Reference List Pages on Which References Are Cited Appear in Angle Brackets
Reference List Pages on which references are cited appear in angle brackets. Every reference to original material not in English for which the editors knew of an English trans- lation is followed by a reference to the English trans- lation; references to untranslated Russian material in- clude translations of the Russian titles immediately following the Russian titles. Aanderaa, I. R., 1964. A recording and telemetering instru- ment. Fixed Buoy Project, NATO Subcommittee on Ocean- ographic Research Technical Report No. 16, Bergen, 46 pp., 20 figures. (405) Accad, Y., and C. L. Pekeris, 1978. Solution of the tidal equa- tions for the M2 and S2 tides in the world oceans from a knowledge of the tidal potential alone. Philosophical Trans- actions of the Royal Society of London A 290:235-266. (297, 322, 323, 329, 330) Adamec, D., and J. J. O'Brien, 1978. The seasonal upwelling in the Gulf of Guinea due to remote forcing. Journal of Phys- ical Oceanography 8:1050-1060. (193) Adams, J. K., and V. T. Buchwald, 1969. The generation of continental shelf waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 35: 815-816. (358) African Pilot, 1967. Hydrographer of the Navy, London, 12th ed., 3, 529 pp. (185) Agee, E. M., and K. E. Dowell, 1974. Observational studies of mesoscale cellular convection. Journal of Applied Meteorol- ogy 13:46-53. (500) Agnew D., and W. Farrell, 1978. Self-consistent equilibrium ocean tides. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 55:171-181. (339) Agnew, R., 1961. Estuarine currents and tidal streams. In Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Coastal Engineer- ing, The Hague, 1960, 2, pp.
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