EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………………………………………………….……1


KEY FINDINGS…………………………………………………………………………..4


THE MEMBERS………………………………………………………………………...11


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’s (CREW’s) latest investigation into how members of Congress use their positions to benefit themselves and their families. CREW reviewed every sitting senator for this study, a new edition of a report on the Senate CREW first published in 2008. CREW found 67 senators worthy of inclusion in this report, which analyzed data from the 2008, 2010 and 2012 election cycles, as well as the first half of the 2014 election cycle. CREW’s key findings:  20 senators (5 Democrats, 1 Independent, and 14 Republicans) paid family members through their congressional offices, campaign committees and political action committees (PACs);  30 senators (10 Democrats and 20 Republicans) have family members who lobby or are employed in government affairs;  26 senators (12 Democrats and 14 Republicans) have paid a family business, employer, or associated nonprofit;  7 senators (5 Democrats and 2 Republicans) used their campaign money to contribute to or pay a family member’s political campaign;  3 senators (1 Democrat and 2 Republicans) charged interest on personal loans they made to their own campaigns;  11 senators (6 Democrats and 5 Republicans) earmarked or directed money to a family business, employer, or associated nonprofit. Senators collectively paid relatives nearly $1.3 million in salaries and fees and paid family businesses, employers, or associated nonprofits nearly $6.9 million. Some payments easily reached six figures. Sen. Jerry Moran’s (R-KS) congressional office, campaign office, and leadership PAC’s payments to his daughter and son-in-law add up to nearly $179,000. Sen. ’s (R-KY) campaign committee and leadership PAC paid his wife’s employer more than $4.8 million. Sen. Mike Enzi’s (R-WY) campaign committee and leadership PAC paid his daughter-in-law’s fundraising company more than $500,000. Sen. Barbara Boxer’s (D-CA) campaign committee and leadership PAC paid her son’s company more than $300,000. CREW included detailed information about reimbursements for 20 senators (6 Democrats and 14 Republicans) because their campaigns and leadership PACs reimbursed them and their relatives more than $25,000 collectively over the period included in this study, higher than usual. The vast majority of senators reported receiving at least some reimbursements from their campaign committees or PACs and such payments are typically unremarkable, as long as the expenses involved are for a legitimate campaign purpose. Nonetheless, oversight of campaign spending is limited and scrutiny from the typically ineffective Federal Election Commission (FEC) is spotty at best, suggesting circumstances that could allow for abuse. CREW found more than $2 million flowed into the hands of senators and their relatives through reimbursement payments. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), who received the highest amount in reimbursements, reported more than $480,000 in reimbursements during this period for a wide range of purposes, including travel, catering, and lodging. That amount is more than double the reimbursements of the second-highest senator on the list. CREW has also included information about senators who earmarked or directed money to organizations affiliated with their family members and information about which senators are related to lobbyists and government relations professionals, situations that also have potential for abuse. In some cases, CREW found and included campaign disbursements that appear to have been made to benefit senators and their families, even though they were not made directly to them. Sen. Paul’s PAC, for instance, reported paying $24,000 for travel to a company that sells Bible-themed travel packages to Israel. The senator took a well-publicized trip to Israel in January 2013 with at least some members of his family. Sen. Paul’s office and PAC did not respond to questions about the expenditure, and CREW was unable to definitively determine whether it was a payment in connection with that trip. This report comes at a time when the public is already disgusted with Congress, and they have reason to be. Members have been getting away with outrageously clear violations of campaign finance law. For example, in June, the FEC dismissed a long-running investigation into former Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ) without assessing penalties, despite concluding that Rep. Andrews’ use of campaign money to pay for a family trip to a wedding in Scotland appeared to constitute personal use of campaign funds.1 That same month, the House Ethics Committee found Rep. Don Young (R-AK) violated federal law and House rules by using campaign funds for personal use, accepting impermissible gifts, and filing inaccurate personal financial disclosure reports.2 The committee ordered him to repay the misappropriated money and issued a weak letter of reproval, but took no other action.3 Last year, CREW worked with 60 Minutes on an investigation into how members of Congress skirt the rules and find legal ways to profit from their offices.4 The 60 Minutes piece spurred calls for reform, including new rules and increased oversight. Such changes are sorely needed. Uncovering how members of Congress use their positions to benefit themselves and their families is harder than it should be. Members of Congress aren’t required to disclose their relationships with relatives when they put them on the campaign payroll, and the law doesn’t stop them from paying relatives or family businesses as long as the campaigns are receiving bona fide services and the campaign is paying “fair market value,” something that can be difficult to determine and is rarely challenged. Campaign spending, meanwhile, is often confusing or improperly reported. Senators are not required to file campaign finance reports electronically, which means it takes longer for their campaign reports to be processed and available for download and analysis. Enforcement of violations is minimal. These issues stand in the way of greater transparency and accountability, which is, after all, something many members of Congress say they want. It’s long past time for them to apply those standards to themselves.

1 Press Release, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, FEC Lets Rob Andrews Off the Hook for Campaign Finance Violations, June 3, 2014. 2 House Ethics Committee, 113th Congress, In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representative Don Young, June 20, 2014, at 1. 3 Id., at 4. 4

2 METHODOLOGY For this report, CREW reviewed the family connections as well as the campaign finances of every senator. To accomplish this, first, CREW attempted to discover the names and occupations of each senator’s relatives, especially spouses, siblings, parents, and children. CREW drew information from multiple sources, including senators’ official websites, Project Vote Smart, news articles, engagement announcements and obituaries, social networking sites, senators’ personal financial disclosure reports, campaign finance records, and CREW’s previous research. Because there are no filings in which members of Congress are required to disclose information about their families, in some cases we may have missed family members. In other cases, we found and included information about more distant relations. Next, we reviewed senators’ personal financial disclosure reports, available via the Center for Responsive Politics’ website at and via LegiStorm’s website at, to gather information about senators’ spouses’ employment and family ties to businesses and nonprofits. We used data maintained and tracked by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) at to review disbursements made by the senators’ campaign committees and political action committees (PACs) for the 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014 election cycles (CREW only included disbursement data through 2013 for the 2014 election cycle, since full 2014 disbursement data was not available). In some instances, we discovered disbursements that led us to family members we had previously failed to identify. We searched campaign finance data for salaries, fees, and payments to senators’ relatives, payments to businesses and nonprofits linked to senators or their families, contributions and payments to family members’ political campaigns, and interest payments on personal loans made by senators to their campaigns. We tallied campaign and leadership PAC reimbursements to senators and their family members over the relevant election cycles and, if the total amount of such reimbursements exceeded $25,000, included information about all reimbursements to senators and their relatives in the individual member profiles. Sometimes, campaign filings did not clearly indicate whether a particular disbursement was a reimbursement for expenses or a payment for goods or services. In those cases, CREW classified the disbursement as one or the other based on the best information available. CREW classified all campaign disbursements to businesses as payments. In rare instances, when campaign disbursements were not made directly to senators or their relatives but were made to benefit them, we included those disbursements. In a few cases, unusual disbursements led to further scrutiny, and CREW included a handful of issues even though they did not clearly fit into a specific category. Frequently, FEC filings were incomplete or unclear. CREW attempted to correct unmistakable errors, but otherwise relied on the campaigns’ accountings of their debts and expenditures. We used LegiStorm’s earmark database at to determine whether senators earmarked to recipients connected to their relatives and LegiStorm’s salary data for relatives employed in senators’ official offices. We relied upon lobbying data at the Secretary of the Senate’s website,, to determine whether senators’ relatives were federal lobbyists. When we found information showing senators’ relatives were lobbyists at the state level or government relations professionals, we included that information. Given the lack of centralized data tracking such activities, however, it is likely that we missed some instances. We also drew from news reports that showed senators used their positions in order to financially benefit family members or direct government money to benefit family members.


There are 67 members of the Senate (28 Democrats, 2 Independents, and 37 Republicans) included in this report. Several are included for more than one category.

Family members working as lobbyists or in government affairs:

 30 senators have one or more family members who have been registered to lobby or employed in government affairs.  In total, 48 registered lobbyists or government affairs professionals are related to senators.

Senators with the most family members working as lobbyists or in government affairs:

 Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) has the most family members who have been employed in government affairs, with five.  Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) each have four family members who have been registered to lobby or employed in government affairs.  Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) each have three family members who have been registered to lobby.

Family members receiving salaries or fees:

 20 senators paid salaries or fees to family members from their campaign committees or leadership PACs. Two senators paid salaries or fees to family members from their Senate offices.  In total, senators paid $1,276,209 in salaries or fees directly to family members.

Senators paying the most money in salaries, fees, and payments to family members:

 Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) paid a relative $258,556.  Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) paid his daughter and son-in-law a combined $178,795.  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) paid his niece’s husband $172,417.  Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) paid his stepdaughter $162,516.  Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) paid his mother and stepmother $98,358.

Family businesses, employers, and associated nonprofits receiving payments or contributions:

 26 senators paid or contributed to family businesses, employers, or associated nonprofits.  In total, senators paid $6,886,544 to family businesses, employers, or associated nonprofits.

4 Senators paying the most money in payments or contributions to family businesses, employers, or associated nonprofits:

 Sen. Paul paid his wife and niece’s husband’s companies a combined $4,862,337.  Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) paid his daughter-in-law’s company $508,656.  Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) paid her husband’s law firm and her son’s company a combined $313,032.  Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) paid and contributed $203,237 to his daughter’s employer.  Sen. Kirk paid his ex-wife’s and ex-girlfriend’s companies a combined $183,582.

Reimbursements to family and self:

Number of senators whose campaign committees and/or PACs reimbursed family members: 54

Number of senators whose campaign committees and/or PACs reimbursed the senators themselves: 85

In total, senators’ campaign committees and/or PACs reimbursed family members $329,541.

In total, senators’ campaign committees and/or PACS reimbursed themselves $2,022,548.

Number of senators whose campaign committees and/or PACs reimbursed themselves and their family members more than a collective total of $25,000: 20 (6 Democrats and 14 Republicans)

Senators reimbursed the most money:

 Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) was reimbursed $481,456.  Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) was reimbursed $220,187.  Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) was reimbursed $162,424.  Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) was reimbursed $126,467.  Sen. Moran was reimbursed $98,507.

Senators whose family members were reimbursed the most money:

 Sen. Shelby reimbursed family members $45,808.  Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) reimbursed family members $37,035.  Sen. Moran reimbursed family members $35,876.  Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) reimbursed family members $25,407.  Sen. Toomey reimbursed family members $15,578.

Contributions or payments to political campaigns:

 7 senators made contributions to a family member’s political campaign.  In total, senators contributed $42,615 to relatives’ political campaigns.

5 Senators making the largest contributions to family members’ political campaigns:

 Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) contributed $15,000 to her brother’s campaign.  Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) contributed $7,300 to his cousin’s campaign.  Sen. Paul contributed $7,100 to his father’s campaigns.

Senators paid interest on personal loans to campaigns:

Three senators were paid interest on personal loans they made to their political campaigns: Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) ($7,599), Sen. Lee ($4,115), and Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) ($14,487).

Earmarks or federal spending directed to benefit family members:

 Number of senators who earmarked or directed money to family members’ employers or to affiliated companies, groups, or nonprofits: 11  In total, senators earmarked or directed $58,424,180 to organizations affiliated with themselves and their family members.

Senators who earmarked the largest amounts to organizations affiliated with them or their family members:

 Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) earmarked $19,438,000 to a university where her brothers serve on boards.  Sen. Shelby earmarked a combined $14,916,000 to urban renewal projects which have likely increased the value of his own property.  Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) earmarked a combined $5,592,000 to organizations affiliated with his wife.  Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) earmarked $4,082,000 to his wife and sister-in-law’s employer.  Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) directed $4,000,000 to a program that employed his wife.


Congress should act to prevent members of Congress from using their positions for the financial benefit of themselves and their families. The following recommendations are drawn from CREW’s series of Family Affair reports and experience fighting for a more accountable government. They fall into three categories: prevention, transparency, and enforcement.


Federal law permits members of Congress and congressional candidates to engage in unethical activities that should be illegal. In many instances, legislation already has been advanced to remedy the problem. Congress should perfect the bills and enact them into law.

Ban conversion of funds for personal use

The ban on converting campaign committee funds for personal use should be extended to leadership PACs. While initially designed to leverage lawmakers’ fundraising abilities in the political sphere, frequently leadership PAC accounts are treated as personal slush funds. Members should not be permitted to use these funds to pay for travel, clothing, golf club fees, tuition, and the like and donors should not be allowed to finance the lifestyles of elected officials.

Four bills in Congress would prevent the conversion of political committee funds for personal use. They include:  The Clean Campaign Contribution Act of 2013, H.R. 3356, introduced by Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) and co-sponsored by Reps. Mark Amodei (R-NV) and Mo Brooks (R- AL);  The No Political Funds for Personal Use Act, H.R. 3466, introduced by Rep. Walter Jones and co-sponsored by Reps. David Price (D-NC), Bobby Scott (D-VA), and Charles Rangel (D-NY);  The Leadership PAC Limitation Act, H.R. 465, introduced by Rep. Michael Capuano (D- MA) and co-sponsored by Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Scott Peters (D-CA); and  The MERIT Act, introduced by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) and discussed below.

Keep family members off the campaign payroll

Campaign committees and leadership PACs should be prohibited from hiring relatives of candidates—just as members of Congress are prohibited from hiring relatives as congressional staff. Volunteer positions, however, still should be allowed. In addition, campaign committees and leadership PACs should be prohibited from leasing property or purchasing goods or services from relatives to avoid impropriety or the appearance thereof.

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) introduced S. 64, which would prohibit campaign committees from employing the spouse of immediate family members of any candidate or federal office holder that is connected to the committee. The MERIT Act, discussed below, includes similar prohibitions.

7 Omnibus Reform Bill: the MERIT Act

In addition to the measures identified above, candidates should be prevented from loaning their campaigns funds at usurious rates and subject to only the vaguest of terms. The MERIT Act, introduced by Rep. Speier, addresses this and other issues. It prohibits campaign committees and leadership PACs from paying relatives of candidates or from leasing property or purchasing goods or services from relatives; it limits the interest rate a member may charge a campaign and requires disclosure of the terms of the loan; it prevents the conversation of leadership PAC funds for personal use; and it includes new lobbying disclosure provisions, discussed below.


Information about congressional or candidate activity often is difficult or impossible to find. Public access to this information empowers journalists and government watchdogs to detect and deter unethical and illegal behavior.

Disclosing the lobbying connection

Currently, it is difficult to determine whether a lobbyist is related to a member of Congress. Lobbyists are in the business of influencing government officials and they are likely to have greater sway with relatives. As a result, the public should know when members are lobbied by relatives.

The MERIT Act would require lobbyists to reveal their familial relationships with federal lawmakers and disclose each instance they lobby a member of Congress to whom they are related as well as the subject matter on which they lobbied.

Publishing ethics reports online

Many of the ethics reports filed with the Clerk of the House or the Secretary of the Senate are available to those who physically visit their Capitol Hill offices. For example, an in-person visit is the only way to obtain at minimal cost legal expense fund disclosures, statements of recusal arising from negotiation for future employment for a member of Congress, political fund activity designees in the Senate, agreements to comply with the code of official conduct in the Senate, and some foreign travel reports. These documents should all be available online.

The Transparency in Government Act of 2014, H.R. 4245, introduced by Rep Mike Quigley (D- IL), requires all of these reports to be contemporaneously published online.

E-File FEC Reports

Candidates for Senate should submit campaign filings directly to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Current practice requires submission of documents to the Secretary of the Senate after which the FEC must print out each document and rekey it, delaying public access and costing taxpayers $500,000 annually.

8 Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) introduced the Campaign Disclosure Parity Act, S. 375, along with 47 co-sponsors (including 38 Democrats, 7 Republicans, and 2 Independents), which would require e-filing; the bill effectively was killed by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) after it was reported out by the Senate Rules Committee. The provision was reinserted into the Senate's Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, FY 2015, H.R. 4487, where it is anticipated to pass the Senate.

Regularize reporting to the FEC

The timing of political committee reports to the FEC under the Federal Election Campaign Act varies greatly by entity and election cycle timing. This leads to gamesmanship that often permits political committees to evade timely disclosure. Consequently, all political committees should be required to file monthly reports with the FEC as many already do. Monthly filing would eliminate confusion over deadlines and create a uniform, fair rule followed by all.


Five entities are responsible for policing congressional misconduct: the House and the Senate each have their own ethics committee and the House also has the independent Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE); the FEC oversees campaign activity; and the Department of Justice's Public Integrity Section prosecutes elected and appointed officials. Unfortunately, with the exception of the OCE, none of these entities engage in vigorous enforcement.

Congressional ethics offices

While it may be beyond hope to encourage greater activity by the House and Senate ethics committees, the vibrant OCE has demonstrated the power of an independent institutional watchdog that publicly refers its findings to the House ethics committee. The OCE should be strengthened by granting it subpoena power, a larger budget, and placing it on a firm statutory basis.

We also recommend creating a Senate equivalent, an Office of Senate Ethics, to be established along OCE's lines. A template already exists: Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), along with co- sponsors Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), and (D-IL) introduced Senate Amendment 3176 in the 109th Congress to create a Senate Office of Public Integrity.

Federal Election Commission

The FEC is excessively partisan and political, its enforcement process is cumbersome and inefficient, and the penalties it levies are too anemic to deter violations of the law. The president should nominate commissioners based upon merit, skills, qualifications, experience, background, and professional reputation, not partisan bona fides.

9 In addition, the number of commissioners should be changed, either by creating a single head or ensuring there is an uneven number of commissioners to avoid deadlock. Finally, mandatory minimum fines should be increased so they possess real bite, giving potential violators pause.

Finally, recent court decisions have stripped members of the public of their statutorily-provided right to compel enforcement of the law against a third party. This right was intended for use when the FEC dismissed a complaint or failed to timely enforce the law. While the jurisprudence is complicated, at a minimum Congress should make clear the public has standing in FECA lawsuits seeking information, just like in FOIA and APA lawsuits. While this would not resolve the broader standing question regarding enforcement, it would help protect the public’s right to know.

The Department of Justice

The Justice Department's Public Integrity Section has become best known for the cases it failed to prosecute and mistakes it made in prosecutions it has pursued. Its staff need retraining on the Constitution—with a special emphasis on the speech or debate clause, a refresher on campaign finance laws, and the support from Justice Department leadership to start enforcing the law.

One tool that should be added to the agency's often-neglected arsenal is a strengthened law on honest services fraud—addressing when public servants make decisions for their personal gain rather than the best interests of the general public. Congress should pass the Public Corruption Prosecution Improvements Act, introduced as S. 401 in the 112th Congress by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), and as H.R. 1793, the Clean Up Government Act of 2011 by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) in the House, which revises and expands prohibitions against bribery, theft of public money, and other public corruption offenses.


The ultimate check on corrupt elected officials is an election. It is outside the scope of this report to delve into the elections process, but the flood of money into politics, the unavoidable role of well-heeled special interests, the calcification of electoral districts, and the ever-present need for candidates to fundraise has undermined the public’s trust and the ability of elected officials to avoid sacrificing the public good for campaign contributions. We must reinvigorate our political system. The reform measures included here are a good place to start, but they can be only a beginning.

10 LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN) is a two-term senator from Tennessee.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2 Sen. Alexander’s nephew’s wife is a lobbyist, and the senator worked on legislation lobbied on by her employer. Melissa Carl (nephew’s wife):3

 Ms. Carl has been a registered lobbyist for ASME, a professional organization that promotes engineering and engineering standards, since 2005.4 On behalf of ASME, she also lobbies for the Society of Women Engineers.5 In 2007, Sen. Alexander introduced legislation called the America COMPETES Act, to increase educational research investment and strengthen educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.6 He was a strong proponent for its reauthorization in 2010 and 2013.7 ASME has lobbied in favor of the legislation.8 In 2013, ASME awarded Sen. Alexander the ASME President’s Award for his work on the America COMPETES legislation.9

1 2 3;; A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 4; ASME, Year End 2005 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; ASME, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 5 ASME, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Society of Women Engineers, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 6 7 Press Release, ASME, Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander Receives ASME President's Award, April 25, 2013; Jeffrey Mervis, U.S. Senate Hearing on COMPETES Act Starts a Long, Tough Road to Reauthorization, Science, November 7, 2013; afaf-491f-852f-5f8788c7a530&ContentType_id=14f995b9-dfa5-407a-9d35-56cc7152a7ed&Group_id=b06c39af- e033-4cba-9221-de668ca1978a. 8 ASME, Third Quarter 2008 - Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; ASME, First Quarter 2010 - Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Society of Women Engineers, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 9 Press Release, ASME, Apr. 25, 2013.

11 KELLY AYOTTE (R-NH) is a first-term senator from New Hampshire.1 She is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support of the Senate Armed Services Committee.2 Sen. Ayotte’s mother is a lobbyist. Kathleen Veracco (mother):3

 Ms. Veracco is registered to lobby in New Hampshire for the Sheehan Phinney Capitol Group.4 Her lobbying clients include Equifax, NextEra Energy Seabrook Station, and Verizon, among others.5

1 2 3 Clark Hansen, How Old is Kelly Ayotte?, Politics Daily, October 6, 2010; Sarah Schweitzer, Vice President Speculation Marks the Latest Stage of Kelly Ayotte’s Swift Ascent, Boston Globe, July 21, 2012. 4 2013 Lobbyists, Secretary of State: New Hampshire, filed April 21, 2014; firm/affiliates.aspx. 5 2013 Lobbyists, Secretary of State: New Hampshire, filed April 21, 2014.

12 JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY) is a two-term senator from Wyoming.1 He is the chairman of the Republican Policy Committee and the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.2 Sen. Barrasso’s campaign committee, Friends of John Barrasso,3 reimbursed Sen. Barrasso and his wife more than $222,000. John Barrasso (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Barrasso’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Barrasso $34,388 for meals, travel, printing, advertising, and postage.4  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Barrasso’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Barrasso $44,355 for mileage, travel, and other expenses.5  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Barrasso’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Barrasso $105,785 for mileage and other expenses.6  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Barrasso’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Barrasso $35,659 for mileage and other expenses.7 Bobbi Barrasso (wife):8

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Barrasso’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Barrasso $2,486 for mileage, taxis, and a business forum registration.9

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Barrasso, Statement of Organization, July 16, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Barrasso, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 5 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Barrasso, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Barrasso, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Barrasso, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 8 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 9 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Barrasso, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

13 MARK BEGICH (D-AK) is a first-term senator from Alaska.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Emergency Management, Intergovernmental Relations, and the District of Columbia of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Begich’s campaign committee, Alaskans for Begich 2014,3 and leadership PAC, Great Land PAC,4 paid his wife’s businesses. Deborah Bonito (wife):5

 On his 2012 personal financial disclosures, Sen. Begich reported his wife’s ownership of Sourdough Mercantile and Mosquito Books, retail stores in the Anchorage airport.6 He also reported his wife earned between $100,001 and $1,000,000 from the stores.7 During the 2010 cycle, Sen. Begich’s leadership PAC paid Sourdough Mercantile $1,176 for donor gifts.8  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Begich’s leadership PAC paid Sourdough Mercantile $1,815 and paid Mosquito Books $974 for donor gifts.9  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Begich’s campaign committee paid Mosquito Books $1,287 for donor gifts.10

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Alaskans for Begich 2014, Statement of Organization, Amended, March 13, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Great Land PAC, Statement of Organization, Amended, December 14, 2010. 5 6; Sen. Mark Begich, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 15, 2013. 7 Id. 8 Federal Election Commission, Great Land PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010. 9 Federal Election Commission, Great Land PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012. 10 Federal Election Commission, Alaskans for Begich 2014, Operating Expenditures, 2013.

14 RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT) is a first-term senator from Connecticut.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Airland of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.2 Sen. Blumenthal’s campaign committee, Blumenthal for Senate,3 reimbursed Sen. Blumenthal and his sister-in-law more than $36,000. Richard Blumenthal (self):

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Blumenthal’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Blumenthal $34,331 for travel, cell phone expenses, and communications consulting costs.4 Ellen Blumenthal (sister-in-law):5

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Blumenthal’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Blumenthal $1,758 for catering, food, and office supplies.6

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Blumenthal for Senate, Statement of Organization, January 8, 2010. 4 Federal Election Commission, Blumenthal for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 5 Blumenthal, Gravitz, Delaware County Daily Times, August 11, 1970. Sen. Blumenthal’s campaign confirmed the relationship. 6 Blumenthal for Senate, FEC Form 3, 2010 October Quarterly Report, October 15, 2010.

15 ROY BLUNT (R-MO) is a first-term senator from Missouri.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.2 Sen. Blunt’s campaign committee, Friends of Roy Blunt,3 and his leadership PAC, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund,4 paid his daughter’s employer and reimbursed the senator and his son more than $36,000. In addition, Sen. Blunt’s wife, son, and daughter are lobbyists, and his son works in government relations. Roy Blunt (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Blunt’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Blunt $13,361 for meals, travel, taxi, and event expenses.5  During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Blunt’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Blunt $327 for travel.6  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Blunt’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Blunt $7,898 for parking, travel, taxi, and event expenses.7  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Blunt’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Blunt $6,459 for meals, travel, taxi, and event expenses.8  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Blunt’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Blunt $1,113 for travel.9  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Blunt’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Blunt $3,935 for meals, travel, taxi, and event expenses.10  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Blunt’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Blunt $730 for travel.11 Abigail Blunt (wife):12

 Ms. Blunt is a lobbyist for Kraft Foods Group, Inc.13 From 2001 until 2007, Ms. Blunt was a lobbyist for Altria Client Services, Inc.14

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Statement of Organization, June 24, 2013. Sen. Blunt was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles. He was elected to the Senate in November 2010. See 4 Federal Election Commission, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Statement of Organization, March 28, 2014. 5 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Operating Expenditures, 2008 cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Operating Expenditures, 2010 cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Operating Expenditures, 2012 cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Operating Expenditures, 2014 cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 cycle. 12 13 Kraft Foods Group, Inc., First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

16 Andy Blunt (son):15

 Mr. Blunt is registered to lobby in Missouri.16 His clients include Altria Client Services, Inc., American Airlines, and Exelon Generation Company, among others.17  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Blunt’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Blunt $1,250 for an equipment purchase.18  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Blunt’s leadership PAC reimbursed Mr. Blunt $1,584 for lodging.19 Amy Blunt (daughter):20

 Ms. Blunt was of counsel to the government relations department at Lathrop & Gage from 2006 until 2009.21 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Blunt’s campaign committee paid Lathrop & Gage $92,264 for legal services.22  During the 2010 election cycle, then Rep. Blunt’s campaign committee paid Lathrop & Gage $25,439 for FEC compliance and debt repayment.23  Ms. Blunt has been registered to lobby in Missouri since March 2008.24 Her only current client is HNTB Corporation.25 Ms. Blunt previously lobbied in Missouri on behalf of Alphapointe, the Financial Insurance Management Corp., and Major Brands, Inc.26 Matthew Blunt (son):27

 Former Missouri Gov. Blunt is the president of the American Automotive Policy Council, an industry group whose purpose is to represent the public policy interests of General Motors Company, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler Group LLC.28

14 LegiStorm, Biography: Abigail Perlman Blunt; Altria Client Services, Inc., Year-End 2001 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Altria Client Services, Inc., Mid-Year 2007 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 15 16 Lobbyist Monthly Expenditure Report April 2014, Andrew B. Blunt, Missouri Ethics Commission: Jefferson City, Missouri, filed May 5, 2014. 17 Lobbyist List, Andrew B. Blunt, Missouri Ethics Commission: Jefferson City, Missouri; Lobbyist/Principal Report, Missouri Ethics Commission: Jefferson City, Missouri, filed June 11, 2014. 18 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Operating Expenditures, 2010 cycle. 19 Federal Election Commission, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 cycle. 20 21 Press Release, Lathrop & Gage, Amy Blunt Joins Lathrop & Gage, August 14, 2006; Lobbyist Monthly No- Expenditure Report, Amy Blunt, Missouri Ethics Commission: Jefferson City, Missouri, filed June 10, 2009. 22 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Operating Expenditures, 2008 cycle. 23 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Roy Blunt, Operating Expenditures, 2010 cycle. 24 Lobbyist Monthly No-Expenditure Report March 2008, Amy Blunt, Missouri Ethics Commission: Jefferson City, Missouri, filed April 7, 2008; Lobbyist Monthly No-Expenditure Report April 2014, Amy Blunt, Missouri Ethics Commission: Jefferson City, Missouri, filed May 1, 2014. 25 Lobbyist Search, Amy Blunt, Missouri Ethics Commission: Jefferson City, Missouri, accessed June 10, 2014. 26 Id. 27 28; Bill Lambrecht, Former Missouri Governor Takes on New Role, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 9, 2012. In 2014, Mr. Blunt is officially registered to lobby for the American Automotive Policy Council. See American Automotive Policy Council, Inc., First Quarter 2014 Lobbying


Disclosure Report on behalf of American Automotive Policy Council, Inc., Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

18 JOHN BOOZMAN (R-AR) is a first-term senator from Arkansas.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Conservation, Forestry and Natural Resources of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.2 Sen. Boozman’s campaign committees, Boozman for Congress3 and Boozman for Arkansas,4 paid his sister-in-law a salary. In addition the campaign committees and the senator’s leadership PAC, Arkansas for Leadership PAC,5 reimbursed the senator, his wife, his sister-in-law, and his wife’s cousin more than $37,000. John Boozman (self):

 During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Boozman’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Boozman $587 for travel.6

Cathy Boozman (wife):7

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Boozman’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Boozman $7,499 for travel.8  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Boozman’s campaign committees reimbursed Ms. Boozman $11,982 for travel.9  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Boozman $2,596 for travel.10  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Boozman $3,450 for travel.11  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Boozman $270 for travel.12  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Boozman $3,278 for travel.13

1 2; FuseAction=Subcommittees.Subcommittee&Subcommittee_id=47af17cb-6eeb-4fdc-b02d-0abb49d2eacb. 3 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Congress, Statement of Organization, July 27, 2001. Boozman for Congress was terminated in 2010. See Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Congress, Termination Approval, June 8, 2010. 4 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Statement of Organization, February 2, 2011. Sen. Boozman was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles. He was elected to the Senate in 2010. See 5 Federal Election Commission, Arkansas for Leadership PAC, Statement of Organization, January 24, 2011. 6 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Sen. Boozman’s campaign confirmed the relationship. 8 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle; Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Arkansas for Leadership PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Arkansas for Leadership PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.


Vickey Boozman (sister-in-law):14

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Boozman’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Boozman $608 for meals, travel, and mileage.15  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Boozman’s campaign committee paid Ms. Boozman $26,931 in salary.16  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Boozman’s campaign committees reimbursed Ms. Boozman $4,548 for travel and mileage.17  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Boozman $659 for travel.18  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Boozman $78 for travel.19

Harry D. Marley Jr. (wife’s cousin):20

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s leadership PAC reimbursed Mr. Marley $1,242 for travel.21  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Boozman’s leadership PAC reimbursed Mr. Marley $825 for travel.22

14 In Respectful Memory of Dr. Fay W. Boozman and in Recognition of His Many Contributions to the State of Arkansas and His Local Community, SCMR 10, State of Arkansas 85th General Assembly Regular Session, 2005. Sen. Boozman’s campaign confirmed the relationship. 15 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 16 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 17 Id.; Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 18 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 19 Federal Election Commission, Boozman for Arkansas, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 20 Sen. Boozman’s campaign confirmed the relationship. 21 Federal Election Commission, Arkansas for Leadership PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 22 Federal Election Commission, Arkansas for Leadership PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

20 BARBARA BOXER (D-CA) is a four-term senator from California.1 She is the chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, as well as the Senate Select Committee on Ethics.2 Sen. Boxer’s campaign committee, Friends of Barbara Boxer,3 and her leadership PAC, PAC for a Change,4 reimbursed the senator nearly $40,000 and paid her son’s company and her husband’s law firm. Barbara Boxer (self):

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Boxer’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Boxer $35,657 for travel expenses.5  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Boxer’s PAC reimbursed Sen. Boxer $500 for a fundraiser venue rental.6  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Boxer’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Boxer $3,389 for travel expenses and meals.7 Doug Boxer (son):8

 Mr. Boxer owns Boxer & Associates, Inc., a government affairs, business development, and land use consulting firm.9 Mr. Boxer was Sen. Boxer’s campaign manager and the director of her leadership PAC until 2008.10 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Boxer’s campaign committee paid Douglas Boxer & Associates $2,000 for political consulting fees.11  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Boxer’s leadership PAC paid Douglas Boxer & Associates $141,000 for political consulting fees.12  During the 2010 election cycle Sen. Boxer’s leadership PAC paid Douglas Boxer & Associates $150,000 for PAC administration, strategy consulting, and political consulting fees.13  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Boxer’s PAC paid Douglas Boxer & Associates $18,000 for PAC administration and strategy consulting.14

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Barbara Boxer, Statement of Organization, May 24, 2011. 4 Federal Election Commission, PAC for a Change, Statement of Organization, March 27, 2009. 5 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Barbara Boxer, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, PAC for a Change, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Barbara Boxer, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 8 Joe Garofoli, Is Doug Boxer – Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Son – Mulling a Run for Mayor of Oakland?, San Francisco Chronicle, September 9, 2013. 9; California Secretary of State, Business Entity Search, Boxer & Associates, Inc. 10 Angela Woodall, Night Owl: Hudson’s a Hit on College Avenue, Oakland Tribune, February 25, 2011; 11 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Barbara Boxer, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. The company is registered in California as Boxer & Associates. Sen. Boxer’s campaign committee and leadership PAC, however, reported paying Douglas Boxer and Associates. 12 Federal Election Commission, PAC for a Change, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, PAC for a Change, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

21 Stewart Boxer (husband):15

 Mr. Boxer is a founding partner of the law firm Boxer & Gerson, LLP.16 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Boxer’s campaign committee paid Boxer & Gerson $2,032 for computer hardware.17

14 Federal Election Commission, PAC for a Change, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 15 16 17 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Barbara Boxer, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

22 SHERROD BROWN (D-OH) is a second-term senator from Ohio.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Jobs, Rural Economic Growth, and Energy Innovation of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy of the Senate Finance Committee.2 Sen. Brown’s campaign committee, Friends of Sherrod Brown,3 and his leadership PAC, America Works PAC,4 paid and contributed to his daughter’s employer. Elizabeth Brown (daughter):5

 In March 2011, the Ohio Democratic Party hired Ms. Brown as political director6 and in September 2011, she became deputy director.7 From March 2011 through the remainder of the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Brown’s campaign committee paid the Ohio Democratic Party $185,987 for rent, parking and supplies, equipment rental, and other expenses.8  From March 2011 through the remainder of the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Brown’s leadership PAC contributed $10,000 to the Ohio Democratic Party.9  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Brown’s campaign committee contributed $2,250 to the Ohio Democratic Party. 10  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Brown’s leadership PAC contributed $5,000 to the Ohio Democratic Party.11

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Sherrod Brown, Statement of Organization, filed April 15, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, America Works PAC, Statement of Organization, filed May 27, 2014. 5; &set=a.729288118602.2327889.100544&type=1&theater. Sen. Brown’s office confirmed the relationship. 6 7 Id. 8 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Sherrod Brown, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle; Federal Election Commission, Friends of Sherrod Brown, Other Disbursements, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, America Works PAC, Contributions to Committees, 2012 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Sherrod Brown, Other Disbursements, 2014 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, America Works PAC, Contributions to Committees, 2014 Cycle.

23 RICHARD BURR (R-NC) is a two-term senator from North Carolina.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.2 Sen. Burr’s campaign committee, The Richard Burr Committee,3 and leadership PAC, Next Century Fund,4 paid his sister-in-law a salary, paid his brother-in-law’s and son’s companies, and paid another relative a per diem. Tyler Burr (son):5

 Mr. Burr is the vice president of Brand Intelligence Group.6 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s campaign committee paid Brand Intelligence Group $14,550 for office space rental.7  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s campaign committee paid Brand Intelligence Group $7,500 for office space rental.8

Mary Fauth (sister-in-law):9

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Fauth $11,136 in salary.10  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Fauth $12,528 in salary.11  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Fauth $11,424 in salary.12  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Fauth $5,568 in salary.13

Gerald Fauth III (brother-in-law):14

 Mr. Fauth is the registered agent for 116 S. Royal Street Partners, LLC.15 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid 116 S. Royal Street Partners, LLC $9,600 for office space and utilities.16

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, The Richard Burr Committee, Statement of Organization, July 12, 2010. 4 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Statement of Organization, May 17, 2013. 5 Richard Burr, News & Observer, October 30, 2010. 6 Business Corporation Annual Report, Brand Intelligence Group Inc., Secretary of State: Raleigh, North Carolina, filed January 22, 2014; 7 Federal Election Commission, The Richard Burr Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, The Richard Burr Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 9 Obituaries, Gerald W. Fauth Jr., Flint Journal, November 16, 2010. 10 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 14 Flint Journal, Nov. 16, 2010.

24  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid 116 S. Royal Street Partners, LLC $9,600 for office space and utilities.17  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid 116 S. Royal Street Partners, LLC $9,600 for office space and utilities.18  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s leadership PAC paid 116 S. Royal Street Partners, LLC $4,800 for office space and utilities.19

Catherine Fauth (relationship unknown):20

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Burr’s campaign committee paid Ms. Fauth $1,000 in per diem.21

15 Business Entity Details, 116 S. Royal Street Partners, LLC, State Corporation Commission: Richmond, Virginia. 16 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 17 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 18 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 19 Federal Election Commission, Next Century Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 20 Sen. Burr’s office did not confirm this individual’s relationship to Sen. Burr. 21 Federal Election Commission, The Richard Burr Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

25 MARIA CANTWELL (D-WA) is a three-term senator from Washington.1 She is the chairwoman of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.2

Sen. Cantwell’s campaign committee, Friends of Maria,3 paid Sen. Cantwell interest on a loan.

Maria Cantwell (self):

 During the 2002 election cycle, Sen. Cantwell loaned her campaign committee $550,000.4 She charged her campaign committee a 5.1 percent interest rate on the loan.5 Her campaign committee reported paying her $7,599 in loan interest during the 2008 election cycle, and paid off the loan in October 2008.6

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Maria, Statement of Organization, Amended, July 14, 2012. 4 Friends of Maria, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, Year End Report, February 5, 2008. 5 Id. 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Maria, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle; Friends of Maria, FEC Form 3, 2008 Year-End Report, January 31, 2009. On her 2007 personal financial disclosure form, Sen. Cantwell reported receiving between $2,501 and $5,000 in income from her campaign committee. See Sen. Maria Cantwell, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2007, filed May 15, 2008. Her campaign committee, however, reported making $6,507 in interest payments that year. See Federal Election Commission, Friends of Maria, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle.

26 BENJAMIN CARDIN (D-MD) is a two-term senator from Maryland.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.2 Sen. Cardin earmarked funds to organizations affiliated with him. In addition, Sen. Cardin’s leadership PAC, LEGPAC,3 donated to his nephew’s political campaign. Finally, Sen. Cardin’s nephew is a lobbyist. Benjamin Cardin (self):

 Sen. Cardin is an unpaid member of the Board of Visitors at the University of Maryland Law School, a position he has held since 1998, and an ex officio member of the Board of Visitors of the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, a position he has held since 2007.4 In fiscal year 2009, Sen. Cardin co-sponsored a $951,000 earmark to the University of Maryland, College Park for a public service fellowship program.5  Sen. Cardin is an unpaid member of the President’s Advisory Board at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County (UMBC), a position he has held since 1993.6 In fiscal year 2009, Sen. Cardin co-sponsored a $2,000,000 earmark to the University of Maryland, College Park and UMBC for ultrafast dynamics for next generation nanotechnology research and development.7 Jon Cardin (nephew): 8

 During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Cardin’s leadership PAC donated $4,000 to Elect Jon Cardin, his nephew’s campaign committee.9 Mr. Cardin was running for Maryland attorney general.10

Bruce Fried (nephew):11

 Mr. Fried was a lobbyist with Dentons US LLP until early 2013.12 His clients included L.A. Care Health Plan, UCARE, and other health care firms.13

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, LEGPAC, Statement of Organization, July 2, 2013. 4 Sen. Benjamin Cardin, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 15, 2013. 5 6; Sen. Benjamin Cardin, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2011, filed May 15, 2012. 7 8 Jon Cardin Launches Maryland Attorney General Bid, Associated Press, July 22, 2013. 9 Federal Election Commission, LEGPAC, Other Disbursements, 2014 Cycle. 10 Jon Cardin Launches Maryland Attorney General Bid, Associated Press, July 22, 2013. 11 Cardin, Judge Meyer M., Baltimore Sun, July 14, 2005. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 12 Dentons US LLP, First Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of L.A. Care Health Plan, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 13 Id.; Dentons US LLP, First Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of UCARE, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

27 SAXBY CHAMBLISS (R-GA) is a two-term senator from Georgia.1 He is the vice-chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.2 Sen. Chambliss’ son was a lobbyist. Clarence ‘Bo’ Chambliss (son):3

 Mr. Chambliss was a lobbyist for CME Group, Inc. from 2004 to 2009.4

1 2 3 Legistorm, Biography: Clarence ‘Bo’ Chambliss. 4 CME Group, Inc., Fourth Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

28 DAN COATS (R-IN) is a three-term senator from Indiana.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Joint Economic Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Homeland Security of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2 Sen. Coats’ leadership PAC, Conservatives Organized to Advance Tomorrow’s Solutions,3 paid his son’s employer. In addition, Sen. Coats’ son is a lobbyist. Andrew Coats (son):4

 Mr. Coats has been of counsel with Hall, Render, Killian, Health, & Lyman since June 2012.5 From June 2012 through the remainder of the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Coats’ leadership PAC paid Hall, Render, Killian, Health, & Lyman $2,290 for legal consulting.6  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Coats’ leadership PAC paid Hall, Render, Killian, Health, & Lyman $11,098 for legal consulting.7  Mr. Coats is a lobbyist for Liberty Partners Group.8 His lobbying clients include a wide range of health care companies, such as Affordable Care, Inc. and Lee Memorial Health System.9

1 2; subcommittee/homeland-security. 3 Federal Election Commission, Conservatives Organized to Advance Tomorrow’s Solutions, Statement of Organization, March 28, 2011. 4 LegiStorm, Biography: Andrew Coats. 5 Press Release, Hall, Render, Killian, Health, & Lyman, Andrew Coats Joins Hall Render as Of Counsel Attorney, June 7, 2012; 6 Federal Election Commission, Conservatives Organized to Advance Tomorrow’s Solutions, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Conservatives Organized to Advance Tomorrow’s Solutions, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 8;; LegiStorm, Biography: Andrew Coats. 9 Liberty Partners Group, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Affordable Care, Inc., Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Liberty Partners Group, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Lee Memorial Health System, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

29 SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME) is a three-term senator from Maine.1 She is the ranking member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, as well as the Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2 Sen. Collins’ campaign committee, Collins for Senator,3 and leadership PAC, Dirigo PAC,4 paid a family business and reimbursed the senator and her husband nearly $26,000. In addition, Sen. Collins’ husband was a lobbyist. Finally, Sen. Collins earmarked millions of dollars to a university where her brothers serve on boards. Susan Collins (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Collins $14,049 for travel, lodging, meals, mileage, and airfare.5  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Collins $1,449 for travel and meals.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Collins $1,365 for travel and food expenses.7  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Collins $3,238 for travel and meals.8  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Collins $1,837 for travel and food expenses.9  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Collins $2,361 for travel and meals.10  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Collins $804 for travel and food expenses.11

Tom Daffron (husband):12

 Mr. Daffron is the chief operating officer of Jefferson Consulting Group.13 He has not been registered to lobby since 2007, though the firm lobbies on behalf of clients

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Collins for Senator, Statement of Candidacy, March 27, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Dirigo PAC, Statement of Organization, Amended, July 27, 2012. 5 Federal Election Commission, Collins for Senator, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Collins for Senator, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Dirigo PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Collins for Senator, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Dirigo PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Collins for Senator, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Dirigo PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 12 Aislinn Sarnacki, Susan Collins Engaged to be Married, Bangor Daily News, February 3, 2012. Sen. Collins and Mr. Daffron married in 2012 after dating for two years. See Sen. Susan Collins Tried to Keep Next Week’s Wedding Under the Radar. Didn’t Work., Washington Post, August 2, 2012. CREW, therefore, has only included disbursements about Mr. Daffron from the 2010 election cycle forward. 13

30 including AT&T Services, Humana Veterans Healthcare Services, Inc., and Oshkosh Corporation.14  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ leadership PAC reimbursed Mr. Daffron $617 for food expenses.15

Sam Collins and Gregg Collins (brothers):16

 Sam Collins is the president and Gregg Collins the vice president of S.W. Collins Co., a lumber and building supply company.17 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Collins’ campaign committee paid S.W. Collins Co. $560 for sign supplies.18  Sam Collins was on the board of trustees of the University of Maine from April 2010 to May 2014.19 Gregg Collins is on the board of directors of the University of Maine Foundation.20 In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Collins earmarked $5,423,000 to the University of Maine.21  In fiscal year 2009, Sen. Collins earmarked $285,000 to the University of Maine.22  In fiscal year 2010, Sen. Collins earmarked $13,730,000 to the University of Maine.23

14 Jefferson Business Consulting, LLC, Mid-Year 2007 Lobbying Termination Report on behalf of LexisNexis, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Jefferson Business Consulting, LLC, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of AT&T Services, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Jefferson Business Consulting, LLC, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Humana Veterans Healthcare Services, Inc., Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Jefferson Business Consulting, LLC, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Oshkosh Corporation, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 15 Federal Election Commission, Dirigo PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 16 Sarnacki, Bangor Daily News, Feb. 3, 2012. 17 Nick Sambides, Jr., S.W. Collins Co. Acquires Building Supply Store in Lincoln, Bangor Daily News, April 9, 2013; 18 Federal Election Commission, Collins for Senator, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 19 20; 21 =&more=&organization=university+of+maine&state=&location=&description=&year=2008&commit=Search. 22 =&more=&organization=university+of+maine&state=&location=&description=&year=2009&commit=Search. 23 /2010/commit/Search/page/1.html.

31 CHRIS COONS (D-DE) is a first-term senator from Delaware.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.2 Sen. Coons’ campaign committee, Chris Coons for Delaware,3 reimbursed the senator and his wife nearly $32,000. Chris Coons (self):

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Coons’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Coons $20,496 for travel expenses, almost all on Amtrak.4  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Coons’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Coons $10,215 for travel expenses, almost all on Amtrak.5 Annie Coons (wife):6

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Coons’ campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Coons $246 for candy.7  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Coons’ campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Coons $710 for merchandise from Delaware Running Company.8

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Chris Coons for Delaware, Statement of Organization, June 3, 2013. 4 Federal Election Commission, Chris Coons for Delaware, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 5 Federal Election Commission, Chris Coons for Delaware, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 6 Sen. Coons’ office confirmed the relationship. 7 Federal Election Commission, Chris Coons for Delaware, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Chris Coons for Delaware, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

32 JOHN CORNYN (R-TX) is a three-term senator from Texas.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as well as the Senate minority whip.2 Sen. Cornyn’s daughter is a lobbyist. Haley Cornyn (daughter):3

 Ms. Cornyn is a government relations consultant at HillCo Partners in Austin, TX, and is registered to lobby in Texas.4 Her clients have included Amgen, the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, and Texas Children’s Hospital.5

1 2; 3 Byron Harris, Medicaid Dental Dollars Return to State…And to Lobbyists, WFAA, April 16, 2013. 4; Texas Ethics Commission, Registered Lobbyist Search, Cornyn, Haley. 5 Id.

33 BOB CORKER (R-TN) is a two-term senator from Tennessee.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.2 Sen. Corker’s son-in-law worked for his congressional office and was subsequently a lobbyist. Justin Spickard (son-in-law):3

 Mr. Spickard, a legislative aide in Sen. Corker’s Senate office, began to date Sen. Corker’s daughter, Julia, in early 2010.4 The two married in September 2011.5 Between April 2010 and July 2011, Sen. Corker’s office paid Mr. Spickard $46,915 in salary.6  Mr. Spickard was a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute from 2011 until 2013.7

1 2 3 4 Elizabeth Brotherton and Alison McSherry, Heard on the Hill: Going to the Chapel, Roll Call, February 8, 2011; LegiStorm, Salary Data: Justin Douglas Spickard. 5 David S. Fallis and Dan Keating, In Congress, Relatives Lobby on Bills Before Family Members, Washington Post, December 29, 2012. 6 LegiStorm, Salary Data: Justin Douglas Spickard. 7 American Petroleum Institute, Third Quarter 2011 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; American Petroleum Institute, Fourth Quarter 2012 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

34 MIKE CRAPO (R-ID) is a three-term senator from Idaho.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics, and Environmental Health of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.2 Sen. Crapo’s campaign committee, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate,3 and his leadership PAC, Freedom Fund,4 paid his wife and daughter and reimbursed the senator and his wife more than $53,000. Mike Crapo (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Crapo $3,515 for mileage, Internet, and phone.5  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Crapo $781 for mileage and expenses.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Crapo $19,264 for mileage, cable, telephone, Internet, meals, and travel.7  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Crapo $407 for expenses.8  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Crapo $3,907 for travel, meeting expenses, and phone.9 Susan Crapo (wife):10

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Crapo $7,121 for mileage, Internet, meals, and phone.11  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Crapo $27,764 for fundraising consulting and retainer fees.12  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Crapo $1,695 for mileage and event expenses.13  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s campaign committee paid Ms. Crapo $8,552 for field consulting and legal fees.14

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate, Statement of Organization, Amended, February 27, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Freedom Fund, Statement of Organization, Amended, October 20, 2011. 5 Federal Election Commission, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Freedom Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Freedom Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 10 Sen. Crapo’s office confirmed this relationship. 11 Federal Election Commission, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Freedom Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 13 Id. 14 Federal Election Commission, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

35  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Crapo $3,640 for office supplies, gifts, and event supplies.15  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Crapo $11,000 for fundraising.16  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Crapo $12,951 for shipping, baggage fees, food, and donor gifts.17  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Crapo $10,500 for fundraising.18 Lara Crapo (daughter):19

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Crapo’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Crapo $287 for jewelry for donor gift bags.20

15 Federal Election Commission, Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 16 Federal Election Commission, Freedom Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 17 Id. 18 Federal Election Commission, Freedom Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 19 Sen. Crapo’s office confirmed this relationship. 20 Federal Election Commission, Freedom Fund, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

36 (R-TX) is a first-term senator from Texas.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Science and Space of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee.2 Sen. Cruz’s campaign committee, Ted Cruz for Senate,3 reimbursed the senator, his father, and his wife more than $43,000. In addition, Sen. Cruz’s Senate aide arranged the senator’s father’s speaking engagements. Ted Cruz (self):

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Cruz’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Cruz $22,818 for travel, food and beverages, and facility rental.4  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Cruz’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Cruz $6,066 for travel.5 Rafael Cruz (father):6

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Cruz’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Cruz $7,263 for travel.7  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Cruz’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Cruz $7,065 for travel and mileage.8  Mr. Cruz frequently receives requests to speak at events, often on Sen. Cruz’s behalf.9 According to Mother Jones, Sen. Cruz’s Senate aide, Lela Pittenger, scheduled many speaking engagements, including some for which Mr. Cruz may have been compensated.10 Ms. Pittenger worked for Sen. Cruz’s Senate office from January 2013 to January 2014, and has worked for his campaign committee as administrative director since January 2014.11 Sen. Cruz’s spokesman said “Lela has assisted Rafael Cruz only with non-Senate equipment on non-Senate time.”12

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Ted Cruz for Senate, Statement of Organization, May 24, 2013. 4 Federal Election Commission, Ted Cruz for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. Sen. Cruz’s full name is Rafael Edward Cruz. His father’s name is Rafael Cruz. Sen. Cruz’s campaign finance reports show payments to “Ted Cruz,” “Rafael Cruz,” and “Rafael Edward Ted Cruz.” CREW treated disbursements to “Ted Cruz” or “Rafael Edward Ted Cruz” as having been made to the senator and disbursements to “Rafael Cruz” as having been made to the senator’s father. A call to the senator’s office to confirm this was not returned. 5 Federal Election Commission, Ted Cruz for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 6 David Corn, Ted Cruz Used a Senate Aide to Book Speaking Gigs for His Firebrand Father, Mother Jones, February 28, 2014. 7 Federal Election Commission, Ted Cruz for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Ted Cruz for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 9 Corn, Mother Jones, Feb. 28, 2014. 10 Id. 11 Id.; LegiStorm, Biography, Lela Mae Pittenger; 12 Id.

37 Heidi Cruz (wife):13

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Cruz’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Cruz $157 for travel.14

13 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 14 Federal Election Commission, Ted Cruz for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

38 JOE DONNELLY (D-IN) is a first-term senator from Indiana.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Commodities, Markets, Trade and Risk Management of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee.2 Then-Rep. Donnelly’s campaign committee, Donnelly for Indiana,3 paid his son and the employer of both his wife and sister-in-law. In addition, then-Rep. Donnelly earmarked to his wife and sister-in-law’s employer.

Joseph Donnelly Jr. (son):4

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Donnelly’s campaign committee paid Mr. Donnelly $5,427 in salary.5 Jill Donnelly (wife) and Judith Truitt (sister-in-law):6

 Ms. Donnelly was the director of the Notre Dame Law School Annual Fund between August 2005 and May 2013,7 and is the director of the Order of St. Thomas More at University of Notre Dame Law School.8 Her sister, Ms. Truitt, is the employer relations program manager for Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business.9 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Donnelly’s campaign committee paid the University of Notre Dame $3,102 for catering and site rental and event tickets.10  During fiscal year 2008, then-Rep. Donnelly earmarked $2,882,000 to the University of Notre Dame for orthopedic implant design and manufacturing for traumatic injuries, rapid up-armor synthesis and crashworthiness design for improved soldier survivability, and the Robinson Enterprises Community Learning Center.11

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Donnelly for Indiana, Statement of Organization, Amended, May 6, 2009. Sen. Donnelly was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles. He was elected to the Senate on November 6, 2012. See IN-S-2.pdf. During the 2012 and 2014 election cycles, the committee was called Donnelly for Indiana. See Federal Election Commission, Donnelly for Indiana, Statement of Organization, Amended, December 6, 2012. 4 5 Federal Election Commission, Donnelly for Indiana, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. The payments made to Joe Donnelly Jr. were itemized under a larger payroll expense payment made to the Indiana Democratic Congressional Victory Committee on June 6, 2008. See Federal Election Commission, Donnelly for Indiana, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Obituary: Virginia J. Truitt; Aug. 3, 1920–Nov. 27, 2004, South Bend Tribune, November 30, 2004; 7 8 &content_id=7340. 9 10 Federal Election Commission, Donnelly for Indiana, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 11;;

39  During fiscal year 2009, then-Rep. Donnelly earmarked $1,200,000 to the University of Notre Dame for rapid up-armor synthesis and crashworthiness design for improved soldier survivability.12


40 RICHARD DURBIN (D-IL) is a three-term senator from Illinois.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as well as the majority whip.2 Sen. Durbin’s campaign committee, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee,3 reimbursed the senator more than $52,000. In addition, Sen. Durbin’s wife, son, and nephew are lobbyists. Richard Durbin (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Durbin’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Durbin $28,438 for travel.4  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Durbin’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Durbin $10,501 for travel.5  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Durbin’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Durbin $9,859 for travel.6  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Durbin’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Durbin $3,633 for travel.7

Loretta Durbin (wife):8

 Ms. Durbin is registered to lobby in Illinois for Government Affairs Consulting.9 Her clients are J&J Legislative, LLC and the Metropolitan Planning Council.10

Paul Durbin (son):11

 Mr. Durbin was registered to lobby in Illinois in 2007 for Miller, Canfield, Paddock, and Stone PLC.12

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, Statement of Organization, March 11, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2008 cycle. 5 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Dick Durbin Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2014 cycle. 8; John Solomon, Lawmakers’ Lobbying Spouses Avoid Hill Reforms, Washington Post, January 17, 2007. 9 Illinois Exclusive Lobbyist Registration, Loretta Durbin, Secretary of State: Springfield, Illinois, filed January 19, 2014. 10 Index Department Lobbyist List, Government Affairs Consulting, Client: J&J Legislative, LLC and Metropolitan Planning Council, Secretary of State: Springfield, Illinois, filed March 16, 2014. 11; Steven R. Strahler, Michigan Law Firm Opens Chicago Office, Crain’s Chicago Business, September 18, 2007. 12 Illinois Exclusive Lobbyist Registration, Paul Durbin, Secretary of State: Springfield, Illinois, filed November 20, 2007.

41 Marty Durbin (nephew):13

 Mr. Durbin is a lobbyist for America’s Natural Gas Alliance.14 From 2009 until 2013, he lobbied for the American Petroleum Institute,15 and from 2002 until 2010, he lobbied for the American Chemistry Council.16

13 Joe Carroll, Big Oil Recruits No. 2 U.S. Senator’s Nephew to Lobby Congress, Bloomberg, November 6, 2009. 14 America’s Natural Gas Alliance, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 15 American Petroleum Institute, Fourth Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; American Petroleum Institute, Second Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 16 American Chemistry Council, Mid-Year 2002 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; American Chemistry Council, Fourth Quarter 2010 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

42 JEFF FLAKE (R-AZ) is a first-term senator from Arizona.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law of the Senate Judiciary Committee.2 Sen. Flake’s campaign committees, Jeff Flake for Congress and Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc.,3 reimbursed the senator and his wife more than $47,000. Jeff Flake (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Flake’s campaign committee reimbursed then- Rep. Flake $3,719 for mileage, computer expenses, airfare, rental car, and travel expenses.4  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Flake’s campaign committee reimbursed then- Rep. Flake $14,709 for travel, meals, office supplies, dues, parking, and membership.5  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Flake’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Flake $21,818 for travel, meals, taxi, hotel, mileage, gas, and office supplies.6  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Flake’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Flake $3,688 for travel, parking, mileage, taxi, meals, and spouses club.7

Cheryl Flake (wife):8

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Flake’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Flake $2,487 for airfare, travel, event expenses, and unitemized expenses.9  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Flake’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Flake $688 for travel.10

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for Congress, Statement of Organization, Amended, January 7, 2011; Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc., Statement of Organization, Amended, December 20, 2012. 4 Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. Sen. Flake was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles. He was elected to the Senate in 2012. See 5 Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 8 Mike Sager, The Fate of Arizona Is on This Man, Esquire, October 17, 2012. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 9 Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Jeff Flake for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

43 MIKE ENZI (R-WY) is a three-term senator from Wyoming.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Children and Families of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight of the Senate Finance Committee.2 Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee, Enzi for U.S. Senate,3 and leadership PAC, Making Business Excel Political Action Committee,4 paid his daughter-in-law and her company and reimbursed the senator, his wife, and his daughter-in-law nearly $37,000. In addition, Sen. Enzi requested federal funding that appears to have benefitted his son, who works in government relations. Mike Enzi (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Enzi $5,891 for meals and travel expenses.5  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Enzi $8,272 for meals and travel expenses.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Enzi $226 for lodging.7  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Enzi $7,021 for meals and travel expenses.8  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Enzi $4,913 for meals and travel expenses.9 Danielle Enzi (daughter-in-law):10

 Danielle Enzi owns the political consulting firm Enzi Strategies, LLC.11 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee paid Enzi Strategies $119,658 for fundraising consulting.12  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC paid Enzi Strategies $56,740 for retainer, cell phone expenses, filing fees, conference expenses, and travel expenses.13

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Statement of Organization, Amended, May 31, 2013. 4 Federal Election Commission, Making Business Excel Political Action Committee, Statement of Organization, Amended, March 13, 2009. 5 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Making Business Excel Political Action Committee, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 10 Reid Wilson, Family Benefits From Campaigns, The Hill, September 16, 2009. Sen. Enzi’s office confirmed the relationship. 11 Mary Clare Jalonick, Enzi Spends Most of War Chest, Associated Press, October 23, 2007. 12 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Making Business Excel Political Action Committee, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle.

44  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Enzi $2,000 described as a monthly retainer.14  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Enzi $240 for cell phone use.15  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee paid Enzi Strategies $72,855 for fundraising consulting.16  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC paid Enzi Strategies $70,263 for retainer, commission, airfare, mileage, a filing fee, travel, and cell phone expenses, among other expenses.17  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Enzi $532 for mileage.18  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee paid Enzi Strategies $36,580 for fundraising consulting.19  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC paid Enzi Strategies $90,515 for retainer, commission, mileage, and travel expenses.20  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee paid Enzi Strategies $32,881 for fundraising consulting.21  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s leadership PAC paid Enzi Strategies $29,164 for consulting retainer fees, cell phone expenses, and mileage.22 Diana Enzi (wife):23

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Enzi $4,171 for meals, travel expenses, postage, and other expenses.24  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Enzi $2,769 for meals, travel expenses, postage, and other expenses.25  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Enzi $1,726 for gifts, refreshments, and travel expenses.26  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Enzi’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Enzi $893 for meals, travel expenses, and postage.27

14 Id. 15 Id. 16 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 17 Federal Election Commission, Making Business Excel Political Action Committee, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 18 Id. 19 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 20 Federal Election Commission, Making Business Excel Political Action Committee, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 21 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 22 Federal Election Commission, Making Business Excel Political Action Committee, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 23 Sen. Enzi’s office confirmed the relationship. 24 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 25 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 26 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 27 Federal Election Commission, Enzi for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

45 Brad Enzi (son):28

 Mr. Enzi is the vice president of government affairs at North American Power Group, a Denver-based utility company.29 In 2009, Sen. Enzi, on five separate occasions, petitioned federal authorities to use federal stimulus funds for carbon capture projects in Wyoming.30 Beginning in 2009, North American Power Group received $1.2 million in federal stimulus funds for a carbon capture project at its Two Elk power plant site in Wyoming.31 Mr. Enzi received $128,000 in compensation from the federal stimulus funds.32 Sen. Enzi’s spokesman said the funding Sen. Enzi requested had only a “tangential” relationship to his son’s employer.33

28 29; Rone Tempest, Showdown at Glenrock: Brad Enzi Rides to Rescue Two Elk Power Plant, WyoFile, February 12, 2008. 30 Steve McVicker and Daniel Stone, Senator’s Clean-Coal Bonanza, Daily Beast, November 2, 2011. 31 Id. 32 Id. 33 Id.

46 KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY) is a two-term senator from New York.1 She is the chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Marketing, and Agriculture Security of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee.2 Sen. Gillibrand’s father is a lobbyist. Douglas Rutnik (father):3

 Mr. Rutnik is the founder of Rutnik Law Firm and he is registered to lobby in New York.4 His lobbying clients include AECOM USA, DMJM Harris, Genentech, and ArcLight Capital Partners.5

1 2 3 Kate Pickert, N.Y. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Time, January 23, 2009. 4 Stephen Rodrick, The Reintroduction of Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Magazine, June 7, 2009. 5 Rutnik Law Firm, Lobbyist Bi-Monthly Report, Joint Commission on Public Ethics: Albany, New York, November-December 2012.

47 CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA) is a six-term senator from Iowa.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.2 Sen. Grassley’s campaign committee, Grassley Committee, Inc.,3 and his leadership PAC, The Hawkeye PAC,4 reimbursed the senator and his wife more than $86,000. In addition, his campaign committee paid his grandson’s campaign committee and his leadership PAC paid for a congressional staffer to help his grandson’s reelection campaign. Finally, Sen. Grassley’s wife, daughters, son, and granddaughter work in government relations. Chuck Grassley (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Grassley $19,949 for flowers, catering, and officially connected travel expenses.5  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Grassley $36,489 for travel expenses and an unspecified “payment.”6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Grassley $4,061 for travel, meals, and other unitemized expenses.7  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Grassley $16,548 for travel expenses.8  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Grassley $1,851 for travel.9  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Grassley $1,000 for travel.10  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Grassley $2,465 for travel.11 Barbara Grassley (wife):12

 Ms. Grassley is not registered to lobby, but works at the lobbying firm Chambers, Conlon & Hartwell, LLC.13  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s PAC reimbursed Ms. Grassley $3,774 for travel.14

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Grassley Committee, Inc., Statement of Organization, July 4, 2013. 4 Federal Election Commission, The Hawkeye PAC, Statement of Organization, Amended, July 23, 2010. 5 Federal Election Commission, Grassley Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Grassley Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, The Hawkeye PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Grassley Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, The Hawkeye PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Grassley Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, The Hawkeye PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 12 13 14 Federal Election Commission, The Hawkeye PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle.

48 Michele Grassley Clarke (daughter):15

 Ms. Clarke is not registered to lobby, but is the executive director of the Iowa chapter of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, an organization that lobbies Iowa state government and the federal government.16 Ms. Clarke is also the executive director of the San Diego chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management, an organization that lobbies California state government and the federal government.17 In addition, Ms. Clarke is the president and chief executive officer of The Grassley Group, a trade association consulting firm that offers government affairs services.18 Wendy Grassley Speckerman (daughter):19

 Ms. Speckerman is not registered to lobby, but is responsible for finance, advocacy, and operations at the Iowa chapter of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors.20 Ms. Speckerman is also the vice president of operations of The Grassley Group.21 Lee Grassley (son):22

 Mr. Grassley is not registered to lobby, but is the regional government relations manager at Mediacom Communications.23 Pat Grassley (grandson):24

 Mr. Grassley is an Iowa state representative.25 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s campaign committee paid Mr. Grassley’s campaign committee, Citizens for Pat Grassley,26 $215 for a list purchase.27  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Grassley’s leadership PAC paid a congressional employee and others to work on behalf of Mr. Grassley and other local Republican

15; 16; The Iowa Legislature, Lobbyist Database Lookup, National Assn. of Insurance and Financial Advisors-IA, 2014 Session; National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 17; Society for Human Resource Management, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; California Secretary of State, Lobbying Activity, Employers of Lobbyists, Society for Human Resource Management, 2013 through 2014. 18; 19; 20 21 22 23 24 Jason Noble, Records: Grassley’s PAC Helps Grandson, Des Moines Register, June 30, 2012. 25 26 Citizens for Pat Grassley, Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board, DR-1 Statement of Organization, March 12, 2014. 27 Federal Election Commission, Grassley Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

49 candidates ahead of the party’s June 5, 2012 primary.28 The PAC spent more than $13,500 on the effort.29 Dana Grassley (granddaughter):30

 Ms. Grassley is not registered to lobby, but is the conference specialist at The Grassley Group.31

28 Noble, Des Moines Register, June 30, 2012. 29 Id. 30 Grassley Talks Social Security Reform, Radio Iowa, February 23, 2005. 31

50 KAY HAGAN (D-NC) is a first-term senator from North Carolina.1 She is the chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Children and Families of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.2

Sen. Hagan’s campaign committees, Hagan Senate Committee, Inc.3 and Hagan for U.S. Senate, Inc.,4 reimbursed the senator, her husband, and two daughters more than $25,000. In addition, the campaign committee paid her husband’s law firm.

Kay Hagan (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Hagan’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Hagan $11,124 for unitemized expenses.5  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Hagan’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Hagan $318 for meal and travel expenses.6 Chip Hagan III (husband):7

 Mr. Hagan is a partner at Hagan, Davis, Mangum, Barrett & Langley.8 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Hagan’s campaign committee paid Hagan, Davis, Mangum, Barrett & Langley $1,574 for legal fees, filing expenses and conference table, chairs and tables.9  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Hagan’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Hagan $10,137 for travel, campaign buttons, and beverages.10  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Hagan’s campaign committee paid Hagan, Davis, Mangum, Barrett & Langley $225 for incorporation fees.11 Carrie Hagan (daughter):12

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Hagan’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Hagan $3,088 for travel and phone expenses.13

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Hagan Senate Committee, Inc. Statement of Organization, October 31, 2007. Hagan Senate Committee, Inc. spent money during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles before terminating. See Federal Election Committee, Hagan Senate Committee, Inc. Approval of Termination, October 26, 2010. 4 Federal Election Commission, Hagan for U.S. Senate, Inc, Statement of Organization, Amended, April 15, 2014. Hagan for U.S. Senate, Inc. spent money during the 2010, 2012, and 2014 election cycles. 5 Federal Election Commission, Hagan Senate Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Hagan for U.S. Senate, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 7 8 9 Federal Election Commission, Hagan Senate Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 10 Id. 11 Federal Election Commission, Hagan for U.S. Senate, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 12 Sen. Hagan’s campaign confirmed the relationship and said the campaign was required to reimburse Ms. Hagan for her expenses because Ms. Hagan had reached the maximum contribution limit. 13 Federal Election Commission, Hagan Senate Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle.

51 Jeanette Hagan (daughter):14

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Hagan’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Hagan $827 for travel and phone expenses.15

14 Sen. Hagan’s campaign confirmed the relationship and said the campaign was required to reimburse Ms. Hagan for her expenses because Ms. Hagan had reached the maximum contribution limit. 15 Federal Election Commission, Hagan Senate Committee, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle.

52 TOM HARKIN (D-IA) is a five-term senator from Iowa.1 He is the chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.2 Sen. Harkin’s campaign finance director gave a donor list to university officials responsible for raising money for an institute named in his honor.3 Tom Harkin (self):

 In 2011, Iowa State University created the Harkin Institute of Public Policy to house Sen. Harkin’s congressional papers and promote research into issues related to Sen. Harkin’s legislative agenda.4 In October 2012, Sen. Harkin met with university officials about the institute, and hours later, Sen. Harkin’s campaign finance director, Jeremy Gold, emailed a list of possible donors to university officials.5 Mr. Gold, at the request of Sen. Harkin, also suggested edits to an informational brochure that was to be used for fundraising.6 Sen. Harkin’s spokeswoman said Sen. Harkin’s campaign does not raise money for the institute and the donor list was “not a Harkin donor list.”7

1 2 3 Ryan Foley, Harkin Campaign Aide Gave Iowa State a Donor List, Associated Press¸ February 1, 2013. 4 Ryan Foley, Iowa State Proposes Institute to Honor Sen. Harkin, Associated Press, April 21, 2011. 5 Foley, Associated Press, Feb. 1, 2013; Alicia Mundy, Fundraising Poses Ethics Issue for Senator, Wall Street Journal, March 20, 2013. 6 Foley, Associated Press, Feb. 1, 2013. 7 Id.

53 ORRIN HATCH (R-UT) is a seven-term senator from Utah.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Oversight, Federal Rights, and Agency Actions of the Senate Judiciary Committee.2 Sen. Hatch’s son was a lobbyist. In addition, Sen. Hatch earmarked hundreds of thousands of dollars to his son’s client. Scott Hatch (son):3

 Mr. Hatch was a lobbyist for Walker, Martin and Hatch from 2002 until 2011.4 His clients included GlaxoSmithKline, Natural Products Association, OVOS Natural Health, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Riverton City, UT, and other pharmaceutical companies.5  In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Hatch earmarked $294,000 to Riverton City, UT for reconstruction of a historic building for a senior center and community center.6

1 2 3; Eric Lipton, Support Is Mutual for Senator and Utah Industry, New York Times, June 20, 2011. 4 Walker, Martin and Hatch, Mid-Year 2002 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of GlaxoSmithKline, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Walker, Martin and Hatch, First Quarter 2011 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Natural Products Association, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 5 Walker, Martin and Hatch, Fourth Quarter 2010 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of GlaxoSmithKline, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Walker, Martin and Hatch, Fourth Quarter 2010 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Natural Products Association, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Walker, Martin and Hatch, Fourth Quarter 2010 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of OVOS Natural Health, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Walker, Martin and Hatch, Fourth Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Walker, Martin and Hatch, Year-End 2008 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Riverton City, UT, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 6 =&organization=riverton&state=&location=&description=&year=all&commit=Search.

54 MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI) is a first-term senator from Hawaii.1 She is the chair of the Subcommittee on Oversight, Federal Rights and Agency of the Senate Judiciary Committee.2 Sen. Hirono’s campaign committee, Friends of Mazie Hirono,3 paid her husband’s law office and her relative. Leighton Kim Oshima (husband):4

 Mr. Oshima is an officer at the law firm Wong & Oshima.5 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Hirono’s campaign committee paid Wong & Oshima $8,439 for rent and parking validations.6  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Hirono’s campaign committee paid Wong & Oshima $7,936 for rent and parking validations.7  During the 2012 election cycle, then-Rep. Hirono’s campaign committee paid Wong & Oshima $6,088 for rent and parking validations.8  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Hirono’s campaign committee paid Wong & Oshima $1,225 for rent and storage.9 Gregory Sato (relationship unknown):10

 During the 2012 election cycle, then-Rep. Hirono’s campaign committee paid Mr. Sato $418 for catering services.11

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mazie Hirono, Statement of Organization, April 15, 2013. Sen. Hirono was a member of the House during the 2008, 2010, and 2012 election cycles. She was elected to the Senate in 2012. See 4 5 Hawaii Department of Consumer Affairs, Business Registration Division, Search for Business Entity & Documents, Lookup, Wong & Oshima. Between 2007 and 2011, Mr. Oshima held an ownership interest in and received a salary from Wong & Oshima. In December 2011, Mr. Oshima created a new firm, the Office of Leighton K. Oshima. The new firm is the source of Mr. Oshima’s income on Sen. Hirono’s 2012 personal financial disclosure. Mr. Oshima continues, however, to be listed as a director of Wong & Oshima on the firm’s filings with the state. See Hawaii Department of Consumer Affairs, Business Registration Division, Search for Business Entity & Documents, Lookup, Leighton K. Oshima; Sen. Mazie Hirono, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 15, 2013; Rep. Mazie Hirono, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2011, filed May 15, 2012; Rep. Mazie Hirono, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2007, filed June 9, 2008. 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mazie Hirono, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mazie Hirono, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mazie Hirono, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mazie Hirono, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 10 Sen. Hirono’s office referred questions regarding this individual’s relationship with the senator to her campaign. A message to the campaign seeking to confirm the relationship was not returned. 11 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mazie Hirono, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

55 JAMES INHOFE (R-OK) is a four-term senator from Oklahoma.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.2 Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee,3 reimbursed the senator, his daughter, and son-in-law nearly $134,000. James Inhofe (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Inhofe $45,719 for airfare, car mileage, meals, and travel expenses.4  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Inhofe $20,483 for airfare, car mileage, meals, travel, and gift shop expenses.5  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Inhofe $35,566 for airfare, car mileage, meals, travel, and gift shop expenses.6  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Inhofe $24,699 for airfare, car mileage, meals, travel, and gift shop expenses.7 Molly Rapert (daughter):8

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Rapert $2,737 for airfare.9  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Rapert $4,407 for airfare.10 Brad Swan (son-in-law):11

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Inhofe’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Swan $271 for lodging.12

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Statement of Organization, May 2, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 5 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 8 Perry Dyson Inhofe II, Tulsa World, November 14, 2013. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 9 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 11 First Word, Vol. 5, Issue 46, November 22, 2013, available at download_file/view/1026/. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 12 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

56 MIKE JOHANNS (R-NE) is a first-term senator from Nebraska.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Jobs, Rural Economic Growth and Energy Innovation of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated,3 reimbursed the senator more than $31,000 and paid his wife’s company. In addition, Sen. Johanns’ wife works in government affairs and his son-in-law is a lobbyist. Mike Johanns (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Johanns $19,374 for airfare, BlackBerries, computer purchases, campaign calls, in-flight dinners, checked baggage, parking, mileage, and cab fare.4  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Johanns $3,419 for gas, cab fare, food on flight, a swearing-in lunch, and travel expenses.5  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Johanns $7,687 for parking, security, postage, press club dinner tickets, wireless charges, and notepad expenses.6  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Johanns $845 for cab fare, stamps, parking, and airfare.7 Stephanie Johanns (wife):8

 Ms. Johanns is not registered to lobby, but was the senior vice president of federal government affairs for Alltel Corporation.9 Verizon bought Alltel Corporation in January 2009.10 Ms. Johanns remained with the company and is a member of the committee that oversees contributions to federal candidates from Verizon’s PAC.11  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee paid Alltel $16,339 for cell phone service and BlackBerries.12

1 2; _ID=decb3c3c-2f60-49ae-ac2a-d82e1b912c9c. 3 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Statement of Organization, Amended, February 13, 2012. 4 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 5 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 8 Sen. Johanns’ office did not confirm Ms. Johanns’ employment. 9 Jenna Greene, Cheryl Tritt; Leading Lawyers 2007: Communications Law, Legal Times, July 16, 2007. 10 Press Release, Verizon Communications, Verizon Wireless Completes Purchase of Alltel; Creates Nation's Largest Wireless Carrier, January 8, 2009. 11 Verizon, Political Contributions, 2013, available at VZ_Political_Contributions_2013.pdf. 12 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle.

57  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee paid Alltel $5,924 for cell phone service and paid Verizon $6,884 for cell phone costs and a new iPad and accessories.13  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee paid Verizon $11,398 for cell phone service and notebook service.14  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Johanns’ campaign committee paid Verizon $4,028 for cell phones.15 Joseph Young (son-in-law):16

 Mr. Young is registered to lobby in Nebraska.17 He lobbies on behalf of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce.18

13 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 14 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 15 Federal Election Commission, Johanns for Senate, Incorporated, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 16 Sen. Johanns’ office did not confirm this individual’s relationship to the senator. 17 Lobbyist Registration Record for Session Year 2014, Joseph Young, Clerk of the Legislature: Lincoln, Nebraska, filed December 23, 2013. 18 Id.

58 RON JOHNSON (R-WI) is a first-term senator from Wisconsin.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Johnson’s campaign committee, Ron Johnson for Senate, Inc.,3 paid companies run by the senator and his brother. Ron Johnson (self):

 Before winning election to the Senate in 2010, Sen. Johnson was a managing member of Pacur, LLC, a plastics company based in Oshkosh, WI.4 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Johnson’s campaign committee paid Pacur $1,900 for “paraphernalia: collateral design work” and “computer set-up time.”5  Before winning election to the Senate in 2010, Sen. Johnson was a managing member of Dynamic Drinkware, LLC, a manufacturer of plastic cups and buckets.6 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Johnson’s campaign committee paid Dynamic Drinkware $2,894 for “RJ cups for election night,” “polling: lenticular cards,” “campaign cards,” and “paraphernalia: campaign collateral.”7 Barry Johnson (brother):8

 In February 2011, after Sen. Johnson took office, Barry Johnson became the registered agent for Dynamic Drinkware.9 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Johnson’s campaign committee paid Dynamic Drinkware $2,730 for “material for state convention” and “paraphernalia: campaign materials.”10

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Ron Johnson for Senate, Inc., Statement of Organization, March 22, 2011. 4 Sen. Ron Johnson, Personal Financial Statement for Calendar Year 2010, filed May 16, 2011; 5 Federal Election Commission, Ron Johnson for Senate, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Sen. Ron Johnson, Personal Financial Statement for Calendar Year 2010, filed May 16, 2011; 7 Federal Election Commission, Ron Johnson for Senate, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Patrick O’Connor, Lawmakers’ Disclosures: A Gold Mine?, Wall Street Journal, June 24, 2011. 9 Dynamic Drinkware LLC, Corporate Records Search, Department of Financial Institutions: Madison, Wisconsin. 10 Federal Election Commission, Ron Johnson for Senate, Inc., Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

59 TIM JOHNSON (D-SD) is a three-term senator from South Dakota.1 He is the chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2 Sen. Johnson directed millions to a program that employed his wife. Barbara Johnson (wife):3

 In 2008, Sen. Johnson, together with seven other senators, added $4 million to the budget of a Pentagon program called Starbase, which is designed to teach science, math, and engineering skills to children.4 Ms. Johnson at the time worked for The Spectrum Group, a contractor with a $1 million contract to monitor Starbase.5 Ms. Johnson was paid $80,000 a year to evaluate Starbase and manage the program’s website.6

1 2; 3 4 Scott Higham, Kimberly Kindy and David S. Fallis, Capitol Assets: Some Legislators Send Millions to Groups Connected to Their Relatives, Washington Post, February 7, 2012. A spokesman for the senator said the money was not technically an earmark, a characterization disputed by several watchdog groups. CREW is treating the money as an earmark. 5 Id. 6 Id. The Spectrum Group also listed Ms. Johnson as a lobbyist for Starbase in a 2005 lobbying registration form. Ms. Johnson has said she never lobbied, and the Spectrum Group’s president said she was mistakenly included on the form. See id.; The Spectrum Group, 2005 Registration on behalf of Starbase, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

60 ANGUS KING (I-ME) is a first-term senator from Maine.1 Sen. King’s campaign committee, Angus King for US Senate Campaign,2 paid his brother-in- law. Thomas Herman (brother-in-law):3

 Mr. Herman was the transition co-chair for Sen. King’s campaign committee.4 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. King’s campaign committee paid Mr. Herman $19,800 for transition consulting services.5

1 2 Federal Election Commission, Angus King for US Senate Campaign, Statement of Organization, February 4, 2014. 3 John Richardson, Senator-elect King Hurries to Assemble His Team, Maine Sunday Telegram, November 9, 2012. 4 LegiStorm, Biography: Thomas D. Herman. 5 Federal Election Commission, Angus King for US Senate Campaign, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

61 MARK KIRK (R-IL) is a two-term senator from Illinois.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2

Sen. Kirk’s campaign committee, Kirk for Senate,3 paid Sen. Kirk’s mother a salary, paid his stepmother, and paid his ex-wife’s and ex-girlfriend’s companies. In addition, Sen. Kirk introduced legislation to benefit his ex-girlfriend’s clients.

Judy Kirk (mother):4

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Kirk’s campaign committee paid Ms. Kirk $18,330 in salary.5  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Kirk’s campaign committee paid Ms. Kirk $21,254 in salary.6  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Kirk’s campaign committee paid Ms. Kirk $28,386 in salary and finance and accounting consulting fees.7  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Kirk’s campaign committee paid Ms. Kirk $18,388 in salary.8

Beverly Kirk (stepmother):9

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Kirk’s campaign committee paid Ms. Kirk $12,000 for an auto purchase.10

Dodie McCracken (ex-girlfriend):11

 Ms. McCracken is the registered agent for Van Ness Communications.12 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Kirk’s campaign committee paid The Patterson Group

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Senate, Statement of Organization, Amended, June 26, 2013. During the 2008 election cycle, the committee was called Kirk for Congress. See Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Congress, Statement of Organization, Amended, July 3, 2008. 4 Mark Kirk, My Stroke, Chicago Tribune, May 9, 2012; Stefano Esposito, Climbers Make Their Way to Top of Willis, with Mark Kirk Completing Portion, Chicago Sun-Times, November 4, 2012. The senator’s office referred questions to the senator’s campaign. A call to the senator’s campaign to confirm the relationship was not returned. 5 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. Sen. Kirk was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles. He was elected to the Senate in November 2010. See 6 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 9 Kirk, Chicago Tribune, May 9, 2012; How Old is Mark Kirk?, Politics Daily, October 20, 2010. The senator’s office referred questions to the senator’s campaign. A call to the senator’s campaign to confirm the relationship was not returned. 10 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 11 Katherine Skiba and Todd Lighty, Kirk Co-Sponsored Bills Helping Ex-Girlfriend's Clients, Chicago Tribune, June 1, 2012. 12 Van Ness Communications, Business Entity Details, State Corporation Commission: Richmond, VA, available at

62 $1,853,379 for advertising.13 Between August 2009 and August 2010, the Patterson Group paid Van Ness Communications $110,000 for consulting services and $33,582 in expense reimbursements for work performed for the Kirk for Senate campaign.14  Ms. McCracken was the president and chief executive officer of Washington-area public relations firm Arcadian Partners.15 The firm’s clients included three nonprofit organizations trying to pass legislation that would allow them to issue commemorative coins honoring people, groups, or events in American history.16 The coins are sold with a surcharge that typically yields millions of dollars to the groups the legislation designates as beneficiaries.17 Then-Rep. Kirk was instrumental in passing two pieces of legislation that awarded the commemorative coin grants to Arcadian’s clients.18 While in the Senate, Sen. Kirk co-sponsored another piece of legislation that would have allowed another Arcadian client, the March of Dimes, which paid Arcadian for lobbying, to issue commemorative coins, but the bill failed to pass.19

Kimberly Vertolli (ex-wife):20

 Ms. Vertolli ran Athens & Sparta, a company, from her home.21 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Kirk’s campaign committee paid Athens & Sparta $40,000 for legal research.22 13 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 14 Katherine Skiba and Todd Lighty, Kirk's Ex-Wife Files FEC Complaint Questioning Campaign Payments, Chicago Tribune, May 29, 2012. 15 Skiba and Lighty, Chicago Tribune, June 1, 2012; Carol Felsenthal, Mark Kirk’s Ex-Wife: ‘Svengali Figure’ Influencing Candidate, Chicago Magazine, August 4, 2010; %20Communications.html. 16 Skiba and Lighty, Chicago Tribune, June 1, 2012. 17 Id. 18 Id. 19 March of Dimes Commemorative Coin Act of 2011, S. 1935, 112th Congress, available at and SN01935:@@@P. 20 Skiba and Lighty, Chicago Tribune, May 29, 2012. 21 Id. 22 Federal Election Commission, Kirk for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

63 MARY LANDRIEU (D-LA) is a three-term senator from Louisiana.1 She is the chairwoman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.2 Sen. Landrieu’s campaign committee, Friends of Mary Landrieu, Inc.,3 and her leadership PAC, Jazz PAC,4 donated to a nonprofit where the senator is a member of the board of directors and contributed to her brother’s campaigns. In addition, her cousin is a lobbyist. Mary Landrieu (self):

 Sen. Landrieu is a member of the board of directors of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.5 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Landrieu’s campaign committee donated $2,500 to the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.6  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Landrieu’s campaign committee donated $5,000 to the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.7 Mitch Landrieu (brother):8

 Mr. Landrieu was the lieutenant governor of Louisiana from 2003 to 2010.9 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Landrieu’s PAC contributed $5,000 to Mr. Landrieu’s campaign.10  Mr. Landrieu has been the mayor of New Orleans since 2010.11 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Landrieu’s PAC contributed $5,000 to Mr. Landrieu’s campaign.12  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Landrieu’s campaign committee contributed $5,000 to Mr. Landrieu’s campaign.13 Kent Satterlee III (cousin):14

 Mr. Satterlee is a lobbyist for Shell Oil Company.15

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mary Landrieu, Inc., Statement of Organization, Amended, June 2, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Jazz PAC, Statement of Organization, Amended, January 31, 2011. 5 Sen. Mary Landrieu, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2013, filed May 15, 2014. 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mary Landrieu, Inc., Other Disbursements, 2012 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mary Landrieu, Inc., Other Disbursements, 2014 Cycle. 8 Jason Horowitz, In Landrieu Races, Obama Helps and Hinders, New York Times, January 30, 2014. 9 10 Federal Election Commission, Jazz PAC, Other Disbursements, 2008 Cycle. 11; Michelle Krupa and Frank Donze, Mitch Landrieu Claims New Orleans Mayor’s Office in a Landslide, Times-Picayune, February 6, 2010. 12 Federal Election Commission, Jazz PAC, Other Disbursements, 2010 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mary Landrieu, Inc., Other Disbursements, 2014 Cycle. 14 LegiStorm, Biography: Kent Satterlee III. 15 Shell Oil Company, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Shell Oil Company, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

64 PATRICK LEAHY (D-VT) is a seven-term senator from Vermont.1 He is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as well as president pro tempore of the Senate.2 Sen. Leahy earmarked to organizations affiliated with his wife. Marcelle Pomerleau Leahy (wife):3

 Ms. Leahy is a member of the board of advisors at the University of Vermont College of Nursing and Health Sciences.4 In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Leahy earmarked $192,000 to the University of Vermont to establish an “advanced practice graduate nursing program in psychiatric-mental health nursing.”5  Ms. Leahy is the honorary chair of the Vermont National Guard Family Support Program.6 In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Leahy earmarked $3,000,000 to the Vermont National Guard Family Counseling Demonstration.7  In fiscal year 2010, Sen. Leahy earmarked $2,400,000 to the Vermont National Guard’s Vermont Service Member, Veteran, and Family Member Outreach, Readiness, and Reintegration Program.8

1 2 3 Id. 4 5 6 7 8

65 MIKE LEE (R-UT) is a first-term senator from Utah.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Water and Power of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee.2 Sen. Lee’s campaign committee, Friends of Mike Lee Inc.,3 paid the senator loan interest, his Senate office paid a relative, and his second cousin is a lobbyist. Mike Lee (self):

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Lee loaned his campaign committee $25,000 at 6 percent interest and described the source of the loan as his personal funds.4 He made a second loan for $100,000 at 8.75 percent interest, though the campaign reported the funds for the second loan originally came from Bonneville Bank.5 Sen. Lee’s campaign committee repaid both loans in October 2010.6 Two years later, Sen. Lee’s campaign committee paid the senator $4,115 described as “loan interest repayment.”7 Benjamin James Burr (relationship unknown):8

 Mr. Burr is the new media director for Sen. Lee’s Washington office.9 From January 2011 to March 2014, Sen. Lee’s office paid Mr. Burr $258,556 in salary.10 His annual salary in 2013 was $80,999.11

Gordon Smith (second cousin):12  Former Sen. Smith (R-OR) is the president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), and is registered to lobby for the NAB.13

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mike Lee Inc, Statement of Organization, Amended, October 1, 2013. 4 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mike Lee Inc, April 2010 Quarterly Report, Amended, June 24, 2010. 5 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mike Lee Inc, July 2010 Quarterly Report, Amended, August 19, 2011. 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mike Lee Inc, Candidate Loan Repayments, 2010 Cycle. 7 The campaign reported making three disbursements to Sen. Lee in the amounts of $2,460.54, $780.61, and $874.25, and described the purpose of all three as “loan interest repayment.” Sen. Lee may have forwarded some of the loan interest payments to Bonneville Bank, but CREW was unable to determine that from Sen. Lee’s campaign finance reports. See Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mike Lee Inc, Year End 2012 Report, Amended, April 9, 2013. 8 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 9 LegiStorm, Salary Data: Benjamin James Burr. 10 Id. 11 Id. 12 LegiStorm, Biography, Sen. Mike Lee; Grace Wyler, The New Kennedys: Eight American Political Dynasties of the 21st Century, Business Insider, September 1, 2011. 13 National Association of Broadcasters, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records;

66 CARL LEVIN (D-MI) is a six-term senator from Michigan.1 He is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Levin’s campaign committee, Friends of Senator Carl Levin,3 contributed to his brother’s campaign. Sandy Levin (brother):4

 Rep. Sandy Levin (D-MI) is a member of the House of Representatives.5 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Levin’s campaign committee contributed $4,000 to Rep. Levin’s campaign.6

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Senator Carl Levin, Statement of Organization, Amended, October 4, 2011. 4 5 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Senator Carl Levin, Other Disbursements, 2010 Cycle.

67 JOE MANCHIN (D-WV) is a first-term senator from West Virginia.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on National Security and International Trade and Finance of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Manchin’s campaign committee, Manchin for West Virginia,3 paid his daughter and niece salaries. Brooke Manchin Roberts (daughter):4

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Manchin’s campaign committee paid Ms. Roberts $14,132 in salary.5  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Manchin’s campaign committee paid Ms. Roberts $67,317 in salary.6 Mary Thompson (niece):7

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Manchin’s campaign committee paid Ms. Thompson $2,966 in salary.8

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Manchin for West Virginia, Statement of Organization, March 15, 2013. 4; Obituary: Eugene E. Riggle, Observer-Reporter (Pennsylvania), January 15, 2014; During the 2010 election cycle, payments were made to Brooke C. Manchin. See Manchin for West Virginia, FEC Form 3, 2010 Year-End Report, January 25, 2011. During the 2012 election cycle, payments were made to Brooke M. Roberts. See Manchin for West Virginia, FEC Form 3, 2011 Year-End Report, January 24, 2012. Sen. Manchin’s office confirmed those payments were all made to the senator’s daughter. 5 Federal Election Commission, Manchin for West Virginia, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Manchin for West Virginia, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 7 LegiStorm, Biography: Mary Jo Thompson. Sen. Manchin’s office confirmed the relationship. 8 Federal Election Commission, Manchin for West Virginia, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

68 ED MARKEY (D-MA) is a first-term senator from Massachusetts.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, International Environmental Protection, and Peace Corps of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.2 Sen. Markey’s campaign committee, The Markey Committee,3 donated to a charity dedicated to the memory of his parents. Ed Markey (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Markey’s campaign committee donated $3,500 to the John and Christina Markey Scholarship Fund, which is named for Sen. Markey’s late parents.4  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Markey’s campaign committee donated $1,000 to the John and Christina Markey Scholarship Fund.5

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, The Markey Committee, Statement of Organization, Amended, December 27, 2012. Sen. Markey was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008, 2010, and 2012 election cycles. He was elected to the Senate in a special election on June 25, 2013. See 18/pdf/CDIR-2014-02-18-MA-S-2.pdf. 4 Federal Election Commission, The Markey Committee, Other Disbursements, 2008 Cycle; Obituary; John E. Markey, at 89, Manager for H.P. Hood, Boston Herald, July 14, 2000. 5 Federal Election Commission, The Markey Committee, Other Disbursements, 2010 Cycle.

69 CLAIRE McCASKILL (D-MO) is a two-term senator from Missouri.1 She is the chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.2 Sen. McCaskill’s campaign committee, McCaskill for Missouri,3 her leadership PAC, Missourians for Accountability and Change (MACPAC),4 and her Senate office paid her business. Claire McCaskill (self):

 Sen. McCaskill’s husband, Joseph Shepard, incorporated Sunset Cove Associates LLC in 2002, and on her 2010 personal financial disclosure form, Sen. McCaskill reported an ownership stake in the business worth less than $1,000.5 Sen. McCaskill and Mr. Shepard, through a Sunset Cove subsidiary, owned a small plane until 2011.6 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. McCaskill’s campaign committee paid Sunset Cove Associates $6,676 for flight expenses.7  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. McCaskill’s leadership PAC paid Sunset Cove Associates $11,763 for travel expenses.8  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. McCaskill’s campaign committee paid Sunset Cove Associates $11,620 for travel expenses9 and $1,769 described as an in-kind contribution to senatorial candidate Robin Carnahan.10  During the 2010 election cycle Sen. McCaskill’s leadership PAC paid Sunset Cove Associates $1,310 for travel expenses.11  Between 2007 and 2010, Sen. McCaskill’s Senate office paid Sunset Cove Associates $75,990.12

1 2; ConsumerProtectionProductSafetyandInsurance. 3 Federal Election Commission, McCaskill for Missouri, Statement of Organization, November 15, 2013. During the 2006 election cycle, Sen. McCaskill had a different campaign committee with the same name. In 2007, Sen. McCaskill created her current campaign committee, which she used to run for re-election in 2012. See Federal Election Commission, McCaskill for Missouri, Statement of Organization, September 20, 2005. 4 Federal Election Commission, Missourians for Accountability and Change (MACPAC), Statement of Organization, February 3, 2012. 5; Sunset Cove Associates, LLC, Creation Report, Secretary of State: Jefferson City, Missouri, filed January 18, 2002; Sen. Claire McCaskill, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2010, filed May 15, 2011. 6 Scott Wong, Sen. Claire McCaskill Sells ‘Damn Plane’, Politico, October 25, 2011; Scott Wong and John Bresnahan, Claire McCaskill to Return $88K to Treasury for Charter Flights, Politico, March 9, 2011; Matt Lewis, McCaskill Used Private Plane to Campaign for Obama, Daily Caller, March 22, 2011. 7 Federal Election Commission, McCaskill for Missouri, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Missourians for Accountability and Change (MACPAC), Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, McCaskill for Missouri, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle; Federal Election Commission, McCaskill for Missouri, Other Disbursements, 2010 Cycle. 10 Id.; John Fritze, Carnahan and Blunt to Face Off for Missouri Senate, USA Today, August 4, 2010. 11 Federal Election Commission, Missourians for Accountability and Change (MACPAC), Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

70  In 2011, after news reports questioned the use of her official budget to pay the costs of the flights, Sen. McCaskill reimbursed the U.S. Treasury nearly $89,000.13

12 Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, October 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, April 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, April 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, October 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, April 1, 2009 to September 30, 2009; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, October 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, April 1, 2010 to September 30, 2010; Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, October 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. 13 David Goldstein, Sen. McCaskill Repays $89,000 for Chartered Flights, McClatchy, March 10, 2011.

71 MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY) is a five-term senator from Kentucky.1 He is the Senate Republican leader.2 Sen. McConnell earmarked millions of dollars to an organization named after the senator. Mitch McConnell (self):

 In 2000, the Manufacturing Technology Transfer Center in Louisville, KY, was renamed the McConnell Technology and Training Center (MTTC) in honor of Sen. McConnell.3 In 2007, Sen. McConnell earmarked $3,200,000 jointly to MTTC, the National Surface Treatment Center (NSTC), and Innovative Productivity, Inc.,4 the nonprofit parent organization that ran MTTC and also operated NSTC.5

1 2 3 MTTC To Be Renamed McConnell Technology Transfer Center, Louisville Business First, August 15, 2000. 4 5 John Breshnahan, Mitch McConnell Slammed for $110 Million in Earmarks, Politico, March 10, 2014.

72 JERRY MORAN (R-KS) is a first-term senator from Kansas.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Moran’s campaign committee, Moran for Kansas,3 and leadership PAC, Free State PAC,4 reimbursed the senator, his wife, his daughter, and his son-in-law more than $134,000 and paid his daughter and son-in-law. In addition, Sen. Moran’s son-in-law works for his Senate office. Jerry Moran (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Rep. Moran $17,759 for lodging, meals, supplies, and mileage.5  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Moran $45,702 for supplies, travel, and mileage.6  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Moran $5,680 for travel and mileage.7  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Moran $14,754 for an event, travel, and postage.8  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Moran $1,634 for airfare.9  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Moran $12,978 for travel, meals, and mileage.10 Robba Moran (wife):11

 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Moran $30 for event candy.12  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Moran $3,183 for postage and travel.13

1 2 agencies; Subcommittee&Subcommittee_ID=e08628bc-d809-46c9-99f1-5bb8bead82bc. 3 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Statement of Organization, June 26, 2013. 4 Federal Election Commission, Free State PAC, Statement of Organization, February 20, 2013. 5 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. Sen. Moran was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles. He was elected to the Senate in November 2010. See 6 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Free State PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Free State PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 11 12 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

73  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Moran $2,956 for travel.14 Kelsey Moran Harder (daughter):15

 During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee paid Ms. Harder $5,913 in salary.16  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Harder $1,515 for travel.17  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s leadership PAC paid Ms. Harder $5,038 for work as a fundraising consultant and office assistant.18 Brandon Harder (son-in-law):19

 Mr. Harder married Sen. Moran’s daughter, Kelsey, in July 2011.20 In January 2011, a few days before the couple’s engagement announcement was published, Sen. Moran promoted Mr. Harder from a part-time position to a full-time job as a field representative.21 Mr. Harder is now a legislative assistant in Sen. Moran’s Washington office.22 From October 2011 to March 2014, Sen. Moran’s office paid Mr. Harder $151,200 in salary.23 His annual salary in 2013 was $59,850.24  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee paid Mr. Harder $16,644 in salary.25  During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Harder $18,164 for travel, phone service, and mileage.26  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Harder $5,635 for phone service, rent, travel, and food.27  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Harder $1,687 for phone service and travel.28

14 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 15; Moran-Harder, The Hays Daily News, January 9, 2011. During the 2010 election cycle, payments were made to Kelsey Moran. See Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. Ms. Moran married Brandon Harder on July 2, 2011. During the 2012 election cycle, payments were made to Kelsey Harder. See Federal Election Commission, Free State PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. Sen. Moran’s office confirmed the relationship. 16 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 17 Id. 18 Federal Election Commission, Free State PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 19 Hays Daily News, Jan. 9, 2011. Sen. Moran’s office confirmed the relationship. 20 Id. 21 Id.; LegiStorm, Salary Data: Brandon Jay Harder. 22 Id. 23 Id. 24 Id. 25 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 26 Id. 27 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 28 Federal Election Commission, Moran for Kansas, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

74  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Moran’s leadership PAC reimbursed Mr. Harder $2,706 for an event, travel, and food.29

29 Federal Election Commission, Free State PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

75 LISA MURKOWSKI (R-AK) is a three-term senator from Alaska.1 She is the ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2 Sen. Murkowski’s father and brother-in-law were lobbyists and her campaign committee, Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate,3 paid her niece. Leon Van Wyhe (brother-in-law)4 and Frank Murkowski (father):5

 From February 1, 2008 until December 7, 2011, Mr. Van Wyhe and Mr. Murkowski, a former senator and former governor of Alaska,6 lobbied for The Cedar Group, LLC on behalf of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.7 Kimberly Van Wyhe (niece):8

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Murkowski’s campaign committee paid Ms. Van Wyhe $14,354 in payroll.9

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate, Statement of Organization, February 5, 2014. 4 Sam Bishop, Murkowskis Deny Involvement in Getting Family Member Scholarship, Anchorage Daily News, December 15, 2010. 5 6 Id. 7 Foreign Agents Registration Act Registration Statement on behalf of Cedar Group LLC, filed February 1, 2008; Foreign Agents Registration Act Supplemental Statement on behalf of Cedar Group LLC for Six Month Period Ending February 29, 2012, filed March 28, 2012. 8 Bishop, Anchorage Daily News, Dec. 15, 2012. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 9 Federal Election Commission, Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

76 BILL NELSON (D-FL) is a three-term senator from Florida.1 He is the chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, as well as the Subcommittee on Science and Space of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.2 Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee, Bill Nelson for US Senate,3 and leadership PAC, Moving America Forward,4 reimbursed the senator, his wife, his son, and his daughter more than $27,000. In addition, Sen. Nelson earmarked hundreds of thousands of dollars to a hospital where his mother-in-law is founder and chair emerita of the Women’s Board. Bill Nelson (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Nelson $7,016 for travel and meals.5  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Nelson $3,656 for travel.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Nelson $3,642 for parking, travel, event tickets, and meals.7  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Nelson $7,994 for tolls, travel, meals, and gas.8  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Nelson $1,127 for tolls, travel, meals, and gas.9 Grace Nelson (wife):10

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Nelson $1,637 for catering and travel.11  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Nelson $979 for office supplies, hosting gifts, postage, parking, meals, gas, and travel.12  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Nelson $289 for gas, travel, and meals.13

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Statement of Organization, September 24, 2012. 4 Federal Election Commission, Moving America Forward, Statement of Organization, June 23, 2010. 5 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Moving America Forward, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 10 Sen. Nelson’s office confirmed the relationship. 11 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

77 Bill Nelson Jr. (son):14

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Mr. Nelson $868 for gas and travel.15 Nan Ellen Nelson Dixon (daughter):16

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Nelson’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Dixon $114 for travel and gas.17 Ellen Cavert (mother-in-law):18

 Ms. Cavert is the founder and chair emerita of the Women's Board of Wolfson Children's Hospital.19 The Women’s Board is dedicated to raising money for the hospital.20 In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Nelson earmarked $478,000 to Wolfson Children’s Hospital.21  In fiscal year 2009, Sen. Nelson earmarked $238,000 to Wolfson Children’s Hospital.22

14 LegiStorm, Biography: Charles William Nelson Jr. Sen. Nelson’s office confirmed the relationship. 15 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 16 Nan Ellen Nelson, Michael Dixon, Weddings/Celebrations, New York Times, July 23, 2010. Sen. Nelson’s office confirmed the relationship. 17 Federal Election Commission, Bill Nelson for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 18 Tillman Cavert Obituary, Florida Times-Union, May 1, 2013. Sen. Nelson’s office could not immediately confirm the relationship. 19; 20 21 &more=&organization=wolfson&state=&location=&description=&year=all&commit=Search. 22 &more=&organization=wolfson&state=&location=&description=&year=all&commit=Search.

78 RAND PAUL (R-KY) is a first-term senator from Kentucky.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Emergency Management, Intergovernmental Relations, and the District of Columbia of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Paul’s campaign committee, Rand Paul for Senate 2016,3 and leadership PAC, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC),4 paid his wife’s consulting firm, contributed to his father’s campaign committees, paid his niece’s husband and his company, and paid for travel expenses to Israel. Rand Paul (self):

 In January 2013, Sen. Paul took a well-publicized trip to Israel with his family.5 News reports said the trip was sponsored by the American Family Association, a conservative Christian nonprofit group that owns and operates radio stations.6 Sen. Paul does not, however, appear to have filed a travel disclosure form showing he accepted a gift of travel,7 and a spokesperson for the senator later said that “AFA sponsored the trip but they did not pay Rand’s expenses specifically.”8 Sen. Paul’s leadership PAC reported spending $1,596 for travel at the Alrov Mamilla Hotel in Jerusalem on January 8, 20139 and, in June 2013, reported paying $24,000 for travel to Tours Through the Book, a California-based company that sells Bible-themed travel packages to Israel.10 CREW was unable to determine whether the Tours Through the Book payment is related to the January trip or to a different trip.11

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Rand Paul for Senate 2010, Statement of Organization, Amended, October 5, 2012; Federal Election Commission, Rand Paul for Senate 2016, Statement of Organization, Amended, July 15, 2013. During the 2010 and 2012 election cycles, and part of the 2014 election cycle, Rand Paul for Senate 2010 was Sen. Paul’s principal campaign committee. Beginning in 2012, Sen. Paul made numerous attempts to terminate the committee, but it was not officially terminated until 2014. Sen. Paul’s current principal campaign committee, Rand Paul for Senate 2016, was established in 2011. 4 Federal Election Commission, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC), Statement of Organization, Amended, July 13, 2013. 5 Eliana Johnson, Rand Paul Embraces Israel, National Review, May 2, 2013; Grace Wyler, Rand Paul Just Spent A Week In Israel, And There's A Reason He Nicknamed His Trip ‘THE PLAGUE TOUR’, Business Insider, January 15, 2013; W. James Antle III, Sen. Rand Paul to Fuel Presidential Speculation by Meeting with Israeli Leaders, Daily Caller, January 7, 2013; James R. Caroll, Paul Plans Visit to Israel, Courier-Journal (Louisville, Ky.), December 24, 2012. 6 Id.; Joel Strauss, Why a Rand Paul Presidency Isn’t Kosher, The Hill, December 19, 2013. 7 Senate Gift Rule Database, Last Name Lookup, Paul. 8 Kent Cooper, Sen. Rand Paul’s Disclosure Reports Not Presidential Style, Roll Call, May 15, 2013. 9 Federal Election Commission, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC), Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 10; Federal Election Commission, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC), Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 11 Sen. Paul’s PAC did not respond to questions about the purpose of the Tours Through the Book payment.


Kelley Ashby Paul (wife):12

 From April 2011 until July 2013, Ms. Ashby was a political consultant for Strategy Group for Media.13 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Paul’s campaign committee paid Strategy Group for Media and Strategic Media Placement Inc. $4,331,402 for media and media production.14  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Paul’s leadership PAC paid Strategy Group for Media $27,435 for media production.15 Sen. Paul’s leadership PAC also paid Strategic Media Placement Inc. $501,500 for independent expenditures for “media” and “internet media.”16

Ron Paul (father):17

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Paul’s campaign committee paid $4,600 to former Rep. Paul’s congressional campaign, the Committee to Re-Elect ,18 for a list rental.19  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Paul’s leadership PAC contributed $2,500 to former Rep. Paul’s presidential campaign, Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee Inc.20

Jesse Benton (niece’s husband):21

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Paul’s campaign committee paid Mr. Benton $142,217 for political strategy consulting.22

12; Jason Horowitz, Could Republican Senator Rand Paul Win the White House?, Vogue, September 16, 2013. 13 Jonathan Martin, Rand and Ron Paul, the Libertarian Kennedys, Politico, April 25, 2011; Leslie Larson, Vogue Profile Casts Rand Paul’s Wife Kelley as the Secret Weapon Behind the Tea Partier's Political Rise, New York Daily News, September 18, 2013. Previously, Ms. Paul was a freelance writer and worked at the senator’s ophthalmology practice. See Is Rand Paul Married?, Politics Daily, October 4, 2010; Paul/1490322001. 14 Federal Election Commission, Rand Paul for Senate 2010, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. Strategic Media Placement Inc. has the same address as Strategy Group for Media. 15 Federal Election Commission, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC), Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 16 Federal Election Commission, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC), Independent Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. Strategic Media Placement Inc. has the same address as Strategy Group for Media. 17 Chris Cillizza, Rand Paul ≠ Ron Paul, Washington Post, January 28, 2014. 18 Federal Election Commission, Committee to Re-Elect Ron Paul, Statement of Organization, Amended, February 19, 2008. 19 Federal Election Commission, Rand Paul for Senate 2010, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 20 Federal Election Commission, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC), Contributions to Committees, 2012 Cycle; Federal Election Commission, Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee Inc., Statement of Organization, Amended, October 10, 2013. 21 Joe Arnold, 'It Was Just So Dumb,' McConnell Campaign Head Refutes Taped Comment, WHAS (Louisville, Ky.), August 9, 2013. 22 Federal Election Commission, Rand Paul for Senate 2010, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

80  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Paul’s campaign committee paid Mr. Benton $30,200 for political strategy consulting.23  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Paul’s leadership PAC paid Mr. Benton’s company, Jesse R. Benton Consulting, $2,000 for communications consulting.24

23 Federal Election Commission, Rand Paul for Senate 2010, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 24 Federal Election Commission, Reinventing a New Direction (RANDPAC), Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

81 ROB PORTMAN (R-OH) is a first-term senator from Ohio.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Efficiency and Effectiveness of Federal Programs and the Federal Workforce of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth of the Senate Finance Committee and the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.2 Sen. Portman’s campaign committee, Portman for Senate Committee,3 and his leadership PAC, Promoting Our Republican Team PAC,4 paid his employer and a business he owns with his siblings. Rob Portman (self):

 Sen. Portman was of counsel at the law firm Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey LLP from 2007 to 2010.5 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Portman’s leadership PAC paid Squires, Sanders, and Dempsey $2,200 for professional fees.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Portman’s campaign committee paid Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey $5,857 for legal services.7 Rob Portman (self), Wym Portman (brother), and Ginna Portman Amis (sister):8

 Sen. Portman, together with Mr. Portman and Ms. Amis, owns the building housing the Golden Lamb, a hotel and restaurant near Cincinnati, OH.9 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Portman’s leadership PAC paid the Golden Lamb $433 for food-related expenses.10  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Portman’s campaign committee paid the Golden Lamb $645 for event expenses.11  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Portman’s campaign committee paid the Golden Lamb $506 for reception expenses.12

1 2;; 3 Federal Election Commission, Portman for Senate Committee, Statement of Organization, October 5, 2011. During the 2008 and 2010 election cycles, the PAC was called Ohio’s Future PAC. See Federal Election Commission, Ohio’s Future PAC, Statement of Organization, March 27, 2009. 4 Federal Election Commission, Promoting Our Republican Team PAC, Statement of Organization, Amended, October 4, 2011. 5 6 Federal Election Commission, Ohio’s Future PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Portman for Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Dan Monk, Dutch Firm Buys Equipment Business Owned by Rep. Portman’s Family, Cincinnati Business Courier, March 1, 2004. 9; 10 Federal Election Commission, Ohio’s Future PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Portman for Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Portman for Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

82 MARK PRYOR (D-AR) is a two-term senator from Arkansas.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.2 Sen. Pryor’s brother is a lobbyist. David Pryor (brother):3

 Mr. Pryor is a lobbyist for Microsoft Corp., and the company’s director of government affairs for the Senate.4 From 2001 until 2009, he was a lobbyist for FedEx Corp.5

1 2 and-related-agencies; TechnologyandtheInternet. 3 Jacqueline Klingebiel, Suite Talk March 27, 2009, Politico, March 27, 2009. 4 Id.; Microsoft Corp., First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; 5 FedEx Corp., Mid-Year 2001 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; FedEx Corp., First Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

83 JACK REED (D-RI) is a three-term senator from Rhode Island.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Seapower of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2 Sen. Reed’s brother is a lobbyist. Paul Reed (brother):3

 Mr. Reed is president of the Rhode Island State Association of Fire Fighters4 and is registered to lobby for the association in Rhode Island.5

1 2 3 4 Ian Donnis, RI State Association of Fire Fighters Endorses Taveras for Governor, Rhode Island Public Radio, October 30, 2013; 5

84 HARRY REID (D-NV) is a five-term senator from Nevada.1 He is the Senate majority leader.2 Sen. Reid’s son-in-law and two sons are lobbyists and Sen. Reid earmarked millions of dollars to his son-in-law’s client. In addition, Sen. Reid’s campaign committee, Friends for Harry Reid,3 paid his granddaughter. Key Reid (son):4

 Mr. Reid was registered to lobby in Nevada during the 2007 and 2011 Nevada legislative sessions.5 His clients included America Nevada Co., Greenspun Corp., Las Vegas Sun, Union Village, and Josh Reid (son):7

 Mr. Reid is the city attorney for the city of Henderson, NV and is registered to lobby in Nevada on behalf of the city.8 Steve Barringer (son-in-law):9

 Mr. Barringer is a lobbyist for Holland & Hart.10 His lobbying clients include the American Gaming Association, Touro University, and the city of Henderson, NV, among others.11

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends for Harry Reid, Statement of Organization, April 15, 2013. 4 Legistorm, Biography: Key G. Reid. 5; 6 7; Alan Snel, Henderson Arena Deal Failed Because Sacramento Kings Went Elsewhere, Developer Says, Las Vegas Review-Journal, February 4, 2013. 8; 9 LegiStorm, Biography: Steven Barringer. 10 Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of American Gaming Association, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 11 Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of American Gaming Association, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Touro University, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2008 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of City of Henderson, NV, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of City of Henderson, NV, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2010 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of City of Henderson, NV, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. Between 2008 and 2010, Sen. Reid earmarked $1,706,000 to Touro University of Nevada. See html?by=search&member=reid&member_state=&less=&more=&organization=henderson&state=&location=&desc ription=&year=all&commit=Search. Though Holland & Hart represented Touro University during that time period, Mr. Barringer was not listed as a lobbyist for the university during those years. He was registered to lobby for Touro University in 2006, 2012, 2013, and 2014. See Holland & Hart, Year-End 2006 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Touro University, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2012 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Touro University, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Holland & Hart, Fourth Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Touro University, Secretary of the

85  In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Reid co-sponsored $1,035,180 in earmarks to the city of Henderson, NV.12  In fiscal year 2009, Sen. Reid co-sponsored a $400,000 earmark to the city of Henderson, NV.13  In fiscal year 2010, Sen. Reid earmarked $600,000 to the city of Henderson, NV.14 Ryan Elisabeth Reid (granddaughter):15

 Ms. Reid is a jewelry designer and the owner of a jewelry company called Ryan Elisabeth.16 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Reid’s campaign committee paid Ryan Elisabeth $14,481 for gifts for supporters.17  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Reid’s campaign committee paid Ryan Elisabeth $16,786 for holiday gifts for supporters and staff.18  After reporters questioned his campaign about the payments, Sen. Reid said he would reimburse his campaign for the money paid to his granddaughter.19

Senate, Office of Public Records; Holland & Hart, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Touro University, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 12 more=&organization=henderson&state=&location=&description=&year=all&commit=Search. 13 more=&organization=henderson&state=&location=&description=&year=all&commit=Search. 14 more=&organization=henderson&state=&location=&description=&year=all&commit=Search. 15 Steve Tetreault, Disclosures Show More Gift Purchase Payments from Reid’s Campaign Fund to Granddaughter, Las Vegas Review-Journal, March 26, 2014. 16 Id.; Alexis Levinson, Reid Paid Granddaughter’s Company $16,000 in Campaign Funds for ‘Holiday Gifts’, Daily Caller, March 25, 2014; Jon Ralston, Reid Paid Granddaughter for “Holiday Gifts” to Give Donors, Supporters, Ralston Reports, March 25, 2014. 17 Federal Election Commission, Friends for Harry Reid, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 18 Federal Election Commission, Friends for Harry Reid, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle; Ralston, Ralston Reports, Mar. 25, 2014 19 Byron Tau, Harry Reid Will Refund the Campaign for Gifts, Politico, March 25, 2014.

86 JIM RISCH (R-ID) is a first-term senator from Idaho.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee on Energy of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.2 Sen. Risch’s campaign committee, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee,3 paid his law firm, paid the senator loan interest, and paid companies owned by his sons and his wife. In addition, his son is a lobbyist. Jim Risch (self):

 Sen. Risch was an active partner at Risch, Goss, Insinger, Gustavel until he was elected to the Senate in 2008,4 and reported a continuing ownership stake in the firm until 2010.5 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Risch’s campaign committee paid Risch, Goss, Insinger, Gustavel $42,132 for rent and telecommunication.6  During the 2008 and 2010 election cycles, Sen. Risch made ten separate loans to his campaign committee totaling $545,000.7 He charged different interest rates on each of the loans, ranging from zero to 5 percent.8 His campaign reported paying off the last of the loans in November 2011.9 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Risch’s campaign committee reported paying Sen. Risch $10,931 in loan interest.10

1 2;; affairs. 3 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Statement of Organization, May 1, 2014. 4 Sen. Jim Risch, Personal Financial Disclosure Form for Calendar Year 2008, filed August 10, 2009. 5 Sen. Jim Risch, Personal Financial Disclosure Form for Calendar Year 2010, filed August 12, 2011; Sen. Jim Risch, Personal Financial Disclosure Form for Calendar Year 2011, filed August 12, 2012. 6 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2008 April Quarterly Report, Amended, March 30, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2008 July Quarterly Report, Amended, March 30, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2008 Year-End Report, Amended, March, 30, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2010 April Quarterly Report, Amended, April 20, 2010; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2009 April Quarterly Report, April 20, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2009 July Quarterly Report, July 22, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2009 October Quarterly Report, October 19, 2009. 8 Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2008 April Quarterly Report, Amended, March 30, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2008 July Quarterly Report, Amended, March 30, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2008 Year-End Report, Amended, March, 30, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2010 April Quarterly Report, Amended, April 20, 2010; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2009 April Quarterly Report, April 20, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2009 July Quarterly Report, July 22, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form 3, Schedule C, 2009 October Quarterly Report, October 19, 2009. 9 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle; Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle; Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form, Schedule C, 2010 October Quarterly Report, October 20, 2010; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form, Schedule B, 2009 July Quarterly Report, July 22, 2009; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate

87  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Risch’s campaign committee reported paying Sen. Risch $1,079 in loan interest.11  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Risch’s campaign committee reported paying Sen. Risch $2,477 in loan interest.12 James Risch II (son)13 and Vicki Risch (wife):14

 Mr. Risch is the president of American Trailer Sales.15 Ms. Risch has an ownership stake in American Trailer Sales worth between $250,001 and $500,000.16 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Risch’s campaign committee paid American Trailer Sales $7,834 for a vehicle lease.17 Jason Risch (son):18

 Mr. Risch is registered to lobby in Idaho.19 His only client is the Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation.20  Mr. Risch is a partner at the firm Risch and Pisca.21 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Risch’s campaign committee paid Risch and Pisca $13,670 for legal services and campaign telephone.22  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Risch’s campaign committee paid Risch and Pisca $46 for shipping.23

Committee, FEC Form, Schedule C, 2009 Year-End Report, February 3, 2010; Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, FEC Form, Schedule C, 2011 Year-End Report, February 10, 2012. 10 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 13 14 Id. 15 American Trailer Sales, Certificate of Assumed Business Name, Secretary of State: Boise, Idaho, filed April 23, 2001. 16 Sen. Jim Risch, Personal Financial Disclosure Form for Calendar Year 2012, filed August 13, 2013. 17 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 18 19 Jason S. Risch, Non-Annual Lobbying Expenses for 2013, Secretary of State: Boise, Idaho, filed January 22, 2014. 20 Id. 21 22 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 23 Federal Election Commission, Jim Risch for U.S. Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

88 PAT ROBERTS (R-KS) is a three-term senator from Kansas.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Marketing and Agriculture Security of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee and the Subcommittee on Health Care of the Senate Finance Committee.2 Sen. Roberts’ daughters work in government relations and his son and brother-in-law are lobbyists. Anne-Wesley Teague (daughter):3

 Ms. Teague was the manager of government affairs–PAC and grassroots for the American Hotel and Lodging Association from July 2011 until April 2013.4 Ms. Teague is currently the manager for major donor PAC fundraising for the American Medical Association.5

Ashleigh Black (daughter):6

 Ms. Black is the director of congressional relations for the Global Agriculture Development Initiative at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs.7

David Roberts (son):8

 Mr. Roberts is a lobbyist for DPR Consulting.9 His clients have included the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Pittsburg State University, Spin Systems, and Envision Corporation.10

William Webster (brother-in-law):11

1 2;; 3 Weddings, Teague, Lawrence Journal World, November 5, 2005. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 4 Press Release, American Hotel and Lodging Association, AH&LA Announces New Manager of Government Affairs, July 12, 2011; 5 Id. 6 Tim Carpenter, Brownback Forms Panel to Honor Humanitarians, Topeka Capital-Journal, January 8, 2013. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 7 8 Chris Moon, Slattery: Roberts Should Have Stood Up for Boeing Co., Wichita Business Journal, June 22, 2008. 9 DPR Consulting, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 10 Id.; DPR Consulting, First Quarter 2011 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Pittsburg State University, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; DPR Consulting, First Quarter 2011 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Spin Systems Inc., Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; DPR Consulting, First Quarter 2010 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Envision Corporation, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 11 Obituary, Margaret Lorena Odom Fann, Clarendon Citizen, May 23, 2011. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned.

89  William Webster was a lobbyist for Advance America Cash Advance Centers from 2009 until 2010.12

12 Advance America Cash Advance Centers, First Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Advance America Cash Advance Centers, First Quarter 2010 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

90 MARCO RUBIO (R-FL) is a first-term senator from Florida.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.2

Sen. Rubio’s campaign committee, Marco Rubio for US Senate,3 and his leadership PAC, Reclaim America,4 paid Sen. Rubio’s brother-in-law, his nephew’s company, and another relative.

Carlos Fleites (brother-in-law):5

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Rubio’s campaign committee paid Mr. Fleites $11,031 in salary.6  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Rubio’s campaign committee paid Mr. Fleites $3,607 for political strategy consulting.7 Orlando Cicilia III (nephew):8

 Mr. Cicilia is the registered agent of OC3 Productions.9 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Rubio’s campaign committee paid OC3 Productions $52,355 for event and media production, political strategy consulting, and salary.10  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Rubio’s campaign committee paid OC3 Productions $3,248 for event production and salary.11  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Rubio’s leadership PAC paid OC3 Productions $1,000 for media production.12 Deborah Fonesca (relationship unknown):13

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Rubio’s campaign committee paid Ms. Fonesca $34,692 for consulting.14

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, Marco Rubio for US Senate, Statement of Organization, October 15, 2012. 4 Federal Election Commission, Reclaim America, Statement of Organization, August 2, 2011. 5 Adam C. Smith, Beth Reinhard, and Scott Hiaasen, Marco Rubio's Lavish Rise to the Top, Tampa Bay Times, March 12, 2010. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 6 Federal Election Commission, Marco Rubio for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Marco Rubio for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 8 Smith, Reinhard, and Hiaasen, Tampa Bay Times, Mar. 12, 2010. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 9 OC3 Productions, Inc., Annual Report, Secretary of State, Division of Corporations: Tallahassee, Florida, filed April 28, 2014. 10 Federal Election Commission, Marco Rubio for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Marco Rubio for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Reclaim America, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 13 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 14 Federal Election Commission, Marco Rubio for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

91  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Rubio’s campaign committee paid Ms. Fonesca $40,000 for consulting.15

15 Federal Election Commission, Marco Rubio for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

92 BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT) is a two-term senator from Vermont.1 He is the chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.2 Sen. Sanders’ campaign committee, Friends of Bernie Sanders,3 purchased thousands of copies of his book, for which he received royalties. Bernie Sanders (self):

 Mr. Sanders’s book, “The Speech,” was published by Nation Books,4 which has a partnership with the Perseus Books Group.5 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Sanders’ campaign committee paid Perseus Books $60,225 for books.6 The campaign gave the books to supporters who made a $50 contribution to the campaign.7 On his personal financial disclosures, Sen. Sanders reported receiving $20,960.98 in book royalties in 2011 and $5,122.44 in 2012 and said he donated the money to charity.8

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Bernie Sanders, Statement of Organization, Amended, July 8, 2008. 4 5 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Bernie Sanders, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 7 Sam Hemingway, Inside the Bernie Sanders Money Machine, Burlington Free Press, October 20, 2012. 8 Sen. Bernie Sanders, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2011, filed May 15, 2012; Sen. Bernie Sanders, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 23, 2013; Hemingway, Burlington Free Press, Oct. 20, 2012.

93 TIM SCOTT (R-SC) is a first-term senator from South Carolina.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.2 Sen. Scott’s campaign committee, Tim Scott for Congress,3 paid two of the senator’s companies. Tim Scott (self):

 Until 2012, Sen. Scott was the president of Tim Scott Associates, which promoted his seminars and speaking services, and he is still an officer of the company.4 During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Scott’s campaign committee paid Tim Scott Associates $7,786 for travel expenses.5  In 2010, then-Rep. Scott reported an ownership stake in Gideon Properties, LLC in Charleston, SC, worth between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000, and reported collecting between $2,501 and $5,000 in rental income from the company.6 He was a partner at Gideon Properties until December 2012.7 During the 2010 election cycle, then-Rep. Scott’s campaign committee paid Gideon Properties $19,800 for rent.8  During the 2012 election cycle, then-Rep. Scott’s campaign committee paid Tim Scott Associates $2,284 for phone expenses.9  During the 2012 election cycle, then-Rep. Scott’s campaign committee paid Gideon Properties $4,500 for rent.10

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Tim Scott for Congress, Statement of Organization, July 24, 2012. Sen. Scott was appointed to the Senate on January 2, 2013. Sen. Scott’s campaign committee was then renamed Tim Scott for Senate. See Federal Election Commission, Tim Scott for Senate, Statement of Organization, May 14, 2014. 4; Sen. Tim Scott, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 15, 2013; Sen. Tim Scott, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2013, filed May 15, 2014. 5 Federal Election Commission, Tim Scott for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 6 Rep. Tim Scott, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2010, filed May 16, 2011. 7 Sen. Tim Scott, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 15, 2013. 8 Federal Election Commission, Tim Scott for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Tim Scott for Congress, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 10 Id.

94 JEFF SESSIONS (R-AL) is a three-term senator from Alabama.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts of the Senate Judiciary Committee.2 Sen. Sessions’ son-in-law was a lobbyist. John Walk (son-in-law):3

 Mr. Walk was a lobbyist for Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton LLP until 2008.4 His clients included Red Mortgage Capital, Coalition for Patent Quality, and Transgenrx Inc., among others.5

1 2 3 Sen. Sessions’ office confirmed the relationship. 4 Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton LLP, First Quarter 2008 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Red Mortgage Capital, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 5 Id.; Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton LLP, First Quarter 2008 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Coalition for Patent Quality, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton LLP, First Quarter 2008 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Transgenrx, Inc., Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

95 JEANNE SHAHEEN (D-NH) is a first-term senator from New Hampshire.1 She is the chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch of the Senate Appropriations Committee.2 Sen. Shaheen’s campaign committee, Shaheen for Senate,3 paid her husband’s company. In addition, Sen. Shaheen’s husband is a government relations lawyer. William Shaheen (husband):4

 Mr. Shaheen is a shareholder and director at Shaheen and Gordon.5 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Shaheen’s campaign committee paid Shaheen and Gordon $1,313 for rent.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Shaheen’s campaign committee paid Shaheen and Gordon $895 for rent and event expenses.7  Mr. Shaheen is one of Shaheen and Gordon’s government relations and lobbying attorneys.8 He is not registered to lobby, though the firm lobbies in New Hampshire on behalf of clients including Allstate Insurance and Shields Health Care Group, among others.9

1 2; 3 Federal Election Commission, Shaheen for Senate, Statement of Organization, February 24, 2014. During the 2008, 2010, and 2012 election cycles and for part of the 2014 election cycle, the committee was called Friends of Jeanne Shaheen. See Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jeanne Shaheen, Statement of Organization, December 22, 2013. 4 LegiStorm, Biography: William Shaheen. 5 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jeanne Shaheen, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Jeanne Shaheen, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 9 2013 Lobbyists, Secretary of State: New Hampshire, filed April 21, 2014.

96 RICHARD SHELBY (R-AL) is a five-term senator from Alabama.1 He is the vice-chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee as well as the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies of the Appropriations Committee2 Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee, Shelby for U.S. Senate,3 and leadership PAC, Defend America PAC,4 have reimbursed the senator and his wife more than $527,000. In addition, Sen. Shelby earmarked millions of dollars for urban renewal projects in downtown Tuscaloosa, AL, which have likely increased the value of his own property. Richard Shelby (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Shelby $88,838 for food, lodging, catering, reception, air travel, and unitemized travel expenses.5  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Shelby $6,391 for food/beverages.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Shelby $151,748 for catering, food/beverages, lodging, reception, air travel, and unitemized travel expenses.7  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Shelby $30,886 for lodging, food/beverages, catering, air travel, rental car, and unitemized travel expenses.8  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Shelby $28,811 for catering, lodging, air travel, food/beverages, car rental, transportation, valet deposit, and unitemized travel expenses.9  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Shelby $106,568 for air travel, lodging, catering, reception, flowers, food/beverages, “reimburse expenses,” and unitemized travel expenses.10  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Shelby $8,312 for food/beverages/catering, air travel, and unitemized travel expenses.11  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Shelby $59,902 for banquet coffee break, food/beverages, air travel, catering, car rental, lodging, and unitemized travel expenses.12  Sen. Shelby has earmarked and appropriated millions of dollars for the revitalization of downtown Tuscaloosa, AL.13 Sen. Shelby is a likely beneficiary of his own earmarks and

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Statement of Organization, Amended, January 29, 2007. 4 Federal Election Commission, Defend America PAC, Statement of Organization, Amended, February 7, 2012. 5 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 6 Federal Election Commission, Defend America PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Defend America PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Defend America PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Defend America PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

97 appropriations, since he owns a one-story office building in downtown Tuscaloosa that houses his title company and his nephew’s law firm.14 The senator’s earmarks and appropriations paid for improvements near his property, including a parking garage, a park plaza and a new courthouse, and street repairs.15 Sen. Shelby purchased the building in 1989 for $175,000.16 On his 2013 personal financial disclosures, Sen. Shelby valued the property between $500,001 and $1,000,000.17 Sen. Shelby claimed the property’s value increased because he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on expansions and renovations.18 In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Shelby sponsored a $4,116,000 earmark for the City of Tuscaloosa Downtown Revitalization Project at 21st Ave Phase I and University Boulevard Phase III.19  In fiscal year 2009, Sen. Shelby sponsored a $3,800,000 earmark for the City of Tuscaloosa Downtown Revitalization Project at University Boulevard and Greensboro Avenue.20  In fiscal year 2010, Sen. Shelby sponsored a $2,000,000 earmark for a streetscape project in Tuscaloosa and a $5,000,000 earmark for the City of Tuscaloosa’s Downtown Revitalization Project.21

Annette Nevin Shelby (wife):22

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Shelby $17,960 for travel expenses.23  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Shelby $14,304 for air travel and unitemized travel expenses.24  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Shelby $730 for air travel.25  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Shelby $8,902 for air travel and unitemized travel expenses.26  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Shelby’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Shelby $3,912 for air travel and unitemized travel expenses.27

13 David Fallis, Sen. Richard Shelby Earmarked Money for Project Near His Building, Washington Post, February 6, 2012. 14 Id. 15 Id. 16 Id. 17 Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 13, 2013. 18 Fallis, Washington Post, Feb. 6, 2012. 19 20 21; 22 Is Richard Shelby Married?, Politics Daily, October 20, 2010. Sen. Shelby’s office confirmed the relationship. 23 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 24 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 25 Federal Election Commission, Defend America PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 26 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 27 Federal Election Commission, Shelby for U.S. Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

98 JOHN THUNE (R-SD) is a two-term senator from South Dakota.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and the chairman of the Senate Republican Conference.2 Sen. Thune’s daughter works in government relations and his campaign committee, Friends of John Thune,3 paid another daughter a salary. Brittany Thune Lindberg (daughter):4

 Ms. Lindberg is not registered to lobby but is the director of CouncilPAC, the PAC of the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers.5 The council lobbies the federal government.6 Larissa Thune (daughter):7

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Thune’s campaign committee paid Ms. Thune $386 in “payroll.”8

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Thune, Statement of Organization, Amended, May 18, 2010. 4 Engagement: Lindberg-Thune, Valley News, October 20, 2013. A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 5; 6 Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 7 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 8 Federal Election Commission, Friends of John Thune, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle.

99 PAT TOOMEY (R-PA) is a first-term senator from Pennsylvania.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions and Family Policy of the Senate Finance Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.2 Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee, Friends of Pat Toomey,3 paid two of his businesses, his wife, and his former employer. In addition, Sen. Toomey’s leadership PACs, Pro-Growth Action Team4 and Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC,5 paid his business. Finally, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee and leadership PACs reimbursed the senator and his wife more than $178,000. Pat Toomey (self):

 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Toomey $1,120 for fundraising expenses and food.6  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Toomey $111,180 for travel expenses, office expenses, and media expenses, among other expenses.7  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee reimbursed Sen. Toomey $49,589 for travel and reception expenses, among other expenses.8  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s leadership PAC reimbursed Sen. Toomey $535 for travel and food expenses.9  Sen. Toomey helped found a bank, Team Capital Bank, in 2005.10 He was co-chairman of the bank’s board of directors from 2005 until 2009, and holds between $500,001 and $1 million worth of stock in the bank.11 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid Team Capital Bank $7,229 for bank fees.12  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid Team Capital Bank $4,469 for bank fees.13  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid Team Capital Bank $3,436 for bank fees.14

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Statement of Organization, Amended, February 9, 2011. During the 2010 election cycle, the committee was called Toomey for Senate Committee. See Federal Election Commission, Toomey for Senate Committee, Statement of Organization, January 21, 2010. 4 Pro-Growth Action Team was terminated in December 2008. See Federal Election Commission, Pro-Growth Action Team, Termination Approval, December 3, 2008. 5 Federal Election Commission, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Statement of Organization, December 7, 2010. Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC was formed in December 2010. 6 Federal Election Commission, Pro-Growth Action Team, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Toomey for Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 10 11; Sen. Pat Toomey, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 15, 2013. 12 Federal Election Commission, Toomey for Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

100  Sen. Toomey, a licensed pilot, owns an airplane leasing company, N-35727, INC., and holds between $50,001 and $100,000 worth of stock in the company.15 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s leadership PAC paid N-35727, INC. $1,050 for plane expenses.16  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid N-35727, INC. $48,235 for plane leasing.17  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid N-35727, INC. $16,182 for travel expenses.18  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s leadership PAC paid N-35727, INC. $37,045 for travel and plane lease expenses.19  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid N-35727, INC. $45,477 for travel.20  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s leadership PAC paid N-35727, INC $3,405 for travel.21  Sen. Toomey was the president of Club for Growth from 2005 to 2009, and reported receiving $94,082 in salary from the group in 2009.22 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid Club for Growth $1,050 for a used computer purchase.23 Kris Toomey (wife):24

 Ms. Toomey is a consultant to Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee.25 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee paid Ms. Toomey $10,240 for administrative consulting and web services.26  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Toomey $6,819 for travel, lodging, and office supplies.27  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s leadership PAC reimbursed Ms. Toomey $3,550 for travel, food and beverage, and web services.28

14 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 15 Borys Krawczeniuk, Toomey the Wealthiest Among Local Reps, Scranton Times Tribune, July 1, 2011; Sen. Pat Toomey, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed May 15, 2013. 16 Federal Election Commission, Pro-Growth Action Team, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 17 Federal Election Commission, Toomey for Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 18 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 19 Federal Election Commission, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 20 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 21 Federal Election Commission, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 22; Peter Jackson, Pat Toomey: Specter Challenged For Senate Seat, Associated Press, April 15, 2009; Sen. Pat Toomey, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2009, filed April 16, 2010. 23 Federal Election Commission, Toomey for Senate Committee, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 24 Sen. Toomey’s office confirmed the relationship. 25; Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 26 Id. 27 Id.

101  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Toomey’s campaign committee reimbursed Ms. Toomey $5,209 for travel expenses.29

28 Federal Election Commission, Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 29 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Pat Toomey, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

102 TOM UDALL (D-NM) is a first-term senator from New Mexico.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Senate Appropriations Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere and Global Narcotics Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics and Environmental Health of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.2 Sen. Udall’s campaign committee, Udall For Us All,3 paid his stepdaughter a salary and paid his stepdaughter’s employer. In addition, his leadership PAC, Southwest Leadership Fund,4 contributed to his cousin’s campaign and his second cousin is a lobbyist. Amanda Cooper (stepdaughter):5

 Ms. Cooper was the campaign manager for then-Rep. Udall’s 2008 Senate campaign.6 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Udall’s campaign committee paid Ms. Cooper $139,245 in salary.7  Ms. Cooper was the deputy campaign manager for Gov. Bill Richardson’s 2008 presidential campaign.8 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Udall’s campaign committee paid Gov. Richardson’s presidential campaign committee $30,364 for furniture, equipment, and list rental.9  During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Udall’s campaign committee contributed $2,300 to Gov. Richardson’s presidential campaign exploratory committee.10  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Udall’s campaign committee paid Ms. Cooper $23,271 in salary.11 Mark Udall (cousin):12

 Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) is also a member of the U.S. Senate.13 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Tom Udall’s leadership PAC contributed $2,500 to Sen. Mark Udall’s campaign.14  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Tom Udall’s leadership PAC contributed $2,500 to Sen. Mark Udall’s campaign.15

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Udall for Us All, Statement of Organization, Amended, January 22, 2014. Sen. Udall was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 election cycle. He was elected to the Senate in 2008. See 4 Federal Election Commission, Southwest Leadership Fund, Statement of Organization, Amended, March 27, 2014. 5 LegiStorm, Biography: Sen. Tom Udall. 6 Dan Boyd, Udall’s Son-in-Law Declines Elections Job, Albuquerque Journal, September 3, 2008. 7 Federal Election Commission, Udall For Us All, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 8 Boyd, Albuquerque Journal, Sept. 3, 2008. 9 Federal Election Commission, Udall For Us All, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Udall For Us All, Other Disbursements, 2008 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Udall For Us All, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 12 13 Id. 14 Federal Election Commission, Southwest Leadership Fund, Contributions to Committees, 2012 Cycle. 15 Federal Election Commission, Southwest Leadership Fund, Contributions to Committees, 2014 Cycle.

103 Gordon Smith (second cousin):16

 Former Sen. Smith (R-OR) is the president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), and is registered to lobby for the NAB.17

16 LegiStorm, Biography, Sen. Tom Udall; Patrick O’Driscoll, Udall Family is Latest Political Dynasty, USA Today, December 7, 2007. 17 National Association of Broadcasters, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records;

104 MARK UDALL (D-CO) is a first-term senator from Colorado.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.2 Sen. Udall’s leadership PAC, PEAK PAC,3 contributed to his cousin’s campaign. In addition, his second cousin is a lobbyist. Tom Udall (cousin):4

 Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) is also a member of the U.S. Senate.5 During the 2008 election cycle, then-Rep. Mark Udall’s leadership PAC contributed $2,300 to then-Rep. Tom Udall’s senate campaign.6  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Mark Udall’s leadership PAC contributed $2,500 to Sen. Tom Udall’s campaign.7  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Mark Udall’s leadership PAC contributed $2,500 to Sen. Tom Udall’s campaign.8 Gordon Smith (second cousin):9

 Former Sen. Smith (R-OR) is the president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), and is registered to lobby for the NAB.10

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, PEAK PAC, Statement of Organization, April 11, 2014. Sen. Udall was a member of the House of Representatives during the 2008 election cycle. He was elected to the Senate in 2008. See 4 5 6 Federal Election Commission, PEAK PAC, Contributions to Committees, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, PEAK PAC, Contributions to Committees, 2012 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, PEAK PAC, Contributions to Committees, 2014 Cycle. 9 LegiStorm, Biography, Sen. Mark Udall; Patrick O’Driscoll, Udall Family is Latest Political Dynasty, USA Today, December 7, 2007. 10 National Association of Broadcasters, First Quarter 2014 Lobbying Disclosure Report, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records;

105 DAVID VITTER (R-LA) is a two-term senator from Louisiana.1 He is the ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, as well as the minority deputy whip.2 Sen. Vitter’s campaign committee, David Vitter for US Senate,3 and leadership PAC, Louisiana Reform PAC,4 spent money on a family outing and paid his cousin. David Vitter (self):

 On July 31, 2013 Sen. Vitter’s leadership PAC reported paying the Baltimore Orioles $212 for “game tickets – no candidate benefitted.”5 On August 5, 2013, Sen. Vitter posted to his Facebook page that his daughters Airey and Lise and his son Jack visited him in Washington, D.C. and had “lots of fun – staff barbecue party, Orioles game and more.”6 Jim St. Raymond (cousin):7

 During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Vitter’s campaign committee paid Mr. St. Raymond $18,779 for “campaign strategy.”8 Sen. Vitter’s spokeswoman said Mr. St. Raymond provided direct mail services.9  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Vitter’s campaign committee paid Mr. St. Raymond $586 for “direct mail costs.”10

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, David Vitter for US Senate, Statement of Organization, Amended, February 13, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Louisiana Reform PAC, Statement of Organization, Amended, March, 28, 2009. 5 Louisiana Reform PAC, FEC Form 3, 2013 Year-End Report, January 28, 2014. In April 2014, Louisiana Reform PAC amended the report and changed the description of the July 31, 2013 disbursement to the Orioles to “Fundraising: Fundraiser-Entertainment.” See Louisiana Reform PAC, FEC Form 3, 2013 Year-End Report, Amended, April 3, 2014. 6 7 Jan Moller, Sen. David Vitter Gets Scrutiny for $9,000 Campaign Expenditure, Times-Picayune (New Orleans), August 26, 2010. 8 Federal Election Commission, David Vitter for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 9 Moller, Times-Picayune (New Orleans), Aug. 26, 2010. 10 Federal Election Commission, David Vitter for US Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle.

106 MARK WARNER (D-VA) is a first-term senator from Virginia.1 He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth of the Senate Finance Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.2

Sen. Warner’s campaign committee, Friends of Mark Warner,3 and leadership PAC, Forward Together PAC,4 paid Sen. Warner’s company.

Sen. Warner (self):

 Sen. Warner was a founding partner of Columbia Capital, a venture capital firm, and in his 2012 personal financial disclosure form, the most recent available, he reported still owning an interest in it.5 During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s campaign committee paid Columbia Capital $6,128 for rent, telephone, and cable service.6  During the 2008 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s leadership PAC paid Columbia Capital $4,109 for telephone, and cable service.7  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s campaign committee paid Columbia Capital $5,580 for rent.8  During the 2010 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s leadership PAC paid Columbia Capital $14,195 for rent.9  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s campaign committee paid Columbia Capital $9,646 for rent.10  During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s leadership PAC paid Columbia Capital $11,688 for rent.11  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s campaign committee paid Columbia Capital $2,868 for rent.12  During the 2014 election cycle, Sen. Warner’s leadership PAC paid Columbia Capital $2,142 for rent.13

1 2 3 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mark Warner, Statement of Organization, May 2, 2014. 4 Federal Election Commission, Forward Together PAC, Statement of Organization, January 15, 2014. 5 Press Release, Sen. Mark Warner, Sen. Warner Introduces Job Creation Bills Promoting Tech Start-Up and IPOs, December 8, 2011; Sen. Mark Warner, Personal Financial Disclosure Statement for Calendar Year 2012, filed August 12, 2013; 6 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mark Warner, Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 7 Federal Election Commission, Forward Together PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2008 Cycle. 8 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mark Warner, Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 9 Federal Election Commission, Forward Together PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2010 Cycle. 10 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mark Warner, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 11 Federal Election Commission, Forward Together PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 12 Federal Election Commission, Friends of Mark Warner, Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle. 13 Federal Election Commission, Forward Together PAC, Other Federal Operating Expenditures, 2014 Cycle.

107 ROGER WICKER (R-MS) is a two-term senator from Mississippi.1 He is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Airland of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and the Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.2 Sen. Wicker’s campaign committee, Wicker for Senate,3 paid his sister. In addition, Sen. Wicker’s daughter and two sons-in-law are lobbyists. Ellen Cummings (sister):4

 During the 2012 election cycle, Sen. Wicker’s campaign committee paid Ms. Cummings $1,875 for contract labor.5 Caroline Wicker Sims (daughter):6

 Ms. Sims is a lobbyist for Butler Snow.7 Her clients include AnazaoHealth Corporation, the City of Picayune, MS, and the Pearl River County, MS Board of Supervisors.8 Kirk Sims (son-in-law):9

 Mr. Sims was registered to lobby in Mississippi from 2012 until 2013.10 At the time, he was chief of staff to Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, and lobbied on behalf of the Mississippi governor’s office.11 Manning McPhillips (son-in-law):12

1 2; index.cfm?p=CommunicationsTechnologyandtheInternet; FuseAction=Subcommittees.Subcommittee&Subcommittee_id=61c82caf-9dca-46c0-93b3-c7f602cc2e48. 3 Federal Election Commission, Wicker for Senate, Statement of Organization, July 13, 2012. 4 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 5 Federal Election Commission, Wicker for Senate, Operating Expenditures, 2012 Cycle. 6 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 7 Butler Snow, Second Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of City of Picayune, MS, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Lobbyist Registration Form, Caroline W. Sims, Secretary of State: Jackson, Mississippi, filed December 20, 2013. 8 Id.; Butler Snow, Second Quarter 2013 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Pearl River County Mississippi Board of Supervisors, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; Butler Snow, Fourth Quarter 2011 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of AnazaoHealth Corporation, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 9 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned. 10 Lobbyist Registration Form, Kirk Sims, Secretary of State: Jackson, Mississippi, filed January 30, 2012; Lobbyist Registration Form, Kirk Sims, Secretary of State: Jackson, Mississippi, filed January 4, 2013. 11 Id.; Geoff Pender, Gov. Bryant’s Chief of Staff Stepping Down to Run Cochran’s Campaign, Clarion-Ledger, December 17, 2013. 12 A call to the senator’s office to confirm the relationship was not returned.

108  Mr. McPhillips was a lobbyist for the MITA Group from 2006 until 2009.13 His clients included Advanced Mobile Hospital Systems, Advanced Systems Technology, Bloomberg LP, the International Pizza Hut Franchisee Holders’ Association, and the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, among others.14

13 The MITA Group, Year End 2006 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of International Pizza Hut Franchisee Holders’ Association, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; The MITA Group, First Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Advanced Systems Technology, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records. 14 The MITA Group, Year End 2006 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of International Pizza Hut Franchisee Holders’ Association, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; The MITA Group, First Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Advanced Systems Technology, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; The MITA Group, First Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Advanced Mobile Hospital Systems, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; The MITA Group, First Quarter 2009 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Bloomberg LP, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records; The MITA Group, Third Quarter 2008 Lobbying Disclosure Report on behalf of Poarch Brand of Creek Indians, Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records.

109 Total Campaign Committee and PAC Reimbursements to Senators and Family Members

Last Name Party State Total Reimbursements Shelby, Richard R AL $527,264.00 Barrasso, John R WY $222,673.00 Toomey, Patrick R PA $178,002.00 Moran, Jerry R KS $134,383.00 Inhofe, James R OK $133,882.00 Grassley, Charles R IA $86,137.00 Crapo, Michael R ID $53,281.00 Durbin, Richard D IL $52,431.00 Flake, Jeff R AZ $47,109.00 Cruz, Ted R TX $43,369.00 Boxer, Barbara D CA $39,546.00 Boozman, John R AR $37,622.00 Blunt, Roy R MO $36,657.00 Enzi, Mike R WY $36,654.00 Blumenthal, Richard D CT $36,089.00 Coons, Chris D DE $31,667.00 Johanns, Mike R NE $31,325.00 Nelson, Bill DFL $27,322.00 Collins, Susan R ME $25,720.00 Hagan, Kay D NC $25,494.00 Lee, Mike R UT $21,818.00 Hatch, Orrin R UT $21,749.00 Burr, Richard R NC $20,993.00 Kaine, Tim D VA $20,595.00 Leahy, Patrick DVT $20,251.00 Donnelly, Joe D IN $20,030.00 Heitkamp, Heidi D ND $17,406.00 Portman, Robert R OH $16,854.00 Graham, Lindsey R SC $16,574.00 Shaheen, Jeanne D NH $14,568.00 Vitter, David R LA $14,016.00 Johnson, Ron R WI $13,934.00 Scott, Tim R SC $13,732.00 Begich, Mark D AK $13,649.00 Manchin, Joe D WV $13,555.00 Fischer, Deb R NE $12,782.00 Rubio, Marco RFL $12,324.00 Baldwin, Tammy D WI $11,991.00 Kirk, Mark R IL $11,567.00 Roberts, Pat R KS $11,342.00 Isakson, Johnny R GA $11,047.00 Brown, Sherrod D OH $11,011.00 Sessions, Jeff R AL $10,520.00 Cochran, Thad R MS $10,349.00 Udall, Mark D CO $10,312.00 Reed, Jack D RI $10,285.00

110 Merkley, Jeff D OR $10,055.00 Rockefeller, Jay D WV $9,485.00 Cornyn, John R TX $9,208.00 Coburn, Tom R OK $8,903.00 Heinrich, Martin D NM $8,795.00 Carper, Thomas D DE $8,775.00 Franken, Al D MN $8,731.00 Alexander, Lamar R TN $8,579.00 Chambliss, Saxby R GA $8,445.00 Wicker, Roger R MS $7,550.00 Schatz, Brian D HI $7,214.00 Coats, Dan R IN $6,649.00 Tester, Jon DMT $6,450.00 Heller, Dean R NV $5,819.00 Stabenow, Debbie D MI $5,669.00 Murkowski, Lisa R AK $5,375.00 Ayotte, Kelly R NH $5,200.00 Risch, Jim R ID $5,036.00 Thune, John R SD $3,930.00 Wyden, Ron D OR $2,459.00 Corker, Bob R TN $2,305.00 Udall, Tom D NM $2,026.00 Gillibrand, Kirsten D NY $1,881.00 Hirono, Mazie D HI $1,568.00 Murphy, Christopher D CT $1,535.00 Reid, Harry D NV $1,000.00 Bennet, Michael D CO $920.00 Johnson, Tim D SD $901.00 Klobuchar, Amy D MN $849.00 Menendez, Robert D NJ $800.00 King, Angus I ME $703.00 Cantwell, Maria D WA $691.00 Sanders, Bernard I VT $689.00 Schumer, Charles D NY $567.00 Warner, Mark D VA $486.00 Warren, Elizabeth D MA $485.00 Harkin, Tom D IA $470.00 Hoeven, John R ND $414.00 McCain, John R AZ $365.00 Walsh, John DMT $264.00 Casey, Bob D PA $261.00 Murray, Patty D WA $251.00 Cardin, Benjamin D MD $231.00 Whitehouse, Sheldon D RI $219.00 Booker, Cory D NJ $0.00 Feinstein, Dianne D CA $0.00 Landrieu, Mary D LA $0.00

111 Levin, Carl D MI $0.00 Markey, Edward D MA $0.00 McCaskill, Claire D MO $0.00 McConnell, Mitch R KY $0.00 Mikulski, Barbara D MD $0.00 Paul, Rand R KY $0.00 Pryor, Mark D AR $0.00

Source: Federal Election Commission filings