University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Fall1985 Commencement July-December Graduate School Candidates for Degrees Board of Regents The Honorable Wendell R. Anderson, \Vayzata The Honorable Charles H. Casey, D.V. Yl., West Concord The Honorable Willis K. Drake, Edina The Honorable Erwin L. Goldfine, Duluth The Honorable Wally Hilke, St. Paul The Honorable David M. Lebedoff, Minneapolis The Honorable Verne Long, Pipestone The Honorable Charles F. YlcGuiggan, D.D.S., Ylarshall The Honorable Wenda \V. Moore, Minneapolis The Honorable David K. Roe, St. Paul The Honorable Stanley D. Sahlstrom, Crookston The Honorable Ylary T. Schertler, St. Paul Administrative Officers Kenneth H. Keller, President Stephen Dunham, Vice President and General Counsel Stanley B. Kegler, Vice President for Institutional Relations David M. Lilly, Vice President for Finance and Operations V. Rama Murthy, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs Richard Sauer, Vice President for Institute of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics Neal Vanselow, Vice President for Health Sciences Frank B. Wilderson, Vice President for Student Affairs This book was prepared by University Relations. Additional copies are available from University Relations, 6 yforrill Hall, 100 Church St. S. E., University of Minnesota, "'linneapolis, Y1innesota 55455. THE BOARD OF REGENTS requests that the following t\orthrop Memorial Auditorium procedure be adhered to: Smok ing is confined to the outer lobby on the main floor. to the gallery lobbies, and to the lounge rooms. Your University CHARTERED in 1851 by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota this year celebrated its one hundred and thirty-fourth birthday. One of the great land-grant universities in the nation, the University of Minnesota is dedicated to training young men and women to be our future leaders.
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