Time-In-Cell: The ASCA-Liman 2014 National Survey of Administrative Segregation in Prison The Liman Program, Yale Law School Association of State Correctional Administrators August 2015 ASCA-Liman National Survey Segregation revised distribution August 31, 2015 The Arthur Liman Public Interest Program Inquiries: Yale Law School, New Haven, CT
[email protected] The Arthur Liman Public Interest Program was
[email protected] endowed to honor one of Yale Law School’s
[email protected] most accomplished graduates, Arthur Liman ’57. Yale Law School Arthur Liman personified the ideal of 127 Wall Street commitment to the public interest. Throughout New Haven, CT 06511 his distinguished career, he demonstrated how dedicated lawyers, in both private practice and George and Camille Camp public life, can serve the needs of people and Co-Executive Directors of the Association of causes that might otherwise go unrepresented. State Correctional Administrators The Liman Program was created in 1997 to
[email protected] forward the commitments of Arthur Liman as an
[email protected] exemplary lawyer dedicated to public service in the furtherance of justice. Acknowledgements Association of State Correctional The primary authors of this report are Sarah Administrators (ASCA) Baumgartel, Corey Guilmette, Johanna Kalb, Diana Li, Josh Nuni, Devon Porter, and Judith ASCA is the association of persons directly Resnik, who are faculty and students in the Yale responsible for the administration of correctional Law School Liman Program, and from ASCA systems. It includes heads of state corrections Camille Camp and George Camp, Co-Executive agencies, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Directors.