomeT HILLER’ SeveryDOESN'T CO Sday!T MORE, IT OFFERS MORE sus the pleasures of the life of toil: Two donkeys are carrying a load. one is carrying a load of salt and suffering under its weight; the other is carrying a load of nearly weightless sponge and go- ing along joyfully, leaping over the mountains, skipping over the hills. Returning After a few hours they reach a river that they must cross. As soon as the first donkey enters the river, the patients home every day! salt begins to melt and in just moments is gone. The sack is empty and the donkey is walking through the A PROVEN LEADER® in short-term rehab river joyful and light. The other donkey enters the water A PROVEN LEADER® and his load of sponge is filled with much water that in short-term rehab weighs unbearably upon the donkey. The sponge that formerly was its friend has suddenly become its worst Marvin & Betty Danto enemy. Health Care Center Think about it: If you had a personal chef and a beach Marvin6800 West & Betty Maple Danto front home with no job or bills, what would you do all West Bloomfield, MI 48322 day? (Some lucky fellows are actually working this one 248.788.5300 out, and it’s a tough one.) Therefore, in my final analysis of Chanukah Gelt and Health Care Center rich vs. poor, after I’ve seen both sides of the prover- bial chocolate coin, it’s apparent that wealth holds the power to change the world and fulfill the very purpose 6800 West Maple of creation. The rabbis certainly knew that money is a challenge we must face and wealth is a force we must harness in our global effort to heal a broken world. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 So, FoR G-D’S SAkE, GET A JoB AND MAkE SoME REAL MoNEY! Rabbi Chaim Silver graduated from the Rabbinical Seminary of 248.788.5300 New Jersey and now lives with his wife Miriam in Lakeview, CA.

winter 2011-12 The epoch of the Baal Shem Tov came after the Chmielnitzky pogroms, which left the Jews in a state of dejection and despair. It was the aim of the Baal Shem Tov to encourage the Jews and to show them how they could meet the prob- lems of their day while living a life of Torah and Mitzvos.

our present age is similar in many ways to the times of the Baal Shem Tov. one-third of the Jewish population has perished under Hitler and has been cut off from us. How great, then, is the obligation that lies upon each and every one of us to do as much within his power to spread the light of Torah and Mitzvos in his own surround- ings and throughout the world in general.

The Rebbe paused for questions and asked whether the students preferred to first ask all their questions and then he would answer, or did they want each question answered as it was asked. The latter was decided upon and the stu- dents began: Question: The Rebbe said that one should spread Torah. How and in what manner is this to be done? plane. When one has ac- How to perform complished his mission Rebbe: Everyone must do as much as pos- in life, he is elevated to a sible in his immediate surroundings by speak- a Miracle higher plane. The signifi- ing with other people in a way that shows his cance of this for us is that certainty and confidence in the matter. For confi- A unique ConversAtion with the LubAvitCher everyone can now lift him- dence is a characteristic of the youth specifically. rebbe in 1968 self easier to a higher level An older person is often beset with doubts and by studying the teachings hesitations, while the young are sure of them- Anyone who had the good fortune to of the Baal Shem Tov and taking an example selves. It is this characteristic that we must uti- meet the Rebbe during his lifetime can relate from his life. lize in spreading Torah and Mitzvos, and every- one must work at 100% capacity. the unparalleled attention and love that he of- From the very beginning, one of the first fered each individual, regardless of background, things the Baal Shem Tov did was teach small Every means must be employed: the news- situation or degree of religious involvement. children simple things like blessings and to ex- paper, the radio. But, above all, the most vital Whether they came for blessing, advice, or en- plain to them how they could be near to G-d is the personal example we set in our everyday couragement, men and women from all walks Almighty -- that G-d was very real for them living. of life found solace in the Rebbe’s kind words and luminous visage. Anyone who stood in his presence - even for a moment - could not leave a miracle is something that happens which you without being deeply affected, if not changed could not have calculated. When a Jew connects by their encounter, an extraordinary experience himself through his Divine spark with G-d through that people carry with them to this day. fervent prayer, Torah, and mitzvos, he can affect things in this physical world “from above” -- that The following is an excerpt of a meet- means by a way which is beyond calculation. ing between a group of college students and the Rebbe held on March 7th 1960. It’s The unique and close to them and not far-removed in some conversation sheds new light on the nature of Question: What was the role that the Baal a miracle. The Rebbe began with introductory “seventh heaven.” He worked not only with Shem Tov played in the Chasidic movement? remarks: teenagers but even with six- and seven-year- old children, making them understand how G-d Rebbe: We can understand what the Baal This year has special significance, being the Almighty watches over them all the time -- not Shem Tov did by the simile of the relationship 200th anniversary of the Histalkus of the Baal only Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, but all the days of an electric powerhouse with a lamp that is Shem Tov, the founder of general Chasidism. of their life, and that by obeying G-d’s will they connected to it by a wire. In order to light his The word histalkus does not mean death in would be assured of a happy and harmonious lamp, one must find the right switch, or push the the sense of coming to an end but rather an el- life, materially and spiritually. correct button. The soul of every Jew is a part of evation from one level to another on a higher and is connected with G-d Almighty, but in order

chanukah 5772 that one can enjoy the great benefits of it, the correct switch must be found or the proper button pushed. It was the Baal Shem Tov’s mission to explain and proclaim that every Jew without exception is connected with “the powerhouse,” and every one of them has a switch in his innermost, that will be found if searched for.

So also every one of us in our own work in strengthening Ju- daism must try to find the switch in the soul of every Jew.o ne can ComboBusCardAd-3.5x2 9/8/06 12:09 PM Page 1 never know what will make the connection, perhaps one word. ComboBusCardAd-3.5x2 9/8/06 12:09 PM Page 1 But by this, you open up the well or inner fountain of his soul. ComboBusCardAd-3.5x2 9/8/06 12:09 PM Page 1 Question: What is the function of a Rebbe?

Rebbe: As was said earlier, to find the switch in every Jew and help him become connected with the powerhouse. Question: How far does the power of the Rebbe extend in natural law? Does the Rebbe have preferred status as regards prayer? Farmington Hills • Troy [Someone added that what is meant is whether the Rebbe Farmington Hills • Troy can perform miracles.] new FabalancermingtonFARMINGTON Hills • Troy HILLS 37606 West 12 Mile Rd. • Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 Rebbe: This world is not separate from the higher worlds but new248.324.0506 balance •F ARMINGTONFax 248.324.0510 HILLS is another step, the last one, in a long chain of worlds. 37606 West new12 Mile balance newRd. • balanceFarmingtonFARMINGTONTROY Hills, HILLSMichigan 48331 Everything in this world comes from and is influenced by 37606821 West East 12248.324.0506 BigMile Beaver Rd. • RoadFarmington • Fax• 248.324.0510Troy, Hills,Michigan Michigan 48083 48331 the higher ones. A miracle is something that happens which you 248.324.0506248.740.9221new balance •• FaxFax 248.324.0510248.740.8953TROY could not have calculated. When a Jew connects himself through 821 East Big Beaverwww.nbdetroit.comnew balanceRoad • Troy,TROY Michigan 48083 his Divine spark with G-d through fervent prayer, Torah, and Mitz- 821 East 248.740.9221Big Beaver Road • Fax• 248.740.8953Troy, Michigan 48083 vos, he can affect things in this physical world “from above” -- • Fax 248.740.8953 that means by a way which is beyond calculation. This power is not the prerogative of one Jew but of every Jew.

Rabbi Gurewitz, of the Hillel Foundation, thanked the Rebbe for the interview and started to leave, but then the Rebbe said:

Now I want to ask you a question, and at the same time try to perform a miracle.

Everything has a purpose. What was the purpose of our com- ing together here tonight? Certainly it was not merely to ask ques- tions and receive answers, good or bad. Rather it was to achieve something.

All of us here are young, myself included, and have tens of years yet before us. Since six million of our people in Russia, Po- arketipo basik collection land and Hungary have been lost to us through Hitler, we have a special task to accomplish -- the work that they could have done, leolux artifort at least a major part of it. horm emeco porada alivar . . . . Everyone counts. No Jew is expendable. We all must work to the fullest capacity, every one of us. In our day-to-day life we in stock and quick ship * items available. must use our full strength to add to the side of good, and by this we will gain a life of happiness and harmony -- and all this can be done only through a life of Torah and Mitzvos tested by our 3,500 year history. This obligation lies upon every Jew and G-d has given worldwide shipping.

him the power to carry this through successfully. Custom wall units, closet arketipo moon collection systems and bedroom suites. And if each of us, beginning tomorrow, should add in his own arketipo loft collection personal life more Torah and Mitzvos and influence the environ- ment in the same direction, if we all will do this, myself included, this indeed will be our miracle.

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Did Chanukah Looking at the events today, happen years you start to wonder. The ago or is it story of a little light pushing happening away an empire of darkness, right now? human sensibility defying terror and brute force, life and growth overcoming destruction—the battle is very much alive within each of us, and in the world outside of us. The victory of light over darkness is the cosmic mega drama—the ongoing story of all that is. This victory occurs at every winter solstice and at the dawn of each day. It is found in every decision to do good in the face of evil, to be kind where there is cruelty and to build where others destroy. and beyond.Chanukah In Judaism, is more although than a holiday; we can appreciate it is an eight-day holy objects anddevour observances the weak. on It is a beautifulwhere it garden, can be filled seen fromwith the light street, of eitherits Creator. in the manyspiritual levels, journey. they are Inessentially this tradition, higher we than present our finite Chanukah understanding and perception, doorway across from the mezuzah or near a window, sincein athey New are Light. rooted Many in peoplethe Infinite. know theIt wasstory this of “holiness”Chanukah, that the WarGreeks andfailed Peaceto reminding us of our duty to share the spiritual light of destroy.the triumph And it ofis athis small holiness group that of Jews is manifested who challenged in the lightstheir of Chanukah.Hellenism, the Greekwarmth culture, and meant wisdom accepting with itsour pagan surroundings. gods and Greek Greek oppressors and a little oil that miraculously kindled philosophy. Jews who were sympathetic to the Hellenistic view quickly theThe lights War of the menorah for eight days. The spirit of gained power and prominence.Untouchable But many Jews remained loyal to their ChanukahMattisyahu is theexperienced Kohen, and when his five we applysons, beganits joy, to warmthchallenge thebeliefs. Greek strongholdsEliezer, a Kohen (JewishVictory priest), turned was bittersweetexecuted because when he the refused Maccabees to withand a light group to of our followers lives—not called only the in Maccabees. our homes Historical with our sourcesabandon estimate his Jewish their faith.found Many that Jewish the women Temple were was murdered desecrated for having and the numbersloved ones, at 6,000, but with while the Antiochusentire world. IV sent 40,000 troops to their overwhelm sons circumcised. them. Sevenpure oilsons needed of Chana, to lighta simple the Jewish menorah woman, was were defiled. Yehudis, a young widow, used cunning tactics to assassinate Holofernes,put to death a vicious for refusing Miraculously, to bow down the to paganMaccabees gods. discovered a single jar Seleucid175 general. BCE After significant losses in the cities of Shechem andThe Beit big Choron,trouble for theof pureSeleucids oil, with began the in seal the of village the Kohen of Mod’in, Gadol when(Jewish AntiochusAlexander IV sent the an Great additional was the 65,000leader of troops. the Greek The Empire Maccabees the fought aged bitter, Kohen yet Mattisyahu high cried priest) out, intact. “Whoever With thisis for oil, G-d, the join Holy me!” Temple Thus, was intelligent,who by thebattles age thatof 21 are had studied conquered by military most tacticiansof the known to this verythe day. fight After for threereligious freedomreinaugurated. began. yearsworld. and Hethousands respected of the lives, Jews. Israel He wasdidn’t finally want wage war King Solomon wrote, “EverythingWhy didn’t has the its Seleucids season …just A timedestroy to bethe born, oil, as againstOn Chanukah, tiny Judea; we celebrate he only two required miracles: heavy the victory taxes. Theof the Maccabeesa time to dieover … theA time foropposed war, a totime defiling for peace” it? Oil(Ecclesiastes). is a symbol Infor Judaism, holiness. It forcesTalmud of Antiochus details many IV in conversations the battlefield, that and young the Alexandermiracle of the oilpeace which is theburned ultimate for goal.can Yet permeate if one is anything. being attacked, Yet when Jewish placed law forbidsin water, a it eighthad days. with The the victory Jewish in Sages, the battlefield many of whomwas miraculous, traveled but to it waspassive physical, stance. limited Peace andrises the to sanctity the top. of Defiled, human lifenot require,destroyed, at times, oil is thatexactly by Greecetime and to space.tutor royalty. The miracle of the oil, which enabled the Jewish people to resumeone mustwhat defend Antiochus one’s self, IV one’swanted. family He andallowed one’s the country. Jews to the serviceAfter in Alexander’s the holy Temple, death, thewas Greekspiritual. empire Jews was around split the world emulate this Despiteadhere the to facttheir that culture the and Maccabees keep their were laws, fewer as long in as miracleinto threeand spirituality territories: today Greece, by observing Egypt and Chanukah. Syria. In 175 B.C.E., Antiochus strengthit was and “touched” in numbers, by the they Greek stood ideals up and against philosophy. the IVThe rose Chanukah to power struggle over is the found Syrian within territories, each of whichus. Chasidic included teachings Israel. explain The thatoppressor withChasidic complete teachings faith inexplain G-d’s mercy.that despite One lesson any entity of weSyrian have two Greeks, souls. called One Seleucids,soul is drawn were to not the interested spiritual, inthe co-existence, other to the butphysical. in WeChanukah that is triesthat when to sever we resolve our connection to introduce to G-dliness,spirituality the mayassimilation. reconcile this duality by being involved with the material world, but toward intoa ouressence lives, G-dof a assists soul can us wellnever beyond be defiled. our limitations. This spark of spiritualThe end. Talmud, This is the one Book reason of why the Maccabees,there are so Josephusmany mitzvot and otherin the worksTorah, all ofG-d tellsholiness His children, continuously “Make forburns Me anda small longs opening, to be fannedlike themdetail involving the events physical of Chanukah. action. When Antiochus the physical IV sent is engaged his ministers for spiritual to force purposes, the eye intoof a aneedle, great and flame. I will Theopen foruniverse you an openingwas created to theGreek conflict culture is transformed on the people into of Israel.peace Mostand Jewsharmony. conformed. A world What of peaceelse could begins withthrough perpetuate which caravans light, andcan itenter” is inherently (Midrash). good We (Genesis).simply innerthey peace. do against When the one might makes of thepeace empire? within, The it Zohar has an says of this period: “The need toBut begin there the areprocess times for when G-d to darkness help us invadesattain that G-d’s effectGreeks on hisdarkened or her thehome, eyes environment of Israel with and their eventually decrees.” world. At such times, wewhich search we perceivedfor the hidden as unattainable. “single jar of pure oil” (Chanukah the entireThe world. festival of Chanukah is about light overcomingliturgy), darkness. the pure Our and indestructible spark of Creation, which radiates goodness and world is currently experiencing a particularly dark time. holiness.We have become Pure Light apprehensive,The Soul of even a Flame about opening the letters in our mailbox. Our sons, Antiochus IV outlawed three specific mitzvot and daughters,The name friends“Chanukah” and neighbors is rooted inare several halfway different, around the world,The fighting Eighth an Nightrendered their practice punishable by death. These mitzvot yetenemy related, that sources. has no It borders. comes from “kah,” the Hebrew The Maccabees hadwere done “Shabbat,” all that was which physically is a testimony possible, to thebut factthe thatsmall there jar of equivalent“The ofsoul 25, of and man “chanu,” is a lamp meaning of G-d” rest. (Proverbs It is also 23:27). oil Ourwas challenge,only enough tois lighta Creator the candlesWho rested of the on menorah the seventh for day;one day.“Blessing To prepare the connectedwhether we with are the on wordsthe front “inauguration” lines or fighting (chanukat) rush hour atmore home, oil is would to bring require New a process Month,” of at which least seven determines days. whenAfter defeating Jews can the sanctify world’s andlight “education” into the world.(chinuch). The reason the Chanukah candles aremost lit after powerful nightfall army andtheir gaining holidays; religious and “Circumcision,” freedom for generationswhich imbues to holiness come, the isOn to theremind 25th us day that of even the in Hebrew our darkest month moments, of Kislev, we haveMaccabees the potential were to not aboutinto tothe give human up. Theybody. litThe the spiritual menorah ghetto with thatthe littleAntiochus oil they theilluminate Maccabees if we rested kindle from a flame. their battle. They marched found, and miraculously,IV tried the menorahto force on shone the Jewish for eight people days, was plus a world 2000 without years, as victoriously into the holy Temple in Jerusalem, ready to Chanukah continues toa illuminate Creator, our time home without and world sanctity today. and people with no reinaugurateSpiritual the holy Annihilation service. They would forever serve However miraculousconnection their victory, to the some Divine. would attribute the Maccabean military as roleAntiochus models, or IV,educators, called to Epiphanies future generations. (the Illustrious) bysuccess his friends to their and superior Though strategy. a Theperson last might night have of the a burning holiday desire is called to be Zot EpimanesWhat does (the a soul Madman) look like? by Look his enemies,at the flame did notof a buildChanukah, ghettos, “This force is Chanukah.”spiritual, aOur concrete Sages explain action is that needed “zot” to refers ignite to a something flame. candle.conversions A flame or is set bright, out tojumping, annihilate never the resting; Jewish the people, when as it Pharaoh is revealed or and Lackingtangible, the “when oil ofit can genuine be pointed substance, to with one’s a finger.” passion When can the naturalNebuchadnezzar desire of a soul had is plotted to “jump before up” tohim. G-d, Neither to break did he Jewishintend peopleto destroy witnessed quickly a scientific fade, failing impossibility, to introduce the miracleany enduring of the oil,light there into was freetheir of physical culture. limitations. Instead, he The outlawed wick and thecandle observance anchor of no specific denying G-d’s mitzvot presence. the world. A life without mitzvot is like a wick without a flame;(Divine a actions),physical predictingbody grounds that the when soul, the forcing Jews the would ceaseWhy to does observe G-d performoil—it miracles? yields little Without or no miracles,light. such as the oil found in the soulthese to do precepts, its job, itto would give light lead and to the warmth. end of The Judaism human as a uniqueholy Temple,religion andone might believeThere arethat nine the laws branches of physics on the define Chanukah reality. menorah, However, body,nation. precious He wanted and holy, the isJews likened to be to just the another holy Temple. conquered once tribe. we And see so, the he inexplicable, even though we witness Chanukah a transcendent is celebrated reality for andeight attain days. a higherThe Thedeclared Baal Shemwar against Tov, foundertheir souls. of Chasidism, always consciousness. We can ninththen lookbranch back is theat physics,shammash, point the with “servant” our finger candle, and which realize, advisedThe against Greeks asceticism, were great fasts philosophers. and hurting They the acknowledged body. “This the too mitzvot is a miracle.” as stands apart from the other candles. This candle is lit so Better,part of he a would great say,culture, to useand yourthe Torah body as to a perform great work a of JewishThe Baalliterature. Shem Tovthat said, when “The we difference make use between of the Chanukahnature and light, a miracle we do isso the deedWhat of kindness. they would not tolerate was that “G-d, Creator frequency.” of the Universe, from the shammash, and not from the eight Chanukah ordainedKindness the is practice contagious. of these When mitzvot.” our soul In the tells words our of the Theprayer Kabbalah, recited Jewishflames. mysticism, teaches that the ultimate miracle is not the bodyon toChanukah, do a kind the deed, Greeks both set theout soulto have and the body Jews are forget splitting “[G-d’s] of Torah,” the sea, manna“…These from heaven, [eight Chanukah] or the sun flames standing are still.kodesh It (holy).is described We affected.and to cease Eventually, observing other “[G-d’s] souls commandments.” around us awaken as the subtle and, at theare same not permittedtime, dramatic to make transformation use of them, of only the universe to gaze atthat and influenceWhenever their we bodies do a to mitzvah, do the same. we becomeBefore long, G–d’s autographwill occur on with His the arrivalthem” of (Chanukah Moshiach. liturgy). At that time, nature itself will uncover wemasterpiece, create an international declaring for epidemic all that of this kindness. is not aThis jungle its where miraculous the strong essence. WhatThe is Hebrew now perceived word “kodesh” as a wall literally between means the physical separate and is one reason why the Chanukah menorah is placed spiritual will be revealed as a bridge. How can we bring about this miracle? With the light of our collective mitzvot. chanukah 5772 FaLL 2011 and beyond.Chanukah In Judaism, is more although than a weholiday; can appreciate it is an holyeight-day objects anddevour observances the weak. on It is awhere beautiful it can garden, be seen filled from with the the street, light of either its Creator. in the manyspiritual levels, theyjourney. are essentiallyIn this tradition, higher thanwe presentour finite Chanukah understanding and perception, doorway across from the mezuzah or near a window, sincein they a New are Light. rooted Many in the people Infinite. know It the was story this of “holiness” Chanukah, that the GreeksWar failed and to Peace reminding us of our duty to share the spiritual light of destroy.the triumphAnd it is of this a small holiness group that of isJews manifested who challenged in the lights their of Chanukah.Hellenism, the Greekwarmth culture, and meant wisdom accepting with our its pagansurroundings. gods and Greek Greek oppressors and a little oil that miraculously kindled philosophy. Jews who were sympathetic to the Hellenistic view quickly Thethe lights War of the menorah for eight days. The spirit of gained power and prominence.Untouchable But many Jews remained loyal to their MattisyahuChanukah isthe experienced Kohen, and whenhis five we sons, apply began its joy, to challengewarmth the beliefs.Greek strongholds Eliezer, a Kohen (JewishVictory priest), turned was bittersweet executed because when the he refused Maccabees to withand a group light toof ourfollowers lives—not called only the in Maccabees. our homes Historical with our sourcesabandon estimate his their Jewish faith.found Many that Jewish the women Temple were was murdered desecrated for andhaving the numbersloved atones, 6,000, but with while the Antiochus entire world. IV sent 40,000 troops to overwhelmtheir sons circumcised. them. pure Seven oil sons needed of Chana, to light a simple the menorahJewish woman, was defiled. were Yehudis, a young widow, used cunning tactics to assassinate Holofernes,put to deatha vicious for refusing Miraculously, to bow down the to Maccabees pagan gods. discovered a single jar Seleucid175 general. BCE After significant losses in the cities of Shechem andThe Beit big Choron, trouble forof the pure Seleucids oil, with began the sealin the of villagethe Kohen of Mod’in, Gadol (Jewish when AntiochusAlexander IV sent the an Great additional was the 65,000 leader troops.of the Greek The MaccabeesEmpire foughtthe aged bitter, Kohen yet Mattisyahu high priest)cried out, intact. “Whoever With this is foroil, G-d,the Holyjoin me!”Temple Thus, was intelligent,who by battles the age that of are21 studiedhad conquered by military most tacticians of the known to this verythe day. fight After for three religious reinaugurated.freedom began. yearsworld. and thousands He respected of lives,the Jews. Israel He was didn’t finally want free. to wage war King Solomon wrote, “EverythingWhy didn’t thehas Seleucidsits season just… A destroy time to the be born,oil, as Onagainst Chanukah, tiny Judea;we celebrate he only two required miracles: heavy the victory taxes. of The the Maccabeesa time to over die …the A time opposedfor war, toa timedefiling for peace” it? Oil (Ecclesiastes). is a symbol for In Judaism,holiness. It forcesTalmud of Antiochus details many IV in conversationsthe battlefield, that and young the miracle Alexander of the oil peacewhich isburned the ultimate for goal.can Yetpermeate if one isanything. being attacked, Yet when Jewish placed law in forbids water, a it eighthad days. with The the victory Jewish in the Sages, battlefield many ofwas whom miraculous, traveled but to it waspassive physical, stance. limited Peace andrises the to sanctitythe top. ofDefiled, human notlife destroyed,require, at oiltimes, is exactly that by timeGreece and to space. tutor Theroyalty. miracle of the oil, which enabled the Jewish people to resumeone mustwhat defend Antiochus one’s self,IV wanted. one’s family He allowed and one’s the country. Jews to the serviceAfter in Alexander’sthe holy Temple, death, was the spiritual. Greek empire Jews wasaround split the world emulate this Despiteadhere the to their fact culture that the and Maccabees keep their werelaws, as fewer long in as miracleinto and three spirituality territories: today Greece, by observing Egypt and Chanukah. Syria. In 175 B.C.E., Antiochus strengthit was and “touched” in numbers, by the theyGreek stood ideals upand against philosophy. the TheIV roseChanukah to power struggle over is thefound Syrian within territories, each of us. which Chasidic included teachings Israel. explain The thatoppressor Chasidic with complete teachings faith explain in G-d’s that mercy. despite One anylesson entity of we haveSyrian two Greeks, souls. calledOne soul Seleucids, is drawn were to thenot spiritual,interested the in otherco-existence, to the physical. but in WeChanukah that is tries that to when sever we our resolve connection to introduce to G-dliness, spirituality the mayassimilation. reconcile this duality by being involved with the material world, but toward ainto ouressence lives, ofG-d a soulassists can us never well beyondbe defiled. our limitations.This spark of spiritualThe end. Talmud, This is one the reason Book ofwhy the there Maccabees, are so many Josephus mitzvot and in other the Torah, works all ofG-d tellsholiness His children, continuously “Make burns for Me and a smalllongs opening, to be fanned like themdetail involving the events physical of action. Chanukah. When Antiochus the physical IV is sent engaged his ministers for spiritual to force purposes, the eyeinto of a needle, great flame.and I will The open universe for you an was opening created to the conflictGreek culture is transformed on the people into of peaceIsrael. andMost harmony. Jews conformed. A world Whatof peace else couldbegins withthrough perpetuate which caravans light, and can it enter”is inherently (Midrash). good We (Genesis). simply innerthey peace. do against When theone mightmakes of peace the empire? within, The it hasZohar an says of this period: “The need toBut begin there the are process times for when G-d darknessto help us invades attain G-d’sthat effectGreeks on his darkened or her home, the eyes environment of Israel with and theireventually decrees.” world. At such times, wewhich search we for perceived the hidden as unattainable. “single jar of pure oil” (Chanukah the entireThe world. festival of Chanukah is about light overcomingliturgy), darkness. the pure Our and indestructible spark of Creation, which radiates goodness and world is currently experiencing a particularly dark time.holiness. We have become Pure Light Theapprehensive, Soul of even a Flame about opening the letters in our mailbox. Our sons, Antiochus IV outlawed three specific mitzvot and Thedaughters, name “Chanukah” friends and isneighbors rooted in are several halfway different, around the world,The fighting Eighth an Nightrendered their practice punishable by death. These mitzvot yet related,enemy thatsources. has no It borders.comes from “kah,” the Hebrew The Maccabees had donewere “Shabbat,”all that was which physically is a testimony possible, to but the the fact small that therejar of equivalent“The of soul 25, andof man “chanu,” is a lampmeaning of G-d” rest. (ProverbsIt is also 23:27).oil was Our onlychallenge, enough to islight a Creator the candles Who restedof the on menorah the seventh for one day; day. “Blessing To prepare the connectedwhether with we are the on words the front “inauguration” lines or fighting (chanukat) rush hour moreat home, oil wouldis to bring require aNew process Month,” of at whichleast seven determines days. After when defeating Jews can the sanctify world’s and light“education” into the (chinuch). world. The reason the Chanukah candles aremost lit after powerful nightfall army andtheir gaining holidays; religious and “Circumcision,” freedom for generations which imbues to come,holiness the Onis to the remind 25th us day that of even the Hebrewin our darkest month moments, of Kislev, we haveMaccabees the potential were notto aboutinto to the give human up. They body. lit Thethe spiritualmenorah ghetto with the that little Antiochus oil they the Maccabeesilluminate if rested we kindle from a their flame. battle. They marched found, and miraculously,IV thetried menorah to force shoneon the forJewish eight people days, was plus a world 2000 years,without as victoriously into the holy Temple in Jerusalem, ready to Chanukah continues to illuminatea Creator, our time home without and world sanctity today. and people with no reinaugurateSpiritual the holy Annihilationservice. They would forever serve However miraculous connectiontheir victory, to somethe Divine. would attribute the Maccabean military as role models,Antiochus or educators, IV, called to Epiphaniesfuture generations. (the Illustrious) bysuccess his friends to their and superior strategy.Though a The person last might night haveof the a holidayburning isdesire called to beZot WhatEpimanes does a (the soul Madman) look like? by Look his at enemies, the flame did of nota buildChanukah, ghettos, “This force is Chanukah.”spiritual, Our a concrete Sages explain action that is needed “zot” refers to ignite to something a flame. candle.conversions A flame oris setbright, out jumping, to annihilate never theresting; Jewish the people,when as it Pharaohis revealed or and tangible,Lacking “when the oil it ofcan genuine be pointed substance, to with one’sa finger.” passion When can the naturalNebuchadnezzar desire of a soul had is toplotted “jump before up” to him. G-d, Neither to break did heJewish intend people to destroy witnessed quickly a scientific fade, impossibility,failing to introduce the miracle any enduringof the oil, light there into was free theirof physical culture. limitations. Instead, The he wick outlawed and candle the observance anchor ofno specificdenying G-d’s mitzvot presence. the world. A life without mitzvot is like a wick without a flame;(Divine a physical actions), body predicting grounds that the when soul, theforcing Jews the would ceaseWhy todoes observe G-d perform oil—it miracles? yields littleWithout or no miracles, light. such as the oil found in the soul theseto do precepts, its job, to it give would light lead and to warmth.the end ofThe Judaism human as a uniqueholy Temple, religion one and might believeThere that are the nine laws branches of physics on the define Chanukah reality. menorah, However, body,nation. precious He andwanted holy, the is Jewslikened to beto thejust holyanother Temple. conquered once tribe. we Andsee theso, inexplicable,he even wethough witness Chanukah a transcendent is celebrated reality for and eight attain days. a higher The The declared Baal Shem war against Tov, founder their souls. of Chasidism, always consciousness. We can thenninth look branch back is at the physics, shammash, point the with “servant” our finger candle, and which realize, advised Theagainst Greeks asceticism, were great fasts philosophers. and hurting They the body.acknowledged “This the too mitzvot is a miracle.” as stands apart from the other candles. This candle is lit so Better,part he of woulda great say, culture, to use and your the bodyTorah toas performa great work a of JewishThe Baal literature. Shem Tov thatsaid, when“The wedifference make use between of the natureChanukah and light,a miracle we do is sothe deedWhat of kindness. they would not tolerate was that “G-d, Creatorfrequency.” of the Universe, from the shammash, and not from the eight Chanukah Kindnessordained the is contagious.practice of these When mitzvot.” our soul In tells the words our of theThe prayer Kabbalah, recited Jewishflames. mysticism, teaches that the ultimate miracle is not the bodyon to Chanukah, do a kind the deed, Greeks both set the out soul to andhave bodythe Jews are forgetsplitting “[G-d’s] of Torah,”the sea, manna “…Thesefrom heaven, [eight orChanukah] the sun flamesstanding are still. kodesh It is (holy). described We affected.and to Eventually, cease observing other “[G-d’s] souls aroundcommandments.” us awaken as the subtle and, at theare same not time, permitted dramatic to make transformation use of them, of the only universe to gaze that at and influenceWhenever their we bodies do ato mitzvah,do the same. we becomeBefore long, G–d’s will autograph occur with on His the arrivalthem” of (Chanukah Moshiach. liturgy). At that time, nature itself will uncover we createmasterpiece, an international declaring forepidemic all that of thiskindness. is not This a jungle its where miraculous the strong essence. WhatThe is now Hebrew perceived word “kodesh”as a wall literallybetween meansthe physical separate and is one reason why the Chanukah menorah is placed spiritual will be revealed as a bridge. How can we bring about this miracle? With the light of our collective mitzvot. chanukah 5772 FaLL 2011 Shammash Tuesday, Dec. 20 After nightfall Blessings No. 1, 2 & 3 1 Lighting a Shammash Wednesday, Dec. 21 Menorah After nightfall Blessings No. 1 & 2 1 2

A Chanukah menorah has eight Shammash Thursday, Dec. 22 candle holders in one straight miracle of Chanukah, so is prohibited to ignite a flame.) After nightfall row of equal height. The we place the menorah in On Saturday, the Chanukah Blessings No. 1 & 2 1 2 3

shammash (servant candle)— the doorway, opposite the menorah is not lit until the end Shammash an additional candle which is mezuzah, or by a window, of Shabbat, after the Havdalah Friday, Dec. 23 Before Shabbat used to light the menorah—is clearly visible to the outside. prayer is recited. // On the Candle Lighting 1 2 3 4 Blessings No. 1 & 2 placed higher or set aside from // Candles may be used, but first night of Chanukah, before Shammash the others. A menorah which because of its role in the lighting the Shabbat candles, Saturday, Dec. 24 uses electric candles can be Chanukah miracle, a menorah gather the family for the After Shabbat Ends & Havdalah is Recited 1 2 3 4 5 used as a Chanukah decoration, of oil is especially significant. lighting of the menorah. Before Blessings No. 1 & 2 but does not achieve the mitzvah // On Friday afternoon, we light lighting, say the appropriate Shammash Sunday, Dec. 25 of lighting the menorah. the Chanukah candles just blessings (see below). Use the After nightfall Part of the Chanukah before the Shabbat candles. (On shammash to light the first Blessings No. 1 & 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

mitzvah is publicizing the Shabbat, the holy day of rest, it candle on your far right of the Shammash

Monday, Dec. 26 After nightfall Blessings No. 1 & 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Shammash Games&Gelt 3 Easy Steps to Tuesday, Dec. 27 After nightfall Blessings No. 1 & 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kabbalah of Oil the Greeks who occupied Israel deemed Jewish To celebrate the rituals punishable by death. Teachers and their The Blessings miracle of the oil, students defiantly studied in secret and, when 1 Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei- it is traditional to patrols came by, would pretend to be playing nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de eat fried foods, such as an innocent game. The dreidel (or sevivon in sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Vi-tzi-vo-no potato latkes (pancakes) and sufganiot (Israeli- Hebrew) is a four-sided spinning top. A Hebrew Le-had-lik Ner Cha-nu-kah. style doughnuts). To produce oil, intense letter is written on each side: Nun, Gimel, Hay 2 Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu pressure is put on the olive. Chasidus explains and Shin, representing the phrase Nes Gadol Me-lech Ho-olom She-o-so Ni that many times people experience pressures Hayah Sham—A Great Miracle Happened sim La-avo-sei-nu Bayo-mim Ho-heim Bi-z'man Ha-zeh. in life. Yet, “G-d does not overburden His There. In Israel, the Shin is replaced with a 3 Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu creations.” The purpose of this pressure is to Peh, for the word “Po,” Here. // Each player Me-lech Ho-olom She-heche-yo-nu unleash one’s potential and hidden strength. begins with a certain amount of coins, candy Ve-ki-yi-mo-nu Ve-higi-o-nu Liz-man // We also eat dairy products on Chanukah to or any kind of token. Each player puts a token Ha-zeh. commemorate the Jewish heroine, Yehudis. i n t o the pot. The youngest player often Blessing #3 is only recited on the In 164 B.C.E., the Greek general Holofernes spins the dreidel first. The letter first evening (or the first time one besieged the village of Bethulia. After intense facing upward determines the kindles the lights this Chanukah). fighting, Yehudis rebuked the town elders who payoff. Nun = nothing, Gimel = were about to surrender. She then approached everything, Hay = half, Shin/ Hanairos Hallolu Holofernes to offer her services as a spy. She Peh = add two tokens to the We kindle these lights (to com- met Holofernes in his tent and offered him pot. memorate) the saving acts, miracles and wonders which You salty cheese, followed by wine to quench have performed for our forefathers, his thirst, causing him to fall asleep. Yehudis Splurge on Charity in those days at this time, through beheaded him and escaped. When the Greek On Chanukah, it is traditional to give gelt Your holy Kohanim. Throughout the soldiers found his corpse, they retreated in (money) to children. Maimonides explains that eight days of Chanukah, these light fear. Yehudis saved her village and countless the Greeks attempted to defile not only Jewish are sacred, and we are not permit- lives with the help of a little cheese. rituals, but also their property. The triumph of ted to make use of them, but only Chanukah is celebrated by giving gelt, often to look at them, in order to offer Dreidel, a Short History. designated for charity. thanks and praise to Your great The game of dreidel is one of the oldest Charity is one of the greatest mitzvot Name for Your miracles, for Your recorded games in history. Around 170 B.C.E., because a person puts time, energy, body and wonders and for Your salvations.

winter 2011-12 28100 Telegraph Rd

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Over 30 Years Experience

29500 W. 9 Mile Road West of Middlebelt Rd. Farmington Hills 248.615.7788 800.974.4164 Visit Us At: VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Spreading the Light The shul spreads the light of judaism, during Chanukah and throughout the year.



TheShulPages.indd 6 12/1/11 7:56 PM WINTER 2011-2012

TheShulPages.indd 7 12/1/11 7:56 PM CELEBRATE OUR COLLECTIVE BIRTHDAY TOGETHER This invitation (and its holder) may be redeemed for a mystical and uplifting High Holiday experience, and a good and sweet New Year. Bring your friends.

Engaging Bilingual Enjoyable RSVP not & inclusive prayer FEEL Youth required but Services books YOUR Services appreciated ROSH HASHANA SOUL YOM KIPPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28 FRIDAY, OCT. 7 Evening Service 6:00 pm Light Candles 6:48 pm Kol Nidrei Service 6:30 pm Light Candles 7:04 pm FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 SATURDAY, OCT. 8 THURSDAY, SEPT. 29 Morning Service 9:00 am Morning Service 9:30 am Morning Service 9:00 am Shofar Blowing 11:00 am Yizkor Service 12:00 pm Micha & Neilah 5:15 pm Evening Services 6:00 pm Shofar Blowing 11:00 am Final Shofer Blowing 7:46 pm Evening Services & Tashlich 6:00 pm Light Candles 7:00pm Fast ends 7:46 pm (waterfront service) SATURDAY, OCT. 1 Light Candles after 8:01pm Morning Service 9:30 am Shabbos Ends 7:58 pm 248.788.4000 CELEBRATE OUR COLLECTIVE BIRTHDAY TOGETHER This invitation (and its holder) may be redeemed for a mystical and uplifting High Holiday experience, and a good and sweet New Year. Bring your friends.

Engaging Bilingual Enjoyable RSVP not & inclusive prayer FEEL Youth required but Services books YOUR Services appreciated ROSH HASHANA SOUL YOM KIPPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28 FRIDAY, OCT. 7 Evening Service 6:00 pm Light Candles 6:48 pm Kol Nidrei Service 6:30 pm Light Candles 7:04 pm FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 SATURDAY, OCT. 8 THURSDAY, SEPT. 29 Morning Service 9:00 am Morning Service 9:30 am Morning Service 9:00 am Shofar Blowing 11:00 am Yizkor Service 12:00 pm Micha & Neilah 5:15 pm Evening Services 6:00 pm Shofar Blowing 11:00 am Final Shofer Blowing 7:46 pm Evening Services & Tashlich 6:00 pm Light Candles 7:00pm Fast ends 7:46 pm (waterfront service) SATURDAY, OCT. 1 Light Candles after 8:01pm Morning Service 9:30 am Shabbos Ends 7:58 pm 248.788.4000 TheThe Fountain Fountain Fountain The ofof Youth Youth Youth of byb bLy bLumumA mAA mArCrus,Cus, us, C r mA A um bL y b editoreditor of of sou souLwiseLwise mA mAgAgzineAzine zine A g mA wise L ou s of editor

OdayOday is Helenis Helen FO x’sFOx’s 92nd 92nd birth birth- - - birth 92nd x’s O F Helen is day O in i honorn honor of thisof this momentous momentous momentous this of honor n i day. TToccasionoccasion we we have have decided decided to bake to bake bake to decided have we occasion T challahchallah together; together; to kneadto knead the the dough, dough, let let let dough, the knead to together; challah it riseit rise and and say say the the blessing blessing together. together. together. blessing the say and rise it

somethingsomething Jewish Jewish women women have have been been been have women Jewish omething s doingdoing for forthousands thousands of years.of years. years. of thousands for doing

as awes we are are waiting waiting for forthe the dough dough to rise to rise rise to dough the for waiting are we s a HelenHelen offers offers to maketo make me me a cup a cup of coffee.of coffee. coffee. of cup a me make to offers Helen i’mi ’m expecting expecting coffee coffee like like most most grand grand- - - grand most like coffee expecting ’m i mothersmothers make. make. you y ou know, know, made made from from in- in- - in from made know, ou y make. mothers stantstant coffee coffee that that has has been been sitting sitting in thein the the in sitting been has that coffee stant pantrypantry for fora few a few years. years. But But not not so sofor forHel Hel- - - Hel for so not But years. few a for pantry en.en. she s showshe shows me me her her high high tech tech percolator percolator percolator tech high her me shows he s en. andand proceeds proceeds to brewto brew me me a fresh a fresh cup. cup. i’m i ’m ’m i cup. fresh a me brew to proceeds and amazed.amazed. i can i can only only hope hope that that when when i am i am am i when that hope only can i amazed. ninetyninety two two i will i will be beable able to doto dothe the same. same. same. the do to able be will i two ninety to tbeo beable able to measureto measure and and pour pour and and carry carry carry and pour and measure to able be o t thethe piping piping hot hot mugs mugs to theto the table. table. table. the to mugs hot piping the

WeWe sit sitdown down and and start start what what has has been been been has what start and down sit We oneone of ofthe the most most enlightening enlightening conversa conversa- - - conversa enlightening most the of one supposedlysupposedly shortens shortenslifespans. our our our lifespans. lifespans.shortens supposedly tionstions i have i have ever ever had. had. had. ever have i tions ’m ready to give up all of my bad andbad a ndimy ’m iof ’m ready all ready up to givetogive giveto up upall ready all of ’m myofi my badnd a bad i ami am wondering wondering what what the the secret secret to herto her her to secret the what wondering am i habitshabits just just so iso canher. i can belike belikebe like her.can i just habits longevitylongevity is. is.not n ot just just that that she she is ninetyis ninety ninety is she that just ot n is. longevity two.two. But But that that she she is stillis still living living by byherself herself HerHer answer:Charity. answer:Give Be Bepositive. positive.positive. Be Give Give Charity.answer: Charity.Her herself by living still is she that But two. in herin her beautiful beautiful home home on onthe the beach. beach. that that - and spe a a ndi think, is. i think, she how how right right right how she she is. think, i is.a spend aa spe- - hat t beach. the on home beautiful her in sheshe makes makes such such wonderful wonderful coffee. coffee. that that cial cial nd dieta diet won’t won’t gethardship. get uspast uspastus past hardship.get hardship.won’t adiet nd a ndcial hat t coffee. wonderful such makes she sheshe knows knows and and remembers remembers not not just just the the all allthe us the sleep give sleep in won’t inthe the world world world the won’t in won’t give sleep give us the usall the just not remembers and knows she namesnames of ofher her grandchildren grandchildren and and great- great- meaning. meaning.good Butand But seeing seeingbeauty thethe the beauty beautyseeing andBut and good good meaning. great- and grandchildren her of names grandchildren.grandchildren. But But also also the the names names of of in whatin whatwith each each ofblessed usof ushasbeen has beenhas beenus blessedof blessedeach with withwhat in of names the also But grandchildren. all allmy my children. children. and a ndtheir their ages. ages. and a ndthe the can can push push bumps us us past past the inevitable the inevitable the inevitable past us bumps bumps push can the nd a ages. their nd a children. my all schoolsschools they they go goto. si oask i ask her. her. What What is is that thatof come comefocus ourthe our way. way.when and nd aa nd when whenway. theour the focus focuscome of ofthat is What her. ask i o s to. go they schools thethe secret secret to herto her fountain fountain of youth?of youth? our our lives lives is ourselves, on isof onothers others instead insteadothers of on ourselves, ofis ourselves,lives our youth? of fountain her to secret the i ami am expecting expecting to to hear hear all all kinds kinds of of those- those be self-serving self-serving destructive and and and destructive destructive self-serving be - bethose - of kinds all hear to expecting am i haviorshaviors cannot cannot take take hold.hold. hold.take cannot haviors answers.answers.- Ofund theFO Of- theCO speciale H t special is us dietsC dietsar m she she kept.Bluma : kept.ut OfBO a Of a BOOf a utBO: utBlumakept. : Blumashe mar mCardiets us C isus t isHe special t COHe- FOCOthe und-Of FO und- - answers. thethe specific specific GH Hi W hours re B hoursHe s O she’s she’s lamit a slept. s slept.lO e H t Of OF Ofall er the all the of Who Who knew knewfountain that that theelusive the elusivethe elusivethat fountain fountainknew Who of of the erall OF er Of tOF H e t lOHes lOslept. a lamits alamitshe’s O s HeOsB Herehours BW re HiWGH Hi GH specific the thingsthings us us regularin regular enter peopleC peoplead B a H indulgeC e H indulget ts C in thatindire that and and and dire that dire in C tsC ttsHe t C indulge H Hea CBHadaB Cad people enter Center in regular in us things rnia. FO Cali s O lamit a s lO Cypress/ youthyouth us? was of was hidingone hiding each inside inside inside each each onehiding one of was us? of us?youth Cypress/Cypress/lOslO alamits alamitOs CaliOs CaliFOrnia.FOrnia.

chanukahchanukah 5772 5772 5772 chanukah Wellness made for me We designed a women’s health program like you’ll find nowhere else. Specializing in gynecology, obstetrics and genetics, the care we provide is completely designed around wellness. So, while you’ll find the latest research and science being used to diagnose, treat and prevent illness, we are also utilizing things like massage therapy, yoga classes and delicious cuisine to get women excited about their wellness. Because we believe being healthy can also be enjoyable. Discover a hospital designed to keep you well. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 1-888-925-6362. A Ton of Light by dr. Arnie gotfryd Ph.d.

of all the special dates on the Jewish cal- why. The number seven characterizes nature. For of course it’s because the oil was used for light- endar, there’s only one that celebrates light instance, in space we have six directions (left, ing the menorah, but still we can learn some and, of course, that’s Chanukah. Not that we right, back, front, up and down) around any cen- lessons from light itself. are short on themes for this holiday: There’s tral point. In time too, there are seven days of our sages remark that although the Chanu- the miraculous military victory compared to the weekly cycle. In music, the seven notes of kah lights are only a rabbinic mitzvah, its date, which the Six-Day-War was banal. There’s the the scale. the 25th of kislev, is alluded by the fact that the absolute commitment and epic heroism of the Eight indicates unity in music, for example, 25th word of the Torah is “or” – light. The He- Maccabees that makes the raid at Entebbe look by completing the scale then returning to the brew word “or” too has its inner meaning. It’s routine. There was even the archetypal culture same note but at a higher level. The same ap- numerical value is 207, which spells “Raz,” or clash between Athens and Jerusalem that has plies to time. After a seven day cycle we’re back “secret.” Not only does light reveal whatever is reverberated throughout Jewish history down to to the same day we started with. secreted away in the darkness, but light itself this very day. has its mysterious aspects, as any physicist will Eight ex- tell you. presses infinity by “The hellenists fought against the showing we don’t For example, no one would doubt that light idea of mitzvah, bringing heaven stop at one series is physical, yet it is very elusive. Try holding it in down to earth, manifesting G-dliness but cycle over and your hands or weighing it on a scale. of course over again. Eight we can’t smell it, taste it or hear it, but the fun- in the physical world. The remedy starts the new ny thing is, it’s hard to even see it. Light reveals was to go flat out the other way,.” cycle of weeks, of what is there but doesn’t reveal itself. When we octaves, of oscil- enter a lit room are we looking at light or at a lations. And by room lit up? Even if I trace it to its source, is it But the main observance of Chanukah virtue of the simple fact that eight is more than light that I see, or a light bulb, or the sun? wasn’t hooked on any of that. It’s all about light. seven (nature), it implies the miraculous, the Light is like the divine energy that fills the The lights of Chanukah commemorate the supernatural. world—it’s apparent but not visible. or like miracle of oil, and the details are instructive We could have marked those eight days the light of the soul – “ki ner Hashem nish- too. The eight days reflect unity, infinity and with eight jugs of oil, eight latkas or eight mas adam” – the soul of man is the candle of the supernatural. Think seven and you will see psalms for that matter. Why specifically lights? Hashem. I, for one, have never seen a soul. But

chanukah 5772 More from Simon Jacobson at “

Every person has both a body and a soul. It is like a bird and its wings. Imagine if a bird was unaware that its wings ena- bled it to fly... they would only add an extra burden of weight. but once it flaps its wings, it lifts itself skyward. We all have wings–our soul–that can lift us as high as we need go. all we have to do is learn to use them.” “ The rebbe (from Towards a Meaningful Life by Simon Jacobson) like anyone else, I can tell the difference be- and defend exactly this, the holiness of the deed, Jerusalem, and when that happens we will see tween a body that has one and one that doesn’t. of the mitzvah, and that’s why we celebrate him playing the harp of eight strings in a place with a mitzvah candle. It’s the victory of light above space, a time out of time, in the radiance And this brings us to another dimension of over darkness. of a divine presence that will shine forever. Chanukah – the battle against Hellenism was a battle for the soul, including the soul of man – The Lubavitcher Rebbe refers to the deeds of What a happy Chanukah that will be. the neshama; the soul of the universe – G-d; Moshiach as his light. His presence in the world, ABOUT: DR. ARnie GOTfRyD, PH.D. iS An and the soul of our activities – mitzvah - “ki ner on the other hand, is comparable to air – it’s eve- OBSeRvAnT JeW AnD An ACCOMPliSHeD envi- mitzvah v’Torah or” – a mitzvah is a candle and rywhere although you can’t see it. Breathing the ROnMenTAl SCienTiST. HiS infORMATive AnD the Torah is light. air of Moshiach is wonderful, inspiring in every inSPiRinG PReSenTATiOnS ARe PePPeReD WiTH sense of the word, but without his light, it’s not The Hellenists fought against the idea of PeRSOnAl AneCDOTeS, neW DiSCOveRieS, AnD good enough. mitzvah, bringing heaven down to earth, mani- fReSH inSiGHTS inTO OlD-TiMe ReliGiOn. festing G-dliness in the physical world. The rem- one of his principal deeds will be the Cha- edy was to go flat out the other way, to protect nukas HaBayis, rededication of the Temple in

ב"ה The recent failures in the financial ב"ה industryThe recent have changedfailures in the the way financial we think about business altogether. ב”ה ponsibi industry have changed the way we think al res lities oci of about business altogether. e s a c th l responsibilitie or e cia Michigans of po Jewish InstituteWe deeply believe that business ar so a r t he co at should be a force for good. Our newest a t rp io We deeply believe that business h re or n W a a ? course, Money Matters, challenges you t ti = should be a force for good. Our newest = a o ? h n M to really question your assumptions r W ? course, Money Matters, challenges you e = u about business at a very deep level, to = s m ? Dual EnrollmentM t to reallyProgram question your assumptions

u r W s e u understand what your values are, what A new six-week course from s about business at a very deep level, to n m for High Schoolt aJuniors andyou Seniors stand for, and how you are going to o u W l c s the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute m understand what your values are, what

n MJI’s uniqueA new classes six-week for coursehigh school from students provides the opportunity to earn bothcontribute high school to society and college and the credit. world. e a a you stand for, and how you are going to o l r h the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute m t c t

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MJI 9.75x6.333 08_2011JewishNewsAdV2.indd 1 winter 8/4/112011-12 10:21 PM aNimaTiON OF BiBliCal PROPORTiONS of Chabad NDG and Loyola Campus. After an ex- haustive study of numerous Midrashic sources and commentaries, the pair submitted the first Young Abraham draft in March of 2006, but they were “involved reviewed by mendy rimLer throughout the following years to monitor the project to ensure that the film stayed true to HE LAST SCENE IN YouNG ABRAHAM Jewish and visual depth for young audiences. the text.” IS A SHoWDoWN BETWEEN NIMRoD, Pre-released to a hugely enthusiastic response, Set in ancient Mesopotamia, the film opens kING oF uR kASDIM, AND BIBLICAL Young Abraham lays out an authentic narrative T with king Nimrod’s demand of his general Ter- ABRAHAM, ENDING AS ABRAHAM EMERGES in a brilliantly animated world and redefines ach to hand over his newborn son, Abraham, FRoM A FuRNACE BEFoRE A NATIoN oF CoN- the future of Jewish films. who had been marked by Nimrod’s stargazer vERTED IDoLATERS AND A REPENTANT kING To research and write the script, the pro- a rebel of the kingdom. As young Abraham NIMRoD. ducers of the $1.8 million project Saadyah El grows up on the run from Nimrod’s men, he ru- That is the climax and message of the CGI Haddad and Eliyhau Cohen approached two minates on the idolatrous ways of the polythe- (computer generated imagery) animated mo- Montreal-based Chabad rabbis, Yisroel Ber- istic culture of his time and eventually arrives tion picture, a vivid and compelling retelling of nath and Zvi Herschovich. at his own recognition of a one and only G-d. the biblical and Midrashic story of Abraham’s “The goal was to bridge traditional Judaism During Abraham’s brief stint in his father’s idol discovery of G-d. At last, entertainment with and Hollywood,” says Rabbi Bernath, Director shop and throughout the film, the comically

chanukah 5772 broad dialogue provides a healthy dose of laughter while con- veying real Jewish values.

The dazzling visuals work in tandem with the Midrash and various commentaries to enhance and bring the story to life. According to Ibn Ezra, an eleventh century commentator, Abra- ham traveled to Noah and studied Torah under his wing. Then, after years of preparation and study, Noah urged Abraham to return to ur kasdim and put an end to the idol worship.

“Many people have called us just to ask if that really hap- pened; people don’t know a lot of these details,” says Bernath.

In Atlanta, GA, Rabbi Eliyahu Shusterman held a screen- ing of Young Abraham for an audience of thirty children who attend the Chabad day camp. Jennifer Slifkin brought her five children and watched the film together with them.

In a movie-saturated society, “this film competes for kids’ attention,” says Slifkin, an attorney. “The animation was top notch and definitely comparable with anything else out there.”

In an age where form is always a factor, Young Abraham has Pixar appeal while still remaining historically accurate and retaining the true meaning of the story of Abraham’s triumph of faith and tradition. The possibility for making this an out- standing educational experience, says Rabbi Hershcovich, is what inspired them to work on this film.

“Children learn better when they see the story,” he ex- plains. He hopes that the film, which will be released in time for the new school year, will open the eyes of children and potential producers alike.

“This film sets a new bar for producers who can teach more people by getting the information out there in a film, while keeping their feet on the ground and sticking to the sources.”

In an age where form is always a factor, Young abraham has pixar appeal while still remaining historically accurate and retaining the true meaning of the story of abraham’s triumph of faith and tradition.

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FEBRUARY 21 20-24 - 24 20122006 Ages 6-11


Winter Camp.indd 1 1/16/06 10:46:53 AM We are all part of a chain linking us to 3,000 years of glorious history and to a bright and promising future. If even one link is missing, this chain would not be complete. Thank you for being part of the chain. Our community would not be the same without you. And with your generosity, we do our part to ensure every man, woman and child finds their place within the Jewish people.

FOUNDERS SOCIETY SUPPORTERS Martin & Phyllis Abel EricEric AbramsonAbramson HarryBerl & PhyllisEsther FalbaumDines RonLawrence Gothelf & Eleanor Jackier MichelleCheryl Martin Morris Isaac SchaverRoslyn Shipko Bruce and Lori Abel Slava && RinaRina Avshalumov Avshalumov MarkAllen & & Deborah Roslyn Feld Druck RalphSheldon & Mindy & Lana Greenberg Jacobs BernieMichael & Murial & CarolynMoray Morris Arthur &Yoli Jean & Miriam Schechet Silverstein Ron and Ronda Ferber Harvey && MarilynMarilyn Beim Beim BerlLisa & FenkellPhyllis Falbaum Avi Richard& Abby GruberKaplan ArnoldStandford & Ruth Morris Morris HowardStanley & Robin & SchwartzMarlene Somberg Alexander && IreneIrene Berdichevsky Berdichevsky AllenSybil & Fenkell Roslyn Feld BenGennady & Marilyn & RuthGuslits Katsnelson CherylMildred Morris Moss Paul & CarriePam Schwartz Stauss Alon and Shari Kaufman Matt && LibbyLibby BerkeBerke LisaDoug Fenkell & Linda Fitler LawrenceShoshana & Eleanor Kestenberg Jackier MichaelScott & Carolyn& Gila Neuman Morris Roslyn ShawnShipko & Lisa Stearn Michael Leibowitz Bernard && PeggyPeggy Blumenstein Blumenstein SybilMaynard Fenkell & Marilynn Flusty SheldonOleg && IrinaLana Krivichkin Jacobs StandfordMorris Morris Penner Yoli & MiriamRabbi DovSilverstein & Yaakovah Stein Jack & Miriam Shenkman LymanLyman && BrendaBrenda Burgess Burgess DougYakov & &Linda Anna Fitler Fradkin RichardRandall Kaplan & Lisa LaBelle MildredSol Moss Pesis StanleyJuan & Marlene & Eileen Somberg Stein Jack and Charlene Wolfe Morris && JulieJulie BushBush MaynardMichael && MarilynnDiane Gerber Flusty GennadyFred & & Laurie Ruth KatsnelsonLeeb Scott Daniil& Gila & Neuman Maria Rapoport Shawn David& Lisa & Stearn Maya Sternberg JeromeJerome && ClareClare BushmanBushman YakovShai & AnnaBarbara Fradkin Goel ShoshanaRabbi Yudi Kestenberg & Rivki Mann MorrisPam Penner Salba Rabbi DovDaniel & Yaakovah & Lori Weberman Stein GATEKEEPERS Robert ChadwickChadwick MichaelPam Goldberg & Diane - GerberDanzig OlegMarc & Irina & Marcia Krivichkin Manson Sol PesisArlene Salter Juan &Bryan Eileen & Stein Roya Weinstein Sam and Arleen Blumenstein Gloria CohenCohen ShaiAkiva & Barbara& Amelia Goel Goldman FredMichelle & Laurie Martin Leeb DaniilIsaac & Maria Schaver Rapoport Daniel &Neal Lori & Weberman Ardele Wolfson Anne Newman Michael && SusanSusan Curhan PamRon Goldberg Gothelf - Danzig RabbiDavid Yudi Mendelsohn & Rivki Mann Pam SalbaArthur & Jean Schechet Bryan &Alexander Roya Weinstein & Rita Yevzelman Seymour && AnitaAnita Cywiak Cywiak AkivaRalph & &Amelia Mindy Goldman (Soble) GreenbergMarc Bernie & Marcia & Murial Manson Moray ArleneRabbi Salter Berel & Basheva ShemtovNeal & Ardele Wolfson Lois Nichamin * Harry & Esther Dines Avi & Abby Gruber Arnold & Ruth Morris Howard & Robin Schwartz Alexander & Rita Yevzelman Dr. Louis and Wendy Nichamin Mark & Deborah Druck Ben & Marilyn Guslits Gregory & Dina Mordukhovich Paul & Pam Schwartz PILLAR FRIENDS Elaine Beresh Jay & Joanna Abramson RobertJohn & MarcyEllen Fenkell Fikany KennethJason & & Fran Erin HermanKatz MyronSophie & Jackie Pearlstein Milgrom Rabbi BerelHoward & Basheva & Elena ShurShemtov Dr. Marc and Michele Borovoy Edward Alpert VictorBetty & Flam Eugena Fey JohnRalph & Carol & Susan Horton Katz DonaldRochel & Sheilah Leah MillerPelaez Yisroel Alan& Atara & Elizabeth Shenkman Silber MaximFreda Arlow & Anna Arbitmann SidneyGershon & Mildred & Irena FieldsFlam JeromeSara &Katzman Sharon Horwitz MbodjaCeki & Deborah& Davi Penso Mougoue Zvi & YaffaRichard Shevach & Aimee Simtob Dr. Harvey and Marcia Ellis Mikhail & Raisa Aronson Cathy Fogel Martin & Cis Kellman David Perlman Celia Singer Fred and Miriam Ferber MikhailHoward &Averbuch Raisa Aronson JohnPaul & & Marcy Eva Freed Fikany HarveyShelmu & Diane & Sonya Howitt Khaimov LewisRobert Nedelcoff Pruchno Alan & DonElizabeth & Lana Silber Sobolnitsky Richard & Aimee Simtob Bill and Natalie Newman Harold & Ruth BakerBaker GershonSheldon & & Irena Elisa Flam Freilich MichaelEileen & KirmanBella Imas SandraYves Packard Pszenica Sion Soleymani Pinchas & Miriam BarakBarak CathyOwen Fogel & Rita Frumin KathyAlexander Kain & Helen Kuznitsov RochelHoward Leah Pelaez& Debbie Rabotnick Celia SingerErnie & Gloria Solomon Robert and Judith Newman Jerry & Gail BealeBeale SheldonAlan & &Barbara Elisa Freilich Funk JasonMark & Erin& Debbie Katz Landau Ceki &Burton Davi PensoRaimi Don & LanaAlexander Sobolnitsky & Ann Spitzer Eric & Stacey Bean Leonard & Pearl Galper Henry Lander Oleg & Orly Ravitsky Celia Sroka EricMurray & Stacey & Carol Bean Bloom HenryLaura & Gerlants Maria Frenkel RalphAbraham & Susan & BelroseKatz LandgartenYves PszenicaPavel & Alexandra Ravitzky Sion SoleymaniGerald & Monica Stein CHAI MurrayJason & & Pearlena Carol Bloom Bodzin OwenAleksandr & Rita & Frumin Edith Gertsmark SaraMilton Katzman & Margery Lebenbom HowardGary & &Debbie Galina Rabotnick Raykhinshteyn AlexanderBert & & Ann Marion Spitzer Stein LeonardRoland and & Bobbi Vaney Borman Collins JasonInna Bolotina & Pearlena Bodzin AlanJames & Barbara & Sandra Funk Gibbings MartinEve &Lerman Cis Kellman Oleg &Adam Orly ReinherzRavitsky Gerald Milton& Monica & Barbara Stein Stern InnaFrank Bolotina Burlak LeonardMilton & DawnPearl GalperGilman EileenMarty Kirman & Lynn Levin PavelRichard & Alexandra & Sharo Ravitsky Reinherz Bert & MarionAlan & DonaStein Stillman MarinaLeonard Collins & Bobbi Borman Grigory Cherkasov Paul & Ilene Gingold Alvin & Shirley Lezell Leonid & Inna Rivkin Paula Stone Frank Burlak Laura Gerlants Mark & Debbie Landau Gary & Galina Raykhinshteyn Milton & Barbara Stern RolandMarina andCollins Vaney Collins Zinoviy & Marina Chernyak Howard & Peggy Ginsburg William Liberson Joseph Roisman Mindy Swartz ZinoviyArlyne Cherrin & Marina Chernyak PaulJack & IleneGinsburg Gingold MiltonJerry & Margery& Celia Liebman Lebenbom AdamRona Reinherz Rones David &Jose Maya & TaniaSternberg Tafla Steven Glass ArlyneHerbert Cherrin Cohen HowardGary & & Doneen Peggy GlassGinsburg EveHarvey Lerman & Sandra Lieberman RichardAngelina & Sharo Rose Reinherz Alan & HershelDona Stillman & Lisa Taylor Eric and Sara Gordon HerbertLawrence Cohen & Joanne Cohen JackRonald Ginsburg & Marilyn Gold MartyHefziba & Lynn Lifshitz Levin JosephDavid Roisman & Ann Rosenberg Paula StonePhillip & Esther Taylor Michael & Michelle CohenCohen GaryMax & & Doneen Sylvia Goldstein Glass AlvinRobin & Shirley Lipski Lezell Rona BenjiRones & Sarah Rosenzweig Mindy SwartzMarcel & Magdalene Thirman Martin and Annette Newman Scott & Nichole Cohen Robyn Gothelf-Fishman William Lipton Melissa Rosenzweig Eileen Ungarten Scott & Nichole Cohen Steven Glass William Liberson Benji & Sarah Rosenzweig Jose & Tania Tafla David and Helen Shore Joel & Sigal Cottrell Coby & Susan Goutkovitch Brian & Diane Lonnerstater Yudi Rosenzweig Douglas & Amy Valle David and Helen Shore JoelWilliam & Sigal & Anita Cottrell Cottrell RonaldClaudia & MarilynGross Gold JerrySeymour & Celia &Liebman Harriett Lusky MelissaSteven Rosenzweig Ross HershelMiriam & Lisa Vann Taylor WilliamHyman && BeverlyAnita Cottrell Deal MaxIris &Grossman Sylvia Goldstein HefzibaJolanta Lifshitz Malinowski Yudi RosenzweigSheldon & Carol Rott Phillip &Herschel Esther Taylor& Roberta Wander HymanAlex Deych & Beverly Deal RobynEdward Gothelf-Fishman & Irina Gruntfest RobinFrank Lipski & Pearl Manchel BruceBruce & Lee & Sack Lee Sack Marcel Daniel& Magdalene & Lisa Weiner Thirman Phillip & Iris Dines Jack & Miryam Gun Sara Manson Gwenn Saionz Michael Weiner AlexHoward Deych Egdish CobyPenny & SusanHagiz Goutkovitch WilliamEdward Lipton & Anna Mavashev GwennInna Saionz Savka Eileen UngartenAron & Hanna Weinstein PhillipLeopoldo & Iris & Mira Dines Eisenberg ClaudiaMikhail Gross & Olga Haikin BrianElly & &Diane Astrid Lonnerstater Meisler Inna SavkaMartin & Carol Schock DouglasRabbi & Amy Binyomin Valle & Chani Weiss HowardEarl & Sandra Egdish Endelman IrisJeff Grossman Hall SeymourMorry && HarriettSheyla MertzLusky MichaelMichael & Linda & Linda Schulman Schulman Miriam EugeneVann & Ellen Weiss LeopoldoAmir Eyal & Mira Eisenberg EdwardErwin && SylviaIrina Gruntfest Harvith JolantaRussell Malinowski & Annette Meskin RosalynRosalyn Schwartz Schwartz Daniel &Larry Lisa & Weiner Marlene White Norman & Helen Feig Cary Heller Ilene Miles Sidney & Carol Seltzer Irene Wolf EarlMichael & Sandra & Lori EndelmanFeldman PennyKenneth Hagiz & Fran Herman FrankMyron & Pearl & Jackie Manchel Milgrom SidneyAsa & &Carol Sarah Seltzer Shapiro MichaelPaul Weiner & Andrea Zalewski AmirRobert Eyal Feldman MikhailJohn & & Carol Olga HortonHaikin SaraDonald Manson & Sheilah Miller Asa &Joel Sarah & Helena Shapiro Shavell Aron & AnitaHanna Zelmon Weinstein NormanJack & Sandra & Helen Felsot Feig JeffJerome Hall & Sharon Horwitz Elly Itanya& Astrid Montgomery Meisler Joel &Kenneth Helena ShecterShavell Rabbi BinyominBoris & Marina & Chani Zisser Weiss MichaelRobert & & Ellen Lori FenkellFeldman ErwinHarvey & Sylvia & Diane Harvith Howitt RussellSanford & Annette & Zaneta Meskin Moser KennethSandra Shecter Shecter Eugene & Ellen Weiss 248.788.4000 Victor & Eugena Fey Michael & Bella Imas Lewis Nedelcoff Yisroel & Atara Shenkman RobertSidney Feldman& Mildred Fields CaryKathy Heller Kain IleneSandra Miles Packard SandraZvi Shecter & Yaffa Shevach Paul & Andrea Zalewski Boris & Marina Zisser * Deceased What would you like to see in feed me & Make a suggestion and enter a The Shul raffle to win two nights at the luxurious Atheneum Suites Magazine? Hotel in Downtown Detroit. No idea too small win No idea too big more humor alternative health meditation is yoga kosher? commmunity info art & literature book reviews ask the rabbi marketplace kosher cooking kids cartoon

Have your say... It’s your magazine. SUGGESTION BOX Each suggestion gives you one raffle ticket. or email [email protected] Draw will take place at The Shul’s Chanukah event — see back page. Special thanks to the Atheneum Suites Hotel

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SHABBATONwith Dr. Gill Heart CREATOR OF KABBALAH-BASED IDF SPECIAL OPS TRAINING @TheShul “The outcome is a rapid Got Stress? improvement in personal Learn to control your mind. performance.” February 3–4, 2012

MinInControl™ combines Dr Heart’s elite, Special Forces, IDF training and experience and his clinical and business knowledge and experience with knowledge of Jewish mysticism. The fundamental concept behind MindInControl™ is how to become an optimal operative both in the corporate and personal environments. In other words, be trained - through changing neural wiring and thought processes - to control emotional responses to stress triggers. This skill is taught and practiced by utilizing Special Forces training techniques.

For more information and registration go to:

In the spirit of Shabbat, accommodations can be arranged. For more info and to register:

Born and raised in Israel, Dr. Gill Heart served for over 6 years in one of the top elite, Special Forces units in the IDF. During his service as an officer (Captain, Res), he trained and commanded soldiers from his unit. Following his service, he received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College, London University. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Heart founded and successfully managed US- and Israel-based, venture-backed, medical device startups. In parallel to his business career and over the past 11 years, Dr. Heart has been on a journey of discovering his Judaism, with a keen study of Torah and Jewish Mysticism. 248.788.4000

TheShulPages.indd 2 12/1/11 7:56 PM HAPPY CHANUKAH Ah Freilichen Chanukah

Enjoy the tastes and traditions of the season. Visit a Kroger store near you today.


® Traditional Potato Latkas Cooking 5 large potatoes, peeled flame and place 1 large 1 large onion tablespoon batter at a time into 3 eggs hot sizzling oil and fry on one 1/3 cup flour side for approximately 5 minutes demo 1 tsp. Salt until golden brown. Turn over ¼ tsp. pepper and fry on other side 2 to 3 ¾ cup oil for frying minutes. with Mimi Markovski Use: 10-inch skillet Remove from pan and place on yields: 4 to 6 servings paper towels to drain excess oil. of Elite Kosher Catering Continue with remaining batter Grate potatoes and onion on the until used up, adding more oil fine side of a grater, or in a food when necessary. processor; or put in a blender Serve with applesauce on the with a little water. side. Strain grated potatoes and onion Variation: Zucchini or Carrot through a colander, pressing out Latkas: Substitute 5 medium excess water. Add eggs, flour, zucchini or 5 medium carrots for and seasoning. Mix well. potatoes.. Heat ½ cup oil in skillet. Lower

Classic Suf-gany’ot

2 packages yeast Mix water, sugar, juice, and 1/3 cup sugar yeast. Let stand 10 minutes. Melt 3/4 cup water coconut oil or margarine and add 1/4 cup orange juice to yeast mixture. Beat in eggs 1/3 cup coconut oil or and salt. Add flour, mixing and margarine kneading by hand to form a soft 1/2 teaspoon salt dough. Let rise 1-1/2 hours. Roll 4 or 5 cups. flour dough 1/4 inch thick and cut 3 egg yolks circles (approximately 2 inches). Jelly of your choice for filling Let circles rise 1/2 hour. Powdered Sugar Deep fry at 400° F about 3 minutes, turning once. Pipe in jelly and roll in powdered sugar.

Learn, create and taste B”H

new culinary creations or a year of: ys ages 12 & 13 f ether bo brings tog nding with a “seasoned” pro. ation and bo Explor ning Fun and lear e- ood things ct a lif Doing g iends l impa ood fr ns that wil Making g eparatio Sunday, January 22 Bar Mitzva pr e yourself the best time!

2:00- 4:00pm Join Bar Ml: itzvah Club and giv gift of al nndence at the home of Yaakova Stein Self co ide Jewish pr iendships! Lasting fr

For more info and to register: chanukah 5772

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TheShulPages.indd 4 12/1/11 7:56 PM