J.C. Williamson programs Performing Arts Programs and Ephemera (PROMPT)

Australian Collection Development

James Cassius Williamson was an American actor who immigrated to Australia in the 1870s. Along with business partners, such as William Musgrove, his theatre company became one of the most dominant in colonial Australia. After his death in 1913 the company, now named J. C. Williamson Ltd. continued under the direction of George Tallis and the Tait brothers (who remained involved in the company until the 1970s). J. C. Williamson continued to be one of the biggest theatre companies in Australia throughout the first three quarters of the 20th century. J. C. Williamson held the license for theatres in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and New Zealand (at times more than one theatre in each city). In 1976 the company closed, but the name was licensed until the mid 1980s. This list includes held in J. C. Williamson theatres, as well as those produced by J. C. Williamson and performed in other theatres under venue hire arrangements. The list also includes libretti for overseas pantomime productions collected by J. C. Williamson for their corporate archive.

Content Printed materials in the PROMPT collection include programs and printed ephemera such as brochures, leaflets, tickets, etc. Theatre programs are taken as the prime documentary evidence of a performance staged by the J.C. Williamson company. In a few cases however, the only evidence of a performance is a piece of printed ephemera. In these cases the type of piece is identified, eg, brochure. The list is based on imperfect holdings and is updated as gaps in the Library’s holdings for these artists are filled. Unless otherwise stated, all entries are based on published programs in the PROMPT collection.

Access The J.C. Williamson PROMPT files may be accessed through the Library’s Petherick Reading Room by eCallslip request: http://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn3666448.

Arrangement This list has two sections: . Pantomimes produced by J. C. Williamson or produced in J. C. Williamson theatres PROMPT /EPHEMERA Collection Finding Aid

J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

. Libretti for overseas productions of pantomimes collected by J. C. Williamson

The primary arrangement of this finding aid is chronological based on the start date of each production. The selection of libretti for overseas pantomimes at the end of the list has been arranged alphabetically according to the title of the production. All dates are based on evidence in the programs or ephemera, or have been confirmed by accessing newspaper articles and advertisements through Trove.

Entries for each program in the main section are arranged as follows:

Year of production Title of Production / creator if known Date (day and month) Theatre/venue Headline performers Brief description of item holdings, ie ‚2 copies of program‛

An index to headline performers (listing performer’s name, year of appearance and venue), venue and production title is also provided at the end of the document.

Other Library holdings relating to J.C. Williamson & Co. The National Library’s collection also includes:

. Scrapbooks, journals and personal papers in the Records of J. C. Williamson 1874-1976;

. scores for J. C. Williamson productions;

. Pictures;

. Broadsides relating to specific J. C. Williamson productions

. Bound volumes of J. C. Williamson programs; and

. Issues of the J. C. Williamson Ltd. Magazine

See also separate PROMPT ephemera collection finding aids to: . J. C. Williamson general theatre programs, film related ephemera and overseas

productions collected by the company for reference

. J.C. Williamson operetta programs . J.C. Williamson grand opera, operetta, comic opera and light opera programs

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J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

See also J.C. Williamson in the TROVE discovery service which includes performance reviews and advertisements in Australian newspaper and magazines as well as other archival and pictorial material. The Library has related holdings for individual actors who worked with J.C. Williamson & Co. in the performing arts programs and ephemera (PROMPT) sequence.

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J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

1885-6 Cinderella Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Nellie Stewart 1 souvenir script book See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1886-7 Robinson Crusoe / Alfred Maltby Season commencing 27 December Theatre Royal, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Miss Alice Jones Also – Mr Arthur Lissant 3 copies of souvenir script book See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1887 Robinson Crusoe / Alfred Maltby Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Aggie Kelton 1 cover for souvenir script book (there is no dating information on the cover, but it matches the cover for the previous year’s Melbourne season)

1889 Sinbad the Sailor / E. W. Royce and E. B. Manning Season commencing 20 April Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Edith Blande 1 program 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1889-90 Cinderella / Frank Emery Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Miss Clara Merivale and Mr Walter Marnock 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1892-3 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Season commencing 24 December Princess Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Mr E. J. Lonnen and Miss Kate Barry 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1892-3 Little Red Riding Hood / Bert Royle, music by Lovell Phillips Season commencing 27 December Lyceum Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Alice Leamar

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1 program – incomplete See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1893-4 Beauty and the Beast / Toso Taylor Season commencing 26 December Lyceum Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Nellie Stewart and Mr George Lauri Also –Miss Florence Young and Mr Arthur Lissant 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1894-5 Beauty and the Beast Season commencing 22 December Princess Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Miss Alice Saker and Mr Alfred Saker 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1894-5 Cinderella / Toso Taylor Season commencing 22 December Lyceum Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Ray Jones 1 souvenir program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1895-6 Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royal and J C Williamson Season commencing 26 December Princess Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Cast includes Florence Young and Mary Weir (who went on to become the 2nd Mrs Williamson) 2 copies of souvenir pictorial program – different colour covers 1 souvenir book of show – incomplete (cover missing) See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1896 Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royal and J C Williamson Season commencing 28 March Lyceum Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Cast includes Florence Young and Mary Weir (who went on to become the 2nd Mrs Williamson) 1 program Pages possibly taken from a newspaper containing program information Photocopy of program information possibly from newspaper See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1896-7 Sinbad the Sailor / Bert Royle and J. C. Williamson Season commencing 24 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Mr Will Crackles and Miss Stella Elsdale

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1 souvenir program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1897-8 Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royal and J C Williamson Season commencing 27 December Opera House, Wellington (New Zealand) 1 souvenir book of show See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1898-9 The Forty Thieves / Arthur H. Adams Season commencing 26 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Patti Browne and Mr John Coleman Also – Miss Carrie Moore 1 program Program information – seems to have been cut out of a newspaper See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1899-1900 Little Red Riding Hood / Bernard Espinasse and F.W. Weierter Season commencing 27 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Dorothy Vane, Miss Carrie Moore and Mr George Lauri 1 souvenir program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1902 Aladdin / Jay Hickory Wood Season commencing 22 February Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Rose Hamilton Also – Miss Ada Willoughby, Miss Celia Ghiloni 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1903-4 The Sleeping Beauty & The Beast / Monty Grover and Alfred Hill Season commencing Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Olive Lenton and Miss May Beatty Also - Miss Sara Hyman, Mr Fred Leslie, Miss Aggie Kelton, Mr Fred H. Graham 1 program

1906-7 Mother Goose Season commencing 22 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Harry Phydora and Florence Young Also – Celie Ghiloni, Pressy Preston 2 copies - colours differ See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

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1907-8 Blue Bell in Fairy Land / Seymour Hicks and Season commencing 14 December Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Lily Moore and Miss Rosie Fitzgerald 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1907-8 Humpty Dumpty / J. Hickory Wood Australian tour commencing 21 December Starring Mr Bert Gilbert and Mr Bert Barton Also – Miss Florence Young and Mr Harry Phydora 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1907-8 Humpty Dumpty / J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 21 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Mr Bert Gilbert and Mr Bert Barton Also – Miss Florence Young and Mr Harry Phydora 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1908 Humpty Dumpty / J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 18 April Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Bert Gilbert and Mr Bert Barton 2 copies of program

1909 Jack and Jill / J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 3 April Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Bert Gilbert and Miss Stella Gastelle Also – Miss Alma Barber 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1909-10 Aladdin / Jay Hickory Wood Season commencing 18 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Miss Lily Iris 1 program 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1910-1 Jack and the Beanstalk / J. James Hewson Season commencing 17 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Neil Kenyon and Sybil Arundale

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Also – Jack Cannot, Dorothy Firmin 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1911 Jack and the Beanstalk / J. James Hewson Season commencing 8 April Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney Starring Neil Kenyon and Sybil Arundale Also – Jack Cannot, Dorothy Firmin 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1911-2 Sinbad the Sailor / J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 23 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Florence Imeson and Pip Powell Also – Celia Ghiloni 1 pictorial souvenir book of the 100th performance See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1912 Sinbad the Sailor / J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 27 April Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Florence Imeson and Pip Powell Also – Celia Ghiloni 2 copies of program – advertisements differ See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1913 Puss in Boots / J. Hickory Wood and Frank Dix, music by Andrew MacCunn Season commencing 15 March Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Violet Loraine and George Miller Also – Pip Powell, Fred Leslie 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1913 Bo-Peep Season commencing 16 October Opera House, Wellington (New Zealand) Starring Rita Webb and Kathleen Mack 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1913-4 The Forty Thieves / Frank Dix, music by Andrew MacCunn Season commencing 20 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Barry Lupino, Jessie Lonnen and Dorothy Firmin

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1 souvenir pictorial book of 100th performance See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1914 The Forty Thieves / Frank Dix, music by Andrew MacCunn Season commencing 4 April Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Barry Lupino, Jessie Lonnen and Dorothy Firmin 1 program 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1914-5 Cinderella / Frank Dix Season commencing 19 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Barry Lupino and Minnie Love Also – Jack McArdle, Arthur Stigant 1 program 2 souvenir pictorial ‘books’ 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1915 Cinderella / Frank Dix Season commencing 20 March Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Barry Lupino and Minnie Love Also – Jack McArdle, Arthur Stigant 2 copies of program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1915-6 Mother Goose / J. Hickory Wood, music by Victor Champion Season commencing 18 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Lilian de Venny and Harry Farrow Also – Queenie Paul, Gladys Moncrieff, Maud Fane 1 program 1 slide of cover image See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1916 Mother Goose / J. Hickory Wood, music by Victor Champion Season commencing 4 February Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Lilian de Venny and Harry Farrow Also – Queenie Paul, Gladys Moncrieff, Maud Fane 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1916-7 The House that Jack Built / George Slater and Frank Dix Season commencing 23 December

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Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Harry Roxbury and Arthur Stigant 1 program 2 copies of short program - one has the year miss-printed as 1915 1 souvenir book of the script See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1917 The House that Jack Built / George Slater and Frank Dix Season commencing 2 August His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane (Queensland) Starring Harry Roxbury and Arthur Stigant 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1919 Goody Two Shoes / R. C. Oldham, adapted by Frank Dix Season commencing 19 April Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Dorothy Hastings and Arthur Stigant 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1919 Goody Two Shoes / R. C. Oldham, adapted by Frank Dix Season commencing 17 May Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring May de Sousa and Arthur Stigant 1 program – incomplete (missing centre page)

1919-20 Sleeping Beauty / Frank Dix, music by Victor Champion Season commencing 20 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Winifred Roma and Marriott Edgar Also – Eve Lynn, Maggie Dickinson 1 program 2 copies of souvenir program for Gala Performance – 25 February See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1920-1 Humpty Dumpty / Frank Dix and Victor Champion Season commencing 18 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Beatrice Allen and Albert le Fre Also – Edith Drayson, Maggie Dickinson 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1920-1 Sinbad the Sailor / J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 18 December King’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Jennie Hartley, Dan Agar and Jack Cannot

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Also – Edgley and Dawe 1 program – incomplete (centre pages only) See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1922-3 Cinderella / George Ross Season commencing 23 December New Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Kitty Reidy and Marie Le Varre Also – Gus Bluett 3 copies of program – 1 missing fold out cover, 1 contains invitation to Cinderella garden party See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1922 Babes in the Wood / Frank Dix and Geo. M. Slater Season commencing 15 April His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane (Queensland) Starring Nora Delany and Jack Williams Also – Audrey Thacker, Floie Allen, W. S. Percy, Josie Melville 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1923 The Forty Thieves Season commencing 10 February Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Mona Magnet and Daisy Yates Also – Edgely and Dawe, Jack Cannot 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1923 Aladdin Season commencing 22 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Also – Gus Bluett 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1923 The Forty Thieves / Frank Dix Season commencing 22 December Hippodrome, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Jack Cannot and Bert Harrow Also – Kitty Reidy 2 copies of program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1924 Aladdin Season commencing 23 February Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia)

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Starring Miss Ada Reeve Also – Gus Bluett 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1924 Aladdin Season commencing 19 April The New Palace Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Miss Ada Reeve 1 program – incomplete (centre pages only) 1 souvenir pictorial program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1925-6 Aladdin / Ernest C. Rolls and Cyril Hemmington Season commencing 26 December His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Jenny Benson and Bruce Green Also – Gus Bluett 2 copies of program – both incomplete (centre pages only) See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1926 Aladdin / Ernest C. Rolls and Cyril Hemmington Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Jenny Benson and Bruce Green Also – Gus Bluett 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1926-7 Aladdin / Ernest C. Rolls and Cyril Hemmington Season commencing 27 December Grand Opera House, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Dorothy Lena and Bruce Green Also – Roy Rene, Marie Bremner, 1 program

1930-1 The House that Jack Built / George Slater and Frank Dix Season commencing 20 December Theatre Royal, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Arthur Stigant, Roy Rene and Sadie Gale Also – Dan Agar and Nell Taylor 3 copies of program – 1 with different cover See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1932 Sinbad the Sailor Season commencing 13 February Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Lilian Crisp and Afred Frith

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Also – Robert Helpman (specialty dancer) 2 copies of program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1940 Aladdin Season commencing 23 March Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Cath Esler and Rex Dawe 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1940-1 Aladdin Season commencing 21 December Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Cath Elser and Rex Dawe 1 magazine program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1940-1 Sleeping Beauty Season commencing 21 December His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Ailsa Green and Don Nicol Also – Clem Dawe, Eric Edgley 2 pages from J. C. Williamson Ltd. Magazine containing program information

1942 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp New Zealand tour commencing 22 January Starring the Great Levante 1 program

1943-4 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp Season commencing 27 December His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Joy Youlden and Don Nicol 1 program See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1944-5 Mother Goose Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Stan Foley 1 program – also contains program for Hits & Highlights See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1946-7 Mother Goose Season commencing 21 December Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Rex Dawe, Margaret Fitzgibbon and George Wallace Jr.

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1 program – also contains program for Clambake See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1951-2 Old Mother Hubbard / Victor Roberts Season commencing 26 December Empire Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Rex Dawe 5 copies of program 1 publicity brochure

1952-3 Cinderella on Ice / Percy King Season commencing 20 December Empire Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Peggy Mortimer See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1954-5 Puss in Boots on Ice / Armand Perren Season commencing 27 December Empire Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Pat Gregory and Britta Rahlen Also – Terry Scanlon, Joe Whitehouse, Kenny Lamb 1 program

1955 Puss in Boots on Ice / Armand Perren Season commencing 9 April His Majesty’s Theatre, Auckland (New Zealand) Starring Pat Gregory and Britta Rahlen Also – Terry Scanlon, Joe Whitehouse, Kenny Lamb 1 program

1958-9 Cinderella on Ice / Percy King Season commencing 26 December Empire Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Jenny Howard and Peggy Mortimer 1 program

1959 Aladdin in the Wonderful Lamp Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Frank Sheldon and Judy Banks 2 copies of program

1959-60 Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp Season commencing 26 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane (Queensland) Starring Hazel Phillips and Johnny Lockwood 1 program

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1960-1 Jack and Jill / Emile Littler Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Johnny Lockwood 1 flyer

1961-2 Alice in Wonderland Season commencing 26 December Comedy Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring Kathy Gorham 3 copies of program (1 contains leaflet on Mad Hatter’s Party Contest) See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1965-6 Cinderella / Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II Season commencing 22 December Theatre Royal, Sydney (New South Wales) Starring Roslyn Dunbar 1 program

1965-6 Alice in Wonderland Season commencing 27 December Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide (South Australia) Starring Carole Ann and Brian Crossley 2 copies of program (1 contains leaflet for Qantas V Jet to Disneyland Colouring Competition) See also Australian newspaper and magazine coverage

1965-6 Pinocchio / John Howson Season commencing 27 December Comedy Theatre, Melbourne (Victoria) Starring James Kenney 2 copies of program

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Pantomime Libretti collected by J. C. Williamson Ltd.


1887 Written by Mr Jolly Season commencing 17 December Theatre Royal, Edinburgh (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

1891? Written by Horace Lennard Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Manchester (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

1907 Written by Frank Dix Season commencing December , London (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

1949 Written by V. C. Clinton-Baddeley 1 French’s Acting Edition

Babes in the Wood

1888 Written by ?? Season commencing December Theatre Royal, London (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

Beauty and the Beast

1891 Written by Wilton Jones and Sir Augustus Harris Season commencing December Tyne Theatre, Newcastle (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

190? Written by J. Hickory Wood Unknown Theatre, Edinburgh (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book – cover missing

Blue Beard – The Great Bashaw

1875 Written by Wybert Reeve Season commencing December Edinburgh Theatre, Edinburgh (United Kingdom) 1 script book

Boy Blue

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1908 Written by J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 24 December Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book


1952 Written by V. C. Clinton-Baddeley 1 Samuel French Limited edition

Cock Robin and Jenny Wren / Old King Cole and Good Queen Cole / Dollom

190? Written by M. C. Gillington / William Younge / Clifton Bingham 1 Joseph Williams edition

Humpty Dumpty Up to Date

190? Written by Robert Breitenbach 1 published edition

The Invisible Prince

1901 Written by J. Hickory Wood Unknown theatre, Edinburgh (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book – cover missing

Jack and Jill

1908 Written by T. F. Doyle Season commencing 24 December Theatre Royal, Bradford (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

Robinson Crusoe

1902 Written by A. M. Thompson and Robert Courtneidge Season commencing 20 December Prince’s Theatre, Manchester (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

1909 Written by Fred A. Marston Season commencing December Grand Theatre, Brighton (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

The Rose and the Ring

1890 Written by H. Saville Clarke Prince of Wales Theatre, London (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

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Sinbad the Sailor

1907 Written by J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 23 December Theatre Royal, Manchester (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

The Sleeping Beauty

1904 Written by J. Hickory Wood Season commencing 24 December Prince’s Theatre, Bristol (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book – contains list of all pantomimes at the theatre since 1867

1909 Written by St John Hamund Season commencing 26 December New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star or Harlequin Jack Frost, Little Tom Tucker and the Old Woman that Lived in a Shoe!

1873 Written by John Strachan and Marcus Clarke Season commencing 26 December Theatre Royal, Melbourne (Victoria) 1 souvenir script book

Willie Winkie

1909 Written by J. James Hewson Season commencing 9 December Royal Princess’s Theatre, Glasgow (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

The White Cat

1904 Written by J. Hickory Wood Season commencing December Theatre Royal, London (United Kingdom) 1 souvenir script book

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Agar, Dan appearing 1907-8 Australian tour ...... 7 1920-1 King’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 11 1907-8 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC7 1930-1 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 12 1908 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 7 Aladdin Beatty, May appearing 1923 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC11 1903-4 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1924 New Palace Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 12 Beauty and the Beast / Toso Taylor 1924 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 12 1893-4 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 1940 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 Beauty and the Beast script book 1940-1 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 13 1891 souvenir edition ...... 16 Aladdin / Ernest C. Rolls and Cyril Hemmington 190? souvenir edition ...... 16 1925-6 His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC12 Beauty and the Beast Thieves 1926 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 12 1894-5 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 1926-7 Grand Opera House, Sydney NSW ...12 Benson, Jenny appearing Aladdin / Jay Hickory Wood 1925-6 His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC12 1902 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1926 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 12 1909-10 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 7 Blande, Edith appearing Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp 1889 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 4 1959-60 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD14 Blue Beard – The Great Bashaw script book Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 1875 souvenir edition ...... 16 1942 New Zealand tour ...... 13 Blue Bell in Fairy Land / Seymour Hicks and Walter 1943-4 His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13 Slaughter Aladdin in the Wonderful Lamp 1907-8 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 7 1959 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 14 Bluett, Gus appearing Aladdin script book 1922-3 New Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW .... 11 1887 souvenir edition ...... 16 1923 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC11 1891? souvenir edition ...... 16 1924 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 12 1907 souvenir edition ...... 16 1925-6 His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC12 1949 French’s Acting edition ...... 16 1926 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 12 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Bo-Peep 1892-3 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 1913 Opera House, Wellington NZ ...... 8 Alice in Wonderland Boy Blue script book 1961-2 Comedy Theatre, Melbourne VIC .....15 1908 souvenir edition ...... 17 1965-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide SA .15 Bremner, Marie appearing Allen, Beatrice appearing 1926-7 Grand Opera House, Sydney NSW .. 12 1920-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 Browne, Patti appearing Allen, Floie appearing 1898-9 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW . 6 1922 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD ...11 Cannot, Jack appearing Ann, Carole appearing 1910-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 1965-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide SA .15 1911 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 8 Arundale, Sybil appearing 1920-1 King’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 11 1910-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 1923 Hippodrome, Sydney NSW ...... 11 1911 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 1923 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 11 Babes in the Wood / Frank Dix and Geo. M. Slater Chiloni, Celia appearing 1922 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD ...11 1911-2 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 Babes in the Wood script book Cinderella 1888 souvenir edition ...... 16 1885-6 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 4 Banks, Judy appearing Cinderella / Frank Dix 1959 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 14 1914-5 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 Barber, Alma appearing 1915 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 9 1909 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....7 Cinderella / Frank Emery Barry, Kate appearing 1889-90 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 1892-3 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 Cinderella / George Ross Barton, Bert appearing 1922-3 New Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW .... 11

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J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

Cinderella / Rodgers and Hammerstein 1923 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 11 1965-6 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 15 1940-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13 Cinderella / Toso Taylor Elsdale, Stella appearing 1894-5 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 6 Cinderella on Ice / Percy King Elser, Cath appearing 1952-3 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 1940 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 1958-9 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 1940-1 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 13 Cinderella script book Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW 1952 Samuel French Limited edition ...... 17 1951-2 Old Mother Hubbard / Victor Roberts . 14 Cock Robin and Jenny Wren script book 1952-3 Cinderella on Ice / Percy King ...... 14 190? Joseph Williams edition ...... 17 1954-5 Puss in Boots on Ice / Armand Perren . 14 Coleman, John appearing 1958-9 Cinderella on Ice / Percy King ...... 14 1898-9 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..6 Fane, Maud appearing Comedy Theatre, Melbourne VIC 1915-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1961-2 Alice in Wonderland ...... 15 1916 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 9 1965-6 Pinocchio / John Howson ...... 15 Farrow, Harry appearing Crackles, Will appearing 1915-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1916 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 9 Crisp, Lilian appearing Firmin, Dorothy appearing 1932 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 1910-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 Crossley, Brian appearing 1911 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 8 1965-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide SA .15 1913-4 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 Dawe, Clem appearing 1914 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 9 1920-1 King’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 11 Fitzgerald, Rosie appearing 1923 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 11 1907-8 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 7 1940-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13 Fitzgibbon, Margaret appearing Dawe, Rex appearing 1946-7 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 14 1940 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 Foley, Stan appearing 1940-1 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 13 1944-5 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 1946-7 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 14 Forty Thieves, The 1951-2 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 1923 Hippodrome, Sydney NSW ...... 11 Delaney, Nora appearing 1923 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 11 1922 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD ...11 Forty Thieves, The / Frank Dix and Andrew MacCunn Dickinson, Maggie appearing 1913-4 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1919-20 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 10 1914 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 9 1920-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 Fre, Albert le appearing Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royal and J 1920-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 C Williamson Frith, Alfred appearing 1895-6 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 1932 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 1896 Lyceum Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 Gale, Sadie appearing Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royle and J. 1930-1 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 12 C. Williamson Gastelle, Stella appearing 1897 Opera House, Wellington NZ ...... 6 1909 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 7 Dollom script book Ghiloni, Celia appearing 190? Joseph Williams edition ...... 17 1906-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC6 Drayson, Edith appearing 1912 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 8 1920-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 Gilbert, Bert appearing Dunbar, Roslyn appearing 1907-8 Australian tour ...... 7 1965-6 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 15 1907-8 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC7 Edgar, Marriott appearing 1908 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 7 1919-20 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 10 1909 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 7 Edgley, Eric appearing Goody Two Shoes / Frank Dix 1920-1 King’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 11 1919 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ... 10

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J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

1919 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 10 1898-9 The Forty Thieves / Arthur H. Adams .. 6 Gorham, Kathy appearing 1899-1900 Little Red Riding Hood / Bernard Espinasse 1961-2 Comedy Theatre, Melbourne VIC .....15 and F.W. Weierter ...... 6 Graham, Fred H. appearing 1908 Humpty Dumpty / J. Hickory Wood ...... 7 1903-4 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1909 Jack and Jill / J. Hickory Wood ...... 7 Grand Opera House, Sydney NSW 1911 Jack and the Beanstalk / J. James Hewson . 8 1926-7 Aladdin / Ernest C. Rolls and Cyril 1912 Sinbad the Sailor / J. Hickory Wood ...... 8 Hemmington ...... 12 1913 Puss in Boots / J. Hickory Wood and Frank Dix .8 Green, Ailsa appearing 1914 Forty Thieves, The / Frank Dix and Andrew 1940-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13 MacCunn ...... 9 Green, Bruce appearing 1915 Cinderella / Frank Dix ...... 9 1925-6 His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC12 1919 Goody Two Shoes / Frank Dix ...... 10 1926 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 12 Hippodrome, Sydney NSW 1926-7 Grand Opera House, Sydney NSW ...12 1923 Forty Thieves, The ...... 11 Gregory, Pat appearing His Majesty’s Theatre, Auckland NZ 1954-5 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 1955 Puss in Boots on Ice / Armand Perren .... 14 1955 His Majesty’s Theatre, Auckland NZ ...14 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD Hamilton, Rose appearing 1917 House that Jack Built, The / George Slater and 1902 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 Frank Dix ...... 10 Harrow, Bert appearing 1922 Babes in the Wood / Frank Dix and Geo. M. Slater 1923 Hippodrome, Sydney NSW ...... 11 ...... 11 Hartley, Jennie appearing His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC 1920-1 King’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 11 1925-6 Aladdin / Ernest C. Rolls and Cyril Hastings, Dorothy appearing Hemmington ...... 12 1919 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 10 1943-4 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp ...... 13 Helpmann, Robert appearing House that Jack Built, The / George Slater and Frank 1932 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 Dix Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide SA 1916-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 1965-6 Alice in Wonderland ...... 15 1917 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD .. 10 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD 1930-1 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 12 1959-60 Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp ...... 14 Howard, Jenny appearing Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC 1958-9 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 1906-7 Mother Goose / J. Hickory Wood ...... 6 Humpty Dumpty / Frank Dix and Victor Champion 1907-8 Humpty Dumpty / J. Hickory Wood .....7 1920-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 1909-10 Aladdin / Jay Hickory Wood ...... 7 Humpty Dumpty / J. Hickory Wood 1910-1 Jack and the Beanstalk / J. James Hewson8 1907-8 Australian tour ...... 7 1911-2 Sinbad the Sailor / J. Hickory Wood ...... 8 1907-8 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC7 1913-4 Forty Thieves, The / Frank Dix and Andrew 1908 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 7 MacCunn ...... 9 Humpty Dumpty Up to Date script book 1914-5 Cinderella / Frank Dix ...... 9 190? published edition ...... 17 1915-6 Mother Goose / J. Hickory Wood and Victor Hyman, Sara appearing Champion ...... 9 1903-4 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1916-7 House that Jack Built, The / George Slater and Imeson, Florence appearing Frank Dix ...... 10 1911-2 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 1919-20 Sleeping Beauty / Frank Dix and Victor 1912 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 8 Champion ...... 10 Invisible Prince, The script book 1920-1 Humpty Dumpty / Frank Dix and Victor 1901 souvenir edition ...... 17 Champion ...... 10 Iris, Lily appearing 1923 Aladdin ...... 11 1909-10 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 7 1940-1 Sleeping Beauty ...... 13 Jack and Jill / Emile Littler Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW 1960-1 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 15 1896-7 Sinbad the Sailor / Bert Royle and J. C. Jack and Jill / J. Hickory Wood Williamson ...... 6 1909 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 7

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J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

Jack and Jill script book Lupino, Barry appearing 1908 souvenir edition ...... 17 1913-4 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 Jack and the Beanstalk / J. James Hewson 1914 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 9 1910-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 1914-5 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1911 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 1915 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 9 Jones, Alice appearing Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW 1886-7 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 1893-4 Beauty and the Beast / Toso Taylor ...... 5 Jones, Ray appearing 1894-5 Cinderella / Toso Taylor ...... 5 1894-5 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 1896 Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royal Kelton, Aggie appearing and J C Williamson ...... 5 1887 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 4 1899 Little Red Riding Hood / Bert Royle ...... 5 1903-4 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 Lynn, Eve appearing Kenney, James appearing 1919-20 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 10 1965-6 Comedy Theatre, Melbourne VIC .....15 Mack, Kathleen appearing Kenyon, Neil appearing 1913 Opera House, Wellington NZ ...... 8 1910-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 Magnet, Mona appearing 1911 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 1923 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 11 King’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC Marnock, Walter appearing 1920-1 Sinbad the Sailor / J. Hickory Wood ....11 1889-90 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 Lauri, George appearing McArdle, Jack appearing 1893-4 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 1914-5 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1899-1900 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1915 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 9 Leamar, Alice appearing Melville, Josie appearing 1892-3 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 1922 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD .. 11 Lena, Dorothy appearing Merivale, Clara appearing 1926-7 Grand Opera House, Sydney NSW ...12 1889-90 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 Lenton, Olive appearing Miller, George appearing 1903-4 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1913 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 8 Leslie, Fred appearing Moncrieff, Gladys appearing 1903-4 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1915-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1913 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 1916 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 9 Levante, the Great appearing Moore, Carrie appearing 1942 New Zealand tour ...... 13 1899-1900 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 6 Lissant, Arthur appearing Moore, Lily appearing 1893-4 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 1907-8 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 7 Little Red Riding Hood / Bernard Espinasse and F.W. Mortimer, Peggy appearing Weierter 1952-3 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 1899-1900 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1958-9 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 Little Red Riding Hood / Bert Royle Mother Goose 1899 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 1906-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC6 Lockwood, Johnny appearing 1944-5 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 1959-60 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD14 1946-7 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 14 1960-1 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 15 Mother Goose / J. Hickory Wood and Victor Champion Lonnen, E. J. appearing 1915-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1892-3 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 Mother Goose / J. Hickory Wood and Victor Champion Lonnen, Jessie appearing appearing 1913-4 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1916 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 9 1914 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....9 New Palace Theatre, Sydney NSW Loraine, Violet appearing 1924 Aladdin ...... 12 1913 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 New Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW Love, Minnie appearing 1922-3 Cinderella / George Ross ...... 11 1914-5 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 Nicol, Don appearing 1915 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....9 1940-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13

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J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

1943-4 His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13 1887 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 4 Old King Cole and Good Queen Cole script book Robinson Crusoe script book 190? Joseph Williams edition ...... 17 1902 souvenir edition ...... 17 Old Mother Hubbard / Victor Roberts 1909 souvenir edition ...... 17 1951-2 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 Roma, Winifred appearing Opera House, Wellington NZ 1919-20 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 10 1897 Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royal Rose and the Ring, The script book and J C Williamson ...... 6 1890 souvenir edition ...... 17 1913 Bo-Peep ...... 8 Roxbury, Harry appearing Paul, Queenie appearing 1916-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 1915-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1917 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD .. 10 1916 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 9 Saker, Alfred appearing Percy, W. S. appearing 1894-5 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 1922 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD ...11 Saker, Alice appearing Phillips, Hazel appearing 1894-5 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 1959-60 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD14 Sheldon, Frank appearing Phydora, Harry appearing 1959 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 14 1906-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC6 Sinbad the Sailor 1907-8 Australian tour ...... 7 1932 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 13 1907-8 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC7 Sinbad the Sailor / Bert Royle and J. C. Williamson Pinocchio / John Howson 1896-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW . 6 1965-6 Comedy Theatre, Melbourne VIC .....15 Sinbad the Sailor / E. W. Royce and E. B. Manning Powell, Pip appearing 1889 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 4 1911-2 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC8 Sinbad the Sailor / J. Hickory Wood 1912 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 1911-12 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 8 1913 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 1912 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 8 Preston, Pressy appearing 1920-1 King’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 11 1906-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC6 Sinbad the Sailor script book Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC 1907 souvenir edition ...... 18 1892-3 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves ...... 4 Sleeping Beauty 1894-5 Beauty and the Beast ...... 5 1940-1 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13 1895-6 Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man! / Bert Royal Sleeping Beauty & The Beast, The / Monty Grover and and J C Williamson ...... 5 Alfred Hill Puss in Boots / J. Hickory Wood and Frank Dix 1903-4 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1913 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW .....8 Sleeping Beauty / Frank Dix and Victor Champion Puss in Boots on Ice / Armand Perren 1919-20 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 10 1954-5 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 Sleeping Beauty, The script book 1955 His Majesty’s Theatre, Auckland NZ ...14 1904 souvenir edition ...... 18 Rahlen, Britta appearing 1909 souvenir edition ...... 18 1954-5 Empire Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 14 Sousa, May de appearing 1955 His Majesty’s Theatre, Auckland NZ ...14 1919 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ... 10 Reeve, Ada appearing Stewart, Nellie appearing 1923 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC11 1885-6 Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW ...... 4 1924 New Palace Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 12 1893-4 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 1924 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 12 Stigant, Arthur appearing Reidy, Kitty appearing 1914-5 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1922-3 New Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW .....11 1915 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..... 9 1923 Hippodrome, Sydney NSW ...... 11 1916-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC10 Rene, Roy appearing 1917 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD .. 10 1926-7 Grand Opera House, Sydney NSW ...12 1919 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ... 10 1930-1 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 12 1919 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 10 Robinson Crusoe / Alfred Maltby 1930-1 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 12 1886-7 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 4 Taylor, Nell appearing

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J.C. Williamson pantomime programs

1930-1 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 12 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Thacker, Audrey appearing 1873 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC ...... 18 1922 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD ...11 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star script book The Forty Thieves / Arthur H. Adams 1873 souvenir edition ...... 18 1898-9 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ..6 Vane, Dorothy appearing Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA 1899-1900 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 6 1916 Mother Goose / J. Hickory Wood ...... 9 Varre, Marie le appearing 1919 Goody Two Shoes / Frank Dix ...... 10 1922-3 New Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW .... 11 1923 Forty Thieves, The ...... 11 Venny, Lilian de appearing 1924 Aladdin ...... 12 1915-6 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC9 1926 Aladdin / Ernest C. Rolls and Cyril Hemmington 1916 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 9 ...... 12 Wallace, George appearing 1932 Sinbad the Sailor ...... 13 1946-7 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 14 1941 Aladdin ...... 13 Webb, Rita appearing 1944-5 Mother Goose ...... 13 1913 Opera House, Wellington NZ ...... 8 1946-7 Mother Goose ...... 14 Weir, Mary appearing 1959 Aladdin in the Wonderful Lamp ...... 14 1895-6 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 Theatre Royal, Melbourne VIC 1896 Lyceum Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 1873 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ...... 18 White Cat, The script book 1886-7 Robinson Crusoe / Alfred Maltby ...... 4 1904 souvenir edition ...... 18 1889-90 Cinderella / Frank Emery ...... 4 Williams, Jack appearing 1930-1 House that Jack Built, The / George Slater and 1922 His Majesty’s Theatre, Brisbane QLD .. 11 Frank Dix ...... 12 Willie Winkie script book Theatre Royal, Sydney NSW 1909 souvenir edition ...... 18 1885-6 Cinderella ...... 4 Yates, Daisy appearing 1887 Robinson Crusoe / Alfred Maltby ...... 4 1923 Theatre Royal, Adelaide SA ...... 11 1889 Sinbad the Sailor / E. W. Royce and E. B. Youlden, Joy appearing Manning ...... 4 1943-4 His Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC13 1902 Aladdin / Jay Hickory Wood ...... 6 Young, Florence appearing 1903-4 Sleeping Beauty & The Beast, The / Monty 1893-4 Lyceum Theatre, Sydney NSW ...... 5 Grover and Alfred Hill...... 6 1895-6 Princess Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 1907-8 Blue Bell in Fairy Land / Seymour Hicks and 1896 Lyceum Theatre, Melbourne VIC ...... 5 Walter Slaughter ...... 7 1906-7 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC6 1940-1 Aladdin ...... 13 1907-8 Australian tour ...... 7 1960-1 Jack and Jill / Emile Littler ...... 15 1907-8 Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne VIC7 1965-6 Cinderella / Rodgers and Hammerstein15

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