European Long-Term Ecosystem and Socio- Ecological Research Infrastructure
European Long-Term Ecosystem and Socio- Ecological Research Infrastructure D3.1 eLTER State of the art and requirements Authors: Alessandro Oggioni (CNR-IREA), Christoph Wohner (EAA), John Watkins (CEH), David Ciar (CEH), Herbert Schentz (EAA), Simone Lanucara (CNR-IREA), Vladan Minić (BSI), Srđan ŠkrBić (BSI), Žarko Bodroški (BSI), Ralf Kunkel (FZ-Juelich), Jurgen Sorg (FZ-Juelich), Tomas Kliment (MK18), Francisco Sanchez (UGR), BarBara Magagna (EAA), Johannes Peterseil (EAA) Lead partner for deliveraBle: CNR Other partners involved: NERC/CEH, EAA, BSI, FZJ, UGR H2020-funded project, GA: 654359, INFRAIA call 2014-2015 Start date of project: 01 June 2015 Duration: 48 months Version of this document: 6 SuBmission date: 27 FeBruary 2017 Dissemination level PU PuBlic X PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) CI Classified, as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC Document history Date Author Description 20.7.2016 Peterseil, Johannes Generating the document and Basic structure 10.8.2016 Oggioni, Alessandro General things and text aBout OBservation and Spatial data, Semantic harmonisation, LifeWatch, GET-IT and EDI 12.8.2016 Wohner, Christoph Text about DEIMS, Geonetwork and B2Share 6.9.2016 Minić, Vladan Text about GEOSS and INSPIRE 17.1.2017 Kunkel, Ralf Text about TERENO 19.1.2017 Peterseil, Johannes Evaluation of the 19.2.2017 Minić, Vladan Implementation strategy for DIP 1.2.2017 Oggioni, Alessandro
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