International Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources and Ecological Environmental Protection in Hetao Basin

10th-13th, October 2018 ·

“International Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources and Ecological Environmental Protection in Hetao Basin” has been organized in Yinchuan, China on October 10-13, 2018 on the ocassion of celebrating the 60th anniversary of Hui Autonomous Region and Ningxia University. It will provide a platform for joint discussion on the theoretical and practical issues regarding regional ecological, environmental protection and prevention, and control of water pollution. Also, it will provide an open forum for the exchange of information on recent advances in sustainable water research to enhance public awareness of the sustainable water environment. This conference will focus on the Healthy ecological watershed, Green infrastructure and intelligent water conservancy, Smart industrial park and resources cyclic utilization, Harmonious development of water energy and environment, etc. This conference invites domestic and international academicians, experts, scholars and outstanding individuals in the field of ecological and environmental research to discuss sustainable water environment issues from different perspectives, and share the experience of national ecological and environmental governance.

I. The theme of Conference: SustainableWaterResourcesandEcological Environmental Protection in Hetao Basin List of topics: (1)Healthy Ecological Watershed (2)Green Infrastructure and Intelligent Water Conservancy (3)Smart Industrial Park and Resources Cyclic Utilization (4)Harmonious Development of Water Energy and Environment

Ⅱ.Organization: Sponsor: Ningxia University Organizer:  College of Resources and Environmental Science, Ningxia University  School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Ningxia University  State Key Laboratory of High-Efficiency Coal Utilization and Green Chemicals Engineering  Breeding Base for State Key Laboratory of Land Degradation and Ecological Restoration in  China-Arab Joint International Research Laboratory for Featured Resources and Environmental Governance in Arid Regions Co-organizer:  Carbon Cycle Research Center (CCRC), National Taiwan University  Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan   South China University of Technology  International Program Committee (By Alphabetical):  Benji Jiang, National Taiwan University  Haifeng Jia, Tsinghua University  Jiakuan Yang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology  Jun Bi,  Juncang Tian, Ningxia University  Mohamed Mahmoud Hashem, The national research center of Egypt  Nanqi Ren, Academician, Harbin Institute of Technology  Nazmy Abdelhamid Abdelghany Attia Radwan, Ayn shams university, Egypt  Qingrong Qian, Normal University  Wenzhi Cao, Xiamen University  Xing Xu, Ningxia University  Yimin Zhang, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, MEP  Yong Geng, Jiao Tong University  Yongzhen Peng, Academician, University of Technology  Yufen Zhao, Academician, Ningbo University  Zhang Lin, South China University of Technology  Zhongxin Yuan, Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

Ⅲ. The Time and Place of Conference Conference time: 10-13 October 2018, 10th–Registration; 11-12th–meeting and13th–Closing Ceremony. Conference place: International Exchange Center of Ningxia University

Ⅳ. Conference Agenda

Date Agenda 2018-10-10 Conference Register 8:30-9:00 Opening Remarks 9:00-9:20 Group Photo and Tea Break 2018-10-11 9:20-12:00 Invited Speech 14:00-18:00 Sub-forum Report Venue 1: Forum on Government, Industry, and 8:30-11:30 Academician 2018-10-12 Venue 2: Green Infrastructure Workshop 11:30-12:00 Closing Remarks 2018-10-13 Representative Leaving

Ⅴ. The Conference Registration

1. Conference registration fee (food expenses, material fee) is 1,500 RMB/person for domestic representative and RMB1000/person for local students while fees for a foreign representative is $300/person. The payment can be made using two ways, i.e. on-site payment or early remittance. The meeting entrusted Yinchuan Huilong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. to collect the conference fee and invoice for the conference fee. Please be sure to indicate “Water Environment Conference + Representative Name” for remittance.  Account Name: Yinchuan Huilong Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.  Bank: ICBC Ningxia Branch Sales Department  Account number: 2902028009200219849. 2. Accommodation: The meeting accommodation is arranged in a unified arrangement, and the expenses are self-covered. 3. Registration method: Please send the meeting receipt form to the conference email address: [email protected] September 10th, 2018. 4. Forms of conference exchange: Conference report and discussion exchange (multimedia slide, 20 minutes), please prepare the PPTs presentation in advance.

Ⅵ. Conference Calls for Paper

This seminar will edit and publish conference essay collection as a meeting exchange material. 1. Paper requirements: conform to the theme of the conference, the length of the document is not more than 4,000 words; A4 format WORD document; and provide a Chinese and English abstract. 2. Please indicate the following personal information: the author's name, organization, position, job title, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and E-mail address. 3. Please send the Word version of the paper to the conference email: [email protected] September 10th. The conference will compile a compilation of articles for conference exchange.

Ⅶ. Meeting Contact

Jili Liu, Tel: +8618295172155, Chaochao Li Tel: +8615809589777 Conference Email: [email protected]

Attachment: Conference Receipt Form Ningxia University August 28, 2018 International Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources and

Ecological Environmental Protection in Hetao Basin

Conference Receipt Form

Student Name Gender Age Yes□ No□ or Not



Position Job Title Post



Tel Fax

E-mail Address

Submit Paper or Not Yes□ No□

Topic of Paper

Conference Oral Report or Not Yes□ No□

Report Forum Name

Title of Report


□Single room □Standard room Accommodation □Set by yourself □No accommodation arrangements

Note: 1. Please send the receipt form of the conference and the conference paper to the email address: [email protected] September 10. 2. The conference team will book the room and arrange other related activities based on the receipts. If you are unable to attend the meeting after submitting the receipt, please call the conference group in time. 3. Contact: Jili Liu, +8618295172155, Chaochao Li, +8615809589777.