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T. Lynn Smith Pamphlet Collection Guide. Center for Southwest Research University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository CSWR Reference Tools Center for Southwest Research 5-21-2010 T. Lynn Smith Pamphlet Collection Guide. Center for Southwest Research Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cswr_reference Recommended Citation Center for Southwest Research. "T. Lynn Smith Pamphlet Collection Guide.." (2010). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ cswr_reference/2 This Dataset is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Southwest Research at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in CSWR Reference Tools by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T. Lynn Smith Pamphlet Collection ZIM Abadie Soriano, Roberto. CSWR Agua en la naturaleza y en la vida para los ninos del Uruguay. HT415 Montevideo : Obras Sanitarias del Estado, 1971. S57 60 p. No. 2091 ZIM Abbey, Helen ; Moore, Emily C. CSWR Effects of Some Factors on Neonatal and Postneonatal Mortality: analysis by a bi HT415 New York : Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 1971. S57 24 p. No. 2452 ZIM Abbott, Geraldine W. CSWR Agriculture in Indonesia. HT415 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1967. S57 31 p. No. 2631 ZIM Abell, Helen C. CSWR Manual para la produccion de cerdos. HT415 Quito : Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, 1967. S57 26 p. No. 5001 ZIM Abell, Helen C. CSWR Some Aspects of Residence Patterns and Motorization on Canadian Farms. HT415 Ottowa, 1962. S57 12 p. No. 2545 Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 1 of 886 ZIM Abell, Helen C. ; Casey, M. Claire. CSWR Communication of Agricultural Information in a South‐central New York County. HT415 Ithaca : Cornell University, 1957. S57 34 p. No. 4685 ZIM Abell, Max F. ; Bird, Bedford W. CSWR Land Utilization in New Hampshire, Part I. HT415 Durham : University of New Hampshire, 1937. S57 70 p. No. 3340 Part I. Problems in the back highland of southern Grafton County. ZIM Abonos Colombianos. CSWR Informe y balance. HT415 Bogota : Abonos Colombianos, 1966. S57 16 p. No. 2159 ZIM Accion Cultural Popular. CSWR Radio Sutatenza: boletin de programas. HT415 Bogota : Accion Cultural Popular, 1956. S57 14 p. No. 1491 Este boletin se publica mensualmente por Accion Cultural Popular. ZIM Acerbi Cremades, Norma. CSWR Amor y gratitud. HT415 Cordoba : Oficinas Buena Prensa, 1971. S57 66 p. No. 1617 ZIM Acheson, Dean. CSWR Place of Bretton Woods in Economic Collective Security. HT415 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of State, 1945. S57 14 p. No. 4442 Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 2 of 886 ZIM Acosta, Jose Maria. CSWR Doctrina conservadora: principios fundamentales. HT415 Bogota : Comite de Difusion Doctrinal, Conservadora, ca1965. S57 16 p. No. 1666 ZIM Adamic, Louis. CSWR America and the Refugees. HT415 New York : Public Affairs Committee, 1939. S57 32 p. No. 3945 Public Affairs Pamphlets, no. 29. ZIM Adams, Dale W. CSWR Mininfundia in Agrarian Reform: A Colombian example. HT415 Madison : University of Wisconsin, 1967. S57 14 p. No. 2341 Land Tenure Center reprint no. 47. ZIM Adams, Dale W. ; Reuss, L. A. CSWR Economics of Share Leases in Less Developed Countries. HT415 ca. 1969. S57 13 p. No. 1573 ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Development of the Guatemalan Military. HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1970?. S57 19 p. No. 1177 Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Offprint Series, no. 90. Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 3 of 886 ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Migraciones internas en Guatemala: expansion agraria de los indigenas kekchies HT415 Editorial Jose de Pineda Ibarra, 1965. S57 34 p. No. 980 Includes tables, charts, map. ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Nationalization. HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1970?. S57 20 p. No. 1242 Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Offprint Series, no. 60. ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Politcal Power and Social Structures in Latin America. HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1966. S57 27 p. No. 1086 No. 49, Institute of Latin American Studies Offprint Series. ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Politics and Social Anthropology in Spanish America. HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1970?. S57 4 p. No. 1256 Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Offprint Series, no. 7. ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Problema del desarrollo politico a la luz de la reciente historia sociopolitica de G HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1970?. S57 24 p. No. 1172 Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Offprint Series, no. 79. Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 4 of 886 ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Rural Labor in Latin America. HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1960?. S57 29 p. No. 982 No. 12 of the University of Texas Institute of Latin American Studies Offprint Series. ZIM Adams, Richard N. CSWR Sector Agrario Inferior de Guatemala, 1944‐1965. HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1970?. S57 6 p. No. 1243 Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Offprint Series, no. 64. ZIM Adams, Richard N. ; Loomer, C.W. CSWR Sickness and Social Relations. HT415 Austin : University of Texas, 1970?. S57 23 p. No. 1244 Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Offprint Series, no. 62. ZIM Adams, Romanzo C. CSWR Peoples of Hawaii. HT415 Honolulu : Institute of Pacific Relations, 1933. S57 58 p. No. 3307 ZIM Adkins, William C. CSWR Tenure and Mechanization of the Cotton Harvest. HT415 College Station : Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1955. S57 15 p. No. 4761 Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 5 of 886 ZIM Administracion Nacional de Bosques. CSWR Catalogo de plantas para la venta. HT415 Buenos Aires : Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura y Ganaderia de la Nacion, 196 S57 30 p. No. 1892 Includes tables. ZIM Adorno, Eduard. CSWR Baut eine welt des rechts: zum gedenken an die Opfer des 20 Juli 1944. HT415 Bonn : Bulletin des Presse und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung, 1968. S57 23 p. No. 2720 ZIM Advisory Committee on Education. CSWR Report of the Advisory Committee on Education. HT415 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1938. S57 148 p. No. 4497 ZIM Agar, Herbert. CSWR Time and Tide. HT415 Louisville : Courier‐Journal, 1936. S57 77 p. No. 4498 ZIM Agencia de Difusao e Publicidade. CSWR Momografia do municipio Pirassununga. HT415 Rio de Janeiro : Agencia de Difusao e Publicidade, 1939. S57 104 p. No. 301 Includes charts and illustrations and two separate maps. ZIM Agencia Municipal de Estatistica de Caldas Novas. CSWR Caldas Novas: Goias. HT415 Rio de Janeiro? : Servcio Grafico do IBGE, 1959?. S57 10 p. No. 381 Colecao de Monografias, n. 242 Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 6 of 886 ZIM Agramonte, Roberto. CSWR Cervantes y Montalvo. HT415 Havana : Universidad de La Habana, 1949. S57 48 p. No. 1310 Trabajo leido en el aula magna de la Universidad de La Habana en el ciclo de conferencias organizadas por la facultad de filosofia y letras con motivo del cuarto centenario del nacimiento de Cervantes. ZIM Agramonte, Roberto. CSWR Don Jose de la Luz y la filosofia como ciencia de la realidad. HT415 Havana : Universidad de La Habana, 1946. S57 78 p. No. 1311 ZIM Agramonte, Roberto. CSWR Filosofo y la comprension internacional. HT415 Havana : Universidad de La Habana, 1950. S57 15 p. No. 1313 Cursos y Conferencias de Extension Universitaria, 5. ZIM Agramonte, Roberto. CSWR Grandes momentos de la filosofia en Cuba. HT415 Havana : Universidad de La Habana, 1950. S57 15 p. No. 1312 Cursos y Conferencias de Extension Universitaria, 7. ZIM Agramonte, Roberto. CSWR Predica y ejemplo de Luz Caballero. HT415 Havana, 1950. S57 44 p. No. 1303 Edicion separada de la obra Elencos y Discursos Academicos de Luz Caballero, Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 7 of 886 ZIM Agramonte, Roberto. CSWR Vivencia artistica y circunstancia sociologica. HT415 Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 1968?. S57 24 p. No. 1143 ZIM Agricultural Adjustment Administration. CSWR Sources of Information on Consumer Education and Organization. HT415 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1936. S57 33 p. No. 4177 ZIM Agricultural and Industrial Development Board. CSWR Georgia goes Forward. HT415 Athens : Agricultural and Industrial Development Board of Georgia, 1945. S57 66 p. No. 3865 ZIM Aguirre B., Rafael. CSWR Bancos. HT415 Bogota : Editorial Aguila, 1941. S57 68 p. No. 1421 Trabajo presentado para obtener el titulo de doctor en ciencias economicas y juridicas de la Universidad Javeriana. ZIM Aird, John S. CSWR Estimates and Projections of the Population of Mainland China: 1953‐1986. HT415 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Commerce, 1968. S57 73 p. No. 2491 Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 8 of 886 ZIM Aird, John S. CSWR Size, Composition and Growth of the Population of Mainland China. HT415 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Commerce, 1961. S57 100 p. No. 2589 ZIM Alabama Policy Conference. CSWR Democracy and the Constitution: local government and democracy, democracy HT415 Montgomery : Alabama Policy Committee, 1945. S57 62 p. No. 3863 Report of the thirteenth annual policy conference. ZIM Alabama Policy Conference. CSWR Report of the Ninth Alabama Policy Conference on Planning: agricultural, state, r HT415 Birmingham : Alabama Policy Conference, 1942. S57 24 p. No. 3612 ZIM Alabama Policy Conference. CSWR Report of the Tenth Alabama Policy Conference on Effective Farm Production. HT415 Montgomery : Alabama Policy Conference, 1942. S57 32 p. No. 3576 ZIM Alba, Victor. CSWR America Latina y los congresos del partido communista ruso. HT415 San Jose : Imprenta Vargas, 1959?. S57 93 p. No. 801 ZIM Albano, Ildefonso. CSWR Ceara Cotton; Possibilities of Cotton Cultivation in the State of Ceara, North‐East HT415 Manchester : Taylor, Garnett Evans & Co., 1924. S57 24 p. No. 54 Includes map and tables. Monday, 07 June, 2010 Page 9 of 886 ZIM Alberto, Joao. CSWR Fundacao Brasil Central.
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