Law Glossary
A ABA American Bar Association. Membership is voluntary. abandonment A term applying to many different situations. Abandonment of property is the giving up of the dominion and control over it, with the intent to relinquish all claims to the same. Losing property is an involuntary act, while abandonment is voluntary. When used with duty, the term is synonymous with repudiation. Abandonment of a child by its parents may be a criminal offense when accompanied by failure to perform parental duty. Abandonment in marriage dissolution (divorce) means voluntary separation or desertion of one spouse from the other. abatement To quash or put an end to a nuisance or other activity that is capable of being suppressed. abet To encourage or incite; in legal usage, the term applies to aiding another in the commission of a crime. abode A person's home or place of residence. abrogation Annulment by competent authority. abscond To leave the jurisdiction of the court in a clandestine manner, or to conceal oneself, in order to avoid law enforcement authorities. abstract (of judgment) An abbreviated form of the judgment; contains title of court, cause number, date of entry, names of debtor and creditor, amount, and judgment number. abstract (of record) A history of a case in short, abbreviated form, as found in the record. accomplice A person who knowingly, voluntarily, and with common intent joins with the principal offender in the commission of a crime. accord An agreement to accept something different from that to which a person is entitled; operates to extinguish the original obligation. accusation A formal charge against a person that he or she is guilty of a punishable offense, submitted to a court or magistrate having jurisdiction to inquire into the alleged crime.
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