Legend North O AXE BRUE IDB - ^_ 2015 / 16 Works Location Board wide projects: Lower Axe / Lower Brue Health & Safety Improvements to structures E & W Waste Project Area Localised dedging on viewed rhynes IDB Rhyne Railways & road culverts survey Telemetry Installation District Council Boundary Weed cutting & desilting of viewed rhynes 4 PARRETT IDB - 8 ^_ Board wide projects: ^_ 3 Health & Safety Improvements to structures ^_ Telemetry Installation 9 Weed cutting & desilting of viewed rhynes Dwg No: SDBC/P/PEME/003 ^_ 11 ^_

1 5 ^_ 6 ^_ ^_ 7 ^_ 10 Mendip ^_ District

2 ^_

West Somerset District District

14 ^_

18 Ref No. Project Name Location Description ^_ 1 Minehead investigations & improvements Minehead Investigation into improvement works 17 Improvements to water level control ^_ 2 East and West Waste East & West Waste structures 3 Church Road East Brent Urban drainage improvements Taunton Drainage improvements Deane 4 Biddisham drainage improvements Biddisham District 5 West & Alstone and Alstone Urban drainage improvements 6 Basonbridge drainage investigations Bason Bridge Investigation into improvement works 19 Merry Lane NRV in ordinary watercourse Improvements to water level control ^_ 12 15 7 structures ^_ ^_ East & Pitland Rhyne desilting Localised desilting on viewed rhynes in 16 8 Berrow the Axe Brue Area ^_ Surface water improvements in 13 9 Brent Street culvert partnership with Wessex Water and ^_ Parish Council 10 Brents Rhyne & Black Ditch improvements West Huntspill Drainage improvements 11 Edithmead Lane culvert Drainage improvements 12 Perrymoor reservoir bank repairs Muchelney Bank and spillway repairs 13 Slabgate Weir inlet Hambridge Security measures 14 Drove culverts Drainage improvements South 15 Podimore Pumping Station Podimore Building refurbishment Somerset District 16 Long Load Floodbank investigations Long Load Investigation into improvement works 17 Chadmead culverts and channel improvements Chadmead Drainage improvements 18 B&T Canal connection at Fordgate investigations Fordgate Investigation into improvement works 19 Knapp Bridge Drove culvert Knapp Drainage improvements

0 1 2 4 6 8 10 Miles Somerset Rivers Authority Common Works Programme - Document Path: M:\Mlh dwgs\Main area dwgs\IDB 2015_16 works.mxd © Crown copyright and database right 2015 Ordnance Survey Licence number 100052615 IDB 2015 / 16 Works 'You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form' - Ordnance Survey