MAPUNGUBWE INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC REFLECTION INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC MAPUNGUBWE MAPUNGUBWE INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC REFLECTION (MISTRA) (MISTRA) Annual ReportAnnual 2013 | 14 Physical address: First floor, Cypress Place North, Woodmead Business Park, 142 Western Service Road, Woodmead, Johannesburg, 2191 Postal Address: PostNet Suite 586, Private Bag X29, Gallo Manor, Johannesburg, 2052 Annual Report 2013|14 Tel: +2711 518 0260 Fax: +2711 518 0266 Email:
[email protected] Web: Mapungubwe Institute (MISTRA) • [A Non-Profit Company][104-474-Npo] • Registration Number 2010/002262/08 [“The Institute”] CONTENTS Message from the Chairperson of the Council of Advisors 2 Message from the Chairperson of the Board of Governors 4 Preface by the Executive Director 6 Background 8 Strategic Vision 10 Governance 12 Organisation 20 Our Approach to Research: MISTRA Policy Impact 24 Core Business 28 MISTRA’s Second Tranche of Priority Research Projects 42 Strategic Reflections, Joint Research Initiatives, Commissioned Studies 54 Operations 68 Human Resources 80 Finance 82 Financial Statements 86 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE COUNCIL OF ADVISORS 2 Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) JENNY CARGILL Chairperson of the Council of Advisors MISTRA launched in 2010 with the vision to provide a long-term view on the strategic challenges facing South Africa and the rest of the continent. However, given South Africa’s status as a new democracy, it could not ignore the need of the diverse constituency that it serves for analysis and interpretation of current day events and developments. Importantly, therefore, it has steered a course of robust and intellectually challenging debate on the socio-political dynamics within our body politic without losing its core purpose.