US 20060084628A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0084628A1 Pottage (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 20, 2006

(54) COMBINATION THERAPY FOR TREATING (52) U.S. C. ... 514/49; 514/220; 514/263.34; VRAL 51.4/269 (75) Inventor: John Pottage, Madison, CT (US) Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT CANTOR COLBURN, LLP SS GRIFFINROAD SOUTH BLOOMFIELD, CT 06002 A method of treating viral infections, particularly Hepatitis B (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infec (73) Assignee: Achillion Pharmaceuticals, New Haven, tions, by administering Elvucitabine and a second active CT agent to a patient Suffering viral is provided herein. The second active agent is, for example, an immunomodu (21) Appl. No.: 11/252,938 latory compound, an anti-viral agent, or a combination comprising one or more of the foregoing active agents. For (22) Filed: Oct. 18, 2005 example the anti-viral agent may be a tyrosine kinase Related U.S. Application Data inhibitor, a CCR5 inhibitor, a non-nucleoside reverse tran Scriptase inhibitor, a protease inhibitor, an integrase inhibi (60) Provisional application No. 60/620,023, filed on Oct. tor. Further provided herein are combination dosage forms 19, 2004. comprising Elvucitabine and a second active agent. The combination dosage may be administered once per day. The Publication Classification Elvucitabine may be administered less frequently than the (51) Int. Cl. second active agent. Packaged pharmaceutical compositions A 6LX 3L/7072 (2006.01) comprising Elvucitabine, a second active agent, and instruc A6 IK 3/55 (2006.01) tions for using the composition for treating a viral infection A6 IK 3/53 (2006.01) by administering Elvucitabine and the second active agent 46R 3/522 (2006.01) are also provided. Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2006 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2006/0084628A1


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