OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH St. Colman Church Notre Dame Church 170 Hubbard St. 272 Main St. Middlefield, CT 06455 Durham, CT 06422 ourladyofmercyparish.org ourladyofmercyparish.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS Office Location: 272 Main St., Durham, CT 06422 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM—3:00 PM P: 860-349-3058 • F: 860-349-8949 • E:
[email protected] MASS TIMES Saturday Confessions & Vigil Mass (St. Colman): Confessions: 3:00 PM • Mass: 4:00PM Sunday Mass: 8:00 AM (Notre Dame) • 9:30 AM (St. Colman) • 11:00 AM (Notre Dame) Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, 1st Saturday 8:00 AM (Notre Dame) Holy Rosary: Saturday 8:00 AM (Notre Dame) • Saturday 3:30 PM (St. Colman) PASTOR: Very Reverend Jan Swiderski • DEACON: Peter L. Gill OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH JUNE 21, 2020 Mission Statement: The Parish, as part of the Mystical Body of Christ, should have Christ’s vision of love & should invite & assist all people to respond to God’s universal call to holiness by proclaiming the Word, building His community, celebrating His liturgy & serving His people. All Daily Weekday Mass Intentions: HOW TO BEST COMMUNICATE WITH THE Weekday Masses will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. at St. PARISH OFFICE STAFF Colman Church on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Restrictions will be in place so please re- The Our Lady of Mercy Parish office is closed view these guidelines which can be found on out web- site at www.ourladyofmercyparish.org. Thank you!! and will remain closed until further notice. The best way to communicate with the office staff is All Saturday/Sunday Mass Intentions: through email.