Somerset. Axbridge
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TlrRECTORY. ] SOMERSET. AXBRIDGE. 31 'The following places are included in the petty sessional Hutton, Kewstoke, Locking, Loxton, Lympsham, Markx division :-Axbridge, Badgwortb, Banwell, Berrow, Hutton, Kewstoke, Locking, Loxton, Lympsham, Biddisbam, Blagdon, !Bleadon, Brean, Brent Knoll, Burn Markx, Nyland-with-Batcombe, Puxton, Rowberrow, ;ham. Burnham Without, Burrington, Butcombe, Chapel Shipham, Uphill, Weare, Wedmore, Weston-super .AIle.:rton, Charterhouse (ville), Cheddar, Christon, Mare, Wick St. Lawrence, Winscombe, Worle, Wring 'Churchill, Compton Bishop, Congresbury, East Brent, ton-with-Broadfield. The population of the union in ;Highbrid-ge North, Highbridge South, Hutton, Kew 1891 was 43,189 and in 1901 was 47,915; area, 97,529; ·stoke, Locking, Loxton, Lympsham, Mark, Nyland & rateable value in 1897 was £234,387 'Batcombe, Puxton, Rowberrow, Shipbam, UphiIl,Weare, Cbairman of the Board of Guardians, C. H. Poole 'Wedmore, Weston-supe.:r-Mare, Wick St. Lawrence, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, William 'Winscombe, Worle &; Wrington Reece, West street, Axbridge AXBRIDGE RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Treasurer, John Henry Bicknell, Stuckey's Bank Collector to the Guardians, William Reece, West street ?lIeet at the Board room, Workhouse, West street, on 3rd Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. 1 district, F. E. Day, friday in each month at II a. m. Eastville, Weston-super-Mare; No. 2 district, Herbert Chairman. W. Petheram W. Berry, Churchill; No. 3 district, Frederick Curtin, Clerk, William Reeca, West street Wedmore; No. 4 district, R. S. Waddon, Brent Knoll Treasurer, John Henry Bicknell, Bank ho. Stuckey's Bank Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district, A. B. :MedicaI Officer of Health, .A.rtbur VictDr Lecbe L.R.C.P. Blair, Banwell; No. 2 district, F. St. Jobn Kemm, o Edin. EImcroft, Compton Bishop Worle; No. 3 district, George Henry Temple M.B., :Surveyor, George A. Millard. West street C.M. Weston-super-Mare; No. 4 district, Arthur James . Sanitary Inspector, Harry Matthew Teek, Cross,Ilminster Cary L.R.C.P. & S.l. Bleadon; No. 5 district, E. D. ~etty Sessions are held at the Town ball, Axbridge, every Pines, Blagdon; No. 6 district, H. W, Collins M.R.C.S. second & fourth monday in the month at II a.m.; at EDg-. Wrington; No. 7 district, Arthur Victor Leche Weston-super-Mare on the first & third fridays in the M.R.C.S.Eug-., L.R.C.P.Edin. Elmcroft, Compton 'month at 11 a.m.; & at the Town hall, Highbridge, on Bishop; No. 8 district, R. W. Statbam, Clieddar; ,the third monday in the month at 12 noon No. 9 district, Richard Purnell Tyley M.D. Wedmore; PUBLIO ESTABLISHMENTS. Nos. 9a & IO districts, Richard Wade, Highbridge; No. II district, J. W. Papillion M.R.C.S.Eng. Brent .-county Court, held in the Town hall, monthly; His Knoll Honor J. V. Austin, judge; John Hungerford Powell, Superintendent Registrar, William Reece, Axbridge; !registrar :& higb bailiff; William Albert Chandler, deputy, J. A. March, West street, Axbridge clerli; Frederick Coles, bailiff. The parishes within its Registrars of Births & Deaths, Axbridge sub-district, ,jurisdiction are:-Axbridge, Badgworth, Banwell, Diddi. James Ponsford, Cheddar; Blagdon sub-district, Mrs. ,sham, Blackford, Blagdon, B'Ilrrington, Butcombe, Annie Chapman, Langford; Burnham sub-district, R. ,Chapel AUerton, Charterhouse-on-Mendip, Cheddar, S. Waddon, Brent Knoll; Wedmore sub-district, o,Christon, Cburchill, Cluer, Cocklake, Compton Bishop, Frederick Curtin, Wedmore; Weston-super-Mare sub 'Congresbury, Crickham, Cross, Heath-House, Hewish, district, Frank E. Day, Eastville, Swiss road, Weston- 'Langford, Loxton, Mark, Nyland-with-Batcombe, Rol super-Mare • stone, Rowberrow, Sandford, Shipham, Sidcot, Stone Allerton, Theale, 1Veare, Wedmore, Winscombe & Registrars of Marriages, Edwin Hall, Weston-super-Mare; Wrington deputy, William Spearing, High street, Weston-super ~ For bankruptcy purposes this ,court is included in that of Mare; John Swearse, Cheddar; deputy. Edward Wells; J<:dward Gustavus Clarke, Baldwin street, Oliver, Axbridge; R. S. Waddon, Brent Knoll; deputy. Bristol, official receiver John Stirling, Brent Knoll I Certified Bailiffs appointed under "The Law of Distress The Workhouse. West street, is a large building erected Amendment Act, J895," GeoI1ge Brooks, Axbridge; in 1837, for 500 inmates, the number at present (lgo1) Henry Spencer, Cheddar bein~ 19'2; James Edward Waddon, master; Miss •{;orporation Weighing Machine, Town hall, Jonas Weare, Lydia Mary Wbitting, matron; Rev. H. Toft, chaplain; weigher A. V. Uche, medical officer 'County Constabulary, Axbridge Division, comprising the School Attendance Committee. hundreds of Brent-cum-Wrington, Winterstoke &Bemp stone; police office, Moor lane; the force comprises 1 Meets at the Board room, Workhouse, West street, at superintendent, 7 sergeants & 30 constables; Joseph IO.30 a.m. on alternate tuesdays. Comel', sergeant in charge at Axbridge Clerk, William Reece, Axbridge · Town Hall, Jonas Weare, town crier & toll collector School Attendance Officers. AXBRIDGE UNION. F. E. Day, Eastville, Weston-super-Mare :l3oard day, alternate tuesdays at II a.m. at the Board H. W. Berry, Churchill room, Workhouse. Frederick Curtin, Wedmore ''The Union embraces the following parishes: Axbridge, R. S. Waddon, Brent Knoll Badgworth, Banwell, Berrow, Biddisham, Blagdon, RIea- Parochial School, Moor lane (mixed), built in 1876, for 142 'den, Brean, Brent Knoll, Burnham, Burnham Without, children; average attendance, 134; John E. Chee]., Ilurrington, Butcombe, Chapel Allerton. Charterhouse, master; Mrs. E. S. Cheek, mistress; Miss Elizabeth Cheddar, Christon, Churchill, Compton Bishop, Congres- .lane Arthurs, assistant mistress bury, East Brent, Highbridge North. Highbridge South, Railway Station, James Cook, station master PRIV.~TE llESIDJ<:NTS. Durston Mrs. Cheddar street Salisbury James, West street '13icknell John Henry, The Bank ho. Edwards Charles Lund Fry M.A., Smith Henry Strode, High street High street J.P., C.C. The Court Swearse Thomas, Market place -Bowering Thomas, The Bank llOuse, Fowles Harry, West street. Toft Rev. Henry (rector, chaplain tll Market place Gillbanks Mrs. Cheddar street ' Axbridge workhouse &; surrogate), 'Chapman Mrs. West street Jenkins Mrs. High street The Rectory 'Cook John, High street J ervis Mrs. High street Tucker Charles, High street -Dibble Alfred Ernest, West street March Jobn Alexander, West street Webster Charles, High street Dibble Joseph, Hig-h street Perrett George, Cheddar street Weeks Miss, High street · Dunsford Mrs. High street Read E~ward Vesie, Cheddar street Woolf Harry, West street COMUEUCIAL. DicknelI John Henry, manager Stuckey's Banking Co. &; · Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Cheddar Valley, No., treasurer to the Winscombe &; Dlagdon, Loxton &; 2,512) (Albert Pople, Cross, Compton Bishop, sec.), Christon (united) school boards, treasurer to the Foresters' hall Axbridge union, .A.xbridge Rural District Council & · Andrews Annie (Mrs.), tailoress & apartments, Cheddar st agent for the Alliance & Edinburgh Life Insurance Co. Axbridge Gas Co. Lim. (Albert Rrad, sec.; Charles & also Accident & Fire Offices, The Bank house, Hi~h st Weare, manager) Bowering Thomas, manager of the Wilts & Dorset Bank- · Axbridge & West Mendip Friendly Society (John A. ing Co. Limited & treasurer to the Axbridge & West, March, clerk), Market place Mendip Friendly Society & agent to tbe Liverpool ~ .A.xbridge Town Trust (Charles Webster, spc. & treasurer) London & Globe Insurance Co. kc. kc. Dank house, ·Eartleet John, chcmigt &; drugg-Ist, horsp & cattle medi- Market place cines, agent for Cooper's sheep dip, High street Bray James, poultry breeder. Hi!?h street ;13eedle Ellen Amelia. (Mrs.), priffite schnol Brine Herbert, confectioner, Hi!?h street ";ljeszant John, gardener to C. L. F. Edwnrds esq. J.P. Books Benjamin, market gardener, FernwalI house Cheddar street Brooks George, shoe maker, Cheddar street.