The Use of Measure While Drilling for Rock Mass Characterization and Damage Assessment in Blasting

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The Use of Measure While Drilling for Rock Mass Characterization and Damage Assessment in Blasting UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID ESCUELA TÉCNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIEROS DE MINAS Y ENERGÍA THE USE OF MEASURE WHILE DRILLING FOR ROCK MASS CHARACTERIZATION AND DAMAGE ASSESSMENT IN BLASTING TESIS DOCTORAL JUAN NAVARRO MIGUEL Ingeniero de Minas 2018 DEPARTAMENTO DE INGENIERÍA GEOLÓGICA Y MINERA ESCUELA TÉCNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIEROS DE MINAS Y ENERGÍA UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID THE USE OF MEASURE WHILE DRILLING FOR ROCK MASS CHARACTERIZATION AND DAMAGE ASSESSMENT IN BLASTING Juan Navarro Miguel Ingeniero de Minas Supervisors: José Ángel Sanchidrián Blanco Pablo Segarra Catasús Catedrático de Universidad Profesor titular de Universidad 2018 Index ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. v RESUMEN ...................................................................................................................... vi ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... xviii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background ........................................................................................................ 1 1.2. Problem statement .............................................................................................. 2 1.3. Objectives .......................................................................................................... 2 1.4. Thesis structure .................................................................................................. 3 1.5. Authors’ contribution of the appended papers ................................................... 5 Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................... 7 2.1. Rock characterization methods: Rock Quality pre-blast ................................... 7 2.1.1. Rock Quality Designation index (RQD) .................................................... 7 2.1.2. Rock Tunneling Quality Index ................................................................... 8 2.1.3. Rock Mass Rating ..................................................................................... 10 2.1.4. Geotechnical blasthole condition characterization ................................... 11 2.2. Rock Quality post-blast ................................................................................... 13 2.2.1. Prediction models for damage assessment based on vibration analysis. .. 13 2.2.2. Geophysical methods for rock mass damage control ............................... 15 2.2.3. Crack detection methods and crack length prediction models ................. 15 2.2.4. Methods for evaluating the extension of the overbreak after blasting ..... 16 2.3. Measurement While Drilling (MWD). ............................................................ 18 2.3.1. Drilling methods ....................................................................................... 18 2.3.2. Relations between MWD parameters ....................................................... 21 i 2.3.3. MWD analysis for Rock Mass Properties ................................................ 23 Chapter 3. DATA OVERVIEW ..................................................................................... 28 3.1. Tunneling ......................................................................................................... 28 3.1.1. Site description ......................................................................................... 28 3.1.2. Geological description .............................................................................. 29 3.1.3. Survey measurements....................................................................... 32 3.1.4. MWD Data in tunneling works ................................................................ 33 3.2. Underground mine: Malmberget mine ............................................................ 34 3.2.1. MWD data in the Malmberget Mine ........................................................ 35 3.3. Quarry: El Aljibe ............................................................................................. 37 Chapter 4. MWD APPLICATION FOR TUNNELING ................................................ 38 4.1. Drilling control system analysis ...................................................................... 38 4.1.1. Statistical Tools ........................................................................................ 39 4.1.2. Data processing and analysis .................................................................... 43 4.1.3. Results and discussion .............................................................................. 46 4.1.4. Conclusions on the mutual relations of drill monitoring variables and the the influence of the drill control system in tunneling operations ........................... 55 4.2. Jumbo navigation and blasthole positioning .................................................... 56 4.2.1. NTM Coordinate System .......................................................................... 57 4.2.2. Tunnel Reference System (TRS) .............................................................. 57 4.2.3. Drilling Reference System (DRS) ............................................................ 58 4.2.4. Transformation System TRS-DRS ........................................................... 59 4.3. Assessment of drilling deviations in tunneling ................................................ 60 4.3.1. Measurements overview ........................................................................... 60 4.3.2. Data analysis and Results ......................................................................... 62 4.3.3. Conclusions on drilling deviations in tunneling ....................................... 68 4.4. Detection of potential overbreak zones in tunnel blasting from MWD data ... 69 ii 4.4.1. Analysis of the excavated area ................................................................. 70 4.4.2. MWD Data processing ............................................................................. 75 4.4.3. Detection of potential overbreak zones model ......................................... 81 4.4.4. Conclusions of rock mass over-excavation prediction from MWD data . 88 Chapter 5: MWD APPLICATION IN UNDERGROUND MINING PRODUCTION BLASTS ......................................................................................................................... 89 5.1. Data analysis .................................................................................................... 90 5.1.1. MWD data processing .............................................................................. 90 5.1.2. Geo-mechanical model ............................................................................. 92 5.2. Drill rig navigation ........................................................................................... 95 5.3. Result 1: Geotechnical rock condition block model ........................................ 96 5.2.1. Full scale application of the block model ..................................................... 97 5.4. Results 2: Risk of blasthole collapse planning model ..................................... 99 5.4.1. Full scale application of the risk of blasthole collapse model ................ 103 5.5. Conclusions of MWD applications in underground mining .......................... 104 Chapter 6: MWD APPLICATION IN QUARRIES ..................................................... 106 6.1. Description of the in-house prototype ........................................................... 106 6.2. Data overview ................................................................................................ 109 6.3. Data analysis .................................................................................................. 110 6.4. MWD fracture index ...................................................................................... 112 6.5. Results ............................................................................................................ 112 6.6. Conclusions from the application of an in-house MWD system for quarry blasting ..................................................................................................................... 117 Chapter 7. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................... 118 Chapter 8. FUTURE WORK ........................................................................................ 122 Chapter 9. REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 123 APPENDIX 1. Figures of drilling control system analysis ............................................... I APPENDIX 2. Geotechnical reports for tunneling operations ....................................... XI iii APPENDIX 3. Models proposed to predict EMD ........................................................ XIII APPENDIX 4. Figures MWD application in underground mining .............................. XV APPENDIX A. Paper A APPENDIX B. Paper B APPENDIX C. Paper C APPENDIX D. Paper D APPENDIX E. Paper E APPENDIX F. Paper F APPENDIX G. Paper G iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research presented in this thesis has
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