Notice 1995. Rare Flora

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Notice 1995. Rare Flora 2530 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA L27 June 1995 Schedule I DOLA File Description of Land Certificate of Title Volume Folio Lot 118 on Plan 1779Vnow Cockburn Sound Location 4126) 1892 695 Lot 580 on Plan 19558(now Peel Estate Lot 1397) 1989 323 Lot 24 on Diagram 3545Tnow portion Canning Location 3960) 1048 23 1 Lot 24 on Diagram 35457(now portion Canning Location 3960) 1093 445 Lot 101 on Plan 19227(now Cockburn Sound Location 4112) 1988 197 Lot 2001 on Diagram 74957(now Cockburn Sound Location 4132) 1821 935 Lot 121 on Plan 8014how Swan Location 12310) 1661 585 Lot 504 on Diagram 77664bow Swan Location 12311) 1871 473 Lot 167 on Diagram 8891(now Swan Location 12313) 232 5A Lot, 204 on Diagram 8891(now Swan Location 12312) 232 5A Lot 391 on Plan 9520(now Swan Location 12308) 629 132A Lot424 on Plan 17649(now Swan Location 12309) 1885 872 Lot 5 on Plan 16731(now Sussex Location 4999) 1753 342 Lot 309 on Plan 18100(now Sussex Location 5001) 1908 686 Lot 4 on Plan 16804(now Sussex location 5004) 1890 872 Lot 310 on Plan 18100(now portion Sussex Location 5002) 1908 687 Lot 311 on Plan 18100(now portion Sussex Location 5002) 1908 688 Lot 312 on Plan 15821bow portion Sussex Location 5002) 1793 623 Lot 313 on Plan 15821how portion Sussex Location 5002) 1793 624 CM301 WILDLIFlE CONSERVATION ACT 1960 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (RARE FLORA) NOTICE 1995 Made by the Minister under section 23F. Citation 1. This notice may be cited as the Wildlife Conservation (Rare Floral Notice 1995. Interpretation 2. In this notice - Uextant*,in relation to taxa, means still existing in their original state; "protected flora" means any flora beloneng to the classes of flora declared by the Minister under sectlon 6 (6) of the Act to be protected flora by notice published in the Gazette of 9 October 1987, at p. 3855; +are floranhas the meaning given by section 23F (1) of the Act; "taxon" includes any taxon that is described by a genus name and any other name or description. INM. The plural form of "ta;zon" is "taxa".] Rare flora 3. Subject to clause 4, all taxa of protected flora specified in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 are declared to be rare flora throughout the whole of the State. Certain protected flora excluded 4. Clause 3 does not apply to those plants of a taxon of protected flora specified in Schedule 1 that are growing in a domesticated or cultivated state. 27 June 19951 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 2531 Revacation S. The Wildlife conservation Rare Flora) Notice 1994* is revoked. C* Published in Gcrzette of 12 August 1994 at pp. 4024-7.1 SCHEDULE l [Clause 33 Protected flora declared as rare flora PART 1 - TAXA KNOWN TO BE EXTANT Acacia anomala Brach sema papilw ms Acacia aphylla cadnia brymnu Acacia awestoniana Caladenia busseUiana ms Acacia denticulosa Caladeniu caesarea subsp. Acacia depressa rnaritima ms Acacia forrestiana Caladenia christimae ms Acacia lanu 'nophylla Caladenia dorrienii ~caciakpta 2 a ms Caladenia elegans ms Acacia lobulata Caladenia excelsa ms Acacia pharangites Caladenia exstarts ms Acacia py-a Caladenia harringtoniae ms Acacia scwphanes Caladenia hoffmanii ms Acacia semicircinalis Caladenia huegelii Acacia vassalii Caladenia viridescens ms Aoacia sp. Dandaragan Caladenia voigtii ms (S. van Leeuwen 269) Caladenia wanosa Adenunthos cunninghamii Caladenia winfwldii ms Adenanthos dobagia Cabctasia arnoldii ms Adenanthos ellipticus Calytrix breviseta subsp. breviseta Adenanthos rei Centrolepis caespitosa Admnthos %&S Chamelawium erythrochlorum ms Adenunthos pungens Chamelaucium griffinii ms Adenanthos velutinus Chamelaucium roycei ms AUocasuarina fibrosa Chorizema varium A~uarinutortiramula Conospermum toddii Andersonia sp. Two Peoples Bay Conostylis drummondii (G. Keighery 8229) Conostylis lepidospermoides Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. minor Conostylis micranthu Anigozanthos humilis subsp. Conostylis misera chrysanthus Conostylis rogeri Anigozanthos viridis subsp. Conostylis seorsif2om subsp. termspectans trichophylla Anthocercis gmcilis Conostylis setigera subsp. dasys Apium prostratum subsp. Conostylis wonganensis ~hilliuiims Coopernookuz georgei Atponogeton heratepalus Corybas limpidus AsuLenium obtwatum Danuinia ace.rosa As2erolasia drummondii Danuinia apzculclta Asterohia grandiflora Danuinia carnea Asterolasia nivea Danuinia collinu Bcreckea arbuscula Darwinia ferricota ms Banksia brownii Danuinia 'mrosteg& Banksia cuneata Darwinia masonii Banksia goodii Darwinia meeboldii Banksia oli antha Darwinia arylepis Banksia sp Rh,rocarpa var. Darwinia squarrosa dolicbstyla Danuinia wittwerorum Banksia tricuspis Darwinia sp. Stirling Range (G.J. Banbia verticrllata Bentleya spinescelts DaviesiaKeighe? ursarioides5732) ms Billardiera mUis Daviesia euphorbwides Boronia adamsiuna Davksia megaalyx ms Boronia revoluta Daviesiu microcar a ms Brachysema modesturn ms Dauiesia pseudop&~o ms Davksia specwsa ms Eucal ptus leprophloia Davhsia spiralis Euca ?yptus merrwkiae Diuras drummondii Eucalyptus mporeana 2532 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [27June 1995 Diuris micrantha Diuris purdiei Drakuea wncolor ms Dmkuea c&uens ms Dmkaea elastica Drakaea isolatu ms Drukaea micranth ms Dmkonorchis barbarella ms DraRonorchis drakeoides ms Drosera fimbriata Drummondita ericoides Gastrolobium raniticum Drummonclita hrrssellii var. Gastrolobium f amulosum longif~lia~ Grevillea batrachioides Dryandm tonthocar;pa ms Grevillea calliantha Dryandra mimica Grevillea christineae Dryandra montana ms Grevillea dryandroides Dryandra serratuloides subsp. Grevitlea flexuosa sermtuloides ms Grevillea incons icua Dtyandra serratuloides subsp. Grevillea infhdbduris erissa ms Grevillea involucrata &iblema grandifirum var. Grevillea maxwellii cyanea ms Grevillea mccutcheonii ms Eremophila caerulea subsp. Grevillea pythara merrallii ms Grevillea scap iera Eremophila denticulata Hakea aculeata Eremophila inflata Hakea megalos enna Eremophila microtheca Halosarcia bul Bosa Eremophila nivea Hemiandra gardneri Eremophila racemosa Hemiandra rutilans Eremophila resinosa Hemiandra sp. Watheroo Eremophila subteretifoliu ms (S. Hancocks 4) Eremophila ternifolia Hemtgen~aviscidu Eremophila veneta ms Hensmania chapmanii Eremophila verticrllata Hibbertia sp. Porongurups (R.D. Eremophila virens Hoogland 12186) H drocotyle lemnoides ~Pocalymmalongifoliurn Isopogon uncinatus Kennedia beckxiana Kennedia glabrata Kennedia macrophylla Kunzea pauci ora Lambertia ec Pinata subsp. echinata ms Lambertia fairallii Lambert ia orbifolia Laxmannia jamesii Lechenaultia chlorantha Lechenaultia laricina Lechenaultia pulvinaris Lepidium catapycnon Leuco ogon obtectus ~elakhasciotostyla Meziella trifida Microcorys eremophibides Microtis globula M oporum wrdifolium doFm turbinaturn drrophyllurn lapidiwla M&iophyllum petreum Pandanus spiralis var. flrtmmeus Tetratheca a hylla Pamleana dbnii ms Tetrathem $toidea Petro hi& latericola ms Tetratheca harperi Pim a mm paynterae rns Pittosporum moluccanum dedmaniarum Pitydia augustensis itra psammophila Pityrotiia scabra ymitra stellata Plectrachne bromides Tiromash glabripetala Phwvphascum occidentale Thomasia montana Prostanthem carrickiana Th ptomene wittweri Ptemstylis sp. Northampton ~riabnanthespurpurea (S. D. Hopper 3349) Verreauxia verreauxii Ptychoserna pusillurn Verticordia albida 27 June 19951 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 2533 Pultenaea pauciflora Verticordia carinata Restw abortivus Verticordia crebra Restio chaumoleus Verticordia firnbrilepis Rhcytodia acicularis Verticordia harveyi Rhizdnthella gardneri Verticordia helichrysanthu Ricinocarpos trichoph-orus Verticordia hughanii Roycea pycno hylloides Verticordia pityrhops Rulin ia sp. ~ryewepBridge Verticordia plumosa var. (R. lmith s.n. 0 6 89) ananeotes Schnus natans Verticordia spicata subsp. Spirogardnera rubescens squamosa Stawellia dimorphantha Verticordia staminosa Stylidium coronifonne Villarsia calthifolia Stylidium galbides Wurmbea calcicola Stylidium merrallii Wurmbea tubulosa StyUium scabridum Xyris s . Stirling Range Tetraria australiensis (GJ.Reighery 7951) PART 2 - TAXA PRSSUMED TO BE EXTINCT Acacia kingiana Lepidium aschersonii - Acacia prismi olia Lepidium drummondtr Acacia volubif is Leptomeria dielsiana Beyeria lepidopetala Leptomeria Eawt Calothamnus accedens Leucopogon cryptanthus Coleanthera virgata Leucopogon marginatus Deyeuxia drummondii Menkear draboides Dicrastylis morrisonii Nemcia lehmcmnii Eremophila vernicosa ms 0 ercularia acolytanthu Eriosternon falcatus ~Rkgmatosemrn drummondii Frankenia conferta platysace 8lssecta Frankenia decurrens Pseudanthus nematophrus Frankenia parvula Ptilotus fasciculatus Glyceria drummondii Ptilotus pyramidatus rostemon reticulatus Scaevola nacrophylla 2aloragis pkt carpa Taraxacum cygnorum Hemigenia exif& Tetrathem elliptica Hemigenia obtusa Tetratheca fasciculata Hydatella kptogyne Thomasia gardneri Labpetalum rotundifolium PETER FOSS, Minister for the Environment. F1301 FISHERIES ACT 1905 FISHERIES AMENDMENT REGULATIONS (NO. 4) 1996 Made by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council. Citation 1. These regulations may be cited as the FkIte* Amendment lkgdutions WO.4) 1995. Commencement 2, These regulations come into operation on l July 1995. Principal regulations - 3. In these regulations the ~isherksRegutations 193P are referred to as the principal regulations. C* Reprinted as at 15 Se tember 1988. For ainendmwta to l$June 1995 see 1994 Index to &ion of Western Austmlia, Table 4, pp. 85-7, and Gazette of WFebruary, 7 April and 16 May 1995.3 PRINT POST APPR WESTERN AUSTRALIAN azetGOVERNMENT A PERTH, TUESDAY, 27 JUNE 1995 No. 81 STATE LAW PUBLISHER WE ARE MOVING!! As of Monday 3 July 1995, State Law Publisher will be located on the Ground Floor at 10 William Street, Perth. Our new Phone numbers will be- Administration: Sales and Enquiries: Stationery: Operations: Lawnet Enquiries: Our new facsimile numbers will be- Administration: 321 7534 Sales and Enquiries: 321 7536 Operations: 321 7537 Government Gazette copy must be lodged at the new address for the edition published on and from Friday, 7 July 1995. The previous location at Station Street, Wembley, will cease to operate from close of trading on Friday, 30 June 1995. .
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    4 July 19951 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 2793 . -. cG401 GQVERNMENT OF WESTERNAUSTRALLA Family and Children's Services Family Information and Adoption Service Expressions of Interest for Applications for Licence to Conduct Contact & Mediation Serviw (as required under the Adoption Act 1994) Expressions of interest are sought from people who are experienced adoption counsellom, social work- ers or psychologists. A prerequisite for licences is attendance at a training course. The next training is planned for July/August 1995. For further information contact Kim Dean on telephone 222 2977. Fax 222 2581. Closing dab for expression of interest is 14 July 1995. CM301 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ACT 1950 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (RARE FLORA)NOTICE 1995 Made by the Minister under section 23F. Citation 1. This notice may be cited as the Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 1995. Interpretation 2. In this notice - "extant", in relation to taxa, means still existing in their original state; "protected flora" means any flora belonging to the classes of flora declared by the Minister under sectlon 6 (6) of the Act to be protected flora by notice published in the Gazette of 9 October 1987, at p. 3855; "rare flora" has the meaning given by section 23F (1) of the Act, Yaxon" includes any taxon that is described by a genus name and any other name or description. INN. The plural form of "taxon" is "tuxa".] Rare flora 3. Subject to clause 4, all taxa of protected flora specified in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 are declared to be rare flora throughout the whole of the State. Certain protected flora excluded 4.
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