.. Studet~ls, Tire South's qjeJt 'By the College "f\(ewspaper UJ t i&iug-tum t For the Students Z-119 Wuhington and Lee. University Semi-Weeldy VOL. XLIII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1940 NUMBER 44 Buxton Signs Woody Herman for Friday Night, Gene Krupa for Saturday of Spring Dance Set Lacrosse Game, Track Meet Buddy Foltz Picks And Interfraternity Sing Chairmen of State Will Round Out Festivities Ir's the " Band That Plays the Blues" and " The A ce Drum­ mer Man" that will rock into Lexington on April 19 and 20 GOP Delegations to p lay for Washington and Lee's Spring dance set. Wood)' H e rman and Gene Krupa have been finally sign ed, Billy Bux· Washington and Lee's eighth tlals committee were as follows: ton, president of the Cotillion dub, announced today. Due to moclt convention assumed propor- Alabama, Guy OSwalt: Arizona, the fact that the schedules fixed by the Music Corporatio n of Uons nearer to reality when Bud- Sam McCorkle; Arkansas. Derrell dY Foltz. chairman of the Repub- Dickens: California, Blll Martin; America were not definite ly adjusted until recently, Buxton did Jlcan committee on credentials. se- Colorado. Fred Hartenstein: Con­ not receive confirmation of his lected the men who will serve as nectlcut. Francis Sugn1e: Dela.­ contracts until late yesterday. "In our attempt to top the chalnnen of the respective state wBa~;· Haro~~~addl y:HFiobnOda.. 0 . First: Gene Krupa, Silly Buxton's " Drummer Boy" who will play for Saturday of Spring Spicer to Sing delega.tlons to the convention. -.cEwan . ....:vfi &. er arges. d d D K , f . Th' d \VI d H 1 b d bands that are coming south this Pointing out that these appoint- Idaho, Gordon Alford : Illinois. ances. Secon : Irene aye, rupa s em mine voca 1ut. 1r : oo y erman, w 1ose an year," Buxton declared, "we had ~o mente are tentative and subJect Oscar Ennenaa; Indiana, Emil will play the blues on Friday night. Southern Folk wait until last-minute word had to later arranaenrente and chanses Rassmann; Iowa , Emory Cox : been received In order to sign up due to connicLs which might arise Kana&~~ , Keith Blinn : Kentucky. Music Here these top swing bands. On behalf and the tnavallablllty of the men Dodo Baldwin ; Louisiana. Jimmy or the Cot\Uion clu b, I wish to who are to serve u chatnnen, Hammett: Maine. Newt Harman: P~ .Beta K~ppa Former Cliqueman Re'Jieals Earle Spicer. New York bari­ apologize for the late a.nnounce­ Foltz stated that the complete Ma.ryland, Milte Crocker: Massa­ tone. will sing here Friday, March ment of the bands. because we state delegatloM will be chosen chusette, RoM Hersey. 29, as a. part of the proaram span­ were attempt1n11 to keep up the later. The full state delegations Michigan, But Read : Minnesota. lmtlates Friday; Darkroom Political Methods sored by the Southern Folklore so­ high calibre of bands that have will be made up of students from DI c k Southworth: Mississippi, ciety which will meet at WaShing­ played at the Washington and Lee their home states when POSSible, Benton Wakeneld : MiS&Ouri. Jack Jones to Speak Br BILL BUCH ANAN a foregone conclusion that he ton and Lee Friday and Saturday dances this year." but students from those states Jones: Montana, Herb Weed; Ne­ Phi Beta Kappa will Initiate Dr. would be elected. of next week, Woody Herman will play at the who have overly large repreaenta- braska, Bucky StooPS: New Hamp­ Marcellus Stow and 16 seniors Fri­ Seniors and law students don't After all campus offices. man­ The program will be open to the " 13 " Club Formal on Friday night tlon on the campus will be appor- shire, AI Junkin ; New Jersey, Bill day morning at 10 :40 In Lee chap­ have to be told. Most Juniors re· agers. and publication directors public and tickets may be obtain­ or the Spring set. while Gene Kru­ tloned to th& states which are saunders: New MexI co. Cash el at which time Dr. Howard Mum­ member from hearsay. But many fthey. too. were elected in those ed from Harry Philpott. who 1s pa will move In for the Saturday JacltJns 1n sumctent numbers of Bltarda : New York. Steve Ste­ ford Jones. Harvard professor of sophomores and m ost freshmen days) had been awarded to one co-chalrma.n of a committee In engaaement. Krupa will play for repruentatlves to 1111 out the phenaon. Bna:Ueh. will apeak. The assembly are mystified when old school poll. house or another. a copy of the charge of arransemente for the the Saturday afternoon dansant. state's quota of delegates. Nevada. Buddy Hertz: North is voluntary. tlcla.ns hark back to the days of clique slate was given to each of convention . The plaoe for the pro­ and It Is possible that his ba.nd will 'nl.e state chairmen were ad- Carolina, Lea. Booth : North Da­ Dr. J ones Is a contributor to na­ "The Clique ." the representatives. aram will be announced later. feature a swing concert. such as vlsed by Foltz to write to the Re· kota. Oil Gardner: Ohio, Jack Gil­ tional magazines Including Atlan­ The cliQue. as described by a There was always one excep­ Philpott said. Benny Goodman held last year. publican chairmen In the respec- lesple : Oklahoma, Frank Nichols: tic Monthly and Harpers. and he former participant, was quite a tlon, the secretaryship of the stu- Mr. Spicer will feature Old Eng­ The ticket drive will start to­ tlve states which they represent Oregon, 0 . Murray Smith: Penn· haa written 17 books. systematic organization. dent body. That always went to lish and American ballads and will morrow , Buxton said. und will to ftnd out as nearly aa possible sylvania, AI Snyder: Rhode Is· si ng old spinet music by King continue until sprlns vacation. HI! books Include volumes of Sometime before political sea­ the non-fraternity man who could the status of the Republican party land, Stanford Schewe\: SOuth original verse. several plays. and tum In the most pledge slips. Henry Vlll as well as several The prtce for the ticket drive will son, two representath·es from each be $15.00. In that state at the preaent time. Carolina, John Cleveland. of the member fraternities gath­ These slips read about like this: songs with a touch or Jazz. He will Candidates and planks of the na- South Dakota, T. K . Helm : Ten· "I pledge on my honor that I also sing many of the classical AL'IO, In order to make April 19 tlonal platform favored by each nessee, Thornton Bth.ng : Texas, ered behind locked doors In a and 20 the biggest spring dance Assembly Schedule lounge or chapter room and elect­ w!ll vote for the following candl· traditional ballads telling stories state must be known in order to Ralph Lehr: Utah, Judee Suther­ that Washtneton and Lee ha ~ ed a chairman and secretary. dates ..." usually of aallant ltnleht.s on set sid the realism of the mock con- land : Vermont. Bob Van waaoner: Short classes will be held Frl- And below wa.s enumerated the milk-white s teeds who wooed ever seen. the athletic department venUon. Vlfllnla. undecided as yet: Wash- day due to the voluntary as­ There were 12 to 14 fraternities represent.ed. The rest were out, clique slate. breathtakingly beautiful damsels. has scheduled a track meet '41th Yesterday afternoon. co~chalr- lngton, BUI Bums: West VIrginia, sembly of Phi Beta Kappa at Richmond and a lacrosse game and never held a polltlcl'l omce. This slate was read by the clique Mr. Spicer became Interested In men Fred Bartensteln and Bi'ent Leslie P r I c e ; Wlscomtn. Bob 10 :40 In Lee chapel. The sched­ traditional ballad ~ while at col­ between Washington and Lee and representatives at R chapter meet­ ule I~ as follows: The maJor omces were taken up Farber met with the members of Davis. Ins of each house. The members Ieee and made a collection as a Duke, co-champions or ~he Dixie their epeaklng committee to lay Wyoming, Jack Watson: Alaska, In order. and were awarded to the 8:25- 9: 10 were told: hobby, but his singing ot them has league. The Interfraternity coun­ plans tor the conduct of the nom- Charles Landrum: Ha.wall. John 9:10- 9:55 various houses In turn. That is, attracted such atentlon that he Is cil will award its cup to the fra­ lna\lng and seconding speeches In Alexander: Puerto Rico, Pedro 9:55--10 :40 the house which had not had a "Boys, here are the candidates now In constant demand for this ternity who wins the Sing. the n­ the convention. The spealtlna: pro- Rodriguez: and Vlratn 1.5\ands. un­ 10 :40-11:40 rassembly> student body president for the you are going to vote for. It will proaram by colleges and music nals for which will be run off at eram of the convention wu out- decided aa yet. 11 :40-12:20 longest number ot years was not be much trouble, because no­ clubs all over the country. Presi­ the dansant. lined by Bartensteln and the The credentials committee will 12 :20- 1:00 awarded that omce, and so on body Is running aaalnst them. But dent Roosevelt and the Oovernor­ Woody Herman comes to the 1f any of you do not vote. the clique members ot the committee were meet a1atn Thursday night to be­ down the line. Oenernl of Canada Invited him Washlneton and Lee campus rol­ Instructed as to their parts In the lin apportionment of students to Arter the eligible houses had will find out, and we will be thrown to sing for them last year.
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