PDF hosted at the Radboud Repository of the Radboud University Nijmegen The following full text is a publisher's version. For additional information about this publication click this link. http://hdl.handle.net/2066/169051 Please be advised that this information was generated on 2018-04-03 and may be subject to change. UitnodigingUitnodiging Skin injury due to artificial turf Skin injury due to artificial turf voorvoor het bijwonenhet bijwonen van van de openbarede openbare verdediging verdediging van hetvan proefschrifthet proefschrift SkinSkin injury injury duedue to toartificial artificial turf turf TheThe skin skin as a as readout a readout system system Op maandagOp maandag 3 april 3 april 2017 2017 om 16.30om 16.30 precies precies in de in Aula de Aula van van de Radboudde Radboud Universiteit Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen, ComeniuslaanComeniuslaan 2, Nijmegen. 2, Nijmegen. ReceptieReceptie ter plaatse ter plaatse na afloop. na afloop. The skin as a readout system a readout as skin The system a readout as skin The WilbertWilbert van vanden denEijnde Eijnde
[email protected]@consumersvoice.nl | | SkinSkin injury injury Wilbert van den Eijnde Wilbert van den Eijnde duedue to to artificial artificial turf turf TheThe skin skin as as a areadout readout system system ParanimfenParanimfen FrankFrank Gervedink Gervedink Nijhuis Nijhuis WilbertWilbert van van den den Eijnde Eijnde
[email protected]@twinx.nl NielsNiels Kolkman Kolkman
[email protected]@tencate.com 508453-L-os-vdEijnde Processed on: 6-3-2017 Skin injury due to artificial turf The skin as a readout system Wilbert van den Eijnde 508453-L-bw-vdEijnde Processed on: 6-3-2017 Skin injury due to artificial turf: The skin as a readout system Thesis Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, with summary in Dutch.