ZYDUS FAMILY TRUST Administrative Office: “Zydus Corporate Park”, Scheme No
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ZYDUS FAMILY TRUST Administrative Office: “Zydus Corporate Park”, Scheme No. 63, Survey No. 536, Khoraj (Gandhinagar), Near Vaishnodevi Circle, Sarkhej–Gandhinagar Highway, Ahmedabad–382481 Date: May 11, 2020 Listing Department BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai–400 001 Listing Department NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai–400 051 Re.: Disclosure under Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed disclosure of shares held by Zydus Family Trust in Cadila Healthcare Limited, the Target Company, in the prescribed format as on March 31, 2020, pursuant to Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011. Please find the same in order and take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For, ZYDUS FAMILY TRUST Sd/‐ PANKAJ R. PATEL TRUSTEE Encl.: As above Copy to: The Company Secretary, Cadila Healthcare Limited DISCLOSURES UNDER REGULATION 30[2] OF SEBI [SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES & TAKEOVERS] REGULATIONS, 2011 Part–A–Details of Shareholding 1 Name of the Target Company [TC] Cadila Healthcare Limited 2. Name[s] of the Stock Exchange[s] where 1. National Stock Exchange of India Limited the shares of the TC are listed 2. BSE Limited 3. Particulars of the shareholder a. Name of person whose total holding Zydus Family Trust [including that in the form of shares, warrants, convertible securities and any other instrument that would entitle the holder to receive shares in the target company] is more than 25% of the shares or voting rights of the TC; Or b. Name[s] of promoter[s], member of the promoter group and Persons Zydus Family Trust Acting in Concert [PAC] with him. 4 Particulars of the holding of persons Number % w.r.t. total % of total mentioned at [3] above share / diluted voting share/ voting capital capital of wherever TC(*) applicable 5. As on March 31, 2020, holding of: [a] Shares 766381434 74.86 74.86 [b] Voting Rights [otherwise than by Nil shares] [c] Warrants Nil [d] Convertible Securities Nil [e] Any other instrument that would Nil entitle the holder to receive shares in the TC. Total 766381434 74.86 74.86 Part‐B** Name of the Target Company: Cadila Healthcare Limited Name(s) of the person and Whether the person belongs PAN of the person and PACs Persons Acting in Concert to Promoter / Promoter (PAC) with the person group Zydus Family Trust Promoter Group AAATZ0092P Note: 1. In case of promoter(s) making disclosure under Regulation 30(2), no additional disclosure under Regulation 30(1) is required. [*] Diluted share / voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full conversion of the outstanding convertible securities / warrants into equity shares of the TC [**] Part‐B shall be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges but shall not be disseminated. For, ZYDUS FAMILY TRUST Sd/‐ PANKAJ R. PATEL TRUSTEE Place: Ahmedabad Date: May 11, 2020 Date: May 11, 2020 Listing Department BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai–400 001 Listing Department NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai–400 051 Re.: Disclosure under Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed disclosure of shares held by me in Cadila Healthcare Limited, the Target Company, in the prescribed format as on March 31, 2020, pursuant to Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011. Please find the same in order and take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Sd/‐ _______________ SHIVANI P. PATEL Encl.: As above Copy to: The Company Secretary, Cadila Healthcare Limited DISCLOSURES UNDER REGULATION 30[2] OF SEBI [SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES & TAKEOVERS] REGULATIONS, 2011 Part–A–Details of Shareholding 1 Name of the Target Company [TC] Cadila Healthcare Limited 2. Name[s] of the Stock Exchange[s] 1. National Stock Exchange of India Limited. where the shares of the TC are listed 2. BSE Limited. 3. Particulars of the shareholder a. Name of person whose total holding N.A. [including that in the form of shares, warrants, convertible securities and any other instrument that would entitle the holder to receive shares in the target company] is more than 25% of the shares or voting rights of the TC Or b. Name[s] of promoter[s], member of the promoter group and Persons Shivani Pankajbhai Patel Acting in Concert [PAC] with him. 4. Particulars of the holding of persons Number % w.r.t. total % of total mentioned at [3] above share / voting diluted capital share/voting wherever capital of TC(*) applicable 5. As on March 31, 2020, holding of: [a] Shares 15,000 0.001 0.001 [b] Voting Rights [otherwise than by Nil shares] [c] Warrants Nil [d] Convertible Securities Nil [e] Any other instrument that would Nil entitle the holder to receive shares in the TC. Total 15,000 0.001 0.001 Part‐B** Name of the Target Company: Cadila Healthcare Limited Name(s) of the person and Whether the person belongs PAN of the person and Persons Acting in Concert to Promoter / Promoter PACs (PAC) with the person group Shivani Pankajbhai Patel Promoter Group ABCPP1505C Note: 1. In case of promoter(s) making disclosure under Regulation 30(2), no additional disclosure under Regulation 30(1) is required. [*] Diluted share / voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full conversion of the outstanding convertible securities / warrants into equity shares of the TC [**] Part‐B shall be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges but shall not be disseminated. Sd/‐ _______________ SHIVANI P. PATEL Place: Ahmedabad Date: May 11, 2020 Date: May 11, 2020 Listing Department BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai–400 001 Listing Department NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai–400 051 Re.: Disclosure under Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed disclosure of shares held by me in Cadila Healthcare Limited, the Target Company, in the prescribed format as on March 31, 2020, pursuant to Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011. Please find the same in order and take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Sd/‐ _______________ PRITIBEN P. PATEL Encl.: As above Copy to: The Company Secretary, Cadila Healthcare Limited DISCLOSURES UNDER REGULATION 30[2] OF SEBI [SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES & TAKEOVERS] REGULATIONS, 2011 Part–A–Details of Shareholding 1 Name of the Target Company [TC] Cadila Healthcare Limited 2. Name[s] of the Stock Exchange[s] National Stock Exchange of India Limited where the shares of the TC are listed BSE Limited 3. Particulars of the shareholder a. Name of person whose total holding N.A. [including that in the form of shares, warrants, convertible securities and any other instrument that would entitle the holder to receive shares in the target company] is more than 25% of the shares or voting rights of the TC Or b. Name[s] of promoter[s], member of the promoter group and Persons Pritiben Pankajbhai Patel Acting in Concert [PAC] with him. 4. Particulars of the holding of persons Number % w.r.t. total % of total mentioned at [3] above share / voting diluted capital share/voting wherever capital of applicable TC(*) 5. As on March 31, 2020, holding of: [a] Shares 15000 0.001 0.001 [b] Voting Rights [otherwise than by Nil shares] [c] Warrants Nil [d] Convertible Securities Nil [e] Any other instrument that would Nil entitle the holder to receive shares in the TC. Total 15000 0.001 0.001 Part‐B** Name of the Target Company: Cadila Healthcare Limited Name(s) of the person and Whether the person belongs PAN of the person and PACs Persons Acting in Concert to Promoter / Promoter (PAC) with the person group Pritiben Pankajbhai Patel Promoter group AAMPP3673L Note: 1. In case of promoter(s) making disclosure under Regulation 30(2), no additional disclosure under Regulation 30(1) is required. [*] Diluted share / voting capital means the total number of shares in the TC assuming full conversion of the outstanding convertible securities / warrants into equity shares of the TC [**] Part‐B shall be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges but shall not be disseminated. Sd/‐ _________________ PRITIBEN P. PATEL Place: Ahmedabad Date: May 11, 2020 PRIPAN INVESTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED Regd. Office: 16, Azad Society Ambawadi Ahmedabad ‐ 380 015 CIN: U65910GJ1980PTC004056 Date: May 11, 2020 Listing Department BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai–400 001 Listing Department NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai–400 051 Re.: Disclosure under Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed disclosure of shares held by Pripan Investment Private Limited in Cadila Healthcare Limited, the Target Company as on March 31, 2020, in the prescribed format, pursuant to Regulation 30[1] & 30[2] of SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers] Regulations, 2011. Please find the same in order and take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For, PRIPAN INVESTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED Sd/‐ KARAN PATEL COMPANY SECRETARY Encl.: As above Copy to: The Company Secretary, Cadila Healthcare Limited DISCLOSURES UNDER REGULATION 30[2] OF SEBI [SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES & TAKEOVERS] REGULATIONS, 2011. Part–A–Details of Shareholding 1 Name of the Target Company [TC] Cadila Healthcare Limited 2. Name[s] of the Stock Exchange[s] where 1.