ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY THURSDAY | APRIL 20, 2017 Ex-girlfriend: Man confessed to murder Taylor, 29, break-in were all arrested for you also have someone who is Joshua Taylor’s trial in the killing of Reform, Ala- the crime later that month deceased because of a decision of a teen in New Hope continues today bama, is accused after Cox talked to investiga- that (Taylor) made.” of breaking into tors with the Lowndes County Cox was one of seven wit- a home on Har- Sheriff’s Office. At the time, nesses during the prosecu- BY ISABELLE ALTMAN told her he shot the New Hope rison Road early investigators had several other tion’s case Wednesday, in-
[email protected] teen. the morning of men unconnected with Taylor That’s what Cox told a jury May 20, 2011, in custody for the shooting. cluding 31-year-old Brandon A few days after 19-year-old in Lowndes County Circuit and shooting Taylor “I loved him,” Cox said of Brown, one of four other peo- William Stallings was shot and Court Wednesday during Tay- Stallings while the victim was Taylor during her testimony ple with Taylor the night of the killed in Lowndes County in lor’s capital murder trial. If asleep on a couch. Taylor and Wednesday. “And I knew it was murder. The state will contin- 2011, Alabama resident Lacee convicted, Taylor faces the four other men who were al- over, but you also have three ue calling witnesses today. Cox’s boyfriend Joshua Taylor death penalty or life in prison.