Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance Director of International Intelligence Scarlett Robinson Secretary of International Defense Alec Prodger

Office of the Queen’s Model United Nations

Washington D.C.





The contents of this document are fictional based loosely on the X-Files and will be used for the purposes of an extracurricular event.

This document contains information affecting the international defense and security of the English-speaking world. Within the meaning of the Act ss U.S.C. 35 and 38. Its transmission or revelation of its contents in any manner to any unauthorized persons is prohibited by law. Reproduction in any form or the taking of written or electronically transcribed notes is strictly forbidden.


About This Committee

On behalf of the Queen’s National Model United Nations conference team, we welcome you to the Intelligence Alliance Committee! In this committee you will be discussing the security and intelligence needs of a secret alliance formed between the , the , , , and . You, the delegates, will represent the Directors, Chiefs, and Commanders of the security and defense agencies that make up the Five Eyes Alliance in the year 1996, and you will be tasked with guiding your respective countries through difficult security and intelligence issues. The most recent incident involving extraterrestrial activity was the incident: the spotting of a group of strange lights in a V formation above Phoenix, . This committee must succeed in suppressing public knowledge of extraterrestrials while also avoiding attention from Interpol, who are looking to investigate any international suppression of knowledge by a major group such as the Five Eyes, as well as having to deal with new technologies such as the or perhaps even experimental alien tech. The public’s and Interpol’s ability to live their lives without care for alien activity is in your hands, good luck!


Letter from the Director

Dear Delegates,

My name is Scarlett, and I will be one of your crisis directors! I am a fourth year history and economics student, and this is my second year involved with the Queen’s International Affairs Association, the parent association of the Model United Nations team. I want to emphasize that I had an absolute blast writing this committee; growing up I was fascinated by the ideas of cryptids, aliens, and theories. My father spent many hours talking about what he really thought about the Moon Landing when I was young (and he acted as my consultant while writing this), and the discovery of the television series The X-Files did nothing but stoke the fires ​ ​ of this fascination. When I started writing this committee all I knew is I wanted to connect it back to The X-Files, and when I discovered ​ ​ the Five Eyes I knew it would be a fantastic vessel by which to explore the world of aliens.

Hey all, my name is Alec, and I will be your other crisis director! I am a third year history major in the Concurrent Education program here at Queen’s, and this is my second year involved with the Queen’s Model United Nations team. Though this committee is mainly Scarlett’s brilliant creation, I helped with some of the later elements, mainly some of the fun crisis updates you will get to see! I was also very interested in cryptids, aliens, and anything paranormal as a child - my favourite book for years was called Encyclopedia Horrifica and had all sorts to do with the weird and ​ supernatural. With my love of history to go along with this love of the paranormal, I’ super thankful to be a part of this committee and hope you all have as much fun as we will have with this! Anyways, I really hope you have as much fun with this committee as I did in writing it. I encourage you to be creative, in both your research and your crisis arcs, and to really have fun with this one.

Trust No One, Scarlett Robinson and Alec Prodger


History of the Five Eyes

“All warfare is ...” Sun Tzu, The Art of War

In 1941, five months before the United States decided to enter into the Second World War, the United Kingdom and the United States came together to create and issue the , which outlined the goals of the Allies in a post-World War II world. Terms that were agreed to between the two major powers included: no territorial aggrandizement; no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people; restoration of self-government to those deprived of it; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all; freedom from fear and want; freedom of the seas; and abandonment of the use of force, as well as disarmament of aggressor nations. This Charter set the precedent for a series of international agreements, declarations, and alliances between Allied countries that created international bodies such as the United Nations in 1945 to govern international relations and maintain international peace.1

Other, more covert, alliances were also forged out of the Atlantic Charter, with intentions to govern and share security intelligence within the anglophone world to protect the West against the and . This included the UKUSA Agreement, formalized in 1946, which formed the basis for cooperation between the United States Agency and the United Kingdom’s Government Communications Headquarters.2 Later, Canada was included in this agreement in 1948, and Australia and New Zealand in 1956, which was eventually formalized to become the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance,

1 https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/atlantic-charter 2 https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/ukusa/

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS or FVEY.3 As a secret supra-national agency, Five Eyes is only known to the highest ranked officers of each involved country, and as such is able to circumvent both national and international laws in intelligence collection, , and defense implementation.

Five Eyes came to play an important role during the , sharing information concerning the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of , and several eastern European countries (known as Exotics). A framework to monitor the military and diplomatic communications in Communist-aligned countries in the late 1960’s was eventually formalized into the ECHELON surveillance program in 1971.4 Throughout the 70’s and 80’s ECHELON’s surveillance program evolved beyond explicit military and diplomatic surveillance to include the surveillance of civilians; however, most individual intelligence agencies in Five Eyes had already been involved in civilian surveillance independently. The Five Eyes primarily collects information through national systems and the Upstream system which gathers information directly from the communications of civilians via fiber cables and infrastructure such as data flows. The collected information is then subsequently shared through the RAMPART-A partnership of which the Stone Ghost program is a part of, a sharing program between the Five Eyes countries through the newly-established Intelink-C, a secured intranet network.5

In 1988, Duncan Campbell revealed in the New Statesman the existence of ECHELON, an extension of the UKUSA Agreement on global . The story, 'Somebody's listening,' detailed how the operations were not only being employed in the interests of 'national security,' but were regularly abused for corporate espionage in the service of US business interests. The piece passed largely unnoticed outside of journalism circles.

The History of Nuclear Development

“Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds…”

3 https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/the-five-eyes-the-intelligence-alliance-of-the-/ 4 https://www.google.com/amp/s/techcrunch.com/2015/08/03/uncovering-echelon-the-top-secret-nsa-progr am-that-has-been-watching-you-your-entire-life/amp/ 5 https://web.archive.org/web/20180321194414/https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/docume nts/1200864/tssinframpartaoverview-v1-0-redacted-information.pdf


The Bhagavad Gita, Veda Vyasa

In 1938, less than one year before invaded the Rhineland thus starting World War II, German won the nuclear race and split the first atom, thus discovering fission. Immediately the international scientific community, specifically the United States, realized the implications of such a discovery after such experiments had been worked upon since at least 1919 when New Zealander Ernest Rutherford separated a nitrogen atom from a hydrogen atom. The United States and Canada thus kicked off the project that ended in the dropping of two nuclear bombs on : The Manhattan Project; a race to create and use a nuclear weapon. In 1945, the first nuclear weapon was set off at the Trinity site near Los Alamos. Nuclear testing proceeded to occur around , Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. In 1949, the Soviet Union, the US’ main enemy in the Cold War (1947-1991) developed its first nuclear warhead, leading to an arms race between the two superpowers alongside some global great powers. One such power was the United Kingdom, which developed its first nuclear weapon in 1952. Since their first nuclear tests, both the US and UK have each created a sizable arsenal: 10,577 for the US and 522 for the UK by 1995. Alongside nuclear weaponry, nuclear energy has become commonplace, though incidents within the past 20 years such as the Three Mile Island incident and the Chernobyl disaster have led to an increase in public mistrust of nuclear energy as an alternative to fossil fuels.


The development of nuclear energy is suspected to have brought our world to the attention of extraterrestrials, given the coinciding dates between nuclear testing and confirmed extraterrestrial sightings. How, and why, exactly is unknown as of yet, perhaps for the signals nuclear energy sent off into space attracting extraterrestrials to our world, or indicating a longer surveillance of our world with the discovery of nuclear energy confirming our intellectual capacity to them. Perhaps, however, there is something more to this discovery. Or nothing at all.



“They come from a far country, From the end of heaven— The LORD and His weapons of indignation, To destroy the whole land.” Isaiah 13:5, The Old Testament

This meeting has been convened to discuss the ongoing security implications of extraterrestrial beings, specifically, the security and surveillance programs that need to be implemented in order to control information about extraterrestrials, or aliens. As the internet has become an accessible tool to many civilians in the countries represented at this committee, so has come the ability to share information that could be a concern to the Five Eyes. The Phoenix Lights incident, which occurred earlier this year, is an example of how quickly an isolated alien incident can be quickly shared internationally, as stories, photos, and even video was shared on online forums which caught the attention of international news stations, spreading the story wider. This incident has been the first main instance of an extraterrestrial incident that has been

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS quickly spread throughout the population, which has worrying implications for the Five Eyes’ ability to suppress and delegitimize information quickly. Several incidents of alien craft sightings have occurred in the past, such as the Battle of in 1942, the Washington D.C. Incident in 1952, and the Montreal Sighting in 1990, among hundreds more, however, national security agencies have been able to suppress and discredit information quickly given their power over the media.

Aliens have been confirmed to the United States government since 1941, when an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) crashed outside the city of Cape Girardeau, and the United States military recovered the craft after receiving an alert. The officers that arrived on the scene described an aircraft in the shape of a frisbee, and two small grey men were found dead inside. Consequently, a series of UFO crashes or sightings occurred around the Nevada desert, finally culminating in 1952 when humans finally made contact with a live extraterrestrial. Since then, a quasi-agreement has been formed with extraterrestrials to stay within arms length of each other. Or at least for now.

Questions to Consider

1. What stance will your country take on extraterrestrials?

2. How will your country continue to suppress and delegitimize information relating to extraterrestrials?


Current Mandate The date is March 14, 1996. A public incident has just occurred the night before on March 13th over the states of Nevada and Arizona, as well as the Mexican province of . A group of mysterious lights travelling in a triangular formation flew over the aforementioned states in a bizarre pattern between the hours of 19h30 and 22h30 MST (GMT -7), and another group of lights was seen hovering over Phoenix, Arizona between 20h30 and 20h45 MST. This incident, currently known as the Phoenix Lights, has sent shockwaves through American media and ​ ​ has reawakened the public question on the existence of aliens and UFOs.

Though incidents like the Phoenix Lights have occurred in the past, the current technology available to the public has allowed for an unprecedented spread of proof of extraterrestrials, namely through the Internet. Images and videos of the incident are captivating the global public, and Interpol has also been prompted to investigate the incident based on widespread panic from the event’s potential truth.

The Phoenix Lights are, in fact, a real of the first ​ kind: visual sightings of alien spacecraft. This means that any ​ evidence and further non-Five Eyes investigation into the incident must be dismantled immediately. There are three main issues within this incident that must be handled with utmost urgency: i. Getting the incident out of the memory of the many witnesses in Phoenix and other affected areas: there are around 1.16 million people ​ in Phoenix, with as many as 150,000 claiming to have witnessed the lights. This also doesn’t include the thousands who witnessed the lights near the Nevada border, in Tucson, Arizona, or those in Sonora. As the Five Eyes, you need to find a way to erase the memory of those who witnessed the Phoenix Lights firsthand, either through technological or psychological manipulation of public memory. ii. Suppressing questions and investigations into the incident from Interpol and any non-Five Eyes affiliated factions: with the ​ possibility of Interpol’s investigation, the Five Eyes is in danger of the exposure of aliens by a reputable international investigative organization. Should Interpol find evidence of aliens from their investigation, Five Eyes could be implicated in the likely future

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS investigations into the maintained secrecy of aliens and thus, dismantlement or prevention of the investigation is suggested. iii. Preventing the information from spreading through the Internet: with the advent of online information technology becoming public, the Internet serves as a brand new medium for rumours, leaks, and evidence to find its way into the public eye. However, because of the birth of online information sharing being owed to the US military, the Five Eyes has assets that may be able to prevent and even reverse the leaks of the existence of aliens and the damage to the Five Eyes this evidence has caused.



Director General of Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) Rex Stevenson

The Australian Secret Intelligence Service is Australia’s foreign , and an agency under Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Despite this, ASIS is a highly secretive agency, having not been revealed to other portions of the Australian government until 20 years after its creation in 1952, with its operations even being concealed to the Prime Minister. ASIS was formed under Executive Order s 61 of the Australian Constitution, and its function is to protect and promote Australia’s interests abroad. The extent by which ASIS does so is on a need to know basis, which allows ASIS to operate with little oversight and accountability to a supervisory body.

Director of the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) Charles Dundee

As Director of the DSD, Dundee is responsible in ensuring the global monitoring, collection, and processing of data and information for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, especially in signals intelligence (SIGINT). Dundee is also tasked

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS with the security of Australian communications networks and information systems. Within the Five Eyes organisation, Dundee’s direct oversight includes all signals intelligence over South and for monitoring purposes, and the Eastern arm of the PRISM network in collaboration with the NSA and GCHQ which surveys internet activity globally, as well as a contributing member to Operation XKeyscore, the US’ internet surveillance system, and STATEROOM, a signals intelligence program operated out of diplomatic missions. The CIA maintains a signals outpost called in , that after its discovery by Australian operatives, is run jointly by the CIA and DSD. This has created tensions between Australia and the US, especially the DSD, as they assert they should have full control over their intelligence network, and who has jurisdiction and oversight over intelligence collected internationally.

Director of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Mike Burgess

Burgess’ portfolio as director of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to protect Australia from espionage, sabotage, and foreign interference. The ASIO does so through a vast espionage network including within the KGB and access to telecommunications, including postal services, phone lines, computers, as well as ordinary frisks of persons under warrant. One of the key foci of the ASIO currently is preparations for the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, which poses new security risks. Burgess, as Director, has the unique ability to forego the Attorney General and issue a warrant of arrest in the case of a security threat, a privilege unseen in other Australian intelligence agencies. ASIO operatives have been granted special anonymity to ensure the safety of its operatives, which has made ensuring accountability of the ASIO difficult by the Australian government. The ASIO operates primarily in the Eastern Hemisphere, and has close data sharing agreements with the CIA.

Director of the Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation (AGO) Maximillian Fury


As director of the Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation, you specialize in supporting other Australian agencies with (GEOINT), which specializes in spatial awareness, geographical information, and domestic and foreign data regarding positioning of assets. This includes surveillance of all flight patterns with the Eastern hemisphere, and military tracking via satellite. As the AGO has direct oversight of geospatial movements within the Eastern hemisphere, they have created a vast databank of occurrences of unidentified flying objects in the hemisphere, dating back to 1982. This databank is incredibly private, and information from the databank is only shared with other agencies and organizations if there is a demonstrable security risk, even if compelled by the Ministry of Defense, causing tension with the DIO who argue they have data sharing privileges due to their positioning within the Ministry of Defense.

Director of the Organisation (DIO) James Connolly

The Australian Defence Intelligence Organisation is responsible for strategic intelligence and technical intelligence collection within the Department of Defence. The DIO is the only intelligence organisation for the DoD, and is therefore not autonomous. Connolly has direct oversight from the Minister of Defence, but reversely, Connolly has input towards defence and security decision-making, as well as the ability to request and compel data through the DoD from all intelligence agencies that Australia has a working relationship with. This has caused minor conflict between the DIO and other Australian intelligence agencies as they believe they should have rights over data sharing. However, due to Connolly’s placement within the Ministry of Defense, other agencies— Australian and otherwise— would be wise to maintain good relationships with Connolly for ulterior planning purposes.

New Zealand

Director of the Directorate of Defense Intelligence (DDI) Norman Schwarzkopf


The Directorate of Defense Intelligence has responsibility over all New Zealand , relevant to both New Zealand’s capabilities, as well as the intentions of other countries. The DDI does not collect foreign intelligence, however, the DDI has the ability to collect data from other agencies to provide council to the Ministry of Defence. This requires the DDI to work closely and maintain good relations with other intelligence agencies— foreign or otherwise. The DDI arranges security clearances within the military, as well as supervises all sensitive military data. The DDI, and Schwarzkopf, holds advisory council to the Chief of the Defense Force based on information collected and analyzed from other agencies, which grants Schwarzkopf the unique ability to have sway over national defense planning.

Director-General of the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) Ray Parker

Ray Parker, the Director-General of the Government Communications Security Bureau, oversees all operations of the GCSB, which includes collecting telecommunications and foreign intelligence. The GCSB is not legally allowed to collect information on New Zealand citizens, only foreign nationals and on foreign countries, through data interference and espionage. The GCSB has organized a similar outpost to STATEROOM, which collects data through diplomatic missions called CAPRICA. The GCSB operations are not obliged to publicly disclose its operations or the data collects, which has limited its oversight to solely the Prime Minister of New Zealand. The GCSB’s operations within other Five Eyes countries has caused tensions between them, especially the US, as they argue intelligence agreements between the countries should allow data sharing between the CIA and the GCSB and indicates and distrust between the agencies.

Director-General of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) David Sadleir

The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service is New Zealand’s primary intelligence agency that counters domestic and international terrorism. The NZSIS’ role is more advisory than through enforcement,

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS collecting information and providing advice to government agencies, which gives the NZSIS significant influence within the government. However, the NZIS has recently been granted the power of entry into private property, which has expanded their enforcement and espionage abilities, and creating tension with the GCSB who believes they should be given the same privilege. The NZIS has recently come under question however due to their reluctance to provide information under the Privacy Act, creating public distrust towards the agency.


Commander of the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM) Ryan Hillier

Hillier is the commander of the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command, in addition to the Chief of Defence Intelligence of the Department of National Defense and Canadian Armed Forces. CFINTCOM collects intelligence data, investigates and counters threats nationally and internationally. Hillier has oversight of the entire Canadian intelligence network, as well as holds an advisory role to the Canadian military to support Canadian national security. CFINTCOM involves several sub-units, including the Meteorological Centre, and through this centre CFINTCOM has collected a database on incidents of unidentified flying objects in Canadian airspace. Canada works largely in tandem with the US, especially militaristically, compelling Hillier to work closely with the DIA, occasionally to the chagrin of other Canadian intelligence agencies that wish to assert their independence.

Chief of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) William Leach

Leach, the Chief of the Communications Security Establishment, has responsibility over all signals and telecommunications intelligence, of both national and foreign networks. A large role the CSE plays is as a centre and as a signals intelligence collector. The CSE shares closely with other Canadian and foreign agencies to lighten intelligence collection burden, which also gives the CSE

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS access to telecommunications data from other countries through request. The CSE, however, is not allowed to intercept domestic communications, and has oversight from the Minister of Defense and the Attorney General, obliging the CSE to be bound to all Canadian laws. The CSE has been working to expand their operations and budget to lessen their dependence on foreign intelligence agencies, but CFINTCOM argues back that this is not a necessity.

Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) James Judd

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service is Canada’s primary intelligence service, responsible for the collection of intelligence regarding security, and conducting covert and overt operations internationally. CSIS has little restrictions to their ability to collect intelligence, and operatives maintain their anonymity, which has created a vast network internationally of unknown size to anyone other than Judd. CSIS’ role, however, is to collect information, and have not been provided enforcement powers directly by the CSIS Act, causing tension with CFINTCOM who denies their request to expand operative privileges.

United Kingdom

Chief of Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) John Foley

Defence Intelligence’s primary portfolio is surrounding military intelligence, and unlike the other British intelligence agencies, has direct ties to the Ministry of Defence. The DIS focuses on human intelligence via interpersonal contact, frequently via espionage, and signals intelligence, intercepting national and international communications for national security. The DIS and Foley has a role in military operations and decision-making in addition to their role in intelligence collection. The DIS also collects information directly from GCHQ, MI5, and MI6 to help inform on tactical planning, sometimes stepping on toes that believe GCHQ, MI5, and MI6 should maintain data sharing rights.


Director of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) John Anthony Adye

The Government Communications Headquarters has oversight of all communications intelligence in the UK, which includes collecting intelligence and securing British intelligence. This has in the past most notably includes cryptanalysis during World War II, which is an aspect of GCHQ operations that continues to this day. GCHQ shares their data with other key intelligence agencies in the UK as well as select information with other Five Eyes countries as part of their intelligence agreements. The GCHQ also contributes to the US’ internet surveillance project, XKeyscore, sharing relevant data on the activities of persons of interest. This has caused a modicum of distrust with other agencies that believe the UK should assert more independence from the US.

Director General of the Security Service (MI5) Stella Rimington

MI5, the UK’s Security Service, deals exclusively with domestic intelligence collection, counter-intelligence, and counter-espionage. MI5 is allowed to collect information domestically and from UK citizens, which can be shared in the case of a supposed security threat amongst the UK’s intelligence framework. MI5 is bound by the Security Service Act, which controls the ways MI5 operatives are allowed to collect information, and the oversight of the organisation. Rimington has been fighting to expand MI5 agent privileges and protect their data by sharing directly with MI6 rather than through the DIS, despite pushback from the DIS.

Representative of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6, SIS) Michael Trewell

As Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6 focuses on counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, cyber security, and supporting foreign stability through the gathering of exclusively foreign intelligence and the use of assets that range from data

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS gathering to counter-terrorist squads to specialized agents. MI6 is not allowed to collect information domestically, but are still compelled to remain compliant to an Investigatory Powers tribunal to avoid illegal activity abroad and domestically. MI6 and MI5 share their data through the DIS, but both Rimington and Trewell believe their data should be shared directly with each other to streamline and protect their data.

United States

Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)Representative Agent Lynch

Representing the CIA’s top members, Agent Lynch’s position in the CIA allows him access to most of the agency’s assets in acquiring intelligence from any domestic and many foreign sources in order to uphold national security. Information gathering by the CIA is often done using human intelligence (HUMINT), though other methods are used in cooperation with other intelligence agencies. The CIA has played the most significant role in suppressing information domestically, as they have the authority to seize information through warrants, question witnesses, and hold suspects. The CIA also operates globally, which has caused tensions with nearly every other intelligence agency at some point, fomenting distrust between agencies.

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

The Defense Intelligence Agency is responsible for collecting foreign intelligence to inform US decision-making. The DIA maintains outposts globally in both covert and overt ways to collect data and information to inform military and diplomatic decisions. The DIA, however, has no law-enforcement capabilities, and is required to share information to relevant bodies to result in possible arrests. This compels the DIA to make the majority of their data available to the FBI, CIA, Attorney-General, President, and police forces, if requested for a relevant case. Clapper agrees that this is the DIA’s

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS role and it should not change, despite previous lobbying attempts to limit data sharing agreements.

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Louis J. Freeh

As Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Freeh oversees all domestic law enforcement related intelligence and security and FBI operations. The FBI is mandated by Title 28 of the United States Code, Section 533 to be appointed to crimes against the United States by the Attorney General, in addition to other proprietary jurisdictions, such as on Indian Reservations. The FBI has access to the , the code name for a governmental database that contains personal and financial records of those citizens that are believed to be a threat to national security. The data is collected without warrant or court order by the Department of the Treasury and linked to the FBI, , and the Central Intelligence Agency data through FBI databases, requiring the NSA and CIA to gain FBI approval to access this data.

Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Nancy E. Bone

As director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bone specializes in supporting other American agencies with geospatial intelligence (GEOINT), which specializes in spatial awareness, geographical information, and domestic and foreign data regarding positioning of assets. The NGA maintains the most mysterious role within the intelligence alliance, given their nearly complete control over their own data. The NGA has created a database of all known UFO incidents globally, collecting from relevant foreign agencies, as well as domestically. The range of this database is on a need to know basis within the US, and even the POTUS is unaware of the extent of the NGA’s information collection beyond their military capacity.

Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) John Michael McConnell


As head of the National Security Agency, McConnell is responsible in ensuring the global monitoring, collection, and processing of data and information for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, especially in signals intelligence (SIGINT). McConnell is also tasked with the security of American communications networks and information systems. Project MINARET a domestic espionage project operated by the National Security Agency (NSA), which, after intercepting electronic communications that contained the names of predesignated US citizens, passed them to other government law enforcement and intelligence organizations. Intercepted messages were disseminated to the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), and the Department of Defense. The project was a sister project to Project SHAMROCK. The NSA maintains an oversight role between the American intelligence agencies, with the ability to dip into the data from nearly every other agency’s data— excluding the NGA.

READ AND DESTROY EYES ONLY ACCESS https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1977USUNN05161_c.html https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1977STATE113977_c.html