Digitisede by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2015 DAILY SKETCH. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1918. SEE "THE MAN IN THE STREET" SAVING THE ENGLISHMAN,S HOME: ON PAGE 5. DAI H • GUARANTEED DAILY NETT SALE MORE THAN l ,000.000 COPIES. No. 2,203. LONDOl\, FRIDAY ~IARC!H 31, 1916. [Registered as a Newspaper.) ONE HALFPENNY. THE DEATH IN CLOUDS. A NEW .LON .DON I· v.c. li. Private Henry Kenny, Loyal Ko.;;-th Lanca::;hire Rec!"i­ ment, ·who appears in. thi · morning'~ list of \·.c.s, is the son of a Hackney widow. On one da\· he rescued six wounded comrades who \\Tre lying· ex­ posed to the enemy's fire. He was himself shot thr.ough the neck, but when home .ne'er mentioned that he had been recommended fur tht' Cro~~. Capt. A. F. G. Kilby, of the South Stafford~hire Regiment, another of the new V.C.s, it is feared, i · dead. Though wounded, he led an attack under A · into flames from a well-directed shot from the C!erma~ anti- . remarkable photograph of a Fre.ach aeroplanc~ob:J:t~ile gallantly reconnoitring over the enemy's lines ~~ :he a devastating machine-gun fire and a shower of aircraft gun. The pilot met his death in the bombs. Champagne region. Digitisede by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2015 FRIDAY, M~~CH JI,_Igi6. ·-------------------~:----:---~~-- SIX ;MORE V.C.s FOR DEEDS THAT THRILL. DOG ACTORS IN DRURY LANE r MARRIED MEN MUDDLE AT PANTOMIME. THE CABINET MEETING. Ch 0 H• M I and during all this ti~e had a cheera, WQrd for C IS who I?assed him. There is no .aubt that Theatre Summoned ap tatn eers n en .h:sa~l magmficent aourage helped greatly to save Offt.Ct.als On Mr. Long's Statement Has A Chilly ·1 Wou· nded a critical situation' c I Ch Th OU gh MOf t a 1Y • Private Henry Kenny, No. ~55, 1st Battalion rue ty arges. Reception. ----- Loyal North Lanca·hire Regimen~ --- HEROISM IN THE RANKS. Fer most conspic~o?s bravery .. Private Kenny TAR FOR A COLLIE'S NOSE. GROUNDS FOR GIVING RELIEF. w6nt out on s1x d1fferent occasiOns .an one day Three Drury Lane Theatre officials, Ernest under a very heavv shell, rifle and ma-chine- Ed d J At a meeting of the Cabinet, yesterday, it was Tlie Superhuman Endurance Of A gun fire, and each· time succeeded in carrying D' Auban stage manager John i war ones, understood that Miniders had under considera­ to a place of safety a wounded man who had property' master, and J. Wallace, assistant tion the question. of married me.n and thTe re­ Corporal Of The Kents. be{)n lying in the open. property master, were summoned at Bow-str~et cruiting problem, m re12:ard to W~ICh Mr. \~alter He was himself wounded in the n€<!k whilst yesterday on charges of permitting and causu~. g Long made a statement the previous evenmg in DARING I handing the last man over the parapet. unnece~sary suffering to twp dogs employed m the House of Commons. LONDON SOLDIER'S • Private William Young (No. 5938), 8th (Service) the reC;ent pantomime. That ~tatement, so far as could be ascertained Last night's London Gazette announ~es Batt.alion, East ~ancashire Regiment. On February 24 an inspector of the League saw 1 from many sources yesterday, has met with any­ the award of the Victoria Cross to six more' most consp1cuous bravery. On seemg that a very barlly affected with skin di.sease, F~r dach~hund, t.hjng but warm support. hts sergeant ha-l be~m wounded he left h s larg3 patches of the hair being off. It was m. the hero1c sold1ers. trench to attend to him under very heavy fi rc. ~ am-.-) room as o-ther dogs, and showed no s1gns It is stated that recruits will probably be able to Two of the names of these gallant men are The woun~ed non-commissioned office of havitlg had any attention. Another dog, a Shet- apply to the Statutory Pe~s~on~ qo:mmittee for th e f ffi of whom Captain requested Pnvate Young to get u.nder ~ove. a'1'1 collie, was emaciated, and so weak that when relief from these forms of c1vil hab1hty :- OS 0 ? cers, one '. but he refused, and was almost Immedtate ;v it tried to stand up it fell. Rent. Gordon K1lby, of the South Staffordshire very seriously wounded by having both jaws Arrangements were made for the two dogs to ~ Rates. - t f b Regiment is presup;led to have died on the .. hanrl':lrl over to the Canine Defence League, m Mortgage interest and msta1 men s o uilding I shatt~red. I society payments.. ' . · f b Notw1thstan?mg h.s terr1ble. lllJunes, Pr.:vat€ or,ler that they should have proper s!clled atten- Insurance premmms. field,.after a remarkable d~splay o .rave_ ry. I Young contmue~ endeavourmg ~o effect t _, :~ 'on. Next d-ay. the c-ollie was d€ad ap;J ~he dachs- Cost of the education of children. W1th a foot blown off, he contmued to rescue upon "'hlCh. he had set lus mmd, .ar.<' hund wa3 ''not much more tha!l a.1v-e,' and on cheer on .his men and use a rifle under a ev~~tua:Iy succeeded with the aid of anothf Iad ,,cc wa'> d, stroyecl. ~'he Government have not been able to make . ., so.dter. Inspector Rogers stated that when he mentiOned eve11 a,1 approximate estimate of the number of murderous machme-gun fire and a ha11 of He then went u:1a.ided to the dressing stat·o:' that the Shetland collie was nothing but skin and app4j;J.ls for relief which will be made. They are bombs. where it was that he had also bren bone, Wallace said - ·· Yes, I have given it castor-oil equall:; in the dark as to the al!lount of th~ con­ di~covere~ tritution which the Treasury w1ll be called upon Th h blown into the b th 10 wounded by a r .fte bullet m the chest. and put tar on the nose.· I do not know much . oug _ . air Y e exp . - The. great. fortitl!de, ~ete:m:nation,. cou;·~ge . about dog~. I do the b-est I can fer t~1e~, but am to make. SJOn of an enemy mme, Lieutenant MeN air, and devotJOn to outy d1sp ayed by th1s so.n < '1ot allcwed to spend much time over It.' . (For what "The Man in the Street" thinks see the gth Royal Sussex Battalion, organised could hard.y be surpa:;sul , 1Ir. Arthur Case, veter.na;y surgeon, said. the Page 5.) of 1 • • • • "ollie, wh ~ ch was simp.y a name covered w1th a a machme-gun party and, dnvmg. back the: MODEST HACKNEY HERO. k:n must have been ill fc·:· more than a week. Letter From Lord Derby. enemy, saved a dangerous situation. In his opinion it di-ed from exhaustion. The A letter from Lord Derby, which is d-esc.ribed by Mr. Miles Taylor, c~airman o.f the Lo~don ~ot les~ gal1ant were four -_men of the Third Of The Kenny Clan To Win The ~a~~~~hl~dst~t;~ suffer:ng from eczema, and was in Union of Attested Marr1ed Men, as of natwnal ran <~nd le, among them Pnvate Henry }lrt"zed Dt'sti"nctt"on. The hearing was adjourned for thr€e weeks. importance, will be read at to-night's meeting of Kenny, a Hackney man, who defied a raking .a- atteste.' married men at the Albert Hall. machine-gun, rifle and shell fire and six Harry Kenny is a Hackney man, 26 years of age. Seven M.P.s have promised to att<cmd the .meet­ · · h He joined the Army before he was 20, and w1' n ing, and it is hoped Sir Edward Carson w1n be times went mto f e open, and carried back· w<:tr wa declared he was mobilised as an A m:· HYDE FOR THE GOVERNMENT. present. 3 1 each time a wounded comrade. \Vhen under rese1·vist. C 1· · C d'd R d B A A meeting at Tower H11l yesterday unammously "" .treatment for a- '"-'OUnd he received this His mother, who a lwidow, lives at 16, I l ~tu~ne agreed upon a resoluti~n which, among . other ic: oa Itlon an ate . y n points, dv'lllanded the Withdrawal _or suspen::llon. of d t L d h . h d Margaret-street, and besides ...1e1· V.C. hero she mo e... on .Jn ero 1:1ug e away sugges- another son in the Army l-c a.31 Increased MaJOritY- • the existing calls to atteste_d marne~ men pendmg the introduction of compulsory serviCe. tions that he had done anything remark::Jble. I Mrs. Kenny told the iJ 1 ily Sketch yesterday- that ~:Ir. Jacobsen, the Coalition _candidate, :'e~s ~~~ The award.;; ~ -re :- j the deed which w~n fo~ lw~r son the Victo.ria Cro.>s tu;ned at. Hyde, the figures bemg announ Y l\1r. Asquith, who is expected to he in his place very nearly cost lum Jus hfe, a bullet gomg clean te.day as.- .. in the House of Commons on Twasday, when Mr. through his neck. Mr. T. Owen Jacobsen (CoalJtwn)...... 4,089 McKenna introduces his Budget proposals, is to SUSSEX- LIEUTENANT SAVES He-.vas brought home; and remained in a mili- Mr.
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