l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493227002039 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax OMB No 1545-0047 Form 990 Under section 501 (c), 527, or4947 (a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ( except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) 2008 Department of the Treasury • . Internal Revenue Service O-The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements

A For the 2008 calendar year, or tax year beginning 01-01-2008 and ending 12 -31-2008 C Name of organization D Employer identification number B Check if applicable Please Scholarship America Inc F Address change use IRS 23-7039405 label or Doing Business As E Telephone number F Name change print or type . See (507) 931-1682 F Initial return Specific Number and street (or P 0 box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite Instruc - One Scholarship Way Box 297 G Gross receipts $ 26 , 869 , 146 (Termination tions.

F-Amended return City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 ST PETER, MN 56082 F_ Application pending

F Name and address of Principal Officer H(a) Is this a group return for Clifford L Stanley affiliates ? F Yes F_No 1 Scholarship Way Box 297 St Peter, M N 56082 H(b) Are all affiliates included ?N fl Yes F No I Tax - exempt status F 501( c) ( 3) 1 (insert no ) 1 4947(a)(1) or F_ 527 (If "No," attach a list See instructions 3 Web site : - N/A H ( c) Group Exemption Number - 1546

K Type of organization F Corporation 1 trust F association F other 1- L Year of Formation 1958 I M State of legal domicile MA


2 Check this box F- if the organization discontinued its operations or disposed of more than 25% of its assets

3 Number of voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1a) . 3 4,237

rh 4 Number of independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1b) 4 4,237

5 Total number of employees (Part V, line 2a) 5 0

6 Total number of volunteers (estimate if necessary) . 6 41,000

7a Total gross unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, line 12, column (C) 7a 0

b Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T, line 34 . 7b 0

Prior Year Current Year

8 Contributions and grants (Part VIII, line 1h) . 24,606,128 26,566,249

9 Program service revenue (Part VIII, line 2g) 0

N 10 Investment income (Part VIII, column (A), lines 3, 4, and 7d) . . . 6,586,812 302,897

11 Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), lines 5, 6d, 8c, 9c, 10c, and 11e) 0

12 Total revenue-add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 31,192,940 26,869,146

13 Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3) 589,719 542,198

14 Benefits paid to or for members (Part IX, column (A), line 4) 0

15 Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), lines 5- 10) 0 16a Professional fundraising fees (Part IX, column (A), line 11e) 0

b (Total fundraising expenses, Part IX, column (D), line 25 1,266,992 17 Other expenses (Part IX, column (A), lines 11a-11d, 11f-24f) 19,866,110 20,226,542

18 Total expenses-add lines 13-17 (must equal Part IX, line 25, column (A)) 20,455,829 20,768,740

19 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 18 from line 12 10,737,111 6,100,406

Beginning of Year End of Year

20 Total assets (Part X, line 16) 126,178,999 122,879,599

21 Total liabilities (Part X, line 26) 0 0

Z606 22 Net assets or fund balances Subtract line 21 from line 20 126,178,999 122,879,599 Signature Block Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including a and belief, it is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than o Please Sign Signature of officer Here Anne Cheney CONTROLLER Type or print name and title

Preparers Date signature KPMG LLP Paid Preparers Firm's name (or yours KPMG LLP self-employed), Use Only if address, and ZIP + 4 4200 Wells Fargo Ctr 90 S 7th

Minneapolis , MN 55402 May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above ' (See instructs Form 990 (2008) Page 2 MUMV-Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the Instructions.)

Briefly describe the organization's mission See Additional Data Table

2 Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed on the prior Form 990 or 990-EZ'' ...... fl Yes F No If "Yes," describe these new services on Schedule 0 3 Did the organization cease conducting or make significant changes in how it conducts any program services? F Yes F No If "Yes," describe these changes on Schedule 0

4 Describe the exempt purpose achievements for each of the organization's three largest program services by expenses Section 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations and 4947(a)(1) trusts are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, if any, for each program service reported

4a (Code ) (Expenses $ 18,223,541 including grants of $ 0 ) (Revenue $ 0 Scholarship America affiliated Dollars for Scholars chapters are a national network of community-based, volunteer-operated scholarship foundations in cities, towns, and neighborhoods throughout the United States of America The chapters provide an effective way for communities to work together on a local level to provide financial support through scholarships, as well as academic support, and thereby assist local students in achieving their educational goals In 2008 there were 1,164 chapters operating in 39 states and the District of Columbia Over 41,000 volunteers staff their efforts The volunteers are trained to raise scholarship money, as well as provide academic support to local students Last year, Dollars for Scholars raised over $67 5million for current and endowed scholarships, they awarded over $40 5 million with the balance going to endowments and future scholarships Scholarships were given to over 40,000 students Since its inception in 1958, Scholarship America's Dollars for Scholars chapters have distributed $395 1 million to over 552,220 students In addition, Dollars for Scholars has enrolled 485 Collegiate Partners which are postsecondary institutions that agree not to reduce their grant aid when Dollars for Scholars scholarships come on to their institutions Some partners go a step further and match the Dollars for Scholars awards Dollars for Scholars not only provides financial support, they also provide academic support to students in order to prepare them for postsecondary education Academic support programs include Dollars for Scholars volunteers who assist in schools, who mentor students, who provide career planning and who assist students evaluate their college and vocational school opportunities These services combined with funds mean access for more students, who are better able to benefit from the opportunities available to them, and who are aware of what those opportunities can be

4b (Code (Expenses $ including grants of $ (Revenue $

4c (Code (Expenses $ including grants of $ (Revenue $

4d Other program services ( Describe in Schedule 0 ) (Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $

4e Total program service expenses $ 18,223,541 Must equal Part IX, Line 25, column (B).

Form 990 (2008) Form 990 ( 2008) Page 3 Li^ Checklist of Required Schedules

Yes No

1 Is the organization described in section 501(c)(3) or4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation )? If "Yes," Yes complete Schedule As ...... ^ 1 2 Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors? . 2 No 3 Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to No candidates for public office? If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part I ...... 3 4 Section 501( c)(3) organizations Did the organization engage in lobbying activities ? If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, No Part II ...... 4 5 Section 501 (c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501 (c)(6) organizations Is the organization subject to the section 6033(e) notice and reporting requirement and proxy tax's If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part III . . . 5 6 Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any accounts where donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts ? If "Yes,"complete N o Schedule D, Part I ...... 6 7 Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement , including easements to preserve open space, No the environment , historic land areas or historic structures? If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part II . 7 8 Did the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures , or other similar assets? If "Yes," N o complete Schedule D, Part III 8 9 Did the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed in Part X, or provide credit counseling , debt management, credit repair , or debt negotiation services ? If "Yes," N o complete Schedule D, Part IV . 9

10 Did the organization hold assets in term, permanent , or quasi-endowments? If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Part V 10 No

11 Did the organization report an amount in Part X, lines 10, 12, 13, 15, or 257 If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, No Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX, or X as applicable ...... 11 12 Did the organization receive an audited financial statement for the year for which it is completing this return No that was prepared in accordance with GAA P'' If "Yes,"complete Schedule D, Parts XI, XII, and XIII 12 13 Is the organization a school as described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)'' If "Yes,"completeScheduleE 13 No

14a Did the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the U S 7 . 14a No

b Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, No business, and program service activities outside the U S 7 If "Yes,"complete Schedule F, Part I . 14b 15 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any N o organization or entity located outside the United States? If "Yes,"complete Schedule F, Part II 15 16 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance No to individuals located outside the United States? If "Yes,"complete Schedule F, Part III . 16 17 Did the organization report more than $15,000 on Part IX, column (A), line lle'' If "Yes,"complete Schedule G, 17 No Part I 18 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total on Part VIII, lines 1c and 8a'' If "Yes, "complete Schedule G, N o Part II . 18 19 Did the organization report more than $15,000 on Part VIII, line 9a'' If "Yes,"complete Schedule G, Part III 19 No

20 Did the organization operate one or more hospitals? If "Yes, "complete Schedule H . 20 No

21 Did the organization report more than $5,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 1'' If "Yes, "complete Schedule I, Parts 1 21 Yes and II 22 Did the organization report more than $5,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 2'' If "Yes, "complete Schedule I, Parts 1 22 N o and III 9 23 Did the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, questions 3, 4, or 57 If "Yes,"complete Schedule No J . 23 24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 31, 20027 If "Yes," answer questions 24b-24d and N o complete Schedule K. If "No, "go toques tion 25 ...... 24a

b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? . 24b c Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds? . 24c

d Did the organization act as an "on behalf of" issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? 24d

25a Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person during the year? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part I . 25a No b Did the organization become aware that it had engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person from a prior year? If "Yes, "complete Schedule L, Part I ...... 25b N o 26 Was a loan to or by a current or former officer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, or disqualified person outstanding as of the end of the organization's tax year? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, 26 No Part II . 27 Did the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, or substantial contributor, or to a person related to such an individual? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part III 27 No

Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 4 Li^ Checklist of Required Schedules (Continued)

Yes No

28 During the tax year, did any person who is a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee a Have a direct business relationship with the organization (other than as an officer, director, trustee, or employee), or an indirect business relationship through ownership of more than 35% in another entity (individually or collectively with other person(s) listed in Part VII, Section A)? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part IV ...... 28a No b Have a family member who had a direct or indirect business relationship with the organization? If "Yes," N o complete Schedule L, Part IV ...... 28b c Serve as an officer, director, trustee, key employee, partner, or member of an entity (or a shareholder of a No professional corporation) doing business with the organization? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part IV . 28c

29 Did the organization receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions? If "Yes,"complete Schedule M 29 No

30 Did the organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified No conservation contributions? If "Yes,"complete Schedule M ...... 30 31 Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If "Yes,"complete Schedule N, N o Part 1 . 31 32 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets? If "Yes,"complete N o Schedule N, Part II . 32 33 Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations No section 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, Part I . 33 34 Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, Parts II, III, IV, N o and V, line l ...... 34 35 Is any related organization a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes,"complete N o Schedule R, Part V, line 2 ...... 35 36 501(c)(3) organizations Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related No organization? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 ...... 36 37 Did the organization conduct more than 5 percent of its activities through an entity that is not a related No organization and that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, 37 Part VI . .

Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 5 Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance

Yes No

la Enter the number reported in Box 3 of Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns. Enter -0- if not applicable . . la 0

b Enter the number of Forms W-2G included in line la Enter -0- if not applicable lb 0

c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners? 1c 2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this return 2a 0 b If at least one is reported in 2a, did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns' Note :If the sum of lines la and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file this return. 2b 3a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? 3a N o b If "Yes," has it filed a Form 990-T for this year? If "No,"provide an explanation in Schedule 0 . . . . . 3b 4a At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authority over, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)? . 4a N o

b If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22 .1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts.

5a Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year? 5a N o

b Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? 5b N o

c If "Yes," to 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter Transaction? . 5c 6a Did the organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible? . . 6a N o b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? . 6b 7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c).

a Did the organization provide goods or services in exchange for any quid pro quo contribution of $75 or 7a I I No more? . . b If "Yes," did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided? 7b

c Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required to file Form 82827 . 7c N o d If "Yes," indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year I 7d

e Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? 7e N o f Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? 7f N o

g For all contributions of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required? . 7g Yes h For contributions of cars, boats, airplanes, and other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C as required? 7h Yes 8 Section 501(c)(3) and other sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 509(a)(3) supporting organizations. Did the supporting organization, or a fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings at any time during the 8 year? . 9 Section 501(c)(3) and other sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds.

a Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 49667

b Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person

1 0 Section 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line 12

b Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club facilities

11 Section 501(c)(12) organizations Enter a Gross income from members or shareholders

b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them ) ......

12a Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing Form 990 it

b If "Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year

Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 6 L&ILM Governance , Management, and Disclosure (Sections A, B, and Crequest information about policies not required by the Internal Revenue Code.) Section A . Governing Bodv and Management Yes I No

For each "Yes "response to lines 2-7 below, and for a "No"response to lines 8 or 9b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule 0. See instructions. la Enter the number of voting members of the governing body . la 4,237

b Enter the number of voting members that are independent . lb 4,237

2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship with any other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? 2 No 3 Did the organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by or under the direct supervision of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? 3 No 4 Did the organization make any significant changes to its organizational documents since the prior Form 990 was filed' . 4 No 5 Did the organization become aware during the year of a material diversion of the organization's assets? 5 No

6 Does the organization have members or stockholders? 6 No

7a Does the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who may elect one or more members of the governing body? . 7a N o b Are any decisions of the governing body subject to approval by members, stockholders, or other persons? 7b N o 8 Did the organization contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during the year by the following a the governing body? . 8a Yes

b each committee with authority to act on behalf of the governing body? 8b Yes

9a Does the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? 9a Yes b If "Yes," does the organization have written policies and procedures governing the activities of such chapters, affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with those of the organization? . 9b Yes 10 Was a copy of the Form 990 provided to the organization's governing body before it was filed? All organizations must describe in Schedule 0 the process, if any, the organization uses to review the Form 990 10 Yes 11 Is there any officer, director or trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at the organization's mailing address? If"Yes," provide the names and addresses in Schedule 0 11 I I No

Section B. Policies

Yes No

12a Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If "No", go to line 13 . 12a No b Are officers, directors or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give rise to conflicts? ...... 12b c Does the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If "Yes," describe in Schedule 0 how this is done 12c 13 Does the organization have a written whistleblower policy? 13 No

14 Does the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? 14 Yes

15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision a The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official? 15a b Other officers or key employees of the organization? 15b Describe the process in Schedule 0

16a Did the organization invest in, contribute assets to, or participate in a joint venture or similar arrangement with a taxable entity during the year? ...... 16a No b If "Yes," has the organization adopted a written policy or procedure requiring the organization to evaluate its participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable Federal tax law, and taken steps to safeguard the organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? 16b

Section C. Disclosure

17 List the States with which a copy of this Form 990 is required to be filed

18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and 990-T (50 1(c) (3)s only) available for public inspection Indicate how you make these available Check all that apply (- own website fl another's website F upon request 19 Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and if so, how), the organization makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available to the public See Additional Data Table 20 State the name, physical address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records of the organization ANNE CHENEY 1 SCHOLARSHIP WAY ST PETER, MN 560821693 (507) 931-1682

Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 7 1:M.lkvh$ Compensation of Officers , Directors ,Trustees , Key Employees , Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors

Section A Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees

la Complete this table for all persons required to be listed Use Schedule J-2 if additional space is needed * List all of the organization' s current officers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organizations) and key employees regardless of amount of compensation, and current key employees Enter -0- in columns (D), (E), and (F) if no compensation was paid * List the organization's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee or key employee) who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the organization and any related organizations * List all of the organization's former officers, key employees, or highest compensated employees who received more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations * List all of the organization 's former directors or trustees that received, in the capacity as a former director or trustee of the organization, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations List persons in the following order individual trustees or directors, institutional trustees, officers, key employees, highest compensated employees, and former such persons F Check this box if the organization did not compensate any officer, director, trustee or key employee

(C) Position (check all that apply) (F) Estimated (B) C, - 3 (D ) Reportable Reportable amount ofother A v e ra g e compensation compensation compensation A) hours ° ° from related Name and Title 0 n from the from the per (D CD 0 o organizations ° or anization W- or anization and week -0 J g ( (W- 2/1099- g L m E 2/1099MISC) related in MISC) organizations


SEE Schedule 0 pages 291 - 373

Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 8 Continued

(c) Position (check all that apply) (F) Estimated (B) c - - 3 (D ) Reportable Reportable amount of other Average compensation (A) 'D a compensation compensation from related Name and Title from the from the hpers ID - a organizations 0 or anization W- or anization and week -0 J g ( (W- 2/1099- g D m 2/1099MISC) related MISC) Q organizations Q ¢ +a

lb Total

Total number of individuals (including those in 1a) who received more than $100,000 in reportable compensation from the organization-0

No Did the organization list any former officer, director or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee on l i n e la's If "Yes,"complete ScheduleI forsuch individual ...... 3 No

For any individual listed online 1a, is the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the organization and related organizations greater than $150,000? If "Yes," complete ScheduleI for such individual ...... 4 N o Did any person listed on line la receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization for services rendered to the organization ? If "Yes, "complete ScheduleI for such person ...... 5 No

Section B. Independent Contractors 1 Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organization (A) (B) (C) Name and business address Description of services Compensation

2 Total number of independent contractors (including those in 1) who received more than $100,000 in compensation 0 from the organization .0- Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 9 Statement of Revenue

(A) (B) (C) (D) Total Revenue Related or Unrelated Revenue Exempt Business Excluded from Function Revenue Tax under IRC Revenue 512, 513, or 514 la Federated campaigns . la

b Membership dues . . . . . lb m° E c Fundraising events . 1c +#f CG d Related organizations . ld

e Government grants (contributions) le

i f All other contributions, gifts, grants, and if 26,566,249 similar amounts not included above g Noncash contributions included in lines la-1f $ h Total ( Add lines la-1f ) ...... 26,566,249

Business Code w 2a

b c U d e

f All other program service revenue O g Total. Add lines 2a-2f ...... 1- $ 0 3 Investment income (including dividends, interest

other similar amounts) . 10- 3,972,905 3,972,905 4 Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds , , 0- 0

5 Royalties ...... 0- 0 (i) Real (ii) Personal 6a Gross Rents b Less rental expenses c Rental income or (loss) d Net rental income or (loss) . .

(i) Securities (ii) Other 7a Gross amount from sales of assets other than inventory b Less cost or other basis and sales expenses c Gain or (loss)

d Net gain or (loss) -3,670,008 -3,670,008 8a Gross income from fundraising events (not including

of$ contributions reported on line 1c) See Part IV, line 18 Attach Schedule G if total exceeds $15,000 ...... a b Less direct expenses . b *s. c Net income or (loss) from fundraising events . 0

9a Gross income from gaming activities See part IV, line 19 Complete Schedule G if total exceeds $15,000 a

b Less direct expenses . b c Net income or (loss) from gaming acti vities . 0

10a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances . a b Less cost of goods sold . b c Net income or (loss) from sales of inventory . 0- 0

Miscellaneous Revenue Business Code


b c

d All other revenue

e Total . Add lines 11a-11d ...... $ 0

12 Total Revenue . Add lines 1h, 2g, 3, 4, 5, 6d, 7d, 8c, 26,869,146 0 302,897 9c, 10c, and 11e ......

Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 10 1:Me Statement of Functional Expenses

Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations must complete all columns. All otner or anizations must corn iete column w Dui are not re uirea to com fete coiumns u ), c , ana u . Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7b , (A) (B) (C) (D) Total expenses Program service Management and Fundraising 8b i, 9b i, and 10b of Part VIII . expenses general expenses expenses

1 Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations in the U S See Part IV, line 21 542,198 542,198

2 Grants and other assistance to individuals in the U S See Part IV, line 22 0

3 Grants and other assistance to governments, organizations and individuals outside the U S See Part IV, lines 15 and 16 0 4 Benefits paid to or for members 0

5 Compensation of current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 0 6 Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) 0 7 Other salaries and wages 0

8 Pension plan contributions (include section 401(k) and section 40 3(b) employer contributions) . 0 9 Other employee benefits 0

10 Payroll taxes . 0

11 Fees for services (non-employees)

a Management . 0 b Legal . 0

c Accounting . 0 d Lobbying . 0

e Professional fundraising See Part IV, line 17 . 0 f Investment management fees 0

g Other . 0

12 Advertising and promotion . 0

13 Office expenses 0

14 Information technology 0

15 Royalties . 0

16 Occupancy . 0

17 Travel . 0

18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any Federal, state or local public officials 0 19 Conferences, conventions and meetings 0

20 Interest . 0

21 Payments to affiliates 0

22 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 0

23 Insurance 0

24 Other expenses-Itemize expenses not covered above (Expenses grouped together and labeled miscellaneous may not exceed 5% of total expenses shown on line 25 below ) a SCHOLARSHIPS 17,375,694 17,375,694

b ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE 1,278,207 1,278,207

c PROJECT EXPENSE 1,266,992 1,266,992

d ACADEMIC EXPENSE 305,649 305,649 f All other expenses

25 Total functional expenses . Add lines 1 through 24f 20,768,740 18,223,541 1,278,207 1,266,992

26 Joint Costs . Check F- if following SOP 98-2 Complete this line only if the organization reported in column (B) joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation Form 990 (2008) Form 990 (2008) Page 11

Balance Sheet

(A) (B) Beginning of year End of year 1 Cash-non-interest-bearing ...... 1

2 Savings and temporary cash investments 126,178,999 2 122,879,599 3 Pledges and grants receivable, net 3

4 Accounts receivable, net 4 5 Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees or other related parties Complete Part II of Schedule L 5 6 Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) Complete Part II of Schedule L . 6 7 Notes and loans receivable, net 7

8 Inventories for sale or use 8 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 9

10a +6 Land, buildings, and equipment cost basis 10a

b Less accumulated depreciation Complete Part VI of Schedule D . 10b 10c 11 Investments-publicly traded securities 11

12 Investments-other securities See Part IV, line 11 Complete Part VII of Schedule D . . 12 13 Investments-program-related See Part IV, line 11 Complete Part VIII of Schedule D . 13 14 Intangible assets 14

15 Other assets See Part IV, line 11 Complete Part IX of Schedule D . 15 16 Total assets . Add lines 1 through 15 (must equal line 34) 126,178,999 16 122,879,599

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 0 17 0

18 Grants payable 0 18 0

19 Deferred revenue 19

20 Tax-exempt bond liabilities 20

} 21 Escrow account liability Complete Part IVof ScheduleD . 21 22 Payable to current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, and disqualified persons Complete Part II of Schedule L . 22

23 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties 23

24 Unsecured notes and loans payable 24

25 Other liabilities Complete Part X of Schedule D . 25

26 Total liabilities . Add lines 17 through 25 . 0 26 0 Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here F and complete lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34. 27 Unrestricted net assets 46,130,083 27 45,150,105

M 28 Temporarily restricted net assets 28 ca 29 Permanently restricted net assets 80,048,916 29 77,729,494

u_ Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here F- and complete lines 30 through 34. 30 Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds 30 31 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building or equipment fund 31 32 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 32

33 Total net assets or fund balances 126,178,999 33 122,879,599 z 34 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 126,178,999 34 122,879,599

K&UM Financial Statements and Reporting

Yes No

1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 F cash fl accrual fl other 2a Were the organization's financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant's 2a No b Were the organization's financial statements audited by an independent accountant? . 2b No c If "Yes" to lines 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the audit, review, or compilation of its financial statements and selection of an independent accountant? . 2c 3a As a result of a federal award, was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in the No Single Audit Act and 0MB Circular A-133? ...... 3a b If "Yes," did the organization undergo the required audit or audits? . 3b

Form 990 (2008) l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493227002039 OMB No 1545-0047 SCHEDULE A Public Charity Status and Public Support (Form 990 or 2008 990EZ) To be completed by all section 501(c)( 3) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts. Department of the Treasury Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. See separate instructions . Open to Public Inspection Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization Employer identification number Scholarship America Inc 23-7039405 WMIF-Reason for Public Charit y Status ( to be com p leted b y all or g anizations ) ( See Instructions ) The organization is not a private foundation because it is (Please check only one organization ) 1 1 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i). 2 1 A school described in Section 170 (b)(1)(A)(ii). (Attach Schedule E ) 3 1 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization described in Section 170 (b)(1)(A)(iii). (Attach Schedule H 4 1 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in Section 170 (b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the hospital's name, city, and state 5 1 A in organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit described in Section 170 ( b)(1)(A)(iv ). (Complete Part II ) 6 1 A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit described in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). 7 F An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public described in Section 170 ( b)(1)(A)(vi ) (Complete Part II ) 8 1 A community trust described in Section 170 ( b)(1)(A)(vi ) (Complete Part II ) 9 1 An organization that normally receives (1) more than 331/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its exempt functions-subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 331/3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See Section 509 (a)(2). (Complete Part III ) 10 1 An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety See Section 509(a )(4). (See instructions 11 1 An organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2) See Section 509 (a)(3). Check the box that describes the type of supporting organization and complete lines 11e through 11h a 1 Type I b 1 Type II c 1 Type III - Functionally Integrated d 1 Type III - Other e F By checking this box, I certify that the organization is not controlled directly or indirectly by one or more disqualified persons other than foundation managers and other than one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2) f If the organization received a written determination from the IRS that it is a Type I, Type II or Type III supporting organization, check this box F g Since August 17, 2006, has the organization accepted any gift or contribution from any of the following persons? (i) a person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (ii) Yes No and (iii) below, the governing body of the the supported organization? 11g(i) No (ii) a family member of a person described in (i) above? 11g(ii) No (iii) a 35% controlled entity of a person described in (i) or (ii) above? 11g(iii) No h Provide the following information about the organizations the organization supports

(i) Name of (ii) EIN (iii) Type of organization (iv) Is the (v) Did you notify (vi) Is the (vii) Amount of Supported (described on lines 1- 9 organization in the organization organization in support? O rganization above or IRC section col (i) listed in in col (i) of your col (i) organized ( See Instructions )) your governing support? in the U S 7 document? Yes No Yes No Yes No


For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 Cat No 11285F Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 2 Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 170(b )( 1)(A)(iv) and 170 ( b)(1)(A)(vi) (Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I.) Public Suooort Calendar year ( or fiscal year beginning in ) ( a) 2004 ( b) 2005 ( c) 2006 ( d) 2007 ( e) 2008 ( f) Total 1 Gifts, grants , contributions, and membership fees received (Do not 19,882,814 23,242,695 22,411,398 24,606,128 26,566,249 116,709,284 include any "unusual grants ") 2 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf 3 The value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge 4 Total . Add line 1-3 19,882,814 23,242,695 22,411,398 24,606,128 26,566,249 116,709,284 5 The portion of total contribution by each person ( other than a government unit or publicly supported organization ) included on line 1 that exceed 2 % of the amount shown on line 11, column (f) 6 Public Support subtract line 5 from line 4 116, 709, 284

Total Su pp ort Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) (a) 2004 (b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008 (f) Total 7 Amounts from line 4 19,882,814 2,537,217 22,411,398 24,606,128 26,566,249 116,709,284 8 Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securities loans, 2,328,471 2,537,217 3,276,824 4,893,462 3,972,905 17,008,879 rents, royalties and income from similar sources 9 Net income from unrelated business activities, whether or not the business is regularly carried on 10 Other income Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part IV ) 11 Total Support (Add lines 7 through 10) 133,718,163 12 Gross receipts from related activities, etc (See instructions 12 13 First Five Years. If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a 501(c)(3) organization, check this box and stop here

Com p utation of Public Su pp ort Percenta g e 14 Public Support Percentage for 2008 (line 6 column (f) divided by line 11 column (f)) 14 87 28 %

15 Public Support Percentage for 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 26f 15 89 211 % 16a 33 1 / 3% Test - 2008 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and line 14 is 33 1/ 3% or more, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization Ok- F b 33 1 / 3% Test -2007 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13 or 16a , and line 15 is 33 1/3% or more, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization 17a 10 % Facts and Circumstances Test - 2008 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, or 16b and line 14 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the " facts and circumstances " test, check this box and stop here . Explain in Part IV how the organization meets the " facts and circumstances " test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization b 10% Facts and Circumstances Test - 2007 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b , or 17a and line 15 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the " facts and circumstances " test, check this box and stop here . Explain in Part IV how the organization meets the " facts and circumstances " test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F_ 18 Private Foundation . If the organization did not check the box on line 13, 16a, 16b , 17a or 17b, check this box and see instructions lk^F_

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 3 IMMOTM Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 509(a)(2) (Complete only if you checked the box on line 9 of Part I.) Section A. Public Support Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) (a) 2004 (b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008 (f) Total 1 Gifts, grants, contributions, and membership fees received (Do not include any "unusual grants ") 2 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or facilities furnished in any activity that is related to the organization's tax- exempt purpose 3 Gross receipts from activities that are not an unrelated trade or business under section 513 4 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf 5 The value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge 6 Total Add lines 1-5 7a Amounts included on lines 1, 2, and 3 received from disqualified persons b Amounts included on lines 2 and 3 received from other than disqualified persons that exceed the greater of 1% of the total of lines 9, 10c, 11, and 12 for the year or $5,000 c Total of lines 7a and 7b 8 Public Support (Substract line 7c from line 6) Total Su pp ort Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) (a) 2004 (b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008 (f) Total 9 Amounts from line 6 10a Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securities loans, rents, royalties and income from similar sources b Unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired after 30 June, 1975 c Add lines 10a and 10b 11 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 10b, whether or not the business is regularly carried on 12 Other income Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part IV ) 13 Total Support (Add lines 9, 10c, 11 and 12) 14 First Five Years If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a 501(c)(3) organization, check this box and stop here lk^F_

Com p utation of Public Su pp ort Percenta g e 15 Public Support Percentage for 2008 (line 8 column (f) divided by line 13 column (f)) 15

16 Public Support Percentage for 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 27g 16

Com p utation of Investment Income Percenta g e 17 Investment Income Percentage for 2008 (line 10c column (f) divided by line 13 column (f)) 17

18 Investment Income Percentage from 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 27h 18

19a 33 1 / 3% Tests - 2008 . If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33 1/3%, and line 17 is not more than 33 1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F_ b 33 1 / 3% Tests-2007 . If the organization did not check a box on line 14 or line 19a, and line 16 is more than 33 1/3% and line 18 is not more than 33 1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization lk^F_ 20 Private Foundation If the organization did not check a box on line 14, 19a or 19b, check this box and see instructions lk^F_

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Page 4 MOW^ Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required by Part II, line 10; Part II, line 17a or 17b, or Part III, line 12. Provide and any other additional information. (see instructions)

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493227002039 Schedule I OMB No 1545-0047 (Form 990 ) Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the U.S. 2008

Department of the Treasury Complete if the organization answered " Yes," on Form 990, Part IV, lines 21 or 22. Attach to Form 990. Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization Employer identification number Scholarship America Inc 23-7039405 General Information on Grants and Assistance 1 Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance? ...... F Yes 1 No 2 Describe in Part IV the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds in the United States Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 21 for any recipient that received more than $5,000. Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000. Use Part IV and Schedule I-1 if additional space is needed ...... ► F

1(a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of valuation (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant organization if applicable grant cash (book, FMV, appraisal, non-cash assistance or assistance or government assistance other)

See Additional Data Table

2 Enter total number of section 501(c)(3)and government 22 organizations ...... ► 3 Enter total number of other organizations ...... 0

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Cat No 50055P Schedule I (Form 990) 2008 Schedule I (Form 990) 2008 Page 2 Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States . Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 22. Use Schedule I-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.

(a)Type of grant or assistance (b)N umber of (c)Amount of (d)Amount of (e) Method of valuation (f)Description of non-cash assistance recipients cash grant non-cash assistance (book, FMV, appraisal, other)

Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required in Part I, line 2, and any other additional information. See Additional Data Table

Identifier Return Reference Explanation Supplemental Information Form 990, Schedule I, Part I The funds sent to community foundations are monitored annually by the withdrawal of funds from the foundation for each to Schedule I, Part I chapter's use

Schedule I (Form 990) 2008 Additional Data Return to Form

Software ID: Software Version: EIN: 23-7039405 Name : Scholarship America Inc

Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States (a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code section (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of valuation (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant organization if applicable grant cash (book, FMV, appraisal, non-cash assistance or assistance or government assistance other)

MARSHALL COUNTY 35-1826870 501(c)(3) 7,130 0 FMV N/A Investment COMMUNITY FOUNDATION2701N Michigan POBOX716 PLYMOUTH,IN 46563

Chaffey College Foundation 95-4095445 501(c)(3) 15,000 0 FMV N/A Investment 5885 Haven Ave Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737

Unversity ofLaVerne1950 95-1644026 501(c)(3) 10,000 0 FMV N/A Investment Third St LaVerne,CA 91750

Partners of BetterHealth215 20-3796650 501(c)(3) 8,715 0 FMV N/A Investment West C St O ntario, CA 91762

Dekalb County Community 36-3788167 501(c)(3) 10,000 0 FMV N/A Investment Foundation2600 Dekalb Ave Sycamore,IL 60178

Elkhart Memorial Scholarship 31-1196910 501(c)(3) 22,000 0 FMV N/A Investment Fdn Inc2608 CALIFORNIA RD Elkhart, IN 46514

First Farmers Bank825 E 35-0722410 501(c)(3) 8,000 0 FMV N/A Investment Jefferson Tipton, IN 46072

Elkhart County Community 31-1255886 501(c)(3) 29,922 0 FMV N/A Investment FoundationlOl S Main St PO Box 2932 Elkhart,IN 46515

Wells County Fdn Inc109 N 35-6042815 501(c)(3) 10,000 0 FMV N/A Investment Scott St Bluffton,IN 46714

Dearborn Community 35-2036110 501(c)(3) 11,500 0 FMV N/A Investment Foundation322 Walnut St Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Form 990 Schedule I Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Or g anizations in t he United States (a) Name and address of (b) EIN (c) IRC Code (d) Amount of cash (e) Amount of non- (f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant organization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, other)

Gibson County 35-1830262 501(c)(3) 6,750 0 FMV N/A Investment Community Foundation 109 N Hart St Princeton,IN 47670

American Trust & Savings 20-6834806 501(c)(3) 64,700 0 FMV N/A Investment BankPO Box 938 Dubuque, IA 52004

Omaha Community 47-0645958 501(c)(3) 49,000 0 FMV N/A Investment Foundation302 5 36th St Suite 100 O maha, N E 68131

Pella Community 42-1374038 501(c)(3) 10,200 0 FMV N/A Investment Foundation615 Main St PO Box 112 Pella, IA 50219

Central Minnesota 36-3412544 501(c)(3) 12,405 0 FMV N/A Investment Community Foundation 101 5 Seventh Ave Suite 100 St Cloud, MN 56301

Initiative Fdn405 First St 36-3451562 501(c)(3) 20,000 0 FMV N/A Investment SE Little Falls, MN 56345

New Hampshire Charitable 02-6005625 501(c)(3) 8,635 0 FMV N/A Investment Foundation37 Pleasant St Concrod,NH 03301

YORK COUNTY 23-6299868 501(c)(3) 71,805 0 FMV N/A Investment COMMUNITY FOUNDATION14 W MARKET ST YO RK, PA 17401

GreaterTacoma 91-1007459 501(c)(3) 31,225 0 FMV N/A Investment Community FoundationPO Box 1995 Tacoma, WA 98401

Inland Northwest 91-0941053 501(c)(3) 60,201 0 FMV N/A Investment Community Foundation 221 N Wall St Suite 624 Spokane, WA 99201 Form 990.Schedule I. Part II. Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States (a) Name and address of ( b) EIN (c) IRC Code ( d) Amount of cash ( e) Amount of non - ( f) Method of (g) Description of (h) Purpose of grant organization section grant cash valuation (book, non-cash assistance or assistance or government if applicable assistance FMV, appraisal, other)

Community Foundation of 94-3121390 501(c)(3) 30,000 0 FMV N/A Investment South Puget Sound 111 Market St NE Suite 375 O lympia, WA 98501

Community Foundation 39-1548450 501(c)(3) 30,000 0 FMV N/A Investment for the Fox ValleyPO Box 563 A ppleton, WI 54912 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493227002039 OMB No 1545 0047 SCHEDULE 0 (Form 990) Supplemental Information to Form 990 2008 Attach to Form 990 . To be completed by organizations to provide additional information for Department of the Treasury 1- responses to specific questions for the Form 990 or to provide any additional information . Open to Public Internal Revenue Service Tvava^tivv Name of the organization Employer identification number Scholarship America Inc 23-7039405


ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Selma-Dallas Dollars for Scholars 32-0194731 Marvin Hobson President PO Box 40 Selma, AL 36701 North Canyon Area Dollars for Scholars 91-1967169 Mary Martine President PO Box 31771 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1771 CSF of Tucson-Habbjach 86-6057299 Matt Noble President 12394 N Echo Valley Dr Oro Valley, AZ 85755 AVID San Diego County Dollars for Scholars 86-1122337 Bruce Braciszew ski President 6401 Linda Vista Rd San Diego, CA 92111 CSF of Banning 22-2849326 Susan McQuow n President 4176 Hillside Dr Banning, CA 92220 Castle Park Alumni Dollars for Scholars 91-2160969 Andrew Torres President 2311 N Camino Mateo Tucson, AZ 85745 City of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 91-2099991 Nelson Cordova President 5655 Jillson St Commerce, CA 90040 Dehesa Dollars for Scholars 41-1555826 RaeAnn Fields President 5692 Dehesa Rd El Cajon, CA 92019 Drew Silvern Dollars for Scholars Migrant Educ Fd 26-0113672 Lila Lee Silvern President 4414 Mary Ellen Ave Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Esperanza Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 71-0864218 Alex Espinoza President 1757 S Euclid Ave Ontario, CA 91762 Fostering Opportunities Dollars for Scholars 47-0853704 Mary Jo Macomber President 1722 S Grade Rd Alpine, CA 91901 Friends of Cal-SOAP Dollars for Scholars 41- 2154977 Janet Osterbye President 5500 Campanile Dr San Diego, CA 92182-1603 Garfield H S Alumni Dollars for Scholars 41-1795510 Donald Mroscak President 2113 S Bates Ave Springfield, IL 62704 Greater Riverside Dollars for Scholars 41-1778615 Doug Wardle President 10773 Hole Ave Riverside, CA 92505 Hilltop High School Dollars for Scholars 45-0489905 David Krogh President 712 East J St Chula Vista, CA 91910-6530 L A Wilson Dollars for Scholars Alumni Schol Fdn 35-2280014 Barry Shanley President 4383 Cornishon Ave La Canada, CA 91011 Dollars for Scholars, Lincoln Heights 93-0979505 Hank Castillo President 1015 N Lake Ave Ste 102 Pasadena, CA 91104 Lindsay Dollars for Scholars Foundation 26-0111006 Bobbie Velasquez President Lindsay Unifield School District Lindsay, CA 93247 Dollars for Scholars, Madera Chapter 41-1640237 Rachel Donatelli President 1625 Howard Rd #193 Madera, CA 93637 Dollars for Scholars Magic Carpet Scholarships 35-2288534 Rebecca Broughton President PO Box 157 Mecca, CA 92254 Dollars for Scholars Migrant Ed 26-0089657 Maria Romo President 189 Eaton Ave Dinuba, CA 93618 Norco Valley Fair Jr Lvst Auction Dollars for Scholars 37-1527614 Vicki Smith President 2816 Hamner Ave Norco, CA 92860 Oakland Dollars for Scholars 41-1821568 Patricia Legaspi President 5724 Kingsmill Group FORM 990, Ter Dublin, CA 94568 Oroville Educational Foundation 68-0159685 Karen Buck Treasurer 4961 Beckw ourth Ct Return For PAGE 1 Oroville, CA 95966 RIMS AVID Schol Prog Dollars for Scholars 41-2103049 Karon Myles President 7500 Sundance Affiliates LINE H (a) Dr Riverside, CA 92509 San Bernardino Comm Schol Assoc 23-7358556 Harlan McWhorter President 342 E Home St Riato, CA 92376 Santa Ana HS Dollars for Scholars 41-1681798 Loren Lighthall President 520 W Walnut St Santa Ana, CA 92701 Sunnyside High School Dollars for Scholars 30-0340604 Tashiana Aquino President 1019 S Peach Ave Fresno, CA 93727 Torrey Pines High School Dollars for Scholars Fdn 22-2849477 Leslie O'Leary President 13434 Calais Dr Del Mar, CA 92014 Wilmington Dollars for Scholars 41-1859592 Olivia Cueva-Fernandez President PO Box 1522 Wilmington, CA 90748 Avon Dollars for Scholars 06-0998865 Stephen McGuff President 146 Old Mill Rd Avon, CT 06001 CONNCAP Dollars for Scholars 41-1808952 Lynn Papacostas President CCSU New Britain, CT 06050 Coventry Scholarship Foundation 41-1718018 Paul Goodwin President 336 Bunker Hill Rd Coventry, CT 06238 Norw alk Mentor Scholarship Fund 41-1709030 Nancy Fuzesi President Three Castle Ct Greenwich, CT 06830 CSF of Stafford Springs 06-6088298 Gary Shearer President PO Box 25 Stafford Springs, CT 06076 CSF of Washington 06- 6088295 P Lincoln Cornell President PO Box 243 Washington Depot, CT 06794 CSF of Wethersfield 22-2849476 Heatherlee Loranger President 54 Stancliff Rd Glastonbury, CT 06033 Windham Dollars for Scholars 91-2007791 Mark Doyle President 244 Summit St Willimantic, CT 06226 Woodbury Scholarship Fund 41-1718659 Cameron Gardella President PO Box 716 Woodbury, CT 06798 The Learning Communities Initiative, a Dollars for Scholars Chapter 61-1551380 Deann Ayers Executive Director 4124 Ames St NE #203 Washington, DC 20019 Bay Colony Dollars for Scholars 26-0073843 Scott Ball President 4949 Tamiani Trail N Ste 203 Naples, FL 34103 Lake Worth Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1939616 Dave Cantley President 564 S Country Club Dr Atlantis, FL 33462 The Villages Dollars for Scholars 61-1523706 Carol Lutgen President 904 Walker Loop Lady Lake, FL 32162-7489 AGWSR Dollars for Scholars 91-2130656 Kevin Meyer President 117 Butler St Ackley, IA 50601 Anita Dollars for Scholars 91-1976596 Karen Mailander President 694 Main St Anita, IA 50020 BC-IG Citizens' Scholarship Foundation 41- 1772080 Mason Goodenow President 503 Center Ln Ida Grove, IA 51445-1732 Ballard Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1808834 Danelle Jensen President 4795 Timber Creek Ln Ames, IA 50010 Carlisle Area Dollars for Scholars 91- 1901333 Joe Schettler President 5749 185th Ave Carlisle, IA 50047 Charles City Area Dollars for Scholars 41- 1839441 Frank Rottinghaus President 1004 Court St Charles City, IA 50616 Clayton Ridge Dollars for Scholars 37- 1522028 Lanny Kuehl President PO Box 549 Garnavillo, IA 52049 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Creston Dollars for Scholars 91-1941788 Charlene Dunphy President PO Box 194 Creston, IA 50801 Davenport Dollars for Scholars 26-0077858 June Gotaas-White President 4617 Belle Ave Davenport, IA 52807 Denver Dollars for Scholars 41-1664211 Daria Jerauld President 2495 Joplin Ave Denver, IA 50622 Dike-New Hartford Dollars for Scholars 91-1877141 Thomas Boe President 12491 WAve Cedar Falls, IA 50613 East Buchanan Dollars for Scholars 41-1682027 Cheryl Beatty President 144 EJefferson St Winthrop, IA 50682 East Union Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1693797 Phil Waigand President 1916 High School Dr Afton, IA 50830 English Valleys CSF 41-1736000 Phillip Hester President 401 N Woodland Dr North English, IA 52316 Forest City Dollars for Scholars 41-1690655 Chad Angel President 206 W School St Forest City, IA 50436 Glenwood Area Dollars for Scholars 91-1982608 Bill Agan President PO Box 465 Glenwood, IA 51534 Griswold Community Dollars for Scholars 91-1985901 David Wallace President 508 Fourth St Griswold, IA 51535 Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of HLV 41-1774744 Allen Waterbeck President 315 Vine St Hartw ick, IA 52232 I- 35 Dollars for Scholars 75-3020465 Dara Queck President 405 E North St Truro, IA 50257 Indianola Area Dollars for Scholars 91-1914339 Doug Byland President 2204 W Second Ave Indianola, IA 50125 Janesville Dollars for Scholars 41-1770693 Judy Fisher President 7910 Winslow Rd Janesville, IA 50647 Johnston Dollars for Scholars 93-0961597 Neal Thuente President PO Box 108 Johnston, IA 50131 Kuemper Dollars for Scholars 42-1575546 Penny Miller President 109 S Clark St Carroll, IA 51401 MFL Marmac Dollars for Scholars 41-1836632 Jim Moritz President PO Box 607, 106 S Main St Monona, IA 52159 Dollars for Scholars of Melcher-Dallas, low a 32-0170396 Ken Haselhuhn President PO Box 441 Melcher-Dallas, IA 50163 Murray Comm School Dollars for Scholars 46- 0517059 Dennis Jeter President 316 Eighth St Murray, IA 50174 CSF of Newton 41-1522721 Lee Swenson President 721 W 11th St S Newton, IA 50208 North Fayette Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1654362 Kent McElvania President 111 Lincoln Ct West Union, IA 52175 PV Dollars for Scholars 26-0058247 Edward McWeeny President 1744 320th St Gow rie, IA 50543-7557 Pekin Dollars for Scholars 91-2122413 Bo Northup President 1285 145th St Packwood, IA 52580-8552 Postville District Dollars for Scholars 41-1693812 David Koopman President PO Box 255 Postville, IA 52162 Riceville Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1664043 Norman Kolberg President 7799 150th St Group Return FORM 990, Elma, IA 50628 Saydel Dollars for Scholars 91-2167073 Kirk Hartung President 590 NE 60th Ave Des Moines, IA For Affiliates PAGE 1, 50313 Solon Dollars for Scholars 41-1726442 Penny Tompkins President 1613 Hwy 1 NE Solon, IA 52333 South (CONTINUED) LINE H (a) Winneshiek Dollars for Scholars 41-1983950 Thomas Ridout President PO Box 100 Calmar, IA 52132 Southeast Warren Dollars for Scholars 41-1777468 Duane Ohnemus President 21610 G-58 Hwy Milo, IA 50166 Starmont Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1661762 Dan Hayes President 2628 100th St Stanley, IA 50671-9602 T-C Dollars for Scholars 41-1700850 Dean Sparr President 809 3rd St Neola, IA 51559 Tripoli-Frederika CSF 41-1670512 Paul Bristow President PO Box 304 Tripoli, IA 50676 CSF of Twin Cedars Comm Schools 41-1630733 Corrine Uitermarkt President PO Box 212 Bussey, IA 50044 CSF of Urbandale 42-6100380 Randy Prati President PO Box 3762 Urbandale, IA 50322 CSF of Vinton 41-1689260 Don Eells President 5649 24th Ave Dr Vinton, IA 52349 Waverly-Shell Rock Dollars for Scholars Pres Fdn 91-2013783 Brock Sands President 1415 Fourth Ave SW Waverly, IA 50677 West Fork Warhaw ks Dollars for Scholars 35-2265089 Tim Christianson President 2399 Lark Ave Sheffield, IA 50475 Castleford CSF 41-1736334 Todd Wells President 3658 N 800 E Castleford, ID 83321 Gooding Academic Boosters Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1852340 Susan Westendorf President 507 Idaho St Gooding, ID 83330 ASBTCI Metro Dollars for Scholars 30-0478759 Trenace Pyles President 11232 S Peoria Chicago, IL 60643 Arlington Heights Dollars for Scholars 26-0087117 Andrew Bennett President 618 W Campbell St Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Belleville West HS Dollars for Scholars 61-1531136 Robert Dahm President 4063 Frank Scott Pkw y W Belleville, IL 62226 Benton Lions Club Dollars for Scholars 30-0394579 Terry Sw ift President 511 E Main St Benton, IL 62812 C-U One-To-One Mentoring Schol Fdn 41-1870137 Bill Hobbs President PO Box 981 Champaign, IL 61824 Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 26-0113960 Luanne Triolo President 150 S Gary Ave Carol Stream, IL 60188 The Chicago Education Alliance Dollars for Scholars 26- 0064519 Teryl Ann Rosch President 430 S Michigan Ave Rm 364 Chicago, IL 60605 City of Berw yn Dollars for Scholars 74-3077959 Tom Pavlik President 6700 W 26th St Berwyn, IL 60402 Coulterville Dollars for Scholars 30- 0353129 Paul Cameron President PO Box 396 Coulterville, IL 62237 DBR Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 75-3036847 Mimika Papavasiliou President 601 Deerfield Rd Deerfield, IL 60015 East Dubuque Lions Club Dollars for Scholars 37-1576263 Jen Heim President 341 Gramercy St East Dubuque, IL 61025 Erie Community Scholarship Fund Dollars for Scholars 38-3776847 Cindy Weaver President 435 Sixth Ave Erie, IL 61250 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Fairbury Lions Club Inc Dollars for Scholars 33-1043255 Joseph Costa President 37 Lake View Dr Fairbury, IL 61739 Genoa Lions Dollars for Scholars 32-0195928 Mike Dreska President 222 W Hill Genoa, IL 60135 Homer Founders Club Dollars for Scholars 26-0123692 Jim LaMotta President 14618 Palomino Ct Homer Glen, IL 60491 Lakes High School Dollars for Scholars 61-1521124 Cheryl Cox President 1600 Eagle Way Lake Villa, IL 60046 Leland Lions Club Dollars for Scholars Fund 75-3053175 Matt Blocker President PO Box 646, 245 N Cedar Leland, IL 60531 Lincoln-Way East Mokena Dollars for Scholars 91- 2126575 Alyssa Gratkow ski President 201 Colorado Ave Frankfort, IL 60423 Lockport Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 91-2136521 Mary Kay Campbell President 921 S State St Lockport, IL 60441 Madison CUSD #12 Dollars for Scholars 35-2265131 David Becherer President 1677 Fourth St Madison, IL 62060 Manteno Rotary Club Dollars for Scholars 41-1974954 Lois Meyer President 652 Westend Dr Manteno, IL 60950 Marseilles Rotary Club Dollars for Scholars 91-2155839 Kent Terry President 2817 E2219th Rd Marseilles, IL 61341 Mid-Illinois Dollars for Scholars Foundation 61-1512036 Iris Hildreth President PO Box 956 Bloomington, IL 61701 Niles Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 91-2106148 Nick Katsoolias President 7627 Milwaukee Ave Niles, IL 60714 Optimist Club of Glenview Dollars for Scholars 30-0442194 Tom Durment President 2216 Prairie St Glenview, IL 60025 The Parent Teacher Org of Hinsdale Ctrl Dollars 32-0176072 Lisa Stafford President 838 S Grant St Hinsdale, IL 60521 Pinckneyville High School Dollars for Scholars 61-1508722 Debra Denton President 5283 Snowy Ow I Pinckneyville, IL 62274 Retired Professional Football Players of Chicago/IL 26-0072511 Shafer Suggs President 12849 Barrow Ln Plainfield, IL 60585 Romeoville Kiw ants Club Dollars for Scholars 30-0360875 Nick Fagust President 509 Fenton Ave Romeoville, IL 60446 Rotary Club of Oak Forest Dollars for Scholars 75- 3002422 Thomas Halw ax President 6054 W 159th St Oak Forest, IL 60452 Somonauk Education Foundation Dollars for Scholars 68-0512315 Chuck Kessler President 14598 Chicago Rd Somonauk, IL 60552 Village of Matteson Dollars for Scholars 91-1978586 Maria Bonae President 746 Violet Ln Matteson, IL 60443 Village of Round Lake Beach Dollars for Scholars 41-1989380 Richard Hill President 1937 N Municipal Way Round Lake Group Beach, IL 60073 Wilmington Lions Club Dollars for Scholars 37-1541436 Fred Koch President 2065 Hugh Coal City, Return For FORM 990, IL 60416 Woodruff Comm Schol Fund Dollars for Scholars 32-0177016 James Anderson President 1925 W Affiliates PAGE 1, Roscoe Chicago, IL 60657 Argos Dollars for Scholars 41-1687534 Jon Van Der Weele President 8770 15th Rd (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Argos, IN 46501 Benton Community Dollars for Scholars 06-1251414 Rebecca Vandeveer President 5187 S 750 E II) Oxford, IN 47971 Bluffton/Southern Wells Dollars for Scholars 41-1670511 Greg Merkel President 3350 E 200 S Bluffton, IN 46714 Bremen Dollars for Scholars 06-1250488 Troy Holmes President 2969 Oak Blvd Bremen, IN 46506 Centerville-Abington Comm Dollars for Scholars 26-0087676 Nancy Saum President 3965 Autumn Wood PI Richmond, IN 47374 Comm of Attica Schol Endow ment 41-1650905 Stella Kurtz President 115 David Dr Attica, IN 47918 CSF of Covington 35-6066655 Raquel Stultz President 313 N Hickory Ln Covington, IN 47932 Decatur Tow nship Dollars for Scholars 41-1706514 Cheryl LaTulippe President 5632 Willow ridge Ct Indianapolis, IN 46221 Dubois Ruritan Dollars for Scholars 06-1248529 Roger Goller President 7340 N 150 W Jasper, IN 47546 East Washington Comm Schol Fdn 41-1720764 Ray Ramsey President 7975 E Hurst Rd Pekin, IN 47165 Edgew ood High School Dollars for Scholars 26-0087106 Erin Gerth President 601 Edgew ood Dr Ellettsville, IN 47429 Elkhart Area Career Center Fdn 41-1745539 Brian Smith President 2424 California Rd Elkhart, IN 46514 Elkhart Memorial Dollars for Scholars 41-1842477 Matt Stemm President 19442 Country Creek Ct Goshen, IN 46528 Fairfield Dollars for Scholars 06-1250492 Brad Clayton President 16372 Ashbrooke Dr Goshen, IN 46526 Frankton Dollars for Scholars 41-1681916 Rex Etchison President 5207 W 1100 N Frankton, IN 46044 Frontier Dollars for Scholars 41- 1626722 Jim Holeman President 4295 E 900 S Brookston, IN 47923 Goshen HS Dollars for Scholars 41-1713822 Milt Thomas President 113 Island View Dr Goshen, IN 46526 CSF of Hamilton 23-7414997 Judith Manahan President 6745 E Metz Rd Angola, IN 46703 Hanover Dollars for Scholars 06-1245903 Joyce Shroka President 13521 Schneider Ct Cedar Lake, IN 46303 Henryville High School Dollars for Scholars 43-2062630 Jack Murphy President 6708 Hwy 160 E Henryville, IN 47126 Highland Dollars for Scholars 41-1784351 Beth Hobbs President 10124 Fourth St Highland, IN 46322 Jac-Cen-Del Community Schol Fdn 06-1250485 Melodie Busch President 723 N Buckeye St Osgood, IN 47037 Jefferson High School Dollars for Scholars 06-1251721 Glade Montgomery President 1801 S 18th St Lafayette, IN 47905 Lake Station CSF 06-1251849 Kelley Lemley President 3304 Parkside Ave Lake Station, IN 46406 Milan Scholarship Foundation, Inc 41-1629576 Lennie Lynd President PO Box 504 Milan, IN 47031 Monroe Central Comm Dollars for Scholars 26-0082489 David Bragg President 185 S 1250 W Parker City, IN 47368 Munster Dollars for Scholars 91-1916871 Pamela Daniels President 1320 MacArthur Blvd Munster, IN 46321 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER North Daviess Comm Dollars for Scholars 36-3635155 Darin Holder President 11928 E 975 N Odon, IN 47562 North Putnam Dollars for Scholars 36-4600933 Janice Fry President 141 E State Rd 236 Roachdale, IN 46172 Northeastern Community Dollars for Scholars 61-1503481 Keith Webster President 7295 N US 27 Fountain City, IN 47341 Northridge Dollars for Scholars 22-2849469 Eugene Bontrager President 11846 CR 16 Middlebury, IN 46540 Norw ell Dollars for Scholars 36-3635156 Kathy Nahrw old President PO Box 86 Ossian, IN 46777 Oasis of Hope Dollars for Scholars 38-3735974 Frank Alexander President 1701 E 25th St Indianapolis, IN 46218 Portage H S Dollars for Scholars 41-1808927 Robert Blaszkiew icz President 3410 Delta Dr Portage, IN 46368 Princeton Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1609933 Richard Johnson President 1803 Burlington PI Princeton, IN 47670 River Forest Comm School Corp , Dollars for Scholars 36-3635148 Jason Quigg President 3300 Indiana St Hobart, IN 46342-1095 Shenandoah Dollars for Scholars 36-3632095 Peggy Morton President 3075 N 125 W New Castle, IN 47362 South Dearborn Comm Schol Fdn 41-1681917 Harley Robinson President PO Box 396 Aurora, IN 47032 South Gibson Dollars for Scholars 41-1752043 Stuart Parks President 2366 W 1300 S Haubstadt, IN 47639 South Montgomery Community Schools Dollars for Scholars 26-0101507 Eric Brewer President 99 Jefferson Valley Coatesville, IN 46121 Sunman-Dearborn Scholarship Fdn 06-1250798 Jacqueline Blair President One Trojan PI St Leon, IN 47012 Tipton Scholarship Foundation 41-1613348 Susan Powell President PO Box 291 Tipton, IN 46072 Union Township Dollars for Scholars 36-3635150 Pamela Withrow President 599 W 300 N, Suite A Valparaiso, IN 46385 West Central Comm Schol Fund 41-1613347 Don Street President 1852 S US 421 Francesville, IN 47946 Whiteland Comm H S Dollars for Scholars 41-1698387 Susan Koch President 300 Main St Whiteland, IN 46184 Danville Boyle County Dollars for Scholars Fdn 26-0065443 John Hudson President 341 Tw inbrook Dr Danville, KY 40422 Oldham County Dollars for Scholars 26-0084718 Judy Vetovitz President PO Box 381 Buckner, KY 40010 NOLA Dollars for Scholars 30-0478689 Denise James President 1720 Ursuline Ave New Orleans, LA 70116 Andover Dollars for Scholars 41-1855051 Bob King President 146 Argilla Rd Andover, MA 01810 Arlington Citizens Scholarship Foundation 41-1515577 Stephen J Group Gilligan President PO Box 210 Arlington, MA 02474 Beverly Dollars for Scholars 41-1981183 Thomas Aucone Return For FORM 990, President 16 Bailey Ave Beverly, MA 01915 Bristol Comm College Upward Bound DFS 41-2034024 Sarah Morrell Affiliates PAGE 1, President 777 Elsbree St Fall River, MA 02720 CSF of Chatham 04-6151605 Margaret Martin President 25 Horizon (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Cir Chatham, MA 02633 City of Waltham Scholarship Fund 41-1609592 Thomas Magno President 610 Main St III) Waltham, MA 02452 Donald A Fisher CSF 04-6151634 S Erick Benson President 22 Union Street West Bridgewater, MA 02379 CSF of Easthampton 04-6151608 Jared Orne President 176 Culomba St Chicopee, MA 01020 CSF of Fall River 04-6189591 Mike McNally President 383 June St Fall River, MA 02720 CSF of Granville- Tolland 23-7371797 Diane Lafrance President 59 South Ln Granville, MA 01034 CSF of Harwich 23-7388363 Thomas & Sarah Fantom President 61 Cornerw ood Dr Harw ich, MA 02645 Joseph Case HS Schol Trust Funds, Inc 22-2849676 Robert Horne President 20 Alsada Rd Swansea, MA 02777 Latino Scholarship Association 91- 1879879 Maddie Marquez President 893 West St Amherst, MA 01002 CSF of Mansfield 04-6070761 Thomas Leonard President PO Box 23 Mansfield, MA 02048 CSF of Marlborough, Inc 41-1655948 Alyson Wood President 62 Woodland Dr Marlborough, MA 01752 CSF of Middleboro 23-7000182 Michelle Holden President 71 E Grove St Middleboro, MA 02346 Nashoba Regional Scholarship Fdn 41-1684073 Julie DeSisto President 27 Kirkland Dr Stow, MA 01775 North Adams Dollars for Scholars 41-1847526 Nancy Ziter President PO Box 566 North Adams, MA 01247 CSF of Northampton 51-0151829 Catherine West President 575 Bridge Rd, Unit 13-5 Florence, MA 01062 Norwood Scholarship Fdn, Inc 22-2849253 Philip Riley President 44 Westover Pkwy Norwood, MA 02062 CSF of Rockland 04-6151629 Elizabeth Russo President 15 Heritage Dr Rockland, MA 02370 CSF of Somerset 23- 7076462 Kevin Garganta President PO Box 306 Somerset, MA 02726 Somerville Mathematics Fund, an affiliate of Dollars for Scholars 41-1983632 Erica Voolich President 244 Summer St Somerville, MA 02143 CSF of Southwick 23-7097167 Jini Ruscitti President 195 S Longyard Rd Southwick, MA 01077 Town of Belmont Scholarship Dollars for Scholars 26-0109314 Daniela Boccia President PO Box 56, 19 Moore St Belmont, MA 02478 The Town of Dedham Schol Committee 41-1834734 Barbara Gula President 211 Curve St Dedham, MA 02026 CSF of Uxbridge 23-7446784 Mike Kroll President 22 Oak St Uxbridge, MA 01569 CSF of Westfield, Inc 04-6151635 Cynthia Neary President 56 Woodbridge Ln Westfield, MA 01085 Woburn HS Schol Fund, Inc 04-6058014 Robert Salzer President Four Pierce St Woburn, MA 01801 The Centreville Rotary Club's Dollars for Scholars 91-2024846 William Higgins President PO Box 290 Centreville, MD 21617 Seat Pleasant Dollars for Scholars 41-1769049 Janice Fisher President 112 68th PI Seat Pleasant, MD 20743 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Calais Dollars for Scholars 75-3013841 Cindy O'Brien President 92 Lincoln St Calais, ME 04619 Greater Portland Dollars for Scholars 91-2143916 Jeanne Crocker President 637 Highland Ave South Portland, ME 04106 CSF of SAD 29 - Houlton 23-7083029 Bernadette Willette President 174 Hodgdon Mills Rd Hodgdon, ME 04730 Scarborough Comm Schol Fdn Dollars for Scholars 38- 3744792 Celeste Shinay President Nine Hampton Cir Scarborough, ME 04074 CSF of So Aroostook Comm School Dist 01-0385461 Elaine Small President 922 Dyer Brook Rd Dyer Brook, ME 04747 Van Buren Dollars for Scholars 76-0703446 Melissa Thompson President 169 Main St Ste 102 Van Buren, ME 04785 York Mentor Scholarship Fund-Dollars for Scholars 91-2162616 Melanie Ladd President 30 Organug Rd York, ME 03909 Willow Run/Ypsilanti Dollars for Scholars 41-1814393 William Young President 9565 Cherry Hill Ypsilanti, MI 48198 CSF of Alexandria 22-2521180 Deb Herges President 720 Broadway Alexandria, MN 56308 Barnesville Dollars for Scholars 41-1628251 PamAakre President 27354 120th Ave S Haw ley, MN 56549 Becker Dollars for Scholars 41-1643156 Dale Seavert President 14228 Balsam Blvd Becker, MN 55308-8976 Bertha-Hew itt Dollars for Scholars 41-1542980 Carla Schwartz President 63493 190th St Bertha, MN 56437 CSF of Blooming Prairie 41- 1503094 Mary Malherek President 336 Center Ave N Blooming Prairie, MN 55917 CSF of Braham 06-1036958 Steve Eklund President 1735 495th St W Stanchfield, MN 55080 CSF of Breckenridge 41-1684001 Cathy Barr President 2625 300th St Breckenridge, MN 56520 Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars 41-1680670 Raymond Hoheisel President 138 20th Ave SW Cambridge, MN 55008-2510 Central Schools Dollars for Scholars 41- 1968134 Darlene Mondor President 18 NW First St Norwood Young, MN 55397-9493 Chisago Lakes Education Fdn 36-3362897 Peter Overgaard President PO Box 415 Lindstrom, MN 55045-0415 Climax-Shelly Dollars for Scholars 41-1692230 Tami Tronnes President PO Box 124 Climax, MN 56523 CSF of Cromdv ell-Wright 41-1534322 Kay Smith President 5316 Smith Rd ell, MN 55726-8117 Delano Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1539451 Janette Nolan President PO Box 408 Delano, MN 55328 CSF of Dilw orth-Glyndon-Felton 41-1764768 Ken Gilles President PO Box 215 Glyndon, MN 56547 Dover-Eyota Dollars for Scholars 26-0079994 Tom Surprenant Group President 738 Jefferson Ave S Eyota, MN 55934-9760 East Central Dollars for Scholars 41-1775077 William Loew Return For FORM 990, President PO Box 9, 510 Main Sandstone, MN 55072-0009 Fairmont Dollars for Scholars 41-6160691 Sherwood Affiliates PAGE 1, Sagedahl President 763 200th Ave Fairmont, MN 56031 Fillmore Central Dollars for Scholars 41-1841884 Vicky (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Tribon President PO Box 305 Harmony, MN 55939 G-F-W Dollars for Scholars 41-1808052 June Oman President IV) PO Box 552 Winthrop, MN 55396 Granada-Huntley-East Chain Dollars for Scholars 41-1513035 Mary Larson President 32899 180th St Winnebago, MN 56098-4450 Henning Student Aid Foundation 41-1547070 Donna Smith President 45078 Liberty Ln Henning, MN 56551 Herman/Norcross Dollars for Scholars 41-1572647 Shirley Libbon President 62574 130th St Chokio, MN 56221-3073 Jackson County Central Dollars for Scholars 91-1895070 Becky Kruse President PO Box 89, 714 Cours Ave Jackson, MN 56143 CSF of Kasson-Mantorville 41-1513028 Mark Packard President PO Box 274 Kasson, MN 55944 LCWM Dollars for Scholars 41-1642464 Judy Hepworth President 52429 200th St Lake Crystal, MN 56055-2391 CSF of Lake Benton 41-1316285 Irene Fehl President 1632 130th Ave Elkton, SD 57026-8812 Lake Park/Audubon Dollars for Scholars 41-1550791 Keith Zachariason President PO Box 83, 2012 Second St Lake Park, MN 56554 Le Center Dollars for Scholars 26-0080913 Doug Traxler President 420 W Sharon St LeCenter, MN 56057 CSF of Long Prairie 22-2528562 Jonathan Young President 510 Ninth St NE Long Prairie, MN 56347 MCC Dollars for Scholars 36-4585860 Mary Beech President 2420 28th St Slayton, MN 56172 Maple River Dollars for Scholars 41-1762046 Mary Caven President 13586 542 Ave Amboy, MN 56010 McLeod Co East Dollars for Scholars 41-1738290 Kelli Machemehl President 18016 Cable Ave Lester Prairie, MN 55354 Milaca Scholarship Foundation 22-2849356 Larry Karels President 13673 Hwy 23 Milaca, MN 56353 Minnewaska Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1734607 Sandra Schroeder President PO Box 217 Glenwood, MN 56334-0217 Mora Dollars for Scholars 41-1600048 Laura Swenson President 1798 Liberty St Mora, MN 55051 Mountain Lake Dollars for Scholars 41-1639977 Michael Bjerum President 57881 CR 13 Mountain Lake, MN 56159 New Prague Dollars for Scholars 41-1550813 Jane Dittberner President PO Box 204 New Prague, MN 56071 Norman County West Dollars for Scholars 41-1662514 Anita Olson President 1592 255th Ave Halstad, MN 56548-9489 CSF of Ogilvie 41-1636171 Greg Vander Plaats President 1312 160th Ave Ogilvie, MN 56358 Parkers Prairie School Dist 547 41-1515673 Connie Thoennes President 54470 State Hwy 235 Parkers Prairie, MN 56361 Perham CSF 41-1550591 Dennis Drummond President 49545 368th Ave Frazee, MN 56544 Pine River- Backus Dollars for Scholars 41-1813928 Harriet Travis President PO Box 610 Pine River, MN 56474-0610 Princeton Scholarship Foundation 41-1654047 Jane Hanson President 713 Fourth Ave S Princeton, MN 55371- 2205 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER RTR Dollars for Scholars 27-0006194 Leon Mortland President 1626 211th St Ruthton, MN 56170-0401 Rocori Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1794862 Linda Vossen President 24275 158th Ave Cold Spring, MN 56320 Round Lake-Brewster Dollars for Scholars 26-0064060 Kay Schmitz President PO Box 309 Brewster, MN 56119 St Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars 39-1849333 Michael Hazen President PO Box 256 St Joseph, MN 56374 CSF of St Peter-Kasota 06-0979175 Kirk Beyer President 815 Spruce PI Saint Peter, MN 56082-1584 Schol Fund of Madelia School Dist 837 41-1550589 Bonnie Hennis President 136 E Main St Madelia, MN 56062 CSF of Sebeka 41-1345103 Rachel Close President 200 First St NW Sebeka, MN 56477-2467 Sleepy Eye Dollars for Scholars 06-1036943 Arla Dockter President 316 First Ave S Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 Staples and Motley Dollars for Scholars 41-1808950 Alan Judd President 400 Second St NE Staples, MN 56479 Tracy Area Dollars for Scholars 86-1095257 Chris Kamrud President 934 Pine St Tracy, MN 56175 Upsala Area Dollars for Scholars 75-2984223 Karyn Nelson President 6725 - 45th Ave Sw anville, MN 56382 Wadena-Deer Creek Dollars for Scholars 41-1809718 Kraska President 600 Colfax Ave Wadena, MN 56482 Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Dollars for Scholars 41-1699009 Laurie Johnson President 18218 Willow Springs Dr Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 Westbrook-Walnut Grove Dollars for Scholars 41-1775504 William Richards President PO Box 129 Westbrook, MN 56183 CSF of Windom 41-1358471 Dennis Johnson President 1980 Red Leaf Ct Windom, MN 56101 Yellow Medicine East Dollars for Scholars 41-1539450 Leslie Bergquist President 141 Skyline Dr Granite Falls, MN 56241 The Okolona Community Dollars for Scholars 65-1260594 Loretta Shird President 204 W Moore Okolona, MS 38860 Conrad Dollars for Scholars 41-1801891 John McFarland President 113 S Delaw are Conrad, MT 59425 Red Lodge Area Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1878485 Julie Lindgren President PO Box 216 Red Lodge, MT 59068 Adams-Edmore Dollars for Scholars 26-0086212 Laurie Haugen President 9728 72nd St NE Edmore, ND 58330 Ashley Dollars for Scholars 35-2353030 Robert Wishek President PO Box 81 Ashley, ND 58413 Beach, Golva, Medora & Sentinel Butte Area Dollars 41-1753247 Sue Feldman President PO Box 175 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 Beulah Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1735398 Linda Pouliot President PO Box Group 832 Beulah, ND 58523 Bow man Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1781711 Bonnie Anderson President PO Box 747 Return For FORM 990, Bow man, ND 58623-0747 Carrington Area Dollars for Scholars 91-2120407 Thomas Erdmann President 360 Joal Affiliates PAGE 1, Dr Carrington, ND 58421 Central Cass Dollars for Scholars 41-1673972 Kent Buss President 852 Seventh St Ct (CONTINUED LINE H (a) V) Casselton, ND 58012 Divide County Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1707745 Margaret Nygaard President PO Box 8 Crosby, ND 58730 Edgeley Dollars for Scholars 41-1677204 Loni Kosel President PO Box 263 Edgeley, ND 58433 Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1692519 Shannon Gephart President 3137 32nd Ave SW Fargo, ND 58103 Garrison Dollars for Scholars 41-1701705 Tami Engel President PO Box 1131 Garrison, ND 58540-1131 Glenburn Area Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1734605 Dianne Hensen President PO Box 271 Glenburn, ND 58740 Grant County Dollars for Scholars 41-1780264 Lorele Leithold President 6125 Hwy 49 Elgin, ND 58533 Halliday Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1680745 Amy Ferebee President 8447 Second St SW Halliday, ND 58636 Hatton Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1707324 Terry McNea President PO Box 301 Hatton, ND 58240-0301 Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1680746 Renae Snyder President PO Box 13 Hazen, ND 58545-0013 Hillsboro Scholarship Fdn 41-1672273 Larry Mueller President 221 Third St NE Hillsboro, ND 58045 Killdeer Area Dollars for Scholars 41- 1679480 Janene Knudsvig President 179 96th Ave SW Dunn Center, ND 58626 KulmArea Dollars for Scholars 91- 2167276 Brandy Klusmann President PO Box 159 Kulm, ND 58456 Lakota Dollars for Scholars 36-4586631 Joanne Sundeen President PO Box 465 Lakota, ND 58344 Lisbon Dollars for Scholars 41-1694910 Cody Musland President PO Box 709 Lisbon, ND 58054 MLS Dollars for Scholars 36-4643366 Todd Olson President PO Box 275 Mohall, ND 58761 Maple Valley Dollars for Scholars 41-1724548 Jerome Killoran President PO Box 145 Buffalo, ND 58011 Michigan-Unity-Dakota Prairie Dollars for Scholars 36-4586632 Bernice Anderson President PO Box 223 Michigan, ND 58259 Minot Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1719231 Kathleen Henjum President 701 NW 19th St Minot, ND 58701-1801 Napoleon Dollars for Scholars 91-1867976 Cindy Weigel President PO Box 69 Napoleon, ND 58561 New Salem-Almont Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1858145 Mark Fleck President 4750 26th St New Salem, ND 58563-9619 North Dakota Dollars for Scholars 37-1517987 Charles Stroup President 209 Central Ave Hazen, ND 58545-0468 Northwood Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1842660 Pete Antonson President PO Box 22 Northwood, ND 58267 Regent Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1736849 Cindy Krauter President 10545 59th St SW Regent, ND 58650 Rolette Dollars for Scholars 41-2073845 Doug Lemieux President 8553 42nd Ave Rolette, ND 58366-9706 Sargent Central Dollars for Scholars 68-0570766 Jody Breker President 575 Fifth St SW Forman, ND 58032-4212 Stanley Dollars for Scholars 26-0073669 Denise Hanson President 7750 78th Ave NW Stanley, ND 58784 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Thompson Dollars for Scholars 75-3017269 Lori Morgan President 440 Edgew ood Rd Thompson, ND 58278 Turtle Lake-Mercer Dollars for Scholars 91-2114210 Teresa Presser President 1044 Seventh Ave NW Mercer, ND 58559 Valley City Dollars for Scholars 26-0063873 Natalie Sayler President 3613 117th Ave SE Valley City, ND 58072-9540 Wahpeton Dollars for Scholars 41-1670759 Larry Gast President 17845 75th St SEWahpeton, ND 58075 Watford City Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1707963 Cheryl Brown President PO Box 198 Watford City, ND 58854-0198 Wilton Area Dollars for Scholars 91-1937794 Jennie Birdsell President 206 Dakota Ave Wilton, ND 58579 Wolford Dollars for Scholars 76-0714746 Debra Zavada President 103 Third Ave SWWolford, ND 58385 Banner County Dollars for Scholars 26-0079610 Robin Brow n President 5799 Hwy 88 E Harrisburg, NE 69345 Denton Dollars for Scholars 41-1709027 Patrick Bartek President PO Box 133 Denton, NE 68339 SEM Dollars for Scholars 75-3021846 Loye Wolfe President 33805 Apache Rd Miller, NE 68858 Candia Dollars for Scholars 41-1756679 Lorraine Briand President Three Old Deerfield Rd Candia, NH 03034 Exeter Dollars for Scholars 26-0077857 Peter Smith President 121 High St Exeter, NH 03833 CSF of Farmington 02-6015921 Mary Barron President PO Box 455 Farmington, NH 03835 CSF of Gorham-Randolph- Shelburne 02-6015947 Kathleen Longenecker President 274 Gorham Hill Rd Gorham, NH 03851 CSF of Hollis/Brookline 02-6015937 Willard Rice President 25 Alsun Dr Hollis, NH 03049 Justin Brabant Memorial Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1959877 Bob Brabant President Six Kingsbury St Derry, NH 03038 CSF of Londonderry 02- 0356246 Jeanne Longo President Four Faye Ln Londonderry, NH 03053 Dollars for Scholars of Mount Washington Valley 41-1808953 Betsy Smith President PO Box 493 Intervale, NH 03845 CSF of Salem 23-7100619 Mary Giordano President One Lois Ln Salem, NH 03079 Waumbek Dollars for Scholars 32-0183743 Adele Woods President PO Box 64 Jefferson, NH 03583 CSF of Atlantic City 41-1609304 James Krouse President 3 S Somerset Ave Ventnor, NJ 08406 Citizens' Schol Comm of Pitman, Inc 22-2849473 Bruce Roesler President 420 Hudson Ave Pitman, NJ 08071 Lawrence HS Dollars for Scholars 06-1207354 Joan Hedden President 2700 Princeton Pike Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Virgin Valley Dollars for Scholars 91-2111242 Merlin Hafen President 636 Saw Grass Group Mesquite, NV 89027 Alden Comm Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 91-1942746 Catherine Cyrulik President Return For FORM 990, 126 Carrington Dr Rochester, NY 14626 Amsterdam Community Dollars for Scholars 32-0168020 Jackie Marciniak Affiliates PAGE 1, President St Mary ' s Hospital Amsterdam, NY 12010 Argyle Community Scholarship Committee 41-1679411 Fay (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Graham President 176 Coot Hill Rd Argyle, NY 12809 Belmont Rotary Dollars for Scholars 41-1719230 Charles VI) Smith President Nine Willard St Belmont, NY 14813-1123 Cairo-Durham Dollars for Scholars 41-1670760 Taibi President PO Box 598 Cairo, NY 12413 Canastota Dollars for Scholars 22-2523372 Leona Dowd President 158 Clockville Rd Canastota, NY 13032 Chenango Forks Scholarship Fdn 41-1662519 Robert Cline President 51 Overbrook Dr Binghamton, NY 13901 Clarence Dollars for Scholars 30-0390980 Owen Taylor President 14 Princeton Ct Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Clyde-Savannah Dollars for Scholars 41-1654361 Nancy Colvin President 1710 Grand Ave Savannah, NY 13146 Colton-Pierrepont Dollars for Scholars Comm Schol 91-1877133 Jeanette McKay President 259 Windmill Rd Colton, NY 13625 Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars 32-0252527 Arthur Mruczek President PO Box 72 Corfu, NY 14036 Dollars for Scholars-Corona East Elmhurst Chapter 23-7385322 Lenore Gall President 31-33 91st St East Elmhurst, NY 11369 Dundee Dollars for Scholars 41-1663206 Joan Washburn President 5290 PreEmpton Rd Dundee, NY 14837 East Irondequoit Dollars for Scholars 35-2272661 Ron Cooper President 260 Willow Creek Ln Rochester, NY 14622 Freeport Dollars for Scholars 41-1656555 Rita Carter President PO Box 7700 Freeport, NY 11520 Geneva High School Dollars for Scholars 68-0511016 Lisa Gage President 584 White Springs Rd Geneva, NY 14456 Grand Island Dollars for Scholars 30-0367781 Jim Sharpe President 3138 E River Rd Grand Island, NY 14072 Greene Dollars for Scholars 91-2093526 Sheryl Guiles President 11 Juliand St Greene, NY 13778 Hannibal Dollars for Scholars 41-1799259 Louis Gilbert President 14226 Wilde Rd Martville, NY 13111 Island Trees Dollars for Scholars 41-1510390 Carl Bonsignore President 94 Constellation Rd Levittown, NY 11756 Johnson City Dollars for Scholars 91-2016159 Dan Erickson President 601 Columbia Dr Johnson City, NY 13790 Levittown Public Schools Dollars for Scholars 41-1979666 Frank Giuliano President 3659 Regent Ln Wantagh, NY 11793 CSF of Liverpool 22-2528559 John Cerrone President 106 McArdell Rd Liverpool, NY 13088 Maine Endwell Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Fdn 41-1960512 Matt Cook President 303 Shady Dr Endw ell, NY 13760 Marion Dollars for Scholars 41-1678776 Melanie Cummings President 2814 Harris Rd Palmyra, NY 14522 Dollars for Scholars of Medina 41-1686539 Lynn Woodruff President 577 East Ave Medina, NY 14103 Minerva Chapter of Dollars for Scholars 41-1667292 Ann Hornbeck President 141 Trout Brook Rd Olmstedville, NY 12857 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER North Rose-Wolcott Community Dollars for Scholars 91- 2122046 Clifford Parton President 12021 Washington St Wolcott, NY 14590 North Warren Dollars for Scholars 41- 1664890 Greta House President 133 Pease Hill Rd Brant Lake, NY 12815 Norwich Dollars for Scholars 26- 0071135 Pegi LoPresti President 171 Sharman Dr Norwich, NY 13815 Oneonta Dollars for Scholars 41-1689388 Jackie Frankl President 11 Bolton Dr Oneonta, NY 13820 Ow ego Apalachin Dollars for Scholars 41-1679831 Fran Tirinato President 30 Iris Dr Apalachin, NY 13732 Palmyra-Macedon Central School Dist 41-1607574 Joan DeCann President 352 W Jackson St Palmyra, NY 14522 Phoenix Central School Dist Dollars for Scholars 41-1515535 Joann Zinsmeyer President 1080 CR 12 Pennellville, NY 13132 CSF of Port Byron School Dist 41-1536679 Joni Lincoln President 10376 State Rt 38 Port Byron, NY 13140 Putnam Founders Dollars for Scholars 91-1907805 Irving Cummings President 150 Dudley St #2 Cambridge, MA 02140 Red Jacket Scholarship Comm 41-1675996 Timothy Benjamin President Manchester Shortsville CSD Shortsville, NY 14548 Rome Chapter, Dollars for Scholars 22-2532576 Shelley Skibitski President 1736 N George St Rome, NY 13440 Dollars for Scholars, SCS Chapter 14- 1704065 Terri Korba President One River St Stamford, NY 12167 Sandy Creek Dollars for Scholars 41-1513031 Sue Bitz President 52 Spencer Rd Pulaski, NY 13142 Schuylerville Dollars for Scholars 36-3635147 Lisa Schwartz President 316 CR 68 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Shenendehow a Dollars for Scholars 41-1988297 Ann White President 15 Lace Ln Clifton Park, NY 12065 Sigma Lambda Upsilon Dollars for Scholars 84-1657092 Marina Grullon President PO Box 4170 New York, NY 10163 South Colonie Dollars for Scholars 41-2073846 Joyce Gay President 26 Delafield Dr Albany, NY 12205 Southern Cayuga Scholarship Fdn 41-1681910 Marian Brow n President PO Box 245 Aurora, NY 13026 Susquehanna Valley Dollars for Scholars 91-2005873 Karen Ostanek President 2462 Bernice Blvd Binghamton, NY 13903 Syracuse Liberty Partnerships Dollars for Scholars 91- 2104694 Martha Ramsey President 313 Lansdowne Rd Dew itt, NY 13214 Unadilla Valley Chapter of Dollars for Scholars 16-1310932 Victoria Gregory President 2907 Cty Hwy 18 New Berlin, NY 13411 Union-Endicott Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1672275 David Baker President PO Box 7111 Endicott, NY 13760 CSF of Vernon-Verona- Group Sherrill 02-0372996 Laura Diddle President 667 E Hamilton Ave Sherrill, NY 13461 Victor Scholarship Program 41- Return For FORM 990, 1604594 David Condon President 433 Blazey Rd Victor, NY 14564 Walton Dollars for Scholars 41-1708094 Affiliates PAGE 1, Robbie-Jean Rice President 4054 Cty Hwy 22 Walton, NY 13856 Warrensburg Schol Assoc , Inc 23-7345890 (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Janis Merrithew Treasurer PO Box 383 Warrensburg, NY 12885 Windsor/Kirkwood Dollars for Scholars 91- VII) 1933875 Susan Behn President PO Box 561 Windsor, NY 03865 CSF of Coshocton County 23-7083271 Pat Robinson President 46663 TR 74 Coshocton, OH 43812 CSF of Greenville 34-6580080 Rodney Oda President PO Box 436 Greenville, OH 45331 Lake Dollars for Scholars 34-1684120 Cheryl Beckw ith President PO Box 63 Uniontow n, OH 44685 CSF of New comerstow n 34-6580085 Craig Collins President 332 Beaver St New comerstow n, OH 43832 CSF of Troy 31-6067817 Jennifer Walters President 80 S Plum St Troy, OH 45373 Bobcat Foundation/Dollars for Scholars 41-1863657 Scott Schroeder President PO Box 91 Union, OR 97883 Days Creek Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1725361 Ruth Stafford President PO Box 38 Days Creek, OR 97429 Harney County Dollars for Scholars 91-1823206 Debbie Arntz President PO Box 243 Hines, OR 97738 South Morrow County Schol Trust 41-1733541 Bill Rietmann President PO Box 152 lone, OR 97843 Central York Dollars for Scholars 91-1942745 Linda Sloan President 2440 Hepplew hate Dr York, PA 17404 Conew ago Valley Dollars for Scholars Foundation 91-2114213 Karen Sipe President 293 Oxford Rd New Oxford, PA 17350 Eastern York Dollars for Scholars 91-1920812 Christine Schenck President PO Box 95 Wrightsville, PA 17368 Greater Dover Area Dollars for Scholars 48-1285037 Alysse Mease President 46 W Canal Dover, PA 17315 Northeastern School Dist Schol Fdn 41-1822799 Dennis Baughman President 647 Dellinger Rd Mt Wolf, PA 17347 South Western Dollars for Scholars 91-1889354 Jane Schussler President 15 Cornell Dr Hanover, PA 17331 Umoja Dollars for Scholars 41-1825778 Christine Wiggins President 2101 W Godfrey Ave Philadelphia, PA 19138 York City Dollars for Scholars 41-1859122 Donald Burkins President 342 Creston Rd York, PA 17403 CSF of Barrington 05-6020323 Carolyn Materne President 275 New Meadow Rd Barrington, RI 02806 Latino Dollars for Scholars of Rhode Island Fdn 41-1753248 Domingo Morel President PO Box 6764 Providence, RI 02908 The Met Dollars for Scholars 36- 4586634 Amy Gerhard President 325 Public St Providence, RI 02905 CSF of Portsmouth 05-0376950 Bill Douglas President 524 A Middle Rd Portsmouth, RI 02871 Aiken County Dollars for Scholars 41-1955722 Thomas Goforth President 107 Oakhurst Dr North Augusta, SC 29841 Arlington Dollars for Scholars 41-1664892 Wayne Fischer President 45383 199th St Arlington, SD 57212 Lake Preston Higher Educ Fdn/A Dollars for Scholars 26-0126912 Tim Casper President 300 First St Lake Preston, SD 57249 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER AAHN Dollars for Scholars 37-1535557 Harold Tolbert President PO Box 6453 Austin, TX 78767 El Campo Academic Booster Club 41-1635417 Anita Poncik President PO Box 445 El Campo, TX 77437 Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Dollars for Scholars 41-1987593 Toni Ann Sewing Treasurer 155 Oak Grove Ave Brattleboro, VT 05301 Spaulding High School Dollars for Scholars 91-1996523 Bob Phillips President 155 Ayers St Barre, VT 05641 Tw infield Scholarship Committee 41-1781431 Liz Perreault President 106 Nasmith Brook Rd Plainfield, VT 05667 Upw and Bound Dollars for Scholars 41-1835110 Rick Williams President Lyndon State College Lyndonville, VT 05851 Winooski Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1794525 Morgan Kelner President 20 West St Winooski, VT 05404 ARHS Booster Club Dollars for Scholars 26-0089303 Joanne Pulst President 501 Oravetz Rd Auburn, WA 98092 African American Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41- 1782156 Bonnie Glenn President 6420 123rd Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98006 Arlington Dollars for Scholars Foundation 91-2099769 Cheryl Boatman President 103 N Gilford Arlington, WA 98223 Bellingham Dollars for Scholars 91-2172398 Deborah Granger President 4716 Fir Tree Way Bellingham, WA 98229 Bethel Educ Schol Team(BEST) 41-1717202 Harriett Fix Balmer President 8614 Portland Ave E#B Tacoma, WA 98445-4152 Boistfort Lions Dollars for Scholars 91-1986943 Jerry Zabriskie President PO Box 8 Curtis, WA 98538 Bright Future Dollars for Scholars 91-1869043 Doug Gochanour President 18484 47th Place NE Seattle, WA 98115 Chehalis Dollars for Scholars 41-1985111 Robert Spahr President 930 SW 16th St Chehalis, WA 98532 Chew elah Scholarship Foundation 41-1664209 Kevin Schalock President PO Box 316 Chew elah, WA 99109 Colville Dollars for Scholars Foundation 75-3022676 Marlene Nichols President PO Box 333 Colville, WA 99114 Cusick Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1734606 Doug Longley President W 305 Monumental Way Cusick, WA 99119 Des Moines Dollars for Scholars 41-1972303 Bob Houston President 1000 S 220th St Des Moines, WA 98198 Eatonville Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1778089 Lucy Fountain President PO Box 1155 Eatonville, WA 98328 Evergreen High School Dollars for Scholars 91-2094412 Camille Wright President PO Box 872726 Vancouver, WA 98687 Fife High School Schol Fdn 41-1745054 Jill Tanabe President 5303 Pacific Hwy E, Ste 136 Tacoma, WA 98424 Graham-Kapow sin Group Dollars for Scholars Community Fdn 36-4590835 Sally Danielson President PO Box 184 Graham, WA 98338-0184 Return For FORM 990, Harrington Dollars for Scholars 41-1989929 Tracy Rush President PO Box 444 Harrington, WA 99134 Jessie Affiliates PAGE 1, Corner Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Fund 61-1504019 Audrey Washington President 1060 Duvall PI NE (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Renton, WA 98059 Joyce Community Scholarship Fdn 41-1670736 Mark Adolphsen President PO Box 20 Joyce, VIII) WA 98343 Klickitat Dollars for Scholars Fdn 26-0079612 Sloan Clack President PO Box 37 Klickitat, WA 98628 La Center Community Schol Fdn 41-1668710 Liz Cerveny President PO Box 218 La Center, WA 98629 La Crosse Dollars for Scholars 91-2104619 Lois Startin President 106351 SR 26 La Crosse, WA 99143 Lynden Dollars for Scholars Foundation 91-2166143 Dennis Clark President 825 S Pine Ct Lynden, WA 98264 McCleary Scholarship Fund 91-1522040 Jim Ryder President PO Box 234 McCleary, WA 98557 Medical Lake Dollars for Scholars 41- 1989406 Janeen VanSlyke President PO Box 672 Medical Lake, WA 99022 Naches Dollars for Scholars 41- 1988006 Dave Demarais President 40 Pleasant Hill Dr Yakima, WA 98908 North Mason Dollars for Scholars 91- 2026512 Laura Boad President NE260 Riverhill Dr Belfair, WA 98528 Northport Dollars for Scholars 41-1660097 Louise Coleman President PO Box 1021 Northport, WA 99157 Oroville Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1795502 DeeLoris Sylvester President PO Box 123 Oroville, WA 98844 PA A S E at Garfield H S Dollars for Scholars 27- 0006398 Kristi Wokoma President 1918 E Yesler, Suite C Seattle, WA 98122 Point Roberts Dollars for Scholars 91-2103838 Joan Roberts President PO Box 2168 Point Roberts, WA 98281 Quilcene-Brinnon Dollars for Scholars 91-2008065 Jim Hodgson President PO Box 457 Quilcene, WA 98376 Rosalia Dollars for Scholars 91-2100249 Roy Dube President 2702 Cache Creek Rd Rosalia, WA 99170 San Juan Island Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91- 2007792 Frank Penwell President PO Box 3366 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 Seattle-Nantes Dollars for Scholars 26- 0114703 Thomas Bennett President 500 Elm Way #48 Edmonds, WA 98020 Shoreline Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 46-0501770 Cindy Ryu President 15017 Aurora Ave N Shoreline, WA 98133-6134 Sunnyside Dollars for Scholars 91-2114218 Ruben Carrera President 341 Woodin Rd Sunnyside, WA 98944 Tenino Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1794526 Rachel Johnston President 14402 Simon Ln SE Tenino, WA 98589 Tumdv ater Chamber Dollars for Scholars 83-0414126 David Bills President 5304 Littlerock Rd SW Tumdv ater, WA 98512 UW Delta Chi Dollars for Scholars 32-0189088 Lucas Wunsch President 12408 NE4th PI Bellevue, WA 98005 Vashon Community Scholarship Foundation 41-1652427 Pam Held President PO Box 1413 Vashon, WA 98070 WVHS Alumni Dollars for Scholars 26-0064511 Joyce Craig President 8 Hudziak Rd Raymond, WA 98577 Warden Dollars for Scholars 91-2114217 Steve Graham President 16453 Rd 6 SE Warden, WA 98857 Waterville Schocker Booster Club Dollars for Scholars 42-1648173 Liz Frare President PO Box 494 Waterville, WA 98858 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER White River Dollars for Scholars 91-2018081 Wanda Foltz President PO Box 606 South Prairie, WA 98385 Yelm Dollars for Scholars 41-1685332 Diane Jelle President 10847 Aero Ln SE Yelm, WA 98597 Bowler Alumni Dollars for Scholars 41-1981924 Janet Miller President N9381 Mohheconnuck Rd Bowler, WI 54416 Clayton Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1756675 Jim Kuntz President 130 70th Ave Clayton, WI 54004-3310 Dodgeland Dollars for Scholars A Schol Fdn 68-0521538 Denise Wild Treasurer N4186 Sock Rd Reeseville, WI 53579-9653 CSF of Florence County 06-1205389 James Dunkel President 4902 Hwy 70 E Florence, WI 54121-9603 Grantsburg Community Schol Fdn 41-1743070 Tracey Finch President PO Box 713 Grantsburg, WI 54840-0713 Marshall Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 73-1721312 Bonnie Ernst President 211 Scenic Cir Marshall, WI 53559 Oconto Falls Dollars for Scholars 06-1203316 William Kamke President 8585 Valley Line Rd Oconto Falls, WI 54154-9745 St Croix Falls Dist Schol Fdn 41-1720760 Mary Martin President 2736 230th Ave Saint Croix Falls, WI 54024-7863 Shawano Dollars for Scholars 41- 1732274 Paige Dreier President N5750 Wolf River Ct Shawano, WI 54166 CSF of Beckley 55-6029608 Bradley Wartella President 210 Granville Ave Beckley, WV 25801 Wil-Low Dollars for Scholars 41-1793341 Carmelita Arnold President 8606 CR 12-W Sardis, AL 35755 Tempe Dollars for Scholars 37-1522182 Mary Lou Taylor President 30 E Concorda Dr Tempe, AZ 85282 20/20 Dollars for Scholars 30-0455640 Sonya Johnson President 11 Weatherledge Coto de Casa, CA 92679 All Are Achievers (AAA) Dollars for Scholars 91-1994737 Bettye Walker President 6709 La Tijera Blvd, #920 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Canyon Crest Academy Dollars for Scholars 32-0171597 Ellen Mitgang President 13906 Mira Montana Dr Del Mar, CA Century Dollars for Scholars 41-1670514 Randy Crocker President 1401 S Grand Ave Santa Ana, CA 92705-4408 Comm Schol Assoc of the Anaheim UHSD 22-2529251 Frederick Navarro President 501 Crescent Way Anaheim, CA 92803 Downtown Magnets High School Dollars for Scholars 35-2283010 Lynda McGee President 2820 Military Ave Los Angeles, CA 90064 Eagle Rock High School Scholarship Fdn 41-1775440 Rosemary Reader President 6320 Newcastle Ave Encino, CA 91316 Farmersville Dollars for Scholars 41-2023573 Isabel Becerra President 593 N Ventura Ave Farmersville, CA Group 93223 Fremont Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 26-0087113 Lara York President 5353 Sayre Ave Return For FORM 990, Fremont, CA 94536 CSF of Fullerton UHSD 02-0370428 Lisa Williams President 2200 E Dorothy Ln Fullerton, CA Affiliates PAGE 1, 92831 Glenn County Scholarship Fdn 68-0071760 Arturo Barrera President 311 S Villa Ave Willows, CA 95988 (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Harbor Prep Dollars for Scholars 61-1515742 Mattie Adams President 1111 S Figueroa PI Wilmington, CA 90744 IX) Hoover High School Dollars for Scholars 91-1816274 John Baker President 3001 Camino De Las Piedras El Cajon, CA 92019 Laguna Beach HS Scholarship Fdn 93-0974686 Marge Earl President 1037 Didrikson Way Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Linda Vista Dollars for Scholars 26-0084671 Inez Thomas President 6501 Linda Vista Rd San Diego, CA 92111 Los Angeles County Schools Dollars for Scholars 06-1245926 Evelyn Toliver President 3055 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Madison High School Dollars for Scholars 61-1513311 Michael Peacock President 4833 Doliva Dr San Diego, CA 92117-3299 Mark Twain High School Dollars for Scholars 35- 2283510 Jo Berman President 6402 Linda Vista Rd San Diego, CA 92111 Murrieta Valley HS Schol Fdn 41- 1763962 Robin Crist President PO Box 1200 Murrieta, CA 92562 Nurturing Inspired Achievement 41-1713819 Mary Cobb-Phillips President 1105 W 17th St Los Angeles, CA 90015 Ocean Beach Dollars for Scholars 41-1754649 Katie Whalen-Elsbree President 5054 Narragansett Ave San Diego, CA 92107 Paloma Valley High School Dollars for Scholars 91-1973054 Lynda Schmidt President 29895 Berea Rd Menifee, CA 92584 Ramona High Dollars for Scholars 93-0973729 Rebecca Huber President 1401 Hanson Ln Ramona, CA 92065 San Diego Co Court Schools Schol Fdn 41-1566164 Deen Elder President 6401 Linda Vista Rd Rm205 San Diego, CA 92111 Star Achievers Dollars for Scholars 41-1718657 Louis Rubins President 19723 Dunbrooke Ave Carson, CA 90746 CSF of Temecula 06-1209452 Rita O'Neill President 31388 Corte Montiel Temecula, CA 92592 Tustin Dollars for Scholars 91-2165135 Robbin Burton President 2009 Barclay Ct Santa Ana, CA 92705 Fountain Valley Dollars for Scholars 93-1096739 James Drew President 929 Sunset Rd Colorado Springs, CO 80904 CSF of Bloomfield 06-6088299 Dolph Becker President 120 Mountain Ave Ste 205 Bloomfield, CT 06002 CSF of Canton 06-1066738 Josephine Ligato President 51 Andrew Dr Canton, CT 06019 The Howard Jennings Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1745398 Teaetta Desuzia President 641 Scofield Town Rd Stamford, CT 06903 South Windsor Dollars for Scholars 23- 7395690 Nancy Peck President PO Box 197 South Windsor, CT 06074 Union School Assoc Schol Fdn Dollars for Scholars 42-1622024 Patricia Geissler President 62 Barrows Rd Union, CT 06076 Wesleyan Univ Upward Bound Parents Advisory Group 41-1785204 Donna Thompson President 41 Lawn Ave Middletown, CT 06459 Willington Schol Fdn 41-1816104 Judy Andersen President 108 Pinney Hill Rd Willington, CT 06279 Windsor Locks Dollars for Scholars 91-2164657 Nancy Levy President 20 Sherwin Ln Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Calvin Coolidge Alumni Assn 41-1784951 Frank Jones President 11006 Veirs Mill Rd, Suite L-15, #149 Wheaton, MD 20902 CSF of Simpson-Hamline UMC 06-0979170 Rosa Azuine President 3809 39th St Brentwood, MD 20722 CSF of Indian River County 59-6192598 Sandra Rennick President PO Box 1820 Vero Beach, FL 32961 Orlando Learning Coalition Dollars for Scholars 38- 3731406 Arto Woodley, Jr President 3000 C R Smith St Orlando, FL 32805 August Ahrens Dollars for Scholars 33-1016859 Rodney Evans President 562 Lauiki St Apt 2 Honolulu, HI 96826 Allamakee Dollars for Scholars 41- 1745536 Julie Rotach President 1106 Second St NWWaukon, IA 52172 Ankeny Dollars for Scholars 02-0372998 Kathryn Weatherw ax President 3006 NE Briarw ood Ankeny, IA 50021 CSF of B-G-M 41-1639978 Julie Cline President Box 14 Malcom, IA 50157 Baxter Community Dollars for Scholars 41-1781704 Liz Kielly President PO Box 171 Baxter, IA 50028 Central Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1664210 Marie Weber President 111 Oak Ave NW Elkader, IA 52043 Clarke Community Dollars for Scholars 68-0505351 Brian Diercks President PO Box 224 Osceola, IA 50213 Colfax-Mingo Dollars for Scholars 41-1743000 Larry Opfer President 3295 Hwy 117 S Colfax, IA 50054 Crestwood Dollars for Scholars (Cresco) 41-1761497 Peggy Hovey President PO Box 73 Cresco, IA 52136 Davis County Dollars for Scholars 41-1865571 David Hopkins President 25917 Fern Blvd Bloomfield, IA 52537 Diagonal Dollars for Scholars 46-0509900 Melinda England President 1384 210th Ave Diagonal, IA 50845 Eagle Grove Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1713821 Donavan Adson President 204 Marshall Vincent, IA 50594 East Central Dollars for Scholars 41-1660194 David Sievers President Box 66 Miles, IA 52064 CSF of Eldora-New Providence 41-1506780 Jerry Wahlstrom President 1800 24th St Eldora, IA 50627 CSF of Floyd 41-1658471 Charles New man President PO Box 265, 301 Madison St Floyd, IA 50435 G-R Dollars for Scholars 41-1740977 Paula Gorres President 124 Hillcrest Dr Reinbeck, IA 50669 The Greater low a City Area Dollars for Scholars 26- 0094827 Paul Foelsch President 500 E Market St low a City, IA 52245 Grundy Center Dollars for Scholars 06- 1216055 JoAnn Nelson President PO Box 293 Grundy Center, IA 50638 Hampton-Dumont Dollars for Scholars 41- 1798497 Roger Kregel President PO Box 311 Dumont, IA 50625 Independence Area Dollars for Scholars 41- Group 2067615 Martin Brown President PO Box 798 Independence, IA 50644 CSF of low a Falls 41-1686941 Jo Martin Return For FORM 990, President PO Box 640 low a Falls, IA 50126 CSF of Jesup 41-1653512 Tom Youngblut President 754 First St Jesup, Affiliates PAGE 1, [A 50648 Kee High Dollars for Scholars 45-0538234 Michele Houlihan President 591 N Front St Lansing, IA 52151 (CONTINUED LINE H (a) X) L-S Citizens ' Scholarship Foundation 41-1781217 Teryl Ver Ploeg President PO Box 62 Lynnville, IA 50153 Maquoketa Valley Chapter Dollars for Scholars 91-2013413 Barb Hollinrake President PO Box 186 Delhi, IA 52223- 0186 CSF of Montezuma Comm Schools 41-1822170 Keith Brake President PO Box 87 Montezuma, IA 50171 New London Dollars for Scholars 91-1933712 Jeane Schweitzer President 22461 Pleasant Grove Rd New London, IA 52645 North Central Dollars for Scholars 32-0166680 Richard Scholbrock President 208 W Fifth St Hanlontow n, IA 50444 CSF of Oelw ein 41-1659296 Susan Mausser President 331 Seventh Ave SE Oelw ein, IA 50662 CSF of Parkersburg 22-2523377 Deb Kerns President 17223 - 260th St Aplington, IA 50604 Pella Dollars for Scholars 41- 1985191 Michael Maakestad President PO Box 131 Pella, IA 50219 RCL Dollars for Scholars 91-1869870 Jo Grodahl President PO Box 307 Rockwell City, IA 50579 St Ansgar CSF 41-1560608 Rose Kruger President PO Box 223 Grafton, IA 50440 Sentral Dollars for Scholars 41-1963890 Penny Rahm President 509 330th St Lone Rock, IA 50559 South Tama County Scholarship Fdn 41-1664039 Les Koch President 405 E Vine Toledo, IA 52342 Southeast Polk Dollars for Scholars 91-2116115 Roger Mahnke President 709 Second St SEAltoona, IA 50009 Southeast Webster Dollars for Scholars 83-0353293 Mike Jorgensen President 3917 Samson Ave Dayton, IA 50530 Storm Lake Dollars for Scholars 41-1513027 Mike Porsch President 3009 Leona Dr Storm Lake, IA 50588 Tri-County Dollars for Scholars 91-1982605 Kelly Tish President 16901 Hwy 21 What Cheer, IA 50268 Turkey Valley Fdn Dollars for Scholars 41-1664044 Dennis & Paula Meirick President 462 Meirick Ln Protivin, IA 52163 Union Community Dollars for Scholars 41-1742999 Leann Craft President 10242 S Canfield Rd La Porte City, IA 50651 Valley Community Dollars for Scholars 38-3759328 Cindy Butikofer President 21816 Armada Rd Elgin, IA 52141 Waterloo-Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars 41-1743066 Carolynn Sween President PO Box 1176 Waterloo, IA 50704 West Central Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1854490 David Schmitt President PO Box 69 Stuart, IA 50250 Woden-Crystal Lake-Titonka Dollars for Scholars 47-0870994 Pamela Eden President 655 320th St Britt, IA 50423 Dollars for Scholars - Fruitland Chapter 37-1547711 Thomas Limbaugh President 521 N Whitley Dr Fruitland, ID 83619 Wood River Valley Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1839381 Audrey Bashaw President PO Box 2734 Sun Valley, ID 83353 Antioch Sequoits Dollars for Scholars 61-1518228 Phyllis Fay President 1133 Main St Antioch, IL 60002 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 30-0351396 Zaida Chapa President PO Box 7111 Aurora, IL 60507 Belvidere Lions Club/First Branch Dollars for Scholars 32-0202982 Robert Wesley President PO Box 398 Belvidere, IL 61008 Blue Ridge Federation of Teachers Dollars for Scholars 37-1557401 Lynn Haw kins President 411 N John St Farmer City, IL 61842 Carmi- White County HS Dollars for Scholars 30-0489497 Cathy Wilkey President 800 W Main St Carmi, IL 62821 Chester Lions Club Dollars for Scholars 30-0412557 Brenda Pautler President 30 Knollw ood Dr Chester, IL 62233 Chicago HOPE Dollars for Scholars 35-2268888 Scott Thole President 206 W Eugenie #2E Chicago, IL 60614 Community Unit 2 Fdn for Education Inc Dollars for Scholars 26-0080388 Jackie Tw ait President 1889 N 35th Rd Ottawa, IL 61350 Crescent Iroquois Boosters Club Dollars for Scholars 91-2146881 Michelle Wessels President 1647 N 1700 E Rd Watseka, IL 60970 DuQuoin C U S D #300 Educ Fdn Dollars for Scholars 30-0400561 Mary Jo Novak President 9111 Old State Rt 14 DuQuoin, IL 62832 Eldorado Community Unit #4 Dollars for Scholars 36-4607016 Archie Blair President 2200 Illinois Ave Eldorado, IL 62930-1851 Evergreen Park Comm H S Schol Bd Dollars for Scholars 75-2983903 Tom Ollenburger President 8900 S Richmond Evergreen Park, IL 60805 Frankfort Beta Team Dollars for Scholars 91-1983155 Brady McCahey President 21447 Burgundy Dr Frankfort, IL 60423 Hanover Park Lions Dollars for Scholars 91-2167075 Gerard Turcotte President 1601 Tanglew ood Ave Hanover Park, IL 60133 Lakemoor Dollars for Scholars 91-1998358 Ralph Brindise President 517 Northlake Rd Lakemoor, IL 60051 Lebanon C U S D #9 Dollars for Scholars 37-1518894 Leigh Jackson President 1233 Presw yck Dr Belleville, IL 62221 Lincoln-Way Central New Lenox Dollars for Scholars 91-2126577 Aimee Feehery President 1801 E Lincoln Hwy New Lenox, IL 60451 Lisle Lions Dollars for Scholars 32-0174196 Joseph Bracken President 5290 Westview Ln Lisle, IL 60532 Lombard Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 33-0994415 Barb lovinelli President 1 Yorktown Center Lombard, IL 60148 Maine West Dollars for Scholars 41-1870274 Elizabeth Gallichio President 787 Graceland Unit 205 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Markham Educational Foundation Dollars for Scholars 91-2148008 John Thompson President 15652 S Homan Ave Markham, IL 60426 Michael H Hudson Dollars for Scholars Schol Fund 41-1869004 Michael Smith President 6000 A W Irving Park Rd Chicago, IL 60634 National Hook-Up of Black Group Women, Inc Dollars for Scholars 30-0384305 Bettye Gavin President PO Box 1084 Joliet, IL 60436 No Kane Return For FORM 990, County Women ' s Council Dollars for Scholars 91-2094411 Sue Lanners President 704 W Main St West Dundee, IL Affiliates PAGE 1, 60118 Orland Hills Dollars for Scholars 91-2106136 Marjorie O' Hern President 16033 S 94th Ave Orland Hills, IL (CONTINUED LINE H (a) 60477 Peotone Comm Schol Assoc Inc Dollars for Scholars 45-0499320 Martin Schmidt, Jr President 650 XI) Wilmington Rd Peotone, IL 60468 Prospect Heights Dollars for Scholars 91-1932807 Dan Quiery President 1061 S Wolf Rd Wheeling, IL 60090 Richards Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 80-0015719 Ross Cucio President 10601 S Central Ave Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Roscoe Community Dollars for Scholars 38-3732052 Penny Billman President 5310 Williams Dr Roscoe, IL 61073 Shepard Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 26-0021677 Sheri Mankow ski President 13049 S Ridgeland Ave Palos Heights, IL 60463 Villa Grove High School Dollars for Scholars 30-0515165 Randy Bishop President 400 N Sycamore St Villa Grove, IL 61956 Village of Monee Dollars for Scholars 73-1634989 Dan Tovo President 26258 Ruby Monee, IL 60449 Village of Round Lake Heights Dollars for Scholars 91-2019101 Terrance Lumpkins President 619 W Pontiac Round Lake Heights, IL 60073 Winfield Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 91-2126863 Kathe Doremus President 27W364 Oakwood St Winfield, IL 60190 African Americans of Hamilton County Dollars for Scholars 61-1562346 Jevon Jackson President 10851 Independence Way Carmel, IN 46032 Barr-Reeve Scholarship Fdn 41-1607576 Charles Kavanaugh President PO Box 25 Montgomery, IN 47558 Blue River Valley Dollars for Scholars 41-1653513 Shirlee Lester President 634 E CR 300 N New Castle, IN 47362 Borden Dollars for Scholars 91-1807982 Jeff Hunt President 16603 SR 60 Borden, IN 47106 Castle High School Dollars for Scholars 41-1864183 Donna Potts President PO Box 719 New burgh, IN 47629 Cloverdale Community Dollars for Scholars 26-0094267 Robert Steele President 5833 Essex Dr Pittsboro, IN 46167 Concord Dollars for Scholars 41-1694213 Diana Clark President 59117 Minuteman Way Elkhart, IN 46517 Cowan High School Alumni Dollars for Scholars 26-0109313 Earl Heath President 508 W600 S Muncie, IN 47302 Delta Dollars for Scholars 38-3777911 Norb Heban President 2301 Pineview Dr Muncie, IN 47303 East Gibson Dollars for Scholars 41-1860992 David Kolb President PO Box 356 Oakland City, IN 47660 Ebenezer Baptist Church Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1728027 Rudell Moore President 1901 N Harding St Indianapolis, IN 46202- 1027 CSF of Edinburgh School Community 51-0151843 Ron Hazelgrove President PO Box 305 Edinburgh, IN 46124 Elkhart Cntl HS Dollars for Scholars 41-1725658 Joel Putnam President 2164 Brockton Ct Bristol, IN 46507 Evansville Partners Dollars for Scholars 32-0252168 David Wagner President 400 SE Eighth St Evansville, IN 47713 Franklin County Dollars for Scholars 41-1659423 David Cook President 11248 State Rd 1 Brookville, IN 47012 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Fremont Scholarship Foundation 06-1252354 Ben Roederer President PO Box 665 Fremont, IN 46737 George Washington Comm School Dollars for Scholars 37- 1518395 Kyle Kopke President 1708 Charter Oak Cir Indianapolis, IN 46260 Hagerstown Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1827621 Sally Stohler President 301 N Washington St Hagerstow n, IN 47346 Hamilton Southeastern Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1691772 Bill French President 10968 Windjammer S Indianapolis, IN 46256 Hauser Community Scholarship Fdn 41-1608806 Steve Robertson President 15197 E500 N Hope, IN 47246 High Street Indiana Dollars for Scholars 36-4621196 David Stocker President 2710 N Pleasant Creek Yorktown, IN 47396 Indian Creek Communities Dollars for Scholars 26-0102484 Joe Park President 803 W Indian Creek Dr Trafalgar, IN 46181 James C Lentz Memorial Schol Fund, a Dollars for Scholars 91-1795671 Jay Adams President PO Box 36632 Indianapolis, IN 46236 Lake Central Dollars for Scholars 41-1696683 Betty Durochik President 8681 Winding Tr St John, IN 46373 Lanesville Comm Dollars for Scholars 41-1690652 Steve Kaake President 670 Martin John Rd Lanesville, IN 47136 Mitchell Comm Schools Schol Fdn 41-1643407 George Sorrells President 5966 State Rd 37 Mitchell, IN 47446 Morgan Tw p School Memorial Schol Fund 41-1707992 Emily Remster President 368 E Co Rd 400 S Valparaiso, IN 46383 North Central H S Dollars for Scholars 41-1862119 LeAnn Crooks President PO Box 262 Farmersburg, IN 47850 North Knox Scholarship Foundation 06-1245440 Stanley Dew eese President 508 W 11th St Bicknell, IN 47512 North Vermillion Dollars for Scholars 41-1613349 Tami Dowers President PO Box 232 Cayuga, IN 47928 Northern Community Schools CSF 93-0977311 Bill Peters President 4945 N 550 W Sharpsville, IN 46068 Northwood Dollars for Scholars 41-1666627 Don Abel Board Member 2 Beechw ood Ct Nappanee, IN 46550 OJ Reeves Dollars for Scholars Foundation 30-0419451 Nicole Fields President 3276 N Winthrop Ave Indianapolis, IN 46218 Phillips Temple CME Dollars for Scholars 35-2264142 Gloria Elliott President 210 E 34th St Indianapolis, IN 46205 Prairie Heights HS Dollars for Scholars 06-1251722 Richard Notestine President 4380 W 250 N Angola, IN 46703 Providence Ministries Dollars for Scholars 30-0493736 Benjamin Brown President 1602 E 34th St Indianpolis, IN 46218 Salem Education Foundation 41-1705211 Rebecca Marshall President 204 W Spring Meadow Group Cir Salem, IN 47167 Shoals Dollars for Scholars 41-1667291 Kenneth Macy President PO Box 237 Shoals, IN Return For FORM 990, 47581 South Decatur Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1613345 Connie Wiley President 801 E Cougar Rd Westport, IN Affiliates PAGE 1, 47283 South Henry Dollars for Scholars 41-1649715 Dan Webb President 5754 S 250 E Straughn, IN 47387 (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Speedway CSF 36-3637183 Mary Breece President 5335 W 25th St Speedway, IN 46224 Dollars for Scholars of XII) Tell City/Perry County, IN 35-6066656 Darla Goffinet President 3440 Sullivan Rd Tell City, IN 47586 Union Community Scholarship Fund 41-1628316 Joyce Kirby President 6245 N Wilbur Wright Rd Mooreland, IN 47360 Waw asee Dollars for Scholars 41-1629574 Dan Bauer President 420 EMS D 16 Ln Syracuse, IN 46567 Westview CSF 36-3635153 Rich Cory President 1635 S 600 W Topeka, IN 46571 Whitko Dollars for Scholars 41-1709029 Sam St Clair President 8124 W 100 S Larw ill, IN 46764 Louisville Metro Dollars for Scholars 41-2073847 Emery Lee President 3200 Sudbury Ln Louisville, KY 40220 Dollars for Scholars Jefferson 41-1756360 Lisa Conescu Executive Director 3330 N Causeway Blvd Ste 435 Metairie, LA 70002 CSF of Abington 04-6151600 David Carvell President 840 Hancock St Abington, MA 02351 Andrew W Teibel Dollars for Scholars 26-0075885 John Grimes President 19 Fatima Dr Ashland, MA 01721 CSF of Bedford 04-6151602 Marty McNamara President One McMahon Ave Bedford, MA 01730 CSF of Bridgew ater-Raynham 04-6151604 Pat Kelly President 415 Center St Bridgewater, MA 02324 Burlington Comm Schol Fdn , Inc 04-2998678 Stephen Preston President Ten Westland Ave Winchester, MA 01890 City of Somerville Dollars for Scholars 36-4586901 Howard Horton President Ten High St Boston, MA 02110 CSF of Dighton-Rehoboth 04-6151607 Lisa Blanck President Five Walnut St Rehoboth, MA 02769-2016 East Cambridge Scholarship Fund 04-3030753 Nancy Mochi President 22 Winter St Cambridge, MA 02141 Fairhaven Dollars for Scholars 38-3781909 David Poynant President 72 Park Dr Acushnet, MA 02743 Gloucester Scholarship Foundation 41-1687777 Jerry O'Neil President 162 Hesperus Ave Gloucester, MA 01930 Hancock Community Dollars for Scholars 41-1971936 Mary Ellen Donna President PO Box 220 Lanesboro, MA 01237 CSF of Holliston 04-6151614 Robert McGrath President 17 Hemlock Dr Holliston, MA 01746 CSF of Lanesboro/New Ashford 41-1653470 Sue Rougeau President PO Box 377 Lanesboro, MA 01237 Lynnfield Dollars for Scholars 26-0109316 Denis Ritchie President One Daventry Ct Lynnfield, MA 01940 CSF of Marblehead, Inc 04-2978990 Ed Harvey President Eight Pond St Marblehead, MA 01945 Methuen Scholarship Foundation 41- 1827004 Robert Vogler President 95 Currier St Methuen, MA 01844 CSF of Millbury 23-7221242 Rob Morton President 109 Elm St Millbury, MA 01527 Newton Dollars for Scholars 33-0998565 Albert Cho President 360 Lowell Ave Newtonville, MA 02460 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER North Reading Dollars for Scholars, CSF 04-6151623 Dennis Marasca President 350 Park St North Reading, MA 01864 Northeast Metro Voc Dollars for Scholars 35- 2294921 Arthur Zervas President 100 Hemlock Rd Wakefield, MA 01880 CSF of Pittsfield 04-6151627 Christopher Flynn President 173 Elm St Pittsfield, MA 01201 CSF of Sherborn 04-6151631 Jackie Morris President 56 Harrington Ridge Rd Sherborn, MA 01770 Somerville HS Scholarship Fdn 41-1672278 Paul Murray President 60 Squire Rd Winchester, MA 01890 Southborough Schol Advisory Comm 04-2998680 Doriann Jasinski President 33 Presidential Dr Southborough, MA 01772 The Stephen C Romasco Dollars for Scholars Fund 30-0410109 David Sampson President 30 Hutchinson Rd Sutton, MA 01590 Town of Billerica Scholarship Fdn 41-1728328 Maureen Sullivan President 48 Buckingham Dr Billerica, MA 01821 Town of Weymouth Scholarship Fund 04-3128503 Lois Desmond President 12 Poinsettia Ave Weymouth, MA 02188 CSF of Wakefield 04-2444195 Robert Leahy President 30 Eustis Ave Wakefield, MA 01880 Dollars for Scholars of Whitman and Hanson 04-6074895 Mike Ganshirt President PO Box 26 Whitman, MA 02382 Worcester Latino Dollars for Scholars 41-1809701 John Rodriguez President 16 Sturgis St Worcester, MA 01605 Scholarships for Scholars 52-1349884 Colleen Wilson President 728 Chickamauga Dr Davidson, MD 21035 Border Trust Dollars for Scholars 41-1987594 Barbara Kane Treasurer PO Box 400 Jackman, ME 04945 Deer Isle-Stonington Chapter Dollars for Scholars 91-2106132 Michael Wood President 251 N Deer Isle Rd Deer Isle, ME 04627 CSF of Hampden-New burgh-Winterport 23-7083030 Carla Bommarito President 31 Patterson Rd Hampden, ME 04444 CSF of Sacopee Valley 01-6029878 Tracey How ell President PO Box 99 Parsonsfield, ME 04047 Shead High School Dollars for Scholars 73-1636022 Paul Theriault President 89 High St Eastport, ME 04631 Upward Bound at USM Dollars for Scholars 41-2103042 Jessica Picard President 217 Huff Rd Lyman, ME 04002-7332 Wells HS Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 91-2016581 Jack Malloy President PO Box 579 Wells, ME 04090 CSF of Allegan 38-6064822 Lucetta Johnson President 490 Lake Dr Allegan, MI 49010 Aitkin Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1712030 Steve Bare President 43478 State Hwy 210 Aitkin, MN 56431 Ashby Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1550180 Joyce Rylander President PO Box 261 Ashby, MN 56309- Group 0261 Barnum CSF 22-2849336 Irene McKay President 2046 Bob Lake Rd Mahtow a, MN 55707-8630 CSF of Belle Return For FORM 990, Plaine 41-1671053 Scott Hallgren President 112 S Market St Belle Plaine, MN 56011 CSF of Blackduck 41-1626151 Affiliates PAGE 1, Diane McKean President PO Box 152 Blackduck, MN 56630-0152 Blue Earth Ed Assistance, Inc 22-2849439 Gary (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Armon President 123 W Third St Blue Earth, MN 56013-1208 CSF of Brandon 41-1504049 Barb Schroeder XIII) President PO Box 522 Brandon, MN 56315-8125 CSF of Brow erville 41-1567255 Larry Werder President PO Box 185 Brow erville, MN 56438-0185 Cedar Mountain Dollars for Scholars 41-2023576 Doug Kopischke President 208 Tempel Dr Morgan, MN 56266-1437 Cherry School Dollars for Scholars 68-0524605 Jodi Anderson President 3943 Tamminen Rd Iron, MN 55751 CSF of Cleveland 02-0369726 Mary Jean Rohlfing President 1001 Columbia St Cleveland, MN 56017 Comfrey Area Dollars for Scholars 91-1972352 Scott Hoek President 212 Ochre St W Comfrey, MN 56019-1114 CSF of Dassel-Cokato 41-1337481 Kenneth Neu President PO Box 469 Dassel, MN 55325-0469 Detroit Lakes Scholarship Fdn 41-1542966 Wayne Benson President PO Box 667 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502-0667 Dist 883 Dollars for Scholars 41-1584856 Kris Abrahamson President 6510 Maple Dr Rockford, MN 55373 Eagle Valley Dollars for Scholars 41-1644266 Nancy Harren President 32087 County Rd 1 Eagle Bend, MN 56446 CSF of Evansville 41-1506601 Denise Quinn President PO Box 56 Evansville, MN 56326 Fergus Falls Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1707547 Dave Schneeberger President 1519 Pebble Lake Rd Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Floodwood Dollars for Scholars 41-1598840 Kathy Juusola President 11867 Floodwood Rd Floodwood, MN 55736-8131 Garrison Dollars for Scholars 41-1864927 Richard Siemers President 22129 437th Ave Aitkin, MN 56431-4905 Haw ley Dollars for Scholars 41-1665856 Veronica Johnson President Box 112 Haw ley, MN 56549 Henry Sibley Dollars for Scholars Comm Schol Program 41-2082903 Jan Hensel President 882 Mendakota Ct Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Hutchinson Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1335977 Dave Maher President 1336 Heritage Ave NW Hutchinson, MN 55350 CSF of the Jasper School Area 41-6080847 Lisa Houg President PO Box 707 Pipestone, MN 56164 Kimball Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1822787 Paula Capes President PO Box 96 Kimball, MN 55353 Lac qui Parle Valley Dollars for Scholars 41-1692731 Gary Omland President 123 11th Ave Madison, MN 56256 CSF of Lake of the Woods 02-0369644 Tanya Hasbargen President PO Box 1253 Baudette, MN 56623 Lakeview Dollars for Scholars 41-2103051 David Paskach President 70 Shoreview Cir Cottonwood, MN 56229 LeSueur-Henderson Dollars for Scholars 06-0979173 Kathy Leary President PO Box 42 LeSueur, MN 56058 CSF of Luverne 22-2511691 Donald Klosterbuer President PO Box 538 Luverne, MN 56156 Mankato/North Mankato Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1707993 Frank Brandt President 401 State St Mankato, MN 56001-2444 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Martin Co West Dollars for Scholars 41-1731024 Harold Borchardt President PO Box 227 Welcome, MN 56181-0213 Menahga Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1572833 Kerry White President 216 Aspen Ave Menahga, MN 56464 Minneota Dollars for Scholars 46-0468706 Dawn VanKeulen President 504 N Monroe Minneota, MN 56264 Dollars for Scholars of Moose Lake 02-0369643 Nanci Paulseth President 93171 Evergreen Rd Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 Morris Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1800489 Kathy Moen President 37 Ridge Rd Morris, MN 56267-1516 Nevis Dollars for Scholars/Pam Lindow Fdn 41-1640235 Andrew Lindow President 24454 Fairw ood Ln Nevis, MN 56467-0047 Norman County East Dollars for Scholars 41-1676282 Shelly Brevik President 1470 400th St Twin Valley, MN 56584 Northland Scholarship Fund, Inc 41- 1653416 Charles Peterson President 8795 42nd St NE Sw atara, MN 55785 CSF of Osakis 22-2534224 Gregg Allen President PO Box X Osakis, MN 56360-0624 CSF of Paynesville 22-2521192 Chris Stanley President 201 Minnie St Paynesville, MN 56362-1516 Pillager Dollars for Scholars 47-0884536 Susan Sebasky President 10818 53rd Ave SW Pillager, MN 56473-2139 CSF of Pipestone School Dist 583 41-6056345 Damain Sandy President 315 Second Ave SE Pipestone, MN 56164 Prior Lake Women of Today 41-1566165 Barb Schumacher President 15202 Nautica Cir NE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1783 CSF of Randolph 06-0979171 Kay Tix President 608 Hoffman St W Cannon Falls, MN 55009-1922 Rotary Club of Plymouth Dollars for Scholars 26-0064532 Coleen Dusek-Oehler President Box 46453 Plymouth, MN 55446 CSF of Rush City 22-2849261 Dennis Pederson President PO Box 358 Rush City, MN 55069-0358 St Louis Park Dollars for Scholars 41-1802744 Andi Larsen President 2831 Huntington Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55416 CSF of Sauk Centre 22-2523373 Bonnie Nelson President 21788 Cedar Lake Rd Sauk Centre, MN 56378 School District #4 Foundation 41-1743512 Cheryl Haapoja President PO Box 214 McGregor, MN 55760-0214 Shakopee Dollars for Scholars 41-1341574 Ray Hussong President 2710 King Ave Shakopee, MN 55379 Spring Grove Dollars for Scholars 41-1638317 Patrick Lile President 209 Second Ave NE Spring Grove, MN 55974 Swanville Comm Schol Fund, Inc 41-1709875 Lyle Gessell President 32688 CR 12 Swanville, MN 56382 Twin Cities BEST Dollars for Scholars 91-1930951 Marge Beard President 10910 34th Ave N Plymouth, MN Group 55441-2444 Wabasha-Kellogg Dollars for Scholars 41-1513038 Dianne Schjolberg President PO Box 2 Wabasha, Return For FORM 990, MN 55981-0002 Waterville-Elysian-Morristow n Dollars for Scholars 41-1570556 Jim Hermel President 500 E Paquin Affiliates PAGE 1, St Waterville, MN 55052 West Central Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1796548 Sheila Ronhovde President 301 Co Rd (CONTINUED LINE H (a) 2 Barrett, MN 56311 CSF of Wheaton 41-1589436 Russell Armstrong President 1700 Third Ave S Wheaton, MN XIV) 56296 Dollars for Scholars of Worthington 02-0369728 Chuck Moore President 1955 S Shore Dr Worthington, MN 56187 Clark County Dollars for Scholars, Inc 26-0082151 Edwin Wilson President PO Box 199 Kahoka, MO 63445 Bainville Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1953865 Karen Vannatta President 13926 51st NW Lt 231 Williston, ND 58801 Poison Dollars for Scholars 47-0849483 Paddy Trusler President PO Box 670 Poison, MT 59860 Sidney Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1707659 Brian Milne President 2397 Fifth St NW Sidney, MT 59270 Aneta, Kloten, McVille, Pekin, Tolna Area Dollars 41-1725362 Michelle Forde President PO Box 234 Tolna, ND 58380 Barnes County North Dollars for Scholars 91-2114211 Jane Hovda President 3528 Webster Sub Valley City, ND 58072 Belfield Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1740340 Cap Berger President PO Box 940 Belfield, ND 58622 Bismarck Dollars for Scholars 26-0109317 Al Nosbusch President 1520 N 20th St Bismarck, ND 58501-2921 Burke County Dollars for Scholars 26-0101875 Kari Enget President PO Box 76 Powers Lake, ND 58773 Cavalier Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1693796 Kari Helgoe President 14047 100th St NE Cavalier, ND 58220 Dickinson Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1783202 Ryan Beck President 140 First Ave W Dickinson, ND 58601 Drake Dollars for Scholars 26- 0062342 Mark Kolschefsky President 509 Cedar St Drake, ND 58736 Enderlin Area Dollars for Scholars 41- 1711044 Amy Wadeson Treasurer 318 Railway St Enderlin, ND 58027 Finley-Sharon Dollars for Scholars 75- 3154690 Stuart Gullicks President PO Box 473 Finley, ND 58230 Glen Ullin Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1768791 Kim Kobilansky President 6662 50th St Glen Ullin, ND 58631-9603 CSF of Grand Forks-E Grand Forks 15-0134840 Lori Bott Treasurer 2900 14th Ave S Grand Forks, ND 58201-4016 Griggs County Central Dollars for Scholars 68- 0574871 Rita Jungels President 119 121st Ave SE Finley, ND 58230 Hankinson-Mantador Dollars for Scholars 41- 1692520 Debra Pankow President 16626 Lake Elsie Dr Hankinson, ND 58041 Hazelton-Moffit-Braddock Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1721024 Adele Kalberer President 6460 Sixth Ave SE Hazelton, ND 58544 Hebron Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1772873 Al Feist President 308 Washington Ave Hebron, ND 58638-7407 Kidder County Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1781213 Paul Bakkum President Box 140 Steele, ND 58482 Kindred Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1686439 Julie Mitchell President 16445 57th St SE Kindred, ND 58051 LHS Club/Dollars for Scholars 45-0407060 Michele Sandness President 7447 105th Ave SE LaMoure, ND 58458 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Leeds Dollars for Scholars 41-2071311 Joanne McCarty President 6366 49th Ave NE York, ND 58386-9303 Litchville-Marion Dollars for Scholars 74-3031134 Chad Lommen President PO Box 96 Marion, ND 58466 Mandan Dollars for Scholars 83-0411541 Jan Pratt President PO Box 825 Mandan, ND 58554 Mayville Portland Clifford Galesburg Area Dollars 41-1768783 Bill Krivarchka President 40 Westwood Dr Mayville, ND 58257 Milnor Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1976911 Leone Kramer President PO Box 226 Milnor, ND 58060 Mott Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1781451 Laurie Larson President 7479 91st Ave SW Mott, ND 58646 New Rockford Dollars for Scholars 26-0073871 Julie Danduran President PO Box 712 New Rockford, ND 58356-0712 New Town Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1728028 Warren Bratvold President PO Box 364 New Town, ND 58763 Northern Cass Dollars for Scholars 91-1850939 Gene Foster President 1360 164th Ave SE Grandin, ND 58038 Page Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1709017 Mary Thompson President PO Box 177 Page, ND 58064 Richland #44 Dollars for Scholars 41-2084346 Nadine Julson Treasurer 7177 CR 18 Wahpeton, ND 58075 Rugby Dollars for Scholars 27-0019788 Paul Schaan President 802 Fifth St SE Rugby, ND 58368 Sheridan County Dollars for Scholars 75-3071801 Walter Lipp President PO Box 590 McClusky, ND 58430 TGU Dollars for Scholars 26-0106020 Ryan Taylor President 5435 13th Ave NE Tow ner, ND 58788 Tioga Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1719229 Lorena Lambrecht President 506 Second St NW Tioga, ND 58852 Turtle Mountain Dollars for Scholars 26-0082150 Emil LaRocque President PO Box 900 Belcourt, ND 58316 Velva Area Dollars for Scholars 91-2171536 Robert Chilson President 3718 13th Ave N Velva, ND 58790-9195 Washburn Area Dollars for Scholars 45-0431031 Larry Katcher President Box 442 Washburn, ND 58577 West Fargo Dollars for Scholars 41-1649716 Greg Mastrud President 1807 Queensbury St West Fargo, ND 58078 Wishek Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1764124 Marty Toepke-Floyd President PO Box 245 Wishek, ND 58495-0245 Wyndmere Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1838531 Rick Jacobson President PO Box 190 Wyndmere, ND 58081 Blue Hill Dollars for Scholars 26-0051840 Colleen Jeffery President PO Box 217 Blue Hill, NE 68930 Overton Dollars for Scholars 71-0929420 Group Jackie Benson President 75304 Dr 441 Overton, NE 68863 CSF of Auburn 02-0359595 Julia Babin President 39 Return For FORM 990, Manchester Rd Auburn, NH 03032-3141 Con Val Community Schol Fdn Dollars for Scholars 37-1528431 John Affiliates PAGE 1, Vance President 19 E Ridge Dr Peterborough, NH 03458 CSF of Fall Mtn Reg School Dist 23-7049437 Richard (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Nalevanko President 473 Hill Rd Alstead, NH 03602 CSF of Franklin, Inc 23-7371796 Daniel Dargie President 59800 XV) Share Blvd S #910 Gulfport, FL 33707 Greater Pittsfield C S F, Inc 41-1774770 Scott Brown President 68 S Main St Pittsfield, NH 03263 The Jeff Morin Memorial Schol Fund 41-1824462 Thomas Morin President 233 Bamberg Dr Bluffton, SC 29910 CSF of Lebanon 02-6015933 Raymond Plante President 15 Dana St West Lebanon, NH 03784 CSF of Mascoma Valley 23-7110661 Carol Felix President PO Box 57 Enfield, NH 03748 New Hampshire Electric Co-op Dollars for Scholars 26-0087104 Judy Gove President 579 Tenney Mountain Hwy Plymouth, NH 03264 CSF of Souhegan Valley 02-6015954 Melissa Grant President PO Box 713 Milford, NH 03055 Winnacunnet High Schol Fdn , Inc 02-6015929 Dennis Kepner President 105 Mill Rd Hampton, NH 03842 Burlington Township Schools Schol Comm 06-1241295 Domenic Zulla President 530 Lehigh Ave Burlington, NJ 08016 The Don Smith Memorial Schol Fund 41-1720108 Monica Giberson President PO Box 152, Sooy Ln Port Republic, NJ 08241 CSF of Mahw ah 51-0151847 Denise Storms President 764 Wyckoff Ave Mahw ah, NJ 07430 A-P-W Dollars for Scholars 41-1515342 Mary Faulkner President 1849 CR 22 Altmar, NY 13302 Alexander Dollars for Scholars 41-1828095 Thomas Ricci Jr President 1010 Porterville Rd East Aurora, NY 14052 Andes Dollars for Scholars 16-1336578 Lori Koronow ski President PO Box 491 Andes, NY 13731 BGA Dollars for Scholars 30-0367773 Judy June President 331 CR 30 Afton, NY 13730 Binghamton Dollars for Scholars 41-1956102 Tina Hodnik President 16 Ardsley Rd Binghamton, NY 13904 Canaseraga CSF 41-1724655 Dave Campbell President 25 North St Canaseraga, NY 14822 Charlotte Valley Central School Dollars for Scholars 41-1628318 Troy Rider President PO Box 152 Davenport Center, NY 13751 CSF of Chittenango Central School 22-2529252 Steve Waite President 6990 Bolivar Rd Chittenango, NY 13037 Clinton Dollars for Scholars 22-2523378 Frank Perretta President 1037 Hedge Row Clinton, NY 13323 Colesville Dollars for Scholars 41-1640230 James Van Woert President 496 Chaffee St Harpursville, NY 13787 Dollars for Scholars of Commack 41-1799273 Kenneth Zweibel President 6 Stonehenge Ln East Northport, NY 11731 Corinth Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1724546 Melanie Denno President Five Ash St Corinth, NY 12822 DeRuyter Dollars for Scholars 41-1743037 Maurine Skeele President PO Box 353 DeRuyter, NY 13052 East Greenbush Education Fdn 41-1518616 Susan Garrigan-Piela President 256 Elliot Rd East Greenbush, NY 12061 Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars 41-1640236 Ann Dokus President 820 Garnsey Rd Fairport, NY 14450 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Gananda Dollars for Scholars 41-1716026 Kathy Salimbene President PO Box 609 Macedon, NY 14502 Gilboa Dollars for Scholars 41-1810395 Terri Gockel President 132 Wyckoff Rd Gilboa, NY 12076 Greater NY Chinese Comm Dollars for Scholars 26-0100635 Tina Lee President 141 - 07 20th Ave Whitestone, NY 11357 Greenville Ctrl Sch Dist Dollars for Scholars 41-1670758 Keith MacTavish Treasurer 18 Corp Woods Blvd Albany, NY 12211 Herkimer BOCES Dollars for Scholars 41- 1693803 Jon Benson President 352 Gros Blvd Herkimer, NY 13350 Johnsburg Dollars for Scholars 41-1668806 Ann Arsenault President PO Box 142 North Creek, NY 12853 Jordan-Elbridge Dollars for Scholars 41-1536680 Hank Doerr President 111 Scott Cir Elbridge, NY 13060 The Liberty Partnership Program at the Center for 91- 2125879 Candi Griffin-Jenkins President 135 Western Ave, Draper 302 Albany, NY 12222 Livonia Dollars for Scholars 36-4601136 Karen Bennett President PO Box 333, 20 Spring St Livonia, NY 14487 Margaretville Central School Dollars for Scholars 22-2849225 Tony Albanese President Margaretville Ctrl School Margaretville, NY 12455 Medgar's Centers for Youth Dollars for Scholars 84-1657113 Lisa Superville Jones President 24-17 Gillmore St East Elmhurst, NY 11369 Dollars for Scholars of Mexico New Haven & Palermo 41-1555830 Marlene Paquette President PO Box 971 Mexico, NY 13114 NY Latino Dollars for Scholars Greater Capital R 26-0075881 Maritza Vega President 111 Moore Rd East Greenbush, NY 12061 North Syracuse Dollars for Scholars 41- 1518613 Robert Crabtree President 102 Baxton St North Syracuse, NY 13212 Northern Ulster Dollars for Scholars 35-2325520 Ian Brody President PO Box 1259 Woodstock, NY 12498 Oakfield-Alabama Dollars for Scholars 91- 1909830 Paul Osborn President 26 Drake St Oakfield, NY 14125 Ontario/Walworth Dollars for Scholars 41- 1685298 Pat Delperdange President 6412 Fisher Rd Williamson, NY 14589 Oxford Academy & Ctrl Sch Dist Dollars for Scholars 41-1702088 Patrick Costello President PO Box 704 Oxford, NY 13830 Penn Yan Dollars for Scholars 41-1781453 Kathy Guenther President PO Box 752 Penn Yan, NY 14527 Pierre Alric Dollars for Scholars 26-0117102 Robert Butler President 99 Washington Ave, Ste 1325 Albany, NY 12255 Portville Community Dollars for Scholars 91-2140364 Daniel Schmidt President 469 Hemlock Dr Portville, NY 14770 Queensbury Dollars for Group Scholars 41-1672277 Kendall Minges President 54 Sheridan St Glens Falls, NY 12801 CSF of Rhinebeck 41- Return For FORM 990, 1560604 Ann DiAngelo President PO Box 434 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Roxbury Dollars for Scholars 41-1613344 Affiliates PAGE 1, Kathy Sass President PO Box 121 Denver, NY 12421 SUNY Plattsburgh Upward Bound 41-1851198 Katie (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Mullagan President 101 Broad St Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Schalmont Dollars for Scholars 41-1985334 Nancy Mafrici XVI) President PO Box 6119 Schenectady, NY 12306 Scio Area Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Fund 26-0081322 Rusty Wissert President PO Box 33 Scio, NY 14880 Sidney Dollars for Scholars 41-1500456 Shirley Cumm President 42 Union St Sidney, NY 13838 Solvay Dollars for Scholars 41-2095086 Kevin Riley President 104 Lake Country Dr Syracuse, NY 13209 South Kortright CSF 41-1613342 Doreen McGrath President 317 Red Rock Rd Hobart, NY 13788 Staten Island ACHIEVE Dollars for Scholars 26-0116206 Patrick Ryan, Jr President 350 E 79th St, 41 B New York, NY 10021 Sweet Home Dollars for Scholars 36-3632079 Michael Morrow President 37 Maricrest Dr Amherst, NY 14228 Dollars for Scholars of Taconic Hills 41-1646202 P-L Schroeppel President PO Box 112 Hollowville, NY 12530 Unatego Dollars for Scholars 41-1807565 Stephen Geer President PO Box 142 Unadilla, NY 13849 Utica Dollars for Scholars 41-1795701 Lou Parrotta President 1220 Greenview Dr Utica, NY 13501 Vestal Dollars for Scholars 41-1678509 Barry Klipsch President 1620 Butternut Dr Vestal, NY 13851-0959 Voorheesville Dollars for Scholars 41-1862299 Valerie DiBona President 107 Hilton Rd Slingerlands, NY 12159 CSF of Wantagh 23-7395697 Gerald McCrink President PO Box 143 Wantagh, NY 11793 Williamson Dollars for Scholars 41-1734608 Joan English President PO Box 376 East Williamson, NY 14449 CSF of Bath Local School District 34-6580083 Joy Burleson President 830 Kingsw ood Dr Lima, OH 45804 CSF of Delaw are County 31- 6080596 Eloise Keating President 1404 Lew is Center Rd Lew is Center, OH 43035 CSF of Guernsey County 31- 6080597 Stevie Fairchild President 6885 Sherrard Rd Cambridge, OH 43725 CSF of Medina 34-6580084 Michael Davanzo President 4050 N Huntington St Medina, OH 44256 Tri-State Area CSF 34-6542893 Jackman S Vodrey President PO Box 458 East Liverpool, OH 43920 CSF of Wapakoneta 23-7128970 Alan Davis President 18931 St Rt 501 Wapakoneta, OH 45895 Condon Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1816059 Dorothy Schott President PO Box 385 Condon, OR 97823 Gaston Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1749206 Kris Eiesland President 38303 S Laurelw ood Rd Gaston, OR 97119 Harrisburg Dollars for Scholars Fdn 93-1081788 Ethadee Brent President PO Box 406 Harrisburg, OR 97446 Bucks for Bucs/Dollars for Scholars 26-0065444 James Tershel President 2020 W Pike St Houston, PA 15342 Comm Schol Fdn of Canon-McMillan 41-1681846 Markus Solobay President 141 Murdock St Canonsburg, PA 15317 Dallastown Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1774747 John Wagman President 2400 Sutton Rd York, PA 17407 Explanation

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Gettysburg Area Dollars for Scholars 26-0086206 Ruth Boehne President 125 Water Works Rd Gettysburg, PA 17325 Dollars for Scholars of Lancaster County 23- 6414300 Paul Fazzini President PO Box 1601 Lancaster, PA 17608 South Eastern Dollars for Scholars 91- 1917822 Peg Chrencik President 104 E Main St Fawn Grove, PA 17321 Spring Grove Area Schol Fdn 41- 1782774 John Bailey President PO Box 66 Spring Grove, PA 17362 West York Area Dollars for Scholars 41- 1855206 Laura Marsh President 2605 W Market St York, PA 17404 York Suburban Dollars for Scholars 91- 1912966 Douglas Bare President 35 S Queen St York, PA 17403 CSF of East Providence 23-7007104 Peter Barilla President 12 Miller Ave East Providence, RI 02916 CSF of Little Compton 23-7083814 Christine Elkinton President PO Box 442 Little Compton, RI 02837 CSF of North Providence 05-6035680 Camellia Martins President 23 Riverside Ave Johnston, RI 02919 CSF of Scituate 02-0370050 William Lenox President 163 Franklin Rd Foster, RI 02825 CSF of North Charleston 57-6030386 Keith Rumril President PO Box 61536 North Charleston, SC 29419 Garretson Dollars for Scholars Foundation 30-0414660 Tad Heitkamp President 804 E Leslie Dr Garretson, SD 57030 AAAFFA Dollars for Scholars Program 37-1520079 Bobby Johns President 1208 Statler Bend Dr Pflugerville, TX 78660 Austin Firefighters Assoc Dollars for Scholars 30-0352207 Kelli Tucker President 7537 Cameron Rd Austin, TX 78752 CSF of Bennington 03-6016919 Sue Congdon President 441 Main St Bennington, VT 05201 Elsie Litw haler Dollars for Scholars 91-2010816 Tony Blueter President 337 College Hill Johnson, VT 05656 Town of Canaan Dollars for Scholars 91-1951272 Chris Masson President 99 School St Canaan, VT 05903 UVM Upward Bound Dollars for Scholars 91-2096519 Ted Ogaldez President 227 Living & Learning Burlington, VT 05405 Vermont Educ Opportunty Programs Dollars for Scholars 61-1564432 Karen McGovern President PO Box 2000 Winooski, VT 05404-2601 AFT Washington/Schw erin, Campbell, Barnard Scholars 61-1501220 Sandra Schroeder President 14900 Interurban Ave S, Ste 130 Tukwila, WA 98168 Adna Scholarship Foundation 41-1668707 Paulette Schwarzkoph President 102 Sun Valley Dr Chehalis, WA 98532 Almira, Coulee, Hartline Dollars for Scholars 41- 1984472 Goldie Moyer President PO Box 182 Hartline, WA 99135 Auburn Optimist Dollars for Scholars Foundation Group 73-1634943 Jim Fletcher President PO Box 1794 Auburn, WA 98071 Bernadette Roozen-Miller Memorial Dollars for Return For FORM 990, Scholars 91-2014752 Deborah Scott President 18245 Moores Garden Rd Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Blaine Affiliates PAGE 1, Scholarship Foundation 41-1808955 Shannon Vander Yacht President 4286 H St Rd Blaine, WA 98230 Bridgeport (CONTINUED LINE H (a) Dollars for Scholars Foundation 91-1844707 Ken Krugel President PO Box 452 Bridgeport, WA 98813 Centralia HS XVII) Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1827848 Doug McLaughlin President 2817 Lincoln Creek Rd Rochester, WA 98579 Cheney Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1967314 Tom Whitfield President 8318 W Jensen Rd Cheney, WA 99004 Cle Elum Kiw ants Dollars for Scholars 26-0064514 Linda Rose-Metzger President PO Box 547 Cle Elum, WA 98922 Cosmopolis Dollars for Scholars Foundation 75-3033879 Mary Ann Palmer President PO Box 479 Cosmopolis, WA 98537 Deer Park Dollars for Scholars 91-2106137 Bill Moore President PO Box 1241 Deer Park, WA 99006 East Valley Dollars for Scholars 41-1968136 Julie Devine President 201 Wendt Rd Yakima, WA 98901 Entiat Valley Dollars for Scholars Foundation 41-1780422 Cindy Herdt President PO Box 6 Entiat, WA 98822 Ferndale Dollars for Scholars Foundation 32-0174449 Bill & Judy McCourt President P O Box 698 Ferndale, WA 98226 Friends of Challenger Dollars for Scholars 30-0453610 Catherine Wheeler President PO Box 742 Graham, WA 98338 Grandview Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1818694 John Norling President 705 EConcord Grandview, WA 98930 Heritage High School Chapter of Dollars for Scholars 41-1988960 Sandy Jackson President 7825 NE 130th Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 John Knapman Jr Foundation Dollars for Scholars 26-0109268 J D Angiuli President 13517 64th Ave W Edmonds, WA 98026 Kettle Falls Comm Schol Fdn 06-1204009 William Berrigan President 1220 S Josephine Rd Kettle Falls, WA 99141 LETI Dollars for Scholars 41-1981689 Rosario Reyes President 6431 189th PI SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 La Conner Community Scholarship Fdn 41-1650929 Vincent Wilbur President 15362 Adel Tsa Cir LaConner, WA 98257 Lopez Island Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1884997 Jeanna Carter President 86 School Rd Lopez Island, WA 98261 Mabton Dollars for Scholars 91-2093493 Denny Brown President PO Box 1411 Zillah, WA 98953 Mansfield Dollars for Scholars 41-1967315 Linda McLean President 925 Rd S NE Coulee City, WA 99115 Mount Baker Scholarship Foundation 41-1779532 Mary Compton President PO Box 875 Deming, WA 98244 Nooksack Valley Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-1878487 Jeff Price President 2408 E Pole Rd Everson, WA 98247 North River Dollars for Scholars 75-3022685 Debbie Oliver President 1616 N River Rd Cosmopolis, WA 98537 Orondo Dollars for Scholars Foundation 41-1774107 Shirley Auvil President 21397 SR 97 Orondo, WA 98843 Our Three Moms Dollars for Scholars 30-0438197 Jesse Krynak President 101 Crawford St #303 Houston, TX 77002 Pateros School Dollars for Scholars Foundation 41-1781455 Louise Bighouse President 98B Bill Shaw Rd Pateros, WA 98846 Return Identifier Explanation Reference

ALL ACTIVE CHAPTERS AFFILIATED THROUGH 12-31-2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 INCLUDED ON SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA'S GROUP EXEMPTION ROSTER Pomeroy Dollars for Scholars 91-2106140 Linda McKeirnan President 690 W Main Pomeroy, WA 99347 Rainier Beach High School Dollars for Scholars 75- 3028871 Eleanor Goodall President 1908 32nd Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 St John-Endicott Coop Sch Fdn D/S Program 41-1771243 Barbara Strader President PO Box 178 Endicott, WA 99125 Satsop Dollars for Scholars Fdn 91-2160862 Bill Goeres President 757 Wenzel Slough Rd Elma, WA 98541 Selkirk Dollars for Scholars 41- 1652693 Sandy Haney President PO Box 146 lone, WA 99139 South Bend Volunteer Fire Department Dollars for Scholars 32-0270940 Jon Ashley President Box 897 South Bend, WA 98586 Tekoa Dollars for Scholars Foundation 61-1531255 Joyce Hansen President 3803 Highway 60 Plummer, ID 83851 Toppenish-Wapato Dollars for Scholars 41-1795511 Jim Mahre President 6530 Ashue Rd Wapato, WA 98951 Tyee High School Dollars for Scholars 91-1951275 Jane Davis President 19612 Fifth Ave S Des Moines, WA 98148 United Snoqualmie Valley Schol Fdn 41-1679845 Bernie Lanoue President 29000 NE 150th St Duvall, WA 98019 WEA-Retired Dollars for Group Return Scholars 41-2088832 Sharon White President 160 Ridgecrest Dr Toledo, WA 98591 Wahkiakum Dollars for FORM 990, For Affiliates Scholars 41-1969251 Lee Tischer President 223 N Welcome Slough Rd Cathlamet, WA 98612 Washtucna-Benge PAGE 1, (CONTINUED Dollars for Scholars 91-2027654 John Crouse President 1459 E Hatton Rd Washtucna, WA 99371 West Valley LINE H (a) XVIII) Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1777648 Linda Miller President 250 Hillstone Dr Yakima, WA 98908 Winlock Dollars for Scholars 91-2120289 Dan Smith President PO Box 733 Winlock, WA 98596 Beaver Dam Scholarship Fdn Inc 41-1700851 Mark Killingsw orth President 128 Monroe St Beaver Dam, WI 53916-2437 Cashton HS Scholarship Foundation 39-1562320 Joseph Collingon President PO Box 43, 405 Broadway Cashton, WI 54619-0043 CSF of Clear Lake 41-1668675 Ron Luhman President 766 30th Ave Clear Lake, WI 54005 Ellsworth Area Dollars for Scholars 41-1662515 Stacy Henning President 455 W Warner St Ellsworth, WI 54011-9172 CSF of Frederic 41- 1626992 Phillip Schneider President 2311 Golfview Dr River Falls, WI 54022-2992 Gresham Dollars for Scholars 91-2165771 John Miller President W 10239 CR 6 Gresham, WI 54128 Niagara Area CSF 41-1745027 Jim Dunnick President W6300 Payette Rd Niagara, WI 54151-9718 Princeton Wisconsin Dollars for Scholars Fdn 41-1965304 Michael Lehner President PO Box 236 Princeton, WI 54968 Sauk Prairie Fdn for Acad Excellence 06-1208235 Gabe Miller President N 1299 O'Connor Rd Lodi, WI 53555 Webster School District Dollars for Scholars 26- 0079614 Orlin Anderson President 27165 John Stone Rd Webster, WI 54893-8409 CSF of Shady Spring District 23-7410118 Larry Ford President 128 Spring St Shady Spring, WV 25918 Return Identifier Explanation Reference

SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA, INC States where registered to conduct fundraising As of December 31, 2008 Alabama Consumer Protection Section 11 South Union Street Montgomery, AL 36130 Alaska Alaska Department of Law 1031 W 4th Ave , Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99501-1994 Arizona Charitable Organization Registration 1700 W Washington Street, 7th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007 Arkansas Consumer Protection Division 323 Center St, 200 Tower Bldg Little Rock, AR 72201 California Registry of Charitable Trusts 1300 I Street, Suite 101 Sacramento, CA 95814 Colorado Office of the Secretary of State 1560 Broadway, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 Connecticut Public Charities Unit 55 Elm Street Hartford, CT 06106 Dist of Columbia Dept of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs 941 N Capitol St, NE Washington, District of Columbia 20002 Florida Division of Consumer Services 407 S Calhoun Street, #218 Tallahassee, FL 32399 Georgia Office of the Secretary of State Two Martin Luther King Jr Drive, S E Suite 802, West tower Atlanta GA 30334 Illinois Charitable Trusts and Solicitations Division 100 West Randolph Street, 12th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 Indiana Consumer Protection Division 100 N Senate Avenue, Room201 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Iowa Consumer Protection Division 1300 East Walnut Des Moines, W 50319 Kansas Secretary of State's Office 1st Floor, Memorial Hall 120 SW 10th Avenue Topeka, KS 66612-1594 Kentucky Consumer Protection Division 1024 Capitol Center Drive Frankfort, KY 40601-8204 Maine Licensing & Enforcement Division State House Station 35 Augusta, ME 04333 Maryland Charitable Division State House Annapolis, MD 21401 Massachusetts STATES Division of Public Charities One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 Michigan Consumer Protection & Charitable WITH FORM 990, Trusts 690 Law Building 525 W Ottawa Street Lansing, MI 48913 Minnesota Charities Division 445 Minnesota WHICH A PAGE 6, Street, Suite 1200 St Paul, MN 55101 Mississippi Office of the Secretary of State PO Box 136 Jackson, MS 39205 COPY OF Section C Missouri Public Protection Unit PO Box 899 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Montana Office of the Attorney General PO THIS LINE 17 Box 20146 Helena, MT 59620 New Hampshire Division of Charitable Trusts 33 Capitol Street Concord, NH 03301 RETURN IS New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs 124 Halsey Street, 7th Floor New ark, N J 07101 New Mexico Office of FILED the Attorney General 111 Lomas Blvd , NW, Suite 300 Albuquerque, NM 87102 New York Department of State 41 State Street, 12th Floor Albany, NY 12207 North Carolina Secretary of State 2 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27601 North Dakota Secretary of State 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505 Ohio Charitable Foundations Section 101 East Town Street, 4th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215-5148 Oklahoma Oklahoma Secretary of State 2300 N Lincoln Boulevard, Room 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Oregon Department of Justice 1515 S W 5th Avenue, Suite 410 Portland OR 97201 Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations 207 North Office Bldg Harrisburg, PA 17120 Rhode Island Charitable Organization Section 233 Richmond Street, Suite 232 Providence, RI 02903-4232 South Carolina Office of the Attorney General P O Box 11350 Columbia, SC 29211 Tennessee Division of Charitable Solicitations 312 8th Avenue N, 8th Floor Nashville, TN 37243 Texas Statutory Documents 1019 Brazos Austin, TX 78701 Utah Division of Consumer Protection 160 East 300 South Salt Lake City, UT 45804 Virginia Office of the Attorney General 1100 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23219 Washington Charitable Solicitation Division 801 Capitol Way South Olympia, WA 98504-0220 West Virginia Office of the Secretary of State 1900 Kanaw ha Blvd , East Charleston, WV 25305 Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing 1400 East Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53702 No registration is required in the following Haw au Delaw are Idaho Louisiana Nebraska Nevada South Dakota Vermont Wyoming Explanation

THE PRESIDENTS OF EACH CHAPTER ARE LISTED ON SCHEDULE 0 PAGES 291 THROUGH 373 ALL PRESIDENTS ARE VOLUNTEERS AND RECEIVE NO COMPENSATION A COMPLETE LISTING OF THE CHAPTER BOARD MEMBERS IS INCLUDED ON SCHEDULE 0 PAGES 379 THROUGH 580 Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID AZ1455 CHAPTER North Canyon Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1967169 NAME Mary Martine ADDRESS PO Box 31771 Phoenix AZ 85046 ID AZ2170 CHAPTER Tempe Dollars for Scholars EIN 37-1522182 NAME Mary Lou Taylor ADDRESS 30 E Concorda Dr Tempe AZ 85282 ID AZ0218 CHAPTER CSF of Tucson-Habbjach EIN 86-6057299 NAME Matt Noble ADDRESS 12394 N Echo Valley Dr Oro Valley AZ 85755 ID CA2068 CHAPTER AVID San Diego County Dollars for Scholars EIN 86-1122337 NAME Bruce Braciszew ski ADDRESS 6401 Linda Vista Rd San Diego CA 92111 ID CA2164 CHAPTER Canyon Crest Academy Dollars for Scholars EIN 32-0171597 NAME Ellen Mitgang ADDRESS 13906 Mira Montana Dr Del Mar CA ID CA1581 CHAPTER City of Commerce Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2099991 NAME Nelson Cordova ADDRESS 5655 Jillson St Commerce CA 90040 ID CA0223 CHAPTER Comm Schol Assoc of the Anaheim UHSD EIN 22-2529251 NAME Frederick Navarro ADDRESS 501 Crescent Way Anaheim CA 92803 ID CA1745 CHAPTER Esperanza Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars EIN 71-0864218 NAME Alex Espinoza ADDRESS 1757 S Euclid Ave Ontario CA 91762 ID CA1732 CHAPTER Farmersville Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- 2023573 NAME Isabel Becerra ADDRESS 593 N Ventura Ave Farmersville CA 93223 ID CA0837 CHAPTER Greater Riverside Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1778615 NAME Doug Wardle ADDRESS 10773 Hole Ave Riverside CA 92505 ID CA0234 CHAPTER Laguna Beach HS Scholarship Fdn EIN 93-0974686 NAME Marge Earl ADDRESS 1037 Didrikson Way Laguna Beach CA 92651 ID CA2235 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars Magic Carpet Scholarships EIN 35-2288534 NAME Rebecca Broughton ADDRESS PO Box 157 Mecca CA 92254 ID CA0798 CHAPTER Murrieta Valley HS Schol Fdn EIN 41-1763962 NAME Robin Crist ADDRESS PO Box 1200 Murrieta CA 92562 ID CA0243 CHAPTER San Diego Co Court Schools Schol Fdn EIN 41-1566164 NAME Deen Elder 2008 ADDRESS 6401 Linda Vista Rd Rm 205 San Diego CA 92111 ID CA0538 CHAPTER Santa Ana HS Dollars for CURRENT Scholars EIN 41-1681798 NAME Loren Lighthall ADDRESS 520 W Walnut St Santa Ana CA 92701 ID CA0649 OFFICERS, CHAPTER Star Achievers Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1718657 NAME Louis Rubins ADDRESS 19723 Dunbrooke DIRECTORS, Ave Carson CA 90746 ID CA0246 CHAPTER CSF of Temecula EIN 06-1209452 NAME Rita O'Neill ADDRESS TRUSTEES, 31388 Corte Montiel Temecula CA 92592 ID CA0247 CHAPTER Torrey Pines High School Dollars for Scholars Fdn AND KEY EIN 22-2849477 NAME Leslie O'Leary ADDRESS 13434 Calais Dr Del Mar CA 92014 ID CA1718 CHAPTER Tustin EMPLOYEES I Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2165135 NAME Robbin Burton ADDRESS 2009 Barclay Ct Santa Ana CA 92705 ID CT0251 CHAPTER Avon Dollars for Scholars EIN 06-0998865 NAME Stephen McGuff ADDRESS 146 Old Mill Rd Avon CT 06001 ID CT0253 CHAPTER CSF of Canton EIN 06-1066738 NAME Josephine Ligato ADDRESS 51 Andrew Dr Canton CT 06019 ID CT0651 CHAPTER Coventry Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1718018 NAME Paul Goodwin ADDRESS 336 Bunker Hill Rd Coventry CT 06238 ID CT0622 CHAPTER Norw alk Mentor Scholarship Fund EIN 41-1709030 NAME Nancy Fuzesi ADDRESS Three Castle Ct Greenwich CT 06830 ID CT0256 CHAPTER South Windsor Dollars for Scholars EIN 23-7395690 NAME Nancy Peck ADDRESS PO Box 197 South Windsor CT 06074 ID CT0257 CHAPTER CSF of Stafford Springs EIN 06-6088298 NAME Gary Shearer ADDRESS PO Box 25 Stafford Springs CT 06076 ID CT0258 CHAPTER CSF of Washington EIN 06-6088295 NAME P Lincoln Cornell ADDRESS PO Box 243 Washington Depot CT 06794 ID CT0259 CHAPTER CSF of Wethersfield EIN 22-2849476 NAME Heatherlee Loranger ADDRESS 54 Stancliff Rd Glastonbury CT 06033 ID CT1716 CHAPTER Windsor Locks Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2164657 NAME Nancy Levy ADDRESS 20 Sherwin Ln Windsor Locks CT 06096 ID CT0654 CHAPTER Woodbury Scholarship Fund EIN 41-1718659 NAME Cameron Gardella ADDRESS PO Box 716 Woodbury CT 06798 ID FL1 966 CHAPTER Bay Colony Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0073843 NAME Scott Ball ADDRESS 4949 Tamiani Trail N Ste 203 Naples FL 34103 ID FL0212 CHAPTER CSF of Indian River County EIN 59- 6192598 NAME Sandra Rennick ADDRESS PO Box 1820 Vero Beach FL 32961 ID FL1437 CHAPTER Lake Worth Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 91-1939616 NAME Dave Cantley ADDRESS 564 S Country Club Dr Atlantis FL 33462 ID FL2139 CHAPTER Orlando Learning Coalition Dollars for Scholars EIN 38-3731406 NAMEArto Woodley, Jr ADDRESS 3000 C R Smith St Orlando FL 32805 ID IA1670 CHAPTER AGWSR Dollars for Scholars EIN 91- 2130656 NAME Kevin Meyer ADDRESS 117 Butler St Ackley W 50601 ID IA0747 CHAPTER Allamakee Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1745536 NAMEJulie Rotach ADDRESS 1106 Second St NWWaukon W 52172 ID IA0194 CHAPTER Ankeny Dollars for Scholars EIN 02-0372998 NAME Kathryn Weatherw ax ADDRESS 3006 NE Briarw ood Ankeny W 50021 Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID IA0820 CHAPTER BC-IG Citizens' Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1772080 NAME Mason Goodenow ADDRESS 503 Center Ln Ida Grove W 51445 ID IA0023 CHAPTER CSF of B-G-M EIN 41- 1639978 NAME Julie Cline ADDRESS Box 14 Malcom W 50157 ID [A l 143 CHAPTER Ballard Comm Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1808834 NAME Danelle Jensen ADDRESS 4795 Timber Creek Ln Ames W 50010 ID IA1401 CHAPTER Carlisle Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1901333 NAME Joe Schettler ADDRESS 5749 185th Ave Carlisle W 50047 ID IA1253 CHAPTER Charles City Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1839441 NAME Frank Rottinghaus ADDRESS 1004 Court St Charles City W 50616 ID IA2165 CHAPTER Clayton Ridge Dollars for Scholars EIN 37-1522028 NAME Lanny Kuehl ADDRESS PO Box 549 Garnavillo W 52049 ID IA0797 CHAPTER Crestwood Dollars for Scholars (Cresco) EIN 41-1761497 NAME Peggy Hovey ADDRESS PO Box 73 Cresco W 52136 ID [A l 307 CHAPTER Davis County Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1865571 NAME David Hopkins ADDRESS 25917 Fern Blvd Bloomfield W 52537 ID IA1376 CHAPTER Dike-New Hartford Dollars for Scholars EIN 91- 1877141 NAME Thomas Boe ADDRESS 12491 W Ave Cedar Falls W 50613 ID IA0636 CHAPTER Eagle Grove Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1713821 NAME Donavan Adson ADDRESS 204 Marshall Vincent W 50594 ID IA0542 CHAPTER East Buchanan Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1682027 NAME Cheryl Beatty ADDRESS 144 E Jefferson St Winthrop W 50682 ID IA0199 CHAPTER CSF of Eldora-New Providence EIN 41-1506780 NAME Jerry WahlstromADDRESS 1800 24th St Eldora W 50627 ID IA0711 CHAPTER English Valleys CSF EIN 41-1736000 NAME Phillip Hester ADDRESS 401 N Woodland Dr North English W 52316 ID IA0566 CHAPTER Forest City Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1690655 NAME Chad Angel ADDRESS 206 W School St Forest City W 50436 ID IA1464 CHAPTER Glenwood Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1982608 NAME Bill Agan ADDRESS PO Box 465 Glenwood W 51534 ID IA0824 CHAPTER Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of HLV EIN 41-1774744 NAME Allen 2008 Waterbeck ADDRESS 315 Vine St Hartw ick W 52232 ID [A l 118 CHAPTER Hampton-Dumont Dollars for Scholars CURRENT EIN 41-1798497 NAME Roger Kregel ADDRESS PO Box 311 Dumont W 50625 ID [A l 881 CHAPTER Independence OFFICERS, Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-2067615 NAME Martin Brown ADDRESS PO Box 798 Independence W 50644 ID DIRECTORS, IA0452 CHAPTER CSF of Jesup EIN 41-1653512 NAME Tom Youngblut ADDRESS 754 First St Jesup W 50648 ID TRUSTEES, IA0201 CHAPTER Johnston Dollars for Scholars EIN 93-0961597 NAME Neal Thuente ADDRESS PO Box 108 AND KEY Johnston W 50131 ID [A l 904 CHAPTER Kuemper Dollars for Scholars EIN 42-1575546 NAME Penny Miller EMPLOYEES ADDRESS 109 S Clark St Carroll W 51401 ID IA0865 CHAPTER L-S Citizens' Scholarship Foundation EIN 41- II 1781217 NAMETeryl Ver Ploeg ADDRESS PO Box 62 Lynnville W 50153 ID IA1243 CHAPTER MFL Marmac Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1836632 NAMEJim Moritz ADDRESS PO Box 607, 106 S Main St Monona W 52159 ID IA1487 CHAPTER Maquoketa Valley Chapter Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2013413 NAME Barb Hollinrake ADDRESS PO Box 186 Delhi W 52223 ID IA0203 CHAPTER CSF of Newton EIN 41-1522721 NAME Lee Swenson ADDRESS 721 W 11th St S Newton W 50208 ID IA0460 CHAPTER North Fayette Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1654362 NAME Kent McElvania ADDRESS 111 Lincoln Ct West Union W 52175 ID IA0469 CHAPTER CSF of Oelw ein EIN 41- 1659296 NAME Susan Mausser ADDRESS 331 Seventh Ave SE Oelw ein W 50662 ID IA1898 CHAPTER PV Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0058247 NAME Edw and McWeeny ADDRESS 1744 320th St Gow rie W 50543- ID IA0204 CHAPTER CSF of Parkersburg EIN 22-2523377 NAME Deb Kerns ADDRESS 17223 - 260th St Aplington W 50604 ID [A l 549 CHAPTER Pella Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1985191 NAME Michael Maakestad ADDRESS PO Box 131 Pella W 50219 ID IA0577 CHAPTER Postville District Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1693812 NAME David Koopman ADDRESS PO Box 255 Postville W 52162 ID IA0205 CHAPTER St Ansgar CSF EIN 41-1560608 NAME Rose Kruger ADDRESS PO Box 223 Grafton W 50440 ID IA0685 CHAPTER Solon Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- 1726442 NAME Penny Tompkins ADDRESS 1613 Hwy 1 NE Solon W 52333 ID IA1545 CHAPTER South Winneshiek Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1983950 NAMEThomas Ridout ADDRESS PO Box 100 Calmar W 52132 ID IA1628 CHAPTER Southeast Polk Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2116115 NAME Roger Mahnke ADDRESS 709 Second St SEAltoona W 50009 ID IA0031 CHAPTER Storm Lake Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1513027 NAME Mike Porsch ADDRESS 3009 Leona Dr Storm Lake W 50588 ID IA1465 CHAPTER Tri-County Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1982605 NAME Kelly Tish ADDRESS 16901 Hwy 21 What Cheer W 50268 ID IA0481 CHAPTER Turkey Valley Fdn Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1664044 NAME Dennis & Paula Meirick ADDRESS 462 Meirick Ln Protivin W 52163 Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID IA0731 CHAPTER Waterloo-Cedar Falls Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1743066 NAME Carolynn Sw een ADDRESS PO Box 1176 Waterloo W 50704 ID IA1488 CHAPTER Waverly-Shell Rock Dollars for Scholars Pres Fdn EIN 91-2013783 NAME Brock Sands ADDRESS 1415 Fourth Ave SW Waverly W 50677 ID ID1255 CHAPTER Wood River Valley Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1839381 NAMEAudrey Bashaw ADDRESS PO Box 2734 Sun Valley ID 83353 ID IL2028 CHAPTER Arlington Heights Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0087117 NAME Andrew Bennett ADDRESS 618 W Campbell St Arlington Heights IL 60005 ID IL2150 CHAPTER Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Sc EIN 30-0351396 NAME Zaida Chapa ADDRESS PO Box 7111 Aurora IL 60507 ID IL1314 CHAPTER C-U One-To-One Mentoring Schol Fdn EIN 41-1870137 NAME Bill Hobbs ADDRESS PO Box 981 Champaign IL 61824 ID IL2163 CHAPTER Chicago HOPE Dollars for Scholars EIN 35- 2268888 NAME Scott Thole ADDRESS 206 W Eugenie #2E Chicago IL 60614 ID IL1992 CHAPTER Community Unit 2 Fdn for Education Inc Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0080388 NAME Jackie Tw ait ADDRESS 1889 N 35th Rd Ottawa IL 61350 ID IL1597 CHAPTER Niles Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2106148 NAME Nick Katsoolias ADDRESS 7627 Milwaukee Ave Niles IL 60714 ID IL2191 CHAPTER The Parent Teacher Org of Hinsdale Ctrl Dollars for Scholars EIN 32-0176072 NAME Lisa Stafford ADDRESS 838 S Grant St Hinsdale IL 60521 ID IL1432 CHAPTER Prospect Heights Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1932807 NAME Dan Quiery ADDRESS 1061 S Wolf Rd Wheeling IL 60090 ID IL1961 CHAPTER Retired Professional Football Players of Chicago/IL EIN 26- 0072511 NAME Shafer Suggs ADDRESS 12849 Barrow Ln Plainfield IL 60585 ID IL1848 CHAPTER Somonauk Education Foundation Dollars for Scholars EIN 68-0512315 NAME Chuck Kessler ADDRESS 14598 Chicago Rd Somonauk IL 60552 ID IN0556 CHAPTER Argos Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1687534 NAME Jon Van Der Weele ADDRESS 8770 15th Rd Argos IN 46501 ID IN0007 CHAPTER Barr-Reeve Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1607576 NAME 2008 Charles Kavanaugh ADDRESS PO Box 25 Montgomery IN 47558 ID IN0453 CHAPTER Blue River Valley Dollars for CURRENT Scholars EIN 41-1653513 NAME Shirlee Lester ADDRESS 634 E CR 300 N New Castle IN 47362 ID IN0505 OFFICERS, CHAPTER Bluffton/Southern Wells Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1670511 NAME Greg Merkel ADDRESS 3350 E 200 DIRECTORS, S Bluffton IN 46714 ID IN0010 CHAPTER Bremen Dollars for Scholars EIN 06-1250488 NAME Troy Holmes TRUSTEES, ADDRESS 2969 Oak Blvd Bremen IN 46506 ID IN1 304 CHAPTER Castle High School Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- AND KEY 1864183 NAME Donna Potts ADDRESS PO Box 719 New burgh IN 47629 ID IN0580 CHAPTER Concord Dollars for EMPLOY EES Scholars EIN 41-1694213 NAME Diana Clark ADDRESS 59117 Minuteman Way Elkhart IN 46517 ID IN0608 III CHAPTER Decatur Tow nship Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1706514 NAME Cheryl LaTulippe ADDRESS 5632 Willow ridge Ct Indianapolis IN 46221 ID IN1298 CHAPTER East Gibson Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1860992 NAME David Kolb ADDRESS PO Box 356 Oakland City IN 47660 ID IN0020 CHAPTER CSF of Edinburgh School Community EIN 51-0151843 NAME Ron Hazelgrove ADDRESS PO Box 305 Edinburgh IN 46124 ID IN0680 CHAPTER Elkhart Cntl HS Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1725658 NAME Joel Putnam ADDRESS 2164 Brockton Ct Bristol IN 46507 ID IN1265 CHAPTER Elkhart Memorial Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1842477 NAME Matt StemmADDRESS 19442 Country Creek Ct Goshen IN 46528 ID IN2116 CHAPTER George Washington Comm School Dollars for Scholars EIN 37-1518395 NAME Kyle Kopke ADDRESS 1708 Charter Oak Cir Indianapolis IN 46260 ID IN0635 CHAPTER Goshen HS Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1713822 NAME Milt Thomas ADDRESS 113 Island View Dr Goshen IN 46526 ID IN0036 CHAPTER Hanover Dollars for Scholars EIN 06-1245903 NAME Joyce Shroka ADDRESS 13521 Schneider Ct Cedar Lake IN 46303 ID IN0877 CHAPTER Highland Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1784351 NAME Beth Hobbs ADDRESS 10124 Fourth St Highland IN 46322 ID IN0046 CHAPTER Milan Scholarship Foundation, Inc EIN 41-1629576 NAME Lennie Lynd ADDRESS PO Box 504 Milan IN 47031 ID IN2000 CHAPTER Monroe Central Comm Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0082489 NAME David Bragg ADDRESS 185 S 1250 W Parker City IN 47368 ID IN0048 CHAPTER North Knox Scholarship Foundation EIN 06-1245440 NAME Stanley Dew eese ADDRESS 508 W 11th St Bicknell IN 47512 ID IN0050 CHAPTER Northern Community Schools CSF EIN 93-0977311 NAME Bill Peters ADDRESS 4945 N 550 W Sharpsville IN 46068 ID IN0051 CHAPTER Northridge Dollars for Scholars EIN 22- 2849469 NAME Eugene Bontrager ADDRESS 11846 CR 16 Middlebury IN 46540 ID IN0495 CHAPTER Northwood Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1666627 NAME Don Abel ADDRESS 2 Beechw ood Ct Nappanee IN 46550 ID IN0052 CHAPTER Norw ell Dollars for Scholars EIN 36-3635156 NAME Kathy Nahrw old ADDRESS PO Box 86 Ossian IN 46777 ID IN0055 CHAPTER Princeton Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1609933 NAME Richard Johnson ADDRESS 1803 Burlington PI Princeton IN 47670 Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID IN0602 CHAPTER Salem Education Foundation EIN 41-1705211 NAME Rebecca Marshall ADDRESS 204 W Spring Meadow Cir Salem IN 47167 ID IN0058 CHAPTER Shenandoah Dollars for Scholars EIN 36-3632095 NAME Peggy Morton ADDRESS 3075 N 125 W New Castle IN 47362 ID IN0536 CHAPTER South Dearborn Comm Schol Fdn EIN 41-1681917 NAME Harley Robinson ADDRESS PO Box 396 Aurora IN 47032 ID IN0782 CHAPTER South Gibson Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1752043 NAME Stuart Parks ADDRESS 2366 W 1300 S Haubstadt IN 47639 ID IN0060 CHAPTER Speedway CSF EIN 36-3637183 NAME Mary Breece ADDRESS 5335 W 25th St Speedway IN 46224 ID IN0061 CHAPTER Sunman-Dearborn Scholarship Fdn EIN 06-1250798 NAME Jacqueline Blair ADDRESS One Trojan PI St Leon IN 47012 ID IN0062 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars of Tell City/Perry County, IN EIN 35-6066656 NAME Darla Goffinet ADDRESS 3440 Sullivan Rd Tell City IN 47586 ID IN0063 CHAPTER Tipton Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1613348 NAME Susan Pow ell ADDRESS PO Box 291 Tipton IN 46072 ID IN0069 CHAPTER West Central Comm Schol Fund EIN 41-1613347 NAME Don Street ADDRESS 1852 S US 421 Francesville IN 47946 ID KY 1934 CHAPTER Danville Boyle County Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 26-0065443 NAME John Hudson ADDRESS 341 Tw inbrook Dr Danville KY 40422 ID LA0795 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars Jefferson EIN 41-1756360 NAME Lisa Conescu ADDRESS 3330 N Causeway Blvd Ste 435 Metairie LA 70002 ID MA1292 CHAPTER Andover Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1855051 NAME Bob King ADDRESS 146 Argilla Rd Andover MA 01810 ID MA0276 CHAPTER Arlington Citizens Scholarship Foundation EIN 41- 1515577 NAME Stephen J Gilligan ADDRESS PO Box 210 Arlington MA 02474 ID MA0277 CHAPTER CSF of Bedford EIN 04-6151602 NAME Marty McNamara ADDRESS One McMahon Ave Bedford MA 01730 ID MA1537 CHAPTER Beverly Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1981183 NAME Thomas Aucone ADDRESS 16 Bailey Ave Beverly MA 01915 ID MA0279 CHAPTER CSF of Bridgew ater-Raynham EIN 04-6151604 NAME Pat Kelly ADDRESS 415 2008 Center St Bridgewater MA 02324 ID MA0280 CHAPTER Burlington Comm Schol Fdn , Inc EIN 04-2998678 NAME CURRENT Stephen Preston ADDRESS Ten Westland Ave Winchester MA 01890 ID MA0281 CHAPTER CSF of Chatham EIN OFFICERS, 04-6151605 NAME Margaret Martin ADDRESS 25 Horizon Cir Chatham MA 02633 ID MA0282 CHAPTER CSF of DIRECTORS, Dighton-Rehoboth EIN 04-6151607 NAME Lisa Blanck ADDRESS Five Walnut St Rehoboth MA 02769- ID MA0283 TRUSTEES, CHAPTER Donald A Fisher CSF EIN 04-6151634 NAMES Erick Benson ADDRESS 22 Union Street West AND KEY Bridgewater MA 02379 ID MA0286 CHAPTER CSF of Easthampton EIN 04-6151608 NAME Jared Orne ADDRESS EMPLOYEES 176 Culomba St Chicopee MA 01020 ID MA0287 CHAPTER CSF of Fall River EIN 04-6189591 NAME Mike McNally IV ADDRESS 383 June St Fall River MA 02720 ID MA0559 CHAPTER Gloucester Scholarship Foundation EIN 41- 1687777 NAME Jerry O'Neil ADDRESS 162 Hesperus Ave Gloucester MA 01930 ID MA0289 CHAPTER CSF of Granville-Tolland EIN 23-7371797 NAME Diane Lafrance ADDRESS 59 South Ln Granville MA 01034 ID MA0030 CHAPTER Joseph Case HS Schol Trust Funds, Inc EIN 22-2849676 NAME Robert Horne ADDRESS 20 Alsada Rd Swansea MA 02777 ID MA0294 CHAPTER CSF of Mansfield EIN 04-6070761 NAME Thomas Leonard ADDRESS PO Box 23 Mansfield MA 02048 ID MA0464 CHAPTER CSF of Marlborough, Inc EIN 41-1655948 NAME Alyson Wood ADDRESS 62 Woodland Dr Marlborough MA 01752 ID MA1218 CHAPTER Methuen Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1827004 NAME Robert Vogler ADDRESS 95 Currier St Methuen MA 01844 ID MA0298 CHAPTER CSF of Millbury EIN 23-7221242 NAME Rob Morton ADDRESS 109 Elm St Millbury MA 01527 ID MA0547 CHAPTER Nashoba Regional Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1684073 NAME Julie DeSisto ADDRESS 27 Kirkland Dr Stow MA 01775 ID MA1772 CHAPTER Newton Dollars for Scholars EIN 33-0998565 NAME Albert Cho ADDRESS 360 Low ell Ave Newtonville MA 02460 ID MA0301 CHAPTER North Reading Dollars for Scholars, CSF EIN 04- 6151623 NAME Dennis Marasca ADDRESS 350 Park St North Reading MA 01864 ID MA0302 CHAPTER CSF of Northampton EIN 51-0151829 NAME Catherine West ADDRESS 575 Bridge Rd, Unit 13-5 Florence MA 01062 ID MA0303 CHAPTER Norw ood Scholarship Fdn, Inc EIN 22-2849253 NAME Philip Riley ADDRESS 44 Westover Pkwy Norwood MA 02062 ID MA0304 CHAPTER CSF of Pittsfield EIN 04-6151627 NAME Christopher Flynn ADDRESS 173 Elm St Pittsfield MA 01201 ID MA0306 CHAPTER CSF of Rockland EIN 04-6151629 NAME Elizabeth Russo ADDRESS 15 Heritage Dr Rockland MA 02370 ID MA0308 CHAPTER CSF of Somerset EIN 23-7076462 NAME Kevin Garganta ADDRESS PO Box 306 Somerset MA 02726 ID MA0515 CHAPTER Somerville HS Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1672278 NAME Paul Murray ADDRESS 60 Squire Rd Winchester MA 01890 ID MA1542 CHAPTER Somerville Mathematics Fund, an affiliate of Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1983632 NAME Erica Voolich ADDRESS 244 Summer St Somerville MA 02143 Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID MA0310 CHAPTER CSF of Southw ick EIN 23-7097167 NAME Jini Ruscitti ADDRESS 195 S Longyard Rd Southw ick MA 01077 ID MA2094 CHAPTER Town of Belmont Scholarship Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0109314 NAME Daniela Boccia ADDRESS PO Box 56, 19 Moore St Belmont MA 02478 ID MA0593 CHAPTER Town of Billerica Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1728328 NAME Maureen Sullivan ADDRESS 48 Buckingham Dr Billerica MA 01821 ID MA0311 CHAPTER CSF of Uxbridge EIN 23-7446784 NAME Mike Kroll ADDRESS 22 Oak St Uxbridge MA 01569 ID MA0312 CHAPTER CSF of Wakefield EIN 04-2444195 NAME Robert Leahy ADDRESS 30 Eustis Ave Wakefield MA 01880 ID MA0316 CHAPTER CSF of Westfield, Inc EIN 04-6151635 NAME Cynthia Neary ADDRESS 56 Woodbridge Ln Westfield MA 01085 ID MA0317 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars of Whitman and Hanson EIN 04-6074895 NAME Mike Ganshirt ADDRESS PO Box 26 Whitman MA 02382 ID MA0319 CHAPTER Woburn HS Schol Fund, Inc EIN 04-6058014 NAME Robert Salzer ADDRESS Four Pierce St Woburn MA 01801 ID MA1138 CHAPTER Worcester Latino Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1809701 NAME John Rodriguez ADDRESS 16 Sturgis St Worcester MA 01605 ID MD0216 CHAPTER Scholarships for Scholars EIN 52-1349884 NAME Colleen Wilson ADDRESS 728 Chickamauga Dr Davidson MD 21035 ID ME0267 CHAPTER CSF of SAD 29 - Houlton EIN 23-7083029 NAME Bernadette Willette ADDRESS 174 Hodgdon Mills Rd Hodgdon ME 04730 ID ME0270 CHAPTER CSF of So Aroostook Comm School Dist EIN 01-0385461 NAME Elaine Small ADDRESS 922 Dyer Brook Rd Dyer Brook ME 04747 ID M11 183 CHAPTER Willow Run/Ypsilanti Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1814393 NAME William Young ADDRESS 9565 Cherry Hill Ypsilanti MI 48198 ID MN0634 CHAPTER Aitkin Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1712030 NAME Steve Bare ADDRESS 43478 State Hwy 210 Aitkin MN 56431 ID MN0095 CHAPTER CSF of Alexandria EIN 22-2521180 NAME Deb Herges ADDRESS 720 Broadway Alexandria MN 56308 ID MN0097 CHAPTER Ashby Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1550180 NAME Joyce Rylander ADDRESS PO Box 261 Ashby 2008 MN 56309 ID MN0514 CHAPTER CSF of Belle Plaine EIN 41-1671053 NAME Scott Hallgren ADDRESS 112 S Market CURRENT St Belle Plaine MN 56011 ID MN0101 CHAPTER Bertha-Hew itt Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1542980 NAME Carla OFFICERS, Schwartz ADDRESS 63493 190th St Bertha MN 56437 ID MN0533 CHAPTER Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars DIRECTORS, EIN 41-1680670 NAME Raymond Hoheisel ADDRESS 138 20th Ave SW Cambridge MN 55008 ID MN0118 TRUSTEES, CHAPTER Detroit Lakes Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1542966 NAME Wayne Benson ADDRESS PO Box 667 Detroit AND KEY Lakes MN 56502 ID MN0801 CHAPTER CSF of Dilw orth-Glyndon-Felton EIN 41-1764768 NAME Ken Gilles EMPLOYEES ADDRESS PO Box 215 Glyndon MN 56547 ID MN0173 CHAPTER Dist 883 Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1584856 V NAME Kris Abrahamson ADDRESS 6510 Maple Dr Rockford MN 55373 ID MN1 989 CHAPTER Dover-Eyota Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0079994 NAME Tom Surprenant ADDRESS 738 Jefferson Ave S Eyota MN 55934 ID MN0800 CHAPTER East Central Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1775077 NAME William Loew ADDRESS PO Box 9, 510 Main Sandstone MN 55072 ID MN0123 CHAPTER Fairmont Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-6160691 NAME Sherw ood Sagedahl ADDRESS 763 200th Ave Fairmont MN 56031 ID MN0611 CHAPTER Fergus Falls Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1707547 NAME Dave Schneeberger ADDRESS 1519 Pebble Lake Rd Fergus Falls MN 56537 ID MN0492 CHAPTER Haw ley Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1665856 NAME Veronica Johnson ADDRESS Box 112 Haw ley MN 56549 ID MN0132 CHAPTER Henning Student Aid Foundation EIN 41-1547070 NAME Donna Smith ADDRESS 45078 Liberty Ln Henning MN 56551 ID MN1909 CHAPTER Henry Sibley Dollars for Scholars Comm Schol Progr EIN 41-2082903 NAME Jan Hensel ADDRESS 882 Mendakota Ct Mendota Heights MN 55120 ID MN0137 CHAPTER CSF of Kasson-Mantorville EIN 41-1513028 NAME Mark Packard ADDRESS PO Box 274 Kasson MN 55944 ID MN0571 CHAPTER Lac qui Parle Valley Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1692731 NAME Gary Omland ADDRESS 123 11th Ave Madison MN 56256 ID MN0142 CHAPTER CSF of Lake of the Woods EIN 02- 0369644 NAME Tanya Hasbargen ADDRESS PO Box 1253 Baudette MN 56623 ID MN0141 CHAPTER Lake Park/Audubon Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1550791 NAME Keith Zachariason ADDRESS PO Box 83, 2012 Second St Lake Park MN 56554 ID MN1 953 CHAPTER Le Center Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0080913 NAME Doug Traxler ADDRESS 420 W Sharon St LeCenter MN 56057 ID MN0146 CHAPTER LeSueur-Henderson Dollars for Scholars EIN 06-0979173 NAME Kathy Leary ADDRESS PO Box 42 LeSueur MN 56058 ID MN0149 CHAPTER CSF of Luverne EIN 22-2511691 NAME Donald Klosterbuer ADDRESS PO Box 538 Luverne MN 56156 ID MN0613 CHAPTER Mankato/North Mankato Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1707993 NAME Frank Brandt ADDRESS 401 State St Mankato MN 56001 ID MN0796 CHAPTER Maple River Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1762046 NAME Mary Caven ADDRESS 13586 542 Ave Amboy MN 56010 Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID MN1768 CHAPTER Minneota Dollars for Scholars EIN 46-0468706 NAME Daw n VanKeulen ADDRESS 504 N Monroe Minneota MN 56264 ID MN0697 CHAPTER Minnew aska Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1734607 NAME Sandra Schroeder ADDRESS PO Box 217 Glenw ood MN 56334 ID MN01 56 CHAPTER Mora Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1600048 NAME Laura Swenson ADDRESS 1798 Liberty St Mora MN 55051 ID MN1123 CHAPTER Morris Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1800489 NAME Kathy Moen ADDRESS 37 Ridge Rd Morris MN 56267 ID MN0025 CHAPTER Mountain Lake Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1639977 NAME Michael BjerumADDRESS 57881 CR 13 Mountain Lake MN 56159 ID MN0073 CHAPTER Nevis Dollars for Scholars/Pam Lindow Fdn EIN 41-1640235 NAMEAndrew Lindow ADDRESS 24454 Fairwood Ln Nevis MN 56467 ID MN0519 CHAPTER Norman County East Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1676282 NAME Shelly Brevik ADDRESS 1470 400th St Twin Valley MN 56584 ID MN0166 CHAPTER Parkers Prairie School Dist 547 EIN 41- 1515673 NAME Connie Thoennes ADDRESS 54470 State Hwy 235 Parkers Prairie MN 56361 ID MN0168 CHAPTER Perham CSF EIN 41-1550591 NAME Dennis Drummond ADDRESS 49545 368th Ave Frazee MN 56544 ID MN1 865 CHAPTER Pillager Dollars for Scholars EIN 47-0884536 NAME Susan Sebasky ADDRESS 10818 53rd Ave SW Pillager MN 56473 ID MN1 182 CHAPTER Pine River-Backus Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1813928 NAME Harriet Travis ADDRESS PO Box 610 Pine River MN 56474 ID MN0466 CHAPTER Princeton Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1654047 NAME Jane Hanson ADDRESS 713 Fourth Ave S Princeton MN 55371 ID MN0172 CHAPTER CSF of Randolph EIN 06-0979171 NAME Kay Tix ADDRESS 608 Hoffman St W Cannon Falls MN 55009 ID MN1 103 CHAPTER Rocori Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1794862 NAME Linda Vossen ADDRESS 24275 158th Ave Cold Spring MN 56320 ID MN1128 CHAPTER St Louis Park Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1802744 NAMEAndi Larsen ADDRESS 2831 Huntington Ave S St Louis Park MN 55416 ID MN0184 CHAPTER CSF of St Peter-Kasota 2008 EIN 06-0979175 NAME Kirk Beyer ADDRESS 815 Spruce PI Saint Peter MN 56082 ID MN0177 CHAPTER CSF of CURRENT Sauk Centre EIN 22-2523373 NAME Bonnie Nelson ADDRESS 21788 Cedar Lake Rd Sauk Centre MN 56378 ID OFFICERS, MN0150 CHAPTER Schol Fund of Madelia School Dist 837 EIN 41-1550589 NAME Bonnie Hennis ADDRESS 136 DIRECTORS, E Main St Madelia MN 56062 ID MN0179 CHAPTER Shakopee Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1341574 NAME Ray TRUSTEES, Hussong ADDRESS 2710 King Ave Shakopee MN 55379 ID MN0005 CHAPTER Spring Grove Dollars for Scholars AND KEY EIN 41-1638317 NAME Patrick Lile ADDRESS 209 Second Ave NE Spring Grove MN 55974 ID MN1 145 CHAPTER EMPLOYEES Staples and Motley Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1808950 NAME Alan Judd ADDRESS 400 Second St NE Staples VI MN 56479 ID MN0186 CHAPTER Wabasha-Kellogg Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1513038 NAME Dianne Schjolberg ADDRESS PO Box 2 Wabasha MN 55981 ID MN1113 CHAPTER West Central Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- 1796548 NAME Sheila Ronhovde ADDRESS 301 Co Rd 2 Barrett MN 56311 ID MN0027 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars of Worthington EIN 02-0369728 NAME Chuck Moore ADDRESS 1955 S Shore Dr Worthington MN 56187 ID MN0131 CHAPTER Yellow Medicine East Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1539450 NAME Leslie Bergquist ADDRESS 141 Skyline Dr Granite Falls MN 56241 ID MS2128 CHAPTER The Okolona Community Dollars for Scholars EIN 65-1260594 NAME Loretta Shird ADDRESS 204 W Moore Okolona MS 38860 ID MT1 126 CHAPTER Conrad Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1801891 NAME John McFarland ADDRESS 113 S Delaw are Conrad MT 59425 ID MT0617 CHAPTER Sidney Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1707659 NAME Brain Milne ADDRESS 2397 Fifth St NW Sidney MT 59270 ID ND0518 CHAPTER Central Cass Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1673972 NAME Kent Buss ADDRESS 852 Seventh St Ct Casselton ND 58012 ID ND0618 CHAPTER Divide County Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1707745 NAME Margaret Nygaard ADDRESS PO Box 8 Crosby ND 58730 ID ND0521 CHAPTER Edgeley Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1677204 NAME Loni Kosel ADDRESS PO Box 263 Edgeley ND 58433 ID ND0574 CHAPTER Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1692519 NAME Shannon Gephart ADDRESS 3137 32nd Ave SW Fargo ND 58103 ID ND0596 CHAPTER Garrison Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1701705 NAME Tami Engel ADDRESS PO Box 1131 Garrison ND 58540 ID ND0573 CHAPTER Hankinson-Mantador Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1692520 NAME Debra Pankow ADDRESS 16626 Lake Elsie Dr Hankinson ND 58041 ID ND0531 CHAPTER Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1680746 NAME Renae Snyder ADDRESS PO Box 13 Hazen ND 58545 ID ND0513 CHAPTER Hillsboro Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1672273 NAME Larry Mueller ADDRESS 221 Third St NE Hillsboro ND 58045 ID ND0552 CHAPTER Kindred Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1686439 NAME Julie Mitchell ADDRESS 16445 57th St SE Kindred ND 58051 ID ND1 774 CHAPTER Litchville-Marion Dollars for Scholars EIN 74- 3031134 NAME Chad Lommen ADDRESS PO Box 96 Marion ND 58466 Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID ND0811 CHAPTER Mayville Portland Clifford Galesburg Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1768783 NAME Bill Krivarchka ADDRESS 40 Westwood Dr Mayville ND 58257 ID ND2132 CHAPTER North Dakota Dollars for Scholars EIN 37-1517987 NAME Charles Stroup ADDRESS 209 Central Ave Hazen ND 58545 ID ND1361 CHAPTER Northern Cass Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1850939 NAME Gene Foster ADDRESS 1360 164th Ave SE Grandin ND 58038 ID ND1 963 CHAPTER Sargent Central Dollars for Scholars EIN 68-0570766 NAME Jody Breker ADDRESS 575 Fifth St SW Forman ND 58032 ID ND1 956 CHAPTER Stanley Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0073669 NAME Denise Hanson ADDRESS 7750 78th Ave NW Stanley ND 58784 ID ND0656 CHAPTER Tioga Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1719229 NAME Lorena Lambrecht ADDRESS 506 Second St NW Tioga ND 58852 ID ND1 729 CHAPTER Velva Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2171536 NAME Robert Chilson ADDRESS 3718 13th Ave N Velva ND 58790 ID ND0445 CHAPTER West Fargo Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- 1649716 NAME Greg Mastrud ADDRESS 1807 Queensbury St West Fargo ND 58078 ID NE0620 CHAPTER Denton Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1709027 NAME Patrick Bartek ADDRESS PO Box 133 Denton NE 68339 ID NH2203 CHAPTER Con Val Community Schol Fdn Dollars for Scholars EIN 37-1528431 NAME John Vance ADDRESS 19 E Ridge Dr Peterborough NH 03458 ID NH0386 CHAPTER CSF of Fall Mtn Reg School Dist EIN 23-7049437 NAME Richard Nalevanko ADDRESS 473 Hill Rd Alstead NH 03602 ID NH0394 CHAPTER CSF of Lebanon EIN 02- 6015933 NAME Raymond Plante ADDRESS 15 Dana St West Lebanon NH 03784 ID NH0396 CHAPTER CSF of Londonderry EIN 02-0356246 NAME Jeanne Longo ADDRESS Four Faye Ln Londonderry NH 03053 ID NH0398 CHAPTER CSF of Mascoma Valley EIN 23-7110661 NAME Carol Felix ADDRESS PO Box 57 Enfield NH 03748 ID NH1148 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars of Mount Washington Valley EIN 41-1808953 NAME Betsy Smith ADDRESS PO Box 493 Intervale NH 03845 ID NH0401 CHAPTER CSF of Salem EIN 23-7100619 NAME Mary 2008 Giordano ADDRESS One Lois Ln Salem NH 03079 ID NH0402 CHAPTER CSF of Souhegan Valley EIN 02-6015954 CURRENT NAME Melissa Grant ADDRESS PO Box 713 Milford NH 03055 ID NH0405 CHAPTER Winnacunnet High Schol Fdn, OFFICERS, Inc EIN 02-6015929 NAME Dennis Kepner ADDRESS 105 Mill Rd Hampton NH 03842 ID NJ0407 CHAPTER DIRECTORS, Burlington Tow nship Schools Schol Comm EIN 06-1241295 NAME Domenic Zulla ADDRESS 530 Lehigh Ave TRUSTEES, Burlington NJ 08016 ID NV1600 CHAPTER Virgin Valley Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2111242 NAME Merlin Hafen AND KEY ADDRESS 636 Saw Grass Mesquite NV 89027 ID NY 1443 CHAPTER Alden Comm Scholarship Fdn Dollars for EMPLOYEES Scholars EIN 91-1942746 NAME Catherine Cyrulik ADDRESS 126 Carrington Dr Rochester NY 14626 ID NY 1223 VII CHAPTER Alexander Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1828095 NAME Thomas Ricci Jr ADDRESS 1010 Porterville Rd East Aurora NY 14052 ID NY2143 CHAPTER Amsterdam Community Dollars for Scholars EIN 32-0168020 NAME Jackie Marciniak ADDRESS St Mary's Hospital Amsterdam NY 12010 ID NY 1485 CHAPTER Binghamton Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1956102 NAME Tina HodnikADDRESS 16 Ardsley Rd Binghamton NY 13904 ID NY0336 CHAPTER Canastota Dollars for Scholars EIN 22-2523372 NAME Leona Dowd ADDRESS 158 Clockville Rd Canastota NY 13032 ID NY0341 CHAPTER Clinton Dollars for Scholars EIN 22-2523378 NAME Frank Perretta ADDRESS 1037 Hedge Row Clinton NY 13323 ID NY1122 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars of Commack EIN 41- 1799273 NAME Kenneth Zw eibel ADDRESS 6 Stonehenge Ln East Northport NY 11731 ID NY0676 CHAPTER Corinth Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1724546 NAME Melanie Denno ADDRESS Five Ash St Corinth NY 12822 ID NY0075 CHAPTER Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1640236 NAME Ann Dokus ADDRESS 820 Garnsey Rd Fairport NY 14450 ID NY0637 CHAPTER Gananda Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1716026 NAME Kathy Salimbene ADDRESS PO Box 609 Macedon NY 14502 ID NY1567 CHAPTER Greene Dollars for Scholars EIN 91- 2093526 NAME Sheryl Guiles ADDRESS 11 Juliand St Greene NY 13778 ID NY0576 CHAPTER Herkimer BOCES Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1693803 NAME Jon Benson ADDRESS 352 Gros Blvd Herkimer NY 13350 ID NY1490 CHAPTER Johnson City Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2016159 NAME Dan Erickson ADDRESS 601 Columbia Dr Johnson City NY 13790 ID NY0349 CHAPTER Jordan-Elbridge Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1536680 NAME Hank Doerr ADDRESS 111 Scott Cir Elbridge NY 13060 ID NY0350 CHAPTER CSF of Liverpool EIN 22-2528559 NAME John Cerrone ADDRESS 106 McArdell Rd Liverpool NY 13088 ID NY1484 CHAPTER Maine Endwell Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1960512 NAME Matt Cook ADDRESS 303 Shady Dr Endw ell NY 13760 ID NY 1641 CHAPTER North Rose-Wolcott Community Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2122046 NAME Clifford Parton ADDRESS 12021 Washington St Wolcott NY 14590 ID NY0357 CHAPTER North Syracuse Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1518613 NAME Robert Crabtree ADDRESS 102 Baxton St North Syracuse NY 13212 Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID NY 1954 CHAPTER Norwich Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0071135 NAME Pegi LoPresti ADDRESS 171 Sharman Dr Norwich NY 13815 ID NY 1407 CHAPTER Oakfield-Alabama Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1909830 NAME Paul Osborn ADDRESS 26 Drake St Oakfield NY 14125 ID NY0563 CHAPTER Oneonta Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1689388 NAME Jackie Frankl ADDRESS 11 Bolton Dr Oneonta NY 13820 ID NY0599 CHAPTER Oxford Academy & Ctrl Sch Dist Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1702088 NAME Patrick Costello ADDRESS PO Box 704 Oxford NY 13830 ID NY0362 CHAPTER Palmyra-Macedon Central School Dist EIN 41- 1607574 NAME Joan DeCann ADDRESS 352 W Jackson St Palmyra NY 14522 ID NY0852 CHAPTER Penn Yan Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1781453 NAME Kathy Guenther ADDRESS PO Box 752 Penn Yan NY 14527 ID NY0364 CHAPTER Phoenix Central School Dist Dollars for Scholar EIN 41-1515535 NAME Joann Zinsmeyer ADDRESS 1080 CR 12 Pennellville NY 13132 ID NY1403 CHAPTER Putnam Founders Dollars for Scholars EIN 91- 1907805 NAME Irving Cummings ADDRESS 150 Dudley St #2 Cambridge MA 02140 ID NY0512 CHAPTER Queensbury Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1672277 NAME Kendall Minges ADDRESS 54 Sheridan St Glens Falls NY 12801 ID NY0368 CHAPTER Rome Chapter, Dollars for Scholars EIN 22-2532576 NAME Shelley Skibitski ADDRESS 1736 N George St Rome NY 13440 ID NY0375 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars, SCS Chapter EIN 14- 1704065 NAME Terri Korba ADDRESS One River St Stamford NY 12167 ID NY0372 CHAPTER Sidney Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1500456 NAME Shirley Cumm ADDRESS 42 Union St Sidney NY 13838 ID NY2112 CHAPTER Staten Island ACHIEVE Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0116206 NAME Patrick Ryan, Jr ADDRESS 350 E 79th St, 41 B New York NY 10021 ID NY 1480 CHAPTER Susquehanna Valley Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2005873 NAME Karen Ostanek ADDRESS 2462 Bernice Blvd Binghamton NY 13903 ID NY0376 CHAPTER Sweet Home Dollars for Scholars EIN 36-3632079 NAME Michael Morrow ADDRESS 37 Maricrest Dr Amherst NY 14228 ID NY0439 CHAPTER Dollars for Scholars of Taconic Hills EIN 41-1646202 NAME P-L Schroeppel ADDRESS PO Box 112 Hollow ville NY 12530 ID NY0516 CHAPTER Union-Endicott Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1672275 NAME David Baker ADDRESS PO Box 7111 Endicott NY 13760 ID NY0377 CHAPTER CSF of Vernon-Verona-Sherrill EIN 02- 0372996 NAME Laura Diddle ADDRESS 667 E Hamilton Ave Sherrill NY 13461 ID NY0522 CHAPTER Vestal Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1678509 NAME Barry Klipsch ADDRESS 1620 Butternut Dr Vestal NY 13851 ID NY0378 CHAPTER Victor Scholarship Program EIN 41-1604594 NAME David Condon ADDRESS 433 Blazey Rd Victor NY 14564 ID NY 1300 CHAPTER Voorheesville Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1862299 NAME Valerie DiBona ADDRESS 107 Hilton Rd Slingerlands NY 12159 ID NY0380 CHAPTER Warrensburg Schol Assoc , Inc EIN 23-7345890 NAME Janis Merrithew ADDRESS PO Box 383 Warrensburg NY 12885 ID OH0078 CHAPTER CSF of Coshocton County EIN 23-7083271 NAME Pat Robinson ADDRESS 46663 TR 74 Coshocton OH 43812 ID OH0603 CHAPTER Lake Dollars for Scholars EIN 34-1684120 NAME Cheryl Beckw ith ADDRESS PO Box 63 Uniontow n OH 44685 ID OH0089 CHAPTER Tri-State Area CSF EIN 34-6542893 NAME Jackman S Vodrey ADDRESS PO Box 458 East Liverpool OH 43920 ID OH0090 CHAPTER CSF of Troy EIN 31-6067817 NAME Jennifer Walters ADDRESS 80 S Plum St Troy OH 45373 ID OR1159 CHAPTER Condon Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1816059 NAME Dorothy Schott ADDRESS PO Box 385 Condon OR 97823 ID OR0679 CHAPTER Days Creek Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1725361 NAME Ruth Stafford ADDRESS PO Box 38 Days Creek OR 97429 ID PA1933 CHAPTER Bucks for Bucs/Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0065444 NAME James Tershel ADDRESS 2020 W Pike St Houston PA 15342 ID PA0540 CHAPTER Comm Schol Fdn of Canon-McMillan EIN 41-1681846 NAME Markus Solobay ADDRESS 141 2008 Murdock St Canonsburg PA 15317 ID PA1611 CHAPTER Conew ago Valley Dollars for Scholars Foundation EIN CURRENT 91-2114213 NAME Karen Sipe ADDRESS 293 Oxford Rd New Oxford PA 17350 ID PA0825 CHAPTER Dallastow n OFFICERS, Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1774747 NAME John Wagman ADDRESS 2400 Sutton Rd York PA 17407 ID DIRECTORS, PA1429 CHAPTER Eastern York Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1920812 NAME Christine Schenck ADDRESS PO Box TRUSTEES, 95 Wrightsville PA 17368 ID PA2021 CHAPTER Gettysburg Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0086206 NAME Ruth AND KEY Boehne ADDRESS 125 Water Works Rd Gettysburg PA 17325 ID PA1211 CHAPTER Northeastern School Dist EMPLOYEES Schol Fdn EIN 41-1822799 NAME Dennis Baughman ADDRESS 647 Dellinger Rd Mt Wolf PA 17347 ID PA1424 VIII CHAPTER South Eastern Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1917822 NAME Peg Chrencik ADDRESS 104 E Main St Faw n Grove PA 17321 ID PA0871 CHAPTER Spring Grove Area Schol Fdn EIN 41-1782774 NAME John Bailey ADDRESS PO Box 66 Spring Grove PA 17362 ID PA1291 CHAPTER West York Area Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- 1855206 NAME Laura Marsh ADDRESS 2605 W Market St York PA 17404 ID PA1295 CHAPTER York City Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1859122 NAME Donald Burkins ADDRESS 342 Creston Rd York PA 17403 ID PA1416 CHAPTER York Suburban Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1912966 NAME Douglas Bare ADDRESS 35 S Queen St York PA 17403 ID R10407 CHAPTER CSF of Barrington EIN 05-6020323 NAME Carolyn Materne ADDRESS 275 New Meadow Rd Barrington RI 02806 ID R10409 CHAPTER CSF of East Providence EIN 23-7007104 NAME Peter Barilla ADDRESS 12 Miller Ave East Providence RI 02916 ID R10788 CHAPTER Latino Dollars for Scholars of Rhode Island Fdn EIN 41-1753248 NAME Domingo Morel ADDRESS PO Box 6764 Providence RI 02908 ID R10026 CHAPTER CSF of Little Compton EIN 23-7083814 NAME Christine Elkinton ADDRESS PO Box 442 Little Compton RI 02837 ID R12159 CHAPTER The Met Dollars for Scholars EIN 36-4586634 NAME Amy Gerhard ADDRESS 325 Public St Providence RI 02905 ID R10413 CHAPTER CSF of Scituate EIN 02-0370050 NAME William Lenox ADDRESS 163 Franklin Rd Foster RI 02825 ID SC1476 CHAPTER Aiken County Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- 1955722 NAME Thomas Goforth ADDRESS 107 Oakhurst Dr North Augusta SC 29841 ID SD2122 CHAPTER Lake Preston Higher Educ Fdn/A Dollars for Scholars EIN 26-0126912 NAME Tim Casper ADDRESS 300 First St Lake Preston SD 57249 ID TX0220 CHAPTER El Campo Academic Booster Club EIN 41-1635417 NAME Anita Poncik ADDRESS PO Box 445 El Campo TX 77437 ID VT1474 CHAPTER Spaulding High School Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-1996523 NAME Bob Phillips ADDRESS 155 Ayers St Barre VT 05641 ID VT1241 CHAPTER Upw and Bound Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1835110 NAME Rick Williams ADDRESS Lyndon State College Lyndonville VT 05851 ID WA0498 CHAPTER Adna Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1668707 NAME Paulette Schw arzkoph ADDRESS 102 Sun Valley Dr Chehalis WA 98532 ID WA1536 CHAPTER Arlington Dollars for Scholars Foundation EIN 91- 2099769 NAME Cheryl Boatman ADDRESS 103 N Gilford Arlington WA 98223 ID WA0614 CHAPTER Bethel Educ Schol Team (BEST) EIN 41-1717202 NAME Harriett Fix Balmer ADDRESS 8614 Portland Ave E#B Tacoma WA 98445 ID WA1146 CHAPTER Blaine Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1808955 NAME Shannon Vander Yacht ADDRESS 4286 H St Rd Blaine WA 98230 ID WA1354 CHAPTER Centralia HS Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 91- 1827848 NAME Doug McLaughlin ADDRESS 2817 Lincoln Creek Rd Rochester WA 98579 ID WA1776 CHAPTER Colville Dollars for Scholars Foundation EIN 75-3022676 NAME Marlene Nichols ADDRESS PO Box 333 Colville WA 99114 ID WA0840 CHAPTER Eatonville Dollars for Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1778089 NAME Lucy Fountain ADDRESS PO Box 1155 Eatonville WA 98328 ID WA0739 CHAPTER Fife High School Schol Fdn EIN 41-1745054 NAME Jill Tanabe ADDRESS 5303 Pacific Hwy E, Ste 136 Tacoma WA 98424 ID WA0446 CHAPTER La Conner Community Scholarship Fdn EIN 41-1650929 NAME Vincent Wilbur ADDRESS 15362 Adel Tsa Cir LaConner WA 98257 ID WA1723 CHAPTER Lynden Dollars for Scholars Foundation EIN 91-2166143 NAME Dennis Clark ADDRESS 825 S Pine Ct Lynden WA 98264 ID WA1568 CHAPTER Mabton Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2093493 NAME Denny Brown ADDRESS PO Box 1411 Zillah WA 98953 ID WA1562 CHAPTER Medical Lake Dollars for Scholars EIN 41- 1989406 NAMEJaneen VanSlyke ADDRESS PO Box 672 Medical Lake WA 99022 ID WA1556 CHAPTER Naches Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1988006 NAME Dave Demarais ADDRESS 40 Pleasant Hill Dr Yakima WA 98908 ID WA1500 CHAPTER North Mason Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2026512 NAME Laura Boad ADDRESS NE 260 Riverhill Dr Belfair WA 98528 Return Identifier Explanation Reference

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (CONTINUED) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter President Address Listing ID WA0857 CHAPTER Pateros School Dollars for Scholars Foundation EIN 41- 1781455 NAME Louise Bighouse ADDRESS 98B Bill Shaw Rd Pateros WA 98846 ID WA0817 CHAPTER St John- Endicott Coop Sch Fdn D/S Program EIN 41-1771243 NAME Barbara Strader ADDRESS PO Box 178 Endicott WA 99125 ID WA1854 CHAPTER Shoreline Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars EIN 46-0501770 NAME Cindy Ryu ADDRESS 15017 Aurora Ave N Shoreline WA 98133 ID WA0532 CHAPTER United Snoqualmie Valley Schol Fdn EIN 41-1679845 NAME Bernie Lanoue ADDRESS 29000 NE 150th St Duvall WA 98019 ID WA0450 CHAPTER Vashon Community Scholarship Foundation EIN 41-1652427 NAME Pam Held ADDRESS PO Box 1413 Vashon WA 98070 ID WA1514 CHAPTER Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1969251 NAME Lee Tischer 2008 ADDRESS 223 N Welcome Slough Rd Cathlamet WA 98612 ID WA0836 CHAPTER West Valley Dollars for CURRENT Scholars Fdn EIN 41-1777648 NAME Linda Miller ADDRESS 250 Hillstone Dr Yakima WA 98908 ID WA1496 OFFICERS, CHAPTER White River Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2018081 NAME Wanda Foltz ADDRESS PO Box 606 South DIRECTORS, Prairie WA 98385 ID WA0548 CHAPTER Yelm Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1685332 NAME Diane Jelle ADDRESS TRUSTEES, 10847 Aero Ln SE Yelm WA 98597 ID W10594 CHAPTER Beaver Dam Scholarship Fdn Inc EIN 41-1700851 AND KEY NAME Mark Killingsw orth ADDRESS 128 Monroe St Beaver Dam WI 53916 ID W10432 CHAPTER CSF of Florence EMPLOYEES IX County EIN 06-1205389 NAME James Dunkel ADDRESS 4902 Hwy 70 E Florence WI 54121 ID W10433 CHAPTER CSF of Frederic EIN 41-1626992 NAME Phillip Schneider ADDRESS 2311 Golfview Dr River Falls WI 54022 ID W10730 CHAPTER Grantsburg Community Schol Fdn EIN 41-1743070 NAME Tracey Finch ADDRESS PO Box 713 Grantsburg WI 54840 ID WI1721 CHAPTER Gresham Dollars for Scholars EIN 91-2165771 NAME John Miller ADDRESS W 10239 CR 6 Gresham WI 54128 ID W10736 CHAPTER Niagara Area CSF EIN 41-1745027 NAME Jim Dunnick ADDRESS W6300 Payette Rd Niagara WI 54151 ID W10665 CHAPTER St Croix Falls Dist Schol Fdn EIN 41-1720760 NAME Mary Martin ADDRESS 2736 230th Ave Saint Croix Falls WI 54024 ID W10436 CHAPTER Sauk Prairie Fdn for Acad Excellence EIN 06-1208235 NAME Gabe Miller ADDRESS N 1299 O'Connor Rd Lodi WI 53555 ID W10693 CHAPTER Shawano Dollars for Scholars EIN 41-1732274 NAME Paige Dreier ADDRESS N5750 Wolf River Ct Shawano WI 54166 Return Identifier Explanation Reference

Page 1, Lines L & M Scholarship America - Affiliates files a group return Each chapter included in Supplemental Form 990, Page the return was formed in a different year and is domiciled in a different state Thus, the answers Information to Form 1, Lines L & M reported on lines L and M are the year of formation and state of legal domicile for the parent 990, Schedule 0 corporation, Scholarship America, Inc Return Identifier Explanation Reference

Part IV, Line 10 Some chapters may have permanent or quasi-endowments, however, this Supplemental Form 990, Part information is not readily available to Scholarship America for the year ended 12/31/2008 and Information to Form IV, Line 10 and consequently is not included on Schedule D, Part V Part IV, Line 31 During the year ended 990, Schedule 0 31 12/31/2008, 5 chapters were disaffiliated and ceased operations Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Part V, Line 7g and 7h The organization did not receive contributions of qualified Supplemental Information to Form 990, Part V, intellecutal property or contributions of cars, boats, airplanes, and other vechicles during Form 990, Schedule 0 Line 7g and 7h the year end 12/31/2008 Return Identifier Explanation Reference

Part VI, Line 8 The majority of the chapters included on this return document meeting minutes and distribute them appropriately Part VI, Line 10 THE DATA AND INFORMATION NECESSARY TO PREPARE THE FORM 990 IS COMPILED BY SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA - AFFILIATES KPMG, OUR EXTERNAL TAX PREPARER, Supplemental Form 990, Part USES THIS INFORMATION TO PREPARE THE FORM 990 THE COMPLETED FORM 990, INCLUDING REQUIRED Information to V I, Line 8, 10, SCHEDULES, IS REVIEWED BY SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA, INC BEFORE THE RETURN IS FILED WITH THE IRS Form 990, 15, and 19 ADDITIONALLY, A COPY OF THE FORM 990 AND REQUIRED SCHEDULES IS PROVIDED TO EACH CHAPTER Schedule 0 PRIOR TO FILING Part V I, Line 15 All chapters are run by volunteers, thus, there are no employees and no compensation was paid for the year end 12/31/2008 Part VI, Line 19 Requests for the organization's governing documents , conflict of interest policy, and financial statements are available on request Identifier Return Reference Explanation

Supplemental Information to Form Form 990, Part XI, Part XI, Line 2b Of the 346 chapters reported, the financial statements of 71 990, Schedule 0 Line 2b chapters were audited by an independent auditor Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing The board members of each chapter are listed on schedule 0 pages 379 through 580 All board members are volunteers and receive no compensation North Canyon Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 31771, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1771 Jean Davis Linda Floyd Jill Mapstead Mary Martine Suzi McDevitt Kathie McDevitt-Parks Sean McDivitt Robyne Palmer Diana Wermes Tempe Dollars for Scholars 500 West Guadelupe, Tempe, AZ 85283 Nancy Dutton Alice Goitia Cheri Mabbitt Amy Robinson CSF of Tucson-Habbjach 6602 E Villa Dorado Dr , Tucson, AZ 85711 Dave Blair Todd Desberg Melissa Desberg Matt Noble Darlyn Tobak AVID San Diego County Dollars for Scholars 6401 Linda Vista Rd, San Diego, CA 92111-7319 Gene Ardent Cyndy Bishop Bruce Braciszew ski David Kapelanski Joyce Suber Veronica Terrazas Canyon Crest Academy Dollars for Scholars PO Box 2536, Del Mar, CA 92014-1836 Linda Brenner Laurie Doyle Anne Marie Ebeling Paige Heenan Joan Jacobs Patti Malmuth Ellen Mitgang Margo Skinner Beth Solomon Jennifer Turner Leslie Wong City of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 5655 Jillson St, Commerce, CA 90040 Nelson Cordova Vilko Domic Lela Leon Gerardo Ornelas Arturo Rivera Beatriz Sarmiento Comm Schol Assoc of the Anaheim UHSD PO Box 3520, Anaheim, CA 92803 Frederick Navarro Dianne Poore Bruce Saltz Donna Welling Esperanza Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 1757 S Euclid Ave, Ontario, CA 91762 Sylvia Avendano Tom Burciaga Gabriel Chavez Alex Espinoza Ruben Estrada Tom Flores J Steve Garcia Robert Lazo Linda Miranda Sylvia Olsan Larry Ortega Cid Pinedo Farmersville Dollars for Scholars 631 E Walnut Ave, Farmersville, CA 93223 Paul Boyer Angelica Carmona Kelly Jantzen Anna Luna Richard Mangini Ofelia McKendrick Leeni Mitchell Letha Stone Mike Tellian Greater Riverside Dollars for Scholars 9240 Limonite Ave, Riverside, CA 92509 Rich Biber Bobby Brown Gerald Cornelison Mary Fow lie Tom Smith John Tavaglione Jan Tavaglione Wendel Tucker Doug Wardle Kathy Wright Laguna Beach HS Scholarship Fdn PO Box 1569, Laguna Beach, CA 92652-1569 Marsha Aronoff Margie Bell Ketta Brown Blynn Bunney Mitchellene Channels Fletcher Dice Marge Earl Bob Earl Susan Elliott- Richardson Lynn Fair Mary Fegraus Robin Hall Jeannie Harrell Jan Henderson Angela Irish Martha Jager Patti Jo Kiraly Diane Kloke Kimberly Knill Cathy Krinsky Lee Kucera Walt Lawson Michele Leighton Barbara MacGillivray Gail McClain Fariba Mortazavi Lauren Packard Kerry Rubel Annie Sadler Art Smart Debra Steel Eleanor Tiner Kevin Yates Dollars for Scholars Magic Carpet Scholarships PO Box 157, Mecca, CA 92254 Rebecca Broughton Robert Cox Shirley Maddox John Marman Nick Nigosian Guadalupe Ramos Watson Don Smith Jeff Turley Randy Young Murrieta Valley HS Schol Fdn PO Box 1200, Murrieta, CA 92562 Alicia Biagioni David Carrillo Robin Crist Jeanne Cusack Darren Daniel Mary Davis Kirk Dye Renate Jefferson Candyce Julian Jackie Katz Geniel Moon Lori Noorigian Art Pastoor Jolene Pastoor Mick Wager Mary Walters Pam Wilson San Diego Co Court Schools Schol Fdn 6401 Linda Vista Rd #216, San Diego, CA 92111-7399 Mary Alvarado Marcak Anderson Leilah Armour Wendell Callahan Maurice Chambers Jim Dieckmann Tyree Dow and Deen Elder Mary Glover Roxanne Morgan Homa Rafii Bob Thomas Keisha Wood Santa Ana HS Dollars for Scholars 520 W Walnut St, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Mary Lou Carrillo Loren 2008 Lighthall Peggy Pierson Alan Pollack Sharon Saxton Star Achievers Dollars for Scholars PO Box 639, Artesia, CA Current 90702 Sharon Diggs-Jackson Edmond Dugas Lenora Dugas Arbedella Ford Louis Francisco Betty Girley Shereal officers, Grain Zelma Hawkins Dedra Norman Nanette Rubin Louis Rubins Diane Spurlin CSF of Temecula 31350 Rancho directors, Vista Rd, Temecula, CA 92592 Barbie Borgeson Pam Combs Sheila Crane June Fillingim Teri Rose Ford Becky Glaser and key Pam Hansen Teresa Harrah Donna Lione Diana Lovett-Webb Dixie Minnesang Luanne Mitchell Rita O'Neill Erin Simon employees Marilyn Williams Torrey Pines High School Dollars for Scholars Fdn 3525 Del Mar Heights Rd PMB 129, San Diego, CA 92130 Sharel Andrews Kelly Barrales Peter Chen Joyce Dalessandro Anne Donahoe Laura Farjood Katy Goodman Carmen Ingw ell Janet Lamborghini Azmina Madsen Sandy May Marilyn Nolen Leslie O'Leary Cindy Parti Susan Pfleeger Jo Rai Jeanne Waite Jayme Williams Tustin Dollars for Scholars PO Box 1524, Tustin, CA 92781-1524 Robbin Burton Janet Crombie Linda Hernandez Jan Hiles Joan Kane Kathy Klein Leslie MacMillan Celine Osborn Laura Valencia Avon Dollars for Scholars 146 Old Mill Rd, Avon, CT 06001 John Carmon Leslie Chaput Ann Dearstyne Rick Dubiel Beth Ferrari Rick Gobell Gwendolyn Hahn Steven Hahn Monte Hopper Barry Jacobson Jodie Lemeris Diane Lieberfarb Charlie McDougall Stephen McGuff Mary Ann Montano Trish Murphy Linda Nelson Dave Pena Jane Ellen Peregrin Geri Stenko CSF of Canton PO Box 671, Canton, CT 06019 Ken Bangs Sergio Benedetti Theresa Gerlando Annmarie Haendiges Terri Humphrey Josephine Ligato Sue Pepin Tammy Woychow ski Coventry Scholarship Foundation 336 Bunker Hill Rd, Coventry, CT 06238 Cyndy Alkire Susan Bellemore Debbie Goodale Paul Goodwin Merrilyn Goodwin Allyson Hand Lorraine Hicks Steven Jarvi Barbara Johnson Clifford Johnson Marsha Kolodziej Joan Lewis Paul Manzone Sherry Masterson Ellie Stargardter Norwalk Mentor Scholarship Fund 125 East Ave, Norwalk, CT 06852-6001 Beverly Brooks Donna Custer Herman Davenport Nancy Fuzesi Betty Grey Curtis Law Dawn Leeds Evan Levinson Sheri McCready Edw and Musante Annette Thompson Arlene Viscomi Gilbert Watkins South Windsor Dollars for Scholars PO Box 197, South Windsor, CT 06074 Sandra Cherko Arthur Dio Marcia Gimbrone William Hankinson Cindy Miller William Myers Nancy Peck Charlene Southergill Chris White CSF of Stafford Springs PO Box 25, Stafford Springs, CT 06076 Judith Baker Matilda Champagne Therese Fishman Krista Hicks Gerardi LaMorte Elaine Melnick Donna Moriarty Joseph Paradiso Max Remington Rose Roszczew ski Eileen Schiessl Gary Shearer CSF of Washington PO Box 243, Washington Depot, CT 06794 Linda Allard Dorothy Anderson Judith Auchincloss Jeanne Combs Nelly Condon Michael Condon P Lincoln Cornell Steven Cornell Reginald Fairbairn Brian Fernandez Joseph Gitterman III Deborah Glass Leah Gollow Smith Dennis Hussey Erika Klauer David Klemm William McTiernan Neil Mitchell Carol Nelson Susan Payne Phillips Payson Tyler Smith Seymour Surnow Holly Zumpf Haas CSF of Wethersfield PO Box 290338, Wethersfield, CT 06129-0338 Barbara Curtin Thomas Dolan Gerlyn Drake Delphine Farrelly Nancy Flynn David & Mary Gregorio Maureen Horowitz Joanne Huffman Heatherlee Loranger Paulann Marianella Ted Mauro Bradley Milvae Karla Neville Darlene Oblak William Quirk Fernando Rosa Pamela St Jean Tim Tuell Jean Walsh Lori Willin Linda Wood Richard & Lucille Zanini Windsor Locks Dollars for Scholars Two Concorde Way, PO Box 608, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Susan Bell Glenn Blackburn Michael Ciarcia Mary Lou Gunther June Hartford-Alley Patricia King Ralph Leiper Nancy Levy Debbie Marconi Molly Russo Carol Savery-Frederick June Sheehan Polly Storms Scott Storms Dave Vaicunas Patricia White Woodbury Scholarship Fund Box 716, Woodbury, CT 06798 Judy Beard Henry DeVries Tony DiMaio Cameron Gardella Henry Hart Walter Kazmierski Joanne King Patricia Know Iton Joy Michaud Terry Overton Gloria Pond George Roberts Mary Smith Kathleen Sobolew ski Adele Taylor Mary Jane Travers Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Bay Colony Dollars for Scholars 4949 Tamiami Trail Ste 203, Naples, FL 34103 Scott Ball John Beal Martha Mazzitelli Ken Murray Dollars for Scholars of Indian River County, Inc PO Box 1820, Vero Beach, FL 32961 Mark Ashdow n Sarah Avril Cobb Merrill Barber-Dick Kathryn Block Vincent Boyle Carol Fischman Gw yneth Fournie Troy Hafner Jane Hudson Mary Johnston Harvey Kornicks David Koulish Reuben Lane Gaye Ludwig Nancy Luther Tomas Rene Perez Sandra Rennick Jonathan Sternberg Maryellen Straw ser Michael Stutzke Karen VanDeVoorde Camilla Wainright Lake Worth Dollars for Scholars Fdn 564 S Country Club Dr, Atlantis, FL 33462-1227 Caryl Anderson Elizabeth Arevalo James Auld Paul Blockson Dave Cantley Jenni Chastain E Scott Curry Dennis & Doris Dorsey Mary Fauci Harold & Helen Gilmore Harold& Helen Gilmore Jody Gleason Ann Harvey Cheri Joseph Susan Miller Lonnie Mills Ralph Milone Kenn Norberg Gail Paglialungo Garth Rosenkrance Babe Ruth Ian Saltzman Rock Tate Tom Vaughn Doris Welsh Ed & Jane Whitaker Ed Whitaker Orlando Learning Coalition Dollars for Scholars Frontline Outreach 3000 C R Smith St, Orlando, FL 32805 Gail Burke James Keller Ella Lew is Tara Luby Stephanie Parson Daryl Perry Lorenzo Phillips Herman Tucker Allen Wiggins Bridget Williams Debra Williams Arto Woodley, Jr AGWSR Dollars for Scholars 650 Main St, Ackley, W 50601 Joan Frazier Kim Heinrich Kevin Meyer Mike Nederhoff Marcia Nuss Amy Weichers Deborah Willms Allamakee Dollars for Scholars PO Box 144, Waukon, W 52172 Mary Jo Goodman Colleen Gragg Steve Grotegut Donna Herman Maynard Johnson Pam Larson Sandy Lyons Teresa Myers Karen Regan Julie Rotach Barb Smed Denise Tysland Amy Wasson Kim Winters Ankeny Dollars for Scholars 306 SW School St, Ankeny, W 50023 Barb Canova Tony Caponigro Julie Cooper Cathy Copley Marge King Kevin Koester Pat Quinlin Kathryn Weatherw ax Audrey West Janet Willey BC-IG Citizens' Scholarship Foundation PO Box 253, Ida Grove, W 51445 Linda Burk Marcia Cates Roger Christensen Doug Clough Russ Freeman Mason Goodenow Lorraine Johnson Evelyn Law head MaeBelle Pow ell Mike Rickert Becky Ricklefs CSF of B-G-M PO Box 469, Brooklyn, W 52211 Kim Bauman Sue Bim Jane Cline Julie Cline Natalie Gritsch Dawn Hamilton Marie Hedlund Dorothea Hicks Diane Kilmer Doug King Brandon Link Jane McCulley Lyle Osw ood Rick Puls Rick Radcliffe Bev Rens John Reynolds Loren Rickard Jodie Ryan Teresa Simonton Skip Solem Louise Van Ersvelde Ballard Comm Dollars for Scholars PO Box 307, Huxley, W 50124 Valerie Allen Michele Begg Brenda Brink Rosalie Eimers Michele Hennessey Jo Hokel Mary Ellen Hoss-Sabers Danelle Jensen Luann Jensen Connie Lee Lisa Leland Rita McKenna Julee Petersen Anne Quick Dana Rew oldt Toni Robinson Marita Rouse Jean Saveraid Sally Schonhorst Carolyn Sesker Cindi Thomas George Volger Lisa Yeager Carlisle Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 397, Carlisle, W 50047 Zenda Adams Bob Benton Craig Calhoun Kent Candee Lori Candee Rosemary Fee Linda Frazier Jackie Garrett Marilyn Goodhue Tammy Guenther Rachael Hagedorn Julie Halbur-Kruse Leah Heidemann Penny Hein Ginger Hermon Sally Huff Melinda Huisinga Alan Huisinga Susan Klier Nancy Lindaman Julie Long Bev Moeller Duane Mott Tim Norton Paula Sampson Joe Schettler Clint Smalley Lee Wyckoff Jen Yates Charles City Area Dollars for Scholars 2008 1004 Court St, Charles City, W 50616-2633 Bruce Cannon Nina Coulson Stewart Coulson Lisa Garden Denise Holzer Current Jenny Huegel Linda Johnson Linda Pow ell Todd Prichard Frank Rottinghaus Kim Wendel Clayton Ridge Dollars for officers, Scholars 24022 Hwy 52, Garnavillo, W 52049 Janice Andregg Austin Greve Dennis Hanna Gayle Hanna Janette directors, Hansel Rollin Harder Howard Hubbell Lanny Kuehl Andrew Reimer Lesa Reimer Bill Robinson Julie Rosacker and key Crestwood Dollars for Scholars (Cresco) PO Box 73, Cresco, W 52136 Coleen Cauw els Peggy Hovey Wayne employees Krejtzer Janice Lansing Harold Noe Dan Ollendieck Michelle Tuchek Davis County Dollars for Scholars 608 S Washington St, Bloomfield, W 52537 Karen Augspurger Karen Bow ling Gary Dunlavy Kim Dykes Rich Fetcho Kathy Hartw ick David Hopkins David Hopkins Brendan Keegan Anne Morgan Earl Ritter Brian Roberts Angie Shipley Justin Sw aim Heather Van Wardhuizen Richard Wagler Don Walton Tami Weilbrenner Paige Whitacre Debra Whitacre Leon Wilkinson Brad Woolard Meleia Wuthrich Dike-New Hartford Dollars for Scholars PO Box 322, Dike, W 50624 Darla Andersen Tiffany Asche Sandy Becker Karen Benson Patricia Boe Thomas Boe Dawn Dennis Pat Dietl Chris & Rhonda Heerkes Michelle Henze Shari Hill Deb Hogelucht Lorieann Kyhl Deb Lizer Tammy Luhring Julie Merfeld Shary Meyer Tonya & Kelly Nicholson Ann O'Connor Susan Parker Mark Phillips Wanda Van Mill Michael Williams Eagle Grove Area Dollars for Scholars Family Table Rest Hw y17S, Eagle Grove, W 50533 Donavan Adson Kyle Amonson Jim Bartley Mary Chapman Linda Golbuff Dee Halverson Carol Helmke Barb Johnston LuAnn Mersch Pat Mickelson Bonnie Nelson Nikki Rick Warren Scholten Paul Wilde Shirley Williams East Buchanan Dollars for Scholars 414 5th St N, Winthrop, W 50682 Cheryl Beatty Matt Cook Ron Crawford Lisa Halford Paula McGraw Richard Roepke Nina Simmons CSF of Eldora-New Providence 1800 24th St, Eldora, W 50627 Cindy Bierle Karla Bronzynski Jean Dunn Glenn Hinders Jerry Long Tracie Penning Jerry WahlstromTeresa Williamson English Valleys CSF Box 143, South English, W 52335 Dave Foubert Rose Foubert Mary Glaspie Phillip Hester Diane Lamb Janice Lienen Bob Lienen Janie Miller Scott Romine Nancy Wilkerson Forest City Dollars for Scholars 206 W School St, Forest City, W 50436 Dave Arndt Francis Burnham David Damm Steve Lovik Tim Missal Duane Polsdofer Randy Pruisner Rachel Rognes Linda Smith Glenwood Area Dollars for Scholars P O Box 465, Glenwood, W 51534 Bill Agan Tom Nutting Craig Williams Nancy Wright Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of HLV 315 Vine St, Hartw ick, W 52232 Orville Bloethe Richard DeCoster Cathy Kinzenbaw Bill Lynch Allen Waterbeck Audrey Waterbeck Hampton-Dumont Dollars for Scholars 101 12th Ave NW, Hampton, W 50441 Jon Anderson Sheril Brodbeck Corey Dombrowski Deb Gerdes Randy Johansen Roger Kregel Sherry Peterson Ronna Speake Toni Wilkinson Independence Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 384, Independence, W 50644 Bret Adams Martin Brown Debbie Curry Nancy Dodge Brian Eddy Devin Embray Kevin Greenley Steve Kilgard Melody Malek CSF of Jesup PO Box 703, Jesup, W 50648 Kim Adams Rod Chamberlain Jim Gillespie Mary Anne Harrold Sarah Pinion Teri Schares Christine Sikula Mark Strabala Leland Triplitt Gin Vogel Tom Youngblut Johnston Dollars for Scholars PO Box 108, Johnston, W 50131 Jan Anagnost Randy Bergman Lisa Cooper Vernon Doswell Diana Emehiser Denise Francois Dave Hove Alicia Hyde Lisa Jacobson Kelly Mahanna Lisa Mortens Steve Ow enson Steph Perington Todd Peterson Neal Thuente Paul Waltz Sue Wengert Ann Wiley Kuemper Dollars for Scholars 109 S Clark St, Carroll, W 50401 Vern Henkenius Penny Miller Jeanne Spieler Christie Sundrup L-S Citizens' Scholarship Foundation PO Box 62, Lynnville, W 50153 Mike Jansen Judy Nikkel Keith Renaud John Terpstra Teryl Ver Ploeg MFL Marmac Dollars for Scholars 106 S Main St, PO Box 607, Monona, W 52159 Ed Berry Todd Hanson Jim Moritz Tom Neuhaus Denise Saunders Mary Schlein Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Maquoketa Valley Chapter Dollars for Scholars PO Box 186, Delhi, W 52223 Jim Clifton Connie Clifton Steve Dircks Colette Dunham Tom Gatto Kay Harris Barb Hollinrake Dean Holtz Keith Kramer Dave Kuehl Jim Laxson Roger Schnittjer Marilyn Schnittjer Doug Tuetken Scot Wegmann James Willey Becky Willey CSF of Newton PO Box 844, Newton, W 50208 Lonnie Barton Shelby Bird Jeanne Birkenholz Tammy Cochran Illa Guthrie Gary Kirchhoff Austin Kopsa Bill Peters Bonnie Pitz Herb Selby Roger Slykhuis Jan Sullivan Lee Swenson Teresa Thompson Tom Turk Mary Lou Van Zee Kredit North Fayette Dollars for Scholars Fdn 600 N Pine, Box 73, West Union, W 52175 Jon Antes Rhonda Bemis Jerry Boeding Tobin Britt Trudy Campbell Bill Clark Steve Fate John Grimes Marcia Kilcher Kent McElvania Jan O'Brien CSF of Oelw ein 331 Seventh Ave SE, Oelw ein, W 50662 Jerry Buhr Margaret Damge Cindy Hill Kathy Lenth Mark Levin Susan Mausser Dana Meyers Linda Ridihalgh Diane Sperfslage Rose Ubben Ann Weig PV Dollars for Scholars 1744 320th St,, Gow rie, W 50543-7557 Mary Egger Marshall Lewis Julie McLean Edward McWeeny Sharon Meyers Lauri Streit Jenny Taylor Crystal Wilks CSF of Parkersburg 511 Third St, Parkersburg, W 50665-2063 Virgil Goodrich L D Holm Kate Humphrey Dennis Ihde Dortothea Kampman Deb Kerns Dave Meyer Beverly Myers Peg Neavins Freda Wallbaum Pella Dollars for Scholars PO Box 131, Pella, W 50219 Chad Boehlje Kevin Bolt Debra Ditzenberger Abby Gonzales Joshua Harrington Chad Klyn Michael Maakestad Jason Schroeder Brian Vande Lune Dick Vander Laan Carrie Ver Ploeg Chad Vink Postville District Dollars for Scholars PO Box 2, Postville, W 52162 Bill Armentrout Craig Converse Robert Deering Sharon Drahn Connie Euans Sandie Helgerson David Koopman Jeannie Kruckenberg Kristine Larson Diane Lensing David Schutte Karen Schutte Stanley Straate St Ansgar CSF P O Box 223, Grafton, W 50440 Mary Clagett Lindsey Falk Brian Fell Diane Gasteiger Connie Groth Rose Kruger Jim Luense Jane McKinley Sue Ney Diana Ries Lori Riley Mindi Vervaecke Solon Dollars for Scholars PO Box 551, Solon, W 52333 Dawn Fisher Linda Lee Wendy Ranard Paul Saupe Richard Schwab Penny Tompkins Mike Turner Joe Tye South Winneshiek Dollars for Scholars PO Box 298, Calmar, W 52132 John Berger Tom Bushman Chuck Ehler Lori Gates Joyce Halverson Lori Lecktenberg Bob Mashek Arnie Meyer Colleen Moudry Thomas Ridout Dan Schroeder Sheryl Seivert Chuck Steckelberg Laura Taylor Gerry Wiltgen Southeast Polk Dollars for Scholars 8379 NE University Ave, Pleasant Hill, W 50327 Verna Bow ie Rosemary Freel Brett Handy Kent Horstman Ruth Johnson Roger Mahnke Adam McRoberts Robin Norris Sandy Pedersen Belinda Rinehart Luke Sibley Lois Skinner Lori Slings Jody Stagner Bob Sutton Storm Lake Dollars for Scholars 163 S Cove, Storm Lake, W 50588 Eric Allen Barb Anderson Dan Anderson Leann Baumhover Lori Berglund Sara Blum Steve Brashears Phyllis Caradine Karna Converse Cameron Cutler Spencer Darrow Mary Jo Davis Doug Dimig Craig Fratzke Laurie Gaffney Katie Goodchild Liz Groher Katherine Hott Colleen Imming Bobby Ivey Barb Jackson Jacob Kottke Matt Lange Anyssa Lenhart Craig Lyon Ryan Matasovsky Ashley Miller Julia Mooney Dean Nicholson David Pedersen Alanna Piercey Connie Smith Cindy Southiphong Caitlyn White Molly Wilson Tri-County Dollars for Scholars PO Box 2, What Cheer, W 2008 50268 Nita Brumbaugh Paula Kirkpatrick Jamie Maxwell Heather Schmidt Stacy Schultz Kelly Tish Turkey Valley Fdn Current Dollars for Scholars 3219 St Hwy 24, Jackson Junction, W 52171 Larry & Diane Bruess DJ & Kim Busta Deb officers, Langreck Kevin & Linda Luzum Myron & Evie Milbrandt Mark & Rebecca Skretta Waterloo-Cedar Falls Dollars for Sch directors, Box 23, Waterloo, W 50704 Dianne Barton Don Blau Josh Carnelley James Carstensen Rachel Cole Jerry Durham and key P0 Don Eichelberger Karen Gebel Marvin Heller Kathy Siebel Tony Stevens Carolynn Sw een Julie Van Daele Stacy Van employees Gorp Kim Winterhof Mary Zierke Waverly-Shell Rock Dollars for Scholars Pres Fdn 1405 4th Ave SW, Waverly, W 50677 Barb Hanaw alt Jim Hurley Jill Kw ikkel Greg Piehl Brock Sands Bruce Toenjes Jere Vyverberg Kelly Willis Ken Winter Wood River Valley Dollars for Scholars Fdn PO Box 3900, Ketchum, ID 83340 Audrey Bashaw Mary Jo Helmeke Sara Petit Kathy Pruett Kim Richards Julie Richardson Alan Richardson Paula Rubel Melinda Springs Susan Stommel Sarah Sundby Paul Willis Beth Willis Arlington Heights Dollars for Scholars 5 Revere Dr #400, Northbrook, IL 60062 Andrew Bennett James Bertucci Susan Duchek Dianna Ehrenfreid Thomas Kivlahan Lori Lyon Arlene Mulder Christy Nix Robert Paddock Regina Schlamp Kristy Seifert Robert Whisler Lisa White Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars PO Box 7111, Aurora, IL 60507 Zaida Chapa Rey Cruz C-U One-To-One Mentoring Schol Fdn PO Box 981, Champaign, IL 61824-0981 Sandra Alsop Mike Cain Megan Guenther Bill Hobbs Sara Hudson Ellen Kirsanoff Brenda Koester Barbara Linder Julian Olds Penny Porter John Schmitt Lauren Smith Betty Swisher Chicago HOPE Dollars for Scholars 206 W Eugenie #2, Chicago, IL 60614 Steve Dybsky Julie Pace Daniel Pierson Jason Sato Scott Thole Community Unit 2 Fdn for Education Inc Dollars f 2283 N 3812 Rd, Serena, IL 60549 Kent Allread Rhonda Arnold Dan Joyce Paul Marshall John Mauer Annie Muffler Randy Murley Gregory Sheedy Kathi Shope Jackie Tw ait Niles Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 7900 N Milwaukee Ste 225B, Niles, IL 60714 Michelle Bettuzzi Katie DiMaria w ona Filipiak Norbert Johnson Nick Katsoolias Krystyna Koda Pamela Lowe Bob Raminiak Mark Williams The Parent Teacher Org of Hinsdale Ctrl Dollars 440 N Madison St, Hinsdale, IL 60521 Barb Bencur Mary Buddig Joanne Cascio Meg Cooper Kay Gallo Darla Highley Joni Holinger Laurie McMahon Laurita Panagoulis Maria Pierce Janet Sabine Parry Nancy Schuessler Ann Scott Lisa Stafford Carol Wroble Prospect Heights Dollars for Scholars 1061 S Wolf Rd, Wheeling, IL 60090 Sandy Biesterfeldt Mark Harvey Brian Hogan Marge Kalivoda William Kearns Michael Lesser Tamiye Meehan Rodney Pace Richard Peterson Charles Priester Dan Quiery Tom Shirley Jim Whittington Retired Professional Football Players of Chicago/I 405 Marvins Way, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Bob Avellini Vito DiPerte Brian Glasgow Mark Green Chuck Logan Brent Novoselsky Anthony Parker Reggie Smith Shafer Suggs Marcus Sullivan Tim Tyrrell Somonauk Education Foundation Dollars for Scholars 501 W Market, Somonauk, IL 60552 Dan Grandgeorge Connie Hamer Chuck Kessler Rick Krischel Ann Law rence Cori Munder Karen Rogers Lisa Svoboda Kelly Wegener Lori Wold Susan Workman Argos Dollars for Scholars 500 Yearick St, Argos, IN 46501 Melody Avery Diann Bradley Eugene Cooper Penny Davis John Haste Richard Leeper Amy Miller Tim Overmeyer Brend Prochno Jon Van Der Weele Stacy VanDerWeele Barr-Reeve Scholarship Fdn PO Box 25, Montgomery, IN 47558 Thomas Gallagher Annetta Graber Charles Kavanaugh Alex Knepp Richard Lemmon Tyson Wagler Blue River Valley Dollars for Scholars PO Box 233, Mt Summit, IN 47361 Kelly Brumley Lori Clone Carlene Creviston Melissa Creviston Dave Deiw ert Dixie Denton Joyce Dick Jerry Freyer Kris Freyer Jim Griffith Renee Grim Joanna Hesher Ken Howell Connie Kaboski Pam Koby Nancy Lawrence Shirlee Lester Christy Luellen Scott Ooten Debbie Roach Lee Walker Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Bluffton/Southern Wells Dollars for Scholars PO Box 82, Bluffton, IN 46714 Jackie Alford David Brinneman Julie Cassidy Rick Harnish Angie Harris Sherri Harter Bruce Herr Lynn Huffman Marilyn Lavanchy Doug Lehman Kevin & Lisa Leising Greg Merkel Phil Patz Jim Schw arzkopf Cheryl Spaulding Cherrie Story Jay Thompson Bremen Dollars for Scholars PO Box 144, Bremen, IN 46506 Charleen Beery Kathy Cabiness Anita Eichinger Linda Helmuth Troy Holmes Kerry Huff Bruce Jennings Melissa Manges Greg Miller Castle High School Dollars for Scholars PO Box 719, New burgh, IN 47629 Holly Arnold Bob Boxell Phil Delong Karen Fischer Debra Fulkerson Sue Melfi Sandy Mellis Joy Miller Doris Phillips Denise Poelhuis Donna Potts Robert Taylor Linda Tevault Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Concord Dollars for Scholars 59117 Minuteman Way, Elkhart, IN 46517 Diana Clark Renee Cocanow er Dan Cunningham George Dyer Pat Grass Chris Hamadanchi Janet Hershberger Becky Kline Ed Lugbil Mike Schoeffler Cathy Tahmassebi Nancy Wait Kurt Warner Jonathan Watson Decatur Tow nship Dollars for Scholars 5251 Kentucky Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46221 Ronda Able Fran Amos David Brown Terry Burns Cindia Chapman Bob Cockrum Judy Collins Becky Collins Dianne Farmer Sheila Hawkins Terron Koch Cheryl LaTulippe Kathy Morris Sandy Ow ens Pam Rohlman John Scott Terri Silence Bev Thomas Allen Thorpe East Gibson Dollars for Scholars Wood Mem HS 943 S Franklin St, Oakland City, IN 47660 Phyllis Bolin Sharen Buyher Kathy Gonzales Sharri Johnson David Kolb Brenda Penrod Devon Schlottman Vickie Sheehe Kelly Stone Karen VanMeter Brenda Willis CSF of Edinburgh School Community PO Box 305, Edinburgh, IN 46124 Rich Arkanoff Ron Hazelgrove Susan Ingels Mary Ann Morris Larry Taulman Brad Teter Elkhart Cntl HS Dollars for Scholars PO Box 2681, Elkhart, IN 46516 Mary Dittman Gail Draper Cameron Erekson Kathe Kain Peggy Lipps Jeff Peat Martha Peterson Jean Putnam Joel Putnam Jerry Quatman Theresa Serafino Jill Sutter Holly Troeger Elkhart Memorial Dollars for Scholars PO Box 4841, Elkhart, IN 46514-0841 Jane Anderson June Bails Amy Branson Mike & JackieJo Brew ers David Foutz Dawn Garman Karen Kibiloski Adam Meyers David Miller Mary Nyw ening Sarah Santerre Christine Slabaugh Matt StemmAlex Strati Amy Traxler Chris Weingart Brian Wilkins George Washington Comm School Dollars for Scholars 2215 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Diane Arnold Deborah Broyer Jim Grim Kyle Kopke Stephanie Ledbetter Heidi Van Duzer Goshen HS Dollars for Scholars 113 Island View Dr, Goshen, IN 46526 Glenda Brechtel Lois Fidler Toni Johnson Patty Morgan Milt Thomas Mary Jo Thomas Linda Wilson Hanover Dollars for Scholars 10120 W 133rd Ave, Cedar Lake, IN 46303 Lynn Almaguer Larry Coffin Joseph Fetty Lila Garrett JoAnne Gruber Carl Johnson Judy Lueder Jean Malon Kay McElmurry Shirley Mrzlack Lorne Nelson Terry Schutz Donna Seegers Joyce Shroka Mary Watson Betty Wilkerson Highland Dollars for Scholars 9135 Erie St, Highland, IN 46322 LeAnn Biesen Jeannine Calderon Jean Gogolak Kelly Gossman Pat Haw kins Beth Hobbs Cindy Jones Mary Luptak Cindy McMahon Joan Ray Janis Rubino Mike Schneider 2008 Janice Simkus Mary Timko Renner Ventling Milan Scholarship Foundation, Inc PO Box 504, Milan, IN 47031 Ray Current Baurley Linda Baurley Bill Bishop Martha Bishop Martha Bishop Ray Burley Tammy Dixon Sue Hartman Gayle Healy officers, Diana Johnston Lennie Lynd Holly Noel Kim Snyder Brenda Walter Barbara Wittich Sherri Zornes Monroe Central directors, Comm Dollars for Scholars 1878 N 1000 W, Parker City, IN 47368 Kandi Antrim Phil Bailey David Bragg Kelli Braun and key Bob Chalfant Becky Cox Dakota Crabtree Stephen Dean Kaitlin Elder Shirley Hall Andrea Huser Adrian Moulton Kay employees Rinard Michelle Shaffer Diana Taylor Jami Thomas Paula Washler Cheryl Zell North Knox Scholarship Foundation 508 W 11th St, Bicknell, IN 47512 Stanley Dew eese Jack Lynn Ruth Messel Northern Community Schools CSF 2115 W 500 N, Sharpsville, IN 46068-9322 Debbie Cox Chris Kelley Jan List Michael Mullins Bill Peters Dave Voris Northridge Dollars for Scholars PO Box 69, Middlebury, IN 46540 Cindy Bontrager Eugene Bontrager Joel Bontrager Bill Clark Jim Conner Linda Grant Todd Irick Joe Keller JoAnna King Donna Kovalenko Steve Lyng Natalie McBridge Gretchen Miller Tasha Rebec Dana Snider Robin Tahara Miller Jenny Welch Michelle Willey Craig Yoder Northwood Dollars for Scholars 2101 N Main St, Nappanee, IN 46550 Don Abel Natalie Beer Louis Bonacorsi Angela Clark Phil Evans Bev Fales Rachele Hill David Maugel Karen Renner David Tompos Will Wilson Laura Zell Norwell Dollars for Scholars Box 86, Ossian, IN 46777 Lisa Aschliman Becky Biberstein Erin Boyle Tony Cromdv ell Brent Lehman Chon Michael Greg Mohler Kathy Nahrw old John Reinhard Donna Spear Rise Taylor Princeton Area Dollars for Scholars 1803 W Burlington PI, Princeton, IN 47670 Tim Burris Jaleigh Cates Jim Dexter Katie Ellis Sharla Hiatt Richard Johnson Janice Longabaugh Jim Maglis Tammy Rumple Sandy Schmits Paul Turner Mike Watkins John Wells Bruce Wheatley Jeff White Salem Education Foundation PO Box 445, Salem, IN 47167 Terri Agan Diana Apple Diana Armstrong Jackie Arnold Mark Carter Jason Cockerill Christy Karmire Rebecca Marshall Jennifer Martin Kathy McKnight Kim Misamore Tom Paris Candi Pepmeier Paul Scifres Kim Scifres Shenandoah Dollars for Scholars 7354 W US 36, Middletow n, IN 47356 Brenda Chapman Jan Frazier Terry Gray Peggy Morton Rhonda Mousty Lara Thise Brenda Webber South Dearborn Comm Schol Fdn Box 396, Aurora, IN 47032 Sally Bender Diena Beyer Tami Bovard Debbie Busching Daryl Cutter Sue Grace Treva Hess Harley Robinson South Gibson Dollars for Scholars 1029 W650 S, Fort Branch, IN 47648 Ray Druley Annette Druley Roy Hensley Larry Johnson Al Lentz Beulah Mason Marlene Obert Stuart Parks Edward Reinhart Ron Rexing Roberta Silva Don Stansberry Norm Stevens Karen Stormont Elaine Tenbarge Matt Walker Barb Wilson Speedway CSF 5335 W 25th St, Speedw ay, IN 46224 Kelly Adams Mary Breece Debra Gonzales Dennis Hammer Zach Hunt Brad Long Donovan Miller Jan Neat Jane Ross Tom Smith Lisa Watts Karen Welch Sunman-Dearborn Scholarship Fdn 1 Trojan Place, St Leon, IN 47102 Jacqueline Blair Rhonda Murdock Ellen Schneider Jim Stock Dollars for Scholars of Tell City/Perry County, IN PO Box 715, Tell City, IN 47586 LouAnn Backer Gary Butler Lori Cassidy Sarah Chinn Alvin Evans Darla Goffinet Barbara Haller Connie Palmer Regina Parker Colleen Smith Tipton Scholarship Foundation PO Box 291, Tipton, IN 46072 Frank Giammarino Heidi Gutw ein Kassey McQuinn Kathy Mendenhall Judy Modisett Phil Morgan Terri New com Brian Pearce Susan Pow ell Abbie Smith Abbie Smith Nate Stout West Central Comm Schol Fund 1852 S US 421, Francesville, IN 47946 Jim Bergens Monica Franscoviak Jeff Hart Charles Mellon James Stradling Don Street Danville Boyle County Dollars for Scholars Fdn 432 W Main St, Danville, KY 40422 Ted Baker Steve Becker Alan Burns William Erw in Laura Hoffman John Hudson Doug Lester John Lockhart Nellie McKnight Preston Miles Bill Owens Lauren Sekey Tom Tye Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Dollars for Scholars Jefferson 3330 N Causeway Blvd Ste 435, Metairie, LA 70002 Bob Annoni Sydna Barocco Eric Bosch Chris Braud Norma Broussard Ricky & JoAnn Burke Karen Caraway Lisa Conescu Sal Cusanza Kevin Delahoussaye Dianna Dyer Bob Ebberman Jef Ehlinger Cindy Enright Davey Foto Glenn Hayes Glenn Hayes Jr Chris Johnson Gene Katsanis Byron LeBlanc Wayne Nocito Jeff Now akow ski Liz Scheer Manny Silver Debbie Skrmetta Ronnie Slone Wayne Theall Barbara Turner Windhorst Brian Washington Ben Zamora Andover Dollars for Scholars 61 Main St, Andover, MA 01810 Tom Carroll Joan Duff Ruby Easton Philip Giguere Rena Ginsberg Nancy Haak Carolyn Hanson Kathy Hess Bob King Dick & Jane Morrissey Rhonda Primes David Reilly Marybeth Sullivan Barbara Wait Arlington Citizens Scholarship Foundation PO Box 210, Arlington, MA 02476-0002 John J Bilafer John DeLorenzo Alfred B Fantini Peter Fiore Stephen J Gilligan Patty O'Riordan Karen Reilly CSF of Bedford PO Box 585, Bedford, MA 01730 Jean Amato Sarah Dorer Eugene Eagles III Timothy Gleason Polly Herz Laura Heyl Al Hurd Shirley Kring Marty McNamara Kathy Morse Jerry Pfeffer Sal & Alma Pomponi Ron Stew art Cynnie Vater Jeanne Wright Beverly Dollars for Scholars PO Box 3148, Beverly, MA 01915 Pat Arciaga Thomas Aucone Ronnie Belleau Michelle Burke Annette DiVincenza Niles Flanders Sean Gallagher Don Hannable Candy Melanson Prunella Pollard Tom Roccio CSF of Bridgewater-Raynham Bridgewater-Raynham Reg HS 414 Center St, Bridgewater, MA 02324 Mary Bogle Pat Kelly Mary Ann Mozzone Susan O'Brien Mary Ellen Wells David Wolohojian Burlington Comm Schol Fdn , Inc Town Hall, Center St, Burlington, MA 01803 Joseph Attubato Brian Curtin Patricia Dotson Jack Ferren Philip Gallagher Liz Giannino Jayne Hyde Deborah Keene Tom Killilea Robyn Miliano Janet Modesto Juliette Mott Stephen Preston Paul Sheehan Rosemarie Tieri CSF of Chatham Cape Cod Five, Chatham, MA 02633 Anne D'Urso Elizabeth Kennard Carrie Leonard Margaret Martin Peter & Judy Swenson Dee Tripp Jean Young CSF of Dighton-Rehoboth D-R Reg HS, 2700 Regional Rd, North Dighton, MA 02764 Meredith Amaral Chris Benvie Don Bisbano Lisa Blanck Chris Borden Lauren Caswell Shelly Costa Debbie Duffy Judy Fuller Paul Giannakoulis Diane Hayes Sue Kenyon Heidi Lane Alison Makuch Cindy McCabe Linda Murphy Libby Phelan Nancy Prairie Angeline Rebello Cathie Rebelo Susan Salhany Leon Sibielski Vicki Tetreault Donald A Fisher CSF PO Box 143, West Bridgew ater, MA 02379 S Erick Benson Jack Bottini William Cain Mary Graf Bruce Holmquist Donna Larson Marion Loughman Ronald New man William Panos CSF of Easthampton PO BOX 494, Easthampton, MA 01027 Pat Baran Jacqueline Deady Jeanne Kuchyt Jeanne Orne Jared Orne Beth Ouillette Carmela Pompei Jim Ramsey Joanne Schmidt Chris Sears Anita Sedlak Steve Zavisza Janet Zmaczynski CSF of Fall River PO Box 103, Fall River, MA 02722 Steven Aguiar Joseph Costa John Cummings Maegan Donovan Steven Dorney Irving Fradkin Peter Homen George Kelly Alfred Lima Joe Martins Mike McNally Mike McNally Anne Medeiros Beverly Moore Madeline O'Connell Anne Plichta Bruce Rex Ernie Silva Denise Viveiros Gloucester Scholarship Foundation 162 Hesperus Ave, 2008 Gloucester, MA 01930 Alice Bradford Annette Campbell Larry Ingersoll Joe Molnar Bonnie O'Neil Jerry O'Neil CSF of Current Granville-Tolland PO Box 214, Granville, MA 01034-0214 Sarajane Adams Cheryl Binder Deb Falcetti Robert Gery officers, Nancy Grannan Scott Hodges Diane Lafrance Kristine Lefebvre John Meiklejohn Joanne Simeone Joseph Case HS directors, Schol Trust Funds, Inc PO Box 33, Swansea, MA 02777 Aguiar Maureen Bushell Patricia Chapman Alzira and key DeMattos Stephen Dzialo David Farrell Michael Flanagan Richard Gunther Robert Horne Elizabeth Keetley Adam employees Palmisciano Joseph Santos CSF of Mansfield PO Box 23, Mansfield, MA 02048 Courtney Baldini Jackie Barclift Francine Buck Joan Duggan Nancy Flynn Patsi Genoa David Guadagnoli Joseph Houghton Thomas Leonard Leslie Mastone Kjirsten Seilers CSF of Marlborough, Inc PO Box 296, Marlboro, MA 01752 Peggy/Rose Ayers Lesley Barrile Ruth Boland Traci Cappadona Karol deAngeli Cheryl Foley Deb Giroux Erin Giroux Diane Golden Margaret Guardiani Robert Katz Steve LeDuc Beth Leonard Kelli-ann McCabe Brian Murphy Cindi Natoli Lisa Pacific Pat Papalia Stephanie Scerra Mary Lou Vanzini Tom Wellen Alyson Wood Methuen Scholarship Foundation Box 675, Methuen, MA 01844 Steve Baddour Rick Beshara Gustave Blomgren Mary Beth Donovan Grassi Kathy Gosselin Tim Grammar Barbara Grondine Marsha lannalfo Michelle Leahy Colleen McCarthy Arthur Nicholson Ann Marie Pinet Judi Scannell Martha Sirois Jill Stackelin Robert Vogler James Weymouth CSF of Millbury PO Box 361, Millbury, MA 01527 Mary Ellen Blunt Carol Chiras Paul DiCicco Mary Krumsiek Paul Metzger Rob Morton Leslie Munns Dale Parenteau Barry Parenteau Kelly Roy Michael Scottfenton Nashoba Regional Scholarship Fdn 12 Green Rd, Bolton, MA 01740 Sue Allaire Pam Allison Bonnie Amos Jenny Bagdigian Monica Campo Basso Barbara Delaney Ruth Delmonico Julie DeSisto Tina Flaherty Joe Fleming Patty Garvey Jeanne Genereux Scott & Julia Hagermoser Dorrie Langelo Karen Lawrence Carol Makary Susan Mason Peter Masters Mary Paglia Peggy Papanastassiou Samantha Paulino Kim Payson Tracy Pesanelli Elaine Peterman Michael Poirier Susan Reverdy Rosario Rizzo Jeremy Roche Faye Sahagian Jodi Specht Beth Stefos Vickery Trinkaus-Randall Maureen Vannasse Kathy Wade Chris Way Anne Welch Michael Wood Newton Dollars for Scholars Newton North HS, 360 Lowell Ave, Newtonville, MA 02460 Albert Cho Judy Dolan Carol Evans Brad MacGow an Mary Ann Price Jennifer Price Brian Salzer David Wilkinson North Reading Dollars for Scholars, CSF 350 Park St, North Reading, MA 01864 Kathleen Acciavatti Greta Barresi John Bernard Margo Brophy Alison Connolly Mary Pat DeSw arte Michael Foley Catherine Giordano Heidi Kasle Kristyn Marasca Dennis Marasca Donna Murphy Barbara O'Neil-Smith Jason Pacino Mindy Rakusin John Slakey Chrissy Smith Mary Staples Anthony Terrizzi Mary Walsh CSF of Northampton PO Box 60382, Florence, MA 01062 Kathy Adamcik Mark Ames Tom Bassett Barry Bouthilette Robert Cahillane Elizabeth Carr Rich Cooper Joice Gare Frank Heston Joanne Hoyt Ralph Levy Maureen Mahar Scott Morin John Rhoades Patti Samolew icz Kathleen Sheehan Jim Shinnick Laura Jo Webber Margo Welch Catherine West Dan Workman Norwood Scholarship Fdn, Inc PO Box 112, Norwood, MA 02062 Richard Curran Sean Danaher Helen Donohue Janice Donovan Christino Helmas Mary Hemman Joan Jacobs Paul Jessoe Richard Kief Barbara Kinter Virginia Lenhart Kenneth Lindgren Julie McDermott Frederick Millen Michele Mullen Barsha Plumer Philip Riley Patricia Rose Gordon Smith Patricia Starr Marion Sullivan Beth Sullivan Philip Swan Lorna Tassi Margaret Thorne Robert & Emily Tibbetts Rosemary West Jean Williams CSF of Pittsfield Flynn's Pharmacy, 173 Elm St, Pittsfield, MA 01201 George Diehl Christopher Flynn Kate Gelinas Bev Krol Alison Krol Heidi Orth Susan Pivero Leslie Walton Brent White CSF of Rockland 15 Heritage Dr, Rockland, MA 02370 Kay Cronin Linda Curry Nancy Kearney Jan Killinger Re Leone Terry Morton Ken Murphy Ann Phelps Elizabeth Russo Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing CSF of Somerset PO Box 306, Somerset, MA 02726 Christine Ayer Madelyn Bailey Kathleen Borges Elizabeth Driscoll Jocelyn Farias Kevin Garganta Lone Gervasio Elaine Rezendes Sharon Steinberg Florence Taylor James Teixeira Somerville HS Scholarship Fdn PO Box 440275, Somerville, MA 02144 Eileen Bakey Philip Bassett Ellie Blute Joan Brundage Eugene Brune Barbara Capuano Mary Cerrato Edward Ciampa Anthony Ciccariello Robert Costello Barbara Cullinane Elaine Czesniuk Christopher Daveta Joseph Favaloro Frank Ferraro Connie Filosi Anita Gonsalves Ruth Hamilton Mary Hart Dennis Jakimczyk John Joyce Nancy Kennedy James Monagle Paul Murray David O'Brien Fred O'Meara Tony Pierantozzi Sylvia Pinkham Barbara Poirier Robert Publicover Patricia Reardon Carolyn Richards Nina Romano Richard Rossetti Noreen Santucci Noreen Santucci Rose Schena Joan Thomas William White David Willey Somerville Mathematics Fund, an affiliate of Dolla 244 Summer St, Somerville, MA 02143 Malena Espanol Monica Fernandes Richard Graf Patricia Jehlen Jay Landers Erin Munro Zbigniew Nitecki Beth Porter Sharon Rew erts Joanne Straggas Erica Voolich Michael Voolich Susan Weiss CSF of Southw ick PO Box 838, Southw ick, MA 01077 Nancy Austermann Kelli DeiDolori Kenneth Haar Dianne Jennett Debra Patryn Terry & Jim Putnam Jini Ruscitti Town of Belmont Scholarship Dollars for Scholars PO Box 56, Belmont, MA 02478 Leslie Aiten Daniela Boccia Floyd Carman Paula Caruso Michael Gavin Robert Sullivan M Delynn Walker Town of Billerica Scholarship Fdn 365 Boston Rd, Billerica, MA 01821 Pat Annunziata Joy Beaubein-Harmer Elizabeth Berube Susan Blinn Nancy Brewster Sharyn Davis Christine Dunleavy Sharon Ferris Ed Giroux Dale Hoar Elaine Horlink Jaye Joyce Marc Lombardo Dorothy Murray Michael Ouellette Nancy Packard Maureen Sullivan Donna Tsoukalas CSF of Uxbridge 22 Oak St, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Mike Kroll George Shea CSF of Wakefield PO Box 321, Wakefield, MA 01880 Martin Ammer Noel Bailey Ellen Cardwell Bill Chetw ynd Steve Coyne Robert Curran Roberta DiNitto Walter Dolan Cathy Donovan Joanne Driscoll Robert Eldridge James Fitzgerald John Foley Cheryl Ford Elinor Freedman Margaret Goodhue James Guarino Ann Hadley Jean Hall Yvonne Heffner Faith Hodgkins William Hoover J Kevin Lally Joan Landers Jay Landers Robert Leahy William Lee Diane Lind John McCarthy William McDonald Thomas Merchant Patricia Mooney John O'Leary Jay Pinette Paul Simpson Patrick Skulley Mark Sullivan Martha Vatalaro Tony Vinciguerra Jennifer Walter CSF of Westfield, Inc PO Box 382, Westfield, MA 01086 Mitch Bannish Tara Bean Kate Cheever Hilda Colon Pat Crean Suzanne Davis Eileen Doherty Cynthia Gaylord Bill Harmon Danuta Lysy Kit Milligan Cynthia Neary Reign Rix Rita Rodden Jane Squire Noel Stella Mary Ann Sullivan Dollars for Scholars of Whitman and Hanson PO Box 26, Whitman, MA 02382 Laurie Armstrong Jean Dean Mike Ganshirt June O'Leary Laura Richter Paula Sutherland Woburn HS Schol Fund, Inc PO Box 202, Woburn, MA 01801-0302 Ann Boudreau Daniel Brady Jean Clarke Melissa Davidson-Kyle Rosemary DeSousa Rosemary Donovan Lynn Ebrecht Gail Freeman Margaret Gagnon Margaret Kerr Chris Kisiel Marie Landino Michael Martini Lauren Mersereau William Mulrenan Carol Nagle Sue 2008 Nocella Nancy Pineau Dianne Ralli Robert Salzer Worcester Latino Dollars for Scholars PO Box 16564, Worcester, Current MA 01601 Iris Cotto Janice Guzman Edwin Hernandez Carmen Melendez Maria Montanez Elsa Rivera John officers, Rodriguez Carmen Rosado Dolly Vasquez Josefina Velez Maria Velez Scholarships for Scholars 2644 Riva Rd, directors, Annapolis, MD 21401 Theodore Blumenstock James Donnelly Matthew Evans, III Cynthia Fox Anna Greenberg Molly and key Hall Howard Hall Debbie Hardie William Hocking Jean Jackson Robert Kennedy Lillian Kilroy Nancy Lindley Booker employees McManus Gary Mott Janet Ow ens Jeanne Paglee Thea Pinskey Maido Saarlas George Sacclaris Carol Saunders Stephen Warner John Whitelaw Colleen Wilson Wendy Winters Susan Woody CSF of SAD 29 - Houlton Houlton HS, 7 Bird St, Houlton, ME 04730 Brittany Benn Peter Blood Marty Bouchard Laurie Boutilier Jim Griffin Philip Gulliver Christine Henderson Holly McPartland Becky Miller Clark Rafford Jon Turner Bernadette Willette Kara Wright CSF of So Aroostook Comm School Dist 922 Dyer Brook Rd, Dyer Brook, ME 04747 Connie Bartlett Charlotte Durr Elaine Small Anne St Pierre Willow Run/Ypsilanti Dollars for Scholars P 0 Box 972375, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Peter Fletcher Florence Gasdick Annie Gill Avery Heningburg Erick Hosner Fawn Martin Aldred Martinez T J Rivard Pamela Sidney Ralph Sidney Rhonda Williams William Young Frank Zolenski Aitkin Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 19, Aitkin, MN 56431 Steve Bare Elaine Carlson Nicole Doyle Bill Fox Deb Otto Terry Otto Jeanne Rikala Ross Wagner Vicki Wagner CSF of Alexandria 720 Broadw ay, Alexandria, MN 56308 Roger Blank Cher Colby Sue Dumm Pam Godfrey Deb Herges Judy Mahoney Tom Savageau Sandy Susag Gary Syverson Carrie Urness Irene Vagle Steve Waller Ashby Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 267, Ashby, MN 56309 Marcia Andreason Roger Jansen Lon Rylander Joyce Rylander Suzanne Wing CSF of Belle Plaine PO Box 81, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Janell Eischens Beth Flaherty Caren Grotberg Scott Hallgren Sue Halloran Tim Halloran Sheila Herrmann Low ell Hoffman Teri Kiew att Connie Lehman Annette Moylan Sue Schultz Bertha-Hew itt Dollars for Scholars PO Box 324, Bertha, MN 56437 Lanette Aeling Michelle Boehland Judy Decker Mary Denny Jerry Haase Eileen Hartung Lisa Hoemberg Dale Howe Kathy Kleen Gayle Loberg Roxy Mikkelson Carla Schwartz Deb Sieling Diane Teigland Nancy VanDenheuvel Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars 491 Emerson St N, Cambridge, MN 55008 Dale Anderson Mitchell Clausen Raymond Hoheisel Jim Lindberg John Munkberg Phil Nelson Bruce Novak Dennis Olson John Schlagel Jane Skogman Brian Strike Cindy Szafranski Detroit Lakes Scholarship Fdn PO Box 989, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 Wayne Benson John Flatt Tom Frank Jeannie Gilbertson Mark Hagen Bob Jernberg Ruth King Barb Richards Doreen Richter Bernie Sauer Thomas Seaw orth Don Steinmetz Jerry Tharaldson Andy VanDam CSF of Dilw orth-Glyndon-Felton PO Box 215, Glyndon, MN 56547 Jerry Anderson Paula Berk Nicole Brown Cammy Busta Trini Cyr Susan Ecklund Joe Fuchs Cindy Gilles Ken Gilles Thomas Graval Cheri Keller Kari Oppengard Ellen Stalboerger Rick Trudel Dist 883 Dollars for Scholars PO Box 153, Rockford, MN 55373 Kris Abrahamson Cindy Patnode Karen Volkenant Dover-Eyota Dollars for Scholars 615 South Ave SW, Eyota, MN 55934 Mary Anderson Iris Clark Cara Fox Jim Nigon Tom Surprenant East Central Dollars for Scholars PO Box 9, Sandstone, MN 55072 Marlana Benzie-Lourey Alycia Dammer Kathy Ebnet Anne Fick Shaw n Jansen Elaine Keehr William Loew MaryAnn Nelson Marvin Nelson Roy Sebald Dorothy Stockamp Carol Theis Mary Thorvig Fairmont Dollars for Scholars 763 200th Avenue, Fairmont, MN 56031 Harland Anderson Mark Anderson Nancy Backer Lorraine Balske Dennis&Jennifer Bremer Zach Brooks Loren Dunham Mike Ebert Bruce Firkins Denise Glidden Mary GranheimAl Hauglid Robert Huemoeller Dan Kehrberg Donald Oberg Herb & June Russ Sherwood Sagedahl Jim Simser Keith Wilken Sue Wilken Dan Williamson Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Fergus Falls Area Dollars for Scholars 1519 Pebble Lake Rd, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 VJ Block Jay Cichosz Jan Cole Bonnie Denzel Marilyn Hansel Kevyn Heck Ken Heidorn Connie Jensen Tom Johnson Dacia Johnson Peg Kalar Sue Lew is Todd McGovern Dave Schneeberger Haw ley Dollars for Scholars Box 112, Haw ley, MN 56549 Steve Aakre Randy Alland Norma Dauner Jane Ecklund John Elton Sheryl Grandbois Teresa Groth Jeanne Hanson Veronica Johnson Carmen Olson Jerald Pederson Sue Pederson Henning Student Aid Foundation PO Box 2000, Henning, MN 56551 Carl & Pam Amundson Kathy Cloeter Ed & Ann Ellenson William Goepferd David Holmgren Deb Miller Terry Oscarson Mary Jo Pieper Brenda Reese Doreen Salvog Donna Smith Ross & Jill Stueve Jim Wallevand Manilla Weibe Henry Sibley Dollars for Scholars Comm Schol Progr 1897 Delaware Ave, Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Mary Anne Bailey Jan Hensel Mary McGrory-Usset Beth Rice Jenny Van Leslie Watkins James Winkosi Julie Woolsey CSF of Kasson-Mantorville PO Box 274, Kasson, MN 55944 Rosleen Banks John Banks Mary Ehmke Manly Fredrickson Greg Naig Jan Neig Mark Packard Kern Snyder Jessi Strinmoen Marilyn Tietz Lac qui Parle Valley Dollars for Scholars 2860 291st Avenue, Madison, MN 56256 Richard Anderson Calista Bergerson Mike Berke Mike Bredeck Lori Lind Julie Ludvigson Jim Massee Gary Omland Char Strand PJ Thole Greg Thole Nate VanderVelde Rod Weber CSF of Lake of the Woods PO Box 252, Baudette, MN 56623 Chrissy Draper Tanya Hasbargen Diana Hennum Jerome Johnson David Kempenich Karoline Ketchum Jeff Nelson Sue Sindelir Bonnie Sipe Coni Waibel Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Lake Park/Audubon Dollars for Scholars Box 479, 429 Lake St, Lake Park, MN 56554 Margaret Beaudine Naomi Berntson JoLeen Eklund Jaynne Jacob Connie Kossick LeAnn Smith Keith Zachariason Le Center Dollars for Scholars PO Box 160, LeCenter, MN 56057 Robin Allen Deb Bauleke Pat Bauleke Rebecca Blum Bea Budin Grof Mike Grof Monica Holicky Sheila Huber Kevin Huber Eric Jensen Terry Jensen Debbie Struckman Evie Tambornino Jeane Traxler TimTraxler Doug Traxler Denise Traxler LeSueur-Henderson Dollars for Scholars PO Box 42, LeSueur, MN 56058 Cheryl Amundson Sue Boehne Marnie Braun Mary Kay Bruihler Jodi Bruns Rosie Goggin Kim Hammes Joan Heinz Barb Hix Cathy Johnson Patti Kahlow Kay King Terri Kirby Terri Kirby Kathy Leary Pam Mediger Lynn O'Brien Rhonda Pow ell Jodi Quiram Rene Sinell Kathy Thune Tammy Trimbo Stephanie Wigand CSF of Luverne PO Box 822, Luverne, MN 56156 Johnna Ahrendt Cindy Arends Greg Aubert Lori Ehde Konrad Eidahl Larry Goebel Gregg Gropel Patrice Hohn Rhonna Jarchow Donald Klosterbuer Lona Klosterbuer Carol McDonald Craig Nelson Larry Nelson Kyle Oldre Dianne Ossenfort Patti Pierson Bart Thielbar Steve Thompson Dean Tofteland Mankato/North Mankato Area Dollars for Scholars 401 State St, Mankato, MN 56001 Ruth Arians Shelley Bartlett Frank Brandt Kevin Burns Christopher Cain Justin Neumann Richard Ringler Maple River Dollars for Scholars PO Box 243, Mapleton, MN 56065 Beth Caldwell Jane Caldwell Ceal Caldwell Mary Caven Theresa Dickey Collette Drager Paul Helfand Jennifer Jaeger Linda Jenzen Ann Langw orthy Lynn Massop Mary Norgren Julie Nowak Marilyn Proehl Christine Rahn Galen 2008 Reding Cindy Rossow Maria Sanders Jessica Schrader Micky Surdy Jo Trio Helen Walters Jeanie Ward Cassie Current Winters Deb Witbeck Julie Zellmer Minneota Dollars for Scholars 504 N Monroe, Minneota, MN 56264 Ruth Bot officers, Michelle DeSutter Ralph Hagen Sandy Minnehan Linette Nelson Walt Strangman Dawn VanKeulen Minnew aska Area directors, Dollars for Scholars PO Box 217, Glenwood, MN 56334 Pat Cain Diane Cordes Bob Mork Michael Pattee Sandra and key Schroeder Mark Thompson Mora Dollars for Scholars PO Box 422, Mora, MN 55051 John Alhgren Judy Belt Lynnae employees Christianson Ryan Christianson Bill Daher Bev Dahhn Julie French Jenny HouglumJenny Houglum Doyle Jelsing Patt Kaiser Sarah Markovich Kevin Nikodym Kris Schultz Laura Swenson Carey Venhuizen Morris Area Dollars for Scholars 201 S Columbia Ave, Morris, MN 56267 John Anderson Dick Felstul Vivian Heltemes Kathy Moen Diane Nelson Lowell Nelson Lynn Schulz Bev Tonn Mountain Lake Dollars for Scholars 57881 CR 13, Mountain Lake, MN 56159 Michael Bjerum Julie Brugman Misty Karschnik Jody Lepp Jerry Logue Nevis Dollars for Scholars/Pam Lindow Fdn PO Box 47, Nevis, MN 56467 Carol Collins Jason Durham Lori Gooch Logan Gooch Annelle Jost Gabriella Karam LaVonne Lindow Andrew Lindow Marilyn Luksik Dick Magaard Steven Rassier Chris Rausch Kelly Rittgers John & Pat Roehl Jodi Sandemeyer Louise Shay Roger Stew art John Valen Linda Wurm Norman County East Dollars for Scholars 1470 400th St, Twin Valley, MN 56584 Steve Albertson Marilou Bade Sheila Bentley LuAnn Berg Karen Bergstrom Jolene Brevik Shelly Brevik Deb Eken Jolee Habedank Mike Nelson Karen Olson Deanne Peterick Jacque Radke Nick & Jean Revier Ilene Ruud Laurie Stuhaug Sara Thoreson Parkers Prairie School Dist 547 PO Box 40, Parkers Prairie, MN 56361 Jean Grothen Bonnie Hanson Jeff Kalpin Tom Myers Lloyd Paulson Vicki Schauland Connie Thoennes Judy Thoennes Perham CSF 200 Fifth St SW, Perham, MN 56573 Dennis Drummond Sue Huebsch Linda Kachelmyer Mary Karkela Pat Nordick John Rutten Thomas Spencer Pat Tobkin Jan Turgeon Kristi Werner Pillager Dollars for Scholars PO Box 205, Pillager, MN 56473 Scott Doss Judy Johnson Judy Johnson Angie Rardin Merrie Rohloff Susan Sebasky Sue Turner Deb Wulff Pine River-Backus Dollars for Scholars PO Box 610, Pine River, MN 56474-0610 Brenda Anderson Katy Botz Barb Butcher Glenda Fisker Brenda Hamilton Earl Johnson Sally Jones Jim Machachek Diane Norhn Mary Sigan Harriet Travis Princeton Scholarship Foundation PO Box 462, Princeton, MN 55371 Becky Cartw right Tim Enger Ginger Glenn Nealna Gylhng Meilan Haehn Jane Hanson Tom Meinz Art Skarohhd Steve Tou CSF of Randolph 29110 Davisson Ave, Randolph, MN 55065 Chris Heiman Bonnie Hvistendahl Mike Kelly Donna Otto Kay Tix Regina Wernimont Rocori Area Dollars for Scholars 24275 158th Ave, Cold Spring, MN 56320 Jon & Maggie Anderson Jackie & How ie Braun Katie & Don Calhoun Dina Colville Barb Gregory Paula Hansen Cori Hilsgen Jennifer Illies Roz Jungels Tess Koltes Duane Krueger Craig Lieser Renee Loxtercamp Taunja Meers Karen Niehoff Sue Phillips Bobbi Schramel Roxy Schramel Michele Soldner Karen Stoos Jill Svihel Ann Toren Linda Vossen St Louis Park Dollars for Scholars PO Box 16403, St Louis Park, MN 55416-0403 George Beck Cheryl Broady Carol Clay Daniel Feder Clayton Kaufman Clayton Kaufman Kathleen Kraemer Andi Larsen Rob Metz Nancy Nelson Barb Nelson Barb Nepper Shari Parsons Clarence Pollock Renee Retka Shiela Robertson Judy Romhn Jerry & Lou Rotman Sylvia Timian Diane Vig CSF of St Peter-Kasota PO Box 233, St Peter, MN 56082 Kirk Beyer Marilyn Beyer Dennis Cummiskey Michelle Doose Terry Hoehn Thomas Marten Annette Meeks Peggy Stenzel Valerie Thrower Ray Thrower CSF of Sauk Centre PO Box 12, Sauk Centre, MN 56378 Rene Beddow Mary Borgmann Julie Jarvi Barb Jennissen Bonnie Nelson Lorraine Peschel John Rasmussen Debra Shcerud Bryce Zieman Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Schol Fund of Madelia School Dist 837 320 Buck Ave SE, Madelia, MN 56062 Wayne Finnern Jack Kaney Ryan Stotesberry Bob Yurcek Shakopee Dollars for Scholars PO Box 734, Shakopee, MN 55379 Nancy Arbeiter Wallace Bastian Barb Brekke Kevin & Michell Dahl Tim & Sandy Dircks Deb Gelhaye Bob & Rosie Geyen Ray Hussong Fred Jurew icz Maetta Jurew icz Tim Kelly Arica Logeais Barb Malinski Pat Pass Craig Pearson Jim & Cindy Perry Nancy Schmit Debbie Stage Marilyn Tech Jesse & Judy Theis Sue Wagner Mike Walsh Alice Weckman Spring Grove Dollars for Scholars PO Box 172, Spring Grove, MN 55974 Joe Deschler Karen Fried Mark Johnson George Lesnar Patrick Lile Samantha Nuezil Mark Rud Lynn Solberg Gloria Speltz Karen Tisthammer Staples and Motley Dollars for Scholars PO Box 182, Staples, MN 56466 Paige Bendson Dave Duhn Jeanette Evans Jim Hofer Roger Houselog Beth Hoyt Alan Judd Gene Kanten Mary Kobliska Jody Longbella Chuck Mayer Jack Nelson Jenna Nypan Dean Ogg Kaytlin Roth Don Sanda Mark Schmitz Joann Schornack Kelly Smithley Ron Storbakken Diana Ulring Jane Vogt Michael Wilhelmson Wabasha-Kellogg Dollars for Scholars PO Box 2, Wabasha, MN 55981 Kathy Gosse Jane Hager Beverly Hall Annette Hedquist Rod Kolb Mary Pfeilsticker Dianne Schjolberg Shelly Speedling John Thyren Tom Wills John Wolfe West Central Area Dollars for Scholars WCAHS 301 W CR #2, Barrett, MN 56311 Connie Amundson Val Arnquist Shelly Belgum Deb Erickson Deb Erickson Kelly Gerber Faye Giese Karen Huebner Theresa Jessen Diane Johnson Lorna Johnson Kim Juergens Sandy Kashmark Peggy Koep Deb Lacey Melissa Lee Sheila Ronhovde Marissa Sabolick Bonnie Sternhagen Dollars for Scholars of Worthington 1211 Clary St, Worthington, MN 56187 Jan Larson Marilyn McDowell Peggy Meier Chuck Moore Beth Radloff Louise Wickstrom Yellow Medicine East Dollars for Scholars 141 Skyline Dr, Granite Falls, MN 56241 Rhonda Bennett Leslie Bergquist Liz DeBlieck Cheryl Eckhardt Robin Henderson Kimberly Kvam Spencer Kvam Charlene Midthun Mark Sannerud Cathy Schaub Valerie Skjefte Dave Smiglew ski Nancy Trudel Mary Virnig The Okolona Community Dollars for Scholars 230 W Main St, Okolona, MS 38860 Elizabeth Brown Charlotte Darnell Loyd Eaton Rubbie Jenkins Judy Kidd Elizabeth Moore Loretta Shird Jerome Smith Conrad Dollars for Scholars Box 787, Conrad, MT 59425 Dede Brown Judy Ellis LeAnn Hermance Janice Hoppes Dale Keil John McFarland James Meier Guy Miser Richard Murack Butch Orcutt Troy Shirley Sidney Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 1302, Sidney, MT 59270 Julie Asbeck Bob Burnison Doug Hill Randy Johnson Kay Johnson Kelly Johnson Scott Johnson Garth Kallevig Brian Milne Veronica Vigness Central Cass Dollars for Scholars PO Box 503, Casselton, ND 58012 Vince Bachmeier Denise Bartholomay Brad Burgum Kent Buss April Chizek Kim Giermann Dawn Lubbers Janell Madsen Gwen Mueller David Piper Liss Roach Tom Roden Jerri Rust Dorothy Spooner Sandi Wohler Divide County Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 56, Crosby, ND 58730 Debra Axtman Mary Dhuyretter John Fosland Mary Glasoe Grant Haugland Carrie Lampert Lee Lampert Jamie Lee Margaret Nygaard Jim Simonson Edgeley Dollars for Scholars PO Box 72, Edgeley, ND 58433 Paula Diegel Doyle 2008 Edw ards Mick Erickson Arden Fuher JoAnn Isaacson Julie Klundt Loni Kosel Grant Mathern Bryon Thom Fargo Area Current Dollars for Scholars PO Box 509, Fargo, ND 58107 Ryan Bohnsack Todd Bollinger Ben Clapp Lisa Cossette Tom officers, Daw son Nancy Dixon Jill Finneseth Shannon Gephart Justin Grams Sheldon Green Jan Johnson Erica Kranz Jeanne directors, Narum Jon Norstog Allen Peterson Kim Peterson Peggy Peterson Nadine Roth Laurie Schlenker Scott Selzler Chad and key Sparrow Janelle Stahl Jim Traynor Garrison Dollars for Scholars PO Box 726, Garrison, ND 58540 Tami Engel Karen employees Hellebush Sue Hendrickson Dick Hendrickson Glenda Korgel Shelly Krebsbach Pat Larson Deb Lenzen Bill Melaas Brenda Rambur Hankinson-Mantador Dollars for Scholars Box 272, Hankinson, ND 58041 Tammi Althoff Jon Anderson Traci Hovel Lois Krautbauer Diane Mauch Sue Mauch Steve Mauck Tammy Meyer Debra Pankow Keith Pohl Jeff Stein Bruce W Stein Bruce J Stein Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 13, Hazen, ND 58545 Maxine Beckw ith Linda Bergland Ed Boger Randy Christmann Sonya Hansana Diane Jacobson Diane Kittler Beth Krause Bonnie Krause Jennifer Lunde Doug Rothe Sienna Sailer Renae Snyder Chuck Stroup Hillsboro Scholarship Fdn PO Box 579, Hillsboro, ND 58045 Mike Bitz Meghan Breen Glenn Dahlstrom Kari Ferguson Paul Fossum Kim Luithle Michelle McLean Larry Mueller Sue Reed Kay Rotvold Randy Rust Kindred Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 194, Kindred, ND 58051 Leeanne Girodat Roger Haberman Mark Kuhn Julie Mitchell Lianne Rockstad Carlotta Spelhaug Debby Strand Joanne Swenson Amanda Vangsness Litchville-Marion Dollars for Scholars PO Box 23, Marion, ND 56466 Lori Botner Jason Bowen Gerri Harris Gerri Harris Linda Latt Chad Lommen Robin Miedema Dave Opdahl Kris Piehl Ashley Rufsvold Mayville Portland Clifford Galesburg Area Dollars 900 W Main St, Mayville, ND 58257 Jennifer Kohls Bill Krivarchka Rhonda Nelson Laurie Papenfuss Luanne Scallon Tammy Volla North Dakota Dollars for Scholars 1200 Memorial Hwy, Bismarck, ND 58504 Boyd Anderson James Barnhardt Judith Beaudry Dennis Bense Bernie Dardis Cory Finneman Deb Gebeke Susan Heitkamp Bob Neas Lianne Rockstad Lori Sayler Charles Stroup LaDaw n Torgerson Northern Cass Dollars for Scholars PO Box 98, Arthur, ND 58006 Shelly Burchill Allen Burgad Pam Ellerson Gene Foster Judy Gingrey Julie Keckler Michael Killoran Sharon Kleeman Susie McDonald Donna Monteith Cher Nelson Nancy Rensvold Bill Stibbe Peggy Ward Sargent Central Dollars for Scholars 575 5th St SW, Forman, ND 58032 Sandy Anderson Jody Breker Larry Christensen Shannon Jablonsky Laurie Klefstad Janell McLaen Rachel Olson David Ruch Tami Rust Barb Schlecht Stanley Dollars for Scholars Box 10, Stanley, ND 58784 Cheryln Biw er Karen Enget Kelly Hanson Denise Hanson Blair Hynek Diane Klein Kelly Koppinger Summer Meyer Kaye Nordloef Craig Reynolds Angela Schepp Ryan Wilhelmi Tioga Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 925, Tioga, ND 58852 Janice Cushing Jody Dean Tom Gustafson Dean Hersel Dw ayne Johnston Lorena Lambrecht Sue Odegaard Roberta Ramberg Ronda Rudnik Sheila Wolla Velva Area Dollars for Scholars PO Box 226, Velva, ND 58790-0226 James Anderson Tom Bodine Gene Buen Robert Chilson Bridget Flaherty Maria Hansen Megan Krueger Joel New man Ryan Pederson Melissa Plesuk Kevin Sickler Dennis Wunderlich West Fargo Dollars for Scholars PO Box 981, West Fargo, ND 58078 Ava Archibald Sue Benson Sandi Brennan Jennifer Fink Julie Hersch Bob Koppelman Greg Mastrud Judy Millar Peter Murch Crystal Reber Heather Stulken Denton Dollars for Scholars 7401 SW Mallard Cir, Denton, NE68339 Patrick Bartek Rosemary Clements Nancy Cosaert Mary Slepicka Cathy Sullivan James Wilkinson Con Val Community Schol Fdn Dollars for Scholars 45 Main St, Peterborough, NH 03458 Chester Bow les Andrew Brescia James Callahan Sue Chollet Robert Condon Kathryn Dodge Barton Goodeve Joe Hayes Carl Johnson Timothy Kolk Jason Lambert Walter Peterson David Reilly Adrian Robbins-Cole Rob Rubendall John Vance Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing CSF of Fall Mtn Reg School Dist 473 Hill Rd, Alstead, NH 03602 Trina Carmody Susan Howard Peter Koson Jean L'Archeveque Greg Macri Richard Nalevanko Randy Rhoades Loribeth Robare Margaret Stevens Donald Tisdale CSF of Lebanon 15 Dana St, West Lebanon, NH 03786 Brian Bennett Timothy Guaraldi Bart MacNamee Nancy Menard Arthur Pease Raymond Plante Denise Shibles CSF of Londonderry PO Box 978, Londonderry, NH 03053 Denise Aiken Marilyn Bookman Annie Collachi Sharon Dagosto Betsy Domitrz Paul Dutton Paula Goldberg Mary Johnson Maria Kw iarkow ski Amanda Lecaroz Jeanne Longo Bill Manning Jim Marcotte Karen Rimol Laura Sciarrio CSF of Mascoma Valley PO Box 53, Enfield, NH 03748 Stella Butterfield Sandra Charbono Carol Felix Janet Kulig Kerry Lazarus Maxine Therriault Marcia Wilson Dollars for Scholars of Mount Washington Valley PO Box 646, Conway, NH 03818 Mary Ellen Ellen Belcastro Nancy Boucher Barbara Douglass David Freedman Judie Goss Joan Lanoie Rebecca Moore Eleanor Pater Gary Poquette Daniel Poulin Linda Prushinski Bob Russell Jim Shuff Betsy Smith Marilyn Smith Roberta Steele-Marotta Diana Stevenson CSF of Salem 15 Gibney Cir, Salem, NH 03079 Maria Blakslee Bob Brown Bob Bryant Bob Bryant Bernie Campbell Freida Ceaser Peter DeMinico Peter DeMinico Barbara DeMinico Phil DeRosa Sandy Doucette Mary Giordano Heidi Greenlaw Stephen Hamlin Paul Huard Christine Jefferson Brian Keaveny Jody La Chance Laura Lee Loftus Alan Mann Sue McLean Seana Mulcahy Marsha O'Connell Jackie Oros Maura Palmer Frank Stew art John Sytek Kristen Vadala Deb Walsh Deb Wilmarth Stephen Woodbury CSF of Souhegan Valley PO Box 713, Milford, NH 03055 Anne Burke Linda Gott Melissa Grant Carolyn Howard Jill Jarvis Bet Thibodeau Winnacunnet High Schol Fdn , Inc 105 Mill Rd, Hampton, NH 03842 Cindy Arlington Jill Brandt Susan Brooks Carolyn Brooks Diane Donahue Dennis Kepner Susan Kepner Mark & Dee Marra Doran Morford Susan Murphy Mary Myers Kim Nadeau M Priscilla Royal Burlington Township Schools Schol Comm PO Box 428, Burlington, NJ 08016 Theodore Baugh Susan Bentley Mark Bowen Anthony Carnivale Cindy Dischert Dorothy Gordon Tim Hadden Steven Harrison Walter Haw orth Horner Timothy Irons Dot Kerr Loretta Kimber Tara McIntyre Gail McKeon Ron Monokion Gary Russell William Stonis Patricia Wexler Barbara Zimmermann Domenic Zulla Virgin Valley Dollars for Scholars PO Box 3060, Mesquite, NV 89024 Susan Bennett Joe Bowler Judy Cole Riley Frei Merlin Hafen Al Litman Charlene Lustig Terrie McArthur Jake McIntyre Darlene Montague Melody Pemberton Tom Shipe Alden Comm Scholarship Fdn Dollars for Scholars 13161 Park St, # 8, Alden, NY 14004 Catherine Cyrulik Ralph Davis Jr Elli DeFilippo Wynnie Fisher Lynn Fusco James Gerber Debbie Hartman Paul Luderman Dennis McCarthy Michael Retzlaff Kevin Ryan Donna Schall Patricia Ida Smith Marlene Steck Chris Trapp Sandra Willhoff Alexander Dollars for Scholars PO Box 296, Alexander, NY 14005 Martha Dayton Barbara Krazmien Thomas Ricci Jr Jane Schmieder Amsterdam Community Dollars for Scholars 11 Liberty St, Amsterdam, NY 12010 Kathy Bryk Nellie Bush Becky Cozzeerea Carol Flanova Christopher Greco Carol Greco Mary Jevitt Jackie Marciniak 2008 Gavin Murdoch Mary O'Connor Thomas Perillo Diana Rokitow ski Diana Rokitow ski Binghamton Dollars for Scholars Current PO Box 272, Southview Station, NY 13903 Lynne Beautz Betsy Carlin Cody Clifford Melissa Gilligan Anna Glustinlani officers, Toni LaSorte Denise Mughetti Carol Oestrich Rick Peterson Emily Rantanen Carole Rosen Jordan Titus Sal directors, Viszcarando Judy Wetsig Betsy Williams Peggy Wozniak Canastota Dollars for Scholars PO Box 448, Canastota, NY and key 13032 Leona Dowd Rachael Elder Mary Ellen Kime Jean Lewis Janice Lorey Jeannine Masucci Diaries Osinski Diane employees Patane Rose Rose Anne Stagnitti Patricia Vair Catherine Williams Clinton Dollars for Scholars Clinton Central School, 75 Chenango Ave, Clinton, NY 13323 David Anderson Pondra Bow en-Kitchen Eric Bremer Lisa Burns Jack Bushman John D'Aprix Beth Davis David Davis Patricia Dawes Burdick Duffy Patty Foley Amy Franz Edward Gaffney Ann Gale Corrine Gates Cecilia Gilbert Tom Hullar Sarah Hullar Amy James John King Tina Lallier Joe Lallier David Lane Joyce MacGregor Steven Marcus Rosemary Marcus Chris Martin Gabriele Martini Regina Martini Ruth Melvin Catherine Miller Frank Perretta Lisa Rogers Delvena Rogers Sarah Roy Maureen Scoones Beatrice Stressel- Silver Sheila Ward Marie Wiles Jay Williams III Dollars for Scholars of Commack 6 Stonehenge Ln, East Northport, NY 11731 Betty Hond Debbie Virga Kenneth Zweibel Corinth Dollars for Scholars Fdn PO Box 1, Corinth, NY 12822 Linda Barrass Cheri Bovee Janet Briner Shirley Crast Kathy Denno Melanie Denno Carol Densmore Michelle Eggleston Bruce Healy Shari Jensen Susan Kazilas Anne Marcotte Lorraine Niles Margaret Rabida Lori Rich Brenda Schermerhorn Dan Starr Brian Testani Beverly Tow ers Peter Watts Joan Welch Ronald White Chet Zabek Fairport- Perinton Dollars for Scholars 820 Garnsey Rd, Fairport, NY 14450 Kevin Bambury Kristina Barbero Michelle Bonville Ann Dokus Becky Gardner Cathy Gottermeier Eileen Hartmann Craig Houck Hadley Jewell Todd Koneski Pat Kristy Tom Loughlin Sally Martin Sue Mathews Pat May MaryJean Patric Beth Sardone Karen Unckless Mark & Karen Wikson Donna Yaw man Renee Zumbo Gananda Dollars for Scholars PO Box 609, Macedon, NY 14502 Gilbert Dow ay Joan Allen Angelina Arnone Jeff & Mo Bufton Alex Casciani Glen Cone Anne Cornelius Mary Crelley Jill Escriva Don Fox Lisa Fox Carolyn Gregoire Tracy Hotehng Kim Kuhk Jim Love Michelle Miller Kathy Sahmbene Rebecca Salmon Christina Skapriw sky Eva Marie Wilder Sue Yara Greene Dollars for Scholars PO Box 354, Greene, NY 13778 Christine Anderson Melody Barton Kerstin Driscoll Sheryl Guiles Patrick McDonald Cynthia Phillips James Saroka Nonie Saroka Gary Smith Jessica St Germaine Lisa Treadw ell Debora Turner Herkimer BOCES Dollars for Scholars 352 Gros Bvld, Herkimer, NY 13350 Chris Anderson Sharon Baisley Jon Benson William Busacker Grayce Dady Ryan DeMars David Dudgeon Vincent Enea Kimberly Fragetta Leon Frost Laurie Hedges James Hill Harrison Hummel IV Edwin Komendarek Carl Marucci Shaw n Maxson Patrice Modell-Joshn James Picolla Denise Snyder William Whitehill Carolyn Zaklukiew icz Johnson City Dollars for Scholars PO Box 100, Johnson City, NY 13790 Judy Blaine Susan Capone Dan Erickson Mary Kay Frys Gail Holleran Margaret Kucko Michele Mahck Jackie O'Donnell Larry Rowe Mary Sacco Karen Seybold Annette Simek Ben Vanderhnde Jordan-Elbridge Dollars for Scholars PO Box 901, 5721 Hamilton Rd, Jordan, NY 13080 Julianne Carlton Hank Doerr Patty Farrugia Greg Hunter Catherine Meixner Alice Sherman Mary Lou Varga Charles Varga Fred Weisskopf Linda Weisskopf Elizabeth Wilcox David Zehner Liverpool Dollars for Scholars 4338 Wetzel Road, Liverpool, NY 13090 George Alessio Lynette Avery Donald Budmen Amanda Caldwell John Cerrone Michelle Corapi (Robert) Larry Dunstone Richard Fensterer Jeffrey Gosch John Graham Sarah Hall Laura Harrington Matthew Hinkey Susan Lotierzo Patrick Mahardy Harold Milligan Tim Murphy Kevin Nuzzo Nicholas Pallotta Meghan Piper Timothy Reed Anne Trojnar Joseph Trojnar Jo Varnum Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Maine Endw ell Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Fdn PO Box 8722, Endw ell, NY 13762 Amy Barrett Lynn Batdorf Nick Brew ster Ashleigh Cook Alina Davies Megan Dorazio Sue Dutter Mary Federow icz Lorne Flannery Chris Fluke Julie Gallagher Colleen Graves Perry Griffiths Bob Hartung Chris Heierman Suzanne Kicsak Danielle Korba Bev Musa Melissa Neely Nicole Osovsky Maureen Reynolds Mari Rush Michael Schafer North Rose- Wolcott Community Dollars for Scholars PO Box 173, Wolcott, NY 14590 Patricia Chapin Carol Merrell Clifford Parton Marie Thomas North Syracuse Dollars for Scholars 102 Baxton St, North Syracuse, NY 13212 Susan Bastedo Ruth Beasley Richard Buchanan Steven Corpi Robert Crabtree Lisa Dennis Marty Hores Michael Jim Christina Julian John Rice Barbara Richardson Deb Seal Linda Stubbs Norwich Dollars for Scholars 54 Borden Ave #B22, Norwich, NY 13815 Tim Borifitz Martha Brow er-Ryan Robert Cleveland Betty Constable Jeff Genung Tim Handy Victoria Kappel Eric Larsen Pegi LoPresti Tracy Maynard Victoria Mitchell Lou Ann Mustillo Lisa Natoli Gerald O'Sullivan Marylou Stew art Nancy Testani Brian Voss Kevin Walsh Oakfield-Alabama Dollars for Scholars PO Box 102, Oakfield, NY 14125 Kyle Baker Kimberly Fisher Kurt Fisher Paul Osborn Melinda Osborn Katherine Peterson Barbara Schroeder Bonnie Woodw and Michael Woodw and Mark Woodw and Oneonta Dollars for Scholars PO Box 1083, Oneonta, NY 13820 Carol Baker John Chamard Jackie Frankl Suzanne Garcia Andrea Lister Ryan Mason Anne Moriarty Cara Mussaw Dolores Noonan Darlene Platukis Marilyn Rosas Otto & Barbara Rothermel Tom Schermerhorn Nichola Segal Barbara Torrey David Weaver Penny Wightman Rhonda Willies Oxford Academy & Ctrl Sch Dist Dollars for Scho PO Box 192, Oxford, NY 13830 Margo Barrows Laura Begeal Kathryn Constantine Patrick Costello Marcial Gonzalez Eileen Lewis Betsy Locke Frank Markovich Linda Marshman Charlie McMullen Virginia Pluta James Podraza Ken Seiler Anita Sheldon Randy Squier Gray Stevens Barbara Tompkins Palmyra-Macedon Central School Dist 151 Hyde Pkwy, Palmyra, NY 14522 James Arthurton Mary Jo Ball Ray Boss Carolyn Bradstreet Lisa Cardillo Joan DeCann Wayne Henning Freeman Hunt III Bob Ike Joan Moore Phil Opdycke Barbara Persia Stephen Rocca Jim Sapienza Sharon Sweeney Richard Watson Robert Yost Penn Yan Dollars for Scholars PO Box 752, Penn Yan, NY 14527 Lois Agliata Renchen Greiner Kathy Guenther Donald Kimball Susan Snyder John Socha Rich Stew art Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Phoenix Central School Dist Dollars for Scholar PO Box 445, Phoenix, NY 13135 William Battreall Karen Defren Donald Denbleyker Marcia DenBleyker Becky Denbleyker Wendy Dunnigan Wendy Dunnigan Mason Durand Joe Dziadik Gael Dziadik Michelle Heater Cynthia Henderson Heidi Kortright Linda Millet Janelle Nolan Cindy Paine Bob Patzke Anna Turner Robin Wranesh Joann Zinsmeyer Putnam Founders Dollars for Scholars PO Box 39, Putnam Station, NY 12861 Matt Boucher Irving Cummings Mary Jane Dedrick Gerald Espenshade Judith Forgette Angela Gilbo Irene Kiggins Ed Moore Shirley Randall Queensbury Dollars for Scholars PO Box 4083, Queensbury, NY 12804 Ian Anderson Richard Bergeron Lori Blanchard Pamela Boller Gwen Brilling David DeMarco Jerry Dolly John Dwyer 2008 Sue Fitzgerald Carol Fitzpatrick Kathi Frasier Dawn Green Robert Hafner Richard Joyce Peter Kudan Kendall Minges Current Elizabeth Mulshine Kathleen Murphy Heather Palmer John Potter Robert Ricciardelli Pam Sissons Gerri Sprague officers, Colleen Sprague Rome Chapter, Dollars for Scholars PO Box 173, Rome, NY 13442 Cynthia Arthur Doris Badolato directors, Peggy Lisew ski Louis Marina Diana McConnell Karen Meiss Cleta Paterson-Smith Ann Pohl Shelley Skibitski and key Geraldine St Denis Mary Ann Summa Ginger Thomas Bill Thomas Dollars for Scholars, SCS Chapter Stamford Ctrl employees School, One River St, Stamford, NY 12167 Richard Beers Claude Cook Megan Eklund Scott Hartman Terri Korba William Lister Charles McKenzie Marlena Nickerson Gregory Sanik Sidney Dollars for Scholars 42 Union St, Sidney, NY 13838 Shirley Cumm Sandy Egli Karen Gage Rhonda Guy Rhonda Guy Ren Johnson Marge Johnson Anne Mott Corrine Williams Tracy Young Staten Island ACHIEVE Dollars for Scholars Cherokee Stn PO Box 20357, New York, NY 10021-0065 Doug McManus Rob Mutone Amelia Panfilo Renee Ryan Michael Ryan Rosemary Ryan Kathy Ryan Anderson Patrick Ryan, Jr Mike Tietjen Susquehanna Valley Dollars for Scholars PO Box 382, Conklin, NY 13748 Gene Banick Julie Bow ers David Daniels Tom Edmister Tammy Green Judy Kelley Kevin & Anne McGuigan Karen Ostanek Mary Jane Paske Jan Young Sweet Home Dollars for Scholars 1901 Sweet Home Rd, Amherst, NY 14228 Craig Allw es Larry Beanan Ty Critelli Don Feldman Sally McMahon Michael Morrow Carol Nowak Elaine Skalski Darcy Spengler Dollars for Scholars of Taconic Hills PO Box 304, Hillsdale, NY 12529 Tom Bailey George Beneke Andre Bergeron Jessica Blank Christopher Callino Kimberly Carlo Eric Carlo Heather Dellea Krista Goodacre Maggie Graefe John Gulisane Edmond Herrington Terri Hoffman Whitney Keefner James Knickerbocker Kathy McNamee Colleen Miller Rebecca Miller Lorraine Nayer Renee Nostrand David Paciencia Susan Roberts Lynda Scheer P-L Schroeppel Michael Teator Renee Thiemann Judy Tice Steve Tiger Laurie Viebrock Union-Endicott Dollars for Scholars Fdn PO Box 7111, Endicott, NY 13760 David Baker Cathy Gervaise Karen Novobilski Paulette Saraceno Angela Sementelli Cathy Weingart CSF of Vernon-Verona-Sherrill PO Box 63, Sherrill, NY 13461 Linda Austin Ginny Davis Laura Diddle Jerry Getman Jeanne Glover Greg & Paula lanello Mike Jones Mary Kay Junglen Susan LaManque Tom Lew in Linda Lowry Barb Myers Rema Thirumulpad Anne Thoma Randy Thomas John Wight Carol Wight Donna Wiley Vestal Dollars for Scholars PO Box 959, Vestal, NY 13851-0959 Dorian Ames R J Barber Felicia Brown Edw and Budnikas Edward Budnikas Mark Capobianco Jennifer Cartossa Terry Dempsey Katie Ellis Jerry Etingoff Laurie Gialanella Lenora Habicht Catherine Hepler Katy Jablonow ski Barry Klipsch Ann Marie Kurkoski Keith Lorenzetti Sally Lowenstein Casey McCracken Kelly Mendsen Trish Ryall Stacie Taylor Donald Thorpe Victor Scholarship Program 953 High St, Victor, NY 14564 Eric Birdsall David Condon James Exton Greg Heimburg Thomas Reh Veronica Scully Alyssa Shuey Michael Spoon Erica Thompson Adam Willman Heather Zollo Voorheesville Dollars for Scholars PO Box 316, Voorheesville, NY 12186 Debbie Baron Karen Belgiovine Holly Cheever Ginger Delaney Valerie DiBona Kristen Heyde Tim Kelley Eileen Kroencke Cathy Laccetti Laurie Lysenko Laura Morrill Linda Pasquali John Pendergast Roz Robinson Susan Rothchild Millie Selby Ron Smolen Warrensburg Schol Assoc , Inc One James St, Warrensburg, NY 12885 Brenda Besw ick Sue Gerrain Janis Merrithew Diane New ell Marcella Tow ers CSF of Coshocton County 2044 Atwood Terr, Coshocton, OH 43812 Dick Baker Maureen Conrad Marsha Cusin James Eckelberry Robert Fuller Kyle Hamilton Kathy Hendricks Sherry Kirkpatrick Jan Luce Scott Nelson William Ow ens Sandra Randles Pat Robinson Susan Shuck Amy Shutt Jerry Stenner Thomas Thompson Chuck Wiseman Stanley Zurow ski Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued ) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Lake Dollars for Scholars PO Box 63 , Uniontown , OH 44685 Cheryl Beckw ith Debbie Gannon Susan Mendenhall Lori Walter Angie Wilkinson Tri-State Area CSF PO Box 458, East Liverpool, OH 43920 Michelle Bernardi Janet Christen Bob & Jennifer Dye Robin Gallagher April Harper Kim Kaiser Phil Kelly Robert Lew is James Lyons Victor Martinetti Brenda Militello Joseph & Rita Mulach Jeff Nutter Erin Potts Carson Robbins Robert C Rudder Rosemary Thomas-Mackall Catherine S Vodrey Jackman S Vodrey Len Walker Marsha Watson Cathy Wollam CSF of Troy PO Box 373, Troy, OH 45373 Jenny Beamish Mike Beamish Richard Bender Cassandra Easterly Douglas Friend Carla Lohrner Kathleen Lutz Chad Monnin Steven Peterson Maggie Pruitt Dan Syrian Jennifer Walters Sharon Weyant Condon Dollars for Scholars Fdn PO Box 385, Condon, OR 97823 Julie Barnett Michelle Colby Chris Fatland Shelly Greenrod Bill Gubser Laura Harsin Teresa Humphrey Suzanne Hyde Judy Jaeger Dorothy Schott Gibb Wilkins Days Creek Dollars for Scholars Fdn PO Box 10, Days Creek, OR 97429 Susanna Dagler Janis Davis Agnes Duncan Holly Michaels Troy Michaels Ruth Stafford Bucks for Bucs/Dollars for Scholars 2020 West Pike St, Houston, PA 15342 Donna Dragan Susan Loutsion Janet Percharka James Tershel Comm Schol Fdn of Canon- McMillan 1 N Jefferson Ave, Canonsburg , PA 15317 Denise Adams Kathy Berry Danielle Blonar Mike & Gayle Blonar John & Sherron Curdie Greta Fahey Carol Galbraith Donna Hillman Sandra McCabe Jackie McCarty Joe McGarry Barb Murphy Beverly Pabian Rita Polansky Jill Shook Thomas Smith Markus Solobay Tom Stanko Natalie Tissot Lucy Young Conew ago Valley Dollars for Scholars Foundation 130 Berlin Rd , New Oxford, PA 17350 James Berw ager Kelly Milhimes Dan Trimmer Dallastown Area Dollars for Scholars 700 New School Ln, Dallastown, PA 17313 Fauth Alan Becca Barbush Julieann Breighner Arienne Conroy Kris Deardorff Julie Dietz-Wheeler Joshua Doll Jo Druck Kirsten Fix Marian Gill Jillian Hartman Lori Hartman Daw n Hlavaty Julie Jacobs Mike Jones Danielle Klinedinst Marc Laucks Kristen Mate Tom McCracken Cathy Mentzer Aimee Miller Tammy Morrison Charles Patterson Kathy Pope Rebecca Reeder Jeffrey Rehmeyer Sue Sedam Taw nya Shultz Alan Small Ashley Spector John Wagman Stuart Weinberg Eastern York Dollars for Scholars PO Box 95 , Wrightsville, PA 17368 Nancy Arnold Mary Dunlap Joe Giandalia Erin Gladfelter Jeffery Glatfelter Taryn Keller May Kemp Susan Martin Philip Massa Sherri Massa Christine Massa Miller Kervin Myer Diane Page Carrie Page Horace Schenck Hunter Schenck Christine Schenck Mark Shue Sherrie Snyder David Stickler Susan Stump Courtney Tshudy Chelsea Tshudy Lynne-Marie Uhrich Lucy Warner Scott Winter Gettysburg Area Dollars for Scholars 125 Water Works Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325 Karen Arthur Loretta Baryeh Gregg Boehne Ruth Boehne Ginny Davis Ann Eicholtz Beverly Grazulew icz Marcia Gregorio Phil Hartzel Ann Harvey Brenda Heberling P K Hoover Kirby Kiefer Kathy Platzer Ed Ruggles Louise Sayre Liz Sollenberger Robert Teeter Jacquelyn Temple Northeastern School Dist Schol Fdn 41 Harding St, Manchester, PA 17345 Dennis Baughman Mike Bentz Albert Byrnes Brenda Culbert Matthew Gay Brian Geller Patti Kinder Holly Kominsky Duane 2008 Moyer Christine Stabley Robert Tabachini Ronald Walker Bernie Wible Matt Wilson Tina Ziegler South Eastern Dollars Current for Scholars 104 E Main St , Fawn Grove, PA 17321 Matt Barr Peg Chrencik Joanne Hebert Keith Hinton Laura Hulsey officers, Stephanie Hurley Bonnie Hushon John Johnson Rhoda Marsteller Anne Matthews Tom McShane Beverly Morris Mike directors, Santucci Kristen Stokes Jeannene Tylee Spring Grove Area Schol Fdn PO Box 66 , Spring Grove, PA 17362 John and key Bailey Karen Baum Lori Brodbeck Andrew Brough Craig Deihl Lori Duncan Stacey Gringerich Ali Gross Donna Hake employees Marcia Hoff Patrice Joseph Greg Koch Sue Kuntz Erin Langeheine Sue Messersmith Dave Muela Tamara Smith Dave TushinghamTodd Tyson Lisa Wildasin Dwight Wintrode West York Area Dollars for Scholars 2605 West Market St, York, PA 17404 Sandy Bupp Susan Butler Deb Cline David Keech Gail Loucks Laura Marsh Joan Meisenhelter Gayle Partner Tom Shepp York City Dollars for Scholars PO Box 5112 , York, PA 17405 Betsy Buckingham Donald Burkins Jazmin Byers Karen Emenheiser Kathryn Fourhman Thomas Foust Bernard Frick Joshua George James Gleba Kim Hibner Diane Hill Michael Johnson Meaghan Kauffman Gary Kraybill Susan Krebs Barbara Krier Henry Leader Donald Murphy Eloise Newsome Miller Sharon York Suburban Dollars for Scholars 35 S Queen St , York, PA 17401 Douglas Bare Michael Bow man Emily Dietrich John Flinchbaugh Daniel Folk Molly Gard Felicia Gettle William Hartman Gina Kouma Shelly Merkel Kate Orban Ronald Provard Ronald Rhodes Karen Sides Renata Tate William Unw in CSF of Barrington 144 Westminster St, Providence , RI 02903 Patrick Chekal Mary Feeley Carol Gaffney Ellie Grady Susan Guikema-Roach Eden Jennings Stephen Lang Richard Paolino William Piccerelli Susan Roach Nancy Simon Mary Anne Snyder Richard Staples Mark Whittaker CSF of East Providence PO Box 154438, East Providence , RI 02915 Peter Barilla Stephen Bentz John Carter Joseph Durand Alice Fontes Steve Furtado Wayne Gage Jeffrey Hanna Patricia Haw ksley Susan Jordan Joan Kent Kathleen King Jane Maaia Cotter Geri Manning Mildred Morris Louise Paiva Betty Patnaude Debra Pruett Nancy Ryan Toni-Maria Spencer Debra Stringfellow Stephanie Vinhateiro Latino Dollars for Scholars of Rhode Island Fdn PO Box 6764 , Providence, RI 02940 Lillian Abreu Lisa Abreu Morel Jorge Cardenas Delores De Los Santos Rosie Fernandez Julio Filomeno Ircania Guerrero Emily Marotti Domingo Morel Khalie Nunez Abraham Pinales Jose Ramirez Kenia Richards Christian Vargas Tammy Vargas-Warner CSF of Little Compton PO Box 928 , Little Compton , RI 02837 Carole Buffman Karen Corrigan Nancy Eames Christine Elkinton Beth Golembeske Ann Grimes Joyce Moson Nicole Page Dale Sullivan Pat Wells Caroline Wordell The Met Dollars for Scholars 325 Public St , Providence, RI 02905 Nancy Diaz Bain Amy Gerhard Susan Gibbs CSF of Scituate Scituate HS 94 Trimtow n Rd , N Scituate , RI 02857 Kathleen Blaine Nancy Fraser Joan Galloway Allan Howe Mary Anne Kanaczet Ann Leclerc William Lenox Mike Raimondi Robin Richardson Colleen Rose Phyllis Schumacher Lola Smith Norman Smith Deirdre Spadazzi Donna Thomsen Margaret Watkinson Robert Watson Aiken County Dollars for Scholars PO Box 5433, Aiken , SC 29803 Cecelia Davidson Jean Gallman Thomas Goforth William Hixon Kraig Holdman Chad Ingram Ronnie Lee Lessie Price Jim Schmidt Harry Shealy Jr Randy Shelley Van Smith Jeff Spears Weldon Wyatt Tom Young , Jr Lake Preston Higher Educ Fdn/A Dollars for Scholar 300 First St, Lake Preston, SD 57249 Laurie Casper Tim Casper Brian Crane Scott Jensen Nicole Jensen-Harris Michael Koch Cathy Nelson Paul Nelson Brad Sanderson Al Vedvei Dylan Wilde El Campo Academic Booster Club PO Box 1515, El Campo , TX 77437 Debbie Karasek Anita Poncik Carolyn Roy Karen Wells Mary Williamson Spaulding High School Dollars for Scholars 120 Ayers St , Barre , VT 05641 Bob Phillips Linda Rosa Upward Bound Dollars for Scholars Lyndon State College, Lyndonville , VT 05851 April Butler Angela Ryan Jennifer Sanderson Lisa Ulrich Rick Williams Explanation

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 Chapter Board Member Listing Adna Scholarship Foundation PO Box 148, Adna, WA 987522 Ruthann Brown Dave Davies Jan Engler Tom Green Elaine Law ler Jenny O'Neill Eric Richardson Edw and Rothlin Paulette Schw arzkoph Lana Smith Jim Stafford Carmen Van Tuyl Julie Wagner Karla Wasson Arlington Dollars for Scholars Foundation P O Box 43, Arlington, WA 98223 Cheryl Boatman George Boulton Valerie Bradford Valerie Bradford Sandie Cooper Bethel Educ Schol Team (BEST) PO Box 742, Graham, WA 98338 Jay Brower Sally Danielson Harriett Fix Balmer Peg Greiw e Harriet Miller Lisa Ottoson Marilyn Poage Gary Pollock Helen Randles Bush Marilyn Rasmussen Pat Roberts-Dempsey Cathy Wheeler Blaine Scholarship Foundation PO Box 4285, Blaine, WA 98231 Jerry Amundson Todd Berge Larissa Dhanani Loretta Strube Shannon Vander Yacht William Wright Centralia HS Dollars for Scholars Fdn PO Box 1104, Centralia, WA 98531 Chuck Althauser Deanna Borseth Debbie Everley Sherri Garland Kern Kite Doug McLaughlin Bob Peters Mark Pierce Stephanie Slorey Ellen Termine Mark Westley Colville Dollars for Scholars Foundation PO Box 333, Colville, WA 99114 Bev Brown Angie Chopot Pam Ew an Claudia Goering Kari Hubbard Marlene Nichols Sue Poe Colleen Rainer Betty Skidmore Pennay Sliman Carole Swanson Kathy Thomas Patti Todd Eatonville Dollars for Scholars Fdn PO Box 1155, Eatonville, WA 98328 Lucy Fountain Cathy Kerr Jan Landry Chris Loftis Erica Moose Cindy Simianer Fife High School Schol Fdn 5303 Pacific Hwy E, Ste 136, Tacoma, WA 98424 Melanie Broom Jody Carlson Cheryl Collins Hope Gunn Cathy Heiberg Mark Knight John McCrossin Cindy Nakamura Tonya Schneider Melinda Shaw Jill Tanabe Phil Waldner La Conner Community Scholarship Fdn PO Box 1277, La Conner, WA 98257 John Agen Sally Cram Maureen Harlan John Hastings Russel Jensen Greg Johnson Ken Knopf Jerry Masters Cindy Ritchie Andrea Schmittou Kurt Schonberg Gail Thulen Vincent Wilbur Lynden Dollars for Scholars Foundation 1201 Bradley Road, Lynden, WA 98264 Jeff Baglio Dennis Clark How and Heppner Cindy Louw s Fred Ondeck Cindy Petersen Chris Price Brian Smith Terry Telgenhoff Gaylon Vander Yacht Tamara Yoder Mabton Dollars for Scholars PO Box 784, Mabton, WA 98935 James Adams Denny Brown Luke Cussins Marilyn Harris Serapio Herrera Greg Hurn Sandra Pasiero-Davis Ted Raihl Jay Tyus Medical Lake Dollars for Scholars PO Box 672, Medical Lake, WA 99022 Thea Bremer Daniel Dorshorst Lora Jackson Howard Jorgenson Ted Koch Cindy Kydd Pam Lilla John McSmith Christy Meltzer Steven Meltzer Lyla Reno Barbara Thompson Carol Tyson Janeen VanSlyke Pam Veltri Naches Dollars for Scholars P O Box 66, Naches, WA 98937 Ted Cowan Jayann Cruzen Denise Cuillier Dave Demarais Teresa Fossum Ken Gregorich Cathy Hansen David Heath Dee Huck Randy Juette Paul Kauzlarich Larry Konen Laurel Sorenson Phyllis Steele Pam Wilcox North Mason Dollars for Scholars PO Box 1433, Belfair, WA 98528 Suzan Allen Laura Boad Hull Dannette Jody Gripp Debra Jacobs Linda Joslin Tom Kelly Laura Overton Johannes Frances Petersen Ron Sagerson Art Wightman Debbie Wing Pateros School Dollars for Scholars Foundation PO Box 2184, Pateros, WA 98846-0005 Lynn Anders Louise Bighouse Betty Hagenbuch Ting Hiltz Roberta Nieuw enhuis 2008 Kathy Rogahn Jen Verrelman St John-Endicott Coop Sch Fdn D/S Program PO Box 411, St John, WA 99171 Sue Current Bafus Jim Kile Marlene Landers Jerry Schauble Tim Siler Barbara Strader Ann Sw annack Rick Winters Shoreline officers, Chamber of Commerce Dollars for Scholars 18560 1st Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155 Maralyn Chase Jim Dipeso directors, Chris Eggen Diane Gagon Dan Mann Doug Palmer Bobbie Peterson Cindy Ryu United Snoqualmie Valley Schol Fdn and key 31820 NE 104th, Carnation, WA 98014 Tove Burhen Bill Falcon Sue Heyting Kass Holdeman Bernie Lanoue Susan employees Porter Vashon Community Scholarship Foundation PO Box 1413, Vashon, WA 98070 Janet Chapman Shirley Ferris Barb Gustafson Pam Held Kiki Holbrook Mary Langland Ginny Nichols Ann Nicklason Mary Margaret Pearson Jan Perry Lyni Preston Melanie Salonen Brigitte Webb Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars PO Box 498, Cathlamet, WA 98612 Bob Garret Tony Harmon Patricia Kehrli Phyllis Likness Douglas Martin Steve McClain Kristin Sykes-David Diane Tischer Lee Tischer Chris Weiler West Valley Dollars for Scholars Fdn 311 N 99th Ave, Yakima, WA 98908 Lou Arend Marla Borton Kim Cline Lori Emard Rita Fisher Chris Hoover Eileen Merrell Linda Miller Anna Novobelski Norm Reid Thomas Schaub Jean Seibert Mary Wenkler White River Dollars for Scholars PO Box 609, Buckley, WA 98321 Betty Albert Rose Clark Wanda Foltz Eunice Johnson Linda Sievers Yelm Dollars for Scholars PO Box 837, Yelm, WA 98597 Norm Allard Denise Bagw ell Toni Dow ning Kathi Hicks Diane Jelle Renee Long Jeff Role Janelle Sadoski Beth Wilcox Beaver Dam Scholarship Fdn Inc PO Box 98, Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Bev Beal-Loeck Robert Coe Alice Davies Jim Dittman Jim Flynn Russ Fortune Duane Foulkes Vickie Kaul Mark Killingsw orth Michelle Landeck Jerrold Lunde Brenda Meyer Joseph Militello Roxanne Miller Rodney Miller Deb Parman Martin Richardson Ayaz Samadani Steve Vessey Nate Wilke Nancy Zieman CSF of Florence County PO Box 685, Florence, WI 54121 Margaret Dallapiazza Diane Doll James Dunkel Stephanie Harrison Jack Kriegl Jan Roberts Thomas Wittkopf CSF of Frederic PO Box 284, Frederic, WI 54837 Cara Casey Ray Draxler Dianna Edling Kaye Heine Jan King Lynn Lindh Doug Panek Robert Pyke Phillip Schneider Marlys Spencer Grantsburg Community Schol Fdn 480 EJames Ave, Grantsburg, WI 54840 Renee Anderson Matt Berg Russ Erickson Tracey Finch Kelly Gerber Mary Langevin Michelle Lee Stan Marczak Kristen Nelson Chris Peterson Doug Segelstrom Sara Ticknor Melody Witzany Gresham Dollars for Scholars PO Box 102, C/O Jeff Brady, Gresham, WI 54128 John Bauman Jean Beauprey Ken Beyer Kate Bisley Jeff Brady Claire Christensen Richard Hinrichs Brenda Hoffman Robert Klopke Curt Knoke Beverly Miller John Miller Jordan Opperman So Happy Otrdovec Carl Panzenhagen Merritt Schmidt Dennis Timm Marshall Venz Kenneth & Judy Westphal Niagara Area CSF 207 Jefferson Ave, Niagara, WI 54151 Christine Bougie Paula Broullire Julie Butler Jim Dunnick John Fox Kerry Grippen Dan Nett Don Novak John Stockel Brenda Swanson George Thottakara Liz Youren St Croix Falls Dist Schol Fdn PO Box 141, St Croix Falls, WI 54024 Claudia Behne Jeff Benoy Mark & Barb Boyken Wanda Brown Shaw n Busby Barb Davidsavor Charlotte Gudmunsen Adrienne Gyllen Nanette Hinck Orval Johnson Kathy Johnson Andrea Jones Lisa LaMirande Mary Martin Glenn Martin Laurie Nelson Mary Nichols Pete Nussbaum Marie Raygor Rhonda Roush Colleen Schw een Denise Sinclear-Todd Shelly Skemp Steve Swanson Andrea Sw iontek Leisel Virchow Cindy Weber Kathy Willow Mike Wilson Sauk Prairie Fdn for Acad Excellence 105 Ninth St, Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 Lisa Brinn Stacy Chrisler Chris Grinde Rod Hehenberger Tonya Lassanske Rhyan Lindley Mike Lucey Patrice Luer Larry Marlette Dick McFarlane Robin Meier Gabe Miller Butch Passehl Ellen Paul Lisa Schwarz Donna Stehling Ginny Wyttenbach Return Identifier Explanation Reference

Chapters Included on Scholarship America's Group 990 for FY 2008 (Continued) FEIN 23-7039405 2008 Current Chapter Board Member Listing Shawano Dollars for Scholars PO Box 5, Shawano, WI 54166 Muffy officers, directors, Culhane Paige Dreier Rob Gajew ski Steven Grover Ed Grys Terry Hilgenberg Jeff Knope Dan Labby Tod and key employees Lew is Jim Meyer Steve Miller Carol Ryczek Barbara Schmid Christa Schoenhofen Amy Schw itzer Todd Senzig Michael Sleeper Todd Stiede For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 Cat No 51056K Schedule 0 (Form 990) 2008 l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493227002039

TY 2008 Affiliate Listing

Name : Scholarship America Inc EIN: 23-7039405

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Software ID: Software Version: EIN: 23-7039405 Name : Scholarship America Inc

Form 990, Part III, Line 1 - Briefly describe the organization's mission: The mission of Scholarship America is to mobilize America through scholarships and educational support to make postsecondary education possible for all students. Since its inception in 1958, Scholarship America has distributed over $2 billion to more than 1.5 million students. Scholarship America affiliated Dollars for Scholars chapters are a national network of community-based, volunteer-operated scholarship foundations in cities, towns, and neighborhoods throughout the United States of America. The chapters provide an effective way for communities to work together on a local level to provide financial support through scholarships, as well as academic support, and thereby assist local students in achieving their educational goals. Scholarship America affiliated Dollars for Scholars chapters serve as leaders, resources and advocates for improving access to postsecondary education.