MEETING AGENDA Monday, June 7, 2021 4:00 p.m. | Web Conference Page Meeting Information Senate Membership | Senate Bylaws | Online Supporting Material Visitors interested in attending the meeting are asked to register through the University Secretariat at
[email protected] by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. 1. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda 5 a) Approval of the Agenda [Motion] 2. Approval of the Minutes 7 - 16 a) Minutes of April 5, 2021 [Motion] b) Business Arising 3. Remarks from the Chair 17 a) Chair's Remarks to Senate 19 b) Synoposis of April 21, 2021 Board of Governors Meeting 4. Question Period 21 a) Question Period 5. Priorities and Planning Committee Report 23 - 24 a) Update on Senate Governance Review 25 b) Update from the COU Academic Colleague 6. Committee on Bylaws & Membership Report 27 - 33 a) 2021-22 Senate Standing Committee Membership [Motion] 35 - 37 b) Election of the Member-at-Large to Chair Senate Priorities and Planning Committee [Ballot] 39 - 49 c) Senate and Senate Standing Committees Annual Evaluation Surveys 7. Board of Undergraduate Studies Report Page 1 of 543 51 - 62 a) Proposed Revisions to Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures - Examinations and Grading Procedures [Motion] 63 - 68 b) Proposed Revisions to the Credit/No Credit Grading Option [Motion] 69 - 71 c) Proposed Revision to the Academic Misconduct Policy [Motion] 73 - 82 d) Proposed Revisions to Admission Requirements - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program [Motion] 83 - 91 e) Proposed Revision to Admission Requirements - Bachelor