An Exploration of the Applicability of Linda Aronson's Flashback Theory

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An Exploration of the Applicability of Linda Aronson's Flashback Theory Title An exploration of the applicability of Linda Aronson's flashback theory as a framework for the practice of screenwriting Type Thesis URL Date 2011 Citation Scott-Webb, Shirley (2011) An exploration of the applicability of Linda Aronson's flashback theory as a framework for the practice of screenwriting. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London. Creators Scott-Webb, Shirley Usage Guidelines Please refer to usage guidelines at or alternatively contact License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives Unless otherwise stated, copyright owned by the author An exploration of the applicability of Linda Aronson's flashback theory as a framework for the practice of screen writing Practice-based PhD by Shirley Scott-Webb University of the Arts London February 2011 Supervisors Phil Parker & Professor Jon Cook ABSTRACT An exploration of the applicability of Linda Aronson's flashback theory as a framework for the practice of screenwriting. This practice-based PhD comprises an original screenplay for a biopic of the life and trial of zo" century Scottish medium Helen Duncan, entitled Hellish Nell, and a thesis which reflects the process of writing the script using Linda Aronson's flashback narrative structures. The central focus of this thesis is to explore the applicability of Aronson's theoretical frameworks first circulated in Screen writing Updated in 2000 through the various stages of script development. The Introduction examines what a flashback is and its uses. It sets out Linda Aronson's theoretical framework on flashback narrative structure, in particular her theory on case history and thwarted dream. It also reviews the historical sources of my screenplay and examines the creative practice of exploring through biographic drama a complex and unresolved historical figure. Chapter One investigates Aronson's flashback theory in more detail, how it is assessed and applied. It also explores the issues attendant upon writing biographical drama with specific reference to Aronson's framework. It also examines her three sub-sets and explains why they were excluded from my development work. Finally it covers what areas will be investigated in more detail in the rest of the thesis. Chapter Two sets up the background and story of Helen Duncan, the Scottish medium and psychic. It then focuses on Aronson's thwarted dream and case history narrative structures, and the results that arose from testing their applicability against my own writing practice. The first section deals with the examination of Aronson's thwarted dream narrative structure through the development of Surfacing for Air, my initial attempt at a screenplay. The results were of paramount importance as it was through this initial investigation that the significance of theme and genre were first identified. It also painted to the crucial role of point-of-view. This led to these areas of concern being explored further in the examination of Aronson's case history narrative structure, through the development of the final screenplay, Hellish Nell. The second section explores the development of this screenplay and also assesses the applicability of case history to my own script and writing practice. It illustrates the details of the amendments and the decisions involved in those changes and an analysis of the stages of my research development. It also investigates the impact of genre and theme in determining the content of the links between present and past stories. Chapter Three analyses four contemporary films which involve flashbacks in the light of Aronson's theoretical framework and tests the impact of genre and theme when deciding where the dramatic connections should be between past and present stories and in determining their content. The conclusion provides a modified version of Aronson's flashback theory in the light of the research and analysis undertaken. It also provides new additional questions based on the use of genre and theme when assessing the content of flashback sequences. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the University of the Arts london for accepting me onto their PhD programme and for their support and encouragement. I am deeply grateful for the expert advice offered by the supervisors of this PhD, Jon Cook and Phil Parker, who were unfailingly positive and supportive throughout. lowe a particular debt of gratitude to Phil for his advice over the years and for teaching me the craft of screenwriting. I also wish to acknowledge the contribution made by my fellow PhD students Joanna leigh and Helen Jacey who have given me invaluable feedback on my script. CONTENTS Page 1. Practice 1 Screenplay Hellish Nell 2. Thesis Introduction 1 An author's perspective 2 Identifying key elements 3 Aronson's structures 7 Flashback definitions 8 Process and Conclusions 13 Chapter 1 - Flashback Structures and Functions 14 Flashback structures 14 Flashback functions 21 Assessing Aronson . 23 How to assess whether or not to use flashback narrative structure 23 Aronson's subsets explored 25 How to apply flashback narrative structure 26 Flashbacks - far from Simple. 27 The key flashback questions 29 Chapter 2 - Testing Aronson's theories in practice. 33 Helen Duncan's story and background .. 33 Thwarted Dream narrative structure My Approach 35 The development of Surfacing for Air 37 Conclusion - thwarted development 47 Case History Narrative Structure My Approach 47 The development of Hellish Nell 48 Conclusion 70 Chapter 3 - Contemporary films explored 73 Case History narrative structure Analysis of the film Hollywood/and 74 Analysis of the film Iris 87 Thwarted Dream narrative structure Analysis of the film Nixon 92 Analysis of the film The Constant Gardener). 98 Conclusion 108 3. References 4. Appendix 1 Annotated Pages 5. Appendix 2 Glossary 6. Appendix 3 Interviews conducted 7. Appendix4 Sample Outline of Surfacing for Air 1. Practice Hellish Nell An original screenplay by Shirley Scott-Webb 1 EXT - TERRACED HOUSE - NOTTINGHAM - NIGHT 1 NOVEMBER 1956 A dimly lit narrow street. Several police officers gather silently, getting ready for a raid. They move into position, looking up at a first floor room, waiting for the signal. A MAN in a dark raincoat and hat waits a little apart from them in the shadows. 2 INT - HOUSE - NIGHT 2 Barely distinguishable outlines of a dozen or so people. They are sitting in a semi circle facing a wooden cabinet which is just visible in the half-light. Suddenly a figure from the audience dives towards the curtained cabinet. There is a woman's loud scream. A police whistle blows. Panic erupts. 3 EXT - HOUSE - NIGHT 3 The MAN gives the police officer a nod then slips away. The police spring into action and race through the front door 4 INT - HOUSE - NIGHT 4 and stampede up the stairs, storming into a small darkened room. The main lights are switched abruptly on. Two MEN are standing by a wooden cabinet in the corner, grasping hold of a large, overweight, elderly woman. (HELEN DUNCAN) . Helen looks ill and is gasping for breath. She sinks down between the arms of the two men. Two WOMEN from the audience push their way forward through the crowd. WOMAN 1 What have you done? One of the women pushes the policemen aside and helps Helen to a nearby chair. She is pale and wheezing heavily. The men begin to look disconcerted as Helen's breathing becomes more and more erratic. The woman bends over Helen and takes her hand. Helen closes her eyes. She seems to be sinking into unconsciousness. WOMAN 1 (CONT'D) She needs a doctor. Quickly. The policeman nods to his colleague who runs from the room. A police woman surveys Helen from afar. She turns to her colleague. (CONTINUED) 2. 4 CONTINUED: 4 POLICEWOMAN 1 Did we really need nine of us? POLICEMAN 1 Aren't you forgetting who she is? The woman bending over the collapsed body of Helen Duncan looks up accusingly at one of the policemen. WOMAN 1 I think you've killed her. 5 INT - NEWSROOM - DAY 5 The room is a hive of activity. This is a newsroom at its busiest. Full of cigarette smoke and noise. A young reporter TOM BRADLEY (late 20s) cuts a path through the throng as he makes his way across the newsroom. A grey suited older reporter rushes past, putting on his jacket as he goes. Bradley steps aside to let him past. He is followed by a Photographer with a cumbersome camera who knocks into Bradley and pushes past without an apology. There's a hunger and determination in Tom's face as he watches them speed out. He wants to be one of those front line journalists and it shows. Tom reaches the end of the newsroom and a small glass windowed room. The door - marked Ellery Stone - is slightly ajar. Tom hesitates, gathering his nerve, then knocks. 6 INT - ELLERY'S OFFICE - DAY 6 ELLERY STONE, late 50s, wizened editor, is sitting at a crowded desk, like a magpie on its nest, pages of newsprint spread across every inch. Calm and decisive there's not much Ellery hasn't seen in his thirty five years on Fleet Street. Ellery hears the knock but ignores it. He's in mid conversation with another reporter. ELLERY If a doctor's been to see Eden get onto it. We need to know why. The reporter nods and speeds out. Tom taps again. Ellery looks up. ELLERY (CONT'D) The answer's no. Obituaries are how you earn your stripes. Tom hesitates slightly. (CONTINUED) 3. 6 CONTINUED: 6 TOM Actually, sir, I thought this one might merit a longer piece. Ellery's taken by surprise. He studies Tom a little closer.
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