BRUINS QUOTES vs. Nashville Predators Saturday, December 21, 2019

BOSTON BRUINS BRUCE CASSIDY On what he said to the team during the timeout… Well, I went down and first addressed — I wanted to make sure Jaro [Jaroslav Halak] came over, because there was two quick goals that were kind of… however you want to describe. So, I wanted to make sure that he kept his head in the game, because we’re still only one shot away, there’s 12 minutes. That was first and foremost, address that. Then on the other end there was — I thought we were playing well to start the third. Again, playing the right way, had some chances at the start of the period to extend the lead. But we made a couple of self-inflicted errors as well that led to those goals; we overskate a puck behind the net, kind of a real iffy call it looked like, and their extra guy comes on, helps score a . So, some of those things you’ve got to battle through. The other one’s a shot block, maybe we’ve got to make a better decision. Whatever the case may be, the message was essentially, ‘Jaro, let’s go, let’s relax, give us a save we need because we’re going to push here.’ And that was the message to the group. And I thought after that we were — whether it had anything to do with the timout, who knows. I think our guys are sick of losing, to be honest with you, so I think they were going to push no matter what, but we just wanted to make sure we just took a deep breath. Those are tough calls because we knew there was a game timeout coming and you want to save it, but I just felt that maybe we need to reset.

On Halak’s decision to go for the puck… Well, I never question that, he’s been in the NHL a long time. He got there first, he just, unfortunately… he made some good saves, but, listen, I’ve tried to be honest up here. I believe we have two number ones in there, but those were three goals that were very saveable. Pucks that probably shouldn’t end up in your net. So a little bit of that is our goaltenders have to push through that right now. We’re not scoring that much, or we’ve got to start scoring more, finishing some plays to allow them to play out. It’s one or the other if you want to get in the win column.

On Torey Krug and the shot block… He’s at the top of the blue line, I don’t know, must be to pull a guy out of the zone. You don’t want to… it’s on Torey to make sure. Charlie [Coyle] started the play if you remember right, made that backdoor play to Pasta [David Pastrnak]. So he’s already involved, we have a forward up high. But once it goes high and we have possession, typically the onus is on the defense either to get the shot through or make the safer play, get it down below the goal line. So that one’s on Torey to give the guy credit for blocking the shot, did a good job.

On the fourth line… Well, they gave us lots of energy; they played a simple game. They scored a goal, like it’s scruffy, but it’s a puck to the net. They win a puck in the neutral – you know, they start a lot in our own end, they get out, they kick it wide, they attack, they don’t overthink it. It’s on net for a rebound, maybe it goes in, but at worst case it hits the net, so you’re forcing the goalie to make a save, and we drive the net. And they had a few of those. You’re not going to get rewarded like that every night, but if you play simple and straight lines, then as a staff, you tend to want to use those guys more because they’re playing the right way, so good for them. Lindy [Par Lindholm] and [Brett] Ritchie hadn’t played in a while, so obviously they’re trying to make a statement that they want to stay in the lineup, and we’re pleased with their effort. Ritchie unfortunately early on, because he’s not on the kill or power play, a few gets lost of it, but he stayed in the game, and that’s part of the challenge for him, so good for him.

On if the OT goal is an example of bounces not going their way anymore… Yeah, I mean you look at it – we shouldn’t have gone into the pile. Marchy [Brad Marchand] originally, right, he got caught, but on the way back, that puck is coming around the boards and hits the ref, and who knows, I might be talking about having a nice play to win the game because we’re going the other way and they’re stuck, but not the way it worked out.

On if David Krejci played in overtime… No.

On why Krejci didn’t play in overtime… I went with six other guys.

On if it’s the team’s body language or what they’re saying is showing that its sick of losing… Yes, both of those. I don’t see a negative in the room in terms of blaming each other or lack of effort in practice, lack of compete to come back, I don’t see that, but I just see that they’re getting frustrated with not being able to get into the winner’s circle. Especially with these overtimes and two one-goal games in Washington and Tampa, better efforts that haven’t resulted in wins.

NASHVILLE PREDATORS HEAD COACH On tonight’s game overall... It definitely had a hard-fought feel to it, a playoff-type feel to it. They’re a good team, they check well, they defend well. It had to go to overtime, so it was a great, great hockey game.

On Roman Josi... He was awesome. He’s definitely at the front of the rope trying to pull us in the right direction, so tonight was another example of that.

On their recent road trip... The guys are working right now to try and get back to where we need to be. The road trip was an important part of it. We still have one game left before we go on break, that game is really important. Our guys will be ready to play, but you have to take care of business, here I thought the guys did a great job.

On Arvidsson being back in the lineup... Well, he’s one of our leading scorers’ for the past couple years, so to get him back in the lineup is only going to be a positive for us. Granlund as well, he’s a playmaker and helps create hardworking players, so both of those guys are going to be noticeable as we move forward.

On what Colin Blackwell has done for the team since his call up... He’s impressed us every time he’s been on the ice. He’s a straight line, hardworking kid that plays physical and competes hard. He’s got some offensive capabilities as well; he’s made some nice plays since he’s been recalled. He’s earning his spot right now so, you give him credit because he’s been up here now for a bit, and we don’t want to take him out of the lineup. He’s working really hard, and he’s earned his spot.
