United States Patent (19) 11) 4,405,158 Huberman 45) Sep
United States Patent (19) 11) 4,405,158 Huberman 45) Sep. 20, 1983 54 AIR FILLERADAPTER FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 76 Inventor: Richard Huberman, 7740 Bridlepath 1537833 8/968 France ................................ 285/177 La., McLean, Va. 22101 Primary Examiner-Harold W. Weakley Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sherman & Shalloway 21 Appl. No.: 266,643 (57) ABSTRACT (22 Filed: May 26, 1981 An air-filler adapter is provided wherein an outer shell is adapted to fit various large diameter air supply hoses 51 Int. Cl. ................................................ A47L 9/24 such as vacuum cleaner hoses, and a smaller diameter 52 U.S.C. ........................................ 285/7; 285/177; stem portion fits a variety of low pressure and medium 285/12; 137/223; 15/405; 15/415 R pressure air filler openings used to inflate various inflat 58 Field of Search .................. 137/223; 15/405, 415; able consumer goods. The stem portion extends beyond 285/7, 12, 4, 177 the outer shell and has an outer tip which is adaptable to various air filler valves which are smaller than the vac 56) References Cited uum cleaner hoses. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The adapter comprises a pair of concentrically disposed tubes, the inner of which fits schrader air chucks on one 1,702,322 2/1929 Snowdon ........................ 285/177 X end and fits the air filler openings for the consumer 2,131,721 9/1938 Hale ...................................... 285/12 3,368,302 2/1968 Martino .......................... 137/223 X goods on the other end. The outer tube is sized to fit 3,933, 77 1/1976 Dwyer ............................ 137/223 X low-pressure pressurized air sources such as vacuum 4,114,230 9/1978 MacFarland ..................
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