The Death in Clouds
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Digitisede by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2015 DAILY SKETCH. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1918. SEE "THE MAN IN THE STREET" SAVING THE ENGLISHMAN,S HOME: ON PAGE 5. DAI H • GUARANTEED DAILY NETT SALE MORE THAN l ,000.000 COPIES. No. 2,203. LONDOl\, FRIDAY ~IARC!H 31, 1916. [Registered as a Newspaper.) ONE HALFPENNY. THE DEATH IN CLOUDS. A NEW .LON .DON I· v.c. li. Private Henry Kenny, Loyal Ko.;;-th Lanca::;hire Rec!"i ment, ·who appears in. thi · morning'~ list of \·.c.s, is the son of a Hackney widow. On one da\· he rescued six wounded comrades who \\Tre lying· ex posed to the enemy's fire. He was himself shot thr.ough the neck, but when home .ne'er mentioned that he had been recommended fur tht' Cro~~. Capt. A. F. G. Kilby, of the South Stafford~hire Regiment, another of the new V.C.s, it is feared, i · dead. Though wounded, he led an attack under A · into flames from a well-directed shot from the C!erma~ anti- . remarkable photograph of a Fre.ach aeroplanc~ob:J:t~ile gallantly reconnoitring over the enemy's lines ~~ :he a devastating machine-gun fire and a shower of aircraft gun. The pilot met his death in the bombs. Champagne region. Digitisede by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2015 FRIDAY, M~~CH JI,_Igi6. ·-------------------~:----:---~~-- SIX ;MORE V.C.s FOR DEEDS THAT THRILL. DOG ACTORS IN DRURY LANE r MARRIED MEN MUDDLE AT PANTOMIME. THE CABINET MEETING. Ch 0 H• M I and during all this ti~e had a cheera, WQrd for C IS who I?assed him. There is no .aubt that Theatre Summoned ap tatn eers n en .h:sa~l magmficent aourage helped greatly to save Offt.Ct.als On Mr. Long's Statement Has A Chilly ·1 Wou· nded a critical situation' c I Ch Th OU gh MOf t a 1Y • Private Henry Kenny, No. ~55, 1st Battalion rue ty arges. Reception. ----- Loyal North Lanca·hire Regimen~ --- HEROISM IN THE RANKS. Fer most conspic~o?s bravery .. Private Kenny TAR FOR A COLLIE'S NOSE. GROUNDS FOR GIVING RELIEF. w6nt out on s1x d1fferent occasiOns .an one day Three Drury Lane Theatre officials, Ernest under a very heavv shell, rifle and ma-chine- Ed d J At a meeting of the Cabinet, yesterday, it was Tlie Superhuman Endurance Of A gun fire, and each· time succeeded in carrying D' Auban stage manager John i war ones, understood that Miniders had under considera to a place of safety a wounded man who had property' master, and J. Wallace, assistant tion the question. of married me.n and thTe re Corporal Of The Kents. be{)n lying in the open. property master, were summoned at Bow-str~et cruiting problem, m re12:ard to W~ICh Mr. \~alter He was himself wounded in the n€<!k whilst yesterday on charges of permitting and causu~. g Long made a statement the previous evenmg in DARING I handing the last man over the parapet. unnece~sary suffering to twp dogs employed m the House of Commons. LONDON SOLDIER'S • Private William Young (No. 5938), 8th (Service) the reC;ent pantomime. That ~tatement, so far as could be ascertained Last night's London Gazette announ~es Batt.alion, East ~ancashire Regiment. On February 24 an inspector of the League saw 1 from many sources yesterday, has met with any the award of the Victoria Cross to six more' most consp1cuous bravery. On seemg that a very barlly affected with skin di.sease, F~r dach~hund, t.hjng but warm support. hts sergeant ha-l be~m wounded he left h s larg3 patches of the hair being off. It was m. the hero1c sold1ers. trench to attend to him under very heavy fi rc. ~ am-.-) room as o-ther dogs, and showed no s1gns It is stated that recruits will probably be able to Two of the names of these gallant men are The woun~ed non-commissioned office of havitlg had any attention. Another dog, a Shet- apply to the Statutory Pe~s~on~ qo:mmittee for th e f ffi of whom Captain requested Pnvate Young to get u.nder ~ove. a'1'1 collie, was emaciated, and so weak that when relief from these forms of c1vil hab1hty :- OS 0 ? cers, one '. but he refused, and was almost Immedtate ;v it tried to stand up it fell. Rent. Gordon K1lby, of the South Staffordshire very seriously wounded by having both jaws Arrangements were made for the two dogs to ~ Rates. - t f b Regiment is presup;led to have died on the .. hanrl':lrl over to the Canine Defence League, m Mortgage interest and msta1 men s o uilding I shatt~red. I society payments.. ' . · f b Notw1thstan?mg h.s terr1ble. lllJunes, Pr.:vat€ or,ler that they should have proper s!clled atten- Insurance premmms. field,.after a remarkable d~splay o .rave_ ry. I Young contmue~ endeavourmg ~o effect t _, :~ 'on. Next d-ay. the c-ollie was d€ad ap;J ~he dachs- Cost of the education of children. W1th a foot blown off, he contmued to rescue upon "'hlCh. he had set lus mmd, .ar.<' hund wa3 ''not much more tha!l a.1v-e,' and on cheer on .his men and use a rifle under a ev~~tua:Iy succeeded with the aid of anothf Iad ,,cc wa'> d, stroyecl. ~'he Government have not been able to make . ., so.dter. Inspector Rogers stated that when he mentiOned eve11 a,1 approximate estimate of the number of murderous machme-gun fire and a ha11 of He then went u:1a.ided to the dressing stat·o:' that the Shetland collie was nothing but skin and app4j; for relief which will be made. They are bombs. where it was that he had also bren bone, Wallace said - ·· Yes, I have given it castor-oil equall:; in the dark as to the al!lount of th~ con di~covere~ tritution which the Treasury w1ll be called upon Th h blown into the b th 10 wounded by a r .fte bullet m the chest. and put tar on the nose.· I do not know much . oug _ . air Y e exp . - The. great. fortitl!de, ~ete:m:nation,. cou;·~ge . about dog~. I do the b-est I can fer t~1e~, but am to make. SJOn of an enemy mme, Lieutenant MeN air, and devotJOn to outy d1sp ayed by th1s so.n < '1ot allcwed to spend much time over It.' . (For what "The Man in the Street" thinks see the gth Royal Sussex Battalion, organised could hard.y be surpa:;sul , 1Ir. Arthur Case,;y surgeon, said. the Page 5.) of 1 • • • • "ollie, wh ~ ch was simp.y a name covered w1th a a machme-gun party and, dnvmg. back the: MODEST HACKNEY HERO. k:n must have been ill fc·:· more than a week. Letter From Lord Derby. enemy, saved a dangerous situation. In his opinion it di-ed from exhaustion. The A letter from Lord Derby, which is d-esc.ribed by Mr. Miles Taylor, c~airman o.f the Lo~don ~ot les~ gal1ant were four -_men of the Third Of The Kenny Clan To Win The ~a~~~~hl~dst~t;~ suffer:ng from eczema, and was in Union of Attested Marr1ed Men, as of natwnal ran <~nd le, among them Pnvate Henry }lrt"zed Dt'sti"nctt"on. The hearing was adjourned for thr€e weeks. importance, will be read at to-night's meeting of Kenny, a Hackney man, who defied a raking .a- atteste.' married men at the Albert Hall. machine-gun, rifle and shell fire and six Harry Kenny is a Hackney man, 26 years of age. Seven M.P.s have promised to att<cmd the .meet · · h He joined the Army before he was 20, and w1' n ing, and it is hoped Sir Edward Carson w1n be times went mto f e open, and carried back· w<:tr wa declared he was mobilised as an A m:· HYDE FOR THE GOVERNMENT. present. 3 1 each time a wounded comrade. \Vhen under rese1·vist. C 1· · C d'd R d B A A meeting at Tower H11l yesterday unammously "" .treatment for a- '"-'OUnd he received this His mother, who a lwidow, lives at 16, I l ~tu~ne agreed upon a resoluti~n which, among . other ic: oa Itlon an ate . y n points, dv'lllanded the Withdrawal _or suspen::llon. of d t L d h . h d Margaret-street, and besides ...1e1· V.C. hero she mo e... on .Jn ero 1:1ug e away sugges- another son in the Army l-c a.31 Increased MaJOritY- • the existing calls to atteste_d marne~ men pendmg the introduction of compulsory serviCe. tions that he had done anything remark::Jble. I Mrs. Kenny told the iJ 1 ily Sketch yesterday- that ~:Ir. Jacobsen, the Coalition _candidate, :'e~s ~~~ The award.;; ~ -re :- j the deed which w~n fo~ lw~r son the Victo.ria Cro.>s tu;ned at. Hyde, the figures bemg announ Y l\1r. Asquith, who is expected to he in his place very nearly cost lum Jus hfe, a bullet gomg clean as.- .. in the House of Commons on Twasday, when Mr. through his neck. Mr. T. Owen Jacobsen (CoalJtwn)...... 4,089 McKenna introduces his Budget proposals, is to SUSSEX- LIEUTENANT SAVES He-.vas brought home; and remained in a mili- Mr.