REPOR'r: [To Accompany H
51ST CoNGRESS, } HOD SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. REPOU/f 2d Session. { No.3662. SUNDRY CIVIL APPROPRIATION BILL. FEBRUARY a, 1891.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed. Mr. CANNON, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the fol lowing REPOR'r: [To accompany H. R. 13462.] In presenting to the House the bill making appropriations for the sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year 1892, the Committee on Appropriations submit the following in explanation thereof: The regular estimates upon which the bill is based are to be found on pages I.:Sl-172, 175-177, 182, 183, 191-213, and 225-239 of the Book of Estimates for 1892, and aggregate, including $4,096,000 for Hiver and Harbor work under contract, $40,762,282.90. The whole amount recommended in the bill is $34,242,970.89, being $6,519,312.01 less than the estimates. The Sundry Civil appropriations for the fiscal year 1891, including certain items in the River and Harbor Act, aggregated $32,304,782.22, or $1,938,188.67 less than is recommended in the accompanying bill for the fiRcal year 1892. The apparent excess of $1,938,188.67 over similar appropriations for the year 1891 is more than accounted for in the increased amount recom mended for public buildings, which in the accompanying bill amounts to $6,U05,212.42, as against only $1,862,100 in the sundry civil act for the current year, or an increase of $4,743,112.42.
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