
20 - EVENING HERALD. Sat., Dec 20. 1980

Hanrltpalrr •3k MANOIESrER HAS W. Cloudy Partly cloudy tonight; BUSINESS DIRECTORY GUIDE FOR lU Y HIE SUGGEST cloudy Tuesday with PUTTERS A SAUDS chance of rain or snow. MANCHESTER ° AND SURROUNDING ]F0R YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND: WEATHER Details on page 2. • ITUIM meuiTM •MMUMIS • ini niMt •MITIM8T8 VICINITY • C8THNM •IT8UM HUB M m 88|M_ I Vol. C, No. 70 - Manchester, Conn., Monday, December 22, 1980 YOL'RYOi'R HOMETOtF'IS HOMETOIf'IS NEWSPAPER yElESPAPER ’ « Since• since 1881 1881 « Single • Single Copy Copy 25t 25c « Home • Home Delivery Delivery 20 t~20c The Marinated Mushroom, Fnc.;;: " 3 S u i t a S tI o f l u f y , &aoi of ito Xi-lon" — FEATURING THIS WEEK .. 182 80HHI NMn St. • MandiMtw LSCS)i3iLC: ilOl A Pllnling ffOBWWT W8 H N8lp! , CUNUFFE AUTO BODY 8«r*lc» ««• mttm 10 u»—«nd ittvlot n)»iri KimdlnQ tnougf; More cabinet names due today mn*. 8m la tot ptM «od M nW «tnn ifou pton jow omI ofotoel "Z. LOS ANGELES (UPD - Ronald claims lengthy security clearances will be the first minority member of another agency Reagan thinks should PAP AUTO PARTS Reagan says he is not sure he will be and financial disclosure the Reagan Cabinet. be eliminated, is perhaps the most Ag search a struggle able to name the entire Cabinet by requirements have made it more dif­ The Agriculture Department post uncertain. Christmas, an indication there is still ficult to complete the process than he has -been the subject of heavy lob­ A lop prospect, Marva Collins, a EflJoA/wo/) PAINT CO WASHINGTON (UPD - Ronald Despite his relative obscurity and ■ 643-0016 background work to be done on some expected. bying by Republican heavyweights. black private school principal in ^O M PL C n COIUMON UrAW Reagan's search for an agriculture status as a Washington outsider, he tOUB appointments. The five .remaining Cabinet posts It now appears Illinois Agriculture Chicago, took herself out of the run­ •FOmiQN AND AMIRICAN CAW ■NDEPISDCNT secretary has involved a political claimed backing from the powerful The Reagan transition office are the secretaries of energy, ning during the weekend. And •RUSTY AORCS RUST PHOOPINQ _ 146-4801 m struggle that narrowed the field to Director John Block, being cham­ and conservative American Farm agriculture, interior, education and pioned by GOP Sens. Charles Percy another possibility. Elizabeth Han­ two' men with powerful constituen­ Bureau and made no secret of his planned to announce additional Cabinet appointments today in housing and urban development. of Illinois and Robert Dole of Kansas, ford Dole, a former Federal Trade cies and contrasting desires for the ambition. /Form er South Carolina Gov. Commission member and Dole's Job. Last week, however. Block was Washington. is the leading candidate. Reagan told reporters Sunday it James Edwards, being pushed Block is a working farmer, which wife, was named to Reagan's staff 763 - John Block — Illinois state temporarily displaced as the odds- was not clear if the five remaining. strongly by conservative ^ n , Strom ' Reagan has said is an important M A IN S ! - agriculture director, on favorite by Lyng, who served Reagan Sunday also declined to positions and the U.N. am^f Thurmond, R-S.C., is expected to be criterion. 2 Reagan as California agriculture characterize the latest Iranian de­ owner-operator of a 3,000-acre hog bassadorship will be named by nominated to head the Energy 6430191 and soybean farm and the reported commissioner and as a campaign Denver lawyer James Watt, who is mand for Ireeing the hostages — $24 191 Thursday, an indication the Department, which Reagan has said unpopular with environmentalists billion to be deposited in an Algerian choice over Reagan adviser and transition adviser. MAIN ST necessary work preceding the he wants to abolish. but a favorite of many business in­ fesigns,mc Richard Lyng — was scheduled to In private. Lyng denied interest bank. Secretary of Slate Edmund MANCHESTER nominations is not complete. Black New York lawyer Samuel terests, is the-leading choice for the meet today with the Reagan transi­ in the job. But. as speculation of his Muskie quickly termed that demand ) 4 1 lflOAO STRfET MANCHfSTEN CONN 04040 The president-elect said following Pierce is the likely choice for the Interior Department. I 643-19Q0 tion team. possible appointment grew, so also "unacceptable ' and said it was un­ his election he wanted the jobs filled Department of Housing and Urban The nominee for education Manchester ProlessionjI Park, Suite A>1 Betty Gallagher, Prop. Block was in the early running. did the maneuvering likely the hostages would be freed by bv the first week in December, but he Development. If he gets the job, he secretary, who would preside over the time Reaean takes offic' WE SERVICE «N0 INSTALL INOUSTRIAL ANO COMMERCIAL 2 AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION 6LACKSMITHING ISew demands HEATING and SHEET METAL A WELDING • R a n d f o r o e d I t e m g Board^s edict • ITEM8 CU6T0M MADE New England Mechanical Services, he. » • SAND BLAGTINQ WALTSCAOMN Yule release 166 TUNNEL RO. 22 WAIIMN ST. not followed VERNON, CT. 66066 MANCHESTER, CT. 871-1111 646-8363 By MARY KITZMANN "Without a finance committee I .A L Y D E A don't see how they can manage." -S e n 'in ^ - M anrheilrr over 50 yri. is not likely Herald Reporter TIL DiRosa said PAP ^“TO MANCHESTER - The formation McCavanagh didn't specifically PARTS pentland The Ffor/st By United Prm* International In addition. Iran said it wanted in­ of a financocommittee, a stipulation recall the board's request but said if "AUTO PARTS FOR LESS’ SMrelary of State Eklmund Muskie terest paid for the period the funds of the Board of Directors in ap­ there was one "it should be followed 24 BIRCH ST. said Iran's new demand that the had been held and said the United proving a 10 percent dues increase through on" HOURS United States pay about 034 billion in last year for the Manchester Country 8 TO S MON.-FRI. TEL. 643-6247 States must transfer nearly 01 billion Last year Penny requested the 8 TO S SAT. A SUN. 643-4444 F.T.D. cash and gold to free the 52 hostages worth of Iranian gold now on deposit Club, never materialized. budget committee appointing Ogden — a ransom of approximately 0460 with the Federal Reserve Bank of The committee, to include direc­ and also requested tighter rein on 307 £. CENTER ST. (REAR) tors, club governors and regular MSTR CHG WORLD MIDI million for each captive — means the New York. telephone and electrical spending He MANCHESTER Americans won’t be home for Christ­ members, “never got off the YeS' Car Owners there really Is a Santa Claus. He’ll be AMEN EXPRESS SfRVICf "After all the conditions stipulated could not be reached for comment mas and probably not until after ground,'' according to James Moriar- BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY in this memorandum have been this morning. Ronald Reagan takes office. ty, newly-elected club president. But at PAP AUTO PARTS today from 9:am to 3:00 pm Alive carried out and officially confirmed DiRosa, McCavanagh and Barbara Defense Secretary Harold Brown .. the 52 Americans, hostages of the the club governors did meet several Weinberg serve on the board's ap­ ABC APPLIANCE REPAIR FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies Inc. times with a board subcommittee, A46-622I 87S-32S2 immediately labeled Tehran's money Iranian nation, will be released," pointed subcommittee for the young folks: As well as giving away an additional without including the regular j 42 Oak Street demand "ransom." Pars said. McCavanagh commented he did I COMPLETE IM Of, MLT»GIHnO(WOW6 members. not yet have an opinion on whether I Manchester, Conn. 649-8879 Christmas Bonus of 10% off everything-in the store, already At a Feb. 26 meeting Mayor 78 U6NON ST. Muskie said on the NBC-TV news Muskie said, “We regard the (Ira­ the club should receive the requested 1R1 COfTIH ST. show "Meet the Press" thpt the nian) response as unreasonable and Stephen Penny requested William I This coupon worth $20 towards purchase HANCHItTM, CONN. HOC KV1U1, CONN. 10 percent increase this year, 'We I stocked at super low prices. 'Hen. • Ret I M HOUM details of the new Iranian terms beyond the powers of the president to Ogden, Branford Street, serve on the have to look at the figures, and the of Mercedes Progress Vacuum ... Come In TIh o ., 1 M I CLOSED TUES. made public Sunday were take." • committee. Ogden, who gathered 33 line items," he said "Then we can I & see the quality of this long life Vac DAILY 10-5 "unreasonable" and "beyopd the signatures last year opposing the decide whether we have a problem or 307 E Center 8t (Rear) He said his statement was not an ■ **^^unnlily Limitefi" powers of the president to make. " dues increase, said recently he was not.” Wedding takes A Specialty "official response" but conceded he (behind Lennox Pharmacy) The new demands — a U S. deposit never contacted about the finance The country club is under the direc­ ------P A P a u t o P A R T S talked with Carter earlier in the day of 024 billion in cash and gold in an committee. tors' jurisdicition as it rents the land E and the comment "represents the MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. OVER Algerian Central Bank amounted to a The directors requested the for $25,000 a year from the town 45 reaction of the administration." S u p p tie n i of Safety Prolertion MHKIESTER YEARS payment of 0460 million for each finance committee to monitor the There are nine more seasons left on hostage and seemingly doomed them Muskie said the formal U.S. financially-troubled country club. the lease. EXPERIENCE response to Tehran's demands "is, of •FOUL WEATHER SUITS MEMORULCO. to spend a second Christmas as Last year when, the committee was DiRosa said the question he's con­ ft suppins Of sAfnv nioTEcnoN course, still under study." •BOOTS •HOSE 0pp. East Camatary prisoners and delay their release un­ requested, the club finished its fiscal sidering at this point "is not whether In another interview. Defense year which ends in October with a CALL 648-5807 til after Reagan takes office Jan 20. Secretary Brown drew a distinction they should get the increase, but the •GLOVES •TARPS •RESPIRATORS "It's certainly not going to happen $5,000 loss. budget is in conformity " He added QUALITY between restoring Iran's financiaft V*ft*s1rial n Conwnau l ^ before Christmas and it would be This year the club finished with a he would like a budget similar to HARRISON ST. situation to its status before the 5 Q fen Rd.»M»nch»tt»r*643-S107 very difficult to make it happen Secretary of State Edmund Muskie said Sunday that Iran’s $22,000 deficit, and for the second th o s e submitted by town C MEMORIALS MANCHESTER within the time left for this ad­ hostages were taken and "paying a latest demand for releasing the American hostages is consecutive year requested a 10 per­ departments. ministration," Muskie said of a ransom — paying money that was “unreasonable” and beyond the powers of President Carter. cent increase in dues. The directors have seen a general EVERYTHING IN GLASS never in this country and was not in possible release of the Americans, Muskie appeared on NBC’s “ Meet The Press.” (UPI photo) Moriarty said he didn't know why expenditure budget, but areawaiting ■'WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" who have been held 415 days. Iranian possession. " the requested committee "didn't greater detail. Both McCavanagh ADVERTISE Iran's official Pars news agency materialize." He was elected club and DiRosa noted they requested the J.A. WHITE GLASS CO.. said the huge sum to be deposited president last week at the annual budget with ample lime to decide on • would "guarantee" America returns meeting where members approved the increase But both said the board all Iranian government assets which Connecticut revenuer requesting the 10 percent increase. may again be rushed to decide by the 6 4 « - 7 3 i a have been frozen plus the late Shah "All I can say is that we did form February renewal deadline OI KH 30 YEARS EXPERlEyCE Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's wealth — one before the annual meeting." Moriarty said he difin't know what 31 BIS8ELL ST. MANCHESTER two of Iran's demands for the freeing Moriarty said. "It will be reviewing the board's reaction would be to the •MIRRORS •SHOWER DOOR «STORE FRONTS C all - 643 2711 of the hostages. busting bargain booze the month financial statements to' lack of the committee formation But •SAFETY GLASS •BATHTUB ENCLOSURES •ETC The Iranians were apparently catch any discrepancies in spen­ he noted for the upcoming year a ding." FAMOUS BRAND satisfied with U.S. willingness to HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut amounts from 25 gallons to 123 states. committee of three has been formed J. B. ELECTRONICS pledge not to interfere in Iran's inter­ residents trying to save money on gallons. As a result some residents buy Two directors who were aoDointed TELEVISION - APPLIANCES STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • TV nal affairs, the easiest of the four holiday cheer by crossing state lines That compares to just two arrests liquor when they travel to New to the subcommittee to deal with the SALES AND SERVICE demands set by Iran's parliament for to buy cheaper spirits are being last year and none in 1978 and 1977. Hampshire, Massachusetts and country club said the lack of the com­ Bas'sett quits M IN I M L 'U K freeing the Americans. arrested in increasing numbers by The department had been severely Rhode Island, among other states. mittee formation didn't concern But Iran hardened its stance on the state tax agents. criticized for arresting people on the them as much as not receiving a line- gaming post m m o m in — _ 00b r m l fourth demand that any claims Tax Commissioner Orest T. Dubno charges in the past. Connecticut's 7.5 percent sales tax, by-line budget for the new year. trn p fth e 1 against Iran resulting from the says the number of people buying Every time a Connecticut resident one of the highest in the nation, may Pete DiRosa and James hostage seizure be dropped. Iran will out-of-state liquor apparently has buys a case of premium beer out of be one factor — but it apparently is McCavanagh said they have HARTFORD il'Pli - Harold A.-**UAIICt ■ TV 649-3589 not pay claims arising from the reduced Connecticut's tax revenues state, the state loses about $1 in state not the main one pushing peonle requested the budget to evaluate the Bassett has resigned as executive Mil !• StM t Sm8 JACK BERTRAND 643-1262 seizure of the U.S. Embassy, the from liquor. sales and excise tax. A case of liquor elsewhere to buy their liquor. The club's spending, but have not yet director of the Division of .Special hostage taking or claims The state took in 07.2 million in bought out of state means a loss of central factor seems to be the received it. Revenue, whii h oversees all "originating from the effects of the taxes from alcohol sales from July to about $10. minimum pricing law. DiRosa said the lack of the legalized gambling activities in eiuuice & uarpet aeanert Connecticut, Gov Ella Grasso's of­ Islamic revolution of Iran," the Pars November last year but during the The General Assembly last year in­ Other factors in the increased requested finance committee didn't MERCURY anger him, but that he was more con­ fice announced tixiay 2 MOHAWK— I “SpecialUing in Sleant Cleaning Carpelt” | report said bluntly. comparable period this year, it creased the ceiling on the amount of purchases reported by the tax • A Name You Won't Forget Complct* Janitorltl 8«rvic«« | The Iranians want the return of 09 received $8.5 million, a drop of $700,- liquor Connecticut residents can cerned with reviewing the budget. He A. W Oppenheimer. currently I department involve resistance to the deputy secretary of the Office of • A Company With Many Advantages To Offer * billion in assets frozen in U.S. banks 000, he said. purchase out-of-state from one gallon added, howev,pr, the problem with Phone 646-2796 I Commercial • Raaldantlal | bottle bill and people generally Policy and Management, has been by President Carter, 04 billion to en­ Residents are allowed a 4-gallon to four because of opposition to the trying to save money due to the the country club was the lack of NO $[Rvic( CHinci It's fii'st priority Is to give you top quality merchandise with first-rate service and supervison in expenditures. named to replace Bassett the fastest possible delivery. I NOW M MIUKNESTER TO SERIIE | sure the return of “other assets and limit on out-of-state liquors, but some minimum liquor pricing law economy, says Dubno. funds of Iran," and OlO billion to are exceeding it, Dubno says. The law in effect prevents retailers With more than 50 years of experience In the business, Mohawk has become ItestrvtMont lor • Hotali • AIMIim i • SitMitMu I VOUBETTER cover "properties of the Iranian na­ As a result, agents of his depart­ from'discounting liquor and results Officials estimate people staying 627 Main S trtit MancliMtar known as 'Suppliers of Safety Protection'. We will provide the kind of professional ICAU FOR FREE ERTIMATER 6434MMR tion plundered by the deposed shah ment this year have made 15 arrests in highw on-the-average prices in within the legal limit purchase liquor service and Individual attention unequaled in today's Industry. Mohawk has I clip this coupon and save for 20% off. _ ^ _ j and his relatives." and seized from individuals liquor in Connecticut than in surrounding out-of-state exceeding $10 million. 2 developed many new items which are fast becoming standards In protection. imMBmmammmmmmMUBmMumL monckiy. SPECIALIZING IN With a constantly expanding network In manufacturing, distribution and sales 2 LOCATIONi TO BEItVi rdtl] SUPERIOR MUFFLERS personnel. Mohawk is always ready to servo you quickly and economically on Scholars every order, every time. ■UMBPIHLlMTHIM iniBT' Bethlehem ready for rush Day 415 DON WILLIS GARAGE. INC. Cm ni HM M I CVfM MKE The son of a migrant farm Today is the 415th day the specialists Rely on Mohawk for safety woodburning LOW COST nUNTIM BETHLEHEM, Israeli-occupied mas holidays at the spot where tradi­ dress warmly for Christmas Eve in don’t have to be a religious person to worker and a Massachusetts town W H E E L a l i g n m e n t BRAKE SERVICE WRECKER SERVICf West Bank (UPI) — Residents of the tion savs Jesus was born. Bethlehem where many would watch get goose bumps," said another. hostages have been held captive in r.FNERAL REPAIRING stove gloves. councilman are among this year's largely-Arab town of Bethlehem are Pilgrims may enter the Grotto of Iran. Propane Cylinders Filled Will resist heat up to 700“F.'Permanent flame Mayor Elias Freij of Bethlehem the mass on a large outdoor screen. Rhodes Scholars. I’ugc 28. MINIT-MANPI ready for about 33,000 foreign said Sunday all preparations for Officials said 33,000 tourists would the Nativity, where a 14-pointed Air Conditioning Service resistance can be washed repeatedly without 8i> B8M w. • aiao i|n ti • tm m visitors who will spend their Christ- TELEPHO NE Christmas had been completed, two visit the Holy Land during the Christ­ silver star marks the spot that tradi­ 18 MAIN STRICT • 8U us foil (NOnAVB) ------6 4 9 4S31 sacrificirig protective qualities. Will not melt or • tryouaniwmssm tall trees in Manger Square mas season — some 10 percent less tion says is the birthplace of the baby MANCHESTER CONN^ 06040 In sports Inside today fuse. Will not char hard, but will remain soft & Aassaanxn. 600P 6RIEF.' ONLV decorated and store windows dressed than last year. Many people decided Jesus. ready for future use. with nativity scenes and holiday to cancel their trip, fearing Middle ' The high point of Christmas Eve in Steelers to have final say in NFL Classified...... 25-26 greetings. Comics...... 27 '11.00 Pr. tax included. For mail orders add 2 SHOPPING PAYS East conflicts like the Iraq-Iran war, Bethlehem comes at midnight with playoff picture tonight. Patriots OSTRINSKY LEFT 'TIL CHRISTMAS' A colleague from a much larger the officials said. ^ mass at the 19th century St. must sit back and await outcome of Editorial ...... 4 Designs & Styles '1.25 for postage & handling. 6 A 3 5 8 7 9 town will be his guest at midnight Visitors to Bethleh'em are often Catherine's church. season finale for playoff bid. Page Entertainment ...... 19 mass. New York Mayor Edward disappointed at the stringent security It is an annex to the Church of the 1 5 . F am ily...... 12-13 P6RSONRI T€€ Koch, will fly to Jerusalem by precautions, the commercialism at Nativity, built in 326 A.D. by order of Jabbar passes 2S,tXX) point total Obituaries ...... 14 Personsti/ed F un A SgoTi««Ar MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC- CALL US FIRST! helicopter from the El Arish border Manger Square and the worldly the Byzantine Emperor Constantine. in NBA. V ^ lers bow to Quebec in Peopletalk ...... -...... -2 DONE WHILE YOU WAIT- crossing to arrive in time for Christ­ nature of the Biblical town. The Latin patriarch of Jerusalem final minutes. Page 16. . Sports...... 15-18 G riil G ills For Any Occislen 5 GLEN ROAD—P.O. BOX 945 NEW 125,000 TRUCK SCALE mas. He is now visiting Egypt. "It looks more like Times Square will start Christmas Eve Walter Payton of Bears retains Television ...... 19 LICENSED PUBLIC WEIGHTS 1081 Mam St . Manchester • iei t>4b.J339 MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 The weatherman would nut venture than the Holy I.,and," said a dis­ celebrations in a motorcade rushing title in NFL. East Catholic TownTalk...... 14 DEALERS IN IRON, METAL, PAPER Al & Pal C'ociho. Owners • Jmi Cuelho, M anager. PHONE (203) 643-5107 a prediction fur la^ r in Uie week but illusioned American tourist last Wednesday from the walls of upends Manchester High on ice. Update ...... 2 temperatures ap]^oached freezing Christmas. But others still felt the Jerusalem to Manger Square in Page 17. W eather...... 2 overnight. Visitors were advised to excitement of the holiday. "You Bethlehem. t - EVENING HERALD. Mon , Dec B, 1980 EVENING HERALD, Mon., Do:- 22. I98U - .'I Dbcbte. Manchester ABA changes its heart across seven states faces possible charges of kidnapping The line to enter the Central Army Pavilion, where “I don’t believe we want to do It on a piecemeal basis, and armed robbery. Kosygin — premier from 1964 until October, I960 — lay, which is what Nixon and Carter both tried to do,” Roth WASHINGTON (UPI) — In a major change of heart, Authorities recaptured James Earl Holland Sunday in reached nearly one mile. Soldiers standing three feet said. '■ Building starts decline the influential American Bar Association will no longer rural Fayette County, Tenn. He had escaped Wednesday apart lined the approach streets, forming a ceremonial allow old age to be a barrier to a person's nomination to a from the penitentiary in Parchman. Miss. All his approach. Pope's Christmas message MANCHESTER — Major construction declined in In electrical, plumbing and heating permits there was a federal judgeship. hostages apparently were unharmed. The Politburo, the ruling body of the Soviet Union, VATICAN CITY (UPI) - P o ^ John Paul U, in a November of 1980, contpared to a year ago. diflerence of three between the monthly reports for the In a letter to Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti. the Holland, a trusty serving a 50-year sentence for armed came to pay homage between noon and 1 p.m., well after Christmas message, called today for the release of According to statistics compiled by the town Building two years. But a large difference separated the es­ lawyers' group said it will discontinue using age robbery and kidnapping, was held Sunday in the McNairy the doors had opened to the public, officials said. hostages throughout the world, describing them as vic­ Department one dwelling permit was issued in timated cost. In 1980 the estimated costs was $206,258 for guidelines that barred a person over 60 from being County jail at Selmer. Sheriff James Opal Gray said tims of political reprisal or "an iniquitous, cruel and in­ November, compared to six in 1979. No garage permits electrical and plumbing projects. In 1979 the estima'ed nominated to the federal bench in most cases. charges would be filed against the escaped pri.soner were issued this year, compared to three the year before. costs were $148,786. today. conceivable monetary speculation." However, the group reserved the right to "consider age Ford mentioned for post Without specifically mentioning the U.S. hostages In Alteration permits decreased about half from a year as a factor if it affects professional qualifications " "We'll probably have several charges on him — kidnap, WASHINGTON (UPIl - Sen. William Roth, R-Del., Iran, the pope told 36 members of the Roman Catholic ago, the statistics show. Last month the department The change, which was precipitated by a policy switch probably armed robbery. ' Gray said, adding that the in­ issued 65 alteration and addition permits, compared to vestigation is not entirely complete believes a new commission should be created, headed by College of (Cardinals the problem of political hostages by the Carter administration, will make it easier for was just one of the many menaces fdcing mankind. 115 a year ago. . open avonr nite HI President-elect Ronald Reagan to appoint some older former President Gerald Ford, to assess the federal bureaucracy. "In this (Christmas that will be so sad for them (the The total number of permits issued in November, was judges if he desires (• (twiplsrfuiiliyt) Roth, who will be chairman of the Senate Governmen­ hostages), I am close to them in prayer,” the pope said. 196 compared to 274 a year ago. In the October ABA Journal. Reagan said age should Brezhnev joins mourners "For all of them I ask the Lord, with tears in my eyes, The fees declined proportionately due to the decrease can't find It? not be a factor unless the potential nominee s age tal Affairs Committee in the 97th Congress, said such a MOSCOW I UPI I — Sov iet President Leonid Brezhnev calling on those responsible to have pity — in the name of in permits, with $5,499.50 being collected last month. affects his or her ability to serve review should be made before President-elect Ronald and Premier Nikolai Tikhonov today joined hundreds of Reagan takes a cost-cutting knife to government. God. in the name of man. During the same time last year $7,193 was collected. fairway will thousands of their countrymen lo lile by the body of rWe've got to take a broader view and try to see how "We cannot forget the hostages who are still deprived Although the fees for last month were lees than the Fugitive faces charges former Premier Alexei Kosygin as he lay in state atop a of liberty in various parts of the world, victims of previous year’s the estimated cost ol the projects rose by have It I you can streamline it tfederal government) so that nearly $100,000. The records show increased costs in most SP:LMER. Tenn iL'PIi - A Mississippi fugitive who flowercovered bier surrounded by a military honor decisions can be made and people can get answers," he political reprisal or' of an iniquitous, cruel and in­ 6-. sitfim ; guard said in a recent interview. conceivable monetary speculation." construction projects including houses, tool shed and took eight hostages at various times in a five-dav flight Traveling band electric, plurnbing and heating. every The estimated costs for November 1980 was $985,2,58. Uttle afternoon. The musicians visit nursing homes f* the mVoelo of mohltitAi Peopletalk. A group of musicians from Illing Junior More permits were issued in November 1979. but the es­ dowrttowb manttorttp ' thing" if High School entertained patients at Crestfield every Christmas season to enterain patients. timated costs was less. $887,143. High risk Santa Convalescent Home, Manchester, Friday (Herald photo by Pinto)

In December. 1957. Santa Claus applied for in­ PRICES EFFECTIVE MON.. DEC. 22 THRU SAT., DEC. 27,1680. surance — and almost got turned down The city H a p p y •an riu»a»cc fathers of Boontown. .N J . were afraid the little lots Episcopalians Th en 's a TOP NOTCH near you: might do bodily harm to the man hired lo play San­ H p l i d a ta, so they applied lor insurance to Fireman's Fund East Hartford Manchester 1150 BURNSIDE AVENUE 260 NORTH MAIN ST. AT MAW Now...We Accept TFonrl our families Underwriter John Murphy claimed Santa was a ordain woman lo yours. Manchester Middletown ~ r _ a \ \ \ high risk He pointed out that Santa was overweight MINIMUM RURCHAM I ei tlLASTONBl RV - The Church. 725 EAST MKIDIE TURNPIKE 900 WASHINGTON ST.. RT 64 N E w o e a A H S S c a iA IM thus possibly in poor health. that the reindeer might ■30.00. MAXIMUM expose him to animal-transmitted disease, that he Rev. Barbara F. West, The Rev. Mrs. West R U RCH AU N N N D I p - l COTMO - — ------( - 4 , OPEN MON THRU SAT 8 30AM to P OOP M VISA flies without a flight plan and could collide with formerly of Manchester, served as a deacon at St. ON YOUN NANK AUMinansAT ( 4 * 1 MiCOMI T M 'O M I'AMPPvMCnAMI SUN DAY 10 OOA M lo 5 OOP M ARMIOVAL. |i* ■'■jsnow regular aircraft was ordained into the Mary's Church in O M n H A $ M T I Episcopal priesthood MOt M l^04rt«kl $0* MROCMMCM tMtOai ■! MURVf $M( INCMT 10 iMiT OuANTltet tO 4 UWtl UNlIU 0$M|R»rU V1CM«0 1 ' Also, he lands on roofs, a hazardous business; he Manchester before U^iW lAIHIII rOTOCA»1 e goes down chimneys, exposing him to respiratory Thursday at St. James becoming a deacon at St. Kor period ending 7 a m E.ST 12 23 80 During Monday disease and burns James. night snow will be expected over the northern Rockies Besides all this, he has been seen kissing some She is the daughter of and the southern Plains as well as in the western Lakes kids mothers, which doesn t say much for his stan­ Mrs John Field of Boulder area Clear to partly cloudy elsewhere Minimum ding as a gotxi moral risk Murphy, who was no Road, Manchester She temperatures include lapprox maximum temperatures Scrooge, wrote Santa a workmen s compensation w as graduated from The Meat Masters in parenthesis Atlanta 37 i,'j3'. Boston 24 43'. Chicago29 policy Manchester High School in i LOM. 3 AM. 3 CENTER GRADE 'A ' U.S.D A. CHOICE 60NELESS8EEF 10W) AVER < 1 0 f t ASSORTED PORK CHOPS 9 ^ ” SPLJT CHICKENS CUT TO ORDER lb 1 ■36' Cleveland 26 '34 Dallas 3.'i '63' Denver 29 .'A 1954 and earned at bachelor WHOLE SIRLOIN TIPS of arts degree in biology Duluth-2 1.' Houston 44 1 63'. Jacksonville 42 64- Kan­ Young at heart LEAN GOLDEN MOW N GRADE -A U.S D A CHOICE lEEF EXTRA LEAN S i l l sas Cilv 26 42 Little Rock 34 o 6 '. Los Angeles M 1 74 1. Irom Colby College. Water- SMOKED SHOULDERS CUT UP CHICKENS GROUND ROUND ANY SUE PKG R) I Frank Sinatra who turned 65 last week, has ville, Maine where she was ANY Miami 66 77'. Minneapolis 6 '2 1 '. .New yirleans FI 'Of-. t h ic k cu t U.S.D.A C H O C E K E F EXTRA LEAN U.S.O A CHOICE BEEF 20lb« AVER ^ 1 M always sung it his way — a distinctive style praised a member ol Phi Beta Kap- SI2E .New A ork 24 4r ' Phoenix 48 ' 76 1, .San P'rancisco 46'60'. MOSEY'S CORNED BRISKETS CHOPPED SIRLOIN p a c k a g e m WHOLE RIBS OF BEEF Cul To Order lb I .‘wattle 41 .F0> .St Louis 29 1 47 ■ and Washington 31 >471 by fans and popular music critics alike pa Ol Blue Eyes says he tried to base his manner of She received her master TiNO fR U.S.D.A. CHOICE lE E f 16M« AVER S I 4 8 U9.D.A CHOICE 6EEF S % 4 A singing on the musical instruments he heard in the o,f divinity degree from BABY BEEF LIVER WHOLE HIPS OF BEEF c»i to ordw I I PORTERHOUSE STEAKS «, 3 Weather forecast bands behind him % Southern Methodist "There s an Italian term for vitalizing. " Sinatra Transit troubles University. While in .Mostly sunny todav High temperatures in the mid 20s. explains, called bel canto Simply put. the singer Workman replaces bulb on one of the 99 buses would miss their planned debut today Dallas. Tex. she served a a J^CHRISTMAS minus 3 C Partly cioudy tonight Lows 1: to 20 Cloudy stays on a high plane vocally A'ou make your notes aging buses that arrived here from on New York streets because they were filthy deacon and a hospital with a c hanc e of occasional light snow or ram Tuesday as pure as you possibly can I decided I d try to sing Rev. Barbara i^eKl Washington. D.C., at a depot in the Bronx and in need of repair. (UPI photo) chaplain. Highs 3r. to 40 f^robability ol precipitation near zero per­ in the fashion that Tommy Dorsey played his 8*-^I^0NUS! cent todav 10 percent tonight 40 percent Tuesday Winds trumpet — 12 measures without breathing I .Sunday. Transit officials said Sunday that the BRING IN AND REDEEM ONE westerly 10 mph today becoming southwest tonight prepared for it physically by swimming and other Workshops planned FULL BOOK OF Southerly winds 10 to 20 mph Tuesday exercises, a regimen I still maintain SAH GREEN STAMPS MANCHESTER — Manchester Community College, FOR - Kxtencleil outlook Christmas gift Algeria says Saudis through a grant from the state Department of Mucation, Extended outlook for New England Wednesday through Bureau ol Vocational Program Planning, is offering a Friday Most Christmas television programs are designed series ol educational workshops primarily intended for AlaAoaeliiiAelU. Kliude Inland and t oniieetieur: as commercial vehicles to sell electronic toys, the displaced homemaker. TOUR RVRCHAU or ANY 5AAN0 Cloudy with a chance ut occasional light snow or ram men's cologne and designer jeans Those workshops, geared to developing the job skills of I CHRISTMAS thiougli earlv Wednesday then 'Tearing with Not T h e J^ost Joyful .Mystery, a half-hour will raise oil prices single heads of households, include: job and career TURKEY teiiifieratures in the 30s Fair and cold weather Thursday Family Theater drama The show is being offered counseling, job development, job information and I and Friday Low temperatures in the teens and high to television stations as a public service bv Father BEIRUT. L ebanon lUPli — could go from $32 to $36. country is considered one of the exploring computer careers temperatures Irorii the mid 20s to low 30s Patrick Pevton a moneer in religious programming Algeria said Saudi Arabia s oil price Every $1 increase of OPEC oil OPEC hardliners, " ^ d the feeling Interested persons may sign up for one or more of the E \r r m o n i: Snow tapering to Hurries Wednesdav who also coined the slogan The family that prays will creep up lo $35 a barrel despite a generally raises gasoline and home that the price of Saudi crude would free workshops Priority for enrollment will be given to'- Flurries mainlv north and west Thursdav Fair Friday together stays together vow by the .Saudis to keep prices at healing fuel in the United Slates by creep upwards toward $35 before the those persons who for years have been dependent bn the Valuable Coupon Valuable Coupon Valuable Coupon I Cold Highs 10 to 18 north and upper teens to mid 20s in The stars are Barnard Hughes, .lustin Henry uhe the OPFX' low of $32 a barrel for six 16 cents a gallon A general $4 in­ June meeting. " financial support of their spouse and have lost that means j i the south Lows lo below to IF abc.ive boy in Kramer vs Kramer ■ with guest stars months an authoritative .Middle crease plus a gradual moving up of The newsletter also quoted Kuwaiti of income 1LB.TIN ■ ! , 3LB. CAN 4Saz. lO TTLl Mainr and N.-v> llaiii|i-liiri’: Chance of light snow Don lialloway Anne I-ockhart Jason Miller Diana East ei onomic journal says Saudi prices from $32 to $36 will Oil Minister Sheikh Ali Khalifa al For more information, call^the Community Services OCCAN SPRAY CRISCO CRANBERRY north and chance of flurries south Wednesdav Fair Muld^ur and special guest Frank .Sinatra A movement ol Saudi prices mean upwards of 7 cents more a Sabahas as saying OPEC's increases Division. 646-2137 or the College Information Office at s h o r t e n i n g JUICE COCKTAIL g j Christmas Dav and Friday Highs in the teens north to 20s Also on hand Ray Bolger. Dennis Day, Kevin toward $35 a barrel could mean in­ gallon for American buyers are likely to be minimal. 649-1061 COFFEE i ! i | South Liws in the single numbers north to near 20 .south Dobson Mary .McDonough Ricardo Montalban creases for American consumers of The weekly An-Nahar Arab Report Ali told the publication that the Wednesdav cooling to zero to 10 below north and zero to Bob Newhart. Pal 0 Brien. Regis Philbin Isohel more than the 7 cents a gallon and Memo Sunday quoted sources Bali delegates had decided that, * | j | C .Sanford and Danny Thomas SAVE...! $479 $449 10 above south Christmas Day and Friday predicted by experts last week close to Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh while the official marker price would following the overall 10 percent price Ahmed Zaki Yamani as saying he in­ match the Saudi $32 figure, "anyone THESE COUPONs\ l.oiit; UlancI ''„uncl (Juote of the day bixist by OPEC at its price-fixing tends to keep the price at $32 for can deem the marker price to at — t Im * 89*1 6^ 11^1 IMM e m e x te rn m >6W6i im m pm meeting in Bali. Indonesia another six months, probably until any level between $32 and $36." NOT AVAILABLE Om < Cm 34 Mm I m Cm $7 IM :'^ !l MB S m t C« 21 Mm fat Cm 27 IM I one: Ul.ind ^ooini to W aleli Mill. R.l. and Alonl.itik Larrv Hagman. a nice guv who has become rich The Saudis who provide 23 percent the June OPEC meeting in Geneva. A figure of $36 maximum for a I’oini. N.a .: Variable winds' to 10 knots today becoming playing wealthy bad guv J K Ewing on CBS s IN OUR STORES! ol U S oil imports, agreed at Balt to The An-Nahar report also said the marker price was decided upon to southerlv 10 to 1: knots tonight and IF to 20 knots Dallas, said while taping The John Davidson increase their oil price per barrel Tuesdav \Tsibility generally F miles or better Mostly Show that his series had changed his outlook on Saudis are resisting pressure from please Iran, said Ali, “but I don't sunnv todav Increasing cloudiness tonight Mostly from $30 to $32 as part of a new other Arab oil-producing states to think that anyone will reach" that life Hagman said with a smile I ve learned a LEAVE THE WORK TO US cloudv Tuesdav with a chance ol a few showers late in the great compassion lor the wealthy OPEC range extending from $32 to trim daily production from the price. dav Wave .neights about 1 foot tixlay and 1 to 2 feet $41 a barrel It was the second Saudi current 10.3 million barrels, to its The newsletter quoted Ali as Give the Gift of Food for the Holidays ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY t'lHight increasing Tuesday increase this year earlier level of 8.5 million terrels. saying some of the better grade Top N oKh h o i 9reol oiit tdecn foe everyone on your Glimpses Under the OPEC decision, Algeria The Saudis agreed to raise produc­ crude, particularly that produced by • h ^ in 9 hit ot oHordoble pneet! and Libya, vihich together supply 20 tion soon after the outbreak of the North African states such as Algeria Fruit Bfiuskets... w* K«>ri bMowtJwl wfengwneoh o< wheiMom* l«>ty <«• PARTY Nedda Logan Josh's wile will host the second an percent ol U S oil imports, could up Persian Gulf war and Libya, might reach $40 per Irwti « irnoH w Iwec iiMt a4 ewr peedwee dwpartmMAi SAVE se-^HISAVE9e 1 The Almanac nual Actors Fund Holiday Celebration Dec 29 at their price Irom $37 a barrel to $41 But the publication said Algerian barrel, short of the ceiling of $41 a Fraunces Tavern Sally Field is filming ".Absence and the middle range producers Oil Minister Belkacem Nabi. whose barrel agreed on in Bali. Gift Certificates... Bv I niled PrrAi. International Wy Heppv HeffdiY* «MNt a cirtdicow ol ^ MO *35 w PLATTER nwa ladeameWo at oo)i twwo on any <


Nate Agostinelll, President


CONGRATULATIONS HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WARMEST REGARDS CongratiHlatlons A GRAMES PRINTING CCNGRATULATICNS CCNGRATULATICNS CCNGRATULATICNS to the Bast VV^Ishas CN A td^the to the on your Manchester State Bank to the is proud to wish FCR 10 YEARS CF SUCCESSFUL Manchester State Bank Manchester State Bank 10TH ANNIVERSARY On Their 10th Anniversary Manchester CC^/IMUNITY 10 YEARS Manchester State Bank HAPPY ANNIVERSARY from the State Bank a from from on 10 great years from the It has been a pleasure working SERVICE from all of us Your Friends At with you, and we are iooking of service to the Your Friends At The MANCHESTER - at forward to many more years of B&B OIL Manchester Community 315 BROAD STREET OIL HEAT, Inc. pleasant association. V OPTICAL STYLE BAR MANCHESTER AL SIEFFERT’S “Quality Fuel Products” I Oltafing all typaa ot Enargy Saving Equlpmant. Appliances, TV — Audio “EaBtern Connecticut’s 24 Hour 8arvlco«Wholoaala A Ratall MANCHESTER DRUG MINIT-MAN PRINTING HIGHLAND PARK I GRAMES PRINTING AuthorUad Enargin, Coal-Wood Slovo Doalor. Call 445 Hartford Rd., Manchester Leading Full Service Opticians” ______CAM-2 Racing Qaa______“Prescription Specialist" 50 PURNELL PLACE today and alaop aaalar tonighti 423 CENTER STREET 647-9997 Manchester and Mansfield 61 Loomit St. Manchester • 647-9137 717 Main StrMit • 849-4541 MANCHESTER 649-2947. Maatar Chfrga 8 Vlaa MANCHESTER MARKET

We Are Proud To Offer Our CCNGRATULATICNS Congratulations,. CONGRATULATIONS HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY BEST WISHES to the kAPPY CCNGRATULATICNS to to Manchester SITate Bank ’ ^ and CONGRATULATIONS Neighbor. ANNIVERSARY From Everyone at MANCHESTER MANCHESTER BEST WISHES to the Manchester State Bank Hey, Manchester State Bank. on their From Another to on their STATE BANK 10th ANNIVERSARY Fani’s Kitchen STATE BANK 10th Anniversary One It's been a good For the best in banking on your from your of your From all of us MANCHESTER We look forward to it’s MANCHESTER STATE 10 years! 10th Anniversary their 20th Anniversary Main Street Neighbors STATE BANK BANK from at • “Quality Clothing People” HARRISON’S Frechette Martin & Rofliman Inc. For the best in good HERITAGE SAVINGS DeCORMIER MOTORS MANCHESTER J. Garman, Clothlar from everyone at Realtors-Better Homes & Gardens cooking it’s Fani’s! Your exclusive hometown Dateun TRANSMISSIONS Inc. 887 Main Street, In STATIONERS REGAL’S MEN’S SHOP & LOAN ASSOCIATION Dealera • 643-4165 161 West Middle Tnpke. Downtown Manchester 848-7272 843-2478 Z c t l ? 646-4144 643-2603 WE CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations To Manchester’s Own LaPENTA AGENCY CONGRATULATIONS HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY CCNGRATULATICNS SALUTE TO Home Town Bank — toour neighbors, the FCR FOR and YOU MANCHESTER wishes: to 10 YEARS CF MANCHESTER SERVICE ON YOUR STATE BANK STATE BANK congratulate MANCHESTER SERVICE Best Wishes TC THE % on their Manchester’s only TC THE 10th 10th. ANNIVERSARY CCMMUNITY STATE BANK for the future ANNIVERSARY from from locally owned bank - from the CCMMUNITY ALLIED Manchester State Donald S. MANCHESTER MORIARITY PROTECTIVE ALARM CAPITOL SABRINA ' Inc. WATKINS EVENING HERALD Best Wishes EQUIPMENT GENOVESI POOLS 16 BRAINARO PLACE RROTHERS “Total Burglar A F lrt Alarm Protaetlon” INSURANCE AGENCY. Inc. 935 Main St., Manchester 110 Elm 81. ManchMltr • S4S-0220 18 MAIN ST. RT. 44A - 742-7306 643-2711 643-S135 for continued success! “ Sarvtng TIm Manchaataf Aroa For Ovor 50 Yoara” 643-5171 hp 643-7666 1011 Main St. Manetwator • 943-2131 COVENTRY \ 8 - EVENING HERALD, Mon , Dec. U, 1980 EVENING HERALD. Mon., Dec. 22, 1980 - 9 New voices revive message to ban nuclear bomb said. “The problem is they're not. They re weapons of possible,” said Dr, Helen Caldicott, a leader of PFSR. BOSTON (UPI) - Albert Einstein wasn’t sure when the Salk Institute jn jSan Diego. Lawyers file reply national suicide." "U’s the final medical epidemic.” ^ World War III would start - but he knew there would be "If we are so ingenious as to be able to solve all sorts of other problems, then we surely have the ingenuity to find Muller and othSr members went, to Geneva. Dr. Caldicott, who was on the staff of Boston Children s no World War IV. Hospital, has become so involved with her cause that this a way to aVoid war." Switzerland, earlier this month for an unprecedented The splitting of the atom has changed everything, meeting with three leading Soviet doctors, including Dr. year she quit her practice as a pediatrician. save man's mode of thinking." he said. "Thus we drift Salk, two Nobel prize winners, six medlc^ school deans and some 31 other leading American doctors make Eugene Chasov. Soviet deputy minister of health. "1 was experiencing a conflict of Interest because my in HUD court case towards unparalleled catastrophe. " up the Boston-based International Physicians for Preven­ Both sides agreed doctors would be unable to care for patients have cystic fibrosis, an hereditary disease. With Einstein's warning has become part of the grafitti of MANCHESTER - The town’s tion of Nuclear War Inc. the sick and injured after a nuclear attack — if there treatment they can survive for maybe 10 years. the nuclear age. Hoisted on signs by demonstrators and lawyers in the Community Develop­ Another Boston group. Physicians for Social Respon­ were any doctors left. They also agreed that money “My conflict was to keep them alive when they m i^ t drowned by other problems of the day, its impact fades poured into nuclear armaments would be better used be destroyed by a nuclear conflagration,” she said. "I ment lawsuit filed a 10-page answer and life goes on. sibility, has 3,000 members nationwide. "Psychic numbing." as one doctor called it. is what elsewhere. o' can't go back (to practice) until these weapons are to the plaintiff's charge of racial and Manchester But some new voices have rewved the message, afraid economic discrimination in Hartford they're out to remove. "In this struggle we must unite all physicians, destroyed.” that all life might be snuffed out the way it was in two regardless of their political views,” Qiasov, who is now The domestic group has organized symposiums around District Court Friday. doomed Japanese cities in 1945. " We feel there is massive denial of the consequence of The plaintiff's also claim the public women, filed a request Friday for the nuclear weapons, " said Dr James Muller, secretary of co-chairman of the group with Harvard's Dr. Bernard the country. At one. Dr, Caldicott spoke to 300 engineers Dominic Squatrito, of the law firm, Hometown general practitioners and specialists, in­ and “ had some of them in tears,’.' a participant Bayer, Phelon and Squatrito, asserts discussion leading to the 1979 vote results on the second referendum on the international group and a Harvard heart specialist. Down, said in published reports after the conference. structors and deans at prestigious medical schools and the town’s withdrawal from the carried “racial overtones.” the Community Development "At some point deep down inside, people know the "If nuclear war starts, there will be huge losses of both remembers. ' doctors with renowned institutions named after them are federal program was not dis­ Squatrito's filing of his arguments program, ■held last November. The world could explode tomorrow. But you can't get up each American and Soviet peoples," Besides emotional sympathy, both organizations have banding together around the world to stop the bomb. criminatory, but “was a fully came on the last scheduled day set federal department also requested morning and think that. It's like the patient who won't go Muller admits it's possible western doctors are being so far received support in principal from other powerful all reports and recommendations of They believe nuclear war is the greatest threat to warranted and justified" governmen­ for the pre-trial "discovery” period. used by their eastern colleagues. "But it's also possible interests. the znayor's special committee on health the human race has ever known. to the hospital — nothing is done to prevent the disease. " tal action and not motivated by racial This period, in which opposing at­ "There is a tendency to think of nuclear weapons as the Russians are being doctors," he said. “You have to go condominium conversions, and "The absurdity of an atomic war is so obvious that we consideration." torneys request information and file just big guns with which we can defend ourselves," he with your feelings." documents shaping their case, ap­ zoning regulations. can't possibly allow it," said Dr Jonas Salk, who heads The international group plans its first full-scale ^ The arguments are the defendant’s parently has been extended to Jan. Early in December the justice meeting just outside Washington, D.C., March 19-26. arfiwer to earlier documents filed by 19. departn-jent filed a simitar suit Medical leaders from France, Britain and other coun­ ^JAN M ARirS BOUTIQUE ^ Special procession Raymond Norko, of the Hartford Legal Aid Society, who is represen­ Also on Friday, U.S, District Judge against Glastonbury, charging it tries have been invited. M. Joseph Blumenfeld scheduled refused to approve two low-income Parents fight educator No specific goals will be discussed until then. Some of 18 OAK ST. Residents of Gerard Street in Manchester utilizes paper lanterns placed in the front of ting three Manchester women. The women brought the suit in April of March 10 for opening oral apartment complexes, while the possibilities, Muller said, would be to limit nuclear participated in a special procession in the houses to light the way for the procession allowing middle-income complex 1979. after the town voted 3 to 1 in arguments. Last year at this time, it armament proliferation and then cut down existing tradition of the American Southwest Sunday along the street. (Herald photo by Burbank) con.struction. latest in women’s wear favor of a two-year moratorium. had been expected the case would stockpiles night. The celebration, “Luminarios”, open in late fall. But the lawyers on drug, booze advice British doctors last inonth announced the formation of designer fashionsi Last November in an advisory required more time for information their own group, the Medical Campaign Against Nuclear referendum the town chose again to OLD SAYBROOK (UPII ministrators have been under the influence of few months I said to gathering, as the pre-trial period has Weapons The French are also organizing. remain out of the program. - Parents In this largely sympathetic, but have not alcohol or drugs, a five-day myself, something has to been extended several times. ‘Fun Run' |ilunn«‘(l resolved the problem. Mar­ suspension is mandatory be done to alert tl\e com­ In the United States, Physicians For Social Respon­ Norko has claimed in his filed white-collar commnity documents the town's withdrawal Also in the documents filed-Friday MANCHESTER - The Silk City have accused the school tin said measures to con­ "We re not satisfied with munity to the dangers ' sibility started unofficially in 1962 with publication in the Fire damages home Striders will sponsor a tun run' For Your Holiday Convenience was "motivated by the town's strong Squatrito argues the town cannot be trol marijuana smoking the suspension route, but Police Chief Edmund New England Journal of Medicine of an article fire at the Homestead Street home. superintendent of going M ANCHESTER — A Sunday mor­ Although the heating system desire to maintain itself as a racially forced to re-enter the program, Jan I beginning at 10 a m in the up­ were undertaken with there doesn't seem to be a Mosca agreed with Martin describing the effect of a nuclear attack. Firefighters/contained the fire in per, parking lot at Manchester Com­ beyond his authority in his ning fire spread through a remains inoperable, Bakulski is exclusive community and that it will because it has the right to withdraw teachers monitoring areas better alternative." Martin that parents who condone Those well-known horrors of death — burns, blindness, about 20 minutes, battling heavy munity College. public warnings of alcohol We will be open staying in the home and using por­ have the effects of denying them from a voluntary program. inside and outside the said drinking by teenagers are tattered skin and eventual cancer — were repeated by Homestead Street home, knocking smoke which engulfed the two-story Refreshments will ' be served and drug abuse among table heaters. Town officials were their right to live in a racially in­ Both sides are still gathering infor­ school He said there was no one part of the problem He Dr Howard Hiatt, dean of the Harvard School of Public out its heating system. home. Two firefighters sustained following the event teenagers The home of Joseph Bakulski. 68, expected to inspect the home a se­ tegrated community and denying mation from each other. Depositions If a student arrives at incident that prompted his said his patrolmen have Health, during a .Senate hearing in June. Among the Mon & Tues till 9 pm Persons interested in additional in­ School^ superintendent of 92 Homestead Si., was damaged cond time later today. minor injuries in the fire, and were minority families who wish to live were taken about a month ago. The school drunk, teachers are concern I've become found parties each statistics: for every 1.700 injured survivors there would formation should call Bill Schwarz at William Mat'tin held a when a fire started from a blocked The Eighth Utilities District Fire treated on the scene. ana work in Manchester the oppor­ U.S. Justice Department, which under orders to notify the alarmed at the frequency weekend with kids be one physician to attend them. 643-4095 news conference last week pipe leading frorri an oil burner. The Department received a call at 10:48 Frank Conti, town building inspec­ tunity to do so." joined the case brought by the three principal at once If found of house parties in the past drinking "Survival in the event of a nuclear war would be im- tor, said he would not condemn the and the day he prepared his fire spread to the floor and wall of a.m. from the town's emergency dis­ residence, and termed the damage blunt remarks, several the first-floor kitchen. The stairway patcher. reporting a chimney fire. slight. There were no financial es­ teenagers arrived at a leading to the second floor was also Within minutes, the dispatcher called Christmas party sponsored timates of the amount of damage. damaged again, this time reporting a structure by the school so intoxicated one student needed medical aid Martin. 52. said in his Three die in accident statement that "far too many adults in the com­ BOUTON — A two-car crqsh on Children from the ages munity are copping out by Route 6 late Saturday night claimed of six months to six either participating three lives and injured two other per­ years outgrow thair shoes themselves or looking the sons. state police said The accident on an average of once other way when alcohol or HOUEWSALE! happened just east of the intersection every fifty-six days. drugs are consumed by of Route 6 and Steele Crossing Road, Bolton teenaged guests invited to Shirley Gawlak. 45.»and her son their homes Steven Gawlak, 21. both of Sycamore Some parents said he had Terrace. Willimantic and Nicholas no business telling them EVERY SWEATER Milardo. 43, of Sullivan Drive, West how to deal with their Redding, were pronounced dead at children the scene by Dr. Paul Brucell. "I had one caller tell me INSTOCK! medical examiner. Mrs .Milarao is in serious oui noi road, returned to the road, crossed I was a public servant and Virginia Milardo. 45. wife of critical condition" and Nicole, who into the westbound lane and struck this wasn't my business I .Nicholas, and their daughter Nicole. suffered multiple contusions and the car driven by Nicholas Milardo Tarnished copper can be told her I'm nobody's ser­ 13. suffered multiple injuries in the abrasions, was treated and released whose car then struck Gawlak's. cleaned with half a vant. I'm a public crash and were brought to State police said Steven Gawlak lemon dipped Into a table­ employee delegate with Manchester Memorial Hospital was driving east on Route 6 when his State police said the accident is spoon of salt and vinegar. the responsibility of giving According to a hospital spokesman. car veered off the right side of the still under investigation. kids the best chance in life 1 that I can." he said A board of education Florist & (LTD, QUAN. AVAIL.) FEATURES 2 STYLING member called Martin's jlz REAL ESTATE PIWKIPLES & PRACTICES ATTACHMENTS LESS. MFC. REBATE S4.00 BY GILLETTE. LESS MFC REBATE statements "courageous, Greenhouses AFTER REBATE YOUR COST SI2 99 S5 00. AFTER REBATE YOUR COST S7 99 and Martin said he didn't OF r jrause 'BEGINNING THE WEEK OF January 26, 198T know how courageous he M en’s, Ladies’ and Boys' 621 HARTFORD RD. u c EASY ROLLER MANCHESTER - 643-9559 INSTRUCTOR SUPERMAX® 2 had been It may have Here's the fast way to finish your shopping' Sweaters COURSE TIME been foolhardv, he said for everyone Choice of plain and fares' Cardigans Manchester A 6wk. Mn/Wd 6:30-9:30pm Lessenger HAIR SETTER The board unanimously and pull-ons V-necks arid cowls In textures, looks ONE DOZEN Manchester B 12wk. Mn 6:30-9:30pm Dogherty STYLER DRYER endorsed Martin s actions and colors to please (and warm) everyone LONG STEM Storrs 12wk. Tu 7-10pm Wholey and the day after the press This roune meelf the minimum educational requirementt for the $aletper»on» conference, his contract lieenre at tet forth by The Connecticut Real Ettate Committion, was renewed for three RED ROSES KE.AI. EST ATE AP’PR.AIS.AI. I will be offered In Storrs on Tuesdays 7-10pm. 1000 more years He has been MEN’S BUTTON-DOWN OXFORD watts 1 2 school superintendent * ®? Fee: $95 For Master Charge/VIsa Registrations call 486-3234. * 1 6 DRESS SHIRTS Our Regular $16 00 since 1971 A DOZEN GILLETTE SUPER CURL WITH STEAM COMPACT. LESS The press conference A quality gift The fine single and double Since 1957. over 26,000 students have successfully completed courses In this MFC REBATE S2 00. AFTER REBATE YOUR COST S7 99 needle tailoring you normally pay much I CASH & CARRY program offered by was an unusual step for ONLY. Martin, a well-respected more for Fine cotton/polyester oxford THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT cloth in white, blue, p ite ls and stupes. CURLING administrator, who rarely Exaa sleeve lengths Sizes 14-17',^ Extended & Continuing Education • Non-Credit Programs, U-56D Storrs, CT 06268 involves himself in con­ 4§6;2234 ea. troversy The only time his IRON comments sparked a flap BOYS’ OXFORD SHIRTS occurred earlier this year Our Regular $10 SUPERMAX PROUOO BY GILLETTE (LTD. QUAN AVAIL.) LESSESS MFC.MEG. REBATE S5.00,SS.OO. AFTER REBATERtBA It YOURYUUH COSTLUbi SI2 i u 99« ^ Budget opponents attacked Quality construcUon in easy care poly the school system's spen­ cotton blends White or blue 7 ^ ding policies, and Martin PISTOL C called the group's v'\ spokesman, "a flake " M EN’S SPORT SHIRTS DRYER 1 f J S s * He spoke out on the Our Regular SIS & $16 n o w i m u m Girt checldiKi with inlerest. SKIN & NAIL CARE SYSTEM BY GILLETTE. LESS Washable poly/cotton with fine 99 5 -V drinking problem because MFG. REBATE S2.00. AFTER REBATE YOUR COST S9 99 he said he could "see too tailoring in assoned plaids, checks clearly the damage that and solids can be done to kids We ve BODY got to start thinking of MEN’S VELOUR ROBES ea. ways for finding solutions Our Regular $20 Plusaalieegih. TENDER I don t pretend to have the Men's Dress Shirts Mid-calf and Kimono styles, with 2 pockets answers at this point What and belt One size fits all I m looking for is help $1295 H7 Get in on First Federal's introductory offer of checking ELECTRIC One parent who with interest and gel a free gift. Just open a checking account with $300 or more during December. You'll preferred anonymity said. LADIES’SKIRTS&PANTS I not only get free checking with interest, but your WESTBEND $ Q 9 9 My biggest gripe is the Our Regular $11 to $18 choice between a free Golden Eagle Bank or a golden 9 cup buying and selling of drugs Selection inclreles wool anniversary First Federal Family's^avorites cookbook PERCOLATOR that goes on in the schools blends, stretch gabar as well. And all the cookbook recipes come from the We need a little more dines, corduroy and 8 ® to 1 4 ? 5 kitchens of our staff. PROCTOR SILEX emphasis on the use of other popular fabnes So come to our 50th birthday party drugs in the high school ' Tailor^ in all the latest skirt and (lani styles and gel checking with interest She said teachers anri ad­ plus a free Eagle 4-SLICE $4 IS Bank or cookbook. LADIES’ DOWN VESTS And remember, TOASTER I W Our Regular $40 checking accounts Coventry Genuine goose down filling Fully with balances of washable In a variety of fashionable $300 or more have PROCTOR SILEX colors no service charge. 44 d e p d t r d . STEAM COVENTRY, CONN. LADIES’ COATS & PANT COATS STEAM & M O ? * 742-7494 Entire Stock of Our Regular $50 to $85 DRY IRON AnexceplionaJ variety of AUTOMATICALLY STARTS AT THE TIME YOU 25% TO 33% ihe latest styles, colors OFF ALL GOWNS, artd fabrics to keep you SELECT LETS YOU MAKE COFFEE IN YOUR SLEEP in fashion arx! warmth > 4 0 to > ^ 6 8 (LTD QUAN AVAIL ) GENERAL ELECTRIC COCKTAIL GOWNS, Etc. ..AUTOMATIC DRIP HAPPY HOIDAYS I GENERAL ELECTRIC TOASTER COFFEE OPEN SUNDAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. OVEN MAKER Open every mghi Monday through Saiuiday Your Master Card and VISA are weicorrte Andersoh-Littk Andmorv Lute cat CnUScstn -So much fo r SO ittle. •n mlMnialgtr In al KM tlDtM Fiist Federal Savings from Matrv to AUwiu East Harlfoid, Glastonbury, South Glastonbury, Manchester, Vernon, Rockville and South Windsor MANCHESTER PARKADE, MANCHESTER ESUCi WESTFARMS MALL, FARMINGTON (Open Sunday 12 5) • NAUGATUCK VALLEY MALL, WATERBURY ea. 2-10 cup

*29mppl* or ••r11 OUI cu ilm w i. M "iu*r “J','* IS. « “« ‘tiSt ..CMI £ k«, o ir» ..r» i»IM Nol .Mponilblv 10. upoeiiotVMl .. r » . V .lc .. .ttK l . . 0 « 11 S,? I.'l n lJ it HIO Nont tom to OIM. I.n ir .., o. «rwlMaMH X.N.0.1 doai KOI n tt.tM ill, ll.m on in ,p i;, pS.po...onl, Cop,..,t,.WXKtftXNFOOOCORPOX»I10NlMO available only a t our SPENCER ST. STORE 10 - KVEMNU HKHALD. Mon , Dec 22, I960 EVENING HERALD, Mon.; Dec 22, 1980 - 1 1 Region Penney principal Director of Glastonbury library resigns position on regional panel BOSTON - Donald A. Association, founded in schools in New England. Cramer, principal of 1885, is recognized by the Currently, the Commission <.i vsioMM in - The Pcrkin-Klmer Cor­ firm, she became a reference department On July 26, 1967, she Manchester. were still some things she see plans for building Klinor M. Mashiin. direc- poration is based in graduate student in library head. became the first woman In She left the Mary Cheney expansion. George J. Penney High U.S. Department of Elduca- works with 662 accredited wished she could have seen School in Blast Hartfoi^, tion as the only agency to public schools. lor ()l the Welles-Turner Norwalk, and is a sub­ science at Southern Ms. Hashim was Manchester to be ap­ Library in February, 1971, accomplished in Glaston­ "I will miss Glaston- was elected to the Com­ award accreditation to M em orial L ibrary in sidiary of the Fortune 500 Connecticut State College politically active in pointed chief moderator of and accepted a position as bury. "bury," she said. "But I am mission on Public Schools schools in New England. Claslunbur.N. will be Company. and worked part time at Manchester as a leader of the special state represen­ head of circulation at the The project to purchase excited by the new oppor­ of the New England The Commission on Public resi^ninft her post and Ms Hashim originally th r ^ a ry Cheney Library District 1 and later District tative elections. New Britain Public computer terminals for the tunity offered me." Cramer is a member of Association of Schools and Schools, composed of 26 aecpplin^ a position as worked as a supervisor of in MSnchester. . 6. She was a member of the' 'Mh. Hashim was also ac- Library where she was circulation department has Her resignation will take the Connecticut Associa­ assistant inanafter of the engineering aides and She became a full tune Republican Town Com­ tive on the Human responsible for general effect on Jan. 9, 1961. Colleges at the educators, establishes tion of Secondary Schools, begun, but die said she Association's Annual policies and standards of corporate library at the assistants at United Air­ stall member there in Ju­ mittee and a president of Relations Compnission and staff supervision and for The Town Council has and currently serves as a would. have liked to be Meeting held recently in membership for public I’erkin Eliner Corporation craft Research ly, 1969. Three months the Republican Women's associated with Child and the seiection of all fiction accepted her resignation member of its Student Ac­ there when they ware in­ Boston. middle, intermediate, in the early January laboratories. i-.i->r chp was appointed Club F a m ily S e r y te e s in with regret and thanked tivities Board of Control. and som e non-fiction stalled. The New England junior high and high vears with the materiai. She also said she felt that her-for her many con­ When she left New Bri­ the present library is too tributions to Glastonbury tain, she became the direc­ crowded and had toped to over the past few years. Action looms on chief’s firing tor of the Welles-Tumer Three named to commission Memoriai Library. MANCHESTER He also expressed the M)\|;MK^ - The sc'heduled for Jan. 5 at 2 Sousa was fired by Frank The Conservation Com­ the town charter, and is asking that Sousa be Ms. Hashim says she is 9 2 . JloMJCUtO — General Manager town's appreciation to the town will be required to de­ p.m. in Tolland Superior Connolly, town manager, Arthur Meisler. of Ver­ G u it(it4 mission's projects the past paid back wages from the looking forward'to her new Robert Weiss appointed retiring commission fend the procedures it used Court who immediately became non. Sousa's attorney, date of his firing and several years has been the position in the corporate Percussion three persons to the members, Theresa Parla, in last week's firing of The firing of the police interim chief claimed that the town damages of not less than acquisition of Case Moun­ library. "It is a good oppor­ Conservation Commission. Ditla Tani, Elizabeth Gary Sousa, police chief A chief was announced at a Both the firing and the acted illegally by firing $2,500. tain and beginning a paper tunity. " she said. "It is the Gerald Bowler. 5 2 Payton and James Poole show cause hearing on the special meeting of the town manager's becoming Sousa without a hearing Connolly said Sousa was and waste recycling kind of library work I want Specializing In gultan, drumt Portland St., is a retired HI program dismissal has been Town Council Thursday notified in writing of the to do. " and accMtorfM landscape architect. He is move and of the council Her new job at the Professional Instructions available. a 16-year veteran of the X «« M M M fO ECX £» M CM (M (CX (« m «« (M X£X m «« X meeting Perkin-Elmer Corporation Waterbury Park Depart­ Bolton drama club planning play Sousa was appointed will combine both her 643-1372 ment and a 20-year veteran chief in June. He replaced technical work experience of em ploym ent at the GUSTONBURY lUCQUn CLUB lUM.TON - The The alleged culprit will 218 Hartford Rd. Mon.-F(1. 10 AM-7 PM Peter Griffin. Alison Mark Madore. Chris Robert Kjeliquist who and her library skills. University of Connecticut. Harlequin Review, a be played by Andy Rampellini. Lauren Rady. Chemerka, Ann Wiedie, Manchester Sat. 10 AM-5 PM 228 Oak St. resigned in March. She admitted that there Also appointed was Bolton Center School Minicucci The actress will Mark Fiano. Jimmy Clark, and Jay Fiano Glastonbury, CT 06033 Drama Club, will perform be played by Danae Lawrence tiobb of 80 Jen­ son St. A graduate of .1 play entitled West of Marshall. Rockville High School and Pecos on Jan 16 • Other cast members are Holiday Tennis Special Eastern State College. The setting for the play Crystal Askintowicz. Patty Dobb served in the Navy IS a hut summer day in 1885 Sobol, Melanie Lemaire. Jim Farr, Owner of D«c. 22 through Jon. 4 Wendy Plosky. Geraldine and is an employee of Aet­ Mon. through FrI. in Texas where a man has Jointer workers na Life Insurance Com­ been ordered hanged for Grimaldi. Jason Hanford. Farr’s Sporting Goods, Sam to 9am - $8 par hr. Tracev Rich. Paul Smith. “CONSISTENT pany since 1972. - $10 .'hooting a poster of a 9am to 5pm par hr. tamed, frontier actress believes in consistent advertising. same, as weather experts predict an average The final appointment is 5pm 'til cloaing - $12 par hr. Dianne Hampton and her sister Sandy work that of Dr. Harold Nix, of snowfall this year after a minimal amount of Sat. and Sun. - Sam 'til cloaing It is especially important in to clear the family drive after the recent 36 Wyneding Hill Road. In $12 par hr. Office hours. snowfall. Typical of winter scenes in New snow covered the ground a year ago. ( Herald making the appointments HERALD business today to keep your England the pair can expect more of the photo by Pinto) Weiss noted the three new « No memberahip required g members should make a \M )0\K R - The Town be clo.sed Dec. 25 , 26 and Olfice Building personnel name in front of the people. valuable contribution to IS CALL 633-6755 for Information g Jan I and 2. Beginning the commission.______have announced new hours ■Ian 5. the office will gcMCMCMCMCMBatWIMiMCMCaCiaCaCMCMia«M««Cg& that will be in effect return to its regular-hours, ADVERTISING HELPS That’s why we advertise at least through Jan 5 The office It will be open Monday l*ower Squadron will be open Irom 9 a m to through Friday from 9 a m' once a week in The Herald. 1 p m on Dec 23 . 24 . 29. to 4 p m isponsors course .30 and 31 The office will BUILD REGULAR ; MANCIIES'l'EK— The Manchester Power Squdron, a ■non-profit service organization for boaters, will sponsor a Reappointment Visit Farr’s at 2 Main Street, 110-week course in boating and seamanship starting HOl.TffN — Governor Bates term w ill end June 1. Manchester and meet Jim Farr, |Jan 26 Klla (irasso announced the 1983 Locally Bates serves [ The classes will meet every Monday at 7 p.m. in South re-appointmeni of Stanley as park commissioner and CUSTOMERS” •Windsor High School. The course, which is free, covers he’ll tell you more. •all aspects of boating, charting, safety, seamanship and Bales to the Governor's a member of the Conserva­ Vacation Travel Council tion Commission tnavigaUon The only cost associated with the course is ^the textbook which students must purchase. ; Registration will be on the first night of the course. Volunteer sought. V K H N O N - A a children's center in Ver­ volunteer teacher s aide is non need supervision jFire safely for boaters needed to supervise Wednesday and Friday n youngsters — ages 6 mornings through 12 — during their Activities to be explored J M W rilE S'l ERThe Manchester Power Squadron is upcoming school vacation include arts, crafts and Jilanning a special seminar on fire safety in boats B'riday at a children s center in tumbling Interested per­ Jian 9 at 7 p m \ernon sons may call the Volun­ • The seminar, which is open to the public, will be in the Hours are Monday tary Action Center, a ^la.sonic Hall in Manchester It will cover boating fire through Fridav, 9 30 to United Way agency at 649- Jafely and methods of fighting fires on boats. 3 30 4747 Pre-school youngsters at K a rly _ _ IlfHRfiN — Students in G ra d e s 1-6 All .it (iilead Hill School will kindergarten children, in oe di.'imssed at 12 4,i on morning and afternoon Ian 8 so teachers can par­ sessions, will attend school Our mar^ styles let you ticipate in in-service Irom 8 3' to 11 10 a m training workshops Schools will be closed on place on her hand Lunch will be served in Jan 15 in observance of what you feel in your heart. .'Chool as usual lor children .Martin Luther King Day l.ihrary n-purf. Itui l» i\ rhe cir year According to the ulalion of books and other library s annual report the iiiaier,als at Bentley number of biKiks purchased .Memorial Library in- lell by 30 percent The ■ Teased by 7 percent in report said the purchase lisial 1979-1980 total of power ol tfie library is ■'1 il books, or about eight greatly enhanced by gifts tiooks per person were and donations ( het ked out during the

Vnnuul r«*jiort —_ HOI.Io n During clude plum bing, 30, li.sial 1979-1980 a to tal of heating. 109, electrical. 60. 101 building permits were well 3.5, and septic. 32 The issued by Calvin Hutchin­ total amount of fees son building inspector Of collected was $6,33.5 and itie total budding permits. the cost ol new construc­ If were- for new houses tion was $814,555 lliKc \ou'vc seen all the many styles of our Dther oermits issued in­ Attt ,ir\eJ eolleetion ol J u iiio ik I engagement rings, uni'll know ih.ii your ring ehoiee can he as iinii|oe School Mupper _ .IS your lose. Ml KRON The slaw, beverages and .Ami no m.liter the Ji.imond you chinise. yoo're I riends ol t.ilead Hill dessert The price will be assured ol the exeelicnee ol th.it diamond's color, eiit M ho'll will sponsor a ham $2 7' lor adult portions, and clarity. ■ind beun mi|i|.ci on J.m 16 $1 75 for children and Winch ol the many Art( drved rings best mirrors I )n the menu will be ham. preschoolers, free ^ * f baked beans rolls, cole wh.it you teel in your heart Not until you've seen them all will you know. ,And 4 * ■: then you will know tor sure. t 'ome s|scnd some time with us...and .ArtCarved. OPEN TONIGHT andTUISOAYNMHT /IKK^RVED I to P.M. i! ■ if OKII CmSTIUS EVE TO 7 IfBICYClES •VT\ ^TOBOGCMS u m t t m From all of us at SLEDS Manchactar Connacttcufs Local Evaning DaHy Nawtpapar. PUT THE HERALD AND ADVERTISER TO WORK FOR YOU TODAY «SM1ES CAU DISPLAY ADVERTItlNG 64S-2711 917 Main Streal, Downtown Manchaitar and mon-mon-mon Heritage Savings. Open Mon. & Tuesday nights till 9 P.M. i! i: FARR’S »-*»« 4 12 - EVENING HERALD, Mon , Dec 22, 1980 B y ^ INO HERALp. Mon , Dec. 22, I - 13 I 1 Vineyard wins gold medafr Celeb'rated chefs create *The Masterpiece D inner' S The Eastern Connecticut Chapter i of Les Amis Du Vln (Friends of . Vi'- In the 1800s, the dinner of diced In small cubes good chicken stock. Cover, A - -m 0 Wine), ait International wine society, and cook for 30 minutes on if- f'-', . .. . the centucy was Mrs. cup dry white wine 1 held a dinner-tasting recently at m- William Aster's gala for (boll for 1 minute with 2 medium heat. i Manchester Community College 400 guests. Its counterpart chopped shallots, let cool) Remove the "Veloute” I dining room. In the twentieth century 2 ounces Cognac and strain it. Process the ! Eugene J. SpazlanI, chapter dlrec- w 7#.!. may well be "The Master­ 2 teaspoons salt v eg eta b les In a food H tor and a professor at the college, ".f T - In ' piece Dinner," at 1200 per 1 teaspoon sugar processor with the metal R presided over the program and In- person, on Dec. 9, at La 1 teaspoon ground white bladJhntll th?y become a I traduced Sherman P. Haight Jr., Petite Marmite in Manhat­ pepper smooth puree. Add enough I owner of Hajght Vineyards, tan, lor some SO formally- Vk teaspoon ground liquid — about 1 cup — to I Litchfield. attired guests at a benefit thyme 'iiake the mixture I Haight, for the wcond year In a for The Pediatric Neuro- 1 pinch saltpeter (op­ pourable, and return it to 5 row, has wpn a coveted gold medal at Muscular Research Fund tional) the stjckpot, stirring to I the Wineries Unlimited Competition of The Mount Sinai Medical Mix.' all in g red ien ts mix well. Reheat It to the H held in Lancaster, Pa., earlier this Center. together, place in a plastic boiling point. Remove I month. 'm.- Seven celebrated chefs, bag, tie with a twist and from heat, add a half quart I More than 80 wineries submitted from seven of Manhattan's mecerate for about 2^ y s of heavy cream, one R 623 wines for judging and when the finest restaurants, decided in refrigerator. tablespoon of chb.nped n results were in, Haight Vineyards’s to combine their culinary Blanch 2 sweetbreads for chervil, one cup fresh I** 1979 Johannisberg Riesling took the genius for this gourmet 3 minutes. Car’efully blanched green peas and only gold medal In Its class, one of feast. Each chef created remove all membrance whisk in 4 ounces fresh S only 22 awarded this year. The and prepared one of the and gristle with a sharp butter. Do not let the I prestigious event is held annually and courses in "The Master­ knife. Place the sweet­ veloute return to the boil. 8 provides all wineries east of the piece Dinner." b re a d s in a heav y Serves 8. Rockies including Canada, an oppor­ Why this uhique saucepan, salt and pepper, FISH COURSE 1. jf • \ - tunity to measure their efforts collaboration? The reasons and saute them gently in La Ballolinr 8 against the rest. Eugene Spaziani, director of the Eastern Connecticut Chapter are most interesting. butter until golden on all de Bar a Toasting their collective achievement, Four .Seasons; Andre Soltner, Lutece; Andre * Following a dinner of Belgium L'ratragon of Les Amis Du Vin, at right, congratulates Sherman P. Haight There Is The U.S. Chef’s sides. Add 3 tablespoons of “The Masterpiece Dinner,” at La Petite Joanlanne, La Grenouille; Bernard Herr­ 6 foods, prepared by students in the dry sherry and Ak cup of (Sea Baso with Jr., owner of Haight Vineyard in Litchfield for winning a Ski Race which is spon­ Marmite in Manhattan, are the seven mann, The Boardroom; Geranf Drouet, La S MCC Cook & Baker Training sored by American chicken bouillon. Cover Tarragon) g Program, accompanied by French celebrated chefs, who each created one Petite Marmite; Michel Fitoussf, The Palace; coveted gold medal at the Wineries Unlimited Competition held Express, Cuisinarts, Inc., with parchment paper and Created by Bernard s wines. Haight told members and course. Left to right: Seppi Renggli, The and Francis Lorenzini, Le Cygne. earlier this month in Lahcaster, Pa. (Herald photo by Ryder) Grand Marnier and Ski braise for 20 minutes in a Herrmann of The Boar­ M. guests that his vineyard was es- 1 1 ^ ' Magazine, taking place at 100° oven. Put sweetbreads droom * tablished in 1975 and began wine Hunter Mountain, New 3n a plate to cool. Reduce 2 small sea bass, 3 to 4 8 production in 1978 under winemaker Haight regards this latest recogni- p.m. and Saturday from 10:30 a m. to liquid to 1/3 of a cup and let pounds (Ask your fish store York, on January 25, 1981. cook the pound of sugar to beat for 1 minute. desired, sugar to taste iiM*r 8 Shorn Mills. The current production tion as further vindication of his 5 o.m All seven chefs are among cool. Stir In 2 teaspoons of to fillet them, and to save remove from the heat, add and the cup of water to a Take the whipped cream Spoon the strawberry Appropriate champagne is about 3,500 cases with vineyards of pioneering efforts in the culture of . the 250 chefs and gelatine. Strain the liquid the bones for you) juice of half a lemon, 1 wine grapes in the Litchfield Hill. December meeting was the teaspoon of fresh tarragon temperature of 250°. Beat from the ice box and stir it sauce onto each dessert and wines from the La 20 acres. Expansion calls for a restauranteurs from all }ver the meat mixture. Ml pound gray sole fillets measured growth to 50 acres, he The Haight Vineyard and Winery is chapter for 1980 and an- Salt (Vk teaspoon dried) and the egg whites until stiff. in. plat^ and top with the I'etite Marmite wine cellar open through Dec. 31 for tours, ” •'*’***'*^®*'^®*’^ ^°*^^hcoming meetings over the United States who Add in 1 egg and 2 ounces salt and pepper to taste. Keep beating and slowly Crush the strawberries mousse. Serves 10. Bon appetit. The hap­ said, planting only the finest wine will be competing in this )f chopped truffles and mix Pepper * ^ grapes such as Chardonnay, Riesling. tasting and retail sales. Hours are for the new year will be released Whip in 6 ounces of fresh pour the hot sugar sy n ^ ^ into a sauce, either with a I ' L T I I S KOI IIS piest of holidays. event and the 16 winners well. 8 ounces creme fraiche Pinot Noir and Sevval Blanc. Tiipcdav through Friday, noon to 5 after the holidays. butter. Do not let the sauce into the egg whites. Beat 3 processor or simply C reated by F ran cis (four in each age category) Line a terrine with fresh or heavy cream return to the boil. minutes longer. Add the ^xmashing them. Add a Lorenzini of Le Cygne will go to Courchevel, 'atback, fill alternately 1 teaspoon chopped fresh After arranging the chocolate while continuing littleSiKirsch. and. if I.IVlKlIt; t.ruiid Mur- France in March to com­ with meat mixture (farce) tarragon (Vk teaspoon pete in The International and sweetbreads. Finish dried) ballotines on your serving Five generations. with a layer of farce and Vk cup finely chopped platter, cover them with Chef's Ski Race. the sauce. Serves 8. This year these chefs cover with fatback. shallotts conclude that since they Cover the terrine with 1 bottle Alsatian Riesling MAIN COURSE are so blessed with both aluminum foil. Place the wine La Selle d'Agneau en professional respect and terrine in a larger pan and Cut each fillet in four Croute Saure Perigour- mm the physical ability to fully add hot water to the level pieces, season with salt dine participate in a fun sport of two-thirds of the height and pepper. Place them in (Saddle of Lamb) g Little Bernadette Lee Gagne, such as skiing, they wanted of the terrine. Cook in a a cold place. Created by Gerard Meanwhile prepare the Drouet of La Petite Mar­ g three-and-one half months old, to do something really 325° oven for IVk hours. f t 'i i I U. y t % B* kmiles happily in the arms of her worthwhile to help han­ Cool for Vk hour, then mousse of sole. Grind mite grandmother. Nancy Durocher of dicapped children all over cover with a weight (you through the food processor 2 small saddles Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. .Andrews 8 Hebron, as she poses for this five the world to walk ... and could use a prop«'ly sized 8 ounces of gray sole, add 8 ounces foie gras 8 generation picture. Others are, front maybe even ski some day. piece of wood covered with salt and pepper. Mix well 8 ounces mushrooms g row, from left, Helen Silver of That's how "The Master­ cans of food). Let rest in for a few seconds. Add 8 dexelltf*- w .66th anniversary- g Manchester, great-grandmother; piece Dinner," to benefit the refrigerator for at least ounces of creme fraiche or Pate Feuillette g and Vincenta N anartow ich of their choice of a worthy one day' You can keep the heavy cream and 1 teas­ 1 egg iV- S Mr and Mrs Nelson Andrews of 55 Lafayette Ave . .Mr Andrews was a former businessman in Hartford! Marlboro, Mass., great-great­ medical cause, came into terrine under a tk inch poon of chopped fresh Salt 5 East Hartford, celebrated their 66lh wedding anniver- owning a gas station and later a restaurant. He retired asS grandmother. Bernadette's mother, being. layer ol lard for 3 to 4 tarragon (Vk teaspoon Pepper 8 sary at home with her family and friends The couple was a salesman in 1961 He is a member of the RockvilleJ back row Idft, is Brenda C. Gagne of For the complete dining weeks in the refrigeratoi;. dried). Trim and bone the sad­ 8 married in December 1914 in Rockville Rovers. Rockville Tigers and the Rockville Y.P.A. 8 Marlborough. pleasure of your family Serves 10 to 12. Place on 8 fillets of bar, dle, tied up with string. one spoonful of mousse of Salt and pepper it. 5 Tfie couple has three children Catherine .) Gutt of Mrs Andrews is currently recuperating at homejj ^ I______and guests this holiday Soup g Plainville. George .N Andrews of Oceanside. Calif . and following an operation at Hartford Hospital. K season, each of the chefs Tr Vcloule aux sole (use a soup spoon Roast in butter for 15 g Curtis N .Andrews of Hartford g 4 who created one of the five Pols Praia dipped in hot water), cover minutes. Let it cool. Take major courses, has (Cream of Fresh Peas) each one with the off the string. m graciously provided the Created by Andre remaining fillets. Each Spread the saddle with recipe for his course. Only Joanlanne of La Grenouille "sandwich" is a the duxelle of mushroom one request is made by the 8 ounces chopped onions "ballotine". and foie gras. Place the Engaged. Butter an oven-going saddle on a feuilletage and Winning the battle of the bulge chefs: If you can, please 5 ounce minced leek Festive Florentine W reiilli send a contribution (tax (white part only) gratin pan, and sprinkle wrap the whole saddle. Fighting the "battle of bulge'*" •Make low-fat. low-calorie dips •Gut down on sugar in recipes around all over the house deductible) to further the 2 ounces fresh butter with finely chopped ' Brush with egg wash and M cDonoufih-I'alU-s The holiday season might be your with cottage cheese and plain yogurt when you bake. You can usually cut •Drink and eat slowly Take the worthy cause for which 2 small potatoes, sliced shallots. Arrange the let set for 20 minutes. toughest campaign Fruit cake, egg or a little sour cream in place of all the sugar in half for most quick time to chew food thoroughly. Savor this dinner was planned. and washed ballotines in the pan. In a Place in a preheated Theengagemen' of .Miss Patrice K nog. candy canes, chocolate, pecan breads, fruit breads, muffins, pies, each mouthful. Sip on drinks and see sauce pan bring to the boil 425°oven for 30 minutes. Festive holiday wreath for a meal E sour cream or cream cheese Add a The Mount Sinai Medical 16 ounces fresh peas McDonough of Niantic to Guv M pie and other sugar plum treats how long they can last. one bottle of Alsatian Serve with perigourdine near center comes out teaspoon or two of lemon juice, herbs cookies and desserts. Use whole Center, New York, N Y. 2 tablespoons flour Traditional family The Incredible Edible Egg frozen chopped spinach and Talley of Manchester has been an­ challenge your will power at every and spices to season to taste Dip into grain ingredients whenever possible 2 quarts good chicken Riesling wine and add to sauce (classic truffle very well drained i about 1 clean, about 35 to 40 nounced by her parents Mr and 10029. (J u st in d icate favorites are always fun at makes it a real cents- turn' it with raw vegetables and whole •Use nuts in the shell, or dry •Try to cut down on the total the pan with sufficient sauce). Serves 8. cup) minutes Invert onto Mrs Paul .I .McDonough ol NMnlic somewhere on the check: stock holiday time. This season, saving recipe. Eggs are Watching your weight doesn't have grain crackers instead of potato roasted, unsalted nuts rather than amount of food you eat. Remember boiling fresh stock to DESSERT 1 cup (8 ozl ^(fiall curd platter Garnish with bow Mr Talley is the .son of .Mr and "For The Pediatric Neuro- Vk quart heavy cream though, why not serve a only 60 cents a pound when to take all the fun away during the chips - nuts roasted in oil. Nuts in the shell that no one food is "fattening " all by cover. Cover with a La Mouise au formed from reserved Mrs John V Tallev of 526 \'ernon Muscular Research 1 tablespoons chopped surprise? Feature Festive large eggs sell for 90 cents cottage cheese holiday feasts, says Linda T Gacoin. •Use club soda in place of ginger take longer to eat. so-^ou tend to eat itself when you have a small portion buttered waxed paper. Chorolat Blanr pimiento strips, if desired. St , Manchester Fund.” ) chervil Florentine Wreath for your a dozen! 1 can (4 OZ.I sliced nutritionist with the Cooperative ale and unsweetened fruit juices in fewer. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in (White Chorolale mushrooms, undrained Makes 6 servings. .Miss McDonough graduated from •Enjoy yourselfl Food is only one The Maslerpierr Dinner 1 cup fresh blanched peas holiday celebration. Extension Service at the University place of sweetened fruit drinks to 400° oven. Mousse) Busy hosts and hostesses I MICROWAVE Combine St Bernard s High School in I n- Strategies for eating less part of holiday cheer Be glad that MENU 4 ounces fresh butter Nutritious ingredients >2 cup (2 oz. shredded C of Connecticut A little strategy can make holiday punch. You can cut In a 3 to 4 quart stainless For the saure: Created by Michel will welcome this egg-rich Cheddar cheese ingredients as above. Pour , casville She is emploved in the •Keep all the food in one room Try you are fortunate enough to have CANAPES like eggs, spinach, help you be in control during the next calories in half this way. steel stockpot, cook 8 IVk cups creme fraiche Fitoussi of The Palace spinach ring, too, because 2 tablespoons instant into well-greased I'z to 2 Department of Administrative Ser­ not to have bowls of goodies sitting plenty of food to turn down. Created by Seppi Renggli' mushrooms and cheese, few weeks. ounces chopped onions, 5 juice of Vk sAlemon 1 quart heavy cream it’s fast as well as festive! minced onion quart microwaveable ring vices. State of Connecticut of The Four Seasons form a lovely wreath when To help make the holi^ys more APPETIZER ounces minced leek (white 1 teaspoon fresh 1 pound sugar, plus a lit­ baked in a ring mold. Add a Start a new tradition in Reserve several long mold Or place a greased, Mr Talley graduated from carefree, make sure the nxxls you tarragon (‘/k teaspoon tle more pimiento strips to form straight-sided, 2 to 3 inch Manchester High School and from La Terrine part only) in 2 ounces bright pimiento bow for a your home this vear. eat contribute nutrients as well as Conservation-minded people dried) 1 cup water bow garnish, if desired. diameler beverage glass the University of Conneiticut. de RIt de Veau butter. Cook over low heat, festive finishing touch, and calories Sweets, candies, whipped Salt 1 cup egg white Thoroughly combine all upright in a well greased 2 Slorrs He is employed by the Bureau (Terrine of stirring until mixture let this picture pretty treat Festive Florentine cream, cream cheese, butter and are tending their gardens Pepper 2 pouirds' white remaining ingredients and quart casserole dish Pour of Information Svstems Data Sweetbreads) simmers and let simmer make your holiday meal W reatli rich desserts pile on calories while 6 ounces fresh butter chocolate, in small cubes pour into well-greased ' - in mixture Microwave on Processing. State ol Connecticut Created by Andre Soltner for 2 minutes. Add two merrier. 1 jar (2 oz.i sliced 1 2 you're- not looking Plan nutritious Productivity may be slipping in the non-profit membership organization dening households recycle waste small potatoes sliced and Drain all the stock in a 4 pints strawberries quart ring mold Bake in FULL POWER 13 to 15 The couple is planning a September of Lutece Those on tight budgets pimientos. undrained and low calorie everyday meals and business world but it's growing at in Burlington. Vt. materials. IVk pounds pork'Shoulder washed, 16 ounces of fresh sauce pan. after the Kirsch preheated 350 degree F. minutes ' Let stand 10 1981 wedding at St Agnes Church m will especially appreciate 8 eggs, well beaten snacks during the holidavs. home Jack Robinson, the group's presi­ Up to three times as many do their (half lean and half fat) peas, sprinkle with 2 ballotines are done. Whip the cream until oven until kinfe inserted minutes. Niantie -Dodd photo l‘alrica"hv- Mcl loiioii{;li Festive Florentine Wreath. 2 packages (10 oz. each) Kvfryday turticH An annual survey of home gar­ dent. says food gardening is "a own home repairs, budget more ground twice In medium tablespoons of flour. Mix Reduce it to a glaze and stiff and put in dening shows many Americans are mirror of society." carefully, make fewer impulse add IVk cups of creme refrigerator. •Have plenty of fresh fruit on hand grinder well. again putting down roots of the fruit Right now. he says, the mirror purchases, buy fewer convenience fraiche. Bring it to the boil. In a 2 quart saucepan. for desserts and snacks Tangerines, 6 ounces fresh back fat Pour in two quarts of THIS CHRISTMAS, GIVE AGIFT THAT’S Do pickles and potatoes and vegetable variety. For some, the reflects people who discourage waste products and eat out less often. grapefruit and oranges are plentiful increase in home gardening is part of and encourage conservation and per­ They're about neck-and-neck in this season. Red grapes, apples, a general effort toward conservation. sonal productivity. only one lifestyle category covered in AS BEAUTIFUL EMPTY AS IT IS FULL. festoon your yule tree? pears, bananas and fresh pineapple 'The number of 'households with The 1980 survey also showed gar­ the survey: only 29 percent of gar­ are also good choices home food gardens grew from 25 dening households, by a ratio of dening households said they had in­ Does your (.'hristmas ornament Kars ol corn were also rare because •Use fresh or frozen vegetables million in 1971 to 35 million in 1978. almost 3 to 1, rely on such non- sulated their homes in the past 12 collection include pickles, peacocks they were generally unpopular with often in meals and snacks. Most Then it began slipping. Now the total conventional home heating sources months, 1 percent fewer than non- parakeets and potatoes'* Germans, who were the major vegetables are high in vitamins and. Probably not .According to ( raftsmen ol early ornaments Ger­ is back up to 34 million, or 43 percent as wood and solar energy. By about 2 gardening households. HOUDAY minerals and low in calories. Americans take hoe in hand for SPEIM historians at Hallmark Cards, mans considered corn to be pig swill, of American households, only 6 per­ to 1 they are more inclined than their •Keep a supply of raw carrot and many reasons. Saving trips to the however, glass ornaments made but Americans insisted on using it as cent below its 1975 peak of 49 per­ non-gardening neighbors to obey the celery sticks in the refrigerator to store and additive-free foods are at from the late 18l)0s until the 193(ls a tree decoration ' cent 55 mph speed limit. They also drive munch on when you feel the urge to the bottom of a list of 14 benefits they often included fruit vegetables and Songbirds, parakeets, peacocks The figures are from a Gallup Poll less. The eat About four times as manv gar­ see. .Saving money is No, 1 2 taken annually for-Gardens for All, a birds and birds in nests, birdhouses and •Go easy on extras such as salad Besides traditional acorns and cages were particularly popular or­ dressings, oiives. sauces, gravies, Choicest Meats In Town oranges, early ornament craltsmen naments Birds have long been sym- dips, cream or sugar also created pickles, potatoes, b

tonight onhiacurrantwork. CruaoaUmbral- (14) Movla *(0uapanaa)*** "Man 12:30 2:30 ® MecNelH.ehrar Report Cravan and David Koran. (2 hra.) EVENING r M la', axaminad for both ita huge aixa dlJ SporlaCantor Coemie Chrletmee Animeted 9 M ovio-< M iialeol) *** *'Caro4F With Tha Ooldan Gun" 1974 £ flo w 's Haroaa corebocird C B 6 IM w . 8 and for tha affection its creator hai Roger Moore, Christopher Lea 99 ® 99 Tomorrow Guests 99 World Of Laurel And Hardy < ii> Cm 6.00 s o t" 1 9 0 0 Oordo nM a cR a a. 8hir1a> 6 tinklami M.A.S.H. etoryofthraeelianbeingawhocoma for ita namaaaka, Robinaon NK NO i’ lrAi dnuns 16 20 New s Jonas. Swaggoring camivat barker Jam a a B ond la lh a te rg a l for a S l Qahan Wilson, cartoonist (90 3^00 TufMlav (iaines NY Dunts 01007 17 to aerih to discover tha meaning of i 'lrsl downs 77 23 liuKhrs VtirdH 31 12T. Plainfield Entries ISABC N.W.: marrladtoahycottonmillgirl.trlaatc Cruaoa millionaaaaaainwithaba^atofaotid m in s ) 'DMovia-(Advanlura}**''AThou- ( dlsarN J l N V Ulattdfrs ID f’7 Oak-FD Bahr 41 {{ / Slariky And Hutch Qhrlatmea Huihrs-xards n-2« 23-19 I'asRinx vards .18 B u Hm ,. 99 indapandani News goldandahaartofaoliditona (Rat­ 12:35 •and And One Nights" 1968 JefI Monire.il al Qurbet I lak-Whittinglon? run i Bahr kick I if) Joknr’iWIld Y o u n g P e o p la 'a S p a c is l 'J'm pfovida for hla oomino baby by hi l^assing vards 2X1 Rciurn vaid« 147 m NYC. F(J I)iineln47 SporLCfilw 11:00 ed PQ ) (2 hra 5 mins.) CD N C A A B o w l P ra via w This A B C Cooper. Rat Vallone A young llartlord at Tontnln 37 Jl) NCAABasknlbellContimiei S o o o U g ly ' jacking a payroll. (2 hra.. 30 mine.) ______itelurn vard.R S 24 44 2 la 36 2 Oak Branch31 passiroin Plunkett iBahr FMtl«.IOIF.m i ^ ® < 9 9 N aw a Bwordsmanenlislstheaidotabeau I'lttsbuiKh ai St U kjib »M14 From Oaytimn Induilriai Nntiona 0 :9 0 ^ 12:00 Sports spaciai takas a look ahead F o o t b a l l PasM'i 16 a-i 7 S I ^ S 4 Tuevday Matinee 8 h . N . N . 99 T k Tac Dough X M .A .8.H . Mmnpsoia j i l>elriMl 4400 kick) Claiaic Finel ^ Ladlaa'Man d) CBS L.U Movl. QUINCY toward this year's post-season tiful part-time genie in regaining his i ‘unlA 3.17,0 Fuinbleilfisi 1 1 3 -1 Monday Entries N dw a 0:00 I'.dinonitHial l^s \n(«'lt's 04) Oak F(i Bahr 38 PoRl Time 1 p.m. (i4)M0¥ln-(Advnnnjfn)** *Torcn Gp MarV OrtfOn O M a tt DIIMon Death Casta A Vote' A young labor bowl games and agjofyzes the talent throne ( 119(nins } l-'umbU'K inut i»a l*onaUie.Y-vard nilnrO'Nmll l^ngFuartiitavnngns trick" 1978 Suaan PanhaJigon, but lha man's falhar and girlfriend conlanlion Championships BOWUNG HCSIilNtr Cluvrland-M I'ruill 14-fl Oak Chester 37 jiasslpuii Plunkett iBahr nR S T D sie' Ranter J PeceTheMuak 99 Thet'e Incredible ’hiladolphi.i . . . . ------^ X UOb -0 lU SHINtr New l-.nglarHlCalhoun lb MilU-r 37 (i Frulll 1-2 Kiw-l-iiimu.-3 Robart Halpmann. Entrappad in a Oick Cavatt Show convince Quincy lo look further into M ?)iAV»H/7777777?7 (60 92) B e w itch e d I'irMptTiiid I VSashinttl.on ruk£) k ick' . Poco'i Pac«r On (he Hill lhnmurdnrofniaadoplndson.(Rat- ITOolneOnNowharaThaatory World A l War 111. Fergus4‘n33ki< koH return 'kick lailod' Frank S Chloupe Duth Dora 9 Partridgn Family sixth ••nsa--formurder.(RaiadPQ) i 11:30 AVENGERS; Gnaws' Two people in 1:00 ® Happy Days Again i l.insoiiun rhi in.ijor 0 19 McTajt' NATIONAl. FOOTBALL l.KAOl'E Manning' 77. HolmesK3b Mog(Ts4-U TASSl.Nli Cleveland-Sijx* 24-44-2-3* complalely loota touch with one NCAA Oseketbell Louisville vs X4)IJR7 Got X'a Covered Mart Expren ) A ll In Tha Fa m ily lha Ministry of Agriculture, axper- d ) R . t P . lt o l 4:00 W O M E . N - D e r ij c A t!.in VNas major 0 19IV tirjfe(irjfen Was American CimKreiK’e (iaibrealhbII.Chandler 1-9 Wils4ml-l Cincinnati ThtiinnAcin l2-3b3 197 Anderson 94 Ones Upon A Cleeeic M! inneaola <92 mine.) Bouncing On Australian Gem •nofhar miMondiHl U 19 Maruk Was iniMsMi- 0 0 3 0~3 9XX) ) K o ja k imanting with radioactive material, 9 $ N aw a Martinn lACi 9A a n i \ n tiiiMoodiHt » 19 Maruk Was tniM' l-^st PAS.SIN(4 New Knglaml Cavanaugh lb 44M>-.M (iroen Bav G J'i Karen Impala Accent ^loind-Captionnd.U S A) 7:89 99 O 99 The U tlk House Years r a a m n o Io 5 -1 3 (M 0 1 ,\ B a r - ,lu.idu< t «»d IW 19 IVonovostI’rooov was m im m dm t W L T Pel P F I'A D rlruil M.A.8.H. A brawl at Roaia'a bar ) Music World grow tomatoes lha size of footballs CDAd.nl12 ' *** 4:30 at-l Tit New Orleans Manning 34 .It-O-®! HK(’KI\IN(r Cleveland M PruittHII, 010014-M Lonesome Bear Sandy Jairt ® Studio ^ n Tha story of tha Ingalls family from CD 0 in Mulvi'v Was inisconduvl 0 19 0 688 so ao 99 DeUy Number ) OportaCantar d i Tennis Grand Masters From bara Anderson 150-371, x-Hu1laU> II f Holmes M -0 O Charxller I I i; Pruiti2-10 la.ganl-ir Hueker 4-74 Det-Seott 8 pass Irom Danielson I Murray Panov Lady Jasmine 9 What'eHeppnning pula Rotia in tha hoapilal, and tha and eara of com aix feal long 1:35 tor 441 ar 7:30 Ihair pioneer days in Kanass. thair Wt'sirv Itii misconduct 1) 19 Mnlinj{rrn New Knsland 10 K 0 H K l'K IM N tr New Kngland Morgan 4 Ad.iins ia> M iller 1-7 H ill 2-16. kick 99 Jim, Rockford; Privatn 4077th doctors ara praasad into )® 99 ThaTonIghtShow'Beat (Rapaat) ift USAF H illglou. Film Delray Beach Florida Singles and Lynne Talbot 146-362, 0 fO) an 3or Del-F(i .Murrav‘41 (slenda Gafinda SECOND D l/ ll P M M e g e a k it arrival In Walnut Grove, how they nil mwtindmt U 19 f»ropp llii Miami 8 8 H.1.1'r.inns'i'4 .li»hns*m 444 .lackson2 News.mieM», I 'eacherixD Cim innati- Invnetlgetor aarvica at tamporary saloon- ofCaraon'Questt'Phyllis Newman, CD Movla -(Waatarn) Doubles Semittnais 0 KB i : 387 DB-FG Ste-nerudU SECOND D 5 18 Our Spider Man •ndurad prairie fires and hailatorma 2:00 iiiisiondiKi 0 19 Hrusmuk l*bi inis^nm- Balliiiiorr 7 D I l-'crgus.tfi2-2l ’ralim ul4i ialh« nd i> r 'o n i d 19 f’hiladolphiabrnch Cenlral 'M Hogi-rs.ir Hairis24’ llolmes>a Cam s 2 17 I h'l Busses 8 run > Murray kick i Impala Camaro Bust Out Joe UL T k Tac Dough •lory ol Charlaa' fathar era aoma of 17 310 Fee# The Muek ® ABC Captioned Nawa 9Z PTL Club-Talk And Variety 'crvislbv h ern d 19 Hridgman I'hi \ Clfvrland 11 r 0 m i.albic.ith T 27 \ Tr ill Impala Tex Noiy Roey 9 0 9 9 NBCNnwn'^ the racollactiona that lha Ingalla Sports will provida liva coverage of father is murdered, aha opens a (U) 1980 Intarnatlonal Racquet- B a l d t 342. •iiinoi iiujoi 3 If Ijibre Was niinoi II ■ 0 m s r i Mlan'ti T 7 II :t 11 17 1900 U.8. Teem Chemplon- 9 9 Movla*(Mualcal)«*^ “High 5:00 \ iio4i«t♦ I" Xll-l.it ksiin 11 j'.iss tt.mi ILiMkuwski First downs II 22 Exotic Hour . J O B My Style gymnaatice competition aa HBO Weld A widower Irias lo resume a ■CinniiiiLinua Pauling and hit wifn, Qi)Movla- Hushes v.irds 7 - ^ 30 IS Cadillac's jpnde Inkan SpMtal aporfa praaenia oxcluaiva covar- CaptipnadiU.S.A) lH‘n'kt.nn« IH j'.ss n.im Hobinson •octal acHvtai Ava Hoati Hugh alful of MIraclaa" 1961 Balte collegecarearandjuatbeoneoflhe dl) Dr. Qana Scott On Habraws CD N aw a ^9.' N ew s oijjor HUM oodui I II II W iKm I’hi . O.iLIjihI II 0 m IM tl> I X I'D Cnrral IMssing vards lOO 2T Happy Wood Klioeera Sunspot agaolonaofihamoafalilagymnaa <8)® Great Performancea: She Nifinioii ki« k ' XM .1 Miller 9 jmss |ri>m Hailktiwskt Downe and Frank Blair (Closad- Davit. Olann Ford. A producdf luma boys (2 hra.) 12:15 2:25 'jid|or-iiiiM ondui I doiihir inimo l.l I< \m Dll'S" 10 II NK7 S t 310 llelurn yards 3 " . 88 Bom Blue TH IRD M S/16 tica evanta of tha year. Top ffmala Loves Ms 'She Loves Me' ip lha III Zh Den Il'diiiiM.n I ion ki. k l.nlcd ' M.i/zetli kii k- ^ p tio n a d . USA) agrubbyapplavandorinloalady (2 ^ 1^:46 I ABCNawaNIghlllna (3J Moment Of Meditation DaniAj^Bo lijllic n il 14 t ui. Iie-n2 'iin lle iic i.i kn k • J B 'i Double Pool . All Wiadom •tars a paliani who is Charley's |*ronovo>l l( < unjssisicd ’ IH'9 rcn.il I’.aM I X I D t iiii.il II HI SIIIND DrcH'n Bav Middleton li-C tion faaturaa Robin Ellis, Gemma V a I'sl.tt '< |'.i's iiiiin /..in lleiik la X*C 4rl» Rust Free lU OK lavoritauniilahaturnsouttobaacon nos Uaihe Ilii i » I.Jbic Wj^ 2 > W 1. T IM 1IT 1V\ Iverv'.i.'K) Smith 1-3 -Xnderson2-3 K ills 3; Paso Dotler Buxxy Laplant woman attempting to extort money Walker Was 7 IK Mulvov Was 19 .11 \ n iii.i 12 4 (I TO IT 187 kii k 2-0 - Dcdruit Sims IR-!4 Bustev 8-dB. \ Ml I.\ Parole Bemeta Third|»criod 4 Washingion rronov»isl ^ DalltiA 12 4 0 r e 44 311 \ I K t Hotiin.Aon 1-4 Danielson 1-3. Kingi-3 I from him and tha hospital. 1 ir\i Tiiiwns 21 23 Water Lily 12 larvis o i ' Washmelon Waller UaHhinstnn b lu (1 r 3bi 2S3 Ivn Sea P\S,S|Mr (,re«>n Bav-Dickev 11-2D-I FDURTH D 8/16 10:00 HOLLYYIfOOP SHOWBEAT Hg-vhi’' vards 42 Iff 37 2T« 11 kcrvcrcaeri 13 40 b Washington 'hi Lnuis II t» 31.1 2W .fCI I irsi downs 1” 27 121 Whit(‘hurst3-74) II fH'troil Ilanielson FOPRTN C 5 16 Foot Fixer Monday (D Lou Grant Fascinated by a \ U U ) \ M. H 'S K K T lt \U . .\SSIK l'a«stns; v.inls UH 191 I'.s.kcv 2 'UnassisiptJ' 19 f I’enallics W (iianlR ( 12 0 ZO 2» C Hushes '.ards ,D II 24 9b 17-7)2 219 K om lol H)-ai Saurv Hawk Tonic Hawk woman raclusa who livae over an ______;_____ Dick Kleiner ______Ka'^iern Ciintfri'ficf llaihc I’hi major-mistonduci 9 31 le n ira l llelurn vards 7 b Llbefetle D K 'i Snooker Dick Kleiner Ulanlii Division Passing A'ards liil 2in HKChIXIMf tireen Bav-Nixon 34.' ■bandonadraataurant.Louputsthe Walkci Was majoi inisionduci 9 31 y T 0 :a.i 317 M I'asM’s 13 2b 1 .34 0 Impala Charge Sally's Simon L IM liB Y-MinnevTia heturn Sards 8f ||9 lA)ttiin 3-! I l-lllis 241 Anderaon 2-2 latlK.irt Was majoi oiivonduil 9 31 II 334 m i ’unts • .IM) : 196 Jamie s Luke Locier Key Tribune on lha trail of a iong- rtiiLiilolphi.i C 4 IV iroil » -7 T63 Taist>s 10 y, i) y.-A\ 2 Middleton 2-0 Collman 1 11 Iverv H I'r.in-'vosi Was majoi inis. ondu>t 9.11 a>4 1 uintiles losi J-2 32 Paso Teresa ' Death Row unsolvad murder involving names lUiMon : 8 I'huas" 7 9 0 in 3U4 Punts 4 49 0 r- 40 8 Detroit S(,lit ' T Sims 1-44 H ill 3-C ITnaliies \.irds 3 CO l-i2 New Destinv Delton from Hollywood's golden years ‘Hazzard’-ous accident GoocJ looks are not N ork 23 II Kcih W.is major imsiondud 9 31 Tain(ia liav • 10 1 344 271 341 I uinbles-lost i> d 0 -0 B ussevia. King2-7> H Williams223 344 231 r i Baby Gal iFippo ' C K 'f Elixabeth W aslnnaton 14 ai hailr Till niajoi misi ondut t 9 31 i.roen Bav ' 10 1 I'enalties^ards 9 4li 7 f6 (Rapaat; 60 m ins) Individual laMdcrs Tex Mex Curl New Lover A family get-together at the 12 23 H.irhei n ii oiajormisv ondu* 1 9 31 S\esl liullalii H7f0 18 Qi) N aw a \t*w lerV‘ (1 TO «Z T7 ItC S H lN lf Atlanla-W Andrews 21-78 1 inM -iun Thi major mist iindut l 9 31 V \tlanta 12 4 Individual leaders San I'r.incisio h07O 13 F i m i B YC R F T H C YC ^Ingalls home brings recollec- lOeOEuropaan Roller Skating ( eniral Division 0 m C4 289 Cam 19411 Mavberrv2-b lais Angele«-J didn’t hurt Schneider all, ^ys acting pro \lanik W.IS major mistonduci 9.11 V Anselr*' 11 ' HlSMINti Denver.I.vilell« Proslo Hul Huller Id pass irom Ferguson 'kick Little Samantha Mihv.iukiS' h 10 (1 37 3X1 4ir Thomas 19-144 Brvant l1-*>7 C.urnanJ24 Husker Babe tions of the past. In LfTTLE Championahipa itolouircn I’hi 9 I U ach f’hi major KraiH’i!W" ld-29 Mnorehead 2-7 Hobinkon 3-7 Mileil - February s Best . Indi.ina 12 ,|i U hre Was T Ifl Clarke Phi New Orlpan> 1 V 0 063 291 487 Dennard I 21 Cromwell Hi Some Cuiie D Movla-(Comedy)**Movla -(Comai 4 "Going By Dick Kleiner Kevwi»cthl-3 Knajvpleb-d Seattle-.liKlai V.I-’ ( «Mi|M‘r 4 run - kick I ailed i Slick Daule HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE, \ll.inl.i 1" 18 t.arinei Was li» .Tb \1ilson Thi x-chnrhed division title PASSIM . Atlanta Bw.tkow-ski 1138 I Dudley s Mav In Style" 1979 Lae Strasberg. HOLLYWOOD (NEAI - Any­ for a youngster to have so i 'hi> .1^0 M-lJ. ’ M rl'ulrheon .'-B, Zorn 3J7 Hut Hrown 4 run - Mike maver kick > R's Billv Mac- Paso Sherman Monday, December 22 The Ih ,lh v-< hni'hed plavoM berth 22T iats Angrles-Krrragam oU 34-0 211 George Burns Thraa retired men one who writes about Holly­ much raw talent lhal he can t Imrljott DiHirmnk 14 Largeni 12 Hunter 2-2 HFCKIXfND - Mlanla-.lenkins 4-91 s|' Hansom 2 i*.tss Uiim Montana Bunco Artist Killotera'Mlat stars of the series are (stan­ DEAR DICK: I have been worried lick. My friend told me Shots on tb>al Washington l(t9Ur 29 Saturdav I >eeember 20 \dkins Id. Moore l-minus4 decidatogoagainatihelaw (Rated get lo the Olympics, or Doiroit i ranns2-4ii W Xndri-ws21h C.nn2-77 g VNersi hing ku k - Lanky. Hawk A ll Com John Schneider from Ihe wries, "The Dukes o( Haiiard," got wood and Ihe Hollywood I'hil.idelphi.i2l M 12 -44 N V Jets 24 Miami 17 PASSINi. Denver HobinSi)n9 23-0-» Hut I'D Mik)' tnaver Z Valiant Sherry Ruff Company ding, left to ngfit) Linw(X)d PQ) (90 mine) v\rivisi t 'hu ago 14 Tampa Bav 13 Knapple l-l-O V Seaill<"7x)rn22-XI-2-222 Hul s.,t.-tv Miller lackled in end rone Button Gwinnett Carrara Marble Boomer. Melissa Gilbert. O (^omtacllcut Prime Tima killed In a freak car accident while filming one ol Ihe ilelj'hi.i \1'. re \ 17(177 Sufklav Deifiiibi*r21 \dkins4aid-:3 Kneg 0 2-04) Rrvant7-47 I)4*nnardh9b D Hill2 19 .1 continually: hul it IS much more likely he W Ttv'iiias 2 18 Mitch.'ll 1-13 Nelst.n 1 12 X 37 4>. SIXTH A 5 16 SIXTH B 8/16 Michael Landon, Melissa Sue ® Tha Rahaaraat The juxtapoai- episodes. Is this true? KATHY K., Walsenbnrg, Colo. \N Islanders 4 2 3 9 i leveland27 Ciniinnali24 H K C 'F lV IN li iV n -e r I tHhunh2-26 will gel there if that raw'tal­ (iuman l-A Bad Bob lion of movement and shapes fills Take two aspirin and relax. Schneider is OK. There was an How can I gel lo be a star’’ Chiwigo dO O d [retroit 24 (ireen Bav 3 Wals.m 2-22 Oiloitis | 18 Moses Mb Impala Claaay Anderson; (seated, left to right) Heard It All this jazz special with romance, aa If you want to act. to ent is first polished through I irvi I New Vorl»-Merri«;k3 KansasCitvIB Batiimore28 Hrun54»n M ' Presion I4t I.vile 1-7 Minnesota b7 u.l lb Mark Him accident, and a crew member was killed, but Schneider wasn't Swift Bov Amy B u c l Sidney Greenbush. Karen tha multi-talanted choreographer training " [.iiritnei 12 77 2 New N’ork Houston 3d Minnesota lb Kevttorih 14 .Ne.iiile 1-irgeni '-Ttf Houston 111 11)7 a> B ui SF involved. become a glamorous Holly­ TM A Ringer Shug's Wf II Ikiiirnr IH hallur lioring 13 4' 3 Nev» New Kogiand."* New t)rleans27 Navuer’ I .IfHlaill McCultuin 3s17 Minti-Si'nsrf .3 [>.is- Horn Kr.itner • kn k I list .l-.wn- ifi 19 Grassle and Matthew Giordano weaves a story into a wood sU f person, the best Oakland 31 N A l.ianls 17 Hiishc'v.wds ,C Iff y J4b De Spam Wnght Hang Up 111 19. Aork N\«trom 8 Tdintxdlini Tonelli IXHirnink 2-2ir Hunier 2 27 naibl>'2-24 tailed' Laborteaux rahaaraat As a boy growing up in Washingtorll Sj Ijiu is ? Alpine (Xial Laguna Dlaro DEAR DICK: Who was Ihe actor who played Smithy In advice you can get is to stay I'ji till Dr-iMon 14 12 4 New "lork Kossv I Trotlier Me Cutk het.n 2 17 M iN irelH IIou-FD Fnisi h 21 T.issiiig \.,rtls iiE 163 10:30 ** Kentucky Lawrence Press Irenvet Z Si'aMie 17 Path of Gk)ry CMICH LISTINGS FOR fxACT TiMt home, work in your local little I i.illie-. I 91 I'enallv Bullev.Chi b 04 Minn-Son.sci 1 j>.iss mun Kr.itner Hclurnv.itds 127 93 laince s Rambler "Random Harvest,” that great movie with Greer Garson? tdis Angeles 3) Atlanta 17 CMaybc I’ll N«'w ^ oik IJi )env( I bird jN’rioi) 7 New Aoilf Biiurtw 19 Washington ^ H21 37 3| X *1 (»M (jood Rm ^ Just A leelm That advice comes from the was her baby We had a joke Ik.M.. n\. 8 New York ^-4-iUls [, yo7 ; Mike Maver kuk 1 r.in.iM.-CiNijH-r K 9U Kllioti 12-47 TK R IL GY Way Crou Mac Come Home in Ihe Spring," with Sally Field, E l e a ^ ~ Hal-Carrr jiasslr'im |om-s Mike Maver Minn Moll 's.ilotii.in I 9 Xlillei H i , lady who is probably the top When 1 became a big Holly­ < to- ,.i;o l-U llo u s lo n t it Iki^sv ,r lollies D Polvin 3 3b W.ish Har-imnl run Mosriev kick I'lrsl downs 24 23 Paso KKIM iSTO N Ted A Bar and Jackie Cooper. My daughter and I have a bet on this — I .onliT Malt- |0l I i,ili.is 4 kn k T xs s INi , HiiMj Io Ferguson 122)4)11) shaded^v wood star, she was going to iirk liinelli n 'IVrs«in Tainb«‘l Wjsh Monk 4 pass irom Thcisnunn Hushes vards 21 114 .O 219 Vickie B Fable she says his name was Black and I say Flack. I hope mother Hollywood drama coach and ln.li.iiij lilT K.ins.i' i ilv I ,it„ : i: ivnaltics Hi.'Wn I'hi 2 n' Bal-Siins2 run • Mike M.i 2 San I r.H). IS... M on lan a l .1)4H63 leave her husband, whose MoM-lev ki. k T.issing'..irds 2tf 2\h EIGHTH ( YC EIGHTH B 8 If teacher, Elstelle Harman Her v>r- I iicg" liU t l.ih 91 !‘.!ss,.r> N M T : Higgins Chi 7 '7 Hal Burke 14 p.i l.mes Mike HK( KIX INi, nultdio Butler .3-14 knows best: MRS. JOAN CLARK, Arcadia, Calif. Wash Harmon T pass ir..m Theismann llHurn',.iids 21 fi Morning Breeie ('M s Rediscover Actors Workshop here has name was Bird Wash and I'.irtljnd l:T \tlant,i !19 stw't' 'Kg.ijl NS Isi.inders i4 12 7 0 Mosrtrv ki. k Maver kn k Hraiimiei XT. ( ribh-. 3 19 Ia wis 1 14 Daytime TV_ You bet she does. It was Flack all the way. come me and lake care ol t.ady Mars ('real of Glory 10 ^und.l. ' Iti'Nuit Wjsh K ’. \f.iM-lev J4 KC Marsliall It jmss H. hiks H, Hrown 12 San Frani-isco trained hundreds of actors, ■ hiT.ig.' V 14.1 a. Tunt' Texas Dutch Gem El M ilw ju k ii’ til flousti VI (...j 1h » NA IsLituhTs lies, h Chi .igo Ijiwerv kn k I. IImM .H«, (,N.|),i 1,21 I'Lirk 4-.T7 my house W jsh Monk 2 pjss irom Theisiiunn I iimble* l..>i I) 0 Trouble Top Ms Money ______MORNING______M Hour Magaika 12:25 Christmas With Pavarotti (THUR ) DEAR DICK: Who was Ihe man who played opposite Carol including dozens of major Non lllrtlo MT I>i-froil I sn.sit. \ 13 49 Moselev kn k KC I-ii Idiwcrv C' ''"loiiioii 4 14 H.ins.iiii 1 IK |■.■naltl. - vard- H h 'o SS Djnah Might Spot From Lee f t Don Lana Show Now Jersey Report f t Ghoat And Mrs. Muir stars — Carol Burnell. Bill I,.>' \ngt‘lrv II ^dn Anio , K( Marshall CD Burnett in a movie made for TV, “The Tenth Month"? He DO IT WED.NKSDA\ - ll.iMford 1 2 / i ■'ll Br.-wn4 run o Ik.n-.ghui kick Individual Leader- Meadows Power IX's Trailblaxer 5:15 f t Richard SImmona Show 3 :30 l'hi>t*niv 111 I’ortl.ind tU' \ I 9C Ciwerv kn- 12:30 Bixby. Victoria Principal. yucN-, l i l t , HI ''IIIN 'i Minnesota Hrown lii-bC) Ima Lurkv Ilannha Right 0 Dave CD EdAHanOhow played Ihe musician who was her friend and offered lo fill Ihe Discover all the latest, Mondjv ' \ lb 941 9:30 Search For Tomorrow X Llttla Raacala I .I'l isriod I H.irll..id U-uglas H Millet .1 14 While 112 Kr.ime! 2 II l*reriouA Revenge Kim (»lver 5:45 "lather role" in her unborn child’s upbringing. Whal else has Greg Harrison. Michael I ’tlo»*ni\ j l S ’jM ir W.ish Ml. ^ Brady Bunch ) Vidal Saaaoon: Your New ^ Auto Racing '80 (Mon.) recipes and more in your K.s.ri Miih-i I 41 j Mik hdfiJ 4irsi downs ‘Jl T.iM h.iir lloiish.n c .impH'l * Landon. Michael Connors and ui m jv 14 CD New Zoo Revue ^ Partrkiga Family f t f t VIHa Alegre (Exc. Thur.) he been in? DAWN TIGGES, Burlington, Wis. T ’ J » 24 Hunii ' P iitir llr M Ik - ^uebet \ j n I ,it|M-ni. 1 I.' Wilvin24 NINTH B 5 16 NINTH C 5 I D a y • full-color Evening Herald 1 ivnw: jt lk<>l.>n • Hushes v jfil' I 174 L' Ift K< EVENING TM s Tern 92 How II II 6-1 5:54 on and on si.i-lnv 14 I' si.isinv l>uj‘-*nl 14 12 4 1 irsi d.iwri'- J’XssiNt, Mirm.snia Kr.iim-i 3>'.iat' ® 1980 intarnatlonal Racquet- CD f t Ryan'aHopa f t I Dream Of Jaannia That was the fine Australian actor, Keith Michell. He has A .I'timi'lor .It Ml.oH j Passing vards 217 12 21 Carrv Bve 7-1 Cadillac Olic 1-1 9 Morrxlng Prayer Estelle herself started out People Food section lyti. f*.-, H.s|..[- ,18 I torrh j7 ;n Heturn vards liii 7ii Hushi-s ..ird ' It 71 i M.iu-t.-f) Mahh ' H Cl 26* 2 6:00 ball Tournament (Tua.) Hanley Lal'aMaka ADaal 3 :58 done much Shakespeare In England, several Broadway plays K .in \j-1 iT'. .11 rievHantl Pen.ill. Wnr (Jue 1 41 liartdera Cannon 7-2 JD • Lady Day M 5:55 PasM’s I9.XI4I b-s»-;i • r.iNsmi: \.ird>> 111 h i.' KIX |Nii Minm-siit.i While h-79 riD NCAA BaakntbntIContInunn Regatta (WED ). Auto Race (FRI) ^ NCAA Oymnaatke (Wad.) C D f t FYI and you might remember him as Henry VIII in the PBS at 3 in minstrel shows, but \» « ,li‘rvf\ ,it lndian.1 N-. i.iKj jM-n.M} yiH-in-. \ Sijsjnv r Wfs|..n H.4til'p 2 1 Pa l ilw lan Ll-1 Today's Woman Punts T I 7 114011-404 4 He’lurnvardsHi'turn Vardh j r 1.34 H .i'lu il 7t. s«-ii'ci H 4 1a‘< ounl 1 IH FromOnytImn f t I Dream Of Jsannia 4 :0 0 after a childhood of working /H ouKA/conenA/ \«'vv A ork Jl 1 tm .11.’.. P stjsinv Puhclii 8 b Harll.-ril vV.Rdlt; Inditii Kkl Cushif Ginger S-1 f t f t 99 Ooctora import, ‘"nie Six Wives of Henry VIII” I- umtiies lost 3 2 I'l 1‘ah.suN 17 2H 41 X-iUiig 2 1-1 T.isi hai I 'll Hrown 1 lo 7:00 6:00 f t Beverly Hlllbilliaa X John Davidson Show INTtASTATI X4 tXIT 9 $ »ILVtN LAN! I t.ih Jl I i.iHjv It-OTHIe 1.1 How. H o m s III tn - lu.id :i, S-2 Jobber Chae 10-1 12:58 she realized that she didn't •AST HAATFCmO $•• • • « Penjlties vjrds 8 71i 10-112 I’unis 2 X • Mill.-r I Moii-ioi l .i-fu-rT 13' Castoi 4 (DCE Various Programming X Glltigan'elaland (.-•l.li-n sf.iii ,ii lloust ir M, irll. tnsi - - • 72 Hefil!. 2J. < ariH tii. • 2 12 W,ls.m2 AIFStar Soccer (Mon.) DEAR DICK: I am asking about Mike Conners. Is il true r m »T IMOW ONLY S2 SO Ik'lT ,it ,(| |*ho«-MiX Ih iM 8 l^Ui'tx'i li.iulef 14 7:30 i'a l ;ci I I I .imj'tx III 'imiU' 1 f t 66aw Z o o R evue X Movla'The Roaring Twenties' that be has a hair piece and wears platform shoes because he’s ' Hunlcf I oil IH 9 Tenjlli. s Hunlei flC I960 U.S. Tnnm TENTH A i 16 B a w itch a d CD Young And Tha Rastlaaa l.T Hardeman H2f Hannon ' 14 W , , oidiudii.o I ejilors TENTH A 6 16 f t HaaHh Field fright, which was. to her. a /u. ' .1* ' lai k-.n i^«- H i I ,>hu •lat k.M.n J2 Kru. /ek 2 minus 2 M H Is iJ lN i. K..ns.,s 1 ,iy M. Kmghl II .Cl Championahipa 8 I JD s Bommerang 6-1 Mika Douglas ( I ) M y Th ra a S on a (MON ). Caribbean (TUE ). Help' Just a little fella? That is whal my husband, who is a mhsician HdlsTiiX 91 ‘|jf hi 31 8:00 6:15 R om p er R oom (WED ). Thiel Of Bagdad'(THUR ), clear indication the enthusi­ tti-id r 1 ,i r T-0i.i,in..\ I-..UIS XfHlersAinS IZf Brownn48 M o rn s '” '*'"” H.nlrioi 7 |h ■ [(,.,,1 '7 J s I’nnter 4 1 Viv 1 Mona 6-1 All My Chlldran and played for him at the country club here, tells me. MARIA riiifd 9 H.irilofil {k.ulflleM 2 12 l..>v»M 2 I'h illip sl2 Kennev I <1 (,ruj'ji2 minus 14 H..lltmore NX'. I.M NCAABMkntball i'anla 10^1 i*rinier Always >-1 CD Newt SportaCanlai Friand Flicks' (FRI) asm wasn't there Mjiom- 1^ l.i I lunlcj H orn s si.,uthi.,n ft. ill lijit i.r d D Movla BelweanHaavan An Hall ANTOGNOLI, Mobile, Ala. PVSslNl, Wjshinglon Theisiiunn 19 Do ke. I94i siinsH •' W .ishingionl* I 11 -I .1 -wn% 17 Bill Jam-k 2 1 I m Tough 10-1 6:30 HcnOiT^on . 1 WjI|..ui V 2 1 1 ■ 9 :00 39 Lea Vaga« Gambit (MON ). In Old Chicago' (TUE ). A D o m a ta So she switched to direct­ Milo - lo un.is..)su.<] h Jl II guetw. hijNtu-- ..in i' 4 144 .ft IH4 U 's i’alrii'u M AU Oiaing Conners is 6-foot-1, so if your husband thinks he is a "little r j u i i / j 2 b I j 'j • (i4i ii ,J.>ri«’s 2 I CO2H0 SI Ijkjis lj)vd09SMi I.iMhhi: M. l julev 3 IJ Q Monday Night Football t-1 X B 9 FUntslonaa 22 ANva HolidayAffair'(WED ).'WondersOf PTL Club-Talk And Variety ing. then coaching a.-.d teach­ tlt.lidfkJI PiiM.-ti. \ M jsin. l« I.' )v9l P \S s|N i, Kans.is i ii-. Kennev 17314' l'.l'*lfU • il.l« K , M. SwRfi Harrv 12 1 Movmlain IVesto 6-1 fella." either your husband is a giant or needs new glasses. No ! Mu'-f'hv ■ HJ( IH str.iud 12 2 4 Hwutti ...t.j. 10:00 X M y Th raa S o n s Varloua Programming Buga Bunny And Frianda Duj-.ni gui ij .II J’l.heMr H K iK IV INt. Washington M<*nk : H <0' H jllitim ie .)..iie'i;-eM 3T lu n d iv l U, It: Spill a^i Dutch M Calvin •-I (T) Aladdin' (THUR ). 'The Story Of ing. She still gets acting offers :olJ,^ c r c 91 ''g u c 1 'll si.tughlori H (I h III ...... - 11 19B0EuropeanRollnrSkating Tom Laraon Show Saaama Straat (Exc. Thur.) hair piece, either. Hatiimorid:{22 Hardeman 2 I Han: •" 11 I I c ,7 ,t! I li s Nilda 3 1 Slarihip Mars U-1 Alexander Graham Bail' (FRI) MIIWUMI lii N. o hc.iut Hjr i: II I ’UIlT ■ (SD Tannia To Win With John New* from producer friends and 2 24 Il.irnv»n221 Warri-n2|8 Cirl.-2 HK« M \ INI K.i-isas ( ,f. Marshall 9 Championahipa I Love Lucy (S) Tannia To Win With John Naw- Saaama Straat lu.i,l.l...|..o ; J . '4 ELEVENTH B 5 16 ELEVE.NTH C 8 16 mba (TUE THUR ) says she may one day he < no J \|,. .r glut UdMi.oil s 14 12 M Ih Th.itnjtson M i M lj.uissij,.| 2 Ji l7h Mcolh 7 III ll.idn.il I 11 H..ilim.irf 11:30 10 24 comba (Mon.) International Movla (Exc.FrI.) Little Women DEAR DICK: In Ihe movie, “ Same Time Next Year," in •> InffMT’t * : 1 i Hu. Arh-' 1 'lai R 'ViJctN. II l:e, a. rev,till. - J I JRA Black P«K)| Izibaun Running * .mihs i 14 Hfiiwn I I.1 \nderv.n IH hmgl.in '4H Huller 2 91 11 SportaCnntnr iu llw in k ia d9 Weather View Waightlilling(THUR ).PBA8owiing (MON ), 'Fitzwilly' (TUE ). The Bi­ what city was Ihe ocean-side cabin scene filmed? My husband templed, although she doubts M..I1. i,. •• Hndt-M.jp '• 4 i: '.I 'ji.s Hdt'lot.i \.-is..i gu,.t«...... la... Ir .-!.- . Madisun ( usiard Jist Her' f 1 uriA i.rav I .1 IS 127 Di- kev 3-lb 12:00 10 30 sh o p 's W ife' (W ED ). H oliday Inn' it. • a' liifu '-.- uih 'A in lrr' 11'" V lu.241 l.l Vil . t i.tK1 .,j!i n ii,‘ Top ('hiel Penny Hanson (FRO and 1 would love to vacation there, if possible^ JODY KING, . .Hi 4 Kit nuip 1 1 : : I.il.ilh 'h III n I't.iidJi Iphi.i o |i III 17 Zf i.'iu.‘fii<. WiiM.nt.1 11 NCAABankntbnIl Chira CartOT Ditto (Jb AOca f t f t 99 Osya Of Our Livaa (THUR ) She says that what is .11 : M J Varloua Programming West Plains, Mo. • 1" 14 3 27 1“ '.X I.|V|.-. r..v!,if 12:35 Ah Kenny Blind liaziard ^ I Love Lucy f t Movla(Eic. Thur.)HolidayPro f t Bawitchad required of an aclor is ■'talenl, rh r.f jhiini gii.li Winters f.-uUsl-ut 12" .t 7 14 7 7 I Romper Room I don’t blame you — I've been there and it is delightful It is Dal While I run Vj-tien ki< V . 7 14 0 24 , ■ «k- H- ,.i. r . Hi unn. t I i 6 N C A A B o w l Prnvfnw Town Line Earl of Cork f t f t 99 Blockbuatara □ramming (THUR ) f t B ig V a lle y Non. fo lji'o u .s H..ust*>n !.t Milwjuk. I Holljl-. P.-trjult Irish Tag Lady G nih training and tenacity, in about Dai Ii.l1 l> jMSB Horn Wtiile Sej'iien 1' X''-') '.1. 1 i.ik, .:.ij I luiikt II ij 2.'*' 2:00 6:56 f t BuMaaya f t Varloua Programming 4:30 a fancy motel called the Heritage House in Little River, Calif., i; Te. hPi. ..;s i j Ii hings Hu-ktiet H-'U H..m»-1 !'' h* 2 \ in* -’Uv Mountain Spur BL I Little G irl equal1 proportions." And. she vm.; I r.is.-r :l k< IVh.il I^-S •'»* Wil...- : .'! \S ...... Ii, a; 11 1980 Intnrnatlonni Racqunt- f t Amarkan Trail 1 0 6 0 1:30 X Flintatonaa I quite a ways north of San Francisco. ^ The t'»r . oj-h M jrri' 'Ailloughhv \ 11-f2 Dal T ' adds, 1/ \jn I2,r IV pa ball TournamnnI TW ELFTH T d ). VC • TWELFTH D YC f t N aw a 9 1 N aw a 'X Addama Family ( f tTannia ' Grand Maatara (Tua . there are a lot of young- 'VJ'llIT’ Chub Chae PH'H.NtN 111 n-ti.Kl .( {lulljlo 2 :30 Jewish Cadillac 7:00 10 58 (B) NCAA Baakatball (Mon.) Wad.) Tennis to Win With John Nav I ^ A R DICK: I am curious about a plot and film that is lo sters around abounding in Power Behind ''„;ii?, 12 4 \ an. ouv l ‘hi i.um inona I run I-r .it.kliri ki. ' .■ k- Wlai YHluw Cadillac Just Wmk • Hik 7 0 .* 14 H.ihms.in Hi 24 22 It SportaCnntnr I M orn in g CD N aw a b ra ak Inlarnaiional Weightlifting (TUE ) combe (THUR ) those three T's To the hun­ \d j" ' 4 44 L' H.fch ' 24 ,)..hns..r H 1 .rjdin I rjs*'i 2 X I >jl 1) Peal son 1| jias' K. J irt' I : N't I)ud|cv $ Paul H Sprads Champ ) Fopaya And Buga Bunny ■be back of my memory. The movie had either Madeleine 'seplicn kn k 'll 1^2 21 3:00 Jim iiiv s Bank 11 00 (9D Jake Haaa Qoepal Tima (If Christ Tha Living Word dreds of aspiring actors who The Throne 0 “ i: Mj , . 22 12 K- ■ M. ( .irtii'. U H oij Hi jv Late Patch V. SportaCantarf t Good Morrftkig Am arka Carroll, or some other blonde, with Gary Cooper or Ronald Niles 1 24 4- T. Iti.'s t,.tre Hul inajot Phi I-1» Kr.ttiklin 29 '21 11 M.."h,-w. ;1t 1960EuropnanRollnr Skating 1 adilla* Colour Cushte Cream f t M a ud e 2:00 f t Bewitched feel that they don!t need train­ S. ..M i 1141 h Kf ,011. f o 114 ‘)if Rkhard t 9 9I 1T oSImmona day Show Colman. A mao and woman fell in love but on Iheir wedding 4 rol.ils 4b 19 J! 11! V jti ir.inor oujiir l)j| Dul’r.v-; juss Iron, 'White Championahipa M 'iiarrv s Flash Smooth Mits t M idda y iX A t Tha World Turns f t One Day At A Tima ing — these are the ones who kit k \ Batm an 5 :00 day, he accideolally shot someone, was arrested and jailed. Tm IMI \ M i I’l- s r ■Aiiti..nis \an 1 \T, 4:30 laivr Me Hawk Black Daddy f t Love Boat X Oof Smart believe thai desire and good .,itt h‘ I'hoii.j.son 7'14 17 i»w«-ns xiim ) n Hjll..i.> Hamel Phi I'arkei :ii pass ir.iin I,iw..ism '111 Tannta Grand Maatara Southern Creed lYiliy Holiday 7:25 StraighI Tall. X f t One Life To Liva X Wonder Woman The whole atory la about how the two meet In their dreams .221- li..te' n h4- L )-j\s..n t, i : i;i Ml I>unn 1 tri Tenaliies I- ranklin ki, k d ' N ew s Tannia Grand Maatara (Thur.) CB NCAA Baakatball (Mon.) every night. PAT MORSE, San Diego, Calif. looks is enough — Miss Har­ ^ T O l 1‘hi h i. hr.jnklin 19 I III M' In.tih .JO t . 4 ; i KunnCttJ'139 i.ro s'2 2 Hilt 17 t; 7:30 Tannia Grand Maatara (Mon., Accent On Living (Mon.) A u stra lia n R u gby (T H U R ). U S I think you must mean the 1935 film, "Peter Ibbetson." man has this to say M..r;«' ; o ; : Toi.,u in 19-24 im I'hi Miinigoiiierv h run ■ 1 t.«iikiin ki- k !h..m|-s..n F U n ta lo n a t i Tua.) tgSOEuropaarxRoilarSkalmg Oomala(EXC MON ) Table Tennis (FRI) "gam ing is essential Il's p t : |■h.H-..\ i ’ 3>U3i 111 X K: '48 • le h . t .H which starred Gary Cooper and Ann Harding. PTL Club-Talk And Varlaly Championships (\VE0), Australian f t 99 Another World 14 ChrletmasOntce(Mon.) T. .v;jruJ 3i2f21> UK III steui Hu Mj I- i just Tike sports. It’s possible S co o b y D oo Rulaa F oo tba ll (T'hUR ). Australian ft Davey And Goliath rh;i*«’ [H.ini gMi i>jl.' hiiuled oul § You Bat Your Ufa 0:00 Rugbv(Fflt) f t Happy Days Again DEAR DICK: Pleaae settle an argument between my -I A M N O T A N A N I N U L ’ N..ni- I-.tji i./u,- PhcH-nixi- Portland l^irsi J.iwns 21 24 2 :30 27 l.-.nm-.ils Pht«-ni\ ..jih Ml Ijs D Captain Kangaroo f t f t f t Whaal Of Fortune f t Varloua Programming mother and me. My mom says the lady on the show "Friday,” Hushes -.ards I» W .91 Iti (D Abbott And Coatallo Cartoon 1 AM AH I MAN BEING' ..ml. ...II h H.nns.i-. \ U't**- 0 Woody Woodpecker Passing vaids E l 172 NIGHT SKIING 11 30 OS NCAA Baakatball (Tua., Wad.) f t MlatarRogera who rides on the escalator and talks loudly, ending up with Ihe ^ NCAA BaakatbaH (Mon.) 1980 I AM AMAN'“ '\-.'\Nf(iNIn ii ^ Hetutn .afd' 8 38 Tyler Vioora Show ESPN Special IcaStars 80(FRI) f t Staraky And Hutch words, "Aw, shaddnp,” Is played by a man, and I say II is a IS DYNAMITE! EuropaanRollarSkatingChampion !' ! •h'is.,r 14 11 •.•tK-fding2'«vij T.lss«'^ IH L 41 lb 24 1 Pattword Plua ^ D om ata f t Joker's Wild woman. Whal actress or actor plays this part? JOE SMITH, 12 Large assortment •htps (TUE . FR I). U S Table Tan '. ; .ncsofi ■ 11 '.ervin in tn. j i Punts V 4hd 3 J9J And Apres Ski in our new Rkhard SImnona Show f t Varloua Programming 5:15 Riddle, Ore. ^}|J' s 1 , h Hr. w.-i 4 2 2 h' i.riiim I * , I utiifiles lost 1-0 '2 1 me (WED). Profaastonal Rodeo Alpine Resliuir.int Lounge f t Nanny And Tha Professor . l i H arm a no P a b lo ^ t h e 14 M.«.r. 2 t < >r/i.ne 9 ihi IH Pen.iHies Vards 7 -4b 8 4* 1UR) AFTEFNOON His name is Michael Richards, so guess who won again. Travel Service Hesijn, 11'141 I Wio-. 1129 Totals'41 kxpre-wrapped wine gift s e t B ^ ? 2:56 6 :30 lnhia M-intg..inerv % S X f t FYI ^ D Barney MMill illa r 555 MAIN STREET lighted slopes 8:30 iClKD News l.ns W i.KU ' .1 l»47 Marrish24 loamni.mab IJ Dallas- [) Uvirui Faith 3 :00 X M.A.S.H. ' h.'-ne> t . . i\ oSes lo2 2 - \t*lu. Night skiing shirts .it 5 P M ^ QllUgan'alalarftd Wad.)'TakeOown 6 4 3 - 2 1 6 5 ^ Ihii s4-lt lb 74 NewhiHiM-H J7 D Pi-arson l o l l a > f t 9 9 C a rd H harks Guiding Light Cl4)Movle(Tua., Ijhf.,.: r 12 14 t l jrie f hoo :n NtA-.n S k i CI.1SSCS ill 7 30 $ Varloua Programming •• ifi( ifis iflt 80 la EM la ifl( fflt fflt ttt Es ifi( fifin ia SA 1 ^P^lngs2H WhilcHH Hill 1 7 l ‘ Varloua Programming Woody Woodpecker (TUE ), 'French Poslcards * l I .1 1 2 2 2 b Hiew.-f 2 2 2 h iVarv.n I 2 Jt.n.-slu f t Cartoona PC Equipment Rental Available W a n t e S ae am a S tra a t [)ft General Hoapital (WED) Over 30 Years MW l-tfij?.! 2 7" ;i l.irnl'!-»'fg.'f 2 1 1 ' TA.s s INi . I'hiladel|>lii.i -law.irski 18 JO 9:00 Or.GanaScottOnHabrawa MjfcJ. 112.. H'lii.ifid “ 2 2 2 T '.tjis '2 E jmI 3 0 O H I-B 4 Movie Sp4ivision rady Bunch f t Lottery Show (Thur.) Evening Herald. Authanzed agent in Manchester San Xntoni.. r r * J 7 i r W 1. P.I S I il/kit-.i9b (ildtiiinona J 3* Sm ilhi R a m am ba r lh«) N ig h C (W ED ). f t f t T p xaa UH 1 800 982 682B ^ PhH Donahue Show CSX SSI M t t a B a I S f c i { « w tiH l a ( « i » w w e a I B n t it t m cc i-.i‘ Xng.-le- . c r , £ ic i 1C NewX.ifk r Kn-ptlc 2 37 M'lnigomerv I Z GREAT C h a m p a g n e S -Holiday (THUfI). Tha Court Jaa Qua Pate U.S.A.7 (Exc. Thur.) f t N aw a for all Airiirtei. Railroads and ) Joe Franklin Show Steamitup Uttes______rh f.i jB.ir' g , None I >ule»| '.ui Philadelpf.ij 7 ' spagnola I 12 f aitH'liehll 12 harnngton tar (FR I) Various Programming (THUR ) 5:35 i Johnson I-.i. I Celebration Of Tha Eucharlat uis sjn Vnton. -I* Halliiliore b b I4, Dallas D iVurson i.4r' Hill 4 110 f t FamMyFaub f t OuaPaai,U.S.A.7(Exc.Thur.) 99 Movie Continues (Thur.) 1 -o Xng.-ie-i. !, hni. .1. 1. I.ihn-.n X Hariiord 8 |hiiM-it4J IhJi'ressll P l'ears*inl-9 i M n I Saaama Street 12 .141 < enual Division M laiUis It) 2 A n t o n m i lih T H iilT f. N.-'w KiiglaOil t'h-velantl 8 MAKE YOUR NEW YEARS EVE ttubh..rd H li lb 27 I.li-r h 2J 14 t'hi.jgo 7 T New »irleans T r l b i m o ^ Piiprv Mond-J!. NU PASSES Iw ns..r 4 2 . iii la-. |i»2 2 Herron lo 4i NnMogef' It iii.iii. Holmes GIFTS! Make your own dream Hutljjo ' 9 p o n d e r o s a 2 H.ih.nsor n b9 |H Drew 2 2 12 ern Divisii.n Hi> ardii k« k RESERVATION AT thru Fndat M -kesk 2 4 9 H H lji k 2 110 I l ilals C vX|. lota NO Kl. Hi. ardi. Ii Wd iw B ie l ws r-44 -r b 'JR what 1 once w.ii. but for what Lennon told us not lo trust ITt ToIUaO TafARiht, HaReheiUr sar I raru 1 NK H . Sriolh I! Champagne! By DivM Haidler f •sXN D iK t.n 117 ' 10 311 3 anyone over 30 We didn’t. We !>.ii-..-r J lu \ h I fain I- C* [ijs-s ir'iill t u anaugh I still am. The K aties shaped T.t'«.k- H i l l Wh hv »44i « \a le l 4 . the Newe&i And A^ost 2n^"m"nT<.ddi‘ i<>5£' I’h.a-niv 2 H ai* 3'. Stioth k.- k me, influenced how I now live watched Martin Luther King 1 2 '* Li'.lor * 1.19 Williams |u ' 3 NK .Jnlll>s..n II J>,js» tf.iiTi I a NEW YORK (NEA) - He Sundav V Hesulls and Bobby Kennedy die. Viet­ Alodern ii/onder riu ’ -Xm ix With Hr anl 2 2 12 Hibt>v2o*‘ l He..ri| .i< Sm ilhje/k sal by himself on the morning my life. And always it was vimih I 02 2 Da'.is 1111 Hank : ' it-v.-iaf»d6 Ikfnver 3 grant gifts Lennon who was the spokes­ nam linger on We wouldn’t ffestOLfront fn The Areo N.-w York b ( hit ago ' No l-tTliii .lido ft Mygs rush-hour subway tram that n o lauji’h in j’ 1 > Tilalvf. Ib2l ilT NK .liilmv.ii h jij" tfiiiii I a Ni Diuis7 Ph.N'nik 4 anaugh r/ man. the thinker. go. We kept asking why, kept l*"f.’'Hi' 113* 3,'28 97 Smitti kl. k S1.50 a up clattered Irom Manhattan’s Hariiord? Balimu.rt-' ■ umbling toward answers iiiaitcr until N.n Dieg.. ,Cl29.tIl 117 NoWilvmlrun Hnardoknk Upper West Side lo midtown They came over to America Chrlstmat Dinnar Sarvad Murvdav s l.ame with the Beatles as our ■hree («.inl goals W.Hums 3 l-.iuled Philadelphia al Hartlord NO ( handler 'll juss irom S k t l ^ M O O D t and another day of work. His in 1964. just a few months From 11 AM to • PM Judy Ik njam in • Hjt Non. T*'lai touls |)eir>iil 3* San Tue»dav sDai.tiei. Hic ardo kick lists were clenched and his aler John Kennedy was shot. beacon They tried psychedel­ V O U R ^ Dit gi-2H Te.h n itjl Hrvant X ♦. tf.' ' NK I alh.Kinl! run ‘ Sinilti kn k Imported Beer! K joiiu’d it. I*hia*ni> at Denver Southiit^ton eyes clamped shut He wore a Many ol the' teen-agers now ic drugs. Eastern religion, A P P E T IZ E R , Choice of One ' leveland al San f rani isco M . Taiujiu 4 run Mmlh ki. k CHOICE X » 277 e ii l 30 oft 1-64 white button-down shirt, buying Lennon’s neuf^ly communal living. We did too. Chicken Gumbo Soup-Chilted Tomofo Juice-Chilled There were no easy ^ L U E M E A L S Nh HTH W lhHH AN MM (T, H l.K striped tie. flannel slacks, released album, "Doubje fruit Cup IndiAJi' la*a^up. wing'tipped shoes and his high Fantasy," weren’t even born. answers. When the Beatles ENTREES Nurihi-rn Division f/k ' broke up in 1970. it was as if H o c k e y school lelterman's jacket, I was 13 year-, old. Celery ond Olivet-Totted Green Solod With french Dretting ISFaNelAMllV / • VA 1. 1't 1 So much has been written they realized it. too VaOT ifover ' 3 SZ upon which he'd pinn^ the ruruntn 3 ^ fai front page of the Daily News, about how important the Bea­ Chopped m a i n COURSE Kdiiumlirfi 4 4 fai which read "JOHN LENNON tles were to the ’60s, beyond We all grew up. but we < dlRjrv 3 ' 37' the genius ol their music The 1 cnlial Division SLAIN HERE " He was about didn’t stop asking why. not Root) Young Tom Turkey wilh tluffing ond Beef Mtnneviij stock phrase: The Beatles •\TlON\l.lHg KKX LKXl.l | 35 years old A mono- alter My Lai, not after water- grovy wilh cronberry touce 7.4S Chicago defined the 'liOs. But thev did < amptN II Coniereni e lieiro il rammed leather briefcase gate. Lennon retreated, quit Root! Prime Rib of Im I A u Jut 8.B6 Dinner I '.iirii k Oc. isMin even. more. They defined how h.aslerri Division BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH Many different Dom estic ly in his lap music. "R o c k n’ roll wasn’t I I Pis OI oA 6 Suter-Cuted Hem Mlania 8 III III) Most of the passengers a generation of us think. . whhPIneeppleteuee...... 7.75 1)Ke O u > ■‘1 I land. II I*;* 112 fun anymore," he said in Play­ Tampa Bav we were in school then, I 'hil.i>tel[4ii 11 7 IJ9 Vt $17.99 Save $1.00 and Imported W ines to raised an eyebrow at this boy lie gave up his career to Dinner Includes: Breod ond Rutter. Mashed I algjrv laiksimville 2 ! LOOKINQ FOR A UNIQUE HOLIDAY GIFT? confused, fumbling our way i:i 11 7 1 114 118 strange figure, tiptoed around be a househusband. Spent five or french Potatoes. Condy Yomi. Sweet l^ashingl-.' i II 12 III II 119 I t Uud u b toward uiideistanding life anil Siulhern Division , . work A play hifn. moved on A pair of years raising a child and bak­ Peas, or Mixed Vegelobles. Tea or Coffoa. NX Hangi t ' 12 1*. • 121 i l l choose from for the adulthood, wortlng through the TWESgg 'siii-.ihi- Di.uion Calilornia ' 3 wtththaproa 1.75 SEAGRAMS 7 black teen-agers, smoking a ing bread. Yoko handled the San Ihvgo DESSERTS 21 9 4 I 14 II! joint between the cars, point­ values of 11 ur parents. The 5p«cia/ dinners feature Tulsa 3 Youth Soccer Schoolt business affairs. Choice ol One: Hot Mince. Pumpkin \ an< i i U * 17 'J 9 1*4 117 $13.29 Save $.70 H o l i d a y s ed at him and laughed Beatles became another I III. agii 12 -IH h .1 I iailds 2 4 m Other generations thought choice of ChoppeJ Heef or l.fti IKI Throe Fun S oulons voice, one just as important Pie, or Ice Cream. G E N E , , R IC H A R D I i.loiad- II lb b ; Western DiviMon I stood in front of him, John had gone simple, staying Fish Filet and both include M'2 i:i4 San -lose Featuring Child's Portion' for Childron Under 12 Yeort Kdmonlon K IM ' ; ■ 3 a? hanging from a strap I didn’t our parenti. our school, our WIDER' PRVOR 1119 i:i) Seattle < 3 !71 LITER DEWERS home like that. We knew he All You Can Eat Salad Har x\ inni|H-» I I 7 141 IlT M BnbBrt ot O n H a W o n s religion. They challengied us of Age-13 00 lost I’ortland 4 V« T understood Less than hadn’t We knew because we v\ aic' I onl.'ren. e gift cartons available for conUnually, from every radio Baked Potato and (Vurm 'ofris iJr.isMiii la.s Angele* 3 4 cat And U8Sf-UoBnsid Cow iw i hours before, less than a were getting married and *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ $12.28 Save $.41 and recorc player, to make Ho//uiilh Butter W I T Tis O f DA Saturdav s Hesultk For Information Call: (203) 696-2640 mile away, somebody had starting to have kids l,ii. \ng. I.-. I algarv' V»fKi.uvef 4 -OT any bottle of Wine or liquor S T l l l 21 1' i.’b im (203) 656-2649 shot John Lennon while he sure we au ed one thing Momri-.ii 112 nu Pn con«> V h o l i d a y bosus It M2 97 U FuOruuryte-20.1M 1 • H allloni T -ibin about relationships and S e r ^ with tried rice, llost.rf) iN..(,amesSi-li»*all parents hated. Everything started giving interviews Wdshmghrfih l•hlladH^d1uu Phona ...... '...... CHERRONE'S PACKAGE STORE turned buui to the Beatles and (• Wneur Skaiemi CaMir) gu.-tMv h llaniord* l/»s Angeles p.xic'nded the- contract t they once were. again. He didn't like them •it head < .Ml h Itav MalavaAi throe years N X lsl.irKk'rs9 Chi. agon Tuition: $75.00 par seaalon ($25.00 deposit required) 624 MIddIn Tpkn., East I was a '60s teen-ager. This they replied “ All we are say­ because he didn’t like looking •r / Ihilialo t Van.iKixcr 1,-ii. < .lllCgC' 643-7027 ing is g iif peace a chance." PLEASE CALL THEATRE XrkansjN Named iHtn Kindkey ol Make Check payable to: Held At HaMon i TniBi loeeir. 40 was my turn lo weep. Not back. Xt*.oiJav ' i.amc That mayM sense. I .ilgar-. .il N X ItdiiL'crs VMiihern ( ahiornia delensive liadball Oakwood Dr., QIaatonbury 06033 m because Lennon stood lor * >a.rdinalor —) EVENING llERAU), Mon , Dec 22, 1980 21 20 K \K M M . IlKKAl.l), Mon IH-c 22. 1980 Christmas chaos cheers conferej^ce of churches Christmas trees, the season’s bargain • tQ the Ladies of Colum­ she is "pushing 81 and is provided the heart we'll be Christmas good fairy who riumk Aon h lt^ \ \ \ ( ^ ( \HH glorious and it's an ab­ about them iti last week's "Even the mercenaries England bus wh^instead of having just not able to get about more than happy to be your not only bays boxes of fruit , .Schubert for MILWAUKEE (UPl) - Christmas And people ought to find a tree for "As for myself here In Milwaukee, area retail lot." back to the Revolutionary War and Kxecutivo Diroctor solute madhouse around Herald. He Mine to the used in the (Revolutionary! war, the their usual grab bag much" but sent a check to arms and legs. A most for the Thanksgiving and f|,g (or convalescent trees are one of the few bargains this every pocketbook.” I plan to buy a seven and a half-foot He said about 9 percent get their before, McNeil said. The custom was •','lt's absolutely chaos, here dcMir ol the oHibe and asked Hessians, put up Christmas trees as exchange, brought in 36 buy gifts for the patients in merry Christmas from all Christmas baskets but does p|,ggr carts' Yule season. In an Interview, McNeil said more balsam and that would be between trees from “choose and cut” introduced by newly arrived citizens Riand. glorious, (^hrislmas One ot the great lines ol the place he part of their Christmas celebration gifts fbr teenagers. nursing and convalescent of us. Special Christmas shop- . to ^friendly donor to For Christmas trees the outlook than 30 million Christinas trees will $18 and $20,” McNeil said. "I paid $18 operations and 1 percent by digging from,.Germany and other European chaos Boxes ol lood. the Christmas season — could le^ye off a couple of So it's been around quite a while," he homes. Since you've • and to our very special ping {or teens each year, jur Human Needs Fund. is super from- a consumer stand­ for it last year and It was a beautiful up a tree, using It In their home (with countries. turkey here. Japrobes I’ete Beckwith, lireman on turkeysVand some canned be bought this year — "and it may said • to Mr. Steven point." says Don McNeil, executive the root ball wrapped in burlap) and there, apples under the the phone Pete, goods. WS talked for a few sneak Into the 32 million category.” Nikodemski of Burger director of the Milwaukee-based ^*^”lie National Christmas Tree then replanting it after Christmas, table, caps and mittens on how's the tt^llMlPlection seconds as he got out some That would be an increase of more 1 "'National Christmas Tree Associa­ than 2 percent from last year. Association helps both growers and “But this doesn't work too well the table. The phone is going',’ money that he said his wife King who has made 100 gifT certificates available for tion. ■ He said prices are up 6 to 7 percent, retailers. because, in most cases, the tree rinKint! somewhere behind "Call oil the toys We re wanted to donate in addi­ tion to the food. teens and singles. "Based on survey Information we "which is not as high as the inflation "The raising and harvesting and dies," McNeir said. the pile ol Rilts just up to our elbows' in trucks "The market the last few years PTO sponsors drive and stulfed animals ' I've It was an anniversary • to Rosemary and Ed have just taken, it would appear that rate the last year,” bpt they vary, marketing of trees is a year round brought in Irom a nursery was growing faster than the been having these tan­ present in a way At noon Gregory and Rftiee and there--are sufficient trees across Uie depending on the locality and the activity," McNeil said, "You plant in school.- or was that the availability of trees," he said. "But Sheridan asks all residents to save talizing mental visions of on that day. three years Nellie Guintal for food and counti7 ~to meet market demand. species of tree. spring, cultivate and shear in the BOLTON — The Bolton Elemen­ scout troop Incredible, quite a significant number of people tary Center School Parent Teacher their bottles and cans over the our brave and stalwart belore. his wile was hit by clothes and Christmas summer and harvest in the fall and exhilcrating and absolutely are coming into the production end of Organization will sponsor a bottle ijplidays. Money earned will benefit liremen buried in stuffed a car. pinned to a porch, specials and to Hayden and early winter." cxha\isling' Flu hits Andover He said It takes an average of eight It now, especially in southern and can pick-up drive Jan. 10 from the kindergarten through grade H jsiodles and rag dolls and and as a result, lost both Marjorie Griswold and two ,'tinccHin last week s arti­ years to grow long-needle varieties states.” noon to 3 p.m. chorus. cle I was beginning to get miniature lire trucks and her legs aboye the knee. very special sisters who .\NDOVER — Andover Elemen­ arrived home after school later than She had just received a ‘ have brought in some very and 10 to 12 years for the short-needle He said the & pth’s longer growing Thomas Sheridan, spokesman, said Volunteer man and vehicle power' the nervous gulps. I should racing cars Our con­ tary School students and staff normal because of the illnesses. season meariV'a tree can reach residents are being asked to leave is also needed. For more information gratulations to Pete and small settlement^and she special gifts. trees such as balsam and spruce. just tell all you wonderlul members have been "hard hit by Kravet said, "There's been a lot of maturity in four years instead of bottles and cans in bags on their front call Sheridan at 646-1955 Doug Welsh and all our wanted to share it with • to the thoughtful lady ■ “There are probably 20,000 to 25,- [leople who have gtven so some type of 'flu,” according to sickness and we have a lot of sub^ doorsteps for the towpwide oick-up Snow date for the everjt is Jan 17 local liremen lor a terrilic those in need Me spoke for who brought in all the love­ 000 people who retail Christmas trees eight. much in the way ol lood David Kravet, principal. stitute teachers but we're hanging in in metropolitan areas,” he said. McNeil said Canadian imports also and gills and money that job just a lew minutes, very ly Avon-products. A total of 29 students, 11 staff there." And thinking ol brave simply, ol their pleasure in • to Heritage Savings "The average retailer handles about have increased. we would all rather be members and four bus drivers called The school will close today for the 800 trees and about 90 percent of peo­ Christmas trees as part of the and stalwart and terrilic iH'ing able to reach out and Bank and Betty Petrica for holidays and classes will resume on exhausted than gulping in sick Thursday. Students were ple get their trees from an urban American holiday celebration date Besides, what a great way jobs, our thanks also to out help others and how lor- arranging for the Christ­ picked up late for school and many Jan. 5. to turn out serving as sur­ local pol'cciiieii Kach ycai tunale they were in their mas ads and for setting up children .ind one another such successful drop olf rogate Santa lor a whole when they go out to bus HORSE & RIDER eommunitv ol caring peo­ 'n\s tell their own children \llcr he lell. the ollice Christmas centers at the ■MAPLEWILD TACK ROOM, lor llicir Christmas parly was still lor a lew minutes hank and KMart branch ple Rossi Caruso Jumping .Saddle BEAITIFTL There is no question that lluw buv extra lor needy ■(oiiichow in his quiet way $139.95. Rubber Boots $15.75. , DOLL CLOTHES we are going right over the children I'liis year they le and his wile brought the • to the students at St Hunt Caps $14.95. Many other ' BEAUTIFUL BARBIE DOLL top The I'hristmas lood brought over 7f beautilul spirit ol Christmas into .lames who irjade little gift items and stocking D R ^E S 70«. Bridesmaid's stuffers at unbeatable prices! Outfit $1.50. Complete Wed­ CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE gills Actually I had my glowing lile lor us all It paper baskets and filled baskets. 214 ol them, arc ding Outfit. $3.50. Pajamas eve on a cuddly pink teddy will be a Umg, long time them with mints to go Hours, Tues -Sat. 10-6 p.m,, SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION being delive'ed all over Thurs. til 9 p.m., Sunday 12-5 6(k. 643-6452. 2 hear that plays Over the belore we lorget him and along with the hot meals on town tomorri w We ve had p'.m. 649-5550. a lew mini r problems, Rainbow when you wind it Ins spirit-lilled wife Christmas Day. Sarah' 1 RENTAL NFlEDS up but with three brave, ( liri'lmaw >|Mrkli-» Kelleher. elderly outreach how to provide lixings lor a PETS.& SI PPLIES TAYLOR RENTAL WISHES Christmas diriner when the stalwart and determined • to the congregation of worker, said they were so YOU HAPPY HOLIDAYS! elderly recipient onlv has a [xilicemen looking on I had Center Church who brought beautifully donp they MANCHESTER PET Call us for Party Needs - hot plate, or how to catch to put It hack Besides. Jon in live hundred lyes. hOOi looked as thmighThey were CENTER, 887 Main St.,- 640- Tables, Chairs. China, Hawthorne is at least 6' 9 ' gilts lor the men and made by professionals 4273. The place to buy your Glassware etc. 643-2496 up w ith the church that has pets and supplies, where.the adopted a lamily whose and 1 didn t think 1 could women at Meadows Con- price is right and the per­ oven has just blown up outrun Kd Tight’ and (Jerry valescent home An sonalized service great! Hours FRL'IT BASKETS 2 • to Marge Cole for a Calve The gilts are top- amazing outpouring ol Monday thru Friday 0-9 pm. FANCY FRUIT BASKETS - Can we trade their turkey box of gifts to convalescent lor a Hal canned ham lhal notch, lellows. and we loving concern Saturday til 6 p.m. Sunday 1-5 Order early Also. Wicker home patients p.m I an be heated in a small thank vou o rch estrated by an Hems Peru Fruit Stand, 276 I ro e t h r i ' t i n . i - ’’’jiirit amazing lady, Bernice • and to a very sweet Cl STOM MADE Oakland Street. 643-6384 borrowed table lop oven ' and caring friend who savs It s great it s grand, it s Vou mav have read Reig CI.OTIIIXk MARINELLI AND FRUIT BASKETS, Flower COMPANY ORIGINALS. ARRANGEMENTS, center­ CUSTOM MADE or pieces lor vour holidav needs DESIGNED CLOTHING, and Brown's Flowers. Inc., 145 \ ALTERATIONS for every oc­ Main Street. Manchester 643- casion. for Everybody! 210 8455______Pine St 643-9672.______MOPEDS t v s - s t e r e o s YAMAHA MOPED The Ideal SHOP AL S IE F F E R T 'S Gift! $599.00. Help SanU beat APPLIANCES, 445 Hartford the gas crunch at Seymour Road. Manchester. 647-9997. Motorsports. 681 Main St . fb ’ Super Santa Sale! TVs. Manchester 643-0214 stereos, washers, dryers, -ff refrigerators, freezers, much BASKETS & WICKER THE WICKER COTTAGE COLLECTIBLES. Specializing in Baskets, Wicker Furniture and wall HAND MADES hangings Route 83, Vernon OFF STORE WIDE! New 6 4 ^ 1 9 Monday -Saturday t t Old Collectibles. Hand 10-5 Sunday 1-5 Made Gifts. 133 Spruce Street, • Cliu l« | i • lm $ i t Cm i corner ol Birch Street • NTMlItoMiaiWMK DINING A COMPLETE SELECTION HOUSE OF CHUNG Polyne­ f/ \ • 111 ShflMt Silnr OF HAND MADE ITEMS, sian and Chinese Specialties Caravans Including, Collars, Vests, Cocktails served. Complete TOP PRICES PAIDll Pillows, and Afgans are take-out service Open 7 days. * * * IDS konus on cUu rings witti IMs ad * • * Travel trailers, known as caravans in The caravans were donated by the British available at THE VILLAGE 363 Broad Street, Manchester CHARM YARN BARN, 131 6494958 Europe are on their way to help house those «ed Cross and will go to earthquake sur- Spruce St. 649-9699. $2010 / vivors before Christmas. (UPl) $23 to $90 ■ displaced bv the earthquake in southern Italy. SWEETS FOR $100 MISICAL CHRISTMAS W O M L V r — INSTRIMENTS CARVEL ICE CREAM, 811 ctwrrwnicu BfiSS III PINE ST. •MANCHESTER PHONE 043-4639 Main Street, Manchester 1227 E SEBASTIAN'S MUSIC HAS COrnsrOtHTFD RD AND PINE ST H O U R S 9-5 EVERYTHING FOR A Burnside Ave , EJast Hartford lOLD KINGS BLDG I We can handle all your ice mo MUSICAL CHRISTMAS' Guitars, Accessories, Band in­ cream needs for Christmas. struments and a staff of music Manchester. 646-5999 East professionals to help you Hartford, 528-6751 choose Route 83, Vernon. 872- 8002 POT POl RRI —J 5 E CAPITO L THE KNOTT PLACE. 55 OAK t . i r r CERTIFICATE STREET, Specializing in EQUIPMENT Macrame Tables, Plant NMMtMIMlWIWWRHMtMdKIHKX _ _ _ j C 38 MAIN 8T„ MANCHESTER THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE A Hangers. Crochelting, Quilts, GIFT CERTIFICATE for a Stuffed Animals and all your 643-7958 |LAST3 Subscription to The Christmas needs! 643-0490 r e M iT M Manchester Herald. "A Fami­ DAYS! ly Newspaper Since 1881 " I Please call the Circulation FLORISTS Department at 647-9946 CHRISTMAS I STEREO ARRANGEMENTS Park Hill GIFT CERTIFICATE. Give Joyce Flower Shop: FTD One To The Person You Love Fruit Baskets Christmas From Lords And Ladies Parties Flowering Plants 1 * 2 3 8 ® ® Unisex Salon, Colony Shop, Call 649k)791 FLOh CAKE 944 Sullivan Ave., South Wind­ sor 644-2435 PENTLAND FLORIST, Flo for Special fo r th e FLORAL YOUR HOLIDAY lee & SOi\ IMPORTED GIFTS NEEDS! 24 Birch St 643-6247. 1.1). PEARL i FINNISH ESTONIAN "Pleasing You Is Our Holiday Cakes. t.l'* M AIN M . M VM IlL^ I I It I, H o lid a y s IMPORTS and Handicrafts. Pleasure! " Blankets, famous design glass Gift Certificates Available and other distinctive gifts. 44 (or a special gift for a special person poiruETTns Stony Road, Bolton. M9-8080 WOOD Cl TTING SI PPLli:S VANITY CAR PLATES D.R. BUNCE 410M PANY, ^Rockville PERSONAL CAR PLATES 210 Pine St 643-9872 Supplies. Woodland Gardens Woodcutting and Forestry 878-3282 Make Ideal Gifts. Featuring “ F t n t f o r Sine# Ifff*! Organization Emblems. Products. &iles and service MANCHESTER RUBBER lor CHAINSAWS, SAFETY Come See Christmas 3- 5 flow ers - 4.95 ' S»AMP, 20 Birch St. 6494489, EQUIPMENT, Visa and Master Charge. ACCESSORIES b Red, White and Pink^ 4 - 6 flow ers - WOODSPLITTERS. 6.45 TYPEWRITERS *39.95 Single, Large Poinsettia 5- 9 flow ers - YALEf TYPEWRITER BICYCLES n g 2 8.95 SERVICE. TYPEWRITERS BICYCLES AND CAMPING Bag World of REBUILT, PORTABLE EQUIPMENT. Sporting S'___ t ___. I Flowers & Plants TYPEWRITERS. From $20.00 goods, ice skates, sleds, sur- G A R L A N D (roping) Sales It Service. Typewriter viviors, hockey, exercise Pine Laurel, Princess Pine t i Adding Machines. 41 equipment FARR'S, 2 Main to decorate the home Purnell Place. 649-4986 Street, Manchesterr'W-7lll. Cyclamen, Chrysanthemums Pine & Laurel African Violets, Kalanchoe ARTS & CRAFTS BICYCLES NEW AND. Deck the Hells with: BRICK IN THE WALL USED, THE VERNON BIKE Calls Lilies, Lge. Foliage Plants Gallery of Fine Hand Crafts SHOP. Sales. Repairs. Route 2 Hanging Plants and Art. The Artisan Mill, 210 83/1 MILE NORTH OF Freshly Cut Boughs Pine Street. Tuesday thru VERNON CIRCLE 872-3159 Headquarters for Fine Fresh Wreaths Sunday. 643-1310. Balsam Pine Laurels BRAYS CHRISTMAS TREES25% J*lain & decorated Call Cindi, Janice, or Joe If You Would Like JEWELRY STORE Your choice - Freshly cut Arr To Be A Part Of This Gift Guide 643-2711 Diamond Earrings or balled and Diamond Pendents Scotch Pine, Frazer Fir, Cancolor Fir Excellent Quality up to 1/3 OFFo

Hoih’S- Weekdays 643-8474 8 AM-6 PM Sat A Sun 8 AM-5 PM 168 Woodland Siroot Celebrating Our 100th Anniversary Next Year! WOODLAND GARDENS 22 - EVENING HERALD, Mon . Dec U, 1980 EVENING HERALD, Mon., Dec. 22. 1980 - 23 Exchange to honor Barbara Atwood VERNON - The Steering Sub­ of the Board of Education's plan to Bolton applies for grant committee of the Space Utilization close one of the elementary schools S. Windsor students Committee will make a recommen­ next year. Its job is to determine new exhibits art academics, music, school and the club will dation at a meeting scheduled Jan. 8 uses .for vacant school buildings or SOUTH WINDSOR - select a "Youth of the By DONNA HOLLAND take before it can be submitted. Education, various other town In the Memorial Building. any other town-owned building that is High school students will athletics or other achieve­ ment. The student will get Year." The year’s winner Herald Reporter The grant Is being sought from the boards and a Town Meeting all ap­ P a n e l p la n s The format of the committee will vacant. MANCHKSTKR — Twenty-four watercolors by Bar­ get special recognition in a will compete for DEP open space acquisition unit. If proved applying for funds for the be presented for discussion and vote. At the organizational meeting a “Youth of the Month” BOLTOIN — After seVen months bara Atwood are currently on view at the new "offices" new Exchange Cluh scholarships awarded by the application receives state ap­ soccer field. The committee will also recommend some members said they would also certificate and an en­ and countless hours of work, the of the Manchester Chamber Commerce, 20 Hartford program set to begin next state and national proval, it will be submitted to the The field will be shared by the proposal a timetable with the final stage to be like to Include, in the study, any cyclopedia of dictionaries town's application for a $100,000 month. Exchange Clubs. federal DEP in Washington for ap­ school board and the public. completed in April. buildings that are vacant whether Road. at the monthly Exchange grant for,construction of a soccer The display is sponsored by the Manchester Arts Coun­ Elach month, one student Herbert Akplund heads proval. Bergren said whether or not Bolton The general committee held an town-owned or not. will be select^ by a high Club meeting. field at Bolton High School Is cil and the Arts Council intends this to be the first of Each year, a panel the club's committee for Bergren said the state won't apply gets the grant, he feels they should organizational meeting last week and The full committee is made up of many exhibits by artists in Manchester and surrounding school faculty committee expected to be submitted to the to Washington for funds if the try for it because a soccer field is voted to have the Steering Com­ 22 members and Dr. Richard Warren representing the high the new program. Department of Environmental towns. based on excellence in application doesn't meet the n ^ e d . mittee prepare the recommen­ of the University of Connecticut has Work of two graduate students at Central Connecticut Protection right after the first of the necessary requirements. He said, "You shouldn't go after dations. The committee will be agreed to remain as temporary year. State College is scheduled for early spring. Other art- If it Is approved by the federal something just for the sake of going broken up into smaller groups to do chairman until the committee hears Alan Bergren, administrative related groups hoping to share programs in the building government, it will be 50 percent after it, but if you have a goal such as specific areas of the study. proposals of the Steering Committee Firm seeks zone change assistant, who has been instrumental with the Art Council are the Manchester Symphony funded by them, 25 percent by the the soccer field and there's a chance f The committee was formed by and makes its own decision. In assembling the Inch thick applies-. Orchestra. The Little Theater of Manchester and the M.ANC11ESTER - Residential B be rezoned to state and 25 percent by the local you can get a grant, it's to your ad­ Mayor Marie Herbst in anticipation Pressure Blast has applied tion, said it Is now being reviewed by government. vantage to try.” Gilbert-Sullivan Group. off-street parking. The the town attorney, the last step to "I paint for my own pleasure," says Mrs. Atwood. "I m for a zone change to Parcel, 12V and 4 Chapel Thp Board of Selectmen. Board of a former newspaper reporter and a frustrated novelist. I Provide off-street parking St., adjoin the company s think one creative art supports another. My paintings are near its plant at 41 Chapel lot. not photographic or representational." St. I've been painting only twelve or thirteen years; I felt The company requests The lots are owned by that J never really learned to draw. My favorite is always that two parcels zoned Helen McMullen. th e W I just finished, in this case October, 1980. Or maybe no statement in painting or about painting is ever final. " Mrs Atwood is a graduate of Keene, the former N.H CONN. ITALIAN normal school She says she got into a painting class, EARTHQUAKE ■almost by accident. Something to do Thursday morning RELIEF^INC. I was so bad, I got really mad and then determined to tR ad M /h ae SEND VOUR learn . something . somehow .. my way. " DONATIONS I niAPJr She went to classes taught by Liz Humphries. Myrtle TO THE Ihrher SlvIiiif Salon Carlson. Eleanor Randall, the last at the Wadsworth Atheneum She also attended an art history course at EAimiQIMKE VKTMS M ITALY 969 MAIN ST.,-MANCHESTER Hartford College lor Women taught by Katherine TO:UiminiAK£VICTM$ (NEAR ARTHUR DRUG) 11 .Neilsen "One of the best thing 1 ever did lor myself.' she f.0. MKNO. 143 HAIRCUTTINQ FOR saiiT Two summers she went to classes at Central MEN A WOMEN Connecticut State College These drawing and composi­ O iniCTO Rt tion classes were taught by Jacques Rommel, and water- SAM J. F1I.LORAMO color classes by Isabel Fairchild Then Estelle Laschever NATHAN AQOtnNELLI 64M167 ^R^SRolorCom puter— PAUL I . WILLHIOE Appointfiwnta had a small group weekly in her East Hartford studio ATTV. RARRY ROTTICELLO AvallabI* Mrs Atwood is a member of the Connecticut Women RAYMOND P. DAMATO JOHN X.R.IASILI, M.O. Tum. Thru FrI, Artists, the Manchester and Tolland County Art rA«irni4in The Perfect Family Gift! QOV. ELLA QRAttO, Associations and the Mansfield Arts Council Six or eight On display Honvnry Chairman Walk-In* paintings in the present show have been exhibited in on Mrs. Frank Atwood stands with one of her water colors that is on juried shows at the John Slade Ely House in New Haven, 8atufd*Y,< The whole family will love iL ^ o v ^ e * the Slater Museum in Norwich and the annual exhibition display at the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. The dis­ of the Northeastern Art Association in Winsted Mrs play was established as part of the chamber's committee on the as SalutBS seen i/a iim Atwood and her husband. Frank, live on Westland Street arts. (Herald photo by Pinto) in Manchester another [on TV , Give a Calculating Compact Stereo Phenol Program Pak™ or prograrn '< Opuontl Color Video « « •'» « ' UJinPi®l230 fine sponsor with vivid color and sound Anaches ^ ! | A | EC-269 by System easily to any color TV. #26-300 IS IIT I! Radio Shack 13-inch (diagonal). Matches Clarlnette-12 by Reallstlcj Sludge disposal ■'irTiirsrmnnTi TR S ^ Color TRS-80 perfectly, tunes all UHF-VHF channels #26-3010 Sawe14®/ofe;'+.'- HT. ffiRNON Video Receiver " m 0 9 BFI meeting planned ^ H O R B J T E DAIRY STORES 21% Off! High-Performance ■ 0 0 G j r place to dump its sludge 3.69.95 \KK\ON - On Dec 29 9 0 0 0 1 Thin size. Large easy-to-use that couldn t be burned 690 Hartford Rd. .Mayor Mane Herbst will while the incinerator at the 244 Broad St. keys. LCD display with 4-key Two-speed manual Manchester Stereo Hi-Fi^System d 0 0 V i meet with Ellington s first treatment plant was out of Manchester memory. With case, player. Wide-range 4" selectwoman. Mary Miller iK T a iL T T tM I seen i commission \ on TV! batteries. #65-676 speakers separate up to 18' #13-1162 >along with Charles Pitkat. The Town of Ellington s HOMELITE superintendent of the public works director, SAVE ON BIG SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CANDY! sewage treatment plant Peter Michaud, estimates Give a Telephone Amplifier “Carry-Aiong” and Ronald Hines, director that of the 15,000 cubic Save M20“ DUoFONE by Radio Shack MOSER FARMS of public works, to discuss yards of fill needed, at — . n..il«iics. Realittic® STA-100 STA-100 AM/FM AM/FM Pocket Recorder a problem with sludge dis­ least 3,750 could be sludge HALF & HALF CREAM Stereo Receiver - 2 2 | posal V to mix with the sand or channel, mlnimurn r m M ohm«, Minisette®-ll The officials of the two gravel $ 1 2 9 ” - w ? 20-20,000 Hz, O.IV0 THD | towns have received the Pilkal estimates that the by Realistic approval of the state treatment plant produces . TWO MC-2001 Walnut Veneer D e p a rtm e n t of En- about 100 cubic yards of 2-Way Speaker* Phone Line Powered- vironmental Protection to sludge a week which No Batteriet Required Easy one-hand operation start working out details of means the town could ship Accessory jacks. Uses mini­ a plan to bring the sludge the sludge to Ellington for AIRCRAFT HARDWARE • LAB-58 Belt-Drive Changer Make calls with "hands-free" cassettes below. #14-815 from Vernon s sewage about 37 weeks This would with Du»l Cover and .convenience! Ideal for use at home AC Adapter #273-1435 4.95 treatment plant to the save Vernon money two Magnetic Cartridge 'o r work, #43-276 Mini-Cassette #44-633 .. .2.99 B«tt«rt«i extra Ellington landfill area make* coffaa latte great 442 Main St. ways, the town could shut 47 31-2089/40-1987/42-2974 Ellington has been down the incinerator lor ? 569-2440 East Hartford Reg. Saparata Henrs 579.60 Save 25% on Recording ordered by DEP to cover about one week each AM Novelty Radios the landfill area as soon as Tape! Low-Noise Cassettes month, and there wouldn t Rag. possible Proposed plans be a charge for dumping 60 Minute 90 Minute ♦» High-Efficiency Hi-Fi Speaker 19.95 are to mix the sludge with The incinerator operation Save 1^95 gravel or sand and use it to What Could It Be? 1 * ^ ur-2001MC-2001 Each Each IS very expensive, costing ■ 140 194 start covering the dumping Vernon about $1,000 a day by Realistic® |\ I Reg. 1.89 | Reg. 2.59 25% area Officials feel this in oil costs plan will save both towns Save #44-602/603 Bike Radio. Fits handle­ Mrs Herbst said that the ^50 o m bar. Pushbutton horn, Great Christmas buy! L - money meeting on the 29th will be The Town of Ellington throw 8" woofer and tuneo- 8-Track Tapes reflector. #12-197 to work out such details as Reg, port for deep, well-defined estimates t(iat 15.000 cubic- 40 Minute 80 Minute Rolls Royce Car Radio. how to get the sludge to 99.95 bass. 2V7' wide-dispersion yards of fill will be needed Ellington, whose responsi­ Fteplica of 1931 classic to close the landfill area Each tweeter for clear, dramatic 10" long. #12-963 ble for It and such and how highs. #40-1987 149 194 and the Town of Vernon the operation will be Telephone Radio. has been looking for a SALE ENDS SAT., DEC. 27, I960 Hidden speaker, tuning. funded Reg. 1.99 Rag. 2.59 Baneries | T T T T T T #12-1921 #44-840/841 extra ^3''ianu.(^icx fir (IT COULD BE THE PERFECT GIFT! !) AM/FM stereo Phono Cassett^ ART GALLERY BROWN’S FLOWERS^ System Clarinette®-91 by Realistic Telephone Stereo 4 Fine Selection of Original 4rt for < .hrittmai (living ... Answering System Headphone CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING SPECIALISTS HUlRS u a a .1 DU6FONE® Nova-16 by Realistic MonKr. ii-6 P 2 0 1 I I IM . H A kl> ALL CASABLANCA FANS HAVE Save I I 1 TAD-10 by Radio Shack Thurs til 6 SO WISDSOH ( I I THESE STANDARD FEATURES Sal 9-4 n I ^44 • Reverse Air Flow Sun 1&-3 til ('hnslmus Reg. 219.95 1 ^ I Christmas • Built in Variable Speed Control a All Metal Housing e Solid Wooden Blades Give a complete music sy^em ‘I]'® • All Mounting Hardware Included Records stereo cassettes fro . uao 1200 Answers callers with 15 second message and The stereo realism is • Five Year Warranty records calls for later play back. sensational' Built-in 5? Centerpiece controls #33-1019 < SUMMER ENERGY SAVINGS FCC approved. #43-254 Satlenes extra 6 Set your thermostat at 78 to 80 — maintain a comfort level of lAM/FMLEDCIocKHaoio Specials between 70 to 72 1 Chronomstlc®-213 Enjoy TV and AM/FM Mobile CB Now 36% off! LCD Quartz Alarm I I by Reallitic I (ft feBmMg WINTER ENERGY SAVINGS TRC-427 by Realistic Watch By MIcronIa Increases heating efficiency by eliminating stratification of hot air Radio-Anywhere! on your ceiling — maintains a more comfortable living area Save PortaVIslon® by Realistic S a v e 1 1 REVERSE AIR FLOW 5.49 Our reverse option on our fans improves conditions with or without 21%_ Save $50»® air conditioning by circulating air both downward and outward Hours, Minutes, Seconds— Your (cash A carry) Wake to buzzer or radio! Extra-large LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION j With PM Indicator le d clock display—tell time Irom Christmas greens, candy canes, velvet loops, All Casablanca Fans use the equivalent energy of a 150 watt light across the room #12-1520______Built-in 24-hour alarm, bulb running at lull speed "P riority” switch lets you Local candle, & white pompons go directly to Emergency plus month, day. dale VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL Channel 9. #21-1534 Reg. 139.95 calendar. With battery #63-50051 Also available Built-in upeed control with range from 25 RPM to 210 RPM One-Piece “Mini” Telephone Family FM Converter For Car ^•flowering plants • larger centerpieces ET-100 by Radio Shack ■ ^ 179.95 6-Band Portable Radio 159 Patroiman® CB-80 by Realistic M fruit baskets • artificial Christmas tAilS!«W®k Radio V TtHtNhrM^MMiPtMdlMPDM I Newspaper arrangements on rv Simulatad TV racaplion VISIT ONEE OF NEW ENENGLAND'S G L^^D S LARGEST.LAI MOST ELEGANT ELECTRICAL SHOWf LACES Save O Q 88 49.95 I CHZcZu'msV^MS, B....n.»-ndOCAd.pl.r.«tr. ^ v e 2 1 ® ® Subscribe 2 0 % O w l " ” * Thp 5" (diaaonal) screen gives crystal- 99.95 1 2 % Reg. 24.95 Today clear black-^and-white pictures, Plays on $30 Tunes VHF/UHF Call g BROWS Flowers AC (cord included). Batiariti police, fire, CB. air- Adds FM to any AM car radio Easy plug-in installation- no rewiring. Uses 647-9946 145 MAIN STRKKT - MANCHK.STKR ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 1 or unanswered numbers. Universal Dial batteries or 12VDC. #16-100 craft, weatherstations, I System #43-284. w h ite /4 3 ^ 8 5 ^ ro i^ AM/FM. #12-766 existing antenna. #12-1350 TKI.. 64.1-8455 440 OAKLAND STREET S lo r. Hourt: MANCHESTER. CT 04040 Mon. thru Sol. Ill 5:00 AND ADVERTISER ^ Open Mon. A Tuet. til 9 p.m. 644-3B30 Conn. W oltt (BOO) 832 7009 Thur». til 9:00 30.000 CIRCULATION PRICES m a y vary at in d iv id u a l stores Check Your Phone Book tor the R adio /h a c k Store or Dealer Nearest You A DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORATION — **r •

24 - EVENING HERALD. Mon.. Dec C , IMP EVENING HERALD. Mon., Dec 22. 1960 - 2 5

IM p W t n fd f.t Hetp Wanltd u H U p U m e e d f l Help WeMed 13 Puerto Rican terrorists bomb Penn Station TACO B E L L Is now hiring for ★ part time hours. Good starting lockers in the station. ’ PLEASE READ ADVERTISING the strength of a stick of dynamite, up in the federal courts. The 1st U.S. FALN a Puerto Rican terrorist group States, said he was stunned when RECEPT10NI8T, TYPIST - rate. Paid training, flexible NEW YORK (IIPI) - Puerto Thousands of travelers foun* Circuit Court of Appeals In Boston believed responsible for a number of passengers failed to leave the staMon Join a growing, exciting firm. hours. Evening work after MpralJi were detonated by timing .devices. Rican terrorists claimed respon­ themselves stranded outside the sta% 9:30. Must be over 18. All YOUR AD DEADLINE last week upheld a lower court ruling bombings in the United States. after the first blast. Pleasant telephone voice and sibility for two pipe bombs that A caller identifying himself as a general typing skills are a shifts available. Apply in per­ The first bomb went off at 5:56 “To stand there In New York for tion In below-freezing weather K 12:00 noon Iho day exploded in crowded Penn Station, member of the "Puerto Rican barring the transfer of up to 600 Hai­ must. Call ^ at 2Mi8818 son, 270 Broad St. CliMiflail Ida ara> your first time, believing all the couple returning from a Carribe^ saying the blasts were in retaliation Armed Resistance" called UPI and tian refugees from south Florida to p.m., police said. Witnesses said the Monday thru Friday. KCR Manchester. takan ovar ttw ptiona CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING stories about the crazies — then vacation were thrust outside iir ADVERTISINa for U S. plans to send Cuban and Hai­ said his group took “full responsibili­ Puerto Rico. blast was relatively small, and did Technology Inc. aa a canvawlanct. Tha not scatter the crovrds of commuters somebody screams ‘there's a bomb’ sports clothes. A group of teen-M^ RATES BOOKKEEPER wanted to Daodina for 6oliirday tian refugees to Peurto Rico. ty for the bombing tonight,” and The terrorist message also work as para-professlonal In HaraM la raaponalMa and nobody moves," he said. “In girls with suitcases huddled togetheil 1 DAY...... 1 4 ‘ ManiMr BOOKKEEPER­ gave directions on the location of a criticized the presence of U.S. naval waiting for their trains. CPA firm. Fam iliarity with lor only ona Incorract and Monday la 12:00 The bombs exploded Sunday at the and sang to forget the cold. I 3 DAYS SECRETARY for small but PHONE 643-2711 A second, larger explosion London everybody would have been ...AVmmmtu Manhattan train station, sending communique hidden In a garbage can forces in Peurto Rico, and what the fast growing Manchester full charge bookkeeping duties InaarUcm and than 4>nly Noon Friday. Lines in front of phone booths were SDAYS ,..1 2 * M m N t near the train terminal. communique said were CIA-directed followed ten minutes later, sending out” firm Must be experienced In and various accounting (unc­ thousands of holiday travelers into ten people deep, and all restaurant^ tions required. Please send lo tha alia ol )ha Help Wented 13 Help Wented Police found the message, typed in killings of Puerto Rican nationalists. bursts of flame from the locker area Police evacuated the station for MDAVS ...IfM iniin all phases of office 13 Help Wenled 13 the frigid streets for hours. bars and hotels within a three-bioclu resume to Pue Semel A Com­ original Inaartlon. wfvortloomont wlH not A spokesman for the city’s police and filling the station with the smell nearly three hours and suspended 1IWOHO,|i.10aM procedures, or willing to ; No one was injured in the blasts, Spanish. It said the blasts were In learn. A good aptitude with pany. 281 Hartford Turnpike, Errora which do not of smoke. service on Amtrak and the Long radius were packed with callers amt H A M Y ADS •2.80 ml bo corrgetod by an nd which occurred ten minutes apart in retaliation for U.S. activity in Puerto intelligence unit said Puerto Rican figures a must. Send resume r.O. Box 2250 Vernon Ct. laaaan tha vahw of tha Hamish MacDonald, a Londoner Island Rail Road while detectives people looking for a place to keep, dlUonol InaortlOT. a locker room near Amtrak's main Rico and plans to send Cuban and Armed Resistance was a "generic and salary requirements to: 06066 term" for terrorists seeking the in­ who had just arrived in the United began their search through the 3,000 warm. ! Box-X, c/o Manchester course Haitian refugees to the island. ACCOUNTANT - PU BLIC, dependence of Puerto Rico. The Herald. Police said the locker area was The plans to relocate some We have openings on our staff. IBS’S HIST THE ROUTE FOR YOU! message expressed support for the •» hkK.XotK deserted when the bombs, each '••i'*' refugees in Puerto Rico has been tied DELIVERY It ROUTE MAN We will consider applicants at IITIOH for residential and industrial all levels of experience please work in Eastern Connecticut. send resumes (o Pue Semel A DOWNEY DRIVE Call 289^355, between 9 & 4. Company, 281 Hartford Turn­ c> pike, P.O. Box 0 5 0 Vernon Ct. Fountain Village, Manchester BABYSITTER WANTED to LAUNDRY WORKER -7 a.m. LOTS OF CUSTOMERS IN A COMPACT AREAI Blacks vpw fight MECHANIC - Experienced, to 3 p.m., or 6 p.m. to 10p.m., care for Infant In my home . . HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR OR all phases, truck and auto :00 - 5:30 p.m. Monday- pari 11™- Responsible~ (sponsible LauLaun- •Ideal for Boy or GIrll «For Money! SOPHOMORE GIRLS for part repairs, gas and dlesil. Friday. References required, dress needed to do General time waitress work alter Minimum 5 years experience. call 649-1340. Laundry Duties. This Is an •Pleasant Surroundings! •Excitement! school and Saturdays. Apply Must have own tools. Start at excellent part time position. In p e r s o n - B r a s s K ey $7 per hour. All fringe Please call 646-0129, •Good Customers In A Concentrated Area! s SERVICE STATION for racial justice iKutp SmlUng Restaurant. benefits. For appointment call Manchester Manor Rest •Holiday Tips Await the Lucky Person! 688-7596. ATTENDANT or auto touched off when police broke up an Antonio. Texas, of former policeman B e H appy Home, 385 West Center Street, MIAMI (UPU — beverai nunoreo NURSES AIDE 7 p.m. to It mechanic with some Manchester. blacks who gathered on the anniver­ impromptu "disco party," and not by Charles Veverka. the first — and so p.m. Nurses Aide 3 p.m. to It PART TIME CASHIERS - experience preferred for full Don't Miss Out on this Super Route - CALL NOWI time position. Apply: Clark sary of the beating death of black the memorial for McDuffie, an in­ far only — person indicted in a HAPPY p.m. Nurses Aide 7 a m. to 12 You work our electronic cash ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, Motor Sales, Rou(e 6. Bolton, businessman Arthur McDuffie were surance man. federal' investigation of McDuffie’s BIRTHDAYI noon. Laurel Manor, 91 Chest­ registers. Handle money. part time day/evenings. nut Street, Manchester. Meet customers. Previous Ct. 643-9521, implored to ' fight back " against "It's a juvenile thing — bands of death that began after the riots. Experience in wet chemical cashier experience helpful, and gravimetric methods Veverka was charged with violating MAIL AND FILE CLERK racial injustice youths, five, six or seven in a group, " From COOK for part time work in but not necessary. Good required. Experience in AA Si with alpha and numeric abili­ A dozen people spoke to a crowd of said a police spokesman. "They're McDuffie's civil rights. Rhode Island. convelesent home in Glaston­ staring salary in fine with GC also beneficial. Must be ty. Also light typing. 4Mi day about 300 blacks who rallied in throwing rocks and bottles at police "This demonstration is going to be bury 3 afternoons a week. experience. Hours: Nights able to work without supervi­ Work is ideal for semi-retired work weex. Free parking. McDuffie's memory Sunday after a and civilian cars and there have been very, very peaceful because we know and weekends. For an appoint­ sion. Griswold St Fuss En­ Shirley We Love Youl person to supplement income. ment, call Dan or Steve, 649- Company benefits. Equal op­ vironmental Laboratories 360 a lot of burglaries in the area." what everyone expects and we are 6-mile march through Liberty City, Hione 633-8914 lor interview. 0138. EO E/M F. portunity employer. Call Joan Center St. Manchester, 646- the scene of three days of rioting The spokesman said police rein­ going to prove them wrong." said EM Turner, 547-5892 between 647-9946^ 647-9947 5628. following the May 17 acquittal of four forced officers in the area and Williams, co-chairman of the PART TIME CLERKS SECRETARY - Full lime. 10:00 a.m . and 12:00. white former policemen accused in blocked off five blocks to civilian Citizens Coalition for Racial Justice, N E E D E D - Tuesday and Typing 60 wpm. Diversified Wednesday, third shift; and position, life insurance W AITER, w a i t r e s s e s '. traffic "There-bave been a number which called the rally. Lost end Found f r B LR G E R i f McDuffie's death Friday and Saturday third experience helpful, but not es­ Part time openings for per­ MECHANIC N EED ED - Full The march and rally were peaceful of burglary arrests. " he reported. The marchers followed a wreath­ shift. Apply In person: Seven- sons who can provide our time Must have tools. Pay KING - FOUND - White female cat in sential. Ability to work with Two Associated Press bearing car and a banner urging, 11, 509 Center Street. people and handle details customers with fast and cur- CARRIERS NEEDED IN equal to ability. Call 649-5199 needs several people full or despite warnings by Dade County's Bolton Center Call Dave or necessary. Salary negotiable. tlous service. Excellent ear­ part-time to work evenings. 5 two largest civil righu groups, the photographers were robbed at gun­ "Black, Latin. White unite to fight Joan at 649-7714 after 5 p.m, EMERGENCY MEDICAL ning potential and working NAACP and the Southern Christian point as they left the rally. racism " through Liberty City, oc­ In Vernon area. Send resume EAST HARTFDRD DRAFT PERSON, Electrical p m or 7:30 p m, till closing TECHNICIANS N EED ED - 24 conditions. Must be available LOST Small brown to: Manchester Evening designer, skilled in industrial Musi be over 18. Apply in per­ Leadershio Conference, that it was Photographer Randy Taylor lost two casionally passing buildings burned Hour Shift available, plus to work between 6:30 a.m . till Chihuahua 16 years old P ar­ Herald. Box C. Manchester, control circuitry. Control pan­ son, 467 Center Street, cameras and stringer A1 Diaz one. during the May riots. other shifts. Call 649-5199. 3:00 p.m. including weekends. Columbus Circle and ill-timed Blacifs carrying banners and placards are having beaten McDuffie in an arrest attempt, tially blind and deaf May Ct. el layouts for industrial heat Manchester between 2 and 6 But later Sunday night, police and both lost lenses and other Police directed traffic around the Dependable transportation joined by a few whites in a six-mile march kicking off the Miami riots last May. (UPI answer to "Beaver. " Vicinity required for details on wages processing equipment, and the pm camera equipment, an AP marchers and-watched stonily as Michael Avenue Area. reported sporadic rock-and-bottle through Miami, Fla., Sunday, on the anniver­ photo) of Saulters Pond 649-ffiK and position call manager —•— ability to produce working and throw ing and numerous burglaries " spokesman said protesters waved placards urging. Reward finished schematics for between 3 • 5 p.m. Telephone CENTRAL SUPPLY CLERK (y'the heart of Libertv City They The memorial service came only "Jail mad dog cops." "Halt police sary of the death of Arthur McDuffie. Four 528-6780. Friendly manufacturing, to assist FOUND. Black and white cat Main & Willys Street Area. engineering and preparation Contemporary, fully said, however, the incidents were four days after the acquittal in San crime, " and "Jail racist cops. " Miami police officers were acquitted of CARRIERS NEEDED Restaurants. 626 Burnside —•— equipped Health Facility Vicinity ol Cooperhill Street Ave. East Hartford. EOE. of operation manuals Must Call 649-8913 Nutmeg Villiage, Garden or have a thourough working seeks mature indvidual lo be Silver Lane starting at knowledge ol industrial elec­ responsible (or receiving all Woodgate^Apts., Vernon, CLERK - Some calculator shipments, maintaining inven­ Persona)! 2 experience helpful. Checking trical standards such as JIC, Main Street. NEMA, and NEC. tory and distributing supplies Chrysler Phone 647-9946 or 647-9947 and extending Invoices. Union mulls wage concession PROFESSION LADY Experienced preferred, good to medical disciplines and ad- Apply: Gaer Bros., 140 Rye DESIRES SECOND working conditions and m inislrallve offices. Good softening the impact of numerous • Beacon Hill - Tolland St. Street, South Windsor. Call ERNIE starting salary, plus Fringe ' DETROIT (UPII - The United The UAW Chrysler Council was Chrysler sales went sour recently timetable for reopening contraci Fraser has stressed the UAW MORTGAGE on a home. excellent benefit package plant closings. Chrysler is likely to Excellent references Call Area of East Hartford Send resume to Induslronics Benefits Send resum e lo: .Auto Workers union was confronted expected to approve a reopening of as high interest rates depressed the talks. Chrysler workers, including would seek assurances of an "equali­ CLERK/CODER - Checking at 643-8035 Personnel Department, order, Fraser hint^ 872-8294 prices and coding new items. Inc 489 Sullivan Ave, South ^ a y with a decision that could Its contract, but Fraser said the un­ domestic car market for the second many who are on indefinite layoff, ty of sacrifice" by all Chrysler Call Ernie at'643-6035 Windsor. CT EOE NCC HMO, Inc , Ash Street, Various other duties Apply mean life or death for Chrysler Corp ion will not "roll over and play time this year would have to ratify a scaled-down dependants in new negotiations. It East Hartford. Cl. 06108. An Gaer Bros., 140 Rye Street, Equal Opportunity Employer — whether to grant up to $600 million dead ' Chrysler, he said, cannot dic­ Ford Motor Co and American contract. would also try to find some wav of EMPLOYMENT South Windsor PART TIME GIRL for office in wage concessions to the struggling tate a 21-month wage freeze to the Motors Corp said they will be work. 91 Chestnut Street, Manchester MOLD MAKER Experienced firm union keeping a close eye on the wage con­ Help Wenled 13 TEACHER AID, Support Ser­ person lo work on plastic In­ vices department. Rham ANDOVER CAW President Douglas A. Fraser "Negotiation is what the word im­ cessions If Ford believes Chrysler jection molds Must be able to EMPLOYMENT Senior High School Hebron. P A R T T IM E and other I'A.W leaders will ask the plies. " he said "You can't have has been given a competitive advan­ WOMAN 18 and over to work MAINTENANCE work 91 do own setups and read prints Plane puzzles police in plastic manufacturing full Contact Mr. Blamberg, 228- Attractive starling salary 260-mefiiber rank-and-file Chrysler negotiation by edict." tage. it may come up with its own 9474 or 649-9587. Chestnut Street. Manchester ISLIP, N Y. (U PI1-A 727 jet was was stolen Saturday night from the again. Miller said. and part time shifts Call 646- DEALER WANTED depending on experience, plus Council to authorize new contract Chrysler also is seeking nearly $600 plan for scaling down the labor 2920 between 10 00 a m and OPPORTUNITIES company benefits Apply in START A SUCCESSFUL negotiations with the firm, which million in concessions from banks agreement General Motors Corp. stolen from Hollywood-Burbank Air­ facilities of Tiger Air Services, Inc., “ An air controller in Memphis 1.4 00 p m CUSTODIANS, full and part person Monday through port and flown cross-country in a (who spoke with the pilot) indicated Ettt of the river at CBT! time positions availab le. CAREER in sales Sell Avon wants to cut $1 billion in costs next along with price freezes from had no comment on the situation. where it was being refurbished. Sun • now coroor boforo tho now /Mr «vtth ono Friday, 9 00 a m to .4 00 p.m zigzag pattern, landing a day later at Tiger employees contacted the pilot had a foreign accent," " n u r s e s AIDES Experience Rham Senior High School. Earn good money Phone 523- Acromold Products Corpora­ year to qualify for a lifesaving dole of suppliers, it will cut already depleted If the Chrysler Council approves a of tbo foiKlIng comm*rct«l banks In Connocticul. Contact Mr. Blamberg. 228- Independent Contractor wanted to 9401 a Long Island airport, where the Federal Aviation Administration Miller said, but added nothing else preferred Full or part time tion. 100 Windmere Ave , at least $400 million in federal loan salaried staffs by 10 percent and contract reopener, it could pave the “ Immediate upenings on 3:00 to If you havo a particular ikill or akillt that you 9474 or 649-9587. locked aircraft was surrounded today was known about the plane thief or would Hka to utilUa, wo hava tevoral divartifiad Ellington, CT Or call 875-3?73 guarantees reduce future capital spending plans. way for the automaker to present its controllers at Palmdale, Calif . who 11:00 p m and II 00 to 7:00 deliver newspaper in the town of $180 00 P E R W EEK part time for an interview by puzzled police. traced the plane to over Las Vegas, thieves. and ontry iavot poaittoni immadiataty availabia FIGURE CLERK - Office at home Webster, America s it will mark the third time in less Without those concessions and new request for loan guarantees early a m shills Contact Mrs Soo baiow tor only a aampie of what we have to No suspects were in custody. where It descended, changed its Miller said traffic controllers in -Fofguson. DNS. at 289-9573 Assistant to $175 Local firm Andover. foremost dictionary company than two years that CAW leaders will loan guarantees. Chrysler Chairman this week to the Chrysler Loan offer Oh both our day and evening thifts is hiring Immediate opening needs home workers to update DE.NTAL ASSISTANT - "We have no idea how to get into course and headed toward Denver, Washington, D C., followed the plane seek authority to negotiate new' wage Lee A lacocca said the company has Guarantee Board PART TIME - Earn extra (S [E T TELLERS for individual with excellent • • • local mailing lists All ages, Salary commensurate with this thing. " said Suffolk County Duty uTNew York where it landed Sunday concessions "no future " The union did not have a tentative Miller said. 'money while the kids are in Pan lima Our East Hartford Branch Officea have figure aptitude and ability to experience unnecessary Call ability Send resume to Box Officer George Hayes. Controllers said the plane, which at MacArthur Airport in the Long -school Telephone Solicita- poaftionB availabia with the following hours type 40 wpm. DivOrsified posi­ 1-716-845-5670 E xt 236. C. c 0 Manchester Herald "The door's not open and the boar­ normally requires three people to Island community of Islip. Suffolk .'lion E Harllord company A 11AM-4PM. Mor>day-Thur6day & t1AM-6PM. tion with heavy phone contact For more information SUPERVISOR WANTED for ding gate isn't down. I don't see how operate and had fuel for three hours, County police told Burbank police the ..good telephone voice and dic­ Friday. 12Noon-4PM Monday-Thursday A Benefits. Company Paid Fee, tion a must Hours 9 a m to I t2Noon-6PM. Friday 10AM-4PM. Monday- Dawson Personnel, 111 Pearl local beverage company Par­ you get down out of this thing and then backtracked to Tuba City, Ariz., plane had been recovered — more Call Jeane. 647-9946 ticipating in and over seeing p.m^and 5 to 9 p m Call Mon. Friday A occaaionai Saturdays • Street. Hartford, 249-7721. close it up again." changed its course again and headed than 28 hours after the plane was 'through Fri 9 a m to I p m , M /F EOE, loaaing and unloading trucks. REAL ESTATE Burbank Police Sgt. Frank Miller for the Dallas-Fort Worth area. It stolen. Miller said. Mrs williams. 569-4993 BOOKKEEPMG Must be responsible, mature said the Boeing airliner, owned by landed in Fort Worth for several Miller said the case had been FuH time (B:30AM-6PM) plus Overtime and pan and dependable with ability to __ _ time (9AM-2PM). Paquires good telephone manuever trucks Hours 4 00 H om e! fo r Sals 23 Bahamian-based Constance Lcasirc hours to refuel, and then took off turned over to the FBI. "NAVY VETS Career Oppor­ tunities available Call II *^chnique and typing skills lo 9:00 p m No special license EXECUTIVE HOUSE - 1 required. References Apply collect. 5181 462-4321 9 00 SETTLEMENT Contemporary Cathederal a m to 1 00 p m in person Pequot Beverapes, Spring Street Extension. ceilings Three bathrooms. Walk-in closets. Nine rooms RNS LPNS - Crestfield Con­ Glastonbury. L S J U Fu« time (fl:30PM-2:30AM) Requires 10-kay ad- 2355 square feel living area 2 Airliner explodes valescent Home .Manchester r j ding machir>e axperlance car garage For sale or rent had m echanical trouble 3 pm to 11 pm Excellent Evenings 649-5635, or 643-9508 RIOHACHA, Colombia dead were Colombians — the Guariaja Desert. benefits for part time and full MTU ENTRY OPERATOR EARN EXTRA MONEY and was going to land when S iC K Y M Y I UPI I — A Colombian air­ the 62 passengers and the In a communique issued lime emplovees Call Mrs U Part time |6PM-1 lPMi Experienced (7 ^ 1 CDkeypurKJhersonlyl NURSING DEPMMENT MUST SELL ‘ six crewmen of the ill- Sunday night, the airline "a ball of light lit the sky," Grant ON'S at 643-5151 liner carrying 68 people FOR CHRISTMAS. WORK VSe have a challenemg position tor CONDOMINIUM TOWN fated Aerovias del Cesar said that aircraft "while a sp o k esm an fo r the ^ PROOF OPERATORS exploded seven minutes MECHANIC a secrclarv to the Director of Nur­ HOUSE' 2 oversized flight that was destined for carrying out a scheduled Bogota airport said, but Full lime (7PM-3AM A 12Noon-0PM) plus over­ sing at this private psyrhiatnc bedrooms, l‘i baths, base­ alter takeoff, killing E X P E R I E N C E D IN all hospiui Candidates must have flight from Riohacha to gave no further details. time Requires 10-key adding machine 3 OR 4 HOURS A NIGHT. ment 126F Highland Street. everyone aboard, and the Medellin to the south phases ol truck and auto experterKe plus a good figure aptitude excelleni typing and shorthand Medellin under normal Peasants near the repair, gas and diesel slults. good verbal expression and Manchester 649-4729, keep airline hinted a bomb may Aerovias del Cesar — the HfotiBf kifem M vtd would Nfta to arraitga a the abiiTtv to function as secretary to trying have been placed in the private airline of one of the conditions exploded seven Riohacha airport reported iMinimum live years tonol fcilenrfaw pfeaae caffc Persorwief CALL IVAN AT 647-9946 a hospital administrator , experience Must have own northern Colombian state minutes after takeoff with that the plane was engulfed This IS a career opportunity tor a TEN ROOMS - Two bath luggage of the flight that ‘ tools Start at $7 00 per hour (203) 244-5820 self motivated person that can work in flames as it fell. originated from Colom­ of Cesar — said wreckage 62 passengers and six All fringe benefits For ap- AT THE MANCHESTER with little supervision The Colonial Newer Gas hot successful anphranl will enjoy an at was strewn over a wide crewmen aboard” While not directly saying : pointment. call 688-7596 THE CONNECTICUT BANK water furnace Double gar­ bia's drug trafficking tractive and stiinulatine work en­ age In-law or 2 family "It appears that there that a bomb may have been AND TRUST COMPANY vironment SubalanUat su itin g center. area, and rescuers were possibility Only $64,900 aboard, the airline an­ . H O USEK EEPER WANTED EVENING HERALD salarv commensufate with A local newspaper, El making their way through are no survivors." it said. I Constitution Rora. Hortford.Comectcut 0 6 H5 experience and generous Innge Owner financing available nounced that “ the com­ (or apartment in East Hart- Esnectador, said all the the night to an area near The pilot radioed that he lord Call alter 5:00 p m „628- in iguil oppoftu.nly imployif ^ benelits Pasck Realtors. 289-7475 pany requests police 1332 Please apply at our Personnel authorities to tighten Denartmenl MANCHESTER - Two F'amily on Mam Street, near Hospital. precautions for baggage .SECRETARY THE IN S T IT U n OF LIVINB In Business Zone 5 large Church blasts junta loaded on its flights." MANCHESTER to $10,900, 400 WASHINOTON ST. Sleno a must, benefits, fee HXRTFOIIO. CT rooms on each door, two car Riohacha. 800 miles g^arage 200 fool deep lot . j ^ SAN SALVADOR. El .Salvador (UPI I - church contends has claimed more than ' paid Contemporarv Women, EOf north of Bogota, is the Harllord, 527-2141 Group 1. Philbrick Agenev. The acting archbishop of San Salvador 9.000 lives this year around the Central center of estimated |2 646-4200 American nation of 4 8 million. branded the recent restructuring of the billion a year marijuana A resident of Warsaw, Poland, and his son The Catholic community of El city selling trees and Christmas ornaments. nation's government a scheme to smuggling traffic in Salvador, already much tried, has again carry home a Christmas tree, Sunday, bought (UPI photo) manipulate the populace and warned Colombia, with the pot , TEACHER - Learning HOUSEWIVES in one of several street markets around the against alleged repression by the armed been sadly struck recently with the killing eventually going' to Carib­ Disabilities Teacher for Coventry's Middle School. forces. of various pe^sons. among them religous bean ports and Florida. Observers in the capital said Monsignoi people, killings carried out in violent Conn, Cerlilieation requirtd. ~ Contact: Dr Nicoletti'soffice Arturo Rivera y Damas' Sunday homily terrorist acts that seem to go easily un­ i.iqi itii lo.HUir at 742-8913 EOE. was one of his most open attacks to date punished." the Pope said. MUM MU «m il ITMIX Poles continue sit-in on human rights violations and the armed The pontiff said that “four nuns of PART TIME - Your tel^hone This u (o five notice UmI 1. Mkrlutl Earn Extra Money forces - which allegedly commits them American origin who were missionaries in D Ekirdtck of 112 WtbMer Court and our customers... Please "Unless the facts show otherwise, it ,N«wui|Um. CT hjivf tiled en appbea- call 528-6631 the country were killed that way.” iton pUctrded 17 12 M witk the Divi 8mber 12 IMB ordered that all , train. Car essential. Mileage bands to protest government cen­ "I think that that is going to be a violations by Ell Salvador’s arijied forces i’laims inuBi be presented to the reimbursement Good fringe You can ba a Herald Area Adviser and handle and supervise in Warsaw sorship of the film "Workers 80" — a and right-wing extremists, was appointed Christmas holiday. The town offices liducury on or bftere March 21. INI 647^9946 benefits. Phone 643-9511, our carrier boya & girls. If you Ilka kids - want a little In­ serious problem for a considerable will also be closed on Dec 28, and «ir be barred as bv law provided Authorities agreed to the demands, documentary on the summer strikes tim e— for months said Brown on after a presumed rightist assassinated EOE dependence and your own Income. . . or BUUKIHilO&ROSSEnO will reopen Dec. 29. Herlha K Rappe Clerk REALTORS but the protesters decided not to The 90-mlnute documentary was CBS' "Face the Nation." Archbishop Oscar A. Romero — another The luluciary la 647-9947 Emergency telephone numbers 188 WEST CENTER ST. COR. McKEE leave when they found there was not scheduled qriglnally for showing in In a separate intervievV on NBC’s critic of the alleged repression - last Attorney Kevin O Brien BABYSITTER WANTED, Ask for Jeanne Fromerth are: the Highway Department, 647- m Main turret DEPENDABLE, In my home, enough meat available to match the SIX Warsaw theaters, but authorities March 24. "Meet the P ress," Muskie said of 3233, refuse collection, 647-3248, and hlaiM’heater. Cunnectii'ut 11:15 - 5:00 p.m Mature _____ 646-2402 ration cards postponed the Dec. 8 screening In Rome, Pope John Paul II condemned NMB Soviet intervention: "The readiness sanitary water and sewer, 647-3111. woman desired Newslale Rd. Equal Houaing Opportunlt||^ Government officials told them because of what it said was tension in is still there." the political violence which the Catholic IN II Manchester Call 649-1531. ,T r-. ;■*. ‘f ’- .*•• »=> ?

KVK.M\(, IIKKAU) M„n . Ixr n 198(1 27

Haanuta — Charlaa M. Schuls ACROSS DOWN Answer to Previous Punia

1 Awaksned 1 Sly trick 5 Sorrows 2 Source of P b b y 9 Obssrvf metals 12 Flag 3 Picture tube By ADigaii van Buren 13 Metal 4 Superlative 14 Buddhism luffix ^ '''e\cep''<’; “ V " ' ' ' ”’ Call 643-2711 * typs 5 Took in 15 Sssson of 6 Faith haaler fasting Roberta ^■k-k********* 10 Country by­ DEAR ABBY: Thanks for telling NEEDS TIPS ON 7 Long time way TIPPING that waitress4*8 n m ! tips to survive. But let me 8 Rubber-ioled 17 Rsdistion ihoe give u little tip, Ahby. Waitresses and waiters are nut messure 9 Old Testament paid (he minimum wufte of $11^). I've been a waiter in (abbr.) book Laouisiuna fur 21 years, and must o f those years I earned 116 18 Compass 10 Affirmetioni i n d i cents an hour — now it's 85 cents an hour — so if it weren't point Y O uX U F T H S A P ritcllla ’8 Pop — Ed Sullivan 11 Companion of Business & Service 19 Math symbol 29 Send forth 43 !i indebted to for my tips. I'd be in the poorhouse. Also, if a dish is broken odds 20 Compile 30 Teriff 44 Midwestern vftfifY CHAi>aNG»Na or a customer walks ou( without paying, it comes out of my 19 Christen 22 Foot it 32 Period of time college pav. FCR CHRISTMAS I WANT 21 Intermediate I KNOlV WHATEVER PEOPLE U KE QOU ^ 24 Augment 35 Spreading 46 River in PC/KCE TO MoPlc, GKOKGK IN NEW ORLEANS ELECTROJC GAMES, A (prefix) I GET WILL BE GIVEN REALLV KNOW HOW 26 Brother of 36 Not dry Ruiaia POTTABLE TV, A MOPEP, WITH LjOVE.'THATS Esau 23 Mountain ID TAKE ALL THE 36 Soap 46 Ages ■ ; 0 | ( | N ^ o n ------DEAR ABBY: Correction, please. Here's one waitress A KAWAK, BIKKXULARS, ALL THAT MATTERS, 27 Yanked pass FUN OLIT OF GREEP.' ingredient 47 Words (Fr) whose hourly pay has varied from 50 cents an hour to $1.50 AMP A GCXX7 CAM ERA ' 31 Golden calf 24 Epochs 39 Scold r HA v C a 5 E A T . depending on where I've worked. Our employers assume 32 Become thin 25 Dances 48 Wild plum that we will make $ U 0 u ith our tips. Sometimes we do and 7 ^ - with use 26 Actor West 41 Sends out 51 By birth TJ 27 U ie ie u plant 42 New York ball Il-iu sometimes we don't. Very few people realize this. Pass the 33 Cassowary 52 Sorrow word. 34 Aperture 26 Niople club HELEN IN NEW HAMPSHIRE 35 Charges 36 Bide 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 6 10 11 37 Stunk “SXt S- 12 13 14 DEAR ABBY: I'm 53. have been a waitress for 35 years, 39 Breakwater ••• ••••••••••#••• and I love my work. In Brunswick. Ga.. the tops is $1.90 on Apartmenlt For Bont‘ 53 I 40 Himalayan ox IS Services Ottered Building Contracting 33 16 17 S»nlc»i Ottered 31 31 P»lntlng-Pap€rtng hour, and tips make up the rest. How would you like to serve • I 41 Sup MANCHESTER TWO four adults and five children a full-course dinner for a $I 42 Wild card II IB ■ 20 21 FARRAND REMODELING ■ When in need of a Service or Product HEWEAVINC; Hl'KN rm U ) ( ARK Slate Licensed PROFESSIONAL PAINTING BEDROOM, furnished apart­ (ip* It happens 45 Mine workers ■ Cabinets. Roofing, Gutters, 12 HOLES Zippers umbrellas' home Snacks, lunches and - Interior and exterior ment. Each bedroom has BLONDY union (abbr) references ('all 646-7720 Room Additions. Decks. All ■ repaired window shades, Commercial and residential separate private bath. Quiet. Captain Eaay — Crooka & Lawranca 48 Printer s 26 tvpes of Remodeling and 3i 28 29 30 Venetian blinds Kevs T\ Free estimates Fully in­ Sauna, pool, exercise room. DEAR ABBY: I am a retired minister, and nowhere does meisure (pi) ■ Repairs. Free estimates. Ful­ FOR RENT Marlow s, 867 B A- M TREE SERVICE now sured 646-4879 New Condition (440 per the Bible say that anyone is exempt from tithing, which 49 Domestic 3« Mam Street 649-5221 offering Special Winter ly insured Phone 643-6017. WHY REIN UP HERE? inimel 1 ■ month. 64641505. means giving 10 percent of your income ts the church. So THAT'S KISHt: m A'AM! ANP ' 34 Kates' We ve sawed 25'7 Off. CALL A PROFESSIONAL WE CANT SEE WHAT'S WHOEVER FIRED IT CAN'T 50 Cross INTERIOR PAIINTING since i give God 10 percent, no way will I put the waitress plus our usual Discount lor LEON CIEZSYNSKI HAPPENINS IN TOW N- inscription ■ JM CERAMIC FIRING Discount FEMALE ROOMATE MID­ SEE US EITHER-WHICH 27 AM) « AI.I.PAPERING BUILDER New homes, ad­ wh«) delivers (he best-caliber service on (he same level with OR WHO FIREP THAT 52 Clothing rates Quick service Call 64.1- Senior Citirens' Free TWENTIES WANTED to IS JEST THE WAV AH Quality professional work at Cfod Therefore. I tip waitresses between 7 and H percent, fabric 2 Eslimales Fully insured ditions. remodeling, rec UIKE ITi 40 41 2543 share duplex Glastonbury A and 1 am nut ashamed of it reasonable prices. Fully In­ rooms, garages, kitchens 0 53 Playing cs'd , ■ References 64.1-7285 Hebron area. Must be neat. put this Directory to work for you, call 643 2 7 H sured Free estimates G L remodeled, ceilings, bath ti|e. FROM IOWA 54 Natty *7 O 44 47 46 Pets considered. Rent 55 Aware of (2 ■ ■ " HAVETKCCK w il l MOVE' dormers, roofing. Residential McHugh 643-9321. negotiable. Call after 6 p.m., it SO SI S2 ★ Ijrge appliances clean al­ or commercial 649-4291 DEAR ABBY; No cumplaints-from California. I've got a w ds) 22^3560 56 Fast aircraft B-B I'PHOL-STERV Custom lies cellars, garages, also couple of college degrees but they don't pay the rent. I dig S) Si ss You Can Advertise Your Service Or Business In labLr) Work Free Estimates Will will clean apartments fur DESIGN KITCHENS, being a waiter. I like the work, I enjoy the people I meet, and PAINTING - INTERIOR AND MANCHESTER, Five rooms 57 Sl'Hens pick up and deliver Please cabinets, vanities, counter This Directory For As Little As $3,45 Per Week, (he hours suit me. A first-class waiter can make a good SG il S8 realtors Call 644-1775 EXTERIOR, Paperhanging on first floor of Duplex. 58 To be i^at | 21 call 646-2161 after 4 00 p m tops, kitchen cabinet fronts living anvwhere in the world Experienced, references Ser- Carpeted and applianced. No custom woodworking, colonial Please Call 645-27 11, Ask For Cindi, or Joe. VINNIE IN L A. KIRBY CENTER OF ving Willimantic. utilities. No pets. $280 BRICK BLOCK STONE MANCHESTER Factory Manchester. Bolton, Coven­ reproductions J.P Lewis 649- Fireplaces Concrete monthly Calf 739-4113 ■ora NAM GtfTTtM Authorized Sales & Service try. Columbia. Tolland areas between 6;00 and 9;00 p.m. ■$MU)Wt diamonds old Best offer 643-9708 Champion sired Sable and Baths Fully Applianced .1 in Oswald Here is a hand to Oswald '.Now you have a white males Shots and Wall-lo-Wall throughout $450 TAUR US (A p r! 19-Mey 20) Be sure thing Vou cash your ace- 26 Be Sure bother the experts with Just Sutfnets Property GENERAL ELECTRIC wormed. Home raised with monthly includes heat 646 A Gift Sure to Ring the hB! the first to spdoglzs today, even queen o f diamonds If East show the .North-South cards d is h w a s h e r $125 good con­ children Call 742-9006 4003 ^ r t h d a y if you feel you're not totally in follows, diamonds will break, 20.000 renovated 4 storv tirick dition Kitchen set $35 Large ^ A NEW REC ROOM. RATH, . error Your geeture will encour­ and ask how to make seven but East shows out Now vou factory in No .Adams M,i To Give I age others to do Ukewise. notrump There are 12 top RF.FHIGER.ATOR medium wfKKlen De'sk $50 Call 643- MINI SCHNAUZER. male MANCHESTER. CENTRAL DEN, PATIO or BARAGE... | have a proven finesse against Lease'60 rents buy $5 It No size ideal lor spare or cot­ 5965 puppy AKC registered, has O f M M (May 21-June 20) Rnsn- tricks If hearts break 3-3 or West's jack and the compli­ LOCATION, first floor in two I del conditions are likely to be a money down Owner wdi take shots, trained Call 289-0327 or Oac.21. IttO diamonds 3-2 there are 13. so cated slam has turned out lo tage Chaise Chair for two fur family home 5 room modern mixed beg for you today. You're low interest mortagage No OW (rtandships will continus lo neither red suit is going to be a cinch upholstery Reasonable Call engl 649-0485 apartment References and These very ctever at making money, but interest first year Elevator j M f G. TOSTARELLI, JR.I be of great value to you. but new break, or there would be no 641-5751 speed bike. $70 Call 646-;2073 security required 6462755 you could also be loo extrava­ NLWSHSI'KR I NTERPRISE AS.SN elaborate conveyer dry pels will bs the ones who will C gant In sperKling H. Building Contractor I prove most helpful this comlr>g sprinkler Aerv low t.ixes ,ind THREE ROOMS MECHANICS ROLL-AWAY I C A N C fR (June 21-Juty 22) Uutical Intlrumanta 44 EAST HARTFORD, Available Pros A Hood More Room? Call MIha lor yeer UlIMzs eve^ opportunity to heat Many uses Ready now FURNITURE, Can be seen TtXlLBOX brand new call I I Events could deviop today to now, one bedroom, lots of meet fresh fscet. Our Boarding H o u m Literature 411-458-598. Friday Saturday and Monday 649-3022 give you an opportunity to use LIKE NEW SET OF REMO extras $185 Call Rental I I 11-2 Excellent condition Call your leadership quelitiee Reign SOUND MASTER plus Cym- Locators 236-5646 Fee Call, — I with s light hand. You wilt 6463)468 Moving I REC ROOMS CAHttCORN (Dec. a^Jenll) Dogt-BIrdt-Pels 43 bals Metallic - Blue...... $250Call No or>e likes to be accused of support instead of snimoelty. VEhNON, All bills paid one ••C'J “ W E / i' MISC. FOR SALf 6460038 beir>g • ferKe-sitter. but today LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Necessity IT6 SEASONED HARDWOOD bedroom with carpets and KltdMns • Batlirooms ! is ths mother of invention where BEEN SKECTlf.^. "" '> AKC GOLDEN COCKER that msy be your beet position If ■VuWANS BEEN 18-20 lenghts Delivered appliances Available now They All you are concernred today. New Yv Pf?(75R4,M V \ SPANIEL puppy male 2 't CABLE NELSON SPINET, Additions • Ramodallng | you're caught between two 'rtETKETiCNLL' A rllc le t lor Sale 41 Full cord $85 Call 742-8056 C^ll Locators 2365646 Fee i: forces with opposing views ways can be found to solve two HNRRIEP iM JT rE K S : J months old ('all 649-8418 excellent condition. Walnut " r s 3 .E Quality Workmanship | flomence, trsvel, luck, difficult problems Think B l T j^ Z E T his $1,000 Call 6462073 I "solution'' HOY S SKI HOOTS Nordica HEBRON Two bedroom Deserve reeources. possible pitfeUt end _A,\;Sri j:F T . BUNNIES excellent pels Reasonable Rates § VIRQO(Aug. 2I-Sep(. 22) This is 5uC C£E D ; iF size 5'z Good condition $50 apartment Heal and hot I career for the comlr>g months DE,Ma,n p $3 00 each Bolton, 643-1814 Sporting G ood ! 46 CALL MIKE NOW at 528-8958 SAVE J are ell discussed in your Astro* not a good day to try to seek '" L 'L.EWE A 649-2062 water Appliances Carpeting I S ■AN a l u m in u m Sheets used as, Qraph. which begins with your business favors from social 3 Z R __ R M A Large yard. Lease and securi­ Your ■ ■ contacts Do things that will printing plates. U07 thi^ LARGE ASSORTMENT of HIMALAYAN CAT. male 2 TWENTY THREE FOOT birthday Mail $1 for each to PEURITER ty. $350 monthly No pets 20 Astro>Qrsph. Box 489. Radio strengthen the friendship instead 23x28'j SOVents ea ch ^ ^ S gi«)d used Office Fixtures years old Must have very PENN-YAN Sport Fisherman 'NJ ENJUoH, S^an Hard top Excellent minutes from Hartford Call City Station. N Y 10019 Be sure of making requests. lor $2 Phone 643-2711 M ^t be Metal Desks $35 and up giMid home Will take best LMRA (iepl. 2$-Oct. 22) Don't E wL write condition New electric trim alter 5 00 p m 228-9759 or 228- to specify birth date picked up be\re 11 am Chairs files et cetra Call offer All shots and neutered Business become easily discouraged L H.T' tabs VHF CB Cutty Cabin 3414 AO U AM U ft (Jen. M ^ e b . 19) It's ONLY 649-9953 Call 569-2320 necessary today to be ter\eciout today in matters relating lo your with head Owner bought where Important goals are finances or career. Some set­ larger boat Call 742-8537 after NEWLY REMODELED three backs are possible, but so is bedroom duplex apartment concerned. Hertg In there Sue- 5 00 p m cees may be denied until the last success through persistence. Kitchen, diniiw room, living, minute. SCORFtO (Oct. M -Nov. 22) Oth­ utility room Cal...... Call 643-5001 Otllcai-Storaa lor Rant n S C I t (Feb. » M arch 20) A ers may duck challer>glng sltua- liont today, but not you. Thirtgs * RENTALS 1976 MAVERICK 2 door 6 srtuatior you have been unable they find too difficult to reason MANCHESTER - Excellent 5 STORE OR OFFICE SPACE evlinders. Standard transmis­ to get off deed*center for the Room Apartment in desirable available. 200 . 400. and up to pest lew days may suddenly out awaken your ingenuity and 52 sion Low mileage. Good on reaourcefulr>ess. R oom , for Rent area Stove, refrigerator, and 5000 square Icet 643-1442 begin to move in the direction in ALDW ELL WANTED JUNK AND LATE gas $1800. 643-5106 which you've been pushlr>g. SAOITTARIU8 (Nov. 22-Oee. 21) security $350 unheated 649- MATURE MALE ROOM $15 MODEL WRECKS - Cash A M 8 8 (March 21-Aprtt 19) You A matter In which you've 4003 MANCHESTER - Retail, involved that hasn't yet proven Female, mature $20 Non- Paid. Call Parker Street Used 1973 CAPRI B-6 Standard have good ideas today, but so do storage and/or manufacturing profitable could take a surprising smokers Live-in References Auto Parts, Inc. 649-3391. transmission Asking $850 your associates. If each of you H ornet lo r Rant 54 space 2.000 sq ft to 25.000 sq Will negotiate. Gooef condi­ tries to understand the other's turn for the better today. Expect One must have license, plus the unexpected. ft Very reasonable Brokers 1974 SUBARU - (Jood condi­ tion. AM-FM Radio 649-3283, views there will be mutual ber>e- few errands and meals 649- (NSWSPAPfR ENTERPRISE ASSN.) 2 EAST HARTFORD HOUSE protected Call Heyman tion Front wheel drive. $1800 ms. 5459 Properties. 1-2261206 Newly decorated Two negotiable. Telephone 643- 1971 CHEVELLE CONCORD KH ‘n* Carlyl* — Larry Wright O IL, Inc. LARGE SPACIOUS ROOM - bedrooms with basement 6785. or 659-1723 WAGON - Good winter-ski- All household privileges Carpets Garage Just $375 snow-vehicle Positraction, Irailering axels, roof rack, 350 EVenings, 646-6559 2365646. Locators Fee W antad lo Rant 57 1968 DART. 1969 CHARGER Bugs Bunny — Helmdahl & Stotlel Manchester, Conn. 318 Three speed. Posi rear V-6. power steering, radio. Much more, 643-2880. CENTRAL LOCATION - Free VERNON HOME Carpeted GARAGE WANTED to store end. Needs some work. Best parking Kitchen privileges lour roomer New decor All one or two cars. Call Don at oiler over $400 871-7385. BUICK CENTURY LUXUS - Security and written modern $375 236-5646 633-4577 references required 14 Arch Locators Fee. PLYMOUTH FURY II - Air conditioning, power EJxcellent condition! Must be steering and braxes. Good 56 IN A Cl1y.TM6 2 Street. Manchester Short Riba — Prank H ill MANCHESTER HOME, seen to be appreciated. Call running condition Call 646 c o o c r d a c h ^ s a l l m e 649-8841 Large 3 bedroom, with dining Autos Fo r S ala 61 643-9729: If no answer please 7868 auer 5:00 p.m. HAVE AN APT^LE. Apartmenta For Rent 53 /LITTLE DOES h a n d s o m e ’ -THANKS,'’ A 4 0 .N P A '* area Kids ok $300's Call return call. - we K f^ w H A ia . WE PAY TOP PRICES lor 50SToKi5NS, S T ( ? A N ^ ------J U S T I S N T i t $1.05 9/10 Per Gallon C.O.D. VERNON - Near 86, luxury Locators 2365646, Fee HBUL PiklL wrecked and Junk cars. A & B Truckt lor Sala 52 M V D A > ; C ondo A p plian ces $345 .OMADLVINLDVE Auto Salvage, used auto parts. m o n th ly S e c u r it y , EAST HARTFORD HOME, 3 BANK REPOSESSIONS FOR ’ wrrw THE FIRST ★ 200 Gallon Minimum . 1974 DODGE PICKUP - 8 references gall 423-127 , 4M- bedrooms with extra bath, Clall Tony 64M223. SALE, 1976 Dodge Charger " p M A L E HE Cylinder, standard. New 3923 basement plus more $320. Special Edition. 2 door, 8 sees. (Jail Locators, 2365646, Fee. VOLKSWAGENS, Year end cylinder, $2,500 1974 paint, brakes, radiator. it- 24 Hour Burner Service Excellent condition GLAST0NBURY (SOUTH). clearance sale. Bugs, 87's to Oldsmobile Cutless Supreme. throughout! $1900 642-6731. Half of exceptional new EAST HARTFORD HOME, 3 75's, buses, souare backs, 8 cylinder $1,500. 1973 GMC ★ 24 Hour Call Delivery Duplex Features carpeting, bedrooms with basement, Vegas Tim Moriarty, Silk Jimmy utility truck, 4 whee: excellent closets, dishwasher, extra bath. Only $320 Call TnwnTown Motors, 270 Hartford drive, $1,500. 1969 AMC Am- Road, Manchester. 643-6217. dispose- all. sell cleaning Locators 2365646. Fee. bassidor 4 door $300. 1975 rim 1 OVER 2 MILLION GALLONS- oven, private bbsement with Crysler Cordoba, condi­ 1971 IN T E R N A T IO N A L i t 1980 FIREBIRD TRANS AM - laui^ry hookups, IVk baths, MANCHESTER HOME, extra tion, best oiler. THp above PICKUP - 8 cylinder 4x4. “ Special Edition" White. 10,- TO ASSURE YOU OF ADEQUATE SUPPLY deck, neighborhood setting, large 3 bedroom with carpet, may be seen at the Savings with Plow. Please call 643- 000 miles. $9,000. Call minutes to Hartford. $525 modern appliances. $300's. ^ n k of Manchester, 923 Mam 1942 anytime. Ask for John. monthly 633-4566 Broker. Call Locators 2365646 Fee. evenings, 6 4 6 3 ^ ; 6465158. St.. Manchester. R£ACH Of- FASHICM

ffaSHWHM »> 6' )L.

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