11/26/2019 Mail - Woodgate, Jenny - Outlook Local Plan large Development Sites Consultation Whitehill & Bordon Tue 15/10/2019 20:04 To: EHDC - Local Plan <
[email protected]> 3 attachments (21 KB) EHDC.Bordon.Letter.15.10.19..docx; EHDC.Bordon.Questions.15.10.19..docx; .EHDC.Letter.15.10.19..docx; Dear EHDC Local Plan I enclose three documents attached being: 1. Comments on the proposed Development of Bordon in letter form 2. Response to your questionnaire for Whitehill and Bordon 3. A letter about Standford Grange Farm (SA8) which is included under question 9 since it is linked to the developments on Bordon and Whitehill Yours truly https://outlook.office.com/mail/none/id/AAMkADIxNjE3NWJlLTMxYmEtNDEwZC1iOGM4LTYxOTllYjNmN2MzZQBGAAAAAABrEkrzGtHSSpsf0nN… 1/1 Local Plan Consultation, EHDC by email LARGE DEVELOPMENT SITES CONSULTATION PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF WHITEHILL AND BORDON The real objection to these new developments in Bordon and Whitehill is that it is currently in the grip of a major development, the Ecotown, and so one cannot assess the impact of the existing development (eg on infrastructure) because it is still being built. Therefore it is impossible to assess these future major proposals. Whitehill and Bordon have been in a state of almost continuous development since the 1980s. The history of this is as follows: 1. In 1866 there was a settlement over a dispute of common rights in Woolmer Forest (which then and still (in part) goes up to Broxhead Common), and parcels of land were given to some 500 claimants in the low-lying area (Deadwater), Whitehill and along the Hogmoor Road.