Astro-Vision YearGuide forecast for 2011

Name : Sample Data Sex : Female Date of Birth : 4 August , 1980 Monday Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 04.45.00 AM; Standard Time Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05.30 East of Greenwich Time Correction : Standard Time Place of Birth : Ernakulam Longitude (Deg.Mins) : 076.14 East Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 09.58 North : Chitra Paksha Dasa System : Vimshottari, Years = 365.25 Days Birth Star : Star Pada (Quarter) : 4 Star Lord : Birth Rasi : Mesha Rasi Lord : Kuja (Ascendant) : Mithuna Lagna Lord : Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami, Krishnapaksha Karanam : Taitila Nithya : Gandha Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) (Hrs.Mins) : 06.15AM Standard Time Sunset (Hrs.Mins) (Hrs.Mins) : 06.47PM '' '' Astrological Day of Birth : Sunday Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 25 Mins Nirayana Longitude of Planets ( Values in Deg:Min:Sec )

Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada (Rasi) (Rasi)

Lagnam Mithuna 26:29:52 / 2 Guru Simha 18:39:25 Purvaphalguni / 2 Mesha 24:16:01 Bharani / 4 Sani Kanya 0:46:53 Utaraphalguni / 2 Karkata 18:10:02 Ashlesha / 1 Rahu Karkata 26:52:40 Ashlesha / 4 Budha Mithuna 29:04:59 Punarvasu / 3 Makara 26:52:40 / 2 Shukra Mithuna 4:26:44 Mrigasira / 4 Maandi Meena 24:17:43 / 3 Kuja Kanya 20:33:06 Hasta / 4

Mer Maa Moo Ven Rah Lag Mer Lag

Bharani Sun Rah Maa Mar 4-August-1980 04.45.00 am Ket Rasi Jup Sat

Mar Sat Sun Moo Ven Jup Ket

Dasa balance at birth = Shukra 3 Years, 7 Months, 6 Days

Page - 1 Astro-Vision Transit Forecast

Name : Sample Data - (Female) Date of Birth : 04 August 1980 Birth Rasi :

Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. The movements of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may be opposing, nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of the dynamics at work by studying the impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, is a blend of the following predictions.

Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effect of this planet.

( 7 December 2010 >> 8 May 2011 ) During this period Jupiter transits the Twelfth house.

Much against your desire, you will be separated from your husband, or lover, for a while. You will have to travel, and the expenses from travel may negatively impact on your finances. You may change jobs. Changes or decisions with irrevocable consequences may have to be reached at this time. Your interest in or flirtation with other men may cause problems in your marriage, and you may be forced to decide on the nature of your relationship.

( 9 May 2011 >> 17 May 2012 ) During this period Jupiter transits the Birth house.

Differences of opinion may lead to strong disagreements, or arguments with the man in your life. You will be more quick- tempered at this time, and you might be unable to control yourself. This anger may be the cause for regret later. This is not the time for speculation of any kind. You have to be prudent and minimize your financial and emotional losses. Prepare yourself for change or transition. You may have to move for some reason. Good relationships with people in authority will stand you in good stead.

Transit of Saturn

Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certain positions, it gives powerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.

( 10 September 2009 >> 15 November 2011 ) During this period Saturn transits the Sixth house.

You are entering a happier phase than before. Your adversaries will have to leave you alone. You may have new and enterprising plans. At this time, you will do well at home and in your career. There will also be an improvement in your financial situation at this time. You will do well in all things.

( 16 November 2011 >> 13 May 2012 ) During this period Saturn transits the Seventh house.

You appear gloomy as a result of the effect of Saturn. You have to consciously work at optimism and positive thinking. You tend to take your achievements for granted. You may find travel inconvenient or uncomfortable. Plans and arrangements may be erratic. This is the result of Kandaka Sani. You are much more irritable at this time.

Page - 2 Astro-Vision Year4You Forecast based on Numerology

Date of birth : 04-Aug-1980

For the period 04-Apr-2011 to 03-May-2011

Health problems will interfere with your busy schedule of activities for the month. Your power of judgment may not be as sharp as it was before. You have some cause for feeling dissatisfied with the way things are moving. Do not allow any difficult condition to force you to make hasty decisions.

For the period 04-May-2011 to 03-Jun-2011

If something happens against your expectation during this month there is nothing to worry. You will be back to your best performance soon. Your boss may express displeasure. But he will soon forget it also. Nowadays you tend to do more by yourself and rely little on outside help. You will come across an interesting article which will have a tremendous influence in your thinking process.

For the period 04-Jun-2011 to 03-Jul-2011

You expect others to obey you without any questioning. But people will raise all sorts of questions and doubts. They have a right to get all points clarified. You become impatient. You are getting ready to see the new born. You may clash with someone very badly. May get into arguments with your seniors or colleagues. Laxity in romance is expected. This will be a loss.

For the period 04-Jul-2011 to 03-Aug-2011

A younger family member will require your advice and guidance. Once again the emphasis will be on creative skills and talents. You will find your services in much demand. This is going to be a highly promising month. Some repair work will have to be undertaken. The task you must handle will be challenging and rewarding. You will be criticised also.

For the period 04-Aug-2011 to 03-Sep-2011

You are mentally active during this month. You tend to take interest along a specific line only. But an overall development and presentation will be beneficial. There is a shocking situation during one of these days. A close friend or an assistant of yours will behave ungratefully. It is very little that you can do.

For the period 04-Sep-2011 to 03-Oct-2011

You will be able to get the agreements or approvals, sealed and delivered before the end of this month. It will be a pity if you fall behind schedule now, inspite of all the facilities provided. It is up to you to do all the chasing and expediting. Get in touch with professional people. If there are any legal/administrative technicalities you do not understand, there will be someone assigned to help you. Will be making a number of short journeys in connection with your advancement.

For the period 04-Oct-2011 to 03-Nov-2011

Your love life is more promising now. You have been neglecting personal matters so far. So this is the best time to get back to your favourite hobby or pastime. Money problems will arise. But it will be solved in due course. You have to attend to lots of urgent items. This is an excellent period for team work.

Page - 3 For the period 04-Nov-2011 to 03-Dec-2011

Travel possibilities are indicated during this month. It may come up all of a sudden, and it will prove to be to your benefit. Whatever happens during this month, happens so, at a faster speed than before. A new relationship will be established. You may even consider terminating an association. Of late your supervisory responsibilities are on the increase.

For the period 04-Dec-2011 to 03-Jan-2012

There will arise irritating obstacles during this month. But the fact is that all these are controllable with a little bit of extra effort from your side. It should not disappoint you,in case you have to admit refusal or failure once or twice. It is all in the game. You tend to be adamant now a days. It does not pay in the long run.

For the period 04-Jan-2012 to 03-Feb-2012

Do not have blind faith in anyone now. The starting of new ventures during this month may be more or less smooth. But the result will be known only after a long time. Patience should not be in short supply. Someone is out to deceive you monetarily or otherwise. He cannot do beyond a limit. Whatever you do, this month will be more systematic as you are aware of the general requirement by now.

For the period 04-Feb-2012 to 03-Mar-2012

As a rule you are fairly conservative with money. But this month you will have the desire to spend extravagantly to make a good impression on people who are critical of you. Romance could become rather expensive or problematic. Someone you admire may have a taste for the luxuries of life. Do not try to buy affection. You will have to give ample time and attention to creative work. It calls for sacrifice to impress people who can influence your future career prospects.

For the period 04-Mar-2012 to 03-Apr-2012

Exercise restraint on your spending now. Curb the generous streak in your nature. Occasions will arise to waste money on expensive pleasure and entertainment. Your mind will be more flexible during this month. You may be readjusting some of your thoughts and plans for self development.

Page - 4 Varsha Phal (Annual predictions based on Astrology)

The annual horoscope analysis and predictions given here are based on the principles of the Tajik system of astrology. Please remember that the Varshaphal period covers an entire year from the day of Varshapravesh,which is approximately from one birthday to another. The predictions given here are indications of the fortunes ahead and you can surely surmount any hard times,by your diligence,will-power and the grace of God.

Forecast from 14-April-2011 to 4- August- 2011 Year : 31

Varshapravesh : 4- August -2010 09.19.52 PM : Dhanu

Jup Lag Moo Ket Maa

Krittika 4-August-2010 Sun 09.19.52 pm Annual Chart Longitude -076.14 Mer Latitude +09.58 Ven Rah Muntha Mar Sat

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Vimsopaka 14.934 11.961 11.677 8.468 8.027 11.468 10.684

Varsheshwara Candidates

Office Planet Vimsopaka Aspect Eligible Strength on Lagna or not

Muntha Lord Guru 11.468 Inimical Yes Birth Lagna Lord Budha 11.677 No Aspect No Varsha Lagna Lord Guru 11.468 Inimical Yes Tri-Rasi Lord Chandra 14.934 Friendly Yes Din-Ratri Lord Shukra 8.468 Inimical Yes

Among the eligible planets, Chandra has the highest strength. Chandra is selected as Varsheshwara ( Lord of The Year )

Effect of Muntha

Muntha is a sensitive point in the annual horoscope. Muntha moves by one rasi per year from the birth ascendant. The position of Muntha in the annual chart has a significant effect on the results one can expect during the year.

Muntha is in the tenth house. During this phase, you or your husband will have better career prospects. There could be acquisition of some property or you could gain some luxurious articles. Besides, its a good time to get yourself a new vehicle!! Your elders or seniors will be favourably inclined to you and your enthusiastic ideas. You will acheive the goals you seriously pursue. Take life in its stride to acheive a happy and contented state of mind.

Lord of Muntha

The lord of the house where Muntha is placed is called Munthesh, the Lord of Muntha. The effect of Munthesh is only secondary to that of Muntha.

Page - 5 In this case, while Muntha is placed well, the Lord of Muntha also is in a good position. This reinforces the good effects.

The lord of Muntha is in the first house. This indicates that, this year, you will enjoy the benevolence of good health. Regular walks and light exercise will keep your body fit. This period is one of prosperity and comforts. You will do well at any project or endeavour you seriously take up. You could gain some money or wealth and happiness will overwhelm you at certain times,during this year.

Lord of the year

Varsheswara, the lord of the year is selected based on various factors as shown above. The lord of the year has a significant influence on the events that unfold during the year . The strength of the planet is aslo an important consideration.

Moon is the lord of the year and is strong. During this year, you will enjoy financial prosperity. Your husband and family could give you great happiness. You will be a well-known woman among your family and friends. There could be a rise in some position of yours at work or at clubs or associations where you take keen interest.You will dominate over those you consider your enemies.A deep wish of yours could be coming true.

Birth Lagna

The position of birth lagna in relation to varsha lagna has special significance.

Birth lagna is the annual fourth house. This year points to a period of happiness and domestic bliss. Its a good time for you or your family to acquire any property or vehicles. Comforts in life and financial gains are indicated for your family. You will enjoy popularity among your family and friends, during this period.

Planets in houses

The effects due to the position of planets in different houses of the annual chart are outlined below. These influences modify the intensity of good and bad results forecast based on the parameters analysed earlier.

Jupiter is in the first house. This points to increase of happiness, governmental or ministerial assignment, expansion of trade, fame, troubles to enemies and an optimistic outlook.

Moon happens to be in the third house. This indicates benefit to brothers, secret pleasures, good income and increase in prestige.

Ketu is in the fourth house. This points to affliction to mother, chance to show grit, truth-speaking, good earnings and plenty.

Sun is placed in the fifth house. This indicates unpopularity with the public, trouble in disputes, doubtful decision making, suffering for children, sickness and financial tightness.

Mercury occupies the sixth house. This indicates trouble from men, disputes with enemies, unforseen expenditure, illness due to inflammation of phlegm, and difficulties in many areas.

Venus is in the seventh house. This indicates acquisition of new vehicles, increase in pleasures, life of ease, fulfillment of desires and pleasure trips.

Mars is in the seventh house. this cautions of trouble while travelling, venereal complaints, problems in love life, emotional disturbances and monetary losses.

Saturn is seen in the seventh house. This cautions of distress and worries due to men, difficult journeys, death of a pet animal, threat of auction by goverment and stomach troubles.

Rahu is in the 10th house. This indicates expansion of business, auspicious happenings and pleasant journeys.

Page - 6 Summary of effects of planets in houses

Planet Effect

Chandra Favourable Surya Unfavourable Budha Unfavourable Shukra Favourable Kuja Unfavourable Guru Favourable Sani Unfavourable Rahu Favourable Ketu Mixed Results

Overall effect of planets in houses : Favourable

Combined effect of factors analysed

Factor Effect

Muntha Favourable Muntha Lord Favourable Varsheshwara Favourable Birth Lagna Favourable Planets in Houses Favourable

Combined astrological rating for the year : 95 %


Forecast from 5- August- 2011 to 13-April-2012 Year : 32

Varshapravesh : 5- August -2011 03.29.01 AM Muntha : Makara

Mar Jup Ket Lag Maa Chitra 5-August-2011 Sun Ven 03.29.01 am Annual Chart Muntha Longitude -076.14 Mer Latitude +09.58

Rah Moo Sat

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Vimsopaka 7.544 11.336 12.07 11.376 11.729 12.158 12.251

Page - 7 Varsheshwara Candidates

Office Planet Vimsopaka Aspect Eligible Strength on Lagna or not

Muntha Lord Sani 12.251 Inimical Yes Birth Lagna Lord Budha 12.07 Friendly Yes Varsha Lagna Lord Budha 12.07 Friendly Yes Tri-Rasi Lord Budha 12.07 Friendly Yes Din-Ratri Lord Budha 12.07 Friendly Yes

Among the eligible planets, Sani has the highest strength. Sani is selected as Varsheshwara ( Lord of The Year )

Effect of Muntha

Muntha is a sensitive point in the annual horoscope. Muntha moves by one rasi per year from the birth ascendant. The position of Muntha in the annual chart has a significant effect on the results one can expect during the year.

The placement of Muntha in the eighth house is a forewarning of ailments to a near or dear one. Pay heed to any symptoms and consult a doctor early enough. Be careful while travelling or handling sharp objects. You may not have much luck with finances. During this phase, avoid fruitless endeavours as they will affect your confidence. You may have to travel to or work at faraway places. However hope and prayer should help you sail through the year without too much harm.

Lord of Muntha

The lord of the house where Muntha is placed is called Munthesh, the Lord of Muntha. The effect of Munthesh is only secondary to that of Muntha.

It is important to note that in your annual chart, the Muntha as well as the Lord of Muntha are in unfavourable positions. The malefic effects are therefore reinforced.

The lord of Muntha is in the fourth house. For you, this coming year could give you some moments of anxiety. It could be due to a work situation or some problem at home. There could be the loss of position you hold - or you may have to give up on your wealth or something you value dearly. However, try not to get upset over these and just go on with your life.Do try and give more attention to your health.

Lord of the year

Varsheswara, the lord of the year is selected based on various factors as shown above. The lord of the year has a significant influence on the events that unfold during the year . The strength of the planet is aslo an important consideration.

Saturn is the lord of the year and is strong. This year, you have a chance to acquire some land or property. Your family could get money from some foreign source. However, watch out if you make new acqaintances among vicious people. Avoid any temptation to make money through illegal means. This is not a period when you can depend too much on others. Try doing more things on your own. There could be an enhancement in status,for you or your husband, at work or in society. You will have victory over those you considered your adversaries. And prosperity is sure to be yours through the hard work you put in.

Birth Lagna

The position of birth lagna in relation to varsha lagna has special significance.

The birth lagna and varsha lagna are the same for this year. This is known as 're-birth year'. You will have moments of anxiety and tension this year. You are likely to fall sick and may even have to take a few days of rest away from

Page - 8 your domestic or professional work. If you already have some health problem, you must try and avail of good medical attention. You are likely to remain tense during some part of this year. Do face bravely any hardships that may come your way.

Planets in houses

The effects due to the position of planets in different houses of the annual chart are outlined below. These influences modify the intensity of good and bad results forecast based on the parameters analysed earlier.

Mars is in the first house. This indicates ulcer, rheumatism, disputes with enemies, head and eye troubles, pain in joints, vomitting, danger of fire or injury due to falling objects.

Sun is in the second house. This points to loss of wealth, disputes with family members, trouble in throat and eye. Death in the family.

Venus is in the second house. This indicates achievement of objectives, acquisition of assets, financial prosperity and happiness.

Mercury happens to be in the third house. This points to improvement in reputation and happiness.

The Moon is in the fourth house. This points to success in disputes with the state, good agricultural income, general happiness, earning money by purchase and sale, defeat of enemies and chance of getting a new vehicle.

Saturn is in the fourth house. This points to difficulties in occupation and service, fear, trouble in the eyes and stomach, sorrow through relatives, loss of reputation, death of cattle, fire-accident and destruction of crops.

Rahu occupies the sixth house. This points to annihilation of opponents, career betterment, friendship with notables, acquisition of cattle and gold, happiness and overcoming sorrow.

Jupiter occupies the eleventh house. This indicates costly and rare acquisitions, beginning of prosperity to children, cordial relationship with political high ups.

Ketu is in the twelfth house. This indicates the desire to indulge in black magic and other mysterious practices, unusual and dangerous thoughts and actions.

Summary of effects of planets in houses

Planet Effect

Chandra Favourable Surya Unfavourable Budha Favourable Shukra Favourable Kuja Unfavourable Guru Favourable Sani Unfavourable Rahu Favourable Ketu Unfavourable

Overall effect of planets in houses : Favourable

Page - 9 Combined effect of factors analysed

Factor Effect

Muntha Unfavourable Muntha Lord Unfavourable Varsheshwara Favourable Birth Lagna Unfavourable Planets in Houses Favourable

Combined astrological rating for the year : 40 %


Gem Recommendation

Based on an analysis of your birth chart and the planetary positions in your present dasa period, the ideal gemstones for you are recommended here in this section

Shadbala Table

Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

Total Shadbala 428.24 483.51 472.85 436.64 340.34 447.65 404.08 Total Shadbala in Rupas 07.14 08.06 07.88 07.28 05.67 07.46 06.73 Minimum Requirement 06.0 05.0 07.0 05.5 05.0 06.5 05.0 Shadbala Ratio 1.19 1.61 1.13 1.32 1.13 1.15 1.35 Relative Rank 4 1 7 3 6 5 2


The strength of planets in the horoscope is judged by the shadbala.

No planets are weak with shadbala ratio less than 1

The weakest planet is Mercury

Benefic Lordships :

Lagna lord is Mercury Rasi lord is Mars Rasi lord is afflicted Fifth lord is Venus Ninth lord is Saturn Ninth lord is afflicted

Malefic Lordships :

Page - 10 Sixth lord is Mars Eighth lord is Saturn

Looking at the dasa changes in your chart it is seen that you are going through the mahadasa period of Rahu. Each dasa period will have its own specific problems and requirements. Hence you are advised to wear a gem to compensate for the ill effects of Rahu during this period. Gomed is the stone for you now.

Gem Prescription Dasa : Rahu Gem : Hessonite (Gomed) Weight in carats : 5

Set the stone in a silver ring Wear on left hand middle finger Start wearing from a Saturday , 15 minutes after sunrise Hessonite (Gomed) need be worn only upto 11-03-2025

Gomed, also known as Hessonite or Cinnamon is similar to Grossular Garnet, silicate of calcium and aluminium. It is yellowish brown in colour. It is found in abundance in many countries including Srilanka, USA, India, Canada, Brazil and Burma. Burmese and Srilankan variety of Hessonite are considered to be superior. It is available along the banks of river and Nedumangad in Kerala. Astrologically it is associated with ultra-violet cosmic rays and is ruled by Rahu.


Having got the right recommendation of Gem it will be proven useful only if you strictly follow the precautions mentioned here.

Quality of Gem and its fixing

Purchase good quality Gems from dependable sources only. It is important to set the gems in the right metal prescribed. Do not go by the cost or appearance. Gems should be set by an expert in such a way that the rays of the Sun can pass through the gem and reach your body. (The bottom of the gem should not be covered by metal). The gems should not be exposed to heat or scratched by sharp objects. It is better to remove the gems while bathing.

Personal preparation to begin

The day you start wearing the Gem for the first time should be given due significance. Your mental preparation and cleanliness is of great importance. For this purpose you are free to follow the rituals according to your faith and practice.

Select a suitable date keeping in view the DAY suggested for each Gem and your personal convenience. Make a note of the time of SUNRISE at the place where you stay. This information is usually available in the calender. Get up early in the morning. Complete your morning routines and bath. Wear clean clothes. Pray (or meditate) for few minutes to purify your mind. Plan your activities in such a way that you will be able to wear the gem exactly at the

Page - 11 recommended TIME (Gems are better worn for the first time in the presence of elders or persons you respect.)

Warning / Caution

Please note that the gems now recommended for you do not remain the most suitable for you through out your life. It may have to be reviewed depending on the changes in your personal life and dasa periods. More over the importance and priorities you attach to the problems may also shift from time to time. Therefore it would be advisable for you to recheck your gem prescription when required.

It is believed that the astrological remedial power of a gemstone will diminish when a person wears it for a long period. Approximate periods for the gems are as follows. Pearl- 2 years, Ruby - 4 years, Emerald - 3 years, Diamond- 7 years, Red coral- 3 years, Yellow Sapphire - 4 years, Blue Sapphire - 5 years, Hessonite - 3 years and Cat's Eye - 5 years. It is suggested that a new ring is made with a new stone after this period for best results.

Please note that your next dasa change is on 11-03-2025

GemFinder Ver.10 ENG110407


Although broadly based on Indian Predictive Astrology, we request you to consider this report as an independent work of Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt. Ltd.ASTRO-VISION astrological calculations are based on scientific equations and not on any specific published almanac. Therefore, comparisons between the calculations made by ASTRO-VISION and those published in almanacs are absolutely unwarranted.Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt. Ltd. shall not entertain any dispute on differences arising out of such comparisons. Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt. Ltd. cannot be held responsible for the decisions that may be taken by anyone based on this report.While we ensure that each report is prepared meticulously and with utmost care, we do not rule out the possibility of any unexpected errors. In case of any errors our liability is limited to the replacement of the report with a rectified one. The software versions and the predictive text in the reports are subject to continuous modifications, including addition of new chapters. This is necessitated by the nature of the content and our constantly evolving research findings. We have adopted ''Chitrapaksha ayanamsa'' for all our calculations as it is the most popular and widely used ayanamsa system in India. The astrological calculations and predictions may differ in case a different ayanamsa is used. There are minor variations in the systems and practices followed by different regions of India and we have accommodated some of these variations in the regional language versions. As a result, the reports generated in different languages may not be exact translations. Also, all the language versions are not updated simultaneously.

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