.. Studet~ls, Tire South's qjeJt 'By the College "f\(ewspaper UJ t i&iug-tum t For the Students Z-119 Wuhington and Lee. University Semi-Weeldy

VOL. XLIII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1940 NUMBER 44 Buxton Signs Woody Herman for Friday Night, Gene Krupa for Saturday of Spring Dance Set Lacrosse Game, Track Meet Buddy Foltz Picks And Interfraternity Sing Chairmen of State Will Round Out Festivities Ir's the " Band That Plays the Blues" and " The A ce Drum­ mer Man" that will rock into Lexington on April 19 and 20 GOP Delegations to p lay for Washington and Lee's Spring dance set. Wood)' H e rman and Gene Krupa have been finally sign ed, Billy Bux· Washington and Lee's eighth tlals committee were as follows: ton, president of the Cotillion dub, announced today. Due to moclt convention assumed propor- Alabama, Guy OSwalt: Arizona, the fact that the schedules fixed by the Music Corporatio n of Uons nearer to reality when Bud- Sam McCorkle; Arkansas. Derrell dY Foltz. chairman of the Repub- Dickens: California, Blll Martin; America were not definite ly adjusted until recently, Buxton did Jlcan committee on credentials. se- Colorado. Fred Hartenstein: Con­ not receive confirmation of his lected the men who will serve as nectlcut. Francis Sugn1e: Dela.­ contracts until late yesterday. "In our attempt to top the chalnnen of the respective state wBa~;· Haro~~~addl y:HFiobnOda.. 0 . First: Gene Krupa, Silly Buxton's " Drummer Boy" who will play for Saturday of Spring Spicer to Sing delega.tlons to the convention. . -.cEwan . ....:vfi &. er arges. d d D K , f . . Th' d \VI d H 1 b d bands that are coming south this Pointing out that these appoint- Idaho, Gordon Alford : Illinois. ances. Secon : Irene aye, rupa s em mine voca 1ut. 1r : oo y erman, w 1ose an year," Buxton declared, "we had ~o mente are tentative and subJect Oscar Ennenaa; Indiana, Emil will play the blues on Friday night. Southern Folk wait until last-minute word had to later arranaenrente and chanses Rassmann; Iowa , Emory Cox : been received In order to sign up due to connicLs which might arise Kana&~~ , Keith Blinn : Kentucky. Music Here these top swing bands. On behalf and the tnavallablllty of the men Dodo Baldwin ; Louisiana. Jimmy or the Cot\Uion clu b, I wish to who are to serve u chatnnen, Hammett: Maine. Newt Harman: P~ .Beta K~ppa Former Cliqueman Re'Jieals Earle Spicer. New York bari­ apologize for the late a.nnounce­ Foltz stated that the complete Ma.ryland, Milte Crocker: Massa­ tone. will sing here Friday, March ment of the bands. because we state delegatloM will be chosen chusette, RoM Hersey. 29, as a. part of the proaram span­ were attempt1n11 to keep up the later. The full state delegations Michigan, But Read : Minnesota. lmtlates Friday; Darkroom Political Methods sored by the Southern Folklore so­ high calibre of bands that have will be made up of students from DI c k Southworth: Mississippi, ciety which will meet at WaShing­ played at the Washington and Lee their home states when POSSible, Benton Wakeneld : MiS&Ouri. Jack Jones to Speak Br BILL BUCH ANAN a foregone conclusion that he ton and Lee Friday and Saturday dances this year." but students from those states Jones: Montana, Herb Weed; Ne­ Phi Beta Kappa will Initiate Dr. would be elected. of next week, Woody Herman will play at the who have overly large repreaenta- braska, Bucky StooPS: New Hamp­ Marcellus Stow and 16 seniors Fri­ Seniors and law students don't After all campus offices. man­ The program will be open to the " 13 " Club Formal on Friday night tlon on the campus will be appor- shire, AI Junkin ; New Jersey, Bill day morning at 10 :40 In Lee chap­ have to be told. Most Juniors re· agers. and publication directors public and tickets may be obtain­ or the Spring set. while Gene Kru­ tloned to th& states which are saunders: New MexI co. Cash el at which time Dr. Howard Mum­ member from hearsay. But many fthey. too. were elected in those ed from Harry Philpott. who 1s pa will move In for the Saturday JacltJns 1n sumctent numbers of Bltarda : New York. Steve Ste­ ford Jones. Harvard professor of sophomores and m ost freshmen days) had been awarded to one co-chalrma.n of a committee In engaaement. Krupa will play for repruentatlves to 1111 out the phenaon. Bna:Ueh. will apeak. The assembly are mystified when old school poll. house or another. a copy of the charge of arransemente for the the Saturday afternoon dansant. state's quota of delegates. Nevada. Buddy Hertz: North is voluntary. tlcla.ns hark back to the days of clique slate was given to each of convention . The plaoe for the pro­ and It Is possible that his ba.nd will 'nl.e state chairmen were ad- Carolina, Lea. Booth : North Da­ Dr. J ones Is a contributor to na­ "The Clique ." the representatives. aram will be announced later. feature a swing concert. such as vlsed by Foltz to write to the Re· kota. Oil Gardner: Ohio, Jack Gil­ tional magazines Including Atlan­ The cliQue. as described by a There was always one excep­ Philpott said. Benny Goodman held last year. publican chairmen In the respec- lesple : Oklahoma, Frank Nichols: tic Monthly and Harpers. and he former participant, was quite a tlon, the secretaryship of the stu- Mr. Spicer will feature Old Eng­ The ticket drive will start to­ tlve states which they represent Oregon, 0 . Murray Smith: Penn· haa written 17 books. systematic organization. dent body. That always went to lish and American ballads and will morrow , Buxton said. und will to ftnd out as nearly aa possible sylvania, AI Snyder: Rhode Is· si ng old spinet music by King continue until sprlns vacation. HI! books Include volumes of Sometime before political sea­ the non-fraternity man who could the status of the Republican party land, Stanford Schewe\: SOuth original verse. several plays. and tum In the most pledge slips. Henry Vlll as well as several The prtce for the ticket drive will son, two representath·es from each be $15.00. In that state at the preaent time. Carolina, John Cleveland. of the member fraternities gath­ These slips read about like this: songs with a touch or Jazz. He will Candidates and planks of the na- South Dakota, T. K . Helm : Ten· "I pledge on my honor that I also sing many of the classical AL'IO, In order to make April 19 tlonal platform favored by each nessee, Thornton Bth.ng : Texas, ered behind locked doors In a and 20 the biggest spring dance Assembly Schedule lounge or chapter room and elect­ w!ll vote for the following candl· traditional ballads telling stories state must be known in order to Ralph Lehr: Utah, Judee Suther­ that Washtneton and Lee ha ~ ed a chairman and secretary. dates ..." usually of aallant ltnleht.s on set sid the realism of the mock con- land : Vermont. Bob Van waaoner: Short classes will be held Frl- And below wa.s enumerated the milk-white s teeds who wooed ever seen. the athletic department venUon. Vlfllnla. undecided as yet: Wash- day due to the voluntary as­ There were 12 to 14 fraternities represent.ed. The rest were out, clique slate. breathtakingly beautiful damsels. has scheduled a track meet '41th Yesterday afternoon. co~chalr- lngton, BUI Bums: West VIrginia, sembly of Phi Beta Kappa at Richmond and a lacrosse game and never held a polltlcl'l omce. This slate was read by the clique Mr. Spicer became Interested In men Fred Bartensteln and Bi'ent Leslie P r I c e ; Wlscomtn. Bob 10 :40 In Lee chapel. The sched­ traditional ballad ~ while at col­ between Washington and Lee and representatives at R chapter meet­ ule I~ as follows: The maJor omces were taken up Farber met with the members of Davis. Ins of each house. The members Ieee and made a collection as a Duke, co-champions or ~he Dixie their epeaklng committee to lay Wyoming, Jack Watson: Alaska, In order. and were awarded to the 8:25- 9: 10 were told: hobby, but his singing ot them has league. The Interfraternity coun­ plans tor the conduct of the nom- Charles Landrum: Ha.wall. John 9:10- 9:55 various houses In turn. That is, attracted such atentlon that he Is cil will award its cup to the fra­ lna\lng and seconding speeches In Alexander: Puerto Rico, Pedro 9:55--10 :40 the house which had not had a "Boys, here are the candidates now In constant demand for this ternity who wins the Sing. the n­ the convention. The spealtlna: pro- Rodriguez: and Vlratn 1.5\ands. un­ 10 :40-11:40 rassembly> student body president for the you are going to vote for. It will proaram by colleges and music nals for which will be run off at eram of the convention wu out- decided aa yet. 11 :40-12:20 longest number ot years was not be much trouble, because no­ clubs all over the country. Presi­ the dansant. lined by Bartensteln and the The credentials committee will 12 :20- 1:00 awarded that omce, and so on body Is running aaalnst them. But dent Roosevelt and the Oovernor­ Woody Herman comes to the 1f any of you do not vote. the clique members ot the committee were meet a1atn Thursday night to be­ down the line. Oenernl of Canada Invited him Washlneton and Lee campus rol­ Instructed as to their parts In the lin apportionment of students to Arter the eligible houses had will find out, and we will be thrown to sing for them last year. lowlnl hls smash hit at the Sher­ convention. deleaatlona and to consider the a work on the lnll.uence of Prance been dlscUB&ed for some time on out. and we'll never hold another man House In Chicago. Rated one campus office.·· He studied In London and his Temporary leadet"B of state dele· chl.naes necessary In the chair­ upon American culture from 1150 a quid-pro-quo be.sl.a, each houee singing has won the approval of of the nnest swine bands In the lltlons as selected by the creden- manahiPII of the delegations. to 1850. In addition. Dr. Jones has represented was given one vote, In the la.st three years or dark­ such distingUIShed conductors as country and featuring the band edited a blblloeraphy of Byron, and the tra.ternlty to whom It was room politics. on ly two candidates Sir Henry Wood. Sir Landon Ron­ that plays the blues, Herman has edited the poems of Edgar Allan awarded got the onice. c&m.e out against clique nomina­ ald. and Sir Ad rian Boult. His col­ climbed high In the ot·ehestra Poe and translated some of the Then the representatives of that Mons. Both were badly defeated. Ieee engagement8 have Included world In the last tew months. with work of Helne. German poet. Be­ Students Requested to Give house put their heads tocether, How did the clique find out Cornell, Columbia. Brown. Wil­ his records winning t op-po sit i on ~ tore going to Harvard. Dr. Jones and arbitrarily decided who the about Its traitors, the boys who liams, Syracuse, NYU. Lafayette, in music magazine polle. and the tauaht at the University o( North actual candidate was to be . Thus. had the courase to face virtual Barnard. Harvard. Farmville. a.nd famed Meadowbrook In New Jer­ Carolina. It was usually undetermined who ostraclzatlon In their own houses Buffalo. sey talktne of brlnglns him back Parents Census Information Calyx pictures of Phi Beta Kap­ would hold an office ·until It was ConUnued on Pa&'e tour In add ition to his concert•work. for a full summer eneagements Washln11ton and Lee students. tlon between March 24-30 might pa men. Including the initiates. Mr. Spicer has been featured due to the popular reception that will be taken Wednesday. ln ad­ along with all othen In the na- be In th1s group.> many Umea on radio prot~rams . he received there. tton. have been requested by the The only other Question which dition to Dr. Stow. •he newly­ While In Enetand he was one or Another recent occupant of the elected members are: Church to Stage United 8 ~ate s I:¥pt.rtment of partnta mllht have trouble an­ Easter Service the exclusive artists tor the Brit­ Meadowbrook. Oene Krupa, will Commerce to write to their p•r- swering concerns place of residence Jackson Ak in, William Burner, Ish Broadcasting company and for swlns out on his drums for the· ents certain tntonnatton that they ot the student on April 1. 1935. It John Cleveland, Michael Crocker, nearly three yea111 was a. soloist two Saturday dances. Noted as one Robert Espy , Robert Gaddy. Plans Complete Musical Drama will be asked to atve the census the student was away from home Contlnae4 on pace four Continued on ttate rour taker In April. at the time, In prep school. college Geonte Grasty, Wn.lter Guthrie. With only the selection of "The St . Matthew Passion." a Colle,e students will be counted or eleewhere. the parenUJ are sUit oeoree Watson James. A. Douglas hymns remaining. plans tor W&L'a religious drama set to music, wUI aa memben or their pa.rent.s' to report hls permanent rtaldence, Jamleaon, H enry McLaukh\ln, ftrst Eastern sunrise service next be Riven at the Presbyterian households. temporarily away from which normally would be the same Paul Morrison. Arthur Porter. Wil­ Sunday were practically complete church here next Thursday night Red-Tailed Hawk to Supplement home. as their own. liam Read, Scott Smither. and today. The Rrv\ce will be held on at 8:15 o'clock. Harold Dicken­ Philip Williams. sheets, LoRean Hodapp. and Cl\leb "nle Census bureau has asked : Btudenta at West Polnt. Anna- the lawn In front of Washln&ton Hoyt's Lecture Thursday Night l . That students make sure that polls. and other tralnlna tnstllu- c.ollese at 6:30 a. m. Cushin&. all eraduales of the It Isn't every day that a red­ thelr parents repOrt them, and Uons of the War department. The band and Olee club under Westminster ChoIr colleae at mala are the leaat well known. 2. 'll'lat theY au pply their par- Na vy department, and U. 8. Coast Blue Ridge Rally the direction of Professor John 0 . Princeton. will be guest soloists. tnJ\ed hawk goe1 fiylng around In There are probably t'Jfty or more Varner, are llr&.CtltlniJ Bach chor­ Mr. Dickensheets. head of the the connnes of Washington chap­ ml~ . llhrews, and other small ani­ entll with the followlnr lnforma- guard, and student nursea llvlnw: el: In fact the person who has tton. eome of which they may have at hoapltals or nursea' homes will als and a Welsh choral which they voice department of Catawba col­ mals that few people have seen . lege, was tenor soloist with the eve•· ~~een one fiylng around the torsotten. be enumerated at ~hose lnstltu- Held by Council will present nellt SundRY . Music H Ia the purpose or his t'Jeld work for the hymns has been orde1·ed. Westmlnlltel' choir for five yeara. Washlneton and Lee campus any­ Number of weeks the atudent tlons, Approximately 40 members of He ill a well-known concert and where will ha.ve to prove It be· to obt.aln for the Na tional museum worked In 1939 (equivalent full- Reporting to the Census bureau the Chrtstlan and Freshman coun- Mr. va.mer said, and should ar­ an accurate collection or all the rive within a day or two. oratorio singer. havl ne appeared cause the red-tailed hawk Is quite Ume wet:lr.sl. I.e required by law . but the same ells attended a "Blue Rld&e Ball" as tenor soloist with the Brahms 8Carc.e around Lexlnaton. resident birds and mammale of Number of houra he worked dur- statute protecte thOIIe riving the l"ttday night and heard talks by Meanwhile It waa announced Chornl club under the direction of To one. Mr. J. SOuthaate Y. South Carolina. To dote similar llll the weelt of March 24-30, 1940. anawera aa:alnst. dlsclosure of In- seve1·a l studente whG have attend­ that the prot~ram wUI Include. In Mr. LindsaY Norder alngln& the Hoyt. the l'ed-tallcd hawk Is no work hiLl been conducted In the addition to the Easter message by Present. or It &eeklnl work, laat dlvldual returns of their use fo r ed the annual YMCA-YWCA con­ ··st. Matthew Paselon" and as mystery. It seem ~ that Mr. Hoyt statea of West Vlrllnla, Tennea· occuPttlon !exact nature of dutlea taxation, lnvestlsatlon. or regula- terence at Blue RldfJe. N. C. President Oalnes. the readln11 of sololet for Leopold Stokowsky In will stve a talk on ''FalconrY- the see. Kentucky, and North Caro­ pertormedl. Uon. 'Mlll year'a co nferen~ will be the Eaater lesaon from the Bible the "B Minor Mass" by Bach. sport of klnaa." Thursday at 7:45 lina. Thil prosram will evr.ntual­ meent or last clu ao r worker They wilt be used 10le1Y ror sta- held June 8-l'J nnd Council Olrec- by Harry Philpott. Mrs. Hodapp'a voice has had In­ p. m .. alonr with Illustrated mov­ ly extend to co\·er the greater part or factory, atore or other lllace of tlstlcal purposes. For example, It tor Harry Philpott ex preMed the The service was announced In ternational apJ>eal and has been Ie~~ of hunting with trained eagle!, of the United State1. The work bulineu), will be poq\b\e to determine from hope that at leaet 15 W&L studenta Lextnston churches Sunday and praised by reviewers In the Lon­ while hie pet hawk will give an this summer will lnelude collect­ Presen~ or last claM of wor ker 1940 eemus n 1 ure~ the number or will attend. other speakeu were a partic ular Invitation was extend. don )mpern. The London Times awe lnsplrlnl demonstration. Ing and preparlna specimens of fW&II or u \ary worker In private college araduates In various ot· Qordon Von Kalinowski. Buzz Lee , ed to n1embers of local younr peo­ said: "LoRean Hodapp Ia eo nne In February, IUO, J . SOuthgate these leu common forma. worll : wa.ge or aalary worker In cupallons, the number of unem- Clinton Van Vliet. and Bob Camp­ ple'• ll'OUI)I. VMl c:adeta will AlSO an artist tha.t If mere voice ls the Y. Hoyt received the deKree or Oetting baclt t.o Mr. Hoyt's red ­ roverMlent worlt : employer: work- ptoyed college 1raduatea, and a belt. be Invited, Philpott said. leut of her quauncallons. I am M. s . from Comen university. He tailed hR••k, It seena that he has tna on own account: unpaJd tam- attat deal or other tnfonnatlon Preliminary plans for Washlna- In case or rain the service will lost In SI:JeCUlatlve a.dmlratlon for completed the requ\re1nenu for coaxed the bird Into becomlne n. 11' workenJ. never before available. Not only ton and Lee's delesatlon to the be held In Lee chnpel: however, the ti nt or them." "A beaulitul the desree In one And a half years, pet almost as humnn a 11 a doa Whether at worlt l.n private or will the census produce material Vl ra; lnla YM.CA retreat llt camp advance weather report• Indicate voice thrilled the Al ve i'\ Hall au­ when all the student• and faculty might be. Just how he has been non-emeraency 1overmen1. work of thll type, directly bearing on Johnson. near Roanoke, on May that there Is an excellent chatlce dience yesterday," added the Lon­ tald that this could not be done able to do this Is not known. bu t durlnl week or March 24-30. the student'e prospecla, but will 10-12, were al10 d!JJcussed. or ra.tr weather Sunday. A loud­ don Dally Sketch. In le!ll than two years. Mr. Hoyt the fact remains that Mr. lioyt'a If not. whether UAigned to pub- turnlah IOCioloalcal data of con- Philpott will lead a dlscusalon &peaker system will be inatalled When .Bach sel The Passion to wa.s otrel'f'd teaching fellow&hlpa hawk II a very remArkable bini lie emer&ency work tauch u NYA > elderable value to studenu dotnr on "Rellgloue Problem!! Confront­ by Al exander Veech , ISUI>erintend­ music In 1729 he used Lutller'a at both Cornell and the University Mr. Hoyt will exhibit his bird In during that week. research. Ina the Modern Student" at a ent or bulldln&a and eround.11. tranelatlon of the 26th and 27th ot Jlllnols, He will leave hcr4l April an etrort to show Just how humnn 1f neither, whether &eeklnll ------lmeellnr of the Freshman council RoberL Espy , chnlrmnn of the ohnpters of Bt. Mnuhew's 001mel. 4, Lo take a place as ncld MSist· the animal really Is, and to J u ~t work. NFU M . In the Student Union Friday night council's commllt.ee on special The present tranelntlon follow• ant of the United States National what extent It can be tamed. At If not at worlt or &eeklna work, eetmg at 1:!10, President Bob Temple an- pfOirama. &aid tod&.y that the the Kina Jam e~' version very museum. He will work on the aur­ any rate It certaJnly ought to bf' does the atudcnt have a Job or There will be a meeUna of thf' nounced today, TI1e council will Chrlstlan council "was very much ciOI!ely. vey which the museum Is planntns well worth anyon4''8 v.·hlle to baH~ bualneu. from which he II tern· Non -Fndernlty ''"ton t.omotrow also ma.ke plant for a.ttendlna pleased by atudent responee to the A collection will be taken to de­ on the fauna of South Carolina. a look at auch an aetoundlnK bli'd, porarliY on vacation, sick leave or nlthl. at 1 ~ 1 5 In the FH11dent Union the Eaatenl aunrltllt!. ~~t.rvlce next candlellghL service hut Ch1istmaa fray the ex pe nJW>A or music ttnd According to Mr . Hoyt , of a.U and to hear one or the bettf'l' ltl'• tuy-ofT? (8tudenliJ on Easter v.u:a- lounre. Sund&.y morning. and we h011e tha.t there will be as IIOIO ista. the forma of 11.nlmalllfe, the mam- tut·ere on animal life, A majority o f th e games scheduled for UJ4r ling-tum Jqi this season will be played in Lexin gton, Washington and Lee University so the students wiU have plenty of op· Th~ Ring•tnn1 Phi Feature Section po rtunity to witness the g rowth of the Semi-W eeldy newest sport on the official Washington PubLished every Tuesday and Friday of the and Lee roster. CAMPUS COMMENT ... PERSONAL collegiate year. Entered at the Lexlngton, VIr­ By EVERYBODY BUT SOUTHWORTH PREVIEWS AND REVIEWS ginia, postomce as second-class mall matter. THE AMERICAN PRESS By AL FLEISHMAN Member of the Associated Collegiate Press. AND ITS CHANGES OPINIONS National advertising representative: The Na­ Communications Cooperative Unincorporat- ed. which Is something Ken Vandewater ------­ We're stlll dazzled by OWTW. in "Green Hell," which looks a lit­ tional Advertising Service. Inc.. 420 Madison Despite its protestations to the con· so don't be surprised tr we forget tle like the old Tarzan serials to Avenue. New York Clly, New York. thought up during a nightmare, made Its first There was once a Spanish hu­ trary, the journalism professio n, b y and an nual pilgrimage to Balcony Falls yesterday. morist n a m e d SomethJng De there are any glorifying adjectives us .... The story concerns an Inca Subscription $3.10 per year. In advance in the English language .... Seems treasure lost somewhere In the large, is one o f the most con servntive in Transportation was furnished, at a per Oamba. capita cost of 52 cents, by the Virginia creep­ He may still be alive. I don't strange not to be In a movie for Brazlllan Jungle and a bunch of ERNEST WOODWARD II ...... EdiLor the wo rld. er. Members of the expeditions were Com­ know. If he Is. he Is something of four hours now with Scarlett fellows who decide they'd like to M. THOMPSON McCLURE .Buslness Manager This seems to be true more today than munications Vice-Presidents Fuller. Vandewa­ an oddity, because very few Span­ O'Hara running around In front find it and cash In on it... . They of us. closely followed by Rhett eve r be fore, because today the newspa· ter. and Buchanan, accompanied by Henry lards are humorists these days. get up an expedition and head for SPORTS EDITOR Alao, very few Spaniards are alive. Butler. . .. A consideration of the the Jungle. look around for about pers themselves are changing rapidly, nl­ McLaughlin. who had nothing to do with the Bayard Berghaus organization except for the fact that he want­ M1·. De Gamba was also some­ business at hand shows us that we a year. and then find lhe treasure. MANAGING EDITORS tho ugh the owners and editors refuse to ed to ride on the train. thing of a philosopher and an can't get very excited about the . . . But In the midst of all this Bob Steele and Fred Farrar believe it. economist. current feature at the State, "Lit­ comes plenty or trouble \lQth hos­ They were the first passengers the line bas tle Old New York." ... It's mighty tUe natives and plenty of poisoned NEWS EDITOR COPY EDITOR In the situations throughout the world had since sometime last. month, when a lady He had a theory, a very pro­ found theory. with dozens or Im­ next to nothing as far as we're arrows buzzing about .... One member of the DESK EDITOR is radio which does the uspot" reporting, The trip, 21 miles long. took three hours, philosophy. economics, and psy­ Allee Faye to take your mind off party. Richardson Al Fleishman not counting an hour and a hall off for lunch your work and there's Brenda by name. carelessly gets In the and not the newspapers. When Italian chology departments would do Columnists In Buenie. well to Investigate. Joyce Just to take your mind .... way of one of the arrows . ... Be­ meets German in the Brenner pass a few If your heart palpitates at the fore the end of his lite, the other Pete Barrow, Bill Buchanan. Bob Campbell, Bob Fuller did not get a picture of the cow In Its essence, thls theory runa fortunate souls may ~t the news as it that did not get nm over by the traln. something llke this: Man, It seems, sight of real he-men, go out on members of the Party send for his AI Fleishman, and Dick Southworth. Wilson field and look at Sprlng comes over th e teletype, but the majority There Is no particular significance to the Is not really Interested in reduc­ wife and some serum Ailor. Bell. Bond, Browder. Darby, Davis. Ellis. in a magazine.... AI Fleishman is very un­ time enjoy life, but we aren't par­ of the camp and Douglas Pair­ The implications of this change, so happy.... Slugger Is still crusading, against twentieth century llfe endurable. Giffen. Houska, Maish. Millar. Monts, Noonan, noticeable sin ce last faU , are tremendous, Therefore. he says, all the theo­ ticularly concerned with beauti­ banks, Jr. . falls In love with her. Shroyer, Taylor. Warfield, Zelnlcker. mid-semester tests: this lime spring is here­ ful Richard Greene tand we do .. . Later she learns that she never and are beginning to be recognized by it hasn't snowed In the la.~t two days . ... ries of collectivism are rotten. Socialism, If carried out to Its mean beautllul). . . . He's got a was married to Richardson, so the almost everyone outside of the field of The reason Southworth Is In the hospital is pan that shines llke Bing Crosby's other members of the party decide ADVERTISING CONSULTANT not because be writes this column. The rea­ ultimate end. would merely re$ult A. Douglas Jamieson journalism. This applies, of course, only in reducing to the very minimum, pusllanlmous kitchenware... . If It's best that they get her out of son he doesn't wrlte this column Is because he the historical matter were nearly camp.... Rains and natives sto, Advertla~ Manaren to the larger daily papers, and not to is In the hospital. . .. Buddy Foltz Is havlng the amount of work each Individ­ ual would have to do. accurate. there might be some­ that idea. and with a few canni­ Marlon Tillman Simon, Homer Augustus Jones. small weeklies. The latter will be little n hal'd time findlng a delegate to represent thing worth seeing- but It's noth­ bals besieging the camp, It doesn't the VIrgin Islands at the Republican conven­ Therein lies Its PSYchological Jr.. Edmont Hom, Merideth Price Wiswell. Jr. affected by these tremendous forces. awe. It oflers the Individual no Ing like the way It happened. . . . take long for Fairbanks to stop an tion. Maybe you llked It-but we're just arrow, so Joannie goes to work to .u.lst&nt Advertlalnr Manaren rosy dream of complete escape. Even further than the mere competi­ The crew Is practicing In a fiat-bottomed bitter. pull him through and bring him Robert Loring Wllson, John Hunt Peacock tion of radio, what wiU happen to the skiff. They round their new shell was so fast This partial escape, be says, IS very unsatisfactory. TbiU'Iday Uld Friday eomes back to health. . . . She succeeds. Oscar Carroll Dunn that they had to hang Wilhite over the stem newspapers if television is ever perfected To get even that, we would have Hedy and Satlll'da1 comes Jeu.. but not before a few others are as a sea anchor. They sighted a submarine killed and friendly Indians save Otrea.lailoo Maa&&'en is a matter of great importance. The oth­ to sacrifice the one sustaining ... The State baa decided to rtve yesterday. the male IDOYie-woer a ebance to the party . ... Most interestlng . . . William Oscar Shropshire, Russell Olen er day, New York City from the air was Half of the managing editors of The Ring­ hope and dream of every human being: to someday reach a point pick the better of the Met, in A complete survey shows us con­ Brownlni broadcast from an airplane by television. tum Phi are In PhUly. We don't, and they don't purely lniaqtble terms, you un­ clusively that Joan Bennett bas It know how they got there. where It Is not necessarr to work all over Miss Lamarr- particular­ S~tbeerlptlons The competition that a television broad­ at all. derstand. • •. For lnd&nce, there's Gone With the Wind isn't playing at the 8peneer Traey and Hedy Lamarr ly this week-end. Herbert Morrison Weed cast will afford the newspapers will be State any more. Capitalism may oppress a few of us, but there Is In the bosom of on Thursday and Friday ln " I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BeollkeeplDc overwhelming, when the readers can sit every American. a dream or some­ Take Tbla Woaaao"--aud she lm't r Jack Barrie in their chairs at home and see Army People · · · day hiring a thousand men: a toe bard to &aile. • • • U's another emember Birthdays Dick Burton was hovered about by four of tll.-e ~ love ~. aDd d I k dream of not having to hit one lick p lay Navy, Presi .ent Rooseve t ma e an girls In McCrum's on Friday last week. we do believe Red1 '*lid bam, In In Time? March 19. 19:10 of work. address, or the bombing of Helsinki. Jean Friedberg's father's horse. Predicat-e, 1s raet llbe'd probabl7 U.bt up the Under the collective systems. Gilt 8uneatlon• The future place of the American listed In the winter books. which makes him theoretically, no body is oppress­ lk1 brilbter &hall 4Jd the bumlq of Atlaaia of pae& week. ••• Traey TO OUR ANONYMOUS newspaper is very uncertain. We believe, eligible for the Kentucky Derby. ed. Nobody has to work very hard: Novelties Harold Gaddy wlll head the delegation from la reed-and does another nice for what are no doubt prejudiced rea- Delaware. but neither is there any hope or Greetlnr Cards LETTER WRITER ever escaping the spectre of aome Jeb of ac:ttnr .... But Hedy dls­ sons, that the papers will have a place. appotnta...... r. co u re e,. she work, howeve.r little. Mildred Miller's The Ring-tum Phi this week received But it seems to us to be inevitable that The Telephone Company Aa'atn · · · They may reduce It down to the coaldn't be fti'Y dlsappotntlna', but a letter to the editor, signed " A sopho­ There was an Incident reported in Personal point where every man will have aile Jaeu the talenta she showed Gift Shop the position wi II b e much d i ff erent f rom Opinions the other day about how Bud Levy ID · •~n," ete. more who is not a politician." to do only a half hour's work a Next to State Theatre the past, when the papers had a complete had difficulty getting somebody on the tele­ d&,_. And Saturday there's Joan Ben­ The letter said some rather unpleasant monopoly on all n ews sources, and that phone. We will still be unhappy. nett and Douglas Fairbanks. Jr.. things about several people, things chat if the papers themselves do not soon be- The day after the paper came out. Levy's Man. In short, Is not euentlally . . telephone rang. It was the manager. He want- Interested ln reducing the amount would be resented. gm to realaze the changes that are com· ed to know who the operator was. Bud said The letter was unsigned, except for 1 or work he must do. His ftrst and in g and prepare themselves for them, he was not acquainted with the lady. except only desire, is to escape com­ SWEAT SUITS, PING-PONG BALLS the psuedonym. they may sink to being mere recorders of for that certain brief telephone episode. The pletely. . h d d h d · fil d d d ' manager wanted to know what time of what Paradoxically, our system otrers There is a little paragraph at the top bart s an eat s an suats e , an IS· day It occurred. of the 11 Letters to the Edito r" column. It an opportunity for this, while un­ and HANDBALL EQUIPMENT appear as a powerful influence in Amer- But Bud. displaying typical New Jersey der a sociallst economy. It would reads "No anonymous letters can be ac­ ican life. chivalry, refused to inCTimlnate the fair, 1t be lmposslble. cepted, although the writers may remain flame-tongued. damoselle. Hooray for America. says Mr. anonymous if they wish." De Gamba, the home of social Jus­ Wblle Bill BIII'DI • .. Uce. The Comer Store This, if it needs an explanation, means The law school's leadlng lover at this stage I . personally, find Mr. De Oam­ that while we do not have to publish the THE FORUM or the game-none other than our Bill Bums ba's arruments almost unanswer­ PHONE 15 name of the letter writer, we do have to - Is still ln love, ln spite of many thJnrs whJch able. from the Individual point of seem t.o lead to the contrary. For Instance. know who he is. Ve1etatin1 Behind Key Chaina Monsieur Burns 1s one of high type who be­ viewIf . we wanted to arrue . we might begin: he refuses to be denied. and what's more be's would lilce to inform that sophomore that dred and fifty-nin e honorary societies too "But the welfare of society de­ consistent. Consistency Is not the root of all mand&--" STATE DRUG CO., INC. before we print his diatribes, we have to many on campus. evil, except In certain exceptional cases. It Tommyrot, says my Spaniard. know who is doing the slandering. we may borrow an example from real llle, we Whispen What Is society? A danaerous Across from State Theatre If he feels courageous enough to come should like to use Bill Bums. It seems fair word, ready to lead us Into many And for every h ono rary society there Mr. Bums Is Interested In a little one at Sweet from behind his mask of anonymity, let misconceptions. There Is only the SODAS t~ntl LIGHT LUNCHES are a few members who deserve their out· Briar. This little one. being from Houston. Individual. and he exists only u him sneaJc in our back door some dark Texas. and being designated Ann Barrett. Is u 01 lay, a few who don't, and a great many an Individual, not a portion night, and whisper his name in our ear. also a cute little one. as Bums knows. so some abstraction called society. TRY OUR CLOVER BRAND ICE CREAM n on -members who should belong. It is Or he can write us a postcard with his Burns. lawyer that he is. goea over to the If puabed, he would probably fairly simple to receive a bid to such a n Patch quite oflen, picks up Miss Barrett In admit that anarchy wtU inevitably name on it. organization. One merely has it whis­ the matin and cruises around with her in the result. and proudly state that We Deliver We will then publish his letter, and auto for the major part of the day, returning anarchy Is preferable to a planned pered around that one is very oh so very promise not to tell a soul. to Lexington 1t hat Is Burna returns to l.Alx­ ingtonl late each night. Heavens! But this . for THE OFFICIAL SPORTS LIST ganization for money via n ew members, ot the Boxwood Inn. Little Ann, to be swet-t three meals a day, and some de­ as usual. decided to brlnr Bill a pair or pa­ rree ot economic security. NOW INCLUDES LACROSSE on~ receives a bid. For Your Jamas. And, so in front of a dormitory con­ The heU with that. So increases the weight on watch You keep your plan for a three­ The orphan of Washingto n and Lee vention or some 50 channing young ladles chains. and charming younr Burns. Miss Barrett told hour worklni day, and I'll keep my athletics now has an adopted father, at Spring Vacation Such haphazud selecting of members Bill nlghty-nlght and gave him a pair of pa­ hope of spending each day in bed least. The very busy session last week of jamas to sleep ln. Nice , pretty, little pink silk and each evening carousln1. weakens the society and gives fair basis rn the Athletic council resuJted, among oth· ones. PETE BARROW, JR. for th e complaint that honorary societies er things, in the official recognition of Fancy Dress Echo . . . have no justification. It overlooks val­ Florida? lac rosse as a minor spo rt. Why such sec­ Carl Sigma, who wrote ·· At the Fancy Dress uable and worthy material. It loses its THE GOVERNOR recy was invoked an kecpang the recog· Boll" for Jock Walaon's Fancy Dress 1940. chief purpose: the gathering together of ha.s two songs now on the music market. nition secret is now kn own , but is unim­ people with similar interests and talents. Number one. "Busy As a Bee," has been re­ We can hardly wait for P'lnat.. portant. corded by Benny Ooodman and Charlie Bar­ We understand Hobson Is 10ln1 to Competition Needed Lacrosse starred, as you all know by net. It Is slightly on the swlnr sJde. Number have some banda. If the entrance into these societies was two, "Watchlna tht Clock." has been record­ The Sluner promises to crusade SPORT SHIRTS this time, as a m ove on the part of a ed by Olnny Simms. Tony Pastor. Dina Shore. put on a competitive basis allowing every against everythJnl In the Sprlni group of students, led by three-rimes and last. but best. Olen Oray. Incidentally, In­ Collealan. And then everybody w111 SLACKS Captain J ohn Alnutt, to give the school one to partake in tryouts, probably more formed circles revealed this week that ''At start lo crusade agalnst the Slua­ representauo n in this h itherto neglected nnd better members would come to ligh t. the Fancy Dress Ball" Is beln11 auditioned by rer. New York publlshlnr house. The verdict on branch o f :uhlettcs. Fo r two years these As it is now, some organizations have ac· One little boy w1th very short SWIM TRUNKS tht> sona has not been handed down, but Is leas protests about punch on the quirrd reputations that d1ssuade interest· men earned on by th rmselves, perfo rm­ exi)E'Cled any day now. third noor at housepartles last ing all of che fu nction needed to support ed pf'rsons from anempting to secure week~nd . SHOES membership. A llfdy Ar&'ument ••• an athleuc squad and doan g them very We hate to trod upon lht toea or our col- Washington and Lee will be even wdl indeed . The records wh1ch the team s A genera I comminee on mem b trsI lip leawue. who turns out so magnlftcenl a Job more conventional than ever this SPORT ENSEMBLES sprint. r feolurea. Of course. while 6l't up rules concerning eligib1liry mnd to hr never has llktd o. picture In his life we Let lhf' POliticians slap 111 on memonal to che1r succes). ll)(' back all they want to. We're m vesngate po rential members might htlp ehould like to Intervene. for JusL a moment. With recognmon at l:m accorded mind you · This week-end wlll be a glorious allll mlsosymlstlo. them, the lacrosse tram IS nssured o f a mnke h ono rary so cieties an h ono r. Dclt· one I quote usl. tor in the same theatre on We gather from this Rlns-tum permanent posuion on tht> ca mpus. gatts fro m each organization would help C"onsecullvt> days will be ns: em bled thl' crown­ Phi. and from last week's, that get them at p revent wi re-pulling as far as poss blt. Ina ilorll'. or HollywOOd remlnlty· Hedy La- Southaate Hoyt Is enthusiastic While the fo rce of a pt>rson nlu y such as 1 marr on Friday and Joan Bennett on satur­ about birds. Alnurc's can carry thr sport o n for n W 1d1 membtrs selected by mem the day Th re'lull.s should be lltran1e, amu. lna. We know what'a wrona with you while, it needs a ~ rma n r nt o r gan ~ta ll o n orgnmzations would have a ch ance to b~· and mo t lntc>r tina J){'rsonally, we're allll You nef'd a a rea~ blr dose or sul­ to bt- a lasung acuvuy. The studen t body come .J<'II Ve. As it is, there's a lot o f ve&~ · on the Ht'dy Bandwagon a nd an lns lg nlfi- phur and molasses That'll cure TOLLEY'S TOGGERY ' I . J k 1 O k cent lhlna llkt Joan B nnett ran't chanae our you or sprtna rever, polltlca. mld- h:u shown its snreresr in the port, and ~ a:~n g oe unu ey c ums. u e Chron- mind11 •mudll. So Plt> VICW» Is waona - we mestera. Intramural tennla. and Th~ Coli~~~ Man'J Shop ha.t been enthusaasuc an us support. &etC. 1k now. e\lerythl!lg Generals Take Diamond Trackinen Launch THE PHI Friday for Opening Tilt Season on Cinders Hennemier Schedules Four Dual With Buckeye Team Clashes Prior to State, SC Meets Wash ln~ton and Lee's varsity and freshman cindermen reported to Coach J ack Hennemier yesterday afternoon to officially launch the Marc.h 19, 1940 P~e Three Lack of Practice May Hamper Wrestling Standings 1940 spring track season. Hennemler. who has taken over track during Phi Delt ...... 45 Coach Forest Fletcher's one-year leave of absence, announced a sched- Blue's Chances in Initial Series Phi Psi ...... 45 p,,_1• Pst·S, P''-; DeltS G""'AP'Ple ule or four dual meets prior to the state and conference field days Delt ...... 38 n n. 1 W early In May. The opening event KA ...... 36 for the Generals will be with Wil- trlbutlon In all field events. With Veteran Ohio State Oub NFU ...... 2'7 T D Jf k • J M WJ l• llam and Mary In Williamsburg Prospects indicate that the team I SAE ...... 24 l 0 eautOC tn TtJ~t "ng on April 13. Then on April 20 the will have fair strength on lh<' By DICK WRIGHT looks like be will hold down the Phi Kap ...... 11 • ~..., • squad is host to Richmond for an track but will be exceedingly weak hot comer for the Big Blue base- Beta ...... 11 The Phi Psis and Phi Delts ad- engagement with the Spiders. and In the weight events. but undc>r After a strenuous three-week ball team. Slrma Chi ...... 1% vance into the finals of the an- T · h , M h remain ln Lexington for a meet the tutelage or their new l'Oat'h practice session which waa mar- "Slugger" Bob Keirn will be Phi Phi ...... t nual Intramural wrestling tour- onrg I S ate es with VIrginia Tech on April 25. the boys have settled down to work red repeatedly by cold weather. back on hand to patrol the pas­ Phi Gam ...... t nament tonight. deadlocked for 121-pound clasa - Nelson, PhJ On the following Saturday the In earnest for the opener '''ilh the w ashington and Lee baseball tures out in right field if Cavanna ZBT ....•...... t the leadership with 45-polnt to- PIJ, n . Rives, KA. Blue runners will tangle with West Willlam and Mary. and as tndl­ team will swing into a.ction Friday starts at first. Keirn ls the best DU ...... 6 tals. Starting tlme for tonight's 1%8-pound clut- Rhea, SAE, Virginia. reported to have one of cated by the fact that many or afternoon when they meet a strong hitter on the squad and could Kappa str ...... s matches ls 7 :30. n . .Jones. NFU. the most promising track squads last year's tracksters have been 138-pouDd clau - BJmes, Phi In several seasons. There Is a meet worklng out dally for three or four Ohio State nine on Wilson neld in probably make almost any POSI· Lambda~ ...... 3 the initial contest or the current tlon on the team with hls hitting Trailing by six points after the Pal, n. Van Vout. SAE. pending with Duke's crack team weeks before the season opening. campaign ror both teams. The prowess alone. 'lbe Iamping swat­ quarter-finals last Thursday night. 145-pound c.l a.ss- Hau.srath, for some date prior to April 11, they are determined to make this "Buckeyes" wlll open their an- ter from Richmond hasn't hit his 'the Phi Phis moved into a tie with NFU, n. PuddJnrton, Phi Psi. when the W&L ru nners travel to season one of the best In yea1·s. 0 the leading Phi Delts when the 155-pound c 1a sa- Campbell, the State meet. tentatively sched- Co-captains Charlie Curl. dash nual spring tour with a two-game stride as yet. but a few batting Ohi State Tops four Phi Phis, still unbeaten. stay here In Lexlngton. practices should set him off on moved past the semi-finals Into KA, vs. Kallnowllkl, Delt. uled for Blacksburg. The South- star, and Mike Crocker. capable Captain Dick Smith's Big Blue his usual early-season hitting 0 the ftnal round. As they qualified 165-pound cl.. - M&rtln, Phi ern conference meet at Wil liams- distance man. will be the maln- Bl Ue G lfers Delt, vs. Lykes, Phi Delt. burg wlll round out the season. stays of this year's squad. Another diamondmen have had very little spree. r t th fi 1 chance to round into top form to It looks like a starting berth for . •at h toour t hreeor rore thnae sPh ai s Decomparlts, anded 175-poun d c 1 a s • - BJandJnr. Al ong wi th the annou ncement trio of veterans who boost lhe meet one of the toughest teams In George Melville. In center tleld, In Inltl Mate since two of these Phi Delta must Strma Chi, ••· East, PbJ Deli. of the varsity schedule. wh ich Is Generals' strength are Cliff Mlller Big Ten competition, although In his nrst year of varsity base­ battle each other, the Phi Psis as- Heavywelrht clui-Surrue, Phi by far more attractive than any and J im McConnell In the holt they are given a better than aver- ball. Melville has been fteld lng The 1940 edition or the Wash- sume the favorite's role. Psi, vs. Hana.slk, PI PbJ. of the speedsters have enJoyed In and Bill Murray for the qunrter- age chance to break even with with the best or them. although ington and Lee golf team sutrer- a number of years, Coach Henne- mile event. None or the other six teams their Columbus rivals. According his work with the stick haa been ed their ftrst defeat or the initial wblch have men quallfted for the up one of the stillest fights of ~he mler indicated that the freshman The Big Blue squad will no doubl to coach Smith. another three rather weak. Coach Smith is very campaign yesterday afternoon. ftnals can possibly wln the cham- evening. Van Voast. SAE. the 39 aspirants would have plenty of op- be set back by the loss of Flash weeks practice would greatly en- pleased with the way be shags when the Ohio State strokers won pionsblp. The nearest of these. the champ, decisioned Jasper, a Beta. portunity to show their wares In a Harvey, ace halt-mller. and Heart- hance the possibllltles or an open- them out in no-man's-land and 5 to 4 in a match played on the KAa and Delta. ha.ve only two and in another hard-fought duel. schedule which parallels that of sell Ragon, crack halt-mile man. tng-day Big Blue conquest. Melville should take care or the Lexington golf course. one, respectively, in the ftnals, Hausrath. NFU. and Puddington. the veteran runners. Approxl- but with such hard working The "Buckeyes" will bring a middle pasture. The team made a favorable and both are nine points behind another Phi Psl. quallfted for the mately twenty yearlings reported sophomore and junior men as talented array of veteran baseball The other outfield post ls a showing considering the fact that the lead rs fi nals with wins from George to practice yesterday with fair dis- Contlnued on pare four players to meet the Big Blue ball toss-up among Joe Baugher. Ed· most or the members had been un- Jug Nee lso· n, Phi Psi, and Green Foote · KA · and Tom B""-' wo:-ndlne • ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~ club ln what promises to be a dle Wagg, Fred Pitzer. and Mike able to get in aumctent practice Rives, KA. will battle It out for Phi Delt. respectively. Hausrath hotly-contested two-game aeries. Watt. Baugher bas been looking due to the adverse weather con- the _ d title t h t N lso won a clear-cut decision from The Ohio state team has been good along with Pitzer. who would dltlons last week. The engagement 121 poun on1 g · e n Foote and Puddington pinned in 1940, beginning now came up from underneath last · practicing inside their mammoth have started, Coach Smith said, It was also made on the spur or the - •-'-t to in Buf d Phi Delt Brizendine. 1939 runner-up, in field house for the past three he had not wrenched his ankle. moment. when the Ohio State ~· P or · · 1n the second period after neither a Checking Account- months and should be In fair con- The second game will probably golfers arrived In Lexington yes- slightly more than three minutes. arappler had gained any advant­ dttlon to match the Southern be pitched by either Lea Booth or terday m or n I n g and offered Rives advanced when his team- age In the first two minutes. will make brand of baseball. In the curtain Dick Smith. Booth has been look­ Twombly a match. mate, Bralley, forfeited to him. The onlY member or last year's handling your allowance raiser last year the Big Blue rallled Ina especially good thus far this A high wind made playing con- Ab Rhea, SAE. another fresh- champions. Kalinowski, able to in the waning moments of the ball season and appears to have over­ dttlons dllftcult, and kept moat or man as Is Nelson, gained a place get to the semi-finals. moved on SIMPLER game to eke out weU-eamed 8-8 come his wUdness which was h!s the scores above normal. Mac in the 128-pound finals when he into the ftnal match. Kalinowski, and win over the tourilll Buckeyes. stumbling block last year. He has Wing, playing In the number one came up to pin Hopkins, KA. a Delt won from Ditto Sigma As far as a startlna lineup goes also developed a fast breaking slot, turned in the best card with Jones, NFU ' gained the right to Chi, In · one or the 155 ~ - fin als . EASIER Coach Smith is rather undecided. hook and should win more than a fine 75. Captain Earl Moraan, meet Rhea for the crown when he Con&lllued on ....e four The cap'n 1s practically sure that his share of ball games for the • won a narrow decision from Ben- - no char1e for ftrst ftve cbeckw number two man, had the next nett, DU. This match Is the only ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,j Bob Gregerson will toe the sla.b Generals. best score with 78, and Jack J ones, all-freshman battle on tonight's r. drawn each month rbr the Initial tilt Friday, with ------ln the number six spot,complled Jack Mangan and Jack Dangler a third-ranking 79. caret Myers Hardware Co. k splitting up the catching assign­ The meet was scored on the The '38 and '39 champions meet Peopl Natt. 0 na l Ban Shell Injury 145 es ment. one-point buts. Three points were In the -pound tlnals tonght. Pls&oi&-Ammanltlon Mangan made hls first appear­ at stake In each or the three four- Himes, Phi Psi, the winner two of ance Monday after a rough spring Halts Practice somes : one point for each or the years ago, declsloned "Babe" Rus- Sportblc Goods Lexington, Virginia footba ll p r a c t I c e and pleased A defective rigger halted the Phi Coach SmJth with his work at the Waahlngton and Lee crew's first ftworo thIndividuale best-ball m fatcourhsoesm. ean matcd onhe. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!!!!!;;;;;;;;;~sell. Gam. alter Russell put f;~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiijijjijjiii~~==i plate. The 180-pound football practice on their James river In the ftrst foursome, Wina and captain was hitting them to aU co\ll'8e yesterday, after the oars­ click Evans. Ohio s tate nnt-rank- lntToJuein1 gendemen ftelds and should solve Captain men had taken one or two pre­ lng club sw101er, broke even, Dick's catching problem. while liminary runs. while Morgan trounced Tony 24 Hour Dangler may be moved to ftrst A bad weld was the cause or the Montanero, 8 and 4. The Oener- If 1• Deed a balr-eat base. trouble. and the defective part has CeaU.IIH • ,... fMr or lllaYe perforlllM n­ Last year's freshman star. Bob been brought into Lexington for Delivery Service Cava.nna. appears a certainty to perilJ, wily not eeme &o repair. .. and lie IIHYN start at fi rst base. Cavanna has The crew is continuing work on JACKSON been hitting and fteldtna well and ita equipment, ftlllng ln behind eeaneeulyT If be proves himself durlna the the landtna stage, located on the BARBER SHOP Buckeye serlea he may hold down Coalbuled • Steve's Diner a regular st.art101 asstrnment. .-.e ,..,. Ideal Barber Sho OPPOIIIT& IITAft TII&ATU Newcomer Chet Eccleston has Phone 91 flni Nat1 Bank ..... temporarily solved Coach Smith's L>roblem at second base. while FOR HEALTH­ captain Ronnie Thompson wtu DRINK MILK proba.bly start at shortstop. Bob Gary made hls ftrst appearance Get your House &o rt.e A~~-s.ou Monday, and to all appearances b.cauae a Mir· you Green Valley Grade acle Machine Pre ·S•okea "A" MUll on tbe &able. ewet) 01. GIAIOW Pipe with fine Tobacco (Edg eworth) Tolley'• Hardware Co. SHOTGUNS roa aNT atlleea.MAaa...W. McCRUM'S, Inc. PRONEM

Have you tried the Special Student Menu from 9 p.m. to 12 p. m? EASTER FLOWERS For inll41nct- DELICIOUS Sunday, March 24 SIZZLING STEAKS Roses-Spring Flowers-Growing Plants SPRUCE U P THE SOUTHERN INN FOR SPRING

H E campus will CORSAGES T soon be alive with Dry Oeaning and Pressing bourgconing bud , green Red, Pink, Talimun, or Yellow Roses $2.00 to -4.00 l(rass and s pring eplcn­ dor. Don't Forget the Discount Service on Gardenia 2.00 to 5.00 D o n ' t mar the la n d ­ your Laundry and Cleaning Gardeniat and Ro.s 3.00 to 5.00 scope with 1939 left­ overs .. . get some new Rosa and Lilly of the Valley 3.00 to 5.00 Arrow hirts, ties, hand­ Rockbridge Laundry Orchids kcr chich a nd under· - 5.00 w ear. They'll lift )'Our Z oric Cle•nns Two in Corsage $7.50 pirita to a 1\CW high. New patterns, new col­ lur , new color , new Come in and see our New Line of Spring and Sum­ Order Today and Avoid the Additional Cost of Telephone or Tele­ li (c. See the s pl.lci ul graph Meuages. We have connections with Florists Everywhere in E ustcr Arolyn $2 sh irt mer Shoel-$5.50 and Up. onu $1 tic feature toduy. the United States and Foreign Countries. ALSO TENNIS AN D GYM SHOES ( Y our dealer ha1 it/) Call 57 and 75 J. Ed. Deaver and Sons ARROIY SHIRTS Sunfor i7.ed-Shr unk Phone 25 Luington, Vir,W. Page Four THE RING-TUM PHI

1 Gaines to Attend Meetings Undefeated on Northern Trip, IEx-Cliqueman Recalls Crew Hampered In Washington, New York President Galnes left for Wash­ Debaters Face Heavy Schedule D k p . . By Shell Injury Ington today to deliver an ad­ Wllh an unbl<'mh;ht'd record on Burner and another W&L speak- ar ·room 0 1tl cs Continued from P&l'e three dress before the annual meeting lhelt· northern trip behind them. er will uphold an Isolationist pol- 1 point where the North river Joins or the Association or Milltai'Y Stanford Schewe!. Charles Hob- Icy tor the United Slates. Continued rrom pqe one l "I was out for baseball manager the James Just above Glasgow. Schools and Colleges of the Unit­ ed States. The address wtU be giv­ son. Herb Frledmnn. and Allen One week !rom tonight two and voted their convictions or re- my sophomore year .. he said .. 1 The Washington and Lee var- 0\'erton- representlng W&L's de- Johns Hopkins speakers will visit. fused to .v ote? had a. date for our h~useparty, ~nd slty crew went through their ftrst en at the association's banquet at I lhe Mayflower hotel tonJgh t. bate squad- returned to Lexing- W&L for the annual debate in W 11 E tl , rnittee mem- saw her going upstairs with the omcial practice session of the cur- ton sunday aftrrnoon after meet- Lee chapel at 7:30. Burner and e · xecu ve com ,, rent campaign, ln an eiTort Tomorrow Dr. Gaines will go to mg five umversltY debate teams. another debater, probably Schewe!. bers counted the votes. and com- cli~ue boss. . .. to round Into top form ror their New York city to attend a meet­ will oppose an isolationist policy. mltleemen were o( course clique I ~lleve this Is my dance, he initial clash with Tabor school at Ing or the Executive committee of All but one or the contests. that D<'cislon will be by audience shirt war-horses. There were always sl ~.tleled . Winter Pal·k, Fla. . scheduled for with Johns Hopkins university, f pinion men stationed at the polls to check Do you want that manager- A u t Fl Ida the Carnegie Endowment for In­ 0 0 4 wer decision affairs. and in each · voters against a student directory. ship?'' thundered the big shot. pr · a or · ternational Peace. Dr. Gaines Is -Princeton. Fordham. M. I . T .. Voting was by secret ballot. But. "Yes. I do. but I still thJnk this Three other matches have at- a m ember of this organization's and Columbm _ w ashington and H K nevertheless. the night atter elec- is . .." ready been scheduled for the Oen- executive conunJttee and he Jour­ Lee emerged victorious by audi- ertnan, rupa tlon there was a post-mortem "Well, you just lost IL." eral crewmen. April 16 the crew neys to New York at regular In­ ence verdicts. meeting of the representatives. Maybe he would have lost. It will match strokes with Rollins tervals to take part In the affairs 8 Earl Spicer, New York baritone, or t h e organization. All except the Columbia debate For Spring Set The chairman went down the list. anyhow. he reflected. Perhaps he college at Rollins. while tenta- who will sing at the Southern were on the national PI Kappa Del- A representative from n certain didn't deserve it. Perchance It was tlve match with Richmond has Folklore society meeting here. to loplc for 1940 : Resolved, that Continued trom pare one house was singled out. not his Cratcrnlty's turn. been under consideration. Captain the United SLates shottld adopt a or the most famous musicians 1n "George," the chairman would But that was clique politics. Braun and his mates will end the Phi Beta Kappa Picture policy of military and economic America, the "drummer man" say, "your house was out or Unc. season at Dad Vall regata May Earle Spicer to Sing All student and faculty mem­ 18 IsOlation toward nations at wnr swung t he Final ball of 1939 and One of your boys didn't vote, and · at Red Bank. N. J. Southern Folk Music Here bers or Phi Beta Kappa are re­ The Columbia contt'st was in re- is well remembered for his fine four or them voted the wrong way. Along with theJr crew actlvi- quested to meet In front of Wash­ Continued from pace one Ington chapel Wednesday after­ gard to the effect or n high .a rUT danct>able music and his thunder- You straignten them oul. or else. ties, the members of the shell team over a nation-wide network in the on the South. ing rendition or the Washington There are plenty or houses are Interested In sponsoring the noon at 2:15 for the Calyx group lh. t ld like •our place In the establishment of a boat. club tor of the most famous musicians In picture. Tht> triP was armnged by Hob- and Lee Swing. a wou ~ ~ W&L students at Glasgow. The United States. He was formerly Son. the ass l stan ~ debate manager. Both bands feature vocalists clique." crew has ample facUlties to ac h ea1·d over a National Broadcast- The Clique. though larnely de- who today pronounced it "a sue- thot are rapidly rlsln"' to lead Jn "' A commoda'ft small crafts th8 • 'h- ina company network as "the Collegian Seeks Writers ., termlned by tradition and mem· ·· · "" • • e Story Singer." cess ln every respect." th('lr fields. Carol Kay, singing bershlp the year befol·e. was var- ~. ~tudents would be Interested In There wUI be a meeting for all A full schedule is ahead !or the with Woody Herman. proved to be bl If b e did not coop I t unning on the river. Mr. Splcer's voice has been debate team durlng the next week a sensation at the Sherman Ia e. one ous - , captain Henry Braun would like men who are Interested ln wrltlng praised by newspaper critics all for the SOuthern Collegian, wheth­ wit h two radio contests and the House. whUe Irene Daye. Krupa's erate. or was not large enough to to have as many as possible who over the country. The New York I muster the necessary number or B k D er new men or old, Wednesday annual debate In Lee chapel com- "Lovely Lady of Swing," has a - It t t on Its ear and UC eyes OWn know anything about crew to re- Sun said that he has a "voice or afternoon at two o'clock In the lng up. Last mght Richard Roberts rendy visited the W&L campus voters. wen ou · port Immediately as the turnout 1'ich quality and power" and the U · another was taken ln. Student Union building, editor and carter Refo opposed a mt- and Is known over the country as Or If the organization was weak Bl t•nk has not been up to pre-season ex- New York Herald-Tt·lbune called Francis Sugrue announced today. cd States Isolation policy In a non- one of the main reasons why Kru- for a year. some strong outsl(ter Ue { smen pectatlons. him "an unusually able lnterpre- decision ctebnle with Hampden- pu's band Is a top-notch. all- Sydney colleKe at n meeting of around band. became an Insider. much to the Continued from pare th.ree the Lexington Business and Pro- Buxton announced that the JoY or Its members, ror without a als took the best-ball match to Phi Psis, Phi Delts Deadlocked fesstonal Women's club. committees for the dance set will hand In the polJtlcal POt. It was gain a two and one-half to a half Tomorrow afternoon two W&L be announced soon. and there will hard for a fraternity to speak lm- potnt margin In that foursome. As I M w t• E d T • h Albums speakers will uphold the afilrma- be a meeting of the Cotillion club pressively during rush week. Lup Avt'ry ~nd Bill OUbert, • rest tng 0 S 001g t Uve or the Isolation question to discuss general plans for the Under thls system. otnces were Ohio State. bnttled to a draw. as for r o n The Clto. dtmce set as soon as the ticket awarded sometimes years In ad- Continued from pqe &bree The summaries: against d eb a t ers r I - vance. and the freshman executive Gardner, auckeye stroker, down- del, In Charleston, s. c. The con- drive gels underway. committeeman had his Job cinch- ed Ed Brown In a close match. 2 In the other, Campbell, KA. de- 121-POund class - Nelson. Phi 12" Records test will be brondcasl from 4 lo and l. Ohio State eked out a vic- oisloned Sater, ZBT. Psi. pinned Buford, Phi Delt $1.25-$1.75 . 1O" Records with the University or Virginia Sometimes they were very good, Big lllue's halt POint. In the 165 nnals. Martin decision- 128-pound class - Jones, NPU. and will last a full hour begumlng S p • for boys with political ambitions ed Davia, Phl Kap, last Saturday (feclaloned Bennett, ou. Rhea. $1.05-$1.50 at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon tart racttce usually were realists , and Joined Ohio Slate also WQn o~t In the afternoon. and Lykes WOQ from SAE, plnned Hopkins, KA <&.03). over WSVA. Harrisonburg. Bill the right fraternities. thJrd foursome, t,wo nolnts to one, TOPl Moncrief, another Phi Kap, 130-PO\lnd class - HJmes. Phi RECORD RACKS Continued from pare tbn!e At other times they were not so 88 Guy Oswall. W&L. lost to Our- last night. In another decision Ps1. declsloned Russell. Phi Gam. Russ Browning, Bert Nelson, Jack good. ant. 5 and 4• Jones overwhelmed bout Van Voast, SAE. dec:lsloned Jas- for till si~e Record1 Mallory. and George Murray, the One boy worked for three years BUlinJ, Buckeye golfer, 5 and 4• As' both Bob Blanding. Sigma per, Beta. W A R N E R B R 0 S. outlook is not ln the least gloomy. for the Calyx editorship. But it and Ohio State again took the Chi. and Cal East. Phi Delt. won 145-POund class--H au s rat h , By R. C. A. NothwithstandlnB the presence was not his fraternity's tum. SO. best-ball match. This gave the thea seml-ftnals last Wednesday. NFU. decisJoned Foote. KA. Pud­ $3.50 of Dick Boisseau In the shot put, four months before election an- Ohio State team a total of ftve there were no 175-pound matches. dington. Phi Psi. pinned Brlzen- STATE Charlle OUbert and George Foote ot.her fellow started work on the points to the Generals' four. Bla S~ve Hanaslk, PI Phi, con- dine. Phi Delt, In second pertod. By Muaicraft In the pole vault. Uriah Coleman annual. When the time came. the The Big Blue golfers next meet tinued his march towards the 1&5-PQund class - K alinowski. -2.75 and $3.25 WEDNESDAY in the discus throw, and Tyke newcomer got the Job. the University of Pennsylvania heavyweight crown when he pin- Delt, decisloned Ditto, Sigma Chi. Brown and Herb Frledman in the There is sUll extant an an- thJs Friday afternoon at 2 p. m. ned massive oeor1e PhlllJPS, non- Campbell, KA. declsloned Bater, ALICE FAYE Javelin throw. the fteld events are nouncement of a former pres!- on the U>xJngton course. A medal- fraternity man, in 60 seconds. the ZBT. W&L VMI short of material. and ln this de- dent of the student body. It Is two play quaUfylng round will be fastest pin ot the entire evening. 165-pound class - Martin. Phi RICHARD GREENE partment Ues the Generals' great- short paraaraphs in length. In It played Wednesday to determine ''Slugger'' Sugrue moved into the Delt, declsioned Davis, Phi Kap. est weakness. are nlne grammatical mistakes. the ~am positions and rankiQgs. he!lvY t\nals when Fred Miller, Phi Lykes. Phi Delt. dealsioned Mon- SwiNG SHoP FRED MacMURRAY Bill Whaley, Bill Gwynn, and Our lntormant harked back to Twombly stated that lle would also Delt, WIUI forced to forfeit to him crter, P~ Kap , Russ Brownlng will be out there his early POlitical days. use a six-man team. because of an arm inJury. ' J-{eavywelghV-Hnna.ss:ik~,~P~I__:P~hl~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Little to handle the hurdles, and Bill ------Soule will work with Gwynn on the high jump. Old New York No time trtals wUI be run for several practice sessions yet. and THURSDAY-FRIDAY until then It wtll be dltftcult to know Just how good a shape the SPENCER TRACY vnrslty tracksters are Jn. and what the freshmen have to orrer In the way or future matertal for the ?firs itnd HEDY LAMARR mbination tra.ck and field events. ITakeThis Woodward Play Given Woman By Troubs Over WOBJ This afternoon the Washington and Lee Troubadours presented WAllNER BROS. another In thelr series of orlgtna.l dramas. Ed Boyd starring in "A Slight Case of Suicide." the play LYRIC ha\'lng been written bY Ernest Woodward ll. WEDNESDAY The complete cast included. be­ sides Boyd, Francis Sugrue as the MICKEY ROONEY brusque sergeant Riley, John Al­ nutt as hiS assistant, Velour. and JUDY GA RLAND Fred Farrar. Pat Wa.rneld. and Bill Torrington. Babes In Arms The story concerned the adven­ tures or youna Griffen or every­ SIDNEY TOLER body, It turned ouL th.at It was In murder after all. Troubs Meet Wednesday Charlie Chan In There will be a meeting of the The Hill Sisters IT roubadours Wedne. day evenina Queens of Basketball Panama at 7'30 In the LILUe lheaLre. All DIFINITILY MILDER membet"i are expected to attend. Mujorle, lubcl, Ruth, Betty end lleleae ol COOLER-SMOKING W. Hemptreed, L. 1., do your slloes need treatment? eoeched by tbeirfether, IITTIR·TASTING ·~ · u ~Juv~at.- thtm-.olf'tl, btf'ls, la~ts . l hlne­ have woa 80 out ol 8• and do Mlkr work...... ••m••.. • oombiaetioa lbar you oea't 11111ob ~u can look the country over LEXINGTON SHOE HOSPITAL anywhere oppoellfo Stau Theatre &tnd you won't find another cigarette thqt rates as high as Chesterfield for the things that smokers really want. Madam Perkins calls it social justice Chesterfield's liGHT COMBINATION --we call it fair play of the world's best cigarette tobaccos is way out in front for t~~ildness, for IUJSSEU . 8ATJ\1AN 18 thf' blind boY whn Cor yrl-h! 19 •0. l lfMTT a: Mnu ester ie runM the 11tand In lht post olflc~ . lit drlvH Toi4Cro Co. The liGHT COMIINATION of the worlds best dgarette tobaCCO$ coolness, and for bettn- taste. flr~n miiM to •orll for 10 hours a clay, He • upPOrls hlm.-.tlf. a nd 1"1 not on a ronrnmtnt aalar • GOOD-YEAR USE Let US Supply Your lit ha bf'Pn ntUina fort)• rtnh1 a da . It 950 studr nll 6Pf'nt I cent a day-Rull! SHOE REPAIRING Goodrich Silvertown Tires MID-NIGHT SNACKS •ould ret lllona. FOR YOUR CAR PEANUT BUTTER, CRACKERS, CHEESE give him a break Shoe1 Repaired With GOLDEN PLY HEAT RESISTING Ne11tness and Di1patclr SKID-PROOP TREAD P UNCTURE Russell Battnan PROOF SEAL-0 -MATJC TUBES " postofficc cigarette stand WOODY CHEVROLET SALES A and P 123 W. Nelson St. South Ma.ln Strttol
