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adornment. See dress and adornment Canterbury. See Durovernum Cantiacorum earpick, 129, 131 ager publicus, 19, 155 Cantiaci. See identities, Cantiaci Eccles, 90, 147 aisled hall, 80–2, 84, 86–8, 91–2, 124–5, 132, carpentry, 116–17 ethnicity. See identities, Cantiaci, indigenous 139, 141, 143–4 Chichester. See Noviomagus Britons and/or immigrants Amiens. See Samarobriva civic authority, 26, 102, 151–3 amphora, 119, 135, 146–7 Claudian fort theory, 13–18, 37, 44–5, 51, Fingringhoe, 14, 17 ancient sources, 2–3, 6, 8–9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 68, 70, 93–4, 111, 152 fish sauce, 76, 126, 135, 146 20, 23, 25, 68 Claudius, 10, 13 Fishbourne, 14, 17–18, 20, 90–1, 112, 121 animal bones, 53, 72, 112, 117, 134–5 coins, 4–5, 17–18, 20–1, 25–6, 71, 110, food and drink, 132–43 animal burials, 127 120–3, 125–6, 128 forum of London butchery, 117–18 coin hoards, 122–3 Flavian Forum, 16, 71 architecture. See construction techniques colanders, 137 Pre-Boudican proto-forum, 16, 49, 51–2, armour, 5, 111, 113–14, 127, 129–30 Colchester. See Colonia Claudia 59–62, 71–2, 74–5, 79–80, 85, 88–90, Arretine ware, 8 Victricensis, Camulodunon, and/or 93, 100, 102, 113–14, 123–4, 137, aryballoi, 131 Camulodunum 142–3, 153 Augustodunum, 61, 63, 100, 102, 154 Colonia Claudia Victricensis, 1–2, 10, Southern proto-forum building, 79–81, 12–13, 15–16, 19, 23–4, 45, 52, 83–91, 96, 113–15, 118, 123–4, 130, Bagacum Nerviorum, 96, 100 59–61, 65, 73, 91, 94–5, 100, 112, 135, 137, 139, 141–2, 144 Baldock, 12 129, 131, 150–2 basilica. See aisled hall Colonia Nemausa, 61 garum. See fish sauce Battle of Watling Street. See Boudican construction techniques gemmarii, 119 Revolt buildings of the earliest settlement gender. See identities, gender Bavay. See Bagacum Nerviorum (Group 2), 57–9 Gesoriacum, 3 beakers, 139 buildings of the later pre-Boudican glass, 142–3 Bellovaci, 63 settlement (Group 3), 81–8 Glevum, 16, 57, 89, 94 Bigberry, 3 round structures, 48, 58, 82 Gloucester. See Glevum Boudican Revolt, 2, 10, 23–4, 26, 64, 71, 92, conventus civium Romanorum, 19, 155 Gorhambury, 12 112, 122, 143, 152 Gosbecks, 10, 12 date of. See dating, Boudican Revolt dating grain, 13–14, 89–90, 114, 118, 135 Braughing, 3 Boudican Revolt, 25–6 grid. See planning Brentford, 9 earliest settlement, Group 2, 47–8 Grimes, W.F., xiii Brockley Hill, 41 foundation of Londinium, 20–1 Guildhall Museum, xiii brooches, 129–30 later pre-Boudican Settlement, Group 3, burial, 125–6 64–5 hammerscale, 116 in association with the earliest settlement, decapitated burials, 54, 71 hearths, 135–6 Group 2, 53–5 defructum, 135, 146 in association with the later pre-Boudican DGLA, Department of Greater London identities settlement, Group 3, 71–2 Archaeology, xiii and Romano-British material culture, Walbrook skulls, 5, 23 Dio Cassius. See ancient sources 108, 130–2 dolabra, 113–14, 117 Cantiaci, 2, 5, 10, 62, 92, 102 Caerleon, 59, 93 dress and adornment, 130–1 gender, 5, 23, 54, 62, 71, 105, 125, 130 Caesar. See ancient sources DUA, Department of Urban Archaeology, immigrants, 16, 19–20, 26, 62, 65, 92, Caligula, 3, 10 xiii, xiv, 9, 77, 104, 178 102, 116, 118–20, 122–3, 126, 136, Calleva Atrebatum, 3, 5, 10, 14–15, 35, 46, Durocortorum, 62, 155 141, 146–9, 154–5 59–60, 90, 95, 100 Durovernum Cantiacorum, 3, 10, 21, 58–60, in different parts of early Londinium, Camulodunon, 3 92, 95, 120, 145, 154 109–11


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identities (cont.) Oppidum Batavorum, 92–3, 96, 100, 152, 2SSBS85. See Site 99 indigenous Britons, 3, 6–8, 10–12, 14, 16, 154 AB78. See Site 100 19–20, 26, 44, 49, 53, 56, 58, 61–3, Oppidum Ubiorum, 79, 93, 95, 100, 152, 154 ACE83. See Site 36 65, 70, 81–2, 93, 97–8, 102, 105, AUT01. See Site 37 110–11, 114–15, 117, 119, 124, 126, patera, 128 BGH95. See Site 101 131, 136, 139, 141–3, 154–5 Pegasus, 127 BIR83. See Site 38 soldiers/veterans/military, 11–19, 21, 37, phallic objects, 112, 127–8 BLE98. See Site 39 45, 57, 65, 68, 70–1, 90, 93, 101, 111, planning, 16, 43–5, 52, 56, 59–61, 63, 70, 72, BLH73. See Site 40 117, 121, 123–5, 127–8, 130–1, 139, 80, 93–8, 102, 152–3 BOL94. See Site 1 141–5, 151–2, 154 population estimate. See Londinium, BOP82. See Site 41 status, 57, 59, 62, 76, 80, 84–6, 88, 92, 96, population, estimate of in Pre- BRD88. See Site 42 105, 126, 132, 141–2, 144, 153–5 Boudican period BRG74. See Site 102 Port/waterfront of Londinium, 52–3, 76–7 BRL87. See Site 43 jars, 137, 141 potters, 119 BSE94. See Site 104 ‘honey pots’, 119, 139, 141–2 PPG-16, Planning Policy Guidance Note 16, BTBHS91. See Site 105 bead-rimmed jars, 141 xiii BTJ93. See Site 106 BUC87. See Site 2 Kenyon, Kathleen, xiii querns, 118, 137 BWMC74. See Site 107 CAO96. See Site 3 LAARC, xiii, xiv, xv, 26, 29, 77, 88, 104, 162, Reims. See Durocortorum CASS72. See Site 44 168, 180 Richborough. See Rutupiae CED89. See Site 4 lampholders, 114, 131–2 ritual, religion, cult activity, 5, 62, 112, CID90. See Site 5 lamps, 114, 131 125–9, 131 see also burial CLE81. See Site 45 Latin, 123 Roach-Smith, Charles, xiii CO87. See Site 108 Londinium Rockbourne, 91 CO89. See Site 109 area, estimate of in Pre-Boudican period, Roma (goddess), 127 CUL83. See Site 46 98–101 roundhouses. See construction techniques, DHS75. See Site 110 foundation, theories of, 1, 10–20, 37, 70, round structures EST83. See Site 47 93, 114 Rutupiae, 13–15, 18, 20, 43, 45, 90, 112, 118, ETA89. See Site 48 LPRIA context of, 2 152 FEH95. See Site 49 population, estimate of in Pre-Boudican FEN83. See Site 50 period, 9, 101 SAEC, Southwark Archaeological FER97. See Site 51 status of the settlement, 2 Excavation Committee, xiii FMO85. See Site 52 London Archaeological Archive and Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges FNC88. See Site 53 Research Centre. See LAARC (Ludgunum), 61 FNE01. See Site 54 London Museum, xiii Samarobriva, 59–61, 84, 90, 93, 155 FSE76. See Site 55 Loose, 3 samian, 21, 25–6, 69, 119, 123–6, 128, FST85. See Site 56 139–40 GM18. See Site 57 metalworking, 114–16 Shiptonthorpe, 55 GM33. See Site 58 MoLAS/MOLA, xiv, xv, 25–6, 30, 104, 184 Silchester. See Calleva Atrebatum GM34. See Site 9 mortaria, 136–7 Sites GM36. See Site 10 Museum of London, xiii by site code GM38. See Site 11 64BHS74. See Site 89 GM60. See Site 59 nail cleaners, 129 84BHS74. See Site 90 GM63. See Site 12 Nero, 23 106BHS73. See Site 91 GM69. See Site 60 Nijmegen. See Oppidum Batavorum 120BHS89. See Site 92 GM95. See Site 61 Norton Disney, 91 124BHS77. See Site 93 GM99. See Site 62 Noviomagus, 3, 14, 21, 43, 46 15SKS80. See Site 98 GM100. See Site 63 175BHS76. See Site 94 GM101. See Site 64 Oldbury, 3 179BHS89. See Site 95 GM136. See Site 6 oppida,3,6 207BHS72. See Site 96 GM158. See Site 65 213BHS77. See Site 97 GM213. See Site 7


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GM217. See Site 8 19–21 Birchin Lane. See Site 57 64–66 . See Sites S1 and/or 3 GM248. See Site 66 19–25 Birchin Lane, Bengal Court, 1–3 67–69 Cheapside, 1–5 Queen Street. GM297. See Site 67 Castle Court. See Site 43 See Site 9 GM439. See Site 111 Bishopsgate. See Site 41 72–80 Cheapside, 83–84 Queen Street, GPO75. See Site 13 7–11 Bishopsgate. See Site 48 9–12 Pancras Lane. See Site 5 GST77. See Site 68 28–34 Bishopsgate, 2–3 Crosby Square, 76–80 Cheapside. See Site 1 HC74. See Site 112 2–3 Great St Helen’s. See Site 41 128–133 Cheapside. See Site 31 ILA79. See Site 69 Borough High Street. See Site 101 137–144 Cheapside. See Site 11 IME83. See Site 70 Borough High Street (GPO trenches). 150 Cheapside, Foster Lane. See Site 12 IRO80. See Site 14 See Site 102 Clement’s Lane. See Site 45 JSS92. See Site 13 Borough High Street Main Ticket Hall. 29–32 Clement’s Lane, 33–36 Lombard KEW98. See Site 15 See Site 101 Street. See Site 45 KNG85. See Site 16 1 Borough High Street (adjacent to), Cullum St. See Site 46 KWS94. See Site 71 Southwark Street (corner of). Eastcheap. See Site 47 LCT84. See Site 72 See Site 113 23–29 Eastcheap, 14–15 Philpot Lane. LFE87. See Site 73 61 Borough High Street (opposite). See Site 47 LIB82. See Site 74 See Site 106 Fenchurch St. See Sites 49, 50, and/or 53 LIM83. See Site 75 64–70 Borough High Street. See Site 89 5–12 Fenchurch Street, 1 Philpot Lane. LME01. See Site 76 84–86 Borough High Street. See Site 90 See Site 50 LYD88. See Site 77 106–114 Borough High Street. 26–38 Fenchurch Street, 1–16 Mincing MFI87. See Site 78 See Site 91 Lane, 23 Rood Lane, 53 Great Tower MLK76. See Site 17 120–124 Borough High Street. Street. See Site 51 NEG98. See Site 19 See Site 92 60–63 Fenchurch Street. See Site 54 NGT00. See Site 20 124–126 Borough High Street. 86 Fenchurch Street. See Site 82 OBL97. See Site 21 See Site 93 88–93 Fenchurch Street, 5–7 Carlisle ONE94. See Site 22 175–177 Borough High Street. Avenue. See Site 53 ORG86. See Site 79 See Site 94 94–97 Fenchurch Street, 69 Leadenhall PDN81. See Site 80 179–191 Borough High Street. Street. See Site 56 PEN79. See Site 81 See Site 95 112 Fenchurch Street. see under Site S7 PNS01. See Site 23 207–211 Borough High Street. 112–114 Fenchurch Street, 17–18 POM79. See Site 24 See Site 96 Billiter Street. See Site 59 POU05. See Site 25 213 Borough High Street. See Site 97 154–156 Fenchurch Street, 15–16 PRK90. See Site 115 Bucklersbury. See Site 18 Cullum Street. See Site 46 PUB80. See Site 82 Bucklersbury, 3 Queen Victoria Street 160–162 Fenchurch Street, 22–3 Lime SL75a. See Site 83 (near). See Site 2 Street. See Site 55 SLO82. See Site 26 1–2 Bucklersbury, 76–80 Cheapside, 168 Fenchurch Street. See Sites 49, 50, SLY00. See Site 27 9–12 Pancras Lane (including site of and/or 53 SSL84. See Site 84 St Pancras church). See Site 10 Fish St. Hill. See Site 52 STU92. See Site 116 Cannon St. See Site 74 37–40 Fish Street Hill, 16–20 SUF94. See Site 86 Cannon Street, Dowgate Hill, Bush Monument Street. See Site 52 TW84. See Site 117 Lane. See Site 77 9–12 George Yard, Lombard Street. WAO06. See Site 87 25 Cannon Street. See Site 3 See Site 35 WAT78. See Site 30 39–53 Cannon Street, 11–14 Bow Gracechurch Street. See Site 68 WIT83. See Site 88 Lane. See Site 30 52 Gracechurch Street, Talbot Court. WOW79. See Site 31 76–80 Cannon Street (Steelyard). see see under Site S4 WP83. See Site 118 under Site S6 55–60 Gracechurch Street (site of St By site address and/or name 80 Cannon Street. See Sites 39 and/or Benet Gracechurch). See Site 60 20–30 Aldgate. See Site 44 40, Sites 39 and/or 40 77–79 Gracechurch Street. See Site 36 12 Arthur Street. See Site 37 119–121 Cannon Street, 3 Abchurch Ironmonger Lane. See Site 14 Birchin Lane. See Sites 43 and/or 38 Yard. See Site 74 24–25 Ironmonger Lane, 9–12 King 18 Birchin Lane, 62 Lombard Street. 143–147 Cannon Street. See Site 58 Street. See Site 14 See Site 38 Cheapside. See Site 5 King St. See Site 16


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Sites (cont.) Miles Lane, 132–137 Upper Thames 18, 19, 21–23 St Swithin’s Lane, 7–8 King Street (formerly 3–8 King Street, 15–17 Arthur Street, 33–38 13 Sherbourne Lane, 115–117 Street). See Site 8 King William Street. See Site 69 Cannon Street. See Site 84 36–37 King Street. See Site 16 Milk St. See Site 17 Southwark Street, St Thomas Street. King William Street, Fish Street Hill. 1–6 Milk Street, 5–6 Russia Row. See Site 116 See Site 66 See Site 17 2 Southwark Street, 1A Bedale Street. 3–6 King William Street. See Site 32 Montague Close. See Sites 107, 112, See Site 99 14–20 King William Street. See Site 34 and/or 114 15–23 Southwark Street. See Site 98 24–32 King William Street. See Site 79 Monument Street, 17 Fish Street Hill. 18–20 Southwark Street. See Site 111 39, 40–46 King William Street, 4–12 See Site 78 Sugar Loaf Court, 71 Queen Victoria Monument Street, 17–28 Fish Street Newgate Street. See Site 24 Street, Little Trinity Lane, Great Hill, The Canterbury Arms. Newgate Street, Paternoster Square, Trinity Lane, Garlick Hill (bounded See Site 71 Paternoster Row. See Site 20 by). See Site 26 68 King William Street/London Bridge 3–9 Newgate Street. See Site 19 Tooley Street. See Site 117 Approach. see under Site S5 10–14 Newgate Street, 61–70 St Paul’s 30–37 Walbrook. See Site 65 5 Laurence Pountney Hill, 154–156 Churchyard, Paternoster Row, 30–37 Walbrook, 97–101 Cannon Upper Thames Street. See Site 86 Panyer Alley, Ave Maria Lane, Street. See Site 87 Leadenhall Court. See Site 72 Cannon Alley. See Site 6 Warwick Square. See Site 29 Leadenhall St./Fenchurch St. See Site 81 Newgate Street. See Site 13 Watling Court. See Site 30 73 102–105 Newgate Street. See Site 15 12–16 Watling Street, 31–37 Cannon 2–6 Leadenhall Street, 91–100 106–113 Newgate Street. Street. See Site 7 Gracechurch Street, 4, 6, 8, 10, see under Site S2 By site name 12 Whittington Avenue, 1, Nicholas Lane (site of). See Site 58 Aldgate, Sir John Cass School. 2 Leadenhall Avenue, The London 16–18 Old Bailey. See Site 21 See Site 44 Metal Exchange. See Site 72 Park Street. See Sites 108 and/or 115 Arcadia Buildings. See Site 100 65–68 Leadenhall Street, 98 Fenchurch 1 Paternoster Row. See Site 23 Barclay’s Bank. See Site 63 Street. See Site 73 Paternoster Row, Sheldon House Barge Yard. see under Site S8 Lime Street. See Sites 70, 75 and/or 76 (former), Charterhouse Bank Beaver House. See Site 26 22 Lime Street, 168–170 Fenchurch Building. See Site 23 Bolsa House. See Site 1 Street (Barclay’s Bank) (site of St 1 Poultry. See Site 22 Bond Court. see under Site S9 Dionis Backchurch). See Site 67 1–19 Poultry, 2–38 Queen Victoria Bonded Warehouse. See Site 107 22–23 Lime Street, 160–170 Fenchurch Street, 3–9, 35–40 Bucklersbury, Bridge House Sewer Diversion, Street (Barclay’s Bank) (site of St Pancras Lane, Sise Lane. See Site 22 Montague Close. See Site 103 Dionis Backchurch church). 36–39 Poultry, 1–5 . See Site Britannia House. See Site 21 See Site 61 26 British Telecom Junction Box. 25–26 Lime Street. See Site 75 Pudding Lane. See Site 80 See Site 106 27–30 Lime Street. See Site 70 11–11A Pudding Lane (Nomura BT Tunnel. See Site 105 Lombard St. See Site 62 House), 121–127 Lower Thames Bush Lane House. See Site 40, Site 39 Lombard Street, west of St. Edmund’s Street, 33–36 Fish Street Hill, 22–26 Calverts Buildings. See Site 98 Church. see under Site S10 Monument Street, 7–11A King’s (north). 25 Lombard Street. see under Site S3 Head. See Site 80 See Site 77 30–32 Lombard Street. See Site 62 3 Redcross Way. See Site 109 Christ’s Hospital. see under Site S2 54 Lombard Street, EC3 (site of All Silvester Street, Great Dover Street. Courage Brewery (former). See Sites Hallows, Lombard Street Church). See Site 100 108 and/or 109, Sites 108 and/or 109 See Site 64 St Swithin’s Lane. See Sites 65, 83, 84, District Heating Scheme. See Site 110 54–58 Lombard Street. See Site 63 and/or 88 . See Sites 2 80 Lombard Street (opposite), Guild St Swithin’s Lane, King William Street. and/or 78 Church of St Mary Woolnoth. See Site 85 Docklands Light Railway Shaft. See Site See Site 42 10 St Swithin’s Lane. See Site 83 42, Sites 2 and/or 78 112–116 Lower Thames Street. 18, 19, 21–23 St Swithin’s Lane, Gateway House. See Site 3 See Site 81 113–117 Cannon Street, General Post Office. See Site 13 Miles Lane. See Site 69 13 Sherbourne Lane. See Site 88 GPO Middle Area. See Site 24


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GPO Trenches. See Site 102 Winchester Palace. See Site 118 Site 38, 51, 73, 83, 162 GPO Tunnel. See Site 68 Woolworths. See Site 31 Site 39, 95, 162 Hibernia Chambers. See Site 112 By site number Site 40, 51, 73, 95, 162 Ingledew and Davenport Site. Site 1, 73, 157 Site 41, 29, 38, 51, 81, 83, 94, 100, 133, See Site 111 Site 2, 157 162 Jubilee Line Sewer Diversion. Site 3, 73, 85, 157 Site 42, 163 See Site 104 Site 4, 40, 158 Site 43, 73, 163 Jubilee Sewer Trench. See Site 113 Site 5, 36, 40, 48, 58, 64, 75, 87, 98, Site 44, 36, 70, 85, 112, 126, 143, 163 Juxon House, Paternoster Square. 113–14, 117–18, 120, 123–4, 128, Site 45, 38, 51, 73–4, 163 See Site 27 130–2, 135–6, 142–4, 158 Site 46, 35, 163 Landmark House. See Site 56 Site 6, 40, 158 Site 47, 51, 58, 72, 83, 119, 127, 131, Merrill Lynch Financial Centre. Site 7, 75, 158 136, 163 See Site 15 Site 8, 158 Site 48, 29, 34, 37–8, 68–70, 94, 98, Midland Bank. See Site 60 Site 9, 40, 158 100, 163 Minster House. See Site 37 Site 10, 40, 158 Site 49, 35, 39, 58, 78, 80, 83, 88, 109, National Safe Deposit Site 1872–1873. Site 11, 40, 158 113–15, 124, 136–7, 139, 142–3, 164 See Site 18 Site 12, 40, 159 Site 50, 34, 43–4, 47, 56, 58, 73, 79–83, Newgate Triangle. See Site 20 Site 13, 35, 44, 55–6, 58–9, 67, 80, 82, 87–8, 91, 96–7, 105, 109, 114–15, Paternoster Square Development. 87–8, 97, 109–10, 131, 136, 139, 143, 120, 128, 132, 136, 144, 164 See Site 6 159 Site 51, 34, 39, 41–2, 44, 51, 56–9, 67, Peninsular House. See Site 81 Site 14, 29, 67, 159 72–3, 79, 81–3, 85–6, 88, 94, 96, 98, Pickfords Wharf Ditch, Winchester Site 15, 29, 36, 40, 44, 67, 159 109, 113–15, 124–8, 132, 134, 136–7, Square, SE1; Stave and Rosings Site 16, 73, 86, 159 139, 141–3, 164 Wharves, Clink Street, SE1. Site 17, 29, 56, 100, 159 Site 52, 52, 76–7, 111, 164 See Site 118 Site 18, 40, 159 Site 53, 35, 42, 44, 80, 164 Plantation House, Chesterfield House Site 19, 35, 40–1, 44, 67, 71, 74, 159 Site 54, 34, 36–9, 42, 54, 71, 94, 97, 112, (will be Plantation Place). See Site 51 Site 20,34–7, 40–1, 54–5, 58, 67, 72–5, 119, 125–6, 164 Regis House. See Site 66 78, 81–5, 88, 94, 97, 105, 109, 113, Site 55, 73, 78, 82–4, 115, 164 Regis House and Ridgeway House. 116, 125–6, 131, 136, 160 Site 56,36–7, 44, 58, 70, 72, 80, 84–6, See Site 71 Site 21, 29, 58, 71, 125, 134, 160 88, 112, 125–6, 132, 165 St Dionis Backchurch. See Site 67, Site 22,34–8, 40–1, 48, 51, 56, 58, 64, Site 57, 73, 165 Site 61 66–7, 73–5, 78–9, 81–8, 94, 96, 98, Site 58,72–3, 165 St Martin Orgar Churchyard. 105, 109–10, 113, 116–20, 123–6, Site 59, 54, 112, 125, 165 See Site 79 128–37, 139, 142–4, 160 Site 60, 77, 165 St Mary-le-Bow. See Site 28 Site 23, 44, 55, 58, 67, 73, 83, 87, 109, Site 61, 165 St Paul’s Churchyard, Ludgate Hill, 123, 125, 160 Site 62, 39, 42, 67, 73, 165 Ave Maria Lane. See Site 27 Site 24, 67, 120, 160 Site 63, 67, 69–70, 72–3, 77–8, 166 St Swithin’s House. See Sites 65, 83, Site 25, 35, 77, 160 Site 64, 166 84, and/or 88 Site 26, 29, 58, 67, 83, 100, 116, 119, 161 Site 65, 166 St Vedast House. See Site 12 Site 27, 29, 67, 161 Site 66, 39, 42, 95, 166 Suffolk House. See Site 86 Site 28, 40, 161 Site 67, 39, 44, 72–3, 78, 82, 85, 88, 126, Svenska House and Craythorne House. Site 29, 29, 67, 71, 73–4, 120, 122, 137, 166 See Site 19 125–6, 161 Site 68, 39, 166 Thames Water Trench/Jubilee Line Site 30, 35, 75, 82, 161 Site 69, 166 Extension. See Site 116 Site 31, 73, 161 Site 70, 166 The George Public House. See Site 82 Site 32, 161 Site 71, 36, 38, 48, 52–3, 58, 65, 76, 78, St Swithin’s House, Walbrook House Site 33, 73, 161 82, 88, 92, 97, 112, 115, 117, 119, and Granite House. See Site 87 Site 34, 72, 161 123, 126, 142, 167 Toppings and Sun Wharves. Site 35, 162 Site 72, 29, 68–71, 77, 94, 97, 125, 131, See Site 117 Site 36, 162 167 Vitro. See Site 54 Site 37, 44, 48, 55, 57, 64, 76, 88, 92, Site 73,36–7, 44, 58, 70, 80, 84–5, 125, Watling House. See Site 7 162 135, 167


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Sites (cont.) Site 100, 29, 34, 39, 44, 50, 62, 73, 80, St Albans. See Verulamion and/or Site 74, 120, 167 115, 125, 144, 171 Verulamium Site 75, 44, 55, 58, 82–6, 125, 128, 167 Site 101,34–6, 39, 43–4, 50, 56, 67, 73, 75, St Swithin’s Lane hoard, 122 Site 76, 120, 167 83–4, 86–7, 105, 109, 114, 116, 118, 124, status. See identities, status Site 77, 29, 67, 76, 168 126, 131–2, 134–7, 139, 142–4, 171 street grid. See planning Site 78, 35, 70, 168 Site 102, 39, 43, 171 stylus, 123–4 Site 79, 37, 51, 57–8, 68–70, 72–3, Site 103, 40, 43, 171 sword, 17, 36, 112, 114, 127 84–6, 88, 132, 168 Site 104, 83, 87, 116, 136, 171 Site 80, 76, 168 Site 105, 40, 67, 72, 78, 112, 171 Tacitus. See ancient sources Site 81, 76, 168 Site 106, 171 tazze, 128, 132 Site 82, 35, 59, 80, 168 Site 107, 67, 73, 105, 128, 172 tegulae, 58–9, 82–4, 88 Site 83, 73, 95, 168 Site 108, 29, 73, 83, 100, 172 The Blitz, xiii, 66 Site 84, 35, 51, 73, 83, 85–6, 95, 97, 168 Site 109, 29, 83, 172 Thurnam, 58 Site 85, 120, 122, 169 Site 110, 40, 43, 67, 73, 172 Trier, 61 Site 86, 169 Site 111, 172 Site 87, 29, 34, 37–8, 68–70, 94, 169 Site 112, 73, 172 unguentaria, 131 Site 88, 35, 72–3, 95, 169 Site 113,77–8, 114, 116, 172 urban planning. See planning Site 89, 39, 70, 75, 169 Site 114, 73, 172 Site 90, 39, 169 Site 115, 29, 34, 37, 68–70, 173 Verulamion, 3 Site 91, 39, 68, 70, 75, 131, 169 Site 116, 50, 86, 173 Verulamium, 1, 9–10, 14, 21, 23–4, 55, Site 92, 39, 169 Site 117,68–70, 94, 173 59–60, 62, 89, 95, 98, 100, 112, 120, Site 93, 39, 75, 170 Site 118, 50, 66, 68–70, 73, 75, 87, 100, 127, 147, 154 Site 94, 68, 125, 170 109, 173 vicus, 11, 16, 93 Site 95, 66, 68, 77, 170 SLAEC, Southwark and Lambeth Vindolanda tablet 154, 112 Site 96, 39, 43–4, 68–71, 75, 114, Archaeological Excavation 116–18, 125–6, 170 Committee, xiii Waldgirmes, 19, 59, 89–90, 100, 152 Site 97, 39, 170 Sol, 71, 126 Wheathampstead, 3 Site 98, 68, 81, 100, 114, 117, 120, 134, Southern proto-forum building. See forum Winchester, 3 144, 170 of London, Southern proto-forum woodworking. See carpentry Site 99, 34, 39, 43, 118, 135, 144, 170 building writing and literacy, 123–5


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