Operation Junction City, Vietnam, 1967
z> /- (' ~/197 OPERATION JUNCTION CITY VIETNAM 1967 BATTLE BOOK PREPARED FOR ADVANCED BATTLE ANALYSIS S U. S. ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE 1983 DTO SEc-rEl MAR 2 9 1984 Pj40 , A .......... ...... ...... SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OP THIiS PAGE (Whm, bets BIntrdM_____________ IN~STRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1 BEI -. COMhP~LETING FORK I.FEPORT .UM lEf IL GOVT ACCESSION NO- 3. NaCIP" CATALOG HUMWER 4. TITLE (und SubtitS.) S. TYPE of RZEPORT & PVMoD COVERED G. PaRPORMING ORO. REPORT NUNGER 7. AU Memo) 0. CONNTRACT Oft GRANT NUMUErP-( Fetraeus, CIT I.A. S-tuart, i'AJ B.L. Critter~den, ?'AJ D.P. Ceorge 3. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ZLENMENT. PROJECT, TASK Conhat Studies Institute, 1.SACGSC AREA & WORKC UNIT NUMBERS ATZ!- -S-I 1ct. Leavenworth, YS 66027 It. C*NY ROL.IN@ OFFPICE NAMER AND ADDRESS IL REPORT DATE Con'Sat Studies Institute, 1ISACCSC 3 J6une 195' ATZI,-S 7I 12. pIIMeve OF PAGES F~t. Leavenwerth, FS 66027 v 9ý 4& mMOiTORINGAGELNCY NAME & ADDRELSSWi dSUffeaI fr CU.nIV1d OffiI*) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (*I WelS repet) Unclass-!fled I" DECk S PicA^TioNlrowNORAOIMG 6s. DISTRIBUTION STATERMENT (of Akio R*PaW) 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (*I I%. ababasi ml angod In 81&4k 20. It diffe.,ot be. RpmW IL. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES !art of the ?attle Analysis series rrepared by students of the !'S Arr'y Cor~rard and Ceneral Staff Colle~e under the murerviaion of Com~ba~t Studies Ir~stitute. IS. KEY WORDMS (CMthmsg.o roel sde it mmee..w med IdsnUlj' by 650ek inmbW) Fistorry, C^a.ze Studies, 'ilitary Cperatione, Tactical Analysis, Battles, Yllitaznv Tactics, Tactical l-arfare, Airborne, Airr'obile Cperations, Arnor, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry, Limited 7varh're, Tactical Air Support, Tarn's (Con'bat Vehicles).
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