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Date/Time: Monday 14 May 2018, 11.00 am Tuesday 15 May 2018, 9.00 am Wednesday 16 May 2018, 9.00 am Thursday 17 May 2018, 9.00 am Venue: Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin Ten Year Plan Deliberations LATE ATTACHMENTS UNDER SEPARATE COVER ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 5.1 Ten Year Plan Hearings meeting - 9 April 2018 A Minutes of Ten Year Plan Hearings meeting held on 9 April 2018 2 TEN YEAR PLAN HEARINGS/DELIBERATIONS 14 MAY 2018 5.1 Item Council Ten Year Plan Hearings MINUTES Unconfirmed minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Council Ten Year Plan Hearings held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 9 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am, Tuesday 10 April 2018 commencing at 1.00 pm, Wednesday 11 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am, Thursday 12 April 2018 commencing at 1.00 pm, Friday 13 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am, Thursday 26 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am, Monday 30 April 2018 commencing at 9.00 am and Tuesday, 1 May 2018 commencing at 9.03 am. A Attachment PRESENT Chairperson Mayor Dave Cull Deputy Chairperson Cr Chris Staynes Members Cr David Benson-Pope Cr Rachel Elder Cr Christine Garey Cr Doug Hall Cr Aaron Hawkins Cr Marie Laufiso Cr Mike Lord Cr Damian Newell Cr Jim O'Malley Cr Conrad Stedman Cr Lee Vandervis Cr Andrew Whiley Cr Kate Wilson IN ATTENDANCE Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Nicola Pinfold (Group Manager Community and Planning), Sandy Graham (General Manager, Governance and Strategy), Gavin Logie (Financial Controller), Tom Dyer (Group Manager 3 Waters), Richard Saunders (Group Manager Transport), Nick Dixon (Group Manager Ara Toi), Adrian Blair (Group Manager Customer and Regulatory Services), Laura McElhone (Group Manager Property Services), Chris Henderson (Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services) and Robert West (Group Manager Parks and Recreation) Governance Support Officer Lynne Adamson, Sharon Bodeker, Wendy Collard, Pam Jordan, Jennifer Lapham and Rebecca Murray Minutes Ten Year Plan Hearings/Deliberations meeting - 9 April 2018 Page 2 of 35 TEN YEAR PLAN HEARINGS/DELIBERATIONS 14 MAY 2018 1 HEARING PROCEDURE The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the process for the hearing. Item 5.1 Item 2 APOLOGIES Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes): That the Council: Accepts the apologies from Councillors Damien Newell (for lateness) and Kate Wilson (for lateness) Motion carried (TEN/2018/001) 3 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes): That the Council: A Attachment Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration. Motion carried (TEN/2018/002) 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have. Moved (Mayor Dave Cull/Cr Chris Staynes): That the Council: a) Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A of the report; and b) Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests. Motion carried (TEN/2018/003) PART A REPORTS 5 HEARING SCHEDULE FOR THE 10 YEAR PLAN The report provided Councillors with a schedule of submitters wishing to present their views at the Ten Year Plan hearings scheduled from 9-13 April 2018. The schedule of speakers was subject to change as submissions would continue to be received throughout the hearing week. Approximately 450 submissions had been received at the time the agenda was issued, with 36 submitters wishing to present their submissions to Councillors. Submissions Minutes Ten Year Plan Hearings/Deliberations meeting - 9 April 2018 Page 3 of 35 TEN YEAR PLAN HEARINGS/DELIBERATIONS 14 MAY 2018 would not close until 23 April 2018. Item 5.1 Item 6 HEARING OF SUBMISSIONS Councillor Vandervis entered the meeting at 9.04 am. Councillor Wilson entered the meeting at 9.07 am and Councillor Newell at 9.08 am. The following submitters were heard: Mike Broughton, Dunedin Dark Skies Group Mr Broughton spoke to the submission on behalf of Dunedin Dark Skies Group and emphasised their concerns with bright white LED lights on safety and well-being including the negative impact on wildlife. He commented on the importance of the night sky to the City's tourism and economy. Mr Broughton requested that Council give consideration to the installation of amber LED lights instead of the 4000 kelvin white LED lights. Mr Broughton responded to questions. Councillor O'Malley requested that staff provide information on the relationship between Attachment A Attachment New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and the 3000 kelvin LED lights. He also asked that staff contact the New Zealand Transport Agency requesting that they give consideration to installing the LED lighting with lower kelvin levels. Councillor Stedman requested that staff provide information on the type of lights that were installed at the roundabout by the Esplanade. Andrew Cunningham, Steve Walker and Jordana Whyte, Dunedin Wildlife Hospital Steve Walker, Andrew Cunningham and Jordana Whyte spoke to the written submission on behalf of the Dunedin Wildlife Trust. Mr Cunningham provided an update on the number of birds that had been treated by the Dunedin Wildlife Hospital since its opening. He advised that of the 158 birds admitted, 52 were on either the endangered or critically threatened lists and without the hospital 107 would have been euthanised. Mr Cunningham requested the Council's support to ensure the continued success of the facility as it was a strategic asset for the City and its economy. He advised that the Trust would like Council to give consideration to funding either option one or two from their submission. In response to questions, Steve Walker advised that the Trust required assistance for up to three years. Malcolm McQueen and Afife Harris Mr McQueen and Ms Harris spoke to their written submission and provided a background to the refuge settlement programme and the support that Ms Harris was giving to Syrian refugees. Ms Harris advised that her involvement included assistance with visiting banks and employers, and she was currently personally covering the cost of room rental. Mr McQueen advised that the Red Cross only provided support for the first year of the refugees' settlement and they required up to five years of support. He requested that Council give consideration to funding of $200,000.00 p.a. for the Refugee Settlement Minutes Ten Year Plan Hearings/Deliberations meeting - 9 April 2018 Page 4 of 35 TEN YEAR PLAN HEARINGS/DELIBERATIONS 14 MAY 2018 Programme. Mr McQueen responded to questions on the type of support that was needed and he advised that the most important requirement was interpreters. Item 5.1 Item Hamish Seaton, Mountain Biking Otago Mr Seaton, on behalf of Mountain Biking Otago, spoke to the PowerPoint presentation which included the projects that the group had undertaken. He requested that Council give consideration to funding a public toilet at the new car park at the bottom of the Signal Hill tracks. Mr Seaton responded to questions. The meeting adjourned from 10.38 am to 11.01 am. Steve Walker, West Harbour Community Board Mr Walker spoke to the West Harbour Community Board's written submission which included: funding be included in the 2019/20 or 2020/21 budget for the upgrade of the Port A Attachment Chalmers streetscape; Continuation of the funding for the sycamore tree removal programme; Completion of the cycle/walkway. He requested that the Board would like the funding for a public toilet at St Leonards to be included in the 2019/20 or 2020/21 budget; Climate change planning and adaption; and Establishment of green waste recycling. Mr Walker responded to questions. Representatives from Kai Tahu Tahu Potiki (Ōtākou Rūnaka Representative) opened the presentation with a Mihi. Mr Potiki commented that they were a collected voice for their community as it was now and for future generations. Ōtākou kaumatua Edward Ellison advised that Ngāi Tahu saw its role as a partner and participant in the development of the city. Mr Ellison commented that the Iwi wanted to expand its financial, cultural, environmental and educational footprint in the City. He advised that the Iwi would like Council to give consideration to the development of a "Dunedin City Council Maori Strategy" as a priority. Suzanne Ellison spoke to the Iwi's cultural vision for the city, in particular the inclusion of Te Reo on signage; and the establishment of a shared narrative of the City. Ms Ellison reiterated the importance of the Iwi's history and stories being more visible in the City. Brett Ellison (Business Development General Manager, Ngāi Tahu) advised that Ngāi Tahu was wanting to expand its investment within the City. Mr Ellison commented that its role was to support the aspirations and goals of the local Rūnaka. Tahu Potiki reiterated Ngāi Tahu's wish to expand its investment, however it needed to be a partnership. Mr Potiki referenced Christchurch's "Matapopore Urban Design Guide" and "The Justice and Emergency Services Precinct Narrative" as an example. Cr Stedman left the meeting at 12.35 pm. Minutes Ten Year Plan Hearings/Deliberations meeting - 9 April 2018 Page 5 of 35 TEN YEAR PLAN HEARINGS/DELIBERATIONS 14 MAY 2018 Russell Lund Mr Lund spoke to his written submission via teleconference which included: Item 5.1 Item The Bridge Development; Central City Upgrade; Tertiary Precinct; and Debt. The meeting adjourned at 12.50 pm and reconvened at 1.33 pm. The Mayor and Cr Benson-Pope left the meeting during the adjournment at 1.33 pm. The Deputy Mayor, Cr Staynes, chaired the meeting.